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WHITE �- CITV CLERK ���o�� PINK - FINANCE COUIICll � a CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY O� SAINT PAITL File NO. 9�LUE -MAYOR • ouncil Resolution , Presented By / Referred To �� '� l�I�tif Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� the new City Cha.rter was approved by the voters on the basis that it would improve the efficiency and effective- ness of St. Paul' s city government; and WHEREAS, government under the new City Charter has been operating for approximately 22 years and its progress toward these goals can now be evaluated; and WHEREAS, streamlining city administration and establishing clear lines of authority and responsibility were generally accepted specific goals of reorganization under the new City Charter; and WHEREAS, the creation of general assistant or "No. 2" positions diffuses authority, confuses communication, results in duplication of effort, and produces multiplication of ma.n.ag�tnent levels, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council expresses its desire that the adtninistration restrict the cha.in of command to city , administrator, department directors and division managers, and avoid creating positions of general assistant in a one-over-one or "No. 2" relationship COUI�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen -I�toe� }Iw�4' In Favor � Levine Roedler A gai nst BY Sylvester �— Tedesco President�ex4►}�L2,0.� � $�� 2'3 '� Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: i Date Certified Pas c' Secretary BY - :-�, � By Approve r: D "'� ° Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By ` PUBIiSttED 0 19 �' __ __ _ _ ' ' _.__...:,� �, �� �� , .. .� , .: CITY OF �AI1�'T PAUL �i� ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL , : �.1 _:� . � �•, 1 G ... F�y DU t e : Sept. 19, 1975 `�- ..�....-- CO I�.� (� I°�'TEE F� E P 0 RT' TO : Saint Paul City Councii - . FR� tVi � Commitfiee on Fu�aNCE � Robert sylvester , chairman, makes the following report on C.F. [] Ordinance �x Resolution [] Other T t T L E : Resolution by Ruby Hunt xegarding "number two" positions. Be advised that the attached resolution was presented before the Fireance Committee on September 10, 1975, . and passed unanimously. Tt should be removed from the . list of items to be before the Finance Committee. CITY HALL SEVE�'TE-I FLOOR SAINT PAUL, i�IINNESOTA SSfOZ :!CtRr t-l:.r:`.-` =.:T V 2 a,� V� �J:� A-.:9 i �L� °l't� CG....�1� � - Uc _ ....:rJ-2 �� �:c_° 1'{�. � • ` �L v?.•�') l''? y C�! /)f':�'j ��''��;,.`'�},?�� � �J 'd f✓:� .% X �.i.5��[�'.'�✓c='v%:y , -- . _.:_� ^.- �--�- �-------��'_ �_ . ��l J' �. ___.�_ -. ._..._� __.__- ._. _._� _ __. .______�_"_._____-. �__'__'__�_ _� � r� .J,� i� �f,� , P.�_`�r�_�' To� –t��"`� C.-:�`'- '!�> _ – Co;?��r,iit°2: C�'_e ----- ---__ 0�, oi Co�:�r:,it;f-� By— -- - — ----- D�.� — ;,si�.�E?�S, t'ne ne�Y �i�y Gi?a�L2"L was a�prov2d �y trse voters G=1 i n° �c S1S L�13i� 1t �•:Olii.� Z`�?�?"OV2 t.13� E��1C1ei.�.� c.:��.�i Eif�CtZVE~ n�ss o� St. Pa��l' s ci�.:.; oo�cr�-�en�; an� t�;t�ERE�S9 gayern-_ent Ln�er the n`�,� Gity Cna��e-r has ��°n fl��ra�ing for al�proxir���e�� 2 2 years and its prco^zss �o�•�ard t�ese goals can now be eyaluaied; and I;?IERE�S, str�a��1i�?r!� city adm.inistratict ��:i esLablzshing clear Iines of author?�y ar_� resporsibili�y i•1�-re �e�eral�y �ccepted specific goals of reorganzzation under t'�e ne<<� City Chat'�2z'� a.�d . j•�jE��,�,51 t11e Gr23�1C?'2 Oi gene-ral 2.SS1S��.1�"i� G� �r�0. 2�� posit�ons difiuses az��ari�y, confuses co�1�+.�niczzion, resu.Its ir duplic�tion of effo�t, and p-roduces multiplic��ior� of r�.;.��a�en.enC levels, no�•7, th�refore, be it = RESOLV-F'D, that the C�ty Council �xpress�s i�s �zsire thaL L'R�= ��_^1T17.StI'cl�.lOi1 �ESL-riC; .i.C12 C�fl�1T1 O� CO'?'_i1SI1'r i C3 C1�y ac:_�inistrator, clepa-r�r�-��?t �irectors and divisio-� �-=.�aoers, and a�,�oi� c-rea�ing positio�s cf general assis�an� i� a o��-o�er-one �� 'rl�o, 2" relationshi� ----- ------------ ------ ----- ----- ------------ ----- ------ -- - ----- --- ----- ------ --------- �-- ��'T--'.�.V�F,�,�'.� � lZc.7uz5°.°.�i ��'y' D''Y•1C`.;.=_._ .r,r: Y e�..> >a�� � � �r.r._:°.-:s=�: � ���z�<: — In Fa���r � -_ �;__. �_- – --- Aja::st j �� -- — — - --- J',.. 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'� ' � . � 1 i; ���� y/� ���'}�`�� f-�«jN�� January 2, 1975 Got�_,c:i:tivoman Mayor Lawrence Cohen Councilr�an John Christensen Councilman David Hozza Councilman Leonard Levine Councilman Patrick P.oedler Councilman Robert Sylvester Councilman Victor Tedesco - Dear P1ayor Cohen and City Council fyi�tnbers: � This is to inform you that the attached resolution will be on the Council agenda for Tuesday, January 7. Since the proposed policy has had considerable discussion recently, I hope �he Council may see fit to approve it. However, I �r�ould also be will �ing to have the resolution referred to a comrnittee ifi that is the preferred appr�aach. Sincerely, .�--� ; `� , •�,;,"f.� `�..�, � f ���� � RUBY HUP1T Council President RH/rs Enc. Ci'i`Y )i��I.�, SEVFNT-rI FI.00IZ SAINT YAUI., MINNESUTA 55102 612/298-.537b _>�-�C:; . . } .._ . ' ' . j�.d �1 f — . / "C ti '/ � . . ' - . �a. . . _ y�. . ��7 � y}��; ! � . - �'i. �'� t , !` � . � � � .� �"r'r° v�`r.. F � . . . 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