266065 WHI7E -�ITV CLERK ������� BLU� -MA oR E � CITY OF SAINT PAITL F le ci1N0. C�NARV - D_EPARTMENT Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursu�nt tm Section 231.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved Deceaber 1, 1970) per- taining to regulations for the adjusting of se�ve� service charg�s, and upon the recc�nmendation of the Department of Public Works and approval of tha Board of Wate� Co�nissioners, the Council of the City of Saint Paai does hereby certify that becawse of partiai div�ersion of their total water consumption from the City of Saint Paul's Sanitary Sewer Systam, the bela,r listed finas have justifiable raason f�r a�licatien of an adJustmant tc their s�wer service cha�ges as levied: (in accorda�ce with Resolutions, Co�ci 1 Fi le No. 264754, aPProved December 19, 1974)� FURTHER RESOLVED, That a full o r partial refund of paid sewer se rvice charges, bssed upon these adjustsis�ts, shall be refunded fran the ''Sawer Servios Fund" and shall be in the follaving s�c�unts: �• N S TI ERIOD NT �Olympia B�wiag Co. �3 Payne Ave. 55165 J�`'UL.1975 . _._ _ . . 560,708.95 United States Gypsum Co. 1120 E. Seventh St. 55106 JUL 1975 $ 91•� First National Bank of St. ' P�1 W-1752 tst National Bank B1dg. 55101 AUG 1975 $ 172.16 St. Paul Dispatch 8 Pioneer Press 63 E. Fourth St.55101 .lUL 1975 S 675•92 Giliette Co. Fifth Q Broadway 55101 JUN i975 S 982.18 COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by ty A torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor. Date Approved by M or �ssion to C unci By By WNITE ITV CLERK C����r� CIANC�2Y -�'�PA TMENT COUI1C11 F� U BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 2 NAlIE Nt'�DRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT A�erican Bakeries P.o. Box 3231 55165 ,lul. 1973 - �uN 1975 $ 1 ,536.18 Ms. B.A. Mcintyre 86� OttaMa Ave. 55107 1975 $ 22.65 The Children's Hospital , Inc. 311 Plessant Ave. 55102 1974 S 393.70 K�oppers Co. , inc. : 10A0 N. Hamli�e Ave. 55104 JUL 1975 $ 2,15�.64 Moerner Waldorf Corp. ��58< wsbash 551t4 duN 1975 S 1,815.39 St. Paul Hitton Corp. 11 E. IGsI l cgg B t vd. 55101 JUL 1975 $ 21.�k Gross-6iven Ma�ufacturing Co. 75 v. Ptato Bivd. 55107 At16 1975 S 206.15 Land 0'Lakes, Inc. 415 Grov�e St. 55101 JUl 1975 S 138.24 _ --�-�-°.._�.,_ COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:' Yeas Nays C-#►ristensen. Pub11G Wo1'ks �C Hunt � In Favor •L�iw� Roedler Against BY � ' Sylvester Tedesco tlae�iel J. Da�f d S�w�srs President � Sozza Adopted by Council: Date SEP � 8 � Form Approved by 'ty ttttorne � Certified Passed b cil S cretary � / BY By � / Approv by Mayor: Date � �P �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou ' By BY pU811$NEO �FP � � �8�► . � . • .. . � . ` � - � 266p�5 REPORT TQ T'H� HON, LAWREPICE D. C H�1 23AYCIR . , . - ` � FR�M:. ' Thomas J. �Celley, City A ' 'nistrat . : • ----___-_ �:r_.�_ . � , -�� _ _ °...: _ DATE s A��t 28, 1975 _ . f REGART)ING: � ,_. ` "`'.'�a.. RERt�iDS OF SEMER SERVICE CHARGE in sucb c�s: v+hen fe�wstigstiwn . � � . .h� �dst�rm#�ad thatYcsrtain -vol of watar aro dtwrt�sd frow th� . . � � :Ci ty's �s�i ta�► sMrsr sy:t� an s�►s�wntly �c►t scib3sct tc> s�wsr� � - s��vica chargas. , . : • . � , � . . ;. . . : : . . � .SOURCEs Publ ic liorks � ACTION REQUE�TED: � TransMit Counc�l R�ssolutiori to ity Conncil €ar action. . . . . . . .. . i . . ., _ . . , . . .. . ( .. . .. � . . ' .� : . -- : � . .. . .. �� ' . . � � � . .. ATTACHMENTS: � • 1) Couneil Resolutton 2) Board of W�ter Co�issioner s Res�lutioa nrcoa�wa�diag r�f�ds. . � . ,�k� . , ; . � i , . ,, ' " CITY OF ST. PAUL No�'� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS �ss�j;� v RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY S�'a'� ��� �g! ��1� COMMISSIONER — DATE R�OLYEt)� �afi '�af �. 0t Wtl�ear G�Oa�,��3.C��1'� 1�$�►` a��an �he r�oo�mondai�i.oa� at 8iohaa�d L. I�ur�►3.�, Ast�ia�aat Dire4�a� d� C�.ty �t.��er, Dspast�nt ot Public Wnrk�, in �i.�r 1e�t�sr ot Aviguat� �8, lq'�� ta �h� Bo�d �#: it�7.1 ar p�tial. s��N af p�3.d t� Saa�Kl.vf Cha���r bie �nt�d s�t l�.�d iri �h* l��t�; t�d rs� tcr be �►ds t��n► �u "Set►�r 8s�ri�ae �"c�8". Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays H�mt August 28 19�7� Sa�da — Yics Fr��.d�nt Thaapson In favor � Opposed � ASST. SECY. � . �,J