01-912Council File # O �� t�. (� � � � � i 1.1�lV (��''�!� CITY OF RESOLUTION C Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # 103g 4� PAUL, MINNESOTA F �` Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Thomas Everett Hayes was advised by a Notice of Violation dated 7uly 23, 2 2001 that the Office of LIEP was recommending revocation of his taxicab driver's license 3 (License ID# 81036), based upon Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4), which does not 4 permit licensing of individuais with gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last 5 three years involving prostitution; and 6 7 WHEREAS, Licensee did not respond to the Notice and did not contest the fact that he 8 pled guilty on May 29, 2001 to a gross misdemeanor chazge of Engaging in Prostitution; now 9 therefare, be it 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Tasicab Driver's License held by Thomas Everett Hayes (License ID# 81036) be and hereby is revoked based upon Licensee's gross misdemeanor conviction for Engaging in Prostitution. This Resolution and the action of the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts contained in the July 23, 2Q01 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee. Licensee did not respond to the Notice or otherwise contest the facts therein. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �p�p�� Q� ,�� ` . _ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� �\ ���-. �!"�� i� Approved by Mayor: Date G!� ,/ ���� �' Sy: By: � Form Approved by City Attorne� � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: OFFICE oF LISP Date: GREEN SHEET Virginia Palmer August i4; 2ooi 266-8710 No . 103 84 0 ��� � 1 SPART[�ffiNT DIREClOR 3 ITY COUNCIL �` 'Z ITY ATTORNSY ITY C4ERR � � ust be on Council Ag da by: �°° � DZRECPOR IN. & MGT. SVC. DZR. � OR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUEZE) CTION REQUESTED: resolution revoking the Taxicab Driver's License held by Thomas Everett ayes. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECP (R) SRSONAL SffiZVIC& CONTRACfS MRST ANSWSR T86 POLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSZON CIVSL SERVICE CONAtISSION 1. Aas the peison/firm ever worked under a contract foz this department? CIB COMMI7"PEE BUSINESS RfiVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISIRICT COUAT 1BS NO Does this pe=son/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any PORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJBCTIVE? Clirient City employee? Y&S NO laia all Y�83 answera on a aeparate aheet and attaeh. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This revocation is based on Mr. Hayes' gross misdemeanor conviction for Engaging in ProstiCution. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: �°a"1�� �� �S�c�CC� �'�� . DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � s ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: l TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDII3G SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) r,0Ui3C� �$��3�C�i � AU6 � �' �1 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORi�IEY ClrsyloxM.Robinson,Ja,CiryAttorney Q,��`^ \O'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civi1 Divisiort Norm Co(eman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hall Te7ephone: 65/ 266-8710 I S West Kellagg Blvd. Facsimi[e: 651298-5619 Saint P¢ul, Mirsnuota i5101 i Au�ust 13, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Thomas Everett Hayes 757 Cook Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota SS1Q6 RE: Saint Paul Tasicab Driver's License held by Thomas Everett Hayes License ID: 81036 Dear Mr. Hayes: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 5, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning your gross misdemeanor conviction for Engaging in Prostitution have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate revocation of your tasicab driver's license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �G�� � Virgmia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER o �_q�� Licensee Name: Address: License: Council Date: Thomas Everett Hayes 757 Cook Avenue, St. Paul Taxicab Driver's License September 5, 2001 Violation: Gross Misdemeanor Conviction for Engaging in Prostitution - stemming from incident while driving taxicab Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Revocation of Taxicab Driver's License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. Ramsey County Court Record on Conviction 4. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, NIn}�or July 23, 2001 Thomas Everett Hayes 757 Cook Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 OFFICF '� THE CITY ATTOIL�IEY Cla}'tortM. �binson,lc.CiryAttorney O \ �1\L CrL�rr or,�rsro� 400CityHall Telephone:651 li West Kellogg Bhd. Fncsimi(e: 651 298-5619 Satnt Pmd, bfirsneso(a 5�70? NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: Saint Paul Taxicab Driver's License held by Thomas Bverett Hayes License ID: 81036 Dear Mr. Hayes: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the Taxicab Driver's License held by you for the City of Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On May 29, 2001 you pled guiity to a charge of Gross Misdemeanor Engaging in Prostitution. Reports indicate that you were driving a cab at the time of your arrest. Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4) states that to be eligible to be licensed to drive a taxicab in Saint Paul, the applicant shall have no felony convictions in the last five (5) years and no non- traffic gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last three (3) years involving....prostitution. If you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a hearin� in front of the Saint Paul City Council to dispute the recommended revocation of your taxicab driver's license, you will need to send me a letter admitting the violation and requesting a public hearin�. The matter will then be scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council to determine khat penalty, ifany, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. Pa�e 2 Thomas Everett Hayes July 23, 2001 ol-q�} On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you �vish to have such a hearin�, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing �vill be. If you have not contacted me by Thursday, August 2, 2001, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it piaced on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is alloFVed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-$710. Sincerely, `�� f� (� � • Virginia� er Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP �\��1�- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RZ�MSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G_ CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 23, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Thomas Everett Hayes 757 Cook Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. /�� /� ^ i� G \ CLEMENTS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd of Ju1v 2001. --�s � a�:`'��"'+q, PEFER P. PR?tiG3O°;? a Notary Public % �:�e�' �orarYr,�auc-��r;Nesor�, � $ :.`�: i�'w': FF.Yf:O^nh!!SS94� .l3 ; !'� ,, ::A- EX�;RtS J�.��. 31, 2�:3 - - _, ....�.,.r� . , ._ _ : � .., . Criminal Case Summary SD1008.0/010718:15262069 o�-��-vi-uululi Vross mssaemeanor nate file Name: �YES, THOMAS EVERETT, [2/020501) Alias: �REEN, CHARLES M DOS: SO/19/1966 Sex; Male Dfnt Attrny: FRANK AREND SCHULTE T Retained Dfnt Status: �'n Recog Status Date: 03/19/2001 gail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 02/OS/2001 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: � Trial Type: �Y Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC 001 GUILTY PROHIB ACTS-HIRE ENG 609.324 2 N Z2686 002 NOT GUILTY ENGAGE IN PROST 609.324 3 N Z2686 Date Last 07/10/2001 Pending 08/10/2001 O1/10/2004 Activity Time Closed 5:30 Sp Acct Rv Archive Judge a �-9�1 District Verdict Convicted Dismissed CRTRM Disposition Date Q7/10/2001 Next gC_ 04 06 08 10 SD1009.0/Q10718:15264951 Criminal Sentencing Inquiry Last ��-r=-v�-w ���� uross Misaemeanor nate filed• 03/16/20 Defendant: �YES, THOMAS EVERETT, [2/020501] SENTENCING: Date- Judge- Stay Imposition:Y COL7NTS : 001 al``� � SENTENCE Year Mos Davs . Pronounced — Confinement NCIC- �062023C Probation ? _ Probation NCIC: N�062013G T� 3 Conditional — 1 Residential Treatment: Lenath of Stav ? This Other _ _ Fined S 300.00 Staved S o•�� Cmnlnt Cmnlnt Surcharge $ 30.Q0 Concurrent X Costs $ 0.00 Consecutive _ Public Def. $ 0.00 I – Restitution S 0.00 � Other Court Provisions: 338 Recipient: DL Suspend: Reinstated: Alchl Assess: $ School : Date- Waived COMMENTS: STY IMP PO 2 YR, SRV 15 DX, TSI 7/24 8 AM, $300+, LA, NO SS BREAK FREE PRGM, STY AWAY ORDER, CONCURR OTHER Next g�_ O1 02 03 06 07 O8 09 12 SD1019.0/010718:15263677 Activity Summary First 62-K5-01-001011 Gross Misdemeanor nate filed: 03/16/2001 The State of Minnesota 61 ,�� _ vs. THOMAS EVERETT HAYES, f2/0205011 Date Activit Start/End Judae CrtRm Intrp Chqs Cont SrvcDate 03 16 O1 Case Fi ed 08:00 08:00 COMPT,AINT AND SUMMONS FILED PP _ 03/16/O1 Doc. Filed 08:01 NOTICE BY PROS ATTY OF EV2DEN & IDENT PRO PURS TO RULE 7.01, DISCL BY PROS PURSTO RULP 9.01 & DEMAND FOR DISCLOSIIRE PURS TO RULE 9.02 PP _ 03/23/O1 lst Distrt 10:30 M Fetsch CH FC FOR TMC 4/2 9 AM FETSCFi MG _ 03/23/O1 Order 03:57 ORDER SETTING TMC AND ORDER TO REPORT MG _ 03/23/Ol Order 03:57 ORDER TO APPEAR FOR BOOKING AND IDENTIFICATION MG _ 03/29/O1 Doc. Filed 09:30 RULE 7.01 DI9CLOSURE & MTN TO COMPEL DISCOVERX FTLEDSGN _ 04/02/O1 Mgmt Conf 09:00 M Fetsch CH FC: JT 4-11-01 9AM FETSCEI SAB _ 04/02/O1 Cert Rep 05:01 CERTIFICATE OF REPRESENTATION FILED ATTY: FRANK AREND SCHULTE #244934 SAB _ 04/03/O1 Doc. Filed 08:12 NOTTCE TO REMOVE JUDGE FETSCH FILED BY DEEENSE EAN _ 04/04/Ol Clerical 08:12 Administrative NOTICE TO REMOVE AND CERTIFICATFs SENT TO JUDGE FETSCH FOR SIGNATURE EAN _ 04/04/O1 Doc. Filed 10:23 CERTIFICATE SIGNED BY JUDGE FETSCH - NOTICE TO REMOVE IS NOT TIMELY - COPY OE CERTIFICATE SENT TO ATTYS. TRIAL DATE REMAINS 4-11-01 EAN _ 04/10/O1 Correspond 03:00 CRS FILED: TO: CLERK OF CRT - FROM: RANK SCHUI,TE, ATTY; RE: REQ EOR OH HRG FOR PC & FC OF CASE FRM 4/11/O1 JUDGE FET3CH ALSO SENT COPY F2LED SGN _ 04/11/Ol Omnibus 09:00 M Fetsch CH FC: JT 5-22-Q1 9AM JOTiNSON - PCF PNG SAB _ 04/11/O1 boc. Filed 12:56 NOTICE OF INTENT TO IMPEACH WITH PRIOR CONVICTIONS FILED SAB _ 04/11/Ol Doc. Filed 12:56 STATE'S DISCLOSURE PURSUANT TO RULE 9.01 FILED SAB _ 04/11/Ol boc. Filed 12:57 TRANSCRIPT OF UNDERCOVER TAPE RECORDING OF THOMAS HAYES FILED SAB _ 04/23/02 Clerical 03:59 Administrative PER MOD REQ FROM TIFFNY, LC J JOHNSON, SET TMC 5/14/O1 9AM �p _ O5/14/O1 Mgmt Conf 09:00 G Johnson CH FC FOR JURY TRIAL 5-29-01 9AM J JOHNSON JD _ 05/29/O1 Plea Hrng 09:00 G Johnson CH PG CT 1 PROHIB ACTS HIRE ENG PRO CT 2 TO BE DSM AT 3NT 7/10/O1 1:30 JOFiNSON AMP _ 05/29/O1 Pre-sntORD 10:34 _ OS/29/01 Doc. Filed 10:42 PETITION TO ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY IN GM CASE AMP _ 07/10/O1 Sentencing 01:30 G Johnson CH STY IMP PO 2 YR, SRV 15 DY, BREAK FEE PRGM, ASSESS FEE $250, TSI 7/24 8 AM, $300+, LA, NO SS, STAY AWAY OZ/10/�1 Order _ 07/10/Ol Hearing _ 07/10/O1 Closed ORDER FILED, CONCURR R0993652 02:14 STAY AWAY ORDER FILED WI TWO BLOCRS OF UNIVERSITY BTY?N 02:30 K Wiese TO PAY 55.00 MONTHLY KEW 05:30 fyL�' RICE AND PRIOR MG 01 •1 Next g� O1 02 03 04 06 10 License Group Comments Te�ct Licensee: THOMAS HAYES � THOMAS EVERETT HAYES License #: 0081036 03/13l2001 41-'l1'� 03/13/200'I License information sent to Ginger Palmer for possible license action. Mr. Hayes appeared on fhe interneY as possibly using his cab for prostitution. A check of his criminal history now shows other issues. CAR 70/4/99-renewal held due to suspendetl MN DL-TG 8/17/99-renewal invoice returned to sender w/no forwarding address-TG 5/4/99-vehicle notice letter returned to sender w/no forxarding address-tg 8/18/98-Renewal imoice reNrned to sender w/ no forwarding address-TG o �- �� �ddrz�s � Licensee Cwitact � License � Cardhotder LastName: AYES Firsi Nsme: HpMAS _. _.. __ .. _ , ' _ ____ _ _ . .,,. _ Tdle Street #. r Street Nsmz: Street Type: <All> ._, � . _ . _ _ ___ �. _. ._.._. Direction: rAll> ;, Unit #: � , Cdy <All> Bus Phonz #: �� ��� � Home Phone #: �� .�°.� °.�,.... ..,�x�> �=,rFnd Nbvr,.",'�.;,i ne!"� O}C�:�,�� � ���' t ,CenCel,,,t, '"Ne 'iS?a'rcFi`!" '#��.a:, ,f.e -,r? � tfiei', ,. ' . �� -� .Ney,��Terci��yGrR?=�n� ��'P �`�G`$-.�°.�'�.,. a�-°1��- Last - First: Trtle Stre SSfE Stre Dire� �lnh Cdy @us Hom. ( ;� � � .� '>� ���� ,��, Licensee OMAS HAYES Pay� Pnm 71 r�WSm, �� � DBA HOMAS EVERETT HAYES License � Licensee � Lic. Types , Insurance � Bond � RequiremeMS � � Propedy f' Licensee �` Unofficiel � Project Facildator. RSUNCION, CORINNE Street #� 57 i Adverse Fction Commerrts Stred Nsme: GOIC f � Strezt Type. AVE Direction: �� I Unrt ind� �— Und # � City: T PAUL � i LicensE Graup CommeMs: State: 1N Zip: �5106 j 3M 3l2001 License information SeM to Ginger Palmer for � ossi6le license action. Mr. Hayes appeared on the Ward: � �8'� '�� � i riternet as possibly using his cab for prostitution. A Dist CoUncil: 5� m � heck of his criminai history now shows other issues. _' - _—_— AR __ _—.�.— � - —_ = :. Licensee: HOMAS HAYES � Licensee 9I292�00 Drives fnr Diamond Cab i . _. _ __._.......___.____._ DBA� HOMASEVERETTHAYES �� "" � .LL,.,,. � .. � . �� - Commer,ts: ; Sales Tax Id: !A Bus Phone:�W � Driver :R ; 09130f1997 ; 09J3GI2001 � N License # b1036 Save Changes ta History � �Group � '12:17 PM 0\-9�?- Addre x - �r - ° , - ���a; rr ��;k � - _ IL9 -. Last ��� � `�� �� L(censee OMASHAYES �, � Pdm,,�. UUam�� �Hisi,�,� �m� .� DBA OMAS EYERETT HAYES Firsf 7RIe' License licensee � �ic. Types � Insurance � 8ond � Requiremer$s � Stre Licensee Nsme: HOMAS HAYES �� � r,� �` Stre DBA; HOMAS EVERE7T HAYES ` Ssles Tax Id� !A ` Non-ProfA: J� V�lorker's Comp: ONON000 �Propyittes .�; SYrE i - AA Corhrad ftec'd. 0700NQ00 AA Training Rec'd: Orodi17000 Dire � AA Fee ColleMed: OA70A7U00 ' DiscouM Rec'd: � Unit � ._. � ...._ � Other A� ency Licenses Fina�cial Hoid Reasons ca1; oine� �_enSM�9��'N�ma ; i,X�ei��'�p �,v��o� R�., $�`���`.�, ... � �?"i��ate ��:, �Si Nom "`- Maii To Q9l3�l199800NO/OOOCHAYES ?THOMAS hIA1L TO P ��ice� .`_'_--'----.-__--_ .._'--` - - -.__._._ ��"-.--- Other OONONOOCt09130J19�}iAYES THOMAS �l[�!L Other OONON00600NONOOiDIAMONDCAB � � �. � 7 ��' ^...1� `.s �°�� �.. - n.u , � � c "f. r �' ` �'"'i� ._ ' :'"� s �,F '�.:.i� r'. w x� G.; , Background Check Required � � � � .:,�:�,,�. �� :litense # 1036 Save Changes to History �w', „�-Mail License To — B'u`s„��P,',fio;nA'�;;�ki¢ �---•�'�� -�-�-�---�- 4 � htail To Corrtact ( ) - _ (651! (' License Address . (_, ___ . 51) 842-1188 (651 -Maii Invoice To. ---- � )_ '_ `_ ; i� �1ail To Cor�YacY yr'/ �.<�°�� � �� Licensa Address ) ��ad �GtaaPW�se`�.�t �E�PS-,�S���c-� �E � tic ;�{�xe�.qse0,', �,.. ��{����'���.'72:17� � � _ M � �,, � ,�-r�.. .�, ,:., . Council File # O �� t�. (� � � � � i 1.1�lV (��''�!� CITY OF RESOLUTION C Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # 103g 4� PAUL, MINNESOTA F �` Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Thomas Everett Hayes was advised by a Notice of Violation dated 7uly 23, 2 2001 that the Office of LIEP was recommending revocation of his taxicab driver's license 3 (License ID# 81036), based upon Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4), which does not 4 permit licensing of individuais with gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last 5 three years involving prostitution; and 6 7 WHEREAS, Licensee did not respond to the Notice and did not contest the fact that he 8 pled guilty on May 29, 2001 to a gross misdemeanor chazge of Engaging in Prostitution; now 9 therefare, be it 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Tasicab Driver's License held by Thomas Everett Hayes (License ID# 81036) be and hereby is revoked based upon Licensee's gross misdemeanor conviction for Engaging in Prostitution. This Resolution and the action of the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts contained in the July 23, 2Q01 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee. Licensee did not respond to the Notice or otherwise contest the facts therein. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �p�p�� Q� ,�� ` . _ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� �\ ���-. �!"�� i� Approved by Mayor: Date G!� ,/ ���� �' Sy: By: � Form Approved by City Attorne� � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: OFFICE oF LISP Date: GREEN SHEET Virginia Palmer August i4; 2ooi 266-8710 No . 103 84 0 ��� � 1 SPART[�ffiNT DIREClOR 3 ITY COUNCIL �` 'Z ITY ATTORNSY ITY C4ERR � � ust be on Council Ag da by: �°° � DZRECPOR IN. & MGT. SVC. DZR. � OR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUEZE) CTION REQUESTED: resolution revoking the Taxicab Driver's License held by Thomas Everett ayes. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECP (R) SRSONAL SffiZVIC& CONTRACfS MRST ANSWSR T86 POLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSZON CIVSL SERVICE CONAtISSION 1. Aas the peison/firm ever worked under a contract foz this department? CIB COMMI7"PEE BUSINESS RfiVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISIRICT COUAT 1BS NO Does this pe=son/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any PORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJBCTIVE? Clirient City employee? Y&S NO laia all Y�83 answera on a aeparate aheet and attaeh. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This revocation is based on Mr. Hayes' gross misdemeanor conviction for Engaging in ProstiCution. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: �°a"1�� �� �S�c�CC� �'�� . DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � s ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: l TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDII3G SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) r,0Ui3C� �$��3�C�i � AU6 � �' �1 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORi�IEY ClrsyloxM.Robinson,Ja,CiryAttorney Q,��`^ \O'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civi1 Divisiort Norm Co(eman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hall Te7ephone: 65/ 266-8710 I S West Kellagg Blvd. Facsimi[e: 651298-5619 Saint P¢ul, Mirsnuota i5101 i Au�ust 13, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Thomas Everett Hayes 757 Cook Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota SS1Q6 RE: Saint Paul Tasicab Driver's License held by Thomas Everett Hayes License ID: 81036 Dear Mr. Hayes: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 5, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning your gross misdemeanor conviction for Engaging in Prostitution have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate revocation of your tasicab driver's license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �G�� � Virgmia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER o �_q�� Licensee Name: Address: License: Council Date: Thomas Everett Hayes 757 Cook Avenue, St. Paul Taxicab Driver's License September 5, 2001 Violation: Gross Misdemeanor Conviction for Engaging in Prostitution - stemming from incident while driving taxicab Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Revocation of Taxicab Driver's License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. Ramsey County Court Record on Conviction 4. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, NIn}�or July 23, 2001 Thomas Everett Hayes 757 Cook Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 OFFICF '� THE CITY ATTOIL�IEY Cla}'tortM. �binson,lc.CiryAttorney O \ �1\L CrL�rr or,�rsro� 400CityHall Telephone:651 li West Kellogg Bhd. Fncsimi(e: 651 298-5619 Satnt Pmd, bfirsneso(a 5�70? NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: Saint Paul Taxicab Driver's License held by Thomas Bverett Hayes License ID: 81036 Dear Mr. Hayes: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the Taxicab Driver's License held by you for the City of Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On May 29, 2001 you pled guiity to a charge of Gross Misdemeanor Engaging in Prostitution. Reports indicate that you were driving a cab at the time of your arrest. Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4) states that to be eligible to be licensed to drive a taxicab in Saint Paul, the applicant shall have no felony convictions in the last five (5) years and no non- traffic gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last three (3) years involving....prostitution. If you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a hearin� in front of the Saint Paul City Council to dispute the recommended revocation of your taxicab driver's license, you will need to send me a letter admitting the violation and requesting a public hearin�. The matter will then be scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council to determine khat penalty, ifany, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. Pa�e 2 Thomas Everett Hayes July 23, 2001 ol-q�} On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you �vish to have such a hearin�, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing �vill be. If you have not contacted me by Thursday, August 2, 2001, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it piaced on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is alloFVed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-$710. Sincerely, `�� f� (� � • Virginia� er Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP �\��1�- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RZ�MSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G_ CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 23, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Thomas Everett Hayes 757 Cook Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. /�� /� ^ i� G \ CLEMENTS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd of Ju1v 2001. --�s � a�:`'��"'+q, PEFER P. PR?tiG3O°;? a Notary Public % �:�e�' �orarYr,�auc-��r;Nesor�, � $ :.`�: i�'w': FF.Yf:O^nh!!SS94� .l3 ; !'� ,, ::A- EX�;RtS J�.��. 31, 2�:3 - - _, ....�.,.r� . , ._ _ : � .., . Criminal Case Summary SD1008.0/010718:15262069 o�-��-vi-uululi Vross mssaemeanor nate file Name: �YES, THOMAS EVERETT, [2/020501) Alias: �REEN, CHARLES M DOS: SO/19/1966 Sex; Male Dfnt Attrny: FRANK AREND SCHULTE T Retained Dfnt Status: �'n Recog Status Date: 03/19/2001 gail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 02/OS/2001 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: � Trial Type: �Y Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC 001 GUILTY PROHIB ACTS-HIRE ENG 609.324 2 N Z2686 002 NOT GUILTY ENGAGE IN PROST 609.324 3 N Z2686 Date Last 07/10/2001 Pending 08/10/2001 O1/10/2004 Activity Time Closed 5:30 Sp Acct Rv Archive Judge a �-9�1 District Verdict Convicted Dismissed CRTRM Disposition Date Q7/10/2001 Next gC_ 04 06 08 10 SD1009.0/Q10718:15264951 Criminal Sentencing Inquiry Last ��-r=-v�-w ���� uross Misaemeanor nate filed• 03/16/20 Defendant: �YES, THOMAS EVERETT, [2/020501] SENTENCING: Date- Judge- Stay Imposition:Y COL7NTS : 001 al``� � SENTENCE Year Mos Davs . Pronounced — Confinement NCIC- �062023C Probation ? _ Probation NCIC: N�062013G T� 3 Conditional — 1 Residential Treatment: Lenath of Stav ? This Other _ _ Fined S 300.00 Staved S o•�� Cmnlnt Cmnlnt Surcharge $ 30.Q0 Concurrent X Costs $ 0.00 Consecutive _ Public Def. $ 0.00 I – Restitution S 0.00 � Other Court Provisions: 338 Recipient: DL Suspend: Reinstated: Alchl Assess: $ School : Date- Waived COMMENTS: STY IMP PO 2 YR, SRV 15 DX, TSI 7/24 8 AM, $300+, LA, NO SS BREAK FREE PRGM, STY AWAY ORDER, CONCURR OTHER Next g�_ O1 02 03 06 07 O8 09 12 SD1019.0/010718:15263677 Activity Summary First 62-K5-01-001011 Gross Misdemeanor nate filed: 03/16/2001 The State of Minnesota 61 ,�� _ vs. THOMAS EVERETT HAYES, f2/0205011 Date Activit Start/End Judae CrtRm Intrp Chqs Cont SrvcDate 03 16 O1 Case Fi ed 08:00 08:00 COMPT,AINT AND SUMMONS FILED PP _ 03/16/O1 Doc. Filed 08:01 NOTICE BY PROS ATTY OF EV2DEN & IDENT PRO PURS TO RULE 7.01, DISCL BY PROS PURSTO RULP 9.01 & DEMAND FOR DISCLOSIIRE PURS TO RULE 9.02 PP _ 03/23/O1 lst Distrt 10:30 M Fetsch CH FC FOR TMC 4/2 9 AM FETSCFi MG _ 03/23/O1 Order 03:57 ORDER SETTING TMC AND ORDER TO REPORT MG _ 03/23/Ol Order 03:57 ORDER TO APPEAR FOR BOOKING AND IDENTIFICATION MG _ 03/29/O1 Doc. Filed 09:30 RULE 7.01 DI9CLOSURE & MTN TO COMPEL DISCOVERX FTLEDSGN _ 04/02/O1 Mgmt Conf 09:00 M Fetsch CH FC: JT 4-11-01 9AM FETSCEI SAB _ 04/02/O1 Cert Rep 05:01 CERTIFICATE OF REPRESENTATION FILED ATTY: FRANK AREND SCHULTE #244934 SAB _ 04/03/O1 Doc. Filed 08:12 NOTTCE TO REMOVE JUDGE FETSCH FILED BY DEEENSE EAN _ 04/04/Ol Clerical 08:12 Administrative NOTICE TO REMOVE AND CERTIFICATFs SENT TO JUDGE FETSCH FOR SIGNATURE EAN _ 04/04/O1 Doc. Filed 10:23 CERTIFICATE SIGNED BY JUDGE FETSCH - NOTICE TO REMOVE IS NOT TIMELY - COPY OE CERTIFICATE SENT TO ATTYS. TRIAL DATE REMAINS 4-11-01 EAN _ 04/10/O1 Correspond 03:00 CRS FILED: TO: CLERK OF CRT - FROM: RANK SCHUI,TE, ATTY; RE: REQ EOR OH HRG FOR PC & FC OF CASE FRM 4/11/O1 JUDGE FET3CH ALSO SENT COPY F2LED SGN _ 04/11/Ol Omnibus 09:00 M Fetsch CH FC: JT 5-22-Q1 9AM JOTiNSON - PCF PNG SAB _ 04/11/O1 boc. Filed 12:56 NOTICE OF INTENT TO IMPEACH WITH PRIOR CONVICTIONS FILED SAB _ 04/11/Ol Doc. Filed 12:56 STATE'S DISCLOSURE PURSUANT TO RULE 9.01 FILED SAB _ 04/11/Ol boc. Filed 12:57 TRANSCRIPT OF UNDERCOVER TAPE RECORDING OF THOMAS HAYES FILED SAB _ 04/23/02 Clerical 03:59 Administrative PER MOD REQ FROM TIFFNY, LC J JOHNSON, SET TMC 5/14/O1 9AM �p _ O5/14/O1 Mgmt Conf 09:00 G Johnson CH FC FOR JURY TRIAL 5-29-01 9AM J JOHNSON JD _ 05/29/O1 Plea Hrng 09:00 G Johnson CH PG CT 1 PROHIB ACTS HIRE ENG PRO CT 2 TO BE DSM AT 3NT 7/10/O1 1:30 JOFiNSON AMP _ 05/29/O1 Pre-sntORD 10:34 _ OS/29/01 Doc. Filed 10:42 PETITION TO ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY IN GM CASE AMP _ 07/10/O1 Sentencing 01:30 G Johnson CH STY IMP PO 2 YR, SRV 15 DY, BREAK FEE PRGM, ASSESS FEE $250, TSI 7/24 8 AM, $300+, LA, NO SS, STAY AWAY OZ/10/�1 Order _ 07/10/Ol Hearing _ 07/10/O1 Closed ORDER FILED, CONCURR R0993652 02:14 STAY AWAY ORDER FILED WI TWO BLOCRS OF UNIVERSITY BTY?N 02:30 K Wiese TO PAY 55.00 MONTHLY KEW 05:30 fyL�' RICE AND PRIOR MG 01 •1 Next g� O1 02 03 04 06 10 License Group Comments Te�ct Licensee: THOMAS HAYES � THOMAS EVERETT HAYES License #: 0081036 03/13l2001 41-'l1'� 03/13/200'I License information sent to Ginger Palmer for possible license action. Mr. Hayes appeared on fhe interneY as possibly using his cab for prostitution. A check of his criminal history now shows other issues. CAR 70/4/99-renewal held due to suspendetl MN DL-TG 8/17/99-renewal invoice returned to sender w/no forwarding address-TG 5/4/99-vehicle notice letter returned to sender w/no forxarding address-tg 8/18/98-Renewal imoice reNrned to sender w/ no forwarding address-TG o �- �� �ddrz�s � Licensee Cwitact � License � Cardhotder LastName: AYES Firsi Nsme: HpMAS _. _.. __ .. _ , ' _ ____ _ _ . .,,. _ Tdle Street #. r Street Nsmz: Street Type: <All> ._, � . _ . _ _ ___ �. _. ._.._. Direction: rAll> ;, Unit #: � , Cdy <All> Bus Phonz #: �� ��� � Home Phone #: �� .�°.� °.�,.... ..,�x�> �=,rFnd Nbvr,.",'�.;,i ne!"� O}C�:�,�� � ���' t ,CenCel,,,t, '"Ne 'iS?a'rcFi`!" '#��.a:, ,f.e -,r? � tfiei', ,. ' . �� -� .Ney,��Terci��yGrR?=�n� ��'P �`�G`$-.�°.�'�.,. a�-°1��- Last - First: Trtle Stre SSfE Stre Dire� �lnh Cdy @us Hom. ( ;� � � .� '>� ���� ,��, Licensee OMAS HAYES Pay� Pnm 71 r�WSm, �� � DBA HOMAS EVERETT HAYES License � Licensee � Lic. Types , Insurance � Bond � RequiremeMS � � Propedy f' Licensee �` Unofficiel � Project Facildator. RSUNCION, CORINNE Street #� 57 i Adverse Fction Commerrts Stred Nsme: GOIC f � Strezt Type. AVE Direction: �� I Unrt ind� �— Und # � City: T PAUL � i LicensE Graup CommeMs: State: 1N Zip: �5106 j 3M 3l2001 License information SeM to Ginger Palmer for � ossi6le license action. Mr. Hayes appeared on the Ward: � �8'� '�� � i riternet as possibly using his cab for prostitution. A Dist CoUncil: 5� m � heck of his criminai history now shows other issues. _' - _—_— AR __ _—.�.— � - —_ = :. Licensee: HOMAS HAYES � Licensee 9I292�00 Drives fnr Diamond Cab i . _. _ __._.......___.____._ DBA� HOMASEVERETTHAYES �� "" � .LL,.,,. � .. � . �� - Commer,ts: ; Sales Tax Id: !A Bus Phone:�W � Driver :R ; 09130f1997 ; 09J3GI2001 � N License # b1036 Save Changes ta History � �Group � '12:17 PM 0\-9�?- Addre x - �r - ° , - ���a; rr ��;k � - _ IL9 -. Last ��� � `�� �� L(censee OMASHAYES �, � Pdm,,�. UUam�� �Hisi,�,� �m� .� DBA OMAS EYERETT HAYES Firsf 7RIe' License licensee � �ic. Types � Insurance � 8ond � Requiremer$s � Stre Licensee Nsme: HOMAS HAYES �� � r,� �` Stre DBA; HOMAS EVERE7T HAYES ` Ssles Tax Id� !A ` Non-ProfA: J� V�lorker's Comp: ONON000 �Propyittes .�; SYrE i - AA Corhrad ftec'd. 0700NQ00 AA Training Rec'd: Orodi17000 Dire � AA Fee ColleMed: OA70A7U00 ' DiscouM Rec'd: � Unit � ._. � ...._ � Other A� ency Licenses Fina�cial Hoid Reasons ca1; oine� �_enSM�9��'N�ma ; i,X�ei��'�p �,v��o� R�., $�`���`.�, ... � �?"i��ate ��:, �Si Nom "`- Maii To Q9l3�l199800NO/OOOCHAYES ?THOMAS hIA1L TO P ��ice� .`_'_--'----.-__--_ .._'--` - - -.__._._ ��"-.--- Other OONONOOCt09130J19�}iAYES THOMAS �l[�!L Other OONON00600NONOOiDIAMONDCAB � � �. � 7 ��' ^...1� `.s �°�� �.. - n.u , � � c "f. r �' ` �'"'i� ._ ' :'"� s �,F '�.:.i� r'. w x� G.; , Background Check Required � � � � .:,�:�,,�. �� :litense # 1036 Save Changes to History �w', „�-Mail License To — B'u`s„��P,',fio;nA'�;;�ki¢ �---•�'�� -�-�-�---�- 4 � htail To Corrtact ( ) - _ (651! (' License Address . (_, ___ . 51) 842-1188 (651 -Maii Invoice To. ---- � )_ '_ `_ ; i� �1ail To Cor�YacY yr'/ �.<�°�� � �� Licensa Address ) ��ad �GtaaPW�se`�.�t �E�PS-,�S���c-� �E � tic ;�{�xe�.qse0,', �,.. ��{����'���.'72:17� � � _ M � �,, � ,�-r�.. .�, ,:., . Council File # O �� t�. (� � � � � i 1.1�lV (��''�!� CITY OF RESOLUTION C Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # 103g 4� PAUL, MINNESOTA F �` Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Thomas Everett Hayes was advised by a Notice of Violation dated 7uly 23, 2 2001 that the Office of LIEP was recommending revocation of his taxicab driver's license 3 (License ID# 81036), based upon Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4), which does not 4 permit licensing of individuais with gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last 5 three years involving prostitution; and 6 7 WHEREAS, Licensee did not respond to the Notice and did not contest the fact that he 8 pled guilty on May 29, 2001 to a gross misdemeanor chazge of Engaging in Prostitution; now 9 therefare, be it 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Tasicab Driver's License held by Thomas Everett Hayes (License ID# 81036) be and hereby is revoked based upon Licensee's gross misdemeanor conviction for Engaging in Prostitution. This Resolution and the action of the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts contained in the July 23, 2Q01 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee. Licensee did not respond to the Notice or otherwise contest the facts therein. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �p�p�� Q� ,�� ` . _ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� �\ ���-. �!"�� i� Approved by Mayor: Date G!� ,/ ���� �' Sy: By: � Form Approved by City Attorne� � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: OFFICE oF LISP Date: GREEN SHEET Virginia Palmer August i4; 2ooi 266-8710 No . 103 84 0 ��� � 1 SPART[�ffiNT DIREClOR 3 ITY COUNCIL �` 'Z ITY ATTORNSY ITY C4ERR � � ust be on Council Ag da by: �°° � DZRECPOR IN. & MGT. SVC. DZR. � OR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUEZE) CTION REQUESTED: resolution revoking the Taxicab Driver's License held by Thomas Everett ayes. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECP (R) SRSONAL SffiZVIC& CONTRACfS MRST ANSWSR T86 POLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSZON CIVSL SERVICE CONAtISSION 1. Aas the peison/firm ever worked under a contract foz this department? CIB COMMI7"PEE BUSINESS RfiVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISIRICT COUAT 1BS NO Does this pe=son/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any PORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJBCTIVE? Clirient City employee? Y&S NO laia all Y�83 answera on a aeparate aheet and attaeh. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): This revocation is based on Mr. Hayes' gross misdemeanor conviction for Engaging in ProstiCution. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: �°a"1�� �� �S�c�CC� �'�� . DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � s ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: l TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDII3G SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) r,0Ui3C� �$��3�C�i � AU6 � �' �1 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORi�IEY ClrsyloxM.Robinson,Ja,CiryAttorney Q,��`^ \O'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civi1 Divisiort Norm Co(eman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hall Te7ephone: 65/ 266-8710 I S West Kellagg Blvd. Facsimi[e: 651298-5619 Saint P¢ul, Mirsnuota i5101 i Au�ust 13, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Thomas Everett Hayes 757 Cook Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota SS1Q6 RE: Saint Paul Tasicab Driver's License held by Thomas Everett Hayes License ID: 81036 Dear Mr. Hayes: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 5, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning your gross misdemeanor conviction for Engaging in Prostitution have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate revocation of your tasicab driver's license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �G�� � Virgmia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER o �_q�� Licensee Name: Address: License: Council Date: Thomas Everett Hayes 757 Cook Avenue, St. Paul Taxicab Driver's License September 5, 2001 Violation: Gross Misdemeanor Conviction for Engaging in Prostitution - stemming from incident while driving taxicab Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Revocation of Taxicab Driver's License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. Ramsey County Court Record on Conviction 4. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, NIn}�or July 23, 2001 Thomas Everett Hayes 757 Cook Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 OFFICF '� THE CITY ATTOIL�IEY Cla}'tortM. �binson,lc.CiryAttorney O \ �1\L CrL�rr or,�rsro� 400CityHall Telephone:651 li West Kellogg Bhd. Fncsimi(e: 651 298-5619 Satnt Pmd, bfirsneso(a 5�70? NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: Saint Paul Taxicab Driver's License held by Thomas Bverett Hayes License ID: 81036 Dear Mr. Hayes: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the Taxicab Driver's License held by you for the City of Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On May 29, 2001 you pled guiity to a charge of Gross Misdemeanor Engaging in Prostitution. Reports indicate that you were driving a cab at the time of your arrest. Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4) states that to be eligible to be licensed to drive a taxicab in Saint Paul, the applicant shall have no felony convictions in the last five (5) years and no non- traffic gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last three (3) years involving....prostitution. If you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a hearin� in front of the Saint Paul City Council to dispute the recommended revocation of your taxicab driver's license, you will need to send me a letter admitting the violation and requesting a public hearin�. The matter will then be scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council to determine khat penalty, ifany, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. Pa�e 2 Thomas Everett Hayes July 23, 2001 ol-q�} On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you �vish to have such a hearin�, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing �vill be. If you have not contacted me by Thursday, August 2, 2001, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it piaced on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is alloFVed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-$710. Sincerely, `�� f� (� � • Virginia� er Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP �\��1�- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RZ�MSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G_ CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 23, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Thomas Everett Hayes 757 Cook Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. /�� /� ^ i� G \ CLEMENTS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd of Ju1v 2001. --�s � a�:`'��"'+q, PEFER P. PR?tiG3O°;? a Notary Public % �:�e�' �orarYr,�auc-��r;Nesor�, � $ :.`�: i�'w': FF.Yf:O^nh!!SS94� .l3 ; !'� ,, ::A- EX�;RtS J�.��. 31, 2�:3 - - _, ....�.,.r� . , ._ _ : � .., . Criminal Case Summary SD1008.0/010718:15262069 o�-��-vi-uululi Vross mssaemeanor nate file Name: �YES, THOMAS EVERETT, [2/020501) Alias: �REEN, CHARLES M DOS: SO/19/1966 Sex; Male Dfnt Attrny: FRANK AREND SCHULTE T Retained Dfnt Status: �'n Recog Status Date: 03/19/2001 gail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 02/OS/2001 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: � Trial Type: �Y Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC 001 GUILTY PROHIB ACTS-HIRE ENG 609.324 2 N Z2686 002 NOT GUILTY ENGAGE IN PROST 609.324 3 N Z2686 Date Last 07/10/2001 Pending 08/10/2001 O1/10/2004 Activity Time Closed 5:30 Sp Acct Rv Archive Judge a �-9�1 District Verdict Convicted Dismissed CRTRM Disposition Date Q7/10/2001 Next gC_ 04 06 08 10 SD1009.0/Q10718:15264951 Criminal Sentencing Inquiry Last ��-r=-v�-w ���� uross Misaemeanor nate filed• 03/16/20 Defendant: �YES, THOMAS EVERETT, [2/020501] SENTENCING: Date- Judge- Stay Imposition:Y COL7NTS : 001 al``� � SENTENCE Year Mos Davs . Pronounced — Confinement NCIC- �062023C Probation ? _ Probation NCIC: N�062013G T� 3 Conditional — 1 Residential Treatment: Lenath of Stav ? This Other _ _ Fined S 300.00 Staved S o•�� Cmnlnt Cmnlnt Surcharge $ 30.Q0 Concurrent X Costs $ 0.00 Consecutive _ Public Def. $ 0.00 I – Restitution S 0.00 � Other Court Provisions: 338 Recipient: DL Suspend: Reinstated: Alchl Assess: $ School : Date- Waived COMMENTS: STY IMP PO 2 YR, SRV 15 DX, TSI 7/24 8 AM, $300+, LA, NO SS BREAK FREE PRGM, STY AWAY ORDER, CONCURR OTHER Next g�_ O1 02 03 06 07 O8 09 12 SD1019.0/010718:15263677 Activity Summary First 62-K5-01-001011 Gross Misdemeanor nate filed: 03/16/2001 The State of Minnesota 61 ,�� vs. THOMAS RVF.RRTT HAVRR. f2/���SM 1 Date Activit Start/End Judae CrtRm Intrp Chqs Cont SrvcDate 03 16 O1 Case Fi ed 08:00 08:00 COMPT,AINT AND SUMMONS FILED PP _ 03/16/O1 Doc. Filed 08:01 NOTICE BY PROS ATTY OF EV2DEN & IDENT PRO PURS TO RULE 7.01, DISCL BY PROS PURSTO RULP 9.01 & DEMAND FOR DISCLOSIIRE PURS TO RULE 9.02 PP _ 03/23/O1 lst Distrt 10:30 M Fetsch CH FC FOR TMC 4/2 9 AM FETSCFi MG _ 03/23/O1 Order 03:57 ORDER SETTING TMC AND ORDER TO REPORT MG _ 03/23/Ol Order 03:57 ORDER TO APPEAR FOR BOOKING AND IDENTIFICATION MG _ 03/29/O1 Doc. Filed 09:30 RULE 7.01 DI9CLOSURE & MTN TO COMPEL DISCOVERX FTLEDSGN _ 04/02/O1 Mgmt Conf 09:00 M Fetsch CH FC: JT 4-11-01 9AM FETSCEI SAB _ 04/02/O1 Cert Rep 05:01 CERTIFICATE OF REPRESENTATION FILED ATTY: FRANK AREND SCHULTE #244934 SAB _ 04/03/O1 Doc. Filed 08:12 NOTTCE TO REMOVE JUDGE FETSCH FILED BY DEEENSE EAN _ 04/04/Ol Clerical 08:12 Administrative NOTICE TO REMOVE AND CERTIFICATFs SENT TO JUDGE FETSCH FOR SIGNATURE EAN _ 04/04/O1 Doc. Filed 10:23 CERTIFICATE SIGNED BY JUDGE FETSCH - NOTICE TO REMOVE IS NOT TIMELY - COPY OE CERTIFICATE SENT TO ATTYS. TRIAL DATE REMAINS 4-11-01 EAN _ 04/10/O1 Correspond 03:00 CRS FILED: TO: CLERK OF CRT - FROM: RANK SCHUI,TE, ATTY; RE: REQ EOR OH HRG FOR PC & FC OF CASE FRM 4/11/O1 JUDGE FET3CH ALSO SENT COPY F2LED SGN _ 04/11/Ol Omnibus 09:00 M Fetsch CH FC: JT 5-22-Q1 9AM JOTiNSON - PCF PNG SAB _ 04/11/O1 boc. Filed 12:56 NOTICE OF INTENT TO IMPEACH WITH PRIOR CONVICTIONS FILED SAB _ 04/11/Ol Doc. Filed 12:56 STATE'S DISCLOSURE PURSUANT TO RULE 9.01 FILED SAB _ 04/11/Ol boc. Filed 12:57 TRANSCRIPT OF UNDERCOVER TAPE RECORDING OF THOMAS HAYES FILED SAB _ 04/23/02 Clerical 03:59 Administrative PER MOD REQ FROM TIFFNY, LC J JOHNSON, SET TMC 5/14/O1 9AM �p _ O5/14/O1 Mgmt Conf 09:00 G Johnson CH FC FOR JURY TRIAL 5-29-01 9AM J JOHNSON JD _ 05/29/O1 Plea Hrng 09:00 G Johnson CH PG CT 1 PROHIB ACTS HIRE ENG PRO CT 2 TO BE DSM AT 3NT 7/10/O1 1:30 JOFiNSON AMP _ 05/29/O1 Pre-sntORD 10:34 _ OS/29/01 Doc. Filed 10:42 PETITION TO ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY IN GM CASE AMP _ 07/10/O1 Sentencing 01:30 G Johnson CH STY IMP PO 2 YR, SRV 15 DY, BREAK FEE PRGM, ASSESS FEE $250, TSI 7/24 8 AM, $300+, LA, NO SS, STAY AWAY OZ/10/�1 Order _ 07/10/Ol Hearing _ 07/10/O1 Closed ORDER FILED, CONCURR R0993652 02:14 STAY AWAY ORDER FILED WI TWO BLOCRS OF UNIVERSITY BTY?N 02:30 K Wiese TO PAY 55.00 MONTHLY KEW 05:30 fyL�' RICE AND PRIOR MG 01 •1 Next g� O1 02 03 04 06 10 License Group Comments Te�ct Licensee: THOMAS HAYES � THOMAS EVERETT HAYES License #: 0081036 03/13l2001 41-'l1'� 03/13/200'I License information sent to Ginger Palmer for possible license action. Mr. Hayes appeared on fhe interneY as possibly using his cab for prostitution. A check of his criminal history now shows other issues. CAR 70/4/99-renewal held due to suspendetl MN DL-TG 8/17/99-renewal invoice returned to sender w/no forwarding address-TG 5/4/99-vehicle notice letter returned to sender w/no forxarding address-tg 8/18/98-Renewal imoice reNrned to sender w/ no forwarding address-TG o �- �� �ddrz�s � Licensee Cwitact � License � Cardhotder LastName: AYES Firsi Nsme: HpMAS _. _.. __ .. _ , ' _ ____ _ _ . .,,. _ Tdle Street #. r Street Nsmz: Street Type: <All> ._, � . _ . _ _ ___ �. _. ._.._. Direction: rAll> ;, Unit #: � , Cdy <All> Bus Phonz #: �� ��� � Home Phone #: �� .�°.� °.�,.... ..,�x�> �=,rFnd Nbvr,.",'�.;,i ne!"� O}C�:�,�� � ���' t ,CenCel,,,t, '"Ne 'iS?a'rcFi`!" '#��.a:, ,f.e -,r? � tfiei', ,. ' . �� -� .Ney,��Terci��yGrR?=�n� ��'P �`�G`$-.�°.�'�.,. a�-°1��- Last - First: Trtle Stre SSfE Stre Dire� �lnh Cdy @us Hom. ( ;� � � .� '>� ���� ,��, Licensee OMAS HAYES Pay� Pnm 71 r�WSm, �� � DBA HOMAS EVERETT HAYES License � Licensee � Lic. Types , Insurance � Bond � RequiremeMS � � Propedy f' Licensee �` Unofficiel � Project Facildator. RSUNCION, CORINNE Street #� 57 i Adverse Fction Commerrts Stred Nsme: GOIC f � Strezt Type. AVE Direction: �� I Unrt ind� �— Und # � City: T PAUL � i LicensE Graup CommeMs: State: 1N Zip: �5106 j 3M 3l2001 License information SeM to Ginger Palmer for � ossi6le license action. Mr. Hayes appeared on the Ward: � �8'� '�� � i riternet as possibly using his cab for prostitution. A Dist CoUncil: 5� m � heck of his criminai history now shows other issues. _' - _—_— AR __ _—.�.— � - —_ = :. Licensee: HOMAS HAYES � Licensee 9I292�00 Drives fnr Diamond Cab i . _. _ __._.......___.____._ DBA� HOMASEVERETTHAYES �� "" � .LL,.,,. � .. � . �� - Commer,ts: ; Sales Tax Id: !A Bus Phone:�W � Driver :R ; 09130f1997 ; 09J3GI2001 � N License # b1036 Save Changes ta History � �Group � '12:17 PM 0\-9�?- Addre x - �r - ° , - ���a; rr ��;k � - _ IL9 -. Last ��� � `�� �� L(censee OMASHAYES �, � Pdm,,�. UUam�� �Hisi,�,� �m� .� DBA OMAS EYERETT HAYES Firsf 7RIe' License licensee � �ic. Types � Insurance � 8ond � Requiremer$s � Stre Licensee Nsme: HOMAS HAYES �� � r,� �` Stre DBA; HOMAS EVERE7T HAYES ` Ssles Tax Id� !A ` Non-ProfA: J� V�lorker's Comp: ONON000 �Propyittes .�; SYrE i - AA Corhrad ftec'd. 0700NQ00 AA Training Rec'd: Orodi17000 Dire � AA Fee ColleMed: OA70A7U00 ' DiscouM Rec'd: � Unit � ._. � ...._ � Other A� ency Licenses Fina�cial Hoid Reasons ca1; oine� �_enSM�9��'N�ma ; i,X�ei��'�p �,v��o� R�., $�`���`.�, ... � �?"i��ate ��:, �Si Nom "`- Maii To Q9l3�l199800NO/OOOCHAYES ?THOMAS hIA1L TO P ��ice� .`_'_--'----.-__--_ .._'--` - - -.__._._ ��"-.--- Other OONONOOCt09130J19�}iAYES THOMAS �l[�!L Other OONON00600NONOOiDIAMONDCAB � � �. � 7 ��' ^...1� `.s �°�� �.. - n.u , � � c "f. r �' ` �'"'i� ._ ' :'"� s �,F '�.:.i� r'. w x� G.; , Background Check Required � � � � .:,�:�,,�. �� :litense # 1036 Save Changes to History �w', „�-Mail License To — B'u`s„��P,',fio;nA'�;;�ki¢ �---•�'�� -�-�-�---�- 4 � htail To Corrtact ( ) - _ (651! (' License Address . (_, ___ . 51) 842-1188 (651 -Maii Invoice To. ---- � )_ '_ `_ ; i� �1ail To Cor�YacY yr'/ �.<�°�� � �� Licensa Address ) ��ad �GtaaPW�se`�.�t �E�PS-,�S���c-� �E � tic ;�{�xe�.qse0,', �,.. ��{����'���.'72:17� � � _ M � �,, � ,�-r�.. .�, ,:., .