Triemert, Sandy 1 � i �� � �T u-1 e� �f��� � U i�.,�'t, � ���� 1 �v � J � � I�,�' � �'��C�� ` �,ti�1(,i" � � . , � , ; � . ���� �:�:.�- � . (`�� �� Moore, Shari (CI-StPaul) `� �(� `�' ��aG; ��� l; C` � � �-��ti�i�� a'Yi,`�;'�,t From: Sanders, Donna (CI-StPaul) � 1'� ���"`�-(..% / ' ,�'3 �ly Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:07 PM To: Moore, Shari (CI-StPaul) Cc: Foss, Katie (CI-StPaul); Sanders, Donna (CI-StPaul) Subject: Front Desk Message for Shari Shari, Please call Sandy Triemert, 612-730-0670. She just faxed her claim to us for car damage received when it was towed this past winter. She was told that she needed to go through Traffic Court before she could file a claim for the car damage. She had called right away for a court date but wasn't heard until 7/21. Her charges were dismissed. Now she's ready to file her claim, but understands it must be filed within 180 days—and the reason it was delayed was because of her traffic court hearing date. She's looking for clarification. Thank you. Donna 1 I To: 96512668574 Company: Fax: 965126685 74 Phone: From: sandy.triemert C3220_T555 sand Fax: Phone: 651 .431 .3196 E-mail: Sandy.Triemert@state.mn.us NOTES: Send data from C3220-T555 07/30/2014 12:45 Dete end time Of tr8nsmission: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:48:24 PM Number of pages including this cover sheet: 15 i NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � i ,Niuneswe S��de S7narte l66.(1S�Yr�fev r/rof "...e►�ert�per,�nu,..ufio clrrirn�rlauinges fr•vm�mp uiu�iicipn/rly...sHal!ct�n�e lo be prvseafed tc�d1a ` go►�ernrri�borlj�v/'dre mnnicipcdiry►►ilJ�in/80 dnys n%tCr!!�e rt/lcgcd loss o►•h jnry rs discuvere�l tt►roliC�sl�Nin�•Ur��Fn�e,placY,u�rd � cira�n���ta�rces 1lrFreo�mid dre anmun�ojco►npe�r3n�in►�ur orbcr rrliejdcum�idcrl." � P�ense eomplete this form in its entiret��by clearly typing or printing your ans�vcr to eacL�uestion. It more spnce is � needed,uttacL addltional sl�eets. Pleaee note thst you may or ms�y uot be contacted by telephone to discue�s your claim circumstnuces,so provide as mucl�information as necessary tu explain your claim,and the nmount of compensution bci�g � reyucstcd. This[orm must be signed,And both pages complcted. IF sumcthing does not apply,�vrite•N/A'. i SEnD CQ�![PLETED FORn?AND OTI�ER DOCUMENTS TO: C1TY CLERK, 15 WEST KELLOCG BLVD,310 CI?Y HALL,SAINT PAUL,Mn 55102 I First Naine �l�i��-� Middle Initial � Lt�st Nerne �f'► Y°�Ps'�" '• i Company or Business Naine,if upplicable ! sve�t AaaT�ss I(�q V�• N�c.,�r��q l�- � �� l L`� -_ ' City ���a.�� State M-^S Zip Code SS L t� I Dnytime Telephone ' l�Z )7�`3��-C��`ZO Evening Telephone t a ^7 430-O��O ; Date of Accident/Injury or Date Discovered �`�����-3 Time ��-�����prn(eircle) i Please slate, in detail,wliat occurred,and why you are submitting a claim. Please indic�lte why or how you � fccl the City of'Saint PAUl or its cmployees�+re involvecl Euid/or responsible. : . ! M ' � � ,. � , ; � ; , i -�-- -- , — i ; � Pleasc check the box(es)that most closely represent the reason for completin�tiiis fomi: � ❑Vehicle was da�riaged in an accidenf � �Vehicle K�as damaged during A tow i 0 Vehicle�vas damaged by a pothole or condition of the street �Vehicle was damaged by a plow � `Velucle wri.4.wrangfully towed and/or ticketed O Injured on City property � tlier type af property damabe-please spccify �=r. �e��� _- � D Other type of injury--please specify � O Other type not listed-please specify . ln orc�er to p�rocess your claim you need to include copies of all Applicable documents. This is a general � guideline of what should be submitted with a cla�m form,but it is not all incl�srve. You may be askcd to ' provide additional infonnation de�ending on your claim. � O Property damage clauns to a vehicle: at least two estimates for the repairs to your vehicle;or the i actual bills and/or rcceipts for the repAirs , . O Towing claims: legible copies of any tickets issued and copies of the impound lot receipts O Uther property damage:reptur estimates,detailed list of damaged items O Injury claims:medical bills,receipts � O Photographs can be provided but will not be retumed. ! � Pagc 1 of 2-Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form Failure to provide a completed claim form�vill result in dela��s in processing. � Notice of Claim Form,City of Saint Paui,pagc hvo ; All Claims–aleasc comulctc this section � Were therc wit��esses to the incident? Yes �lo Unknown (circle) lf yes,pleASe provide their names,uddresses and telepho�2e numbers: 1 �� Were�he pQlice or law enforcemcnt called? Yes No Unknown (circle) � If yes,�i�hat depArtment or agency? Case#or report# i Where did the accident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street,intersection,name of park i� or facility, closest lundmark,�tc. Please be as detAiled as possible. Ifhe�pful,attaeh a diagram. � �� � �R� Pcvot� 4,k. � _ _ . ;� - T'lease indicate the amount you Are seeking in compensation from this claim ur what you�vould like the City � �� to do to resolve tlus claim to your satisf ction.� l�'-I,q• a'1 ��1 -� –r'�.�.� �_ �a �� • �M�� ��r� C� �n.nn r_. C� � ,��� .i�� .�-r7 C� �Aa.nA[1P �.t►i1[��f A. �i - - ,i Vehicle Claim – lcase com 1 te this section O chec x if th's section es not a 1 YourVehiel�: Year-1�,4 R -Make d� Model__ � «�I.LP_ s�.� ;, License PlAte Number_V�/�,_ State._�I Color���,,,,_}�,�_ __ � � Registered Owner ����a T'�.Q....p�rE- Driver of Vehicle - Aren DAmaged ` : City Vehicic: Year Mtil:e Modcl � � License Flate Number State Color � . ,,. _._ _:_.. ._.—:- -- =- - : . --. _. � ,_- -.- �. . . Drlver of V�Iii�1C�Ci�y Eiriployee's Na�ne) .. .. u Area Dttma�;cd ______ ____ ___. ;; . �� iniurv C1aLns--alease camplete tNis section L] �heck box if this section does not aUUlv � Ho�v were you injui•ed? � i� _ _. � � W hat parf(s)of your bady were injureti? �` -- h — � Have you sought medical treatmcnt?, Yes Nc� Planning to Seek Treatmcnt (eircle) � When did you receivc tre�tment? �(provide date(s)) Name of Medical Provider(s): �� Address r_.._ Telephone � Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes �Ta � When did you miss work'? ', _ (provide date(s)) � Narne of your Employer: _ Address Telephone �,Check here if you are attaching more pages to this claim form. Number of additionsl pages . -,� Bj�.ri�uiitg 111is jorm,�+olr are sfali�lg fhal a!I lqJorn�aliou yort have provlJcd is hue and correcl to du best ojynar kirorvleAg� Unsigned ,/'or►nf�vill nat hs proeessed. Snbarittfng a false dalin caa resall b�proseeN�ion. �� Print the Name of the Pcraon wLo Com ete tWs F : ���n�2�1 ' !R� �+ne2� Signature of Person Making the Clafm: , r � �Date form was completed /�/I�/ Revi►ed April�Of17 STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF RAMSEY ORDE R SECOND JUDiCIAL DISTRICT TO REPORT � CITY OF VIOLATIQN FILE NO. ST PAUL 620901390471, 620901390470 DEFENDANT DEFENDANT'S PHONE N0. Sandra Triemert 612-730-0670 YOU, THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT, ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR ON: .l lll. 21, 2014 at 1:OOpm tor CRT TRL befo�e the presiding judge in room#130. FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR A SCHEDULED COURT APPEARANCE IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE UNLESS FAILURE TO APPEAR IS DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND YOUR CONTROL. FAILURE TO_APPEAR FOR A PETTY MISDEMEANOR COURT TRIAL CONSTITUTES A PLEA OF GUILTY UNL"ESS YOU APPEAR WITHIN 10 DAYS AND�SHOW THE FAILURE TO APPEAR WAS DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND YOUR CONTROL. FAILURE TO APPEAR MAY RESULT IN A WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST � St. Paul Courthouse...................................................15 W. Kellogg Blvd........St. Paul.........55102.....(651)266-8180 ❑ Ramsey County Law Enforcement Center................425 Grove St.........,.......St. Paul.........55101 .....(651)266-9696 ❑ Maplewood Branch ....................................................2050 White Bear Ave,...Maplewood....55109.....(651)266-1999 DEFENSE ATTORNEY PHONE NO. DATE January 21, 2014 JUDGE: Handed to the defendant by NX Comments: SINATURE DEFT SAID CARS GOT TOWED AND WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A CRT TRL WHILE STILL FILING FOR HER TOWING FEES BACK, R&R SHEET I HANDED 70 HER � Page 1 of 1 Skip lo Main Content Lopoul My Accounl Search Menu New Cnminalll rafficlPeltv Search Refine Localion:All MNCIS Sites-Case Search Imaqes Nelp Search Back RFCisTra oF Ac�rro�vs c:,�s�•:vo.��a-��n-ia-2ou State o(Minneaota va SANDRA KAY TRIEMERT § Case Type� Crlml7rof Non-Mand § Date Filed: 01/2812014 § Location: Ramsey CrlminallTrofflclPelty § Downtown � � PAItTY IIVYORMAI'ION lead Attorneys Defendant TRIEMERT,SANDRA KAY Female 838 E 5TH ST DOB:0812 3/1 9 6 7 ST PAUL,MN 55117 Jurisdlction State of Mlnnesota , ' NONE -----�....._.__ - C.l1ARGE INRORMATION I Charges:TRIEMERT,SANDRA KAY Statute Level Date i 1. Snow emergency parking reslriCtions 161.03 Pelty Mlsdemeanor 72/26/20t 3 � ........ i F;VF.N'fS aYt ORDF:NS OF'I'llt:COUN9' '��.. DISPOSI'fIOIVS ' 01I21/2014 Plea(Judfcial OHicer:Xiong,Neng.) 1.S�ow emergency parking reslriclions Not guilty 07/27/2014 Dlspoaltlon(Judiciel Officer:Yanish,Jo nnno M J 1.Snow emergency parking reslrictions - Dismissed OTHER M.VI:(VTS AND HEARI(VGS 01i21/2014 Hearing (8�o0AM)(JudicialOfficerXiong.Neng,) Resu1L'Neld 01/21I2014 Notice and OMer lo Aonear(Judicial OKcer:Xiong,Neng,) 0'1/28/2014 Cltation F•Flled 01I26I2014 OHlcer Notes SNOW EMERGENCY DECLARED ON 17125J13 AT 2100 HOURS.MULTIPLE SIGNS POSTED AND STREET HAS NOT BEEN PLOlNEO CURB TO CURB.CN 13-272-990. 01/26/2014 Summoned•Own Recognlzance 01/28/2014 Mterim Condltlon forTR1EMERT,SANDRA KAY •Summoned 07/21l2014 Hearing (1 00 PM)(Jtbicial OHicer Yanish,Jo Anne M) Converted from Vibes:De/f states cais got fowed d would like to have a crl trial while slill 1�1ing lo�her lowing/ees back;R S R sheet prov�ded to delt ' ResulL Held I https://mpa,courts.state.mn.us/CaseDetail.aspx?C;aseID=1616676580 7/2]/2014 __ _._..._............. .....�_-- ., ---_,..---- ._..------- - I , t._.._- - — _.,�_:;:�` -"''} �, . , , , State of Minnesote Rpmeey Distrlct Court . i CITY OF SAINT PAUL , . , . . RARKING CITATION ca.nan No.: 820A013904T1 i Cw No.: i. s • ' 6t�aul�ollw Depa�lment � i . . wmouuam�Numn�r: VYL884 ee.t.:MN USA ; �, . � WhlcbVlN: .I M�k�:CADILLAC ModH: CoWr:�TF 7yp�:PASSVEH , Tdf Monlh: Tab Yr�r: i o�b oroRma 1212012019 Tlm�o/OR�n�� 00:02 I' , , _ 8t�tublOrd ORmu 4 ' � 181.03 Bnow emergency parking reslrlcllons , . �. . I i �� I I i � � OIf�Oi�lOCit100: � � • AVON 8T N InlercaUnp Stn�k CENTRAL Av W • � � 1nd Croo 81r��t:STANTHONYAV , OR�au Clty: �8t.P�ul . • Mder Numh�r: Permlt Zone: s������Tlm�Zon�: , Ch�lk In:. Ch��Out: PuM�d:(�:MMI . Unit:000 _ omc•r t:RRO D.long6ehn,Jr OTe�r Numb�rc,409505 � Ortlo�r2: . � . � -�.. ORlnr Num6ec . II � �Report delactiw mefers by noon lhe next business day � Call(Q57)2e6•Y770 I Topayyourfinebiest)1 ep2 ZaltSduslnessdaysandthencall I'll dted tor No Proof e/ln�ur�ne�or Ne Drlwr�Llr,•nee In Po�a���lon.Proof of In�ursnes v+dor � �, - Ddwn llan���hould b��hown In on�of th�Vlol�tbn�Bunau Lccallons ON�d bdow wi�nin 90 bueln��s A�y�M1he vlolNlon. To p�yyour Nt�tlpn onllnr. wv�w.?ndw�bQ�:eouA��t��mn u4 . For�dd111ondlnforrn�tlon�rle p�y yourM�by bbphen�ndnp a cndll cvd, ��. CdL• (861)268.9204. � Pl�n�h�y�your dtatlon,numb�r�nd endk osrd wNl�bb. � . �� Mdl prymmt�to: q�m��y Dlddce Cour1 " , TnTe VIeI�HOn�Bur�w • 16 W��t K�Uoyp Boulw�rd-Room 7�0 � SL��ul,MN 6610$�1673 '�. � ' Mak�eh�eMi pN�bU toc Rsmqy DIo1rIN CouA (A chvp�ofup to i30•00 w�M b��u�i��d on�U r�turn�d ch�ehs) . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. ... . . . .. � VIol�pon�BU►�wlee�Uen� 81.P�ul Court 9uburb�n Court L�wEnforwmeat C�nt�r � '16 W.K�NO{�Q Blvd.RM 1J0 ���W��8���A°�' Ot�P ul,MN 66101 . - � „ 8t.P�ul.MN66102 Mipbwood,MN 66109 011le H;:i O O��,M•By p ol tm�nt only eall(661)166.9302Hoiaay�) Payment and Penallles ryu w1�h lo ol��d auNlv for fh.oK�n�ds)on lM nvv���Id�o/lh�cR�tlon.yau mu�t do�o ti Ithln 30 d�y�Mom th�dd�Ih�eltallon Is Obd wifh ths Court.lt U your r��ponUblMlY�u pna�nt yow P��nt n�ilmdy mmnec Pl��w�Aow6 hudn�st d�1n for pron�dn0.A i6.00 Ih�Caurt ddlllonal'ddlnqwnl(almryt+�add�dlodlunpddQn�smount��,�����fil�dwllh AdaltlonU psneMb�m�y�ndudr q r�prrd fe lh�D�pMm�nt elPubllc S�fNYlor drlwYt �k�����usp�ndon,2)vn�t warrsn!Inu�d,�ndlor 3)nfaal to a colbetion�ap�ncY• � Hih�eR�n��1��P�«Y mbd�mnno4 fdlun 1��pp��rwlll b�tentld�nd�CI��of pulRy md w�W�r to Ih�rlpht fo Irld unl���th�h0ur�to�ppnr�e dw te clreum�l�ne��b�yond th� . p�non'�conlrol(M.6.16i.97). ; APPeat . • To pbad not yuNly,or te pu�0 o�nty�ntl on�r m��plsnNlen: 1)AR�r6 bueln�n dsy�,cd1661-266,1202 to conNm that th�clt�don h��D�en�Ird wtth th�e0u H. . '�" �w, '� , Mlnnesota Ineurance Ident111catlon Card /mportant/nfbrn►ailon geico.com 1'800-841_90�0 Here are your Pollcy Identlficetlon C�ds. Pleese destroy your 6EIC0 GENERAL INSURANCE COMI?l�\; old cenls when the new oerds bacome effective. ONE GEIW CENTER MACON,'���1295-0001 Poi�o Numb�r EN�eW� �b�':;, Expi►Nion Dat� Due to spece Ilmltatlons on the ID cerd,only the Nemed Insured end 1901�34901 iz-21-,�,�;;��;; 05-10-14 the Co-insurad ere Ilsted. For a full Ilst of drivars covered under thls ri�r M�a MotIM1� Vihid�ID No. pp11Cy,pleese reference the Drivers sectlon ot your Dedaretlons 1998 CAD SEVILLESLS 1G�iK�54Y1WU934068 Page,which la included with your Insurence pecket. Insusd: »\�;:. SANDRA KAY TRtEMERT ��?��� Please notlfy us promptly of any Chenge In you�address to be sure KIRK OOUGLAS TRIEMERT,..S�2"`;, y0U�eC91VA 6II IIY1pOP�Ant pOIICj/dOCU1'T1e11�. Pf�01'flpt 110tIIICAtIOr1 WIII '�" ' eneble us to service you better. ](86P TF�S�fltIFIGTH IN ilff INSUREQ VEH[CLfi A7 ALL TDNES AND Your pollcy Is recorded under the neme and pollcy number shown PAODUCS T[UPON D6MAND OF A PEACF OFFICER. Or1�19 C9�. If you would Ilke eddltlonal ID cards,you cen go onllne to g�ico.com or cell us et 1-600�41�000. Wh�t bo do�t tM tinN o!�n a�cid�nt • �o not�dmlt feult. • DO nOt reveal ths Ilmtts of your IleDlllar oover�ps to anyono. I • Exohanpo oonfeot Inlbrmatbn;get yeer,m�ko,moAe),plal�e number�Ineureno0 CprAOr p�d polloy numbsr o/ail Invotved. lueo.�dently witnasses and oolleot oonteot�nformatlon. ' • Confeat fhe pono9 or 817 if appllc6Dle. • Co�ted GEICO by ceiling 1-000�413000 or vblt O�i�o.eom to ropori tha eaoldent. , U•q•MN(01•10) � � . � � � ` _ � c i � � H � N � � E � � . � � rn o � � � '� g `�n � 1 0 N > N O a � � � � Z I � � � � '- N N - � fi! H9 fA f�9 EA EA �fl � � J � � � v> '�'� .�. �, 'v; W � � � c� � � � �' � t � U t � .. U � � � � o U � c � p � U � _ m ` � W . o ; • N � v� a � v'� cn H � � � i p� M a � � � � � � Z $ � »- � � C V � �n� o r�N W � � , v E .�` °�,,•. � V °� d 2i o m .o � «. ... � O� � a � 3 � ' a � . :' aS � b a`� t — � CZj �' m � � $ � � � y � � o # t �,� � �, � � � � 0�0 va�i t� > c� c� 3 t+' c �' 3 0 � O , c�i O � � � cySv1S. I W � J ;� -a �s ets E � r . . � o � � > — � •� � Z � + , � • c`u > � m " o £ d = O �° � � � � a °� � I , � ,, a � ° � r� �is ° o a� � W � � 3ao � a �- � � a� v , ^U �i p Z t ;� � p >. o � N � � � � � } `� E a° g �' O� = m � � � � on o � F' ` 0 � °< °C ° ¢ .c � Y °- � € `� g- � a� ; a V � � V � v � > m d � d o� � o � , .r � � � � � � � r ° � N � � a � � c Y .., � o a� o� — � c � � E� • � . � � p o�C a o�[ �3 Ecna o � a � � i 1 • ' i t � � ABRA Auto Body &Giass - Midway Wakfile ID: 8e8ce8ab ' '�' Federal ID: 41-1852119 I Right The First Time...On Time 1190 UNIVERSITY AVE W, SAINT PAUL, MN 55104 Phone: (651)645-1563 FAX: (651) 641-6129 I Preliminary Estimate Customer:TRIEMERT,SANDY ]ob Number: � Written By:Steven Hanson i Insured: TRIEMERT,SANDY Policy#: Claim#: * ' Type of Loss: Date of Loss: 12/26/2013 12:00:00 PM Days to Repair: 0 I Point of Impact: 12 Front � Owner. Inspection Location: Insurance Company: TRIEMERT,SANDY ABRA Auto Body&Glass-Midway CUSTOMER PAY 169 N MCKNIGHT RD#119 1190 UNIVERSITY AVE W ST PAUL,MN 55119 SA1NT PAUL,MN 55104 (612)730-0670 Business , Repdir Facility (651)645-1563 Business VEHICLE Year: 1998 eody Style: 4D SED VIN: iG6KS54Y1WU934088 Mileage In: 176434 Make: CADI Engine: 8-4.6L-FI License: WL-664 Milea�e Out: Model: SEVILIE SLS Producdon Date: State: MN Vehide Out: Color: WHITE Int: Condition: Job;�: TRANSMISSION Dual Mirrors RADIO SEATS Automatic Transmission Body Side Moldings AM Radio Bucket Seats Overdrive Console/Storage FM Radio Leather Seats POWER CONVENIENCE Stereo WHEELS Power Steering Air Conditioning Search/SeeK Aluminum/Alloy Wheels Power Brakes Intermittent Wipers C�Player PAINT Power Windows Tilt Wheel Cassette Three Stage Paint Power Locks Guise Control SAFETY OTHER Power Mirrors Rear Defogger Drivers Side Air Bag Traction Control � Heated Mirrors Keyless Entry Passenger Air Bag Power Trunk/Gate Release Power Driver Seat Alarm Anti-LoCk Brakes(4) j Power Passenger Seat Steering Wheel Touch Controls 4 Wheel Disc Brakes � DECOR Climate Control Front Side Impact Air Bags i 1/3/2014 920:10 AM 011906 Page 1 ;�, Preliminary Estimate Customer:TRIEMERT,SANDY Job Number: Vehicle: 1998 CADI SEVILLE SLS 4D SED 8-4.6L-FI WHITE Line Oper Description Part Number Qty Extended Labor Paint Price� 1 FRONT BUMPER 2 ** <> Repl RECOND Bumper cover SLS 19245378 1 404.00 2.2 3.0 3 Add for Three Stage Z•1 4 # Repl 'Flex Additive/Adhesion Promoter 1 8.50 T _._....__.. .---------_.._.__..._.__..__...---- -------- --...._.._..------_...___- --- -.___�..., ...__ __ __ --•- _._....- ---- --- _..._.__ . -- _....__ __..____ --------•--- 5 MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS 6 # 'Hazardous Waste 1 5.00 X SUBTOTALS 417.50 2.2 5.1 NOTES Prior Damage Notes: 1 ESTIMATE TOTALS Category Basis Rate Cost; Parts 404.00 Body Labor 2.2 hrs @ $54.00/hr 118.80 Paint Labor 5.1 hrs @ $54.00/hr 275.40 Paint Supplies 5.1 hrs @ $34.00/hr 173.40 Miscellaneous 13.50 Subtotal 985.10 Sales Tax $585.90 @ 7.6250% 94.67 Grand ToWI 1,029.77 Deductible � 0.00 CUSTOMER PAY 0.00 INSURANCE PAY 1,029.77 THIS IS A VISUAL 1NSPECTION ONLY. THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL DAMAGE AFTER DISASSEMBLY. PARTS ARE SUBJECT TO INVOICE, THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES ON RUST REPAIRS. "Minnesota law gives you the right to choose any rental vehicle company, and prohibits me from requiring you to choose a particular vendor." MN ST 60A.955 - A PERSON WHO FILES A CLAIM WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD OR HELPS COMMIT A FRAUD AGAINST AN INSURER IS GUILTY OF A CRIME. , 1/3/2014 9:20:10 AM 011906 Page 2 Preliminary Estimate r Customer:TRIEMERT,SANDY ]ob Number: Vehicle: 1998 CADI SEVILLE SLS 4D SED 8-4.6L-FI WHITE ALTERNATE PARTS SUPPLIERS Supplier: Keystone-Complete-Minneapolis Location(s): 3G15 MARSHAIL STREEf NE,MINNEAPOLIS MN 55418 (600)328-1845 (612)789-1919 Line Description Item# price 2 RECONO Bumper cover SLS GM1000569R $404.00 1/3/2014 9:20:10 AM 011906 Page 4 r ' Preliminary Estimate Customer:TRIEMERT,SANDY ]ob Number: Vehicle� 1998 CADI SEVILLE SLS 4D SED 8-4.6L-FI WHITE Estimate based on MOTOR CRASH ESTIMATING GUIDE. Unless otherwise noted all items are derived from the Guide DE16C98, CCC Data Date 1/2/2014, and the parts selected are OEM-parts manufactured by the vehicles Original Equipment Manufacturer. OEM parts are available at OE/Vehicle dealerships. OPT OEM (Optional OEM) or ALT OEM (Alternative OEM) parts are OEM parts that may be provided by or through alternate sources other than the OEM vehicle dealerships. OPT OEM or ALT OEM parts may reflect some specific, special, or unique pricing or discount. OPT OEM or ALT OEM parts may include "Blemished" parts provided by OEM's through OEM vehicle dedlerships. Asterisk(*) or pouble Asterisk (**) indicates that the parts andJor labor information provided by MOTOR may have been modified or may have come from an alternate data source. Tilde sign (�) items indicate MOTOR Not-Included Labor operations. The symbol (<>) indicates the refinish operation WILL NOT be performed as a separate procedure from the other panels in the estimate. Non-Original Equipment Manufacturer aftermarket parts are described as Non OEM or A/M. Used parts are described as LKQ, RCY, or USED. Reconditioned parts are described as Recond. Recored parts are described as Recore. NAGS Part Numbers and Benchmark Prices are provided by National Auto Glass Specifications. Labor operation times listed on the line with the NAGS information are MOTOR suggested labor operation times. NAGS labor operation times are not included. Pound sign (#) items indicate manual entries. Some 2014 vehicles contain minor changes from the previous year. For those vehicles, prior to receiving updated data from the vehicle rnanufacturer, labor and parts data from the previous year may be used. The CCC ONE estimator has a complete list of applicable vehicles. Parts numbers and prices should be confirmed with the local dealership. The following is a list of additional abbreviations or symbols that may be used to descrlbe work to be done or parts to be repaired or replaced: • SYMBOLS FOILOWING PART PRICE: m=MOTOR Mechanical eomponent. s=MO"fOR Structural component. T=Miscellaneous Taxed charge category. � X=Miscellaneous Non-Taxed charge category. SYMBOLS FOLLOWING LABOR: D=Diagnostic labor category. E=Electrical labor category. F=Frame labor category. G=Glass labor category. M=Mechanical labor category. S=Structural labor category. (numbers) 1 through 4=User Defined Labor Categories. OTHER SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS; Adj.=Adjacent. Algn.-Align. ALU=Aluminum. A/M=Aftermarket part. BInd=Blend. BOR=6oron steel. , CAPA=Certified Automotive Parts AssoCiation. D&R=Disconnect and Reconnect. HSS=High Strength Steel. HYD=Hydroformed Steel. Inc1.=Included. LKQ=Like Kind and Quality. LT=Left. MAG=Magnesium, Non-Adj.=Non Adjacent. NSF=NSF International Certlfied Part. O/H=Overhaul. Qty=Quantity. Refn=Refinish. Repl=Replace. R&I=Remove and Install. R&R=Remove and Replace. Rpr=Repair. RT=Right. SAS=Sandwiched Steel. Sect=Section. Subl=Sublet. UHS=UItra High Strength Steel. N=Note(s) associated with the estimate line. CCC ONE Estimating -A product of CCC Information Services Inc. i The following Is a Ilst of abbreviations that may be used in CCC ONE Estimating that are not part of the MOTOR CRASH ESTIMATING GUIDE: BAR=6ureau of Automotive Repair. EPA=Environmenta) Protection Agency. NHTSA= National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration. PDR=Paintless Dent Repair. VIN=Vehicle Identification Number. 1/3/2014 9:20:10 AM 011906 Page 3 LATUFF BROS.,INC. 860 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55104 (651)224-2828 FAX: (651)291-0677 FEDERAL ID#41-0777034 "`PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE•" 07/29/2014 02:07 PM Owner Owner: SANDY TRIEM�RT Address: 169 MCKNIGf�T ROAD N#119 Work/Day: HomelEvening: (B12)73U-0670 City State Zip: Saint Paul,M1AN 55119 FAX: Inspection Inspectioo Date: 07/29/2014 02:06 PM Inspection Typo: Inspection Location: Latuff Brothers Inc Contact: Address: 880 Universit;r Ave Work/Day: (851)224-2�28x FAX: (651)291-0677x City State Zip: Saint Paul,MN 55104 WorklDay: Email: c�enPral@latui(brothers.com P�imary Impact: Front Secondary Impact: � Appraiser Name: MATTHEW HOWARD Appraiser License�: �Repairer � -— Contact: Repairer: Latutt Brothers Inc Address: 880 University Ave Work/Day: (651)22A-2828 FAX: (651)291-0677 Clty State Zip: Saint Paul,MN 55104 Work/Day: , Emall: generalQlatuffbrothers.com Vohicle__ �� _ � 1998 Cadillac Seville SLS 4 DR Sedan 8cyl 4.6 Northstar 4 Speed Automatic Lic Expire: VIN: Unreadable VIN Veh InspN• Mil�age Type: Actual Condition: Code: T3943A Ext.Calor: WHITE DIAMOND PRL Int.Color Ext.Refinish: Three-Stage UserDefined Int. Refinish: Three-Stage Ext.Paint Code: 93/8933 Int.Trim Cude: Options Air Conditioning Alarm System Aluminum/Alloy Wheels Anti-Lock Brakes Auto Load Leveling Automatic Dimming Mlrror Center Console Climate Control For A/C Compact Disc W/Tape Cruise Control Oual Airbags Dual Power Seats Haated Power Mirrors Intermittent Wipers Keyless Entry System Leather Seats Leather Steering Wheel Lighted Entry System Overhead Console Power Brakes Power poor Locks Page 1 d 3 07/29/2014 02:09 PM 1998 GEillec SevNls SLS�DR Seden 07/29/T01�02:W PM qaMn N: Power Steering Power Windows Rear Window Defroster . Rem Trunk-L/Gate Release Side Airbags Strg Wheel Radio Control Tilt Steering Wheel Tinted Glass Traction Control System Dama es Line Op Guide MC Description MFR.Part No. Price ADJ�o B% Hours R Eront Bumoer 1 UC 6 Cover,Front 9umper Replace Reconditioned $431.00' 2.3 SM 2 L 6_ 14 Gover,Front 9umper Refinish 4.8 RF 2.6 Surface 1.0 Three-stagA setup 1.0 Three-stage 3 RI 9 Frame,License Plate R 8�I Assembly 0.2 SM 6Aanu 1 Entrles 4 SB Hazardous Waste Removal Sublet Repair $5.00" SM` 5 N Flex Addi;ive Additional labor $5.00' S�" 5 Items MC Message 14 INCLUDES 1.0 HOURS FIRST PANEL THREE-STAGE ALLOWANCE Estimate Total 8 Ent�ies M��rr � Other PaRs $43�.00 Paint Meterlals ' $168.00 Parts&Material Total $604.00 Tax on Parts&Materlal @ 7.625% $46.06 Labor Rate Replace Repair Hrs Total H�s Hrs Shaat Metal(SM) $55.00 2.5 2.5 $137.50 MechlElec(ME) $85.00 Fr�me(FR) $75.00 Retinish(RF) $55.00 4.8 4.8 $264.00 Paint Materials $35.00 Labor Total 7.3 Hours $401.50 Sublet Repalrs $5.00 Gross Total 51,056.56 Net Total 51,056.56 Alternate Pa�ts No SPPL Yas Zip Code: 55104 Detault Audatex Estimating 7.0.226 ES 07129@014 02:09 PM REL T.0.226 DT 06/0112014 DB O7N 5/2014 Copyright(C)2a13 Audatex North America,(�c. 2.O HRS WERE ADDED TO THIS ESTIMATE BASED ON AUDATEX'S THREE-STAGE REFINISH FORMULA. 07/28/201�02:09 PM Page 2 d:f 19BB Gdillac Savills SLS 4 DR Sadan Cla'm N: 07/28/20U 02:07 PM THIS ESTIMATE HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON THE USE OF ONE OR MORE CRASH PARTS SUPPLIED BY A SOURCE OTHER THAN THE MANUFACTURER OF YOUR MOTOR VEHICLE. WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THESE REPLACEMENT PARTS ARE PROVIDED BY THE PARTS MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR RATHER THAN BY THE MANUF'ACTURER OF YOUR VEHICLE. A PF.RSON WFiO FILES A CLAIM WITH INT�NT TO DEFRAUD OR HET,PS COMMIT A FRAUD AGAINST AN INSURER IS GUILTY OF A CRIME. �Op Codes = User••Entered Value E = Replace OEh� NG= Replaco NAGS EC= Replace Economy OE e Replace PXN OE Srpis UE= Replace OE Surplus E7= Partial Replace Lab�r EP= Replace PXN E U= R e p l a c e R e c y c l e d TE = Partial Replace Price PM= ReplaCe PXN Reman/Reblt UM= Replace RemanlRebuilt L = Refinish PC= Replace PXN Reconditioned UC= Replace Reconditioned TT =Two-Tone SB= Sublet Repair N = Additional Labor BR= Blend Refinish I = Repair IT = Partial Repair CG= Chipguard RI = R&I Assembly ' P = Check AA= Appearance Allowance RP= Related Prior Damac�e This report contains proprietary information of Audatex and may not be disclosed to any third pa�ty(other than � the insured,claimant and others on a need to know basis in order to effectuate the claims process}wlthout ����f�X Audatex's prioc written consent. a orera compinv --..��Copyright(C)2013 Audatex North America,Inc. Audetex Estimatin is a trademark of Audatex North America,Inc. Pega 3 0/3 07/29/2014 02:09 PM