266055 WHI7E - CITY CLERK ^^�^�� PINK - FINANCE TT COI1tlC11 j�� ;j � CANARV - DEPARTMENT G ITY OF SAINT PA l.l L �V �•� BLUE -MAYOR File NO. . � � - ncil Res�lu 'on �--, Presented By Referred To Com it . Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, Tha.t pursuant to La.ws 1975, Cha.pter 426, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby establishes the follow- ing fees for ambulance services provided by the City: (1) Ambulance services using the skills and equipment of the pa.ramedic units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 (2) Regular ambulance emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / �een �X Hunt � In Favor Levine '1 Roedler �� Against BY Sylvester . �!e�ese� President�X Hozza � ' 6 '�<�'� For Approved Ci t ne Adopted by Council: � Date / ` Certified Passe y �ouncil ec�eta�y � BY By � , �/ -- � 7 Approved by Mayor Submission to Cou cil Approve a or: Date By ' vu��;sk�o SEP 2 0 ��'t� . � � ��s�55 A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT, Dated the day of , 1975, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Minnesota, herein- after referred to as "City", and , hereinafter referred to as "Hospital"; WITNESSETH: THE CITY AND HOSPITAL MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Hospital agrees to accept and use its Uest efforts to collect the City's charges for paramedic or ambulance services furnished by the City in conra.ection with the delivery of patients , in need of inedical care to said Hospital. 2. The Citp alone shal3 establish the appropriate charge for such services. 3. The Hospital sha.11 attempt to collect the fee for such services in accordance with its customary billing practices and shall receive in consideration of its services ten percent (10%) of each cha.rge collected for such pa.ramedic or emergency airrbulance services. 4. In the ev�nt tha.t any cha.rge f or pa.ramedic or emergency ambulance services is uncollectible as determined by the Hospital after ninety (90) days fram when it accrued, the Hospital agrees to refer such uncollectible charge or charges to the City, and the Hospital shall ��ot then be entitled to any percentage of the cha.rge then collected. , , IN WITNESS WHEREQF, The parties have cau5ed this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL _—_ A roved as; o o : � Mayor ssistant �.ty A to ey Director, Department of Fina.nce and Management Services Hospital Its 2. � � �- � � ;. . r - ��;6055 : :; � � _ � , �.._ ..a�;:-�, � . � F � � FIRST REGUI�4R SESSION ��'1. 42� a licensed physician, who has been as.gociated with the dlspenseng ot cnrdiac medical care, and, electrocardiogrnm ot the person being treated. cc� xocn��g con��nea in this subsectIon shail tse constraecl to change esist- ing la� as it rel:ites to delegation bp u IlCCased ph,sician of ncts, tasks or functioas to persons other than physician•s trained mobile intensive care pura- medics. (4) �io licensed physician ar registered nurse, who in good faith and in the exercise of reasonable c�re gices emergencp insiructions to a certified phy- sicinn's trainecl moUile ivtensice cure parumedic at the scene oY an emerfiencp, _ � or while in transit to and from Uie scene oP snch emergenc3-,shail be liable for any eiril damages as u result ot issuing such ic�,tructions. (5) No certified physician's trained mobile intensice care parxmedic, �r*ho in $ood faith and in the esemise of reasonabie cnre renders emergency life- sa�ing cure and tmatme�,t :ia set fortt� itt this sul�:�cectin;i, shnil l� liat>ie for anp cirii damages because of rendering such care and treatment. (fl Air quality. (1) Appropriation. Rumsey county mus upproprixte and � spend money in each sear for the improrement and preservatioa of the puri- ty and quality of the aic � , (2) Joint powers. Ra�sey county may enter fato contractual agreements { with another gorernmentat unit, body or grou� of bodies inside or outside i the county witnout regard to whether tl�e other go��ernmental unit, bodp or group of bodies be a unit of state, countp or municipal goremment or a � schoal district, authority, or sgecial district to perform on behai!oL Wat unit, body or group of bodies the improremenL and preservation oi the purity and I qualiLy of the air. (?) Ordinance. Ramses couuty map, bs• ordinance, enact and enlorce rn12s � and regulations controliin; the purity and quality oL the air. No regulution � edopted by the countv pursuant hereto is effectire�sithin t� gocernmentai unit j until ratitied bq the go�erning body of the gocernmentat Lnit afPected. Sec. 3. La�vs 1374, Chapter 43ci, is ameuderl by adding a section to read: t.02072 Paymeni for paramedic service. � Suhdi�isIon 1. T'he gocerning bod,c of the citv of Saint Paul, in eonjuno- �t tion with Lhe operation of its emergencc or paramedic ambulanCe program, f may impose reasonnbie charges for the emergency ar paramedic aznbulance k ser�icea in order to fivance its costs. # Subd. 2. The following person3 st�all not be subjeCt to snch charges: (i) Ans person �rho is elirible for or receicing pvb2ic ussistance under tbe nid Lo i�ilies «ith ciegendent cliit�iren program, bi.it is not eligible for any . fecleratic, state or locally fun3ed public assiscance ��rogram cvhich would pay for such chnrg?5 nor has medicxl, health or acciden£ insurance puIicies which R-ould pay for s�ch chzr�es; or (ii) Any person ��ho, escept for the amount of income or resou.-ces, �-ould qval;fy fue aiil t� f.�trziiic: �vitti dependeat children, is in need of rueclical ass�:u�ncc but is not cii�iiile for any federally, �tate or 3ocEliy fundecl pub- lic as�i�tn:i:e prc�rsm n;hich «•ou:d pay fur such chanc�s nor hus medicai, Lealth or accident l:istarunce policies n•liich a•ould pay for svch charges; or (iii) an3' persote orer 1S yrurs oL �oe, in ueed cf rucdicai care that neither � tie n�>r his retati�c, rts,�•�n,il,le uiic;�r .l!iiinesot:► St:ttute�, a��Ctions �=�6Ii.01 ta ��l;�:.'2+; :irc fin:t��ci,:!t�• :il�l� to Uro��i�ls,, i, nu[ eli�il�l�: for any fedcratly. state or lv�all3• fi�u�?���i ptihIi�� :i.�i�tai:cc ��ru;;r:ini ��iiich ��•ould �>:iy for sucti ciir;r;;c, ar.d Lei�:u tiic�tic�l, i�c:iltli or i:CC1�I�L`L 1113L2':illCl?i)O;1ClCS RYliC11 R011�(� pay f�>:such churr��s. Scc. 4. Thc ,roci�i�na of J.a�.�•s 1��-!, Cl�aptcr 435, Section 1.0°_07(e) and seMions 2 anil 3 of this act st�:ill ;l�o u�iply to the ci[y of .11apie�vood. 1217 s � { � . Q`°a;Y o,�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL c�'� '� O�FICE OF THE C1�����lSTRATOR �� M NiiSi.��: � . . . �L�� . . %.,1. .:_ ,_ nE � �:... .','� THOMAS ). KELLEY 365 City Hafl, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 LAWRENCE D. COHEN M�vo� (612j 298-4928 September 4, 1975 Council President David Hozza and City Council Members 722 City Ha11 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Rez Emergency Ambulance and Paramedic Services Dear Council President Hozza and Members of Council: As you know, the City of Saint Paul is authorized by Minnesota Laws 1975, Chapter 426, Subdivision l, ,to charge reasonable fees to cover the aperating casts of the C�.ty's emergency ambulanee anc� paramedic services. The attached Resolution is necessary to establish fees so that the implementation of a billing program can proceed as out- lined in the attached draft agreement with local hospitals. The suggested fees are based on a detailed cost analysis of the City' s emergency ambulance program conducted by members of my staff and personnel from the Department of Fire and Safety Services. It is expected that your approval of this fee schedule will allow billing for this service to begin in the near future. - I have asked Deputy Chief Robert Pye and others involved in this project to be present at the Council meeting at which this Resolution will be considered to answer any questionS which you might have. Sincer y /�� � ��`�-�'G.�--� ` < `G ��` !� / Thomas J. Kelley I City Administrator ' CC: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen Deputy Chief Robert Pye William N. Swiriduck Chief Stephen F. Conroy Richard E. Schroeder Rose Mix ✓� Michael Casey } .. , , . ���0�� ��� �tEPORT TO THE HQN. LA��'REP1C D. C HEt?, MAYQR ��: i�R+�i: Thomas J. Kelley, C y A in�stratar - � - IaA�fiE: August 13, 1�75 . � �£�►RI>ING: _ Payment �s�r p amedi service. _ • City Attorney' offi e' has drafted a gro- ��� � � ��� �posed��� Zet�ter���o agre� ment between� hospitals � � arid the City a owin the hospitals to act •as :the billing .. gent for the :City� (see at- tached) . City ttor ey' s offiee recommends fihe Council Re luti n attached be subi�i�ted for Council ap oval .so impl,�mentation of : . . _ ,. : : billing progr can �o�eed. ` _� . : - ; .. �, , ; � � � � � ���= Office of the ty � inistrator f �CTI41� REQT�ESTED: ApPr � 1 fo s�ibmiss.ion to City � , . _ Counc i.: _ . '� • ` ,ATTA�3,,�E'�°TS-z. Council '�esolu ' or� e tahlishing reasonabl�:: fees. � ; � Copy of City-h pit� praposed agreement. , ; Copy of amendm t. au horizing City to colleet . - ` . _ reasQnable f s fo �Paramedic and E�tergency ` , -' Ambulanc�` Se ice. ". ` I � ; 1 : ,, -, - _ , .. , - ...._ . ,,. . . . . . :.. . . r:,.. .... .....� .. .. . � � �, �.�. . . . .� - � �. . . -.��r.a.sk.S.,�.�...;. -,.n. .. .. . . . - .�. �� . _ . ,. _, . ... . ��.:.� . . .. .,w.v.�,,: _ . . , . . . . � . � , :�r�, ,