D00905. � r ' C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �roved co to: ADMIl�IISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Cierk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept's Accounting Division I _ � - Requesting Dept No: I Date: � WHEREAS, the Claims Management function was trensferred from the City Attomey's Generel Government Accounts to the Departrnent of Finance General Govemment Accounts, and WHEREAS, the 1996 Adopted Budget reflects expenditures for claims settlements in the City AttAmey's General Government Accounts, and WHEREAS, budget authority for claims settlements should be reflected in the Department of Finance and Management Generel Government Accounts to be consistent with the trensfer of the claims management function, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter a request is made to amend the 1996 Budget as follows: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED • FUND AND ACTIVITY• BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET FROM: Generel Government Accounts City Atorney's Office 007-09070-057 � - SeHlements TO: General Government Accounts Finance and Management Servic OU1-09081-0511 Prepared by: Activity Manager • Requested by: Deparhnent Director 414,357 (700,000) 314,357 0 100,000 700,000 D � -C` _��" `v' �� ` �� � ",b ��' Data Appro by: Mayor Date Date SaintPaui ButlgM�cs (F:4��z31BUDGET1231RE50LUT11 AO_09087 WK4) 04-76-96 �nn/1n!' oeena'c*¢arrovncrr.covaca DAT8Q1RtAtED ���"'(� J , 'veneralGoveavnent 04-16-96 GREEN SHEET NO. 35859 ��.A��g�o� �� c �. � DEPARIMENiOVtECfOR o ��a� DedeDemko 266-8545 � Q c(nermw+EV �z crtrc�uc MUSfBEONCOUNCQ.AGQIDABC�A'IE) q� � BUOCE[OIXEGIOR O Fpf.&MGI'.SEftV[�Sp� Q MAYOR(ORASSLSiAN'n � Cf�FACCOVNTANC TOTAL # OF SIGftATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATLONS FOR SIGNATURE) - AC330NREQUFSfID Budget transfer within General Govemment Accounts. , xFCO�+nwnaYS:nppm.s(n)o�t�y�apq PERSONALSERVICECON'1'RACLSMIJSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQiJESfIONS: YL4NNRiGCOM1A055I0N _CN6$IIWICECOAAUSSION 1.Huthispeesodficmeverworkedunderacantractfocthisdeparunent? cmCOnmurrEe _ YES NO .. p Se� � 2. Has this persoNfi[m ever been a city emptoyce? DISIR[CI'COURT YES NO sureoxrswwtxcouttCaoe�cme? 3. Doa this persodE¢m posuss a skill mt no�ma((y possessed by any curtent city employee? YFS NO . � (Ezpiain all yes aoswers on separete sheet and attach [o green 56cet) plfI1ATING PR06LEM, LS$ti� OPPoRIVMIV {Who, Wbar, M�e�, Kbere, iVhyy. . The Claims Management fundion was transferred from the Ciry Attomey's Office to the Departrnent of Finance and Management Services. At the � time thaz this transfer was done all costs were transferred with the exception of the settlement costs which were budgeted in the Tort Liabiliry Activit in the Adopted Budget The budgeted expenditures need to be transferred to the Tort Claims activiry in order to reflec[ actual wsts associated with ' Claims Management. ADVAN'PAGES�MPROVED: for Ciaims Management witl be reflected in the appropriate Depardnent and activity. - DISMVANTAGESffAPPROVED' , None. RECEkVE� APR 171996 �{TY CLER}� � OISADVANTAG60FNOTAPP20vED Costs for Ctaims Management will not be reflected in the appropriate Deparhnent and acfiviry. F" AMOUNCOFTMNSACC[ON_� O COST/ItEVENUEBUDGEiED(CIRCLEOttE) YES NO . ru mcsouxce �i�P(12�2� FUIIC� wcrmrvm�maex FwnNCw. uvsow�unox, cexeu� � °v sm�rtv,we�apxoir�e �F:44�ubeson xzxxxxxz.wic<) xx-xz-.: