266053 WHITE - CITV CLERK (1��^�,^ PINK - FINANCE COI1I1C11 �'` �� a s CANARV - DEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. v i� �j BLUE - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date N�, Hisplwy lixtar�� t�o�sry at 137 �st IsUad A�esw, Miauap�lia� Mi�es�ta, p� ass�aaN is �sr�r f•s �u�ar� Atiat�r�t e�s 1991► D�naea A�aae, is t6� a�euat �! �13Z.2� iE�L�iD, trat Cau�cil tes�l�tiea 1'ii� �363k�i bt aMaa�d au� tbat saia ass���uat b� aad is l�t�sb�r a�tss�is�d t� b� �107.20 COUNCILMEN Yeas Na� / Requested by Department of: Christensen ', 111�sH�t4� b �Y�Nt =!l111a�f H z }�� In Favor Le ' L6M11'f! �— � Roe er R� Against BY Sy e ter T es SY�' _ . _ eside t Hun�edASes Adopted by Council:�Pf�e� � � s �� For pprove y it t c Certified Pass Eouncil�ec. ary � BY B Approv Mayor: D e Approved by Ma r r for Submission to Co nci �� By B PUBL:s�EO SEP Z 0 #9T5