266048 WH17E,� - CITV CLERK � • COIIIICll 266048
�BI.UE w- MAVOR File NO.
� ' � �rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. I�°I
Presented By
Referred To �/"�'� Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordina.nce amending Cha.pter 6 of the Saint
Paul Admi�n.istrative Code entitled "Department
of Community Services" by creating in tha.t
department a new division to be known as
"Division of Manpower Programs."
Section 1.
That Chapter 6 of the Saint Pau1 Administrative Code entitled
"Depa.rtment of Community Services" is hereb amended by striking and
deleting in their entirety Sections 6.01 (A� and (B) , and inserting
in lieu and in place thereof the following:
"6.01--Department generally.
A. Department established. There is hereby established
an executive department of the city of Saint Paul
to be known as the department of community services.
The head of such department shall be the director,
who, prior to su¢h appointment, shall possess such
qua.lif ications as the counci l ma,y by ordina.nce pro-
vide. The depa.rtment of community services shall be
organized into the divisions of libraries, pa.rks and
recreation, public health, housing and building code
enforcement, and ma.npower programs.
B. Depa.rtmental functions. The depa.rtment of community
services shall be responsible for the administration
and ma.intena.nce of all public libraries and reading
rooms and the coordina.tion of relations with the
Saint Paul council of arts and sc�ences; the admin-
istration and ma.intena.nce of parks, pa.rkways and
playgrounds, including the care and maintenance of
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor
Rcedler Against BY
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�Hl_UE �MAVOR File NO.
• .
� � Ordin�nce Ordinance 1�0. 15�i3�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
trees and shrubbery on public lands; the organization
and programming of community recreation; the admin-
istration of public health programs, the enforcement
. of city housing and building codes, and development
and administration of employment and job training
Section 2.
Tha.t Chapter 6 of the Administrative Cot�e is hereby further
amended by adding a new section thereto to read as follows:
"6.06--Division of Manpower Programs. Within the depa.rtment
of com�nunity services, there sha.11 be a division of ma:n-
power programs. Under the supervision of the director,
the division sha.11 be responsible for:
(1) The design and development of programs providing
employment opportunities and job training services
consistent with the city' s human service plans.
(2) The administration, coordina.tion, and monitoring
of manpower programs, including contracting for
ma.npower and related services with public and non-
profit private agencies.
(3) The preparation of ma.npower program grant applica-
tions in coordina.tion with the Ma.npower Area Planning
Council and the Office of the Budget Director."
Section 3.
This ordina,nce sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
� Hunt � [n Favor
Rcedler _� Against BY
President � HozzB
Adopted by Cou . Date '�N & �TS Form pprove y C' cor
Certified ssed b ounc� Secretary � BY
- l
Appr d by Mayor: ;-Date AN 8 �� Approved by Mayo or Submission to Council
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repor� en C. �. � Ordi�-�ance
�j Rsso�utior�
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� � 1 �..� : Please be advised that the Finance, Management and
Personnel Committee has approved the Ordinance, .
CF 266048 amending Chapter 6 of the St. Paul
Administrative Code entitled "bepartment of
- Community Services", by creating in that department
a new division to be known as "Division of Manpower
_ � Programs".
� This should be removed from the calendar of events.
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This proposal recommends that the City' s manpower function be
organizationally located as a new division of manpower programs
in the Department of Community Services.
The organizational location of the function has never been studied
or specified, and its present location in the Office of the Mayor
is the result of a Charter provision which locates such "homeless"
functions in the Mayor' s Office.
Several considerations are noted which indicate the need for organ-
izational grouping of compatible and related functions, particularly
human services.
Investigation of five alternatives, including no change, leads to
the recommendation of location in the Department of Community Services
for the following major reasons:
1. More than 90� of the activities of the function
are of the line, or direct service delivery, type
located in the City' s four line service departments:
Public Works, Community Services, Police, and Fire and
Safety Services.
2. Manpower services are more related to the human
services of the Department of Community Services
than to any other City services.
3. This location simplifies both City government and
the City ' s human services delivery system.
Implementation involves only amendment of the Administrative Code.
Present location and nature of manpower function
The manpower function is presently located in the Office of the
Mayor by virtue of section 9. 01 of the City Charter which provides
in part that "every office, agency, or function of City government
not otherwise assigned by this charter or by ordinance shall be
included in the office of the mayor . . . " .
� � - �� �. � � ��f Q�8
' This lacation is caused partly by the fact that new programs are
often located in the extended Office of the Mayor until they can
be better integrated into the City organization (examples:
consumer affairs, grant-in-aid) , partly by the fact that the
Federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) legis-
lation emphasizes chief executive program involvement, and
partly by the fact that the location of the function has simply
never been thoroughly considered.
Although the function is commonly referred as "manpower planning"
because of former Federal manpower program nomenclature (e.g. ,
CAMPS -- Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System) , less than
l00 of its activities can be considered as "planning" as the
term is generally used. Virtually all of its activities are
administrative in nature, encompassing such things as subcontract
preparation and implementation, grant management, program and
fiscal monitoring, program coordination, and so on.
New City Charter and Administrative Code
When the new City Charter was implemented in 1972, all City
functions were reviewed and, to a significant extent, reorganized
into more effective staff and line function groupings. The best
example of line function reorganization was the formation of the
new Department of Community Services to encompass human services
previously under the jurisdiction of at least three "old Charter"
CETA legislation
This new Federal manpower revenue sharing program is designed to
increase local flexibility in manpower programming and to achieve
greater coordination 1) among manpower programs, and 2) among
these programs and related human service programs.
1975 City Planning Work Program
This work program, which has been thoroughly reviewed by the Mayor
and City Council, includes the development of an integrated human
service delivery system.
The manpower function has never been studied to determine the
best location for i� in the City organization -- even though the
new City Charter, Federal CETA legislation, and the 1975 City
Planning Work Program all indicate that such a study is necessary
and appropriate.
Determine the best location for the manpower function in the City
. - . : �ss��s
There are four basic criteria to be used in evaluating alternatives:
1. Impact on organization.
-- What kind of impact will a proposed location have
on the City organization?
-- To what degree will it disrupt existing operations?
2. Simplicity.
-- Will the location make City government and City service
delivery simpler or more complex?
3. Relation to other functions.
-- Would the manpower function be compatible with the
other functions with which it is grouped?
-- Are the functions related from the point of view
of services to City residents?
-- Are the functions related from the point of view
of kind of activities (line vs. staff, for example) ?
4. Cost.
-- Would the proposed location effect any immediate
cost increases or decreases?
-- What long-range cost implications does the alter-
native have?
There are five alternatives worthy of consideration:
?. No change. Formalize the function'�s present location
by amending the Administrative Code to provide for an
Office of Manpower Programs in the Office of the Mayor.
II. Personnel Office. Locate the function as a new section
in the Personnel Office.
III. City Planning Office. Locate the function as a new
section in the City Planning Office.
IV. Department of Finance and Management Services. Locate
the function as a new division in the Department of
Finance and Management Services.
V_ Department of Community Services. Locate the function
as a new division in the Department of Community
Alternatives I, II and III are all unsatisfactory because they violate
two cardinal principles of good management and sound organizational
structure. They violate the principle of separating staff support
.� . . ��s���
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� �unctions from line service delivery functions, by locating the line
� maripower function in a staff office (II, III) or envisioning this
line function as a staff office (I) .
In addition, the alternatives do not group like functions/services
together. Alternative I does not even attempt to group the man-
power function with others, while Alternative II groups it with
the "internal" Personnel Office function concerned principally with
the acquisition of personnel for the City organization.
Alternative III groups it with a comprehensive planning function
concerned with many other activities besides human services. Since
none of these alternatives promise simplification or cost savings
greater than do Alternatives IV or V, they are not viable alter-
Alternative IV would strain the "span of control" of the Director of
the Department of Finance and Management Services by increasing the
number of divisions in the department from seven to eight. More
importantly, the manpower function has virtually no relation to
any function in the department. Alternative IV is not a viable
Alternative V might also be considered to strain the span of control
of the Director of the Department of Community Services, increasing
the number of divisions in the department from five to six� except
for the fact that transfer of the Youth Service Bureau program to
a county level (under the Community Corrections Act) is anticipated
in 1976. This alternative satisfies the criteria of relation to
other functions to a much greater extent than the other alternative
by 1) grouping a line function with other line functions, and 2)
locating a human service in the department where all other City human
services are grouped.
While this alternative simplifies City government to the same degree
as do Alternatives II, III, and IV, it also simplifies the City' s
human service delivery system. In addition, while it has the same
short-range cost implications as the other alternatives (namely,
none) , it can certainly be anticipated that further integrating and
simplifying human service delivery will produce long-range savings
through increased efficiency. For all these reasons, the impact
of this alternative on the City organization, far from being disruptive,
would be a beneficial one of increased coordination and productivity.
That Alternative V -- the creation of a new division of manpower
programs in the Department of Community Services -- be implemented.
The only implementation step necessary is appropriate amendment of
the Administrative Code.
No physical move of personnel or budget changes or transfers is
suggested at this time.
� � � [�r�. l�o • I�GI3�
�p��i;a�; OFFIGE OF TEIE bI�YOli ���������
m�u _.
MAY°$ September 2, 1975
Council President David Hozza and
Honorable Members of the City Council
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Dear President Hozza and Council Members:
I am submitting for your consideration an ordinance amending
the Administrative Code to provide for a Division of
Manpower Programs in the Department of Community Services.
The amendment would finally locate this "homeless" function--
the only one not mentioned in the Administrative Code--and
would do so in a manner consistent with the actual activities
of the manpower function and long-range city goals in the
area of human services delivery. Enclosed with the proposed
amendment is an analysis of this change prepared by the City
Administrator and his staff at my request. This change,
incidentally, enjoys the concurrence of all affected city
administrative personnel, including the Manpower Director, and
I hope and trust it will similarly meet with your approval.
If you have any questions about the proposed amendment or the
accompanying analysis, please contact me or Mr. Kelley at your
Sinc rely, /�✓
�� rrrf` � J �3,��,
..��T�-� r'����c
cc: Thomas J. Kelley
Richard E. Schroeder
Donald L. Spaid
Pierre Regnier ���
Robert Piram � �
Richard Thorpe �,�" "
Rose Mix ✓ ,
.�,k..�.. -
! r�.st , �,�� �n �d �� 3
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� 3rd �v��� � Adopted _�
Yeas Nays
HoZ� �sso�� �
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' snvES�x � �