265992 WH17E — CITV CLERK s�����y� PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PATTL Council � l+ CANARY — DEPARTMENT BLUE —yjv1AYOR File N � cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Ordinance No. 13614, having been supplied with reports by the City Forester indicating that Dutch Elm disease exists on trees located on the attached list, hereby finds that such trees are a nuisance within the meaning of Ordinance No. 13614 and directs the City Forester to proceed with their abatement according to law. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen COTC1ITtUrii Se V1Ce � Hunt � In Favor Levine J t Rcedler A gains t BY Sylvester Tedesco President �t Hozza . Adopted by Council: Date � 4 �� c�► pproved b City t ne e Certified s e by Cpunc' ecre y BY dy- By Approved by Ma Date S�� 8 1 Approved ayor f is ' oun il By By P tisH� S I 31 r � ������ CITY QF SA►INT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES QIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION 488-7291 FORESTRY SECTION 1224 No. Lexington Parkway St. Paul, Minnesota 55103 �ist 6, 1975 To: Gerald Prill Superintendent df �arks From: Llayd A. Burkf�older Ass't. Sup�rtntandertt of Parks Sab�ect: Dutch Elm Conddqnatiorts - - - - • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - _ _ _ - _ - - - Enclased for ne�essdry Councit action is a liat of praperties and owaers r�ho have not co�plied with the Dutch Elm Disease Ordfnen�e by removing co�dea�d trees, brush and/or st�s. LAB/�w �� . v ������ NAME & ADDRESS L4C�ITIQ�! - `' CALL-t!P Q�ITE Stuart Csrpora�ior� ,-, Re: Ycnr property � Alt� � . , 7-14-�S-�tY 345 50. 6sle 4fPtcf P��ca- YQUn�n�n - Lot 8 - B�o�ck � - Minn�apa]is, �linnes�ta ; _- , .=�foung�m & La�n's, A�dd. < ,��+r�e+k*��r ° V. Sc�ranm . E1�`loqs`�, �r�tsh d� stw� ia t� 6-18-75-RY - 7� As��± . back y�� Mr. Jacobsa� `= Pos. 7ree '�ag � D�3264 - 7-31-75-RV ° 305 �rie 023�63 Frc�# � s�de yard. �Fll�rlriMk�l�hR�k��r* . '�' . _ M. E. Riff - Pos. Tre�e Taq #� D23x61 - D232b2 - 7-31-7�-R1i '' 313 Erie NW cnrner ot ��k yard. ir,k+r*+�r,�+e*,k,�r , , , , , . �tesid�nt-O�ater Pos. Tree Ta►g � 023252 - Z3��3` �-31-75�RIt `4t}2 �r-1e Qwner � 379b_E. 7th St. ***'�****,k**** Inver �6rove tiei ghts, Mn. � 5ebeata �or�ct. Co. Pos. Tres Tag ,# D1291b Re: the 7-Z8-75-RV 2295 Benson � Pro�rt�r so.�o�' 185Q &1en Te� ' ���� F. T. SStehiy 1 t�ad tr�e tn the back �rard 5-26-75-RV T9I9 Goodrfch �1; Etm log le�fC in badc yard. ,�rr*+t,k�,�,k,ir�r* A�_ �!. 5eto - Elm bt�,sh it� tf� back y�rd. b-3-75-RV _l 677 Ig1 ehafili A°, J. Ry�n Re. Y�ur ro�ier�y �, �7 I�l+�mrt 7-18•75-RY 3t�1:Country Drive Lot 1Q - B�ock 1� - I�rriaun P�irk �r���� �U. R. Rein�ardt Pos. Tree t�g � Di2�22 - OT2923 7-28-)�=�tf 1854 Tvan fn the back yard. � Mr. Nivey Pos. Tre� fieg # D12921 i�t the back 7-28-75-RV � 1856 Ivan yard. *�nr�r*rr+k*� A. .J. Kus�t�nd Pos. Tree Tag # D12919 - �12g20 7�28-75-RV t8�8 Ivan in the back yard. � Robert Mor4n Mixed wood pile in�� back- yard. 6-23-�'��-OT ltl84 N. #,extngt�rt .Rk�►. . ���� - ` � , - ������ - � NAFlE & ADDRESS -,:_ � dC�4TI0N _ CALL-W+ DAt'� � N. N. lirm - � -. - Elm wood pi�le in the baGk yar�d 6-25•75-RV 671 Qrrin �art+r+�rrie�,�r;� _ . . J. W. Enright - .: ('F� Dead elm Lrae in the back yard 6�9•75-Rtl 191 fltis ��r�n�rieir* L. S. Myers Pos. Tree T�g � Ot821 in back yard -".7-18-75•RY 88S Randoi h . @ we�t_s1de. : P ?.: . ,_ +r��r**+� _ - l�r: �ina�an (1) Tre�e `(�inted) south side of 8•22-75-RY 1844 Mt�nster i�cksooc� � 5 14ts rr�st of Madison. ** A. J. Zsctrokke Sr. (i) Deatd �lm fn the back yard. 6��-�-�T�-RY 22?5 RoGt�ood +�wt��+�e�,irrr G. lforga Deed Etm tre� in the l�tt �►ard 6•4-75•RY 1865 Rome ��r�r�r* Lee Perish . (1) Dead E1m tree ia the back`yard. 6-3-75-RY i0�9 St. Anthony - r�*�r#+r�rr+t k. �. Sau��son (1� Dead Elr�"tree in the b�k yard. 1•1•75•�11 _ - 1244 Setby. � _ �. w. lat�erre. Pas. Tree Iag # DT29P6- - side yard. 1-30-75-RY 2042 ii. �:7th St, _. , Mr. J. N. Ito Pos. ?r�e fiag # D12925 in the back y�rd. 2280 W� 7th St. 7-30-75-R� +ir�+Rrr��,ir�,� _ Shepard Park Poa. tr�e Tag � 01838 - 01�83� 7-25-75 , 345 So. &a� 4ffice Plaxa ` S,E.� c:arner Stewart � A1ton. - Minneapolis, Minnesota ** Felta+shtp C1ub Pos. Tree:Tag # D12941 • soutM�rest 7-30-75-RV 680 Stewart corner t�f;:butlding � , �Ran-YieN Post Pfls. 1`r�aee Tag �i D12940 � side o� )-30-75-RY 698 Stewart building � Mr. Eckstr�-� . Pos. Tree� ���g � 012939 back yard. 7-3{f�75-RV .: 74� Stew�rt �r�reir�r , � �,- - , , - ������ I NIIM� 8 AODR�SS IOCATION �� � CAL�.-UP DAT� M. Anckrs�n Pos. Tra�r ta�g # i76$ 5�mpie 7-3+�-75-RY ?54 Stewart In b�ck y�rd. ���� Irvfn liolslager Pos. Tree Ta� � �t2943 in 1`rnnt 7-31-�5-RV 768 Stewart ' yard. * : Ean�a Kuzlka Pos. Tree Tag � Dt84? c.�nter of 7-25-7�-�V 2200 Stewat't fronL yard. �rir __ - i N�i lwawkee Rai i road Re: lfvur praper�y No. of ZZ23 7•28-7'S�RY �Ol 3rd Are. So. St+�ww#rt - Pbs. Tr�ee Tag #Q12918 Mtnneapa�fs, MinM�¢#.a �i 012913 : # Dl��i4 �r�r+��,�►�rrr�r,r,t� Shepa�rd Psrk Pos. Tree.�Tag # Di 84d Re: Your 7�25-75-RY 345 So. Gate t}fftce Pla�a property � 2253 51�trt Miime�polis, Mfnnesota ���,���r 8. A. P�rklns Pos. ?ree tag # D1846 @ center of - 7-24•75-RM 2254 St�w�rt dog Pen• **�r+�+��� Shepard Par4c Pos. Tree Ttg � Q1845, soatt�st 7-25-��5-RY 345 5a. Ga�e Of f f ce Pl�za= corner of'.��ci� yard. ite: �264 iNfnneapai is! Mtnn�sot� Ste�rt ' *�e�r�rs+r�r�r Shep�rd Patrk Pos. Tree Tag # D1843 Re: Your 7-25-75-RY. . 345 Sa. Gat� Offic� Plaaa Rr�op��ty � 229Z S�rart. Minneapolis, Minnestat Shepard Park (1) Dead et� Lree @ r+est side of ; 7-25-75-RY 345 So. Gatt Of#ice Plaza ba�ck yard. Minneapolis, M1r�t�escta , Burbunk Livingst� Griggs Hoc�se {1) Dead e1m tree in ths �.back yard. 6-9-75�RY 432 Sttnmt t Av�. � � : ,�+r+�+r�t�r+�,��r = � . Bridge �epart�ent t7} tr�es (painted) under I�eeto�l� 5-15•75-0T Rooat 216 City Ma�f M Bridge @ �jrlvan St. Paut , Mt�+�esota ' - ��rir+�+a+r+�+r+t+r . - , Carrle LaCourse � :,, - _ Pos. Tree Tag # D1848 - Q1849 tn 7•2$*�XS-RY � 2203 Yonn�am : front �+ard. . +�t,��,��+e* T Re. � Yc�r proqertY east of 2269 7-31-75-RY Harold Ratchtck � :. � - Young�aan. �iw��r��t� B�1�k �dtg. . , �� .