01-899O�1GINAL Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 1. WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legisiative Code § 376.17(c) requires new applicants for a 2 tasicab driver's license to successfully complete a taxicab driver trauung course as a prerequisite 3 for licensure; and 4 5 WHEREAS, § 376.17(d) permits an applicant to obtain a provisional operator license 6 which authorizes the driver to operate until the first available opening in a training class, at 7 which time the applicant must enroll in and successfully complete the class; and 8 Will 9 WHEREAS, Anthony Wright was issued a provisional operator license by the Office of 10 LIEP and was notified of the tasicab driver training course to begin on Monday, Apri130, 2001, 11 but failed to attended and successfully complete the course; now, therefare, be it 12 13 RESOLVED, that the provisional operator license (license ID# 20000005990) issued to 14 Anthony Wright is hereby revoked for failure to enroll in and successfully complete the required 15 taxicab driver training course. Requested by Department of: B ��-+�-� A ,2�..�- Form Approved by City Attorn� BY � ! %� �C/EGG4 ) � �-�" •7+.iii J ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � . F—'� '^� By: Approved by Mayor: Date G4�� By: RESOLUTION Council File # � .. 91 Green Sheet # GC>'�'L�� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �R , Adopted by Council: Date a� rJ , Adoption Certified by Council Se etary DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUIYCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET NO.' LO4L�I1 O 1 _gq9 LIEP July 24, 2001 ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: INI'IIA7/D-ATE INI7IAI1DA7E Virginia Palmer (266-8710) � DEPn�c��r Dm. cirr cour�cn. M[JST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �Ir'N — C1TY AITORNEY _ CITY CLERK FINANCTAL SERV DIIt FAIANCIAL SERV/ACC'IG l�UgUSt 22 2001 (public hearing) FNOh�IBER MAyOR (OR ASS'I.) _ CNIl. SERVICE COMMISSION ROUTTNG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN �QuesTEV: Adverse acrion against the Provisional T�icab Driver's License held by Anthony Wright RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MI1ST AIVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PL.ANNING COMMISSION 1. kizs this pe�son/firm ever worked under a wntract for this department? CIB COMMTTTEE Yes No CNII. SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/finn ever bern a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fimi possess a skill not nocmally possessed by any cuirent ciTy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheM INITIA,TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'UNITY (Who, What, Wheu, WLere, Why): Provisional taa�icab driver licensee Anthony Wright failed to attend and successfully complete the required tasicab driver training course. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Council action necessary to enforce license training requirement. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No penalty will be imposed for failure to attend and successfully complete training. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ WST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVTTY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (ERPLAIN) I:\USERS�PANGBORN�grce�M1ar-wica6MverBwpE T _ •� �s ��� � � ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. RObinson, Jn� CityASOrney �`�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL c;�un�vuro„ Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hal1 IS West%Jlogg Blvd Saint P¢ul, Minnesom 55702 i 7uly 24, 2001 l�OTICE OF HEARING INTENT TO REVOKE PROVISIONAL OPERATOR STATUS Anthony Wright 541 Warwick Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 RE: Taxicab Driver's License ID# 20000005990 Dear Mr. Wright: 7elephorse: 651266-8770 Facsimile: 657 298-5679 The Office of License, Inspections and Environxnental Protection has recommended revocation of your provisional operator status as a taxicab driver based upon your failure to enroli in and successfully complete a taxicab driver training course, pursuant to Saint Paul legislative Code § 376.17(d). Enclosed is a copy of the proposed resolution. Please take notice that a hearing has been scheduled before the Saint Paul City Councii for 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul CiTy HalURamsey County Conrthouse. You will have an opportunity to address the Council at that time. Please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �/a�s��-CQ�' J Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey ���vi.(/� cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Reid Soley, LIEP O�1GINAL Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 1. WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legisiative Code § 376.17(c) requires new applicants for a 2 tasicab driver's license to successfully complete a taxicab driver trauung course as a prerequisite 3 for licensure; and 4 5 WHEREAS, § 376.17(d) permits an applicant to obtain a provisional operator license 6 which authorizes the driver to operate until the first available opening in a training class, at 7 which time the applicant must enroll in and successfully complete the class; and 8 Will 9 WHEREAS, Anthony Wright was issued a provisional operator license by the Office of 10 LIEP and was notified of the tasicab driver training course to begin on Monday, Apri130, 2001, 11 but failed to attended and successfully complete the course; now, therefare, be it 12 13 RESOLVED, that the provisional operator license (license ID# 20000005990) issued to 14 Anthony Wright is hereby revoked for failure to enroll in and successfully complete the required 15 taxicab driver training course. Requested by Department of: B ��-+�-� A ,2�..�- Form Approved by City Attorn� BY � ! %� �C/EGG4 ) � �-�" •7+.iii J ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � . F—'� '^� By: Approved by Mayor: Date G4�� By: RESOLUTION Council File # � .. 91 Green Sheet # GC>'�'L�� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �R , Adopted by Council: Date a� rJ , Adoption Certified by Council Se etary DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUIYCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET NO.' LO4L�I1 O 1 _gq9 LIEP July 24, 2001 ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: INI'IIA7/D-ATE INI7IAI1DA7E Virginia Palmer (266-8710) � DEPn�c��r Dm. cirr cour�cn. M[JST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �Ir'N — C1TY AITORNEY _ CITY CLERK FINANCTAL SERV DIIt FAIANCIAL SERV/ACC'IG l�UgUSt 22 2001 (public hearing) FNOh�IBER MAyOR (OR ASS'I.) _ CNIl. SERVICE COMMISSION ROUTTNG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN �QuesTEV: Adverse acrion against the Provisional T�icab Driver's License held by Anthony Wright RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MI1ST AIVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PL.ANNING COMMISSION 1. kizs this pe�son/firm ever worked under a wntract for this department? CIB COMMTTTEE Yes No CNII. SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/finn ever bern a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fimi possess a skill not nocmally possessed by any cuirent ciTy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheM INITIA,TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'UNITY (Who, What, Wheu, WLere, Why): Provisional taa�icab driver licensee Anthony Wright failed to attend and successfully complete the required tasicab driver training course. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Council action necessary to enforce license training requirement. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No penalty will be imposed for failure to attend and successfully complete training. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ WST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVTTY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (ERPLAIN) I:\USERS�PANGBORN�grce�M1ar-wica6MverBwpE T _ •� �s ��� � � ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. RObinson, Jn� CityASOrney �`�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL c;�un�vuro„ Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hal1 IS West%Jlogg Blvd Saint P¢ul, Minnesom 55702 i 7uly 24, 2001 l�OTICE OF HEARING INTENT TO REVOKE PROVISIONAL OPERATOR STATUS Anthony Wright 541 Warwick Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 RE: Taxicab Driver's License ID# 20000005990 Dear Mr. Wright: 7elephorse: 651266-8770 Facsimile: 657 298-5679 The Office of License, Inspections and Environxnental Protection has recommended revocation of your provisional operator status as a taxicab driver based upon your failure to enroli in and successfully complete a taxicab driver training course, pursuant to Saint Paul legislative Code § 376.17(d). Enclosed is a copy of the proposed resolution. Please take notice that a hearing has been scheduled before the Saint Paul City Councii for 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul CiTy HalURamsey County Conrthouse. You will have an opportunity to address the Council at that time. Please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �/a�s��-CQ�' J Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey ���vi.(/� cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Reid Soley, LIEP O�1GINAL Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 1. WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legisiative Code § 376.17(c) requires new applicants for a 2 tasicab driver's license to successfully complete a taxicab driver trauung course as a prerequisite 3 for licensure; and 4 5 WHEREAS, § 376.17(d) permits an applicant to obtain a provisional operator license 6 which authorizes the driver to operate until the first available opening in a training class, at 7 which time the applicant must enroll in and successfully complete the class; and 8 Will 9 WHEREAS, Anthony Wright was issued a provisional operator license by the Office of 10 LIEP and was notified of the tasicab driver training course to begin on Monday, Apri130, 2001, 11 but failed to attended and successfully complete the course; now, therefare, be it 12 13 RESOLVED, that the provisional operator license (license ID# 20000005990) issued to 14 Anthony Wright is hereby revoked for failure to enroll in and successfully complete the required 15 taxicab driver training course. Requested by Department of: B ��-+�-� A ,2�..�- Form Approved by City Attorn� BY � ! %� �C/EGG4 ) � �-�" •7+.iii J ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � . F—'� '^� By: Approved by Mayor: Date G4�� By: RESOLUTION Council File # � .. 91 Green Sheet # GC>'�'L�� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �R , Adopted by Council: Date a� rJ , Adoption Certified by Council Se etary DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUIYCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET NO.' LO4L�I1 O 1 _gq9 LIEP July 24, 2001 ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: INI'IIA7/D-ATE INI7IAI1DA7E Virginia Palmer (266-8710) � DEPn�c��r Dm. cirr cour�cn. M[JST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �Ir'N — C1TY AITORNEY _ CITY CLERK FINANCTAL SERV DIIt FAIANCIAL SERV/ACC'IG l�UgUSt 22 2001 (public hearing) FNOh�IBER MAyOR (OR ASS'I.) _ CNIl. SERVICE COMMISSION ROUTTNG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN �QuesTEV: Adverse acrion against the Provisional T�icab Driver's License held by Anthony Wright RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MI1ST AIVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PL.ANNING COMMISSION 1. kizs this pe�son/firm ever worked under a wntract for this department? CIB COMMTTTEE Yes No CNII. SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/finn ever bern a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fimi possess a skill not nocmally possessed by any cuirent ciTy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheM INITIA,TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'UNITY (Who, What, Wheu, WLere, Why): Provisional taa�icab driver licensee Anthony Wright failed to attend and successfully complete the required tasicab driver training course. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Council action necessary to enforce license training requirement. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No penalty will be imposed for failure to attend and successfully complete training. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ WST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVTTY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (ERPLAIN) I:\USERS�PANGBORN�grce�M1ar-wica6MverBwpE T _ •� �s ��� � � ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. RObinson, Jn� CityASOrney �`�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL c;�un�vuro„ Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hal1 IS West%Jlogg Blvd Saint P¢ul, Minnesom 55702 i 7uly 24, 2001 l�OTICE OF HEARING INTENT TO REVOKE PROVISIONAL OPERATOR STATUS Anthony Wright 541 Warwick Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 RE: Taxicab Driver's License ID# 20000005990 Dear Mr. Wright: 7elephorse: 651266-8770 Facsimile: 657 298-5679 The Office of License, Inspections and Environxnental Protection has recommended revocation of your provisional operator status as a taxicab driver based upon your failure to enroli in and successfully complete a taxicab driver training course, pursuant to Saint Paul legislative Code § 376.17(d). Enclosed is a copy of the proposed resolution. Please take notice that a hearing has been scheduled before the Saint Paul City Councii for 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul CiTy HalURamsey County Conrthouse. You will have an opportunity to address the Council at that time. Please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �/a�s��-CQ�' J Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey ���vi.(/� cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Reid Soley, LIEP