265945 WH17E - CITY CLERK 1 /V�y��
PINK - FINANCE COl1TlC11 �t �✓
� ouncil e lu ' n
Presented By `
Referre{d To ommittee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, Section 810 (a) of the Housing and Community Development Act
of 1974 authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development to transfer without payment to a unit of general local govern-
ment or a state or public agency designated by a unit of general local
government or a state, certain real property suitable for use in an urban
homestead program which meets the requirements of Section 810 (b) of said
Act; and
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Devel-
opment has invited the City of Saint Paul to participate in its Urban
Homesteading Demonstration implementing the urban homesteading provisions
of Section 810 (b) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; and
WHEREAS, the Secretary o£ the Department of Housing and Urban Devel-
opment has requested the City to submit an Application by August 29 , 1975
if the City desires to participate in said Urban Homesteading Demonstration
which Application must include a homesteading plan approvable by the
Secretary and certain other documentation; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul desires to participate
in the Urban Homesteading Demonstration and to therefore designate an
appropriate local entity to be responsible for administering an urban
homesteading program and for submitting an Application to participate
in the Urban Homesteading Demonstration on behalf of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota; and
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith Against BY
Mme.President Butler
Form Approve y C y Att ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved�by M r for Submission to Gouncil
WH17E - CITY CLERK 2�5945
BLUF� - MAYOR File NO. �
- Council Resolution
� �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of
Saint Paul, Minnesota is a public body corporate and politic, duly
organized pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Housing and
Redevelopment Act, 1974 Minnesota Statutes �462.411 et seq. , and having
all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of said
Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act including the following powers :
(a) To accept from the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development the transfer without payment of any real property within
the City of Saint Paul to which the Secretary holds title, the
statutory source of said power being 1974 Minnesota Statutes �462.445,
Subd. 1 (6) and (7) ;
(b) To conditionally convey unoccupied residential property to an
individual or a fam�.ly without any substantial consideration, the
statutory sou�ce of said power being 1974 Minnesota Statutes
�462:525, Sub�. �9, and �462.445, Subd. 1 (5) ; and
(c) To assist in or undertake the financing of the rehabilitation of
real property conveyed to persons selected as homesteaders
pursuant to the provisions of a local homesteading plan, the
statutory source of said power being 1974 Minnesota Statutes
�462. 525, Subd. 1;
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of
Saint Pau1, Minnesota, by its Resolution No. 75-8/20-7, did adopt and
approve certain guidelines for the administration of a local urban
homesteading program and certain other documentation entitled, "Application
For Urban Homesteading Demonstration" which appears to meet the requirements
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hun t
Konopatzki In FaVOr
Meredith Against BY
Mme.President Butler
Form Approved b Cit ttorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy By
WHITE - CITY CLERK 1 ������ � �
= Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
of an Application for local participation in the Urban Homesteading
Demonstration described above; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul intends to designate
the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota as the unit of general local government or public agency to
carry out a local urban homesteading program and to make Application to
the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development to
participate in the Urban Homesteading Demonstration described above.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint
Paul as f ol lows:
l. That the Council does hereby declare its desire that the City
of Saint Paul shall participate in the Urban Homesteading Demonstration
being undertaken by the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development, pursuant to Section 810 of the Housing and Community Develop-
ment Act of 1974 .
2. That the Council does hereby find that the Housing and Redevelop-
ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota is a public body
corporate and politic capable of carrying out a local urban homesteading
program pursuant to Section 810 of the Housing and Community Development
Act of 1974.
3. That the Council does hereby designate the Housing and Redevelop-
ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as the unit of general
local government or public agency to carry out a local urban homesteading
program in the City of Saint Paul through participation in the Urban
Homesteading Demonstration described above.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hun t
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith � Against BY
Sprafka _
Tedesco ,
Mme.President Butler
Form Approve by C'ty Attor
Adopted by Council:. _ Date
- ���
Certified,_P�ssed y�dunci ta By
� . \ - " �
Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy By
� �� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
4. That the Council does hereby direct the Housing and Redevelop-
ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to submit a timely
Application to the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development to participate in the Urban Homesteading Demonstration
described above, together with such administrative guidelines and other
documentation as may be necessary in conjunction with said Application.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Ko opat�8�� In Favor
vine •�� O
edith�ayjrp Against BY
pr ka ��
ede o��
Mme. reside
TedEi00 � Z� � Form Approved Cit Attorney
Adopted by Coun ' �
Certified�P'as ed ouncil S retary• BY
Appro Ma or• e Approved by M y r f Submission to Council
�us�is�t��-A1l6 3 019
55 East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 01. Edward N.Helfeld,executive director.phone 298 52 18
� � ���"
Mr. William Q. Patton August 20, 1975
Community Development Coordinator
366 City Hall Annex RECEIVFD
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
AU G 2 2 1975
Re: Urban Homesteading Demonstration Program �RQNI-1N•AID P_ROGRAM�
Dea.r Mr. Patton:
At this afternoon's Board of Commissioners meeting the attached application and guide-
lines were approved for an Urban Homesteading Program for Saint Paul. I am requesting
that this program be brought before City Council for approval at the earliest possible
date. As you are aware, we have a time deadline of August 29 to have this application
into the HUD office in Washington, D. C.
There are certain minor technical modifications that may be necessary over the next
few days. I will inform you of the status of these prior to City Council action.
Please advise as to how many copies you need for submission to City Council.
• ���.'°�.
Allan Bloc
Deputy Renewal Director
cc: Bruce Beneke
Dorothy Schlesselma.n
Robert Sylvester, Donald P. Del Fiacco, David H. Houa, Willie Mae Wilson, Kenneth J. Lynch, Ron Madtlox, Mary Ann Sutleith t�s�lAp�°„o
� _ : ��5 �
. , �
, DA�.r M�r7' Ann� �„_._ �G(/(.
In re�din� over th� fin�l drAf'.t of the Guidelinea for ' �
IIrbs�n Homeste�din�, it see�s to me thAt two ch�ngea ���
� ahould be suggc�tcd;
1) Section �.3 - 6�. �hould be cY►_9nged to read; �
"The percentage o�' the �pplica.nt� s grosa inco�te
s�llowed i'or housing-rclated axpenses, �fter
eoMplction of reh�bilitation, should be deter�ined
' according to tn.e Guidolines of the loa�n program
which the applic�nt intends to uae to f inance the
2) Section 9o3A shou2d be chu� ged to read;
. �'An� Homeateador or �nq applicant aelected in
the first lotterv��;onsii��A�i�h��Fe gro�3�ions �
' O S�c ion �a�wno iee � ���;r cve � tna
� �, inzs rata.on or �pplication of the Urban Ho�e-
ateading Progr�.�. r�ay appe�l the �ri�v�nce to
. tho Appc�.ls Cor�itteeo" .
.� ' Alwo, one quc3tion ca.rne up which should probabl7 be �sked
� ���' �,�of the Reha.b Staff: �C�n 312 loan� b� �ade Av�3lablc to�
` persor�s undor the le�.ffic a�gr•e��ent? In other word�+, a�re .
non-owner$ el�gible under the guideline3 of the progran,
� would. also like to $ugge st th�.t the Board be madc aw�re
oP the ti:ae constr::int� undcr which theso guidelines were
drAf�edo A conaequence of those constra.ints im that ��
it will probably be neces��.r� to suggeat sor.ie technica.l.
ch�.ngc� to the guidelinea at the tir�e ths�t the De�on�trs�-
tion Grant Application ia oithcr a�pproved or denied, �uch
change s would be of the tgpogr�.phic�.l error tTpe' rather
th�n of .a aubsta►ntiv� nat��see
. �
. `�'� �_^-�
t � . . �
� ;
. ,
. �
� VI.B.8
REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS � QATE august is, 1975 ���9��
On Friday, August 1, the Housing Task Group met to discuss the possibility of applying
for funding for HUD's Urban Homesteadin� Demonstration. The funding is available through
Section 810 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Nationally there are
two amounts available: $5 million for purchase of HUD-owned properties, and $S million
in 312 rehabilitation loans to be provided to homesteaders. Application is made directly
to the Washington HUD office and must arrive by August 29, 1975.
If Saint Paul is designated as one of the cities for the HUD Demonstration Program, it
is expected that the city of 3aint Paul will contract with the Housing and Redevelopment
:uth;,rit� tc �d...�:.ister tha grcgr4m. It has bzer. determir.e� tr.�t existir.g reha�i�ita�
tion, .administration, and planning personnel could staff the program.
The target areas chosen by the Housing Task Group are Su�nit-University, Thanas-Dale, aad
the West Side (boundaries used are consistent with the districts recently approved by
the City Council for citizen participation.) These areas have been chosen because o£
the concentration of HUD-owned properties contained in them (S.U. - 11, T. D. - 3, and
West Side - 4) . Application is being made for 18 properties; however, they may not be �
exactly the same properties that are shown on the application maps because of the turn-
over in HUD properties which may occur by the time the program is put into action.
The attached guidelines describe the procedures necessary to implement the program. �
There are several other parts to the ap�lication, including a time line and documentation
supporting the choice of target areas. Because of the extremely limited time available,
these parts were not completed in time to be mailed to the Commissioners. They �will,
however, be available at Wednesday's meeting.
AUGUST, 1975
� ��59�5
In the past few years, the city of Saint Paul has made a strong commitment to
• neighborhood preservation. Seeing the preservation of the existing housing
stock as the backbone of this effort, the City sought enabling legislation from
the State Legislature to make possible the sale of municipal bonds to £inance
a local housing rehabilitation loan and grant program. In a special attempt to
achieve maximum impact with the program's limited resources, the City chose to .
place the majority of the available funds in six concentrated areas around the
city. In addition to a guaranteed availability of funds, these concentrated
areas receive public improvements, without assessment to the home owners. Com-
munity organization efforts were made a part of the program for the purpose of
securing neighborhood, as well as individual, coa�mitment to preservation efforts.
Strong, active neighborhood organizations in Saint paul are an important element
fu the C�ty'S Luuuuitu�t�t tu pY�sei`vE: the ��isting .►�using s��ck. �uGii.
organizations have been responsible for initiating the following efforts:
1. The passage of a "red-lining" ordinance, which makes illegal the
practice of not granting loans in certain areas of the .City by private
lenders simply because the area is not considered a good risk.
2. The passage of a vacant buildings ordinance, which requires the regis-
tration of vacant buildings with the City and imposes a fine for failure .
to comply.
3. The use of a group contracting, which allows several home owners, all
of whom intend to have the same kind of rehabilitation work done (e.g.,
electrical wiring) , to realize savings by contracting jointly with
one contractor. �
In addition to these efforts, neighborhood organizations expressed their commit-
menC to neighborhood preservation in their requests for Community Development
funds i.n the first year. Proposals from virtually every neighborhood included
substantial requesta for housing rehabilitation funds.
Interest in housing preservation programs continues. The foZlowing is a
partial list of programs that are now in the developmental stages:
1. The development of a housing information service, which would pravide
call-in and walk-in services on a broad range of housing matters.
2. The development of a home maintenance program which would allow home
owners to purchase an ongoing maintenance arrangement to keep homes
in good condition at low cost. _
An Urban Hamesteading Program is considered an important element in preserving
Saint Paul's existing housing stock. Vacant houses have long been a perplexing
problem to .those hoping to revitalize older, inner-city neighborhoods. City
officials and neighborhood groups have sadly watched as basically sound houses,
which could have provided homes for families, have fallen to the wrecking ball.
Their inability to make the purchase of these homes economically feasible is
a sou�ce of constant frustration. They have seen not only the waste of destroy-
ing such structures, but also the detrimental effect which vacant houses have
� had on the surrounding area.
The city of Saint Paul sees the HUD Urban Homesteading Demonstration program
as a valuable opportunity. to initiate an ongoing Urban Homesteading Program.
It is the intention that the Demonstration Project will provide only the first
stage in a larger program aimed at eventual elimination of deteriorated vacant
housing in the city of Saint Paul.
-2- Introduction
. . ��5945
The following pages contain:
1. Staff Counsel's opinion stating that the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority is empowered to perform the functions necessary for
implementation of the Urban Homesteading Demonstration.
2. Saint Paul City Council Resolution which specifies the Housing and
xedevelopment Authority as the entity empowered to carry out the
Urban Honaesteading Demonstration, .
3. The Urban Iiomesteaders Lease and Purchase Agreement.
4. Condition com�eyance agreement including conditions to be met by
Homesteader and acts which constitute a breach of agreement. This
is contained in the above Urban Homesteaders Lease and Purchase
5. Descrigtion of ??ox�stea3er Selecti�n Process
, a. The City is anticip.ating a significant amount of interest in this
program and a large. number of applications for each property to
be made available. In order to ensure that applications can be
processed in a timely, efficient and equitable manner, a double
lottery system shall be instituted for each property.
b. This double lottery system will function as follows; In the
first lottery, tweaty applicants' names shall be drawn. The
Authority together with interested neighborhood organization
representatives pursuant to Section 7.11 of these guidelines
and procedures will then consider the applicants to determine those
who could qualify for the program. In the event that there is more
than one of the twenty applicants who could qualify, a second lot-
, tery shall be held to select the principal homesteader.
, c. In carrying out application selectioa, the following procedures
shall be utilized: •
(1� Properties shall be advertised as being available��through
Chis program for a period of two weeks.
. -3- Application Documentation
� � � . . � ����45
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� ,�o,�� rt����� � ATTOR, I�TEYS 4PINION
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DATE: August 15, 1975
RE6ARDING: Urban Homesteading Demonstration Application Pursuant To
Section 810 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
I, the undersigned attorney for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the
City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (hereinafter "HRA") , do hereby certify that the
HRA has al� the necessary power and authority to implement a local homesteading
pl an as requi red by Secti on 810(b) of the Housing and Corrmuni ty Devel opment Act
of 1974.
Specifically, the HRA is a public body corporate and politic, duly organized
pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, 1974
Minnesota Statutes �462.411 et seq. , and thereby is empawered under Minnesota
law as follows:
1. The HRA is empowered to accept from the Secretary of the Department
. �of Housing and Urban Development {he reinafter the "Secretary") the
transfer without payment of any real property within the City of
Saint Paul , its area of operation, to which the Secretary holds title.
. Thn rt�t��+nv.v rn���nnn� �R r��.l nn�.rnv. n lA7/� M4r�nn�-n}� C+�+���-�r .
• �1 �. J IAYMNVI,' JVM/ VI.J VI JUIIA fJVYV�.I (All. YJ/T 1'llllll\.JVVtA J{.U{.MV<.J
. �462.445, Subd. 1 (b) and (7).
2. The HRA is empowered to conditionally convey unoccupied residential
property to an individual or a family without. any substantial
. consideration. The statutory sources of said power are 1974 Minnesota
Statutes §462.525, Subd. 9, and §462.445, Subd. 1 (5)..
3. The HRA is empowered to assist in or undertake the financing of the
rehabilitation of real property conveyed to persons selected as
homesteaders pursuant to the provisions of the abov� mentioned local
homesteading plan. The statutory sources of said power are 1974
Minnesota Statutes §462.525, Subd. 9.
anie B. Jo nson, Staff Counsel
601 Northwestern Bank Building
55 East Fifth Street
� Saint Paul , Minnesota 55101
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THIS AGREEMENT made this day of ,
19 , between the
hereinafter referred to as the "HRA"
. ,
�ointly and separately, hereinafter
referred to as "Homesteader" �
WHEREAS, the HRA, acting pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section
462.415 to 462.711, desires to foster development and use of unpro-
ductive real property; to� bring substandard buildings and improvements
in compliance with public standards for decent, safe, and sanitary
housing; and to provide home ownership opportunities to qualified
agpl.icants; and
WHEREAS, the HRA, in order to carry out these purposes, desires
to lease and ultimately to convey in fee simple the property herein-
� after described to the Homesteader for a nominal consideration; and
WHEREAS, the success of the Urban Hoiuestead Program requires
strict compliance by the Homesteader with the terms, agreements,
covenants, and conditions hereinafter more particularly set forth
to the end that any violation or failure of performance thereof
or any of them shall cause immediate forfeiture pursuant to the
terms hereinafter provided.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained
� herein, the� HRA and the Homesteader do hereby agree as follows:
1. The HRA and the Homesteader shall accept the obligations
and responsibilities imposed upon the respective parties to this
2. The HRA does hereby agree to demise and lease and ultimately
to convey to the said Homesteader and the latter does hereby agree
to rent and to ultimately purchase from the former together with
the improvements thereon and subject to any easements and/or restric-
tions, if any, the following property, known as
, situate and lying in e i y o
Paul, County o Ramsey, State of Minnesota, and legally described as
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• follows, to-wit: �
Said premises shall hereinafter be referred to as "Homestead. "
3. The purchase price to be paid for the Homestead shall be �
Dollars �
) . As urther consi eration, the Homesteader
does hereby agree to rehabilitate said Homestead as hereinafter
4. The HRA has simultaneously herpollars�($itted _ �
to the Homesteader pursuant to the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan and �
Grant Program, as evidenced by a copy of a Promissory Note attached
he re
to as Exhibit "A" , the proceeds of whi.ch shall be used to finance �
rehabilitation of the Homestead as hereinafter provided. Following
completion of all rehabilitation work and conveyancing of fee simple ,
title, the parties to this Agreement shall execute mortgage documents ;
attached hereto as Exhibit "B" .
5. At all times during the term of this lease �and first three
(3) years following the transfer of title, the Homesteader shall
occupy and use the Homestead for residential purposes only. The
Homesteader shall not utilize said property for the production of
income during said time. Production of income' shall not include
payments to the Homesteader in compensation for providing board and
room to blood relatives of the Homesteader.
6. Prior to conveyance of fee simple title and during the f
period of the lease as hereinafter provided, but not after, this
agreement is binding upon the contracting parties alone, is not
assignable, and shall not be binding or inure to the benefit of the
heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns of the
7. The HRA, in consideration of the rent and covenants herein-
after mentioned, does hereby demise, lease and let unto said Home-
steader, and said Homesteader does hereby hire and take from the HRA
the above described premises, far a maximum term of
( ) months, commencing on the day of •
19 , and ending on the day o� � '
both dates inclusive unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided.
8. The Homesteader shall occupy the Homestead only after an
occupancy certificate •is issued by the HRA, such certificate to be
issued only upon compliance with provisions of Section 10, C. 1. ,
of thi� agreement or at such earlier time as it may be determined
_ _ _ _ . _
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by the HRA that the Homestead is safe and habitable. Such occu-
pancy certificate shall merely authorize occupancy and shall in
no way warrant the condition or state of repair of any bui�ldings,
improvements, and/or equipment on or in the Homestead.
9. The Homesteader shall pay the HRA as consideration for
rental for the term provided in Section 7, above, the sum of One
Dollar and no/100 ($1. 00) .
10. The Homesteader, shall as additional consideration, agree
to the following:
A. To alter, repair, improve, rehabilitate, or construct
on the Homestead, at his sole cost and expense, in accordance
with the plans and specifications contained in Exhibit "C"
attached hereto and made a part hereof or as modified by
agreement of the parties hereto and evidenced by a writing
B. To commence such rehabilitation or construction
not later than thirty (30) days after the date of execution
of this agreement.
C. To complete all rehabilitation and construction
work in accordance with the City of St. Paul Housing and
Building Codes pursuant to the following provisions:
. 1) To complete such minimal repairs as mav be
determined by the HRP, ta be necessary in
order to make the HomeStead safe and
habitable, within ninety (90) days of
commencement of work as provided in B.
above. In the event that th� Homestead
shall have been condemned as "Unfit for
Human Habitation" by an appropriate
enforcement officer of the City of St.
Paul, the Homesteader, within ninety
(90) days of commencement of work as
provided in B above, shall also make
such repairs as said officer may require
as minimally necessary to secure said �
off icer' s written approval to use the
' Homestead for human habitation. The
Homesteader shall not occupy the Fiome-
stead until the requirements of this
subparagraph C.1. have been satisfied.
2) To complete all rehabilitation and con-
struction work within ( )
months after the date of execution of
this agreement, which time period shall
not in any case exceed twenty-four (24) �
months. Such time period has been deter-
mined by the parties hereto in accordance
� with the amount of such rehabilitation
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and construction which is to be performed
by outside 'contractor (s) and/or by the
D. To secure any and all permits and approvals required
by the City of St. Paul to perform any and all of the work
contemplated to be done or performed by the Homesteader,
� and to pay any and all fees and charges due to and collec-
ted by the City of St. Paul in connection with the
issuance of any such permits and approvals.
E. To pay and discharge punctually any and all •
charges and rents due to and collected by any and all
private utility company (s) and governmental unit(s)
for utility services of any kind whatsoever during the
term hereof.
F. To comply with such additional reasonable
terms as the HRA may designate in order to insure
that the rehabilitation of the Homestead is success-
fully completed.
11. During the time period provided in Section 10, C. , above,
the Homesteader shall permit periodic inspections by the various
City of St. Paul inspectors and/or HRA rehabilitation counsellors
, ^ -�ctice, pr�vidir_� for � m„t„a?i� cnn��Pn�Pnt �imP;
upon r�us�;.ab�� , -�
for a determination by these inspectors and/or counsellors that
reasonable, satisfactory progress, as defined by the HRA, is
being made by the Homesteader in rehabilitating or constructing the
A. Except as provided in Section 10, C. 1, above,
the Homesteader shall be permitted to occupy the
Homestead prior to completing such rehabilitation
and construction work as is required by paragraph 10
� above. If, as a result of a periodic inspection,
such inspectors and/or counselors determine that a
hazardous condition exists in or on the Homestead,
which condition may endanger the health or safety of
the occupants, the City of St. Paul and/or the HRA
� � may require the Homesteader to correct such hazardous
condition in accordance with the time provisions of the
City of St. Paul Housing Code.
B. If, as a result of a periodic inspection, the
HRA concludes that the Homesteader is unable or un-
willing to proceed reasonably or satisfactory toward �
fulfilling the objectives and conditions of this section;
or that satisfactory progress has not reasonably been
forthcoming for any other reason within the control
of the Homesteader, the Homesteader may be required
to retain a contractor approved by the HRA to complete
' the remaining rehabilitation or construction work, or
to surrender and quit the Homestead and thus terminate
all Homesteader' s rights in the lease upon thirty (30)
days' notice by the HRA.
-4- �
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� • C. Any Homesteader who receives notice to quit
provided in B, above, may come before the HRA Board
of Commissioners and is entitled to present any
defenses to termination by reason of this section
which said Homesteader may desire to present, and
said Board of Comr.iissioners shall at that time
render a final decision not reviewable by any other
entity of the City of St. Paul.
D. If the Homesteader is required to surrender
and quit the Homestead prior to the completion of
rehabilitation or construction and/or conveying of
fee simple title, the HRA shall apply any recovery
made in the subsequent sale or use of the Homestead
toward reimbursing the Homesteader for the amount of
any payments theretofore made in satisfying the
promissory note executed by the parties pursuant �
to the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program,
and any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Home-
• steader and/or the reasonable value of his personal
, labor which expenses and labor are determined by the
HRA to have materially contributed to the increased
value of the Homestead.
12. The Homesteader� agrees that when rehabilitation upon said
Homestead is completed the use of said Homestead shall be a permitted
use under the City of St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and the Urban Renewal
P1an or DPVP].c�pment District Plan �f ��i� u�mestead is locate� wit::�:.
a designated renewal area.
. 13. During the lease .period provided in Section 10. , C. ,
� above, the HRA shall provide, maintain and keep in force fire and
extended coverage insurance protecting and covering the YRA' s
interest in the Homestead and the amount of any loan executed
through the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program evidenced
by the promissory note attached hereto as Exhibit "A" . In the event '
the Homestead is destroyed during said lease period, this agreement
shall become null and voict and of no further effect, and the proceeds
from insurance required under this term shall be applied first to
the reduction of said promissory note and secondly toward reimbursing
the Homesteader for the amount of any payments theretofore made
in satisfying said note.
A. The Homesteader shall not in any manner do, permit
or suffer any act or thing in or upon the Homestead which may
make void or voidable any insurance required under this term
of the agreement.
B. The Homestead shall furnish and keep in force fire
and extended coverage insurance following conveyance of fee
simple title in accordance with provisions of the mortgage
to be simultaneously executed therewith which is attached
hereto as Exhibit "B" .
14: The Homesteader shall be in exclusive control and possession
of the Homestead, as provided herein, and the HRA shall not be liable
for any injury or damage to any property or to any person happening
� -5-
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on or about the Homestead, or for any injury or damage to the Home-
stead, or to any property of the Homesteader, or o£ any other
person contained therein. ,
A. Provisions hereof permitting representatives
of the City of St. Paul and/or the HRA to enter and inspect
the Homestead are made solely for the purpose of enabling
the HRA to be informed as to whether the Homesteader is
. complying with the agreer.lents, terms, covenants, conditions
B. The Homesteader shall indemnify and save harmless
the HRA from and against all costs, expenses, liabilities,
losses, suits, claims and demands of every kind or nature
by or on behalf of any person whomsoever arising out of any
accident, injury, or damage which shall happen in, on, or
about the Homestead and on the streets, alleys, and sidewalks
adjacent thereto, and for any matter or thing growing out of
the condition, occupation, maintenance, alteration, repair
or use of the Homestead during the term thereof.
15. At the commencement of the lease term hereof, the Homesteader
shall accept the buildings, improvements, and any equipment on or in
the Homestead in their existing condition and state of repair, and
the HRA covenants that no representation, statement or warranties
expressed or implied, have been made by or on behalf of the HRA
in respect thereto and that the Homesteader has inspected the
F�omestead prior hereto, and that tne tiiu� snall in no event be
liable for any latent defects therein.
� 16. If at any time during the lease term hereof, the Home-
steader shall:
A. Abandon the Homestead and such abandonment
shall continue for a period of five (5) days after
written or published notice by the HRA; or
B. Assign or sublet in whole or in part, except
as provided herein, the Homestead and such assignment
or sublease shall continue for a period of fifteen (15)
days after written or published notice by the HRA; or
C. Default in complying with any other agreement,
term,� covenant or condition of this agreement, and if
such default shall continue for a period of sixty (6Q)
' days after written notice of the HRA specifying a claimed
default, and if the Homesteader shall fail to commence
� in good faith, appropriate action within said period to .
remedy such default, or fail to diligently and continu-
ously proceed therewith;
Then, in any event, the HRA may distrain for
any breach of covenant contained herein on the part of
the Homesteader to be performed after due notice herein-
after has been given, and upon such distrain, at the
option of the HRA, this agreement shall become null and
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' void and of no further effect, and all improvements made
to the Homestead shall become the property of the HRA.
The HRA shall apply any recovery made in the subsequent
sale or use of the Homestead toward reimbursing the
Homesteader for the amount of any payments theretofore
made in satisfying the promissory note executed by the
parties pursuant to the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan
and Grant Program, and any out-of-pocket expenses
incurred by the Homesteader and/or the reasonable value
of his personal labor which expenses and labor are deter-
mined by the HRA to have materially contributed to the
increased value of the Homestead.
17. If and where the conditions of Section 10, hereof, are �
fulfilled, as determined and certified by the HRA, the HRA shall
issue a certificate of completion and shall execute all documents
necessary to convey a marketable fee simple title by Quit Claim
Deed, attached hereto as Exhibit "D" , to the Homesteader subject
only to the condition that the Homesteader shall occupy and use
the Homestead for residential purposes only for a period of three
(3) years from the date of transfer of title. The costs of trans-
fer, including title examination, conveyancinc�, documentary stamps,
and transfer and recordation tax shall be paid by the Homesteader.
Any property taxes shall be levied during the year in which fee
simple title is conveyed shall be apportioned pro rata between
the HRA and the Homesteader.
A. ,�uring such tnree �sj �ear period, the Home-
steader shall not vacate the Homestead and retain owner-
ship of said property not utilize said property for the
� pro�.uction of income while continuing to occupy and use
the Homestead for residential purposes. Production of
income shall not include payments to the Homesteader in
compensation for providing board and room to blood
relatives of the Homesteader. In the event the Home-
steader sha11 in any manner violate this term of the
Agreement, the HRA sh�all have the right to re-enter
and take possession of the property and to terminate
and revest in the HRA the estate conveyed by the Quit
Claim Deed to the Homesteader, its assigns or successors
in interest. The HRA shall apply any recovery made in
. the subsequent sale and use of the Homestead toward
� reimbursing the Homesteader for the amount of any pay-
ments� theretofore made in satisfying the promissory note
and the mortgage securing the same executed by the parties
� pursuant to the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant
Program, and any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the "�'
Homesteader and/or the reasonable value of his personal .
labor which expenses and labor are determined by the
HRA to have materially contributed to the increased
value of the Homestead.
B. In the event, the Homesteader shall sellthe
Homestead within three (3) years from the date of transfer
of' title, the Hamesteader shall pay the HRA a percentage
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' of any increased value received upon the sale of
the Homestead.
1) The amount of increased value, to which
the percentage shall be applied, shall be
determined by subtracting
Dollars ,
� representing t e indebtedness originally
incurred by the Homesteader at the time
of the execution of this agreement, and
any �xpenses incurred by the Homesteader
to market the Homestead, including the
payment of any property taxes from the
price at which the Homesteader sold the
. property.
2) The percentage paid to the HRA shall be:
. a) Ninety percent (90$) , if sold within
the first year since abtaining title;
. b) Sixty percent (60�) if sold during
the second year since obtaining title;
c) Thirty percent (30�) if sold during
the third year since obtaining title.
3) In the event of hardshig, ths ARA may elect
to waive this repayment provision.
� � C. The Homesteader shall agree to maintain the Home-
Homestead, following completion of renabilitation or con-
struction and transfer of title, in accordance with all
electrical, plumbing, building, fire prevention, and
related codes of the City of St. Paul.
D. This agreement shall, from and after the date of
transfer of title, bind and inure to the benefit of the
heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns
o� the parties hereto.
• E. None of the provisions of this agreement are
intended to or shall be merged by reason of any deed
transferring title to the Homestead from the HRA to the
Homesteader or any successor i,n interest, and any such
deed shall not be deemed to affect or impair the pro-
visions and covenants of this agreement.
18. All notices required or permitted under the terms of
this agreement to be given by either party to the other, shall ,
be in writing, except as hereinafter provided, and unless and
until otherwise specified in writing by the respective parties,
shall be sent to the parties and addresses as follows:
� -8- .
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' Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
601 Northwestern,Bank Building
55 East Fifth Street
� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
ATTN: Urban Homesteading Coordinator
Representing (
. the .(
- Home steacler (
All notices shall be deemed to have been properly
served only if sent by registered or certified mail to the persons
at the addresses designated above,or to any other person at the
address which either party may hereinafter designate by written
notice to the other party. Service of any such notice shall be
considered as made two (2) days after the date of mailing.
If the Homesteader defaults in any manner described
in Section 16 A. or B. , above, and if the HRA determines that
written notice as hereinbefore provided, is not reasonably
calculated to reach the HoMesteader the HRA may publish notice
of its intent to distrain for breach of contract by �irtue of
such default in a general circulation daily publication, such
published. notice to appear for tive (5) consecutive days.
19. The failure of the HRA to insist upon a strict per-
formance of any of the agreements, terms, covenants, and conditions
hereof shall not be deemed a waiver of any rights or remedies that
the HRA may have and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent
breach or default in any of such agreements, terms, covenants and
20. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the
partiPS anci shall not be modified in any manner except by an in-
strument, in writing, executed by the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
agr•eement on the day and year first above written.
. By
� Its .
By . .
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) SS.
' On this day of , 19 , before me, a Notary
Public within and for said County, personally appeared
and , to me persona y
nown, w o, y me duly sworn, di say t at t ey are the
and , respectively,
of the Housing and Redeve opment Authority of thP City of Saint
Paul, Minnesota, named in the foregoing instrument; that the seal
affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation;
and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said
corporation by authority of its Board of Commissioners; and said
� and
ac nowledged said instrument to be the free act and dee o said
) SS. �
On this �_ day of - , 19 , before me, a
Notary Public within and for said County, persona�ly appeared
to me personal y nown, w o, y me u
he Y sworn, i say t at �
instrument and acknowledged saidsinstrumentetolbethe foregoing
free act and deed.
. � �
. � �
.� ..._____ ._____..__ _.
_ � _
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_ . .. .. .. •_ _ . .. _ . .. . _.. .. . . . .r, .
(2) For the first lottery, all applications received will be
screened pursuant to Section 2.1 of these guidelines and
procedures to ensure that the applicant is initially eligible.
(3) The names of all eligible applicants will then be placed in
a suitable receptacle for the lottery.
(4) 1�aenty applicants names �hall then be selected.
(S) The Authority staff and interested neighborhood organizations
shall then work with these applicants to determine if they
• could qualify for the property. Authority staff review of an
applicant's request for financial assistance through the
• federal, state or local rehabilitation loan program shall be
included. In all steps of the process, the confidentiality
of the individual applicant shall be maintained.
(6) The twenty applicants drawn in the first lottery will be
interviewed and reviewed in accordance with the following
(a) As a guideline in determining eligibility, the applicant's
monthly housing-related expenses after completion of
` rehabilitation work shall not exceed 25% of the applicant's -
combined household monthly gross incame.
(b) Applicants shall be able to demonstrate adequate abilities
� andfor financial resources to undertake the rehabilitation
of the property, to maintain it over a period of years,
and to otherwise assume the responsibilities of home owner-
ship. (See Assistance to Purchaser section)
(c) To avoid creating an overcrowded situation, the Authority
shall ensure that the applicant's family sfze is not too
_ large for the st ructure being offered according to Housing
Code requirements.
(d) Ensure tl�at the applicant is willing to satisfy the various
� prograra requirements. (See Program Requirements section)
-1�- . Application Documentation
(e) The Authority shall make the applicant aware of his/her
option to perform "sweat equity" in order to reduce the
total cost of rehabilitation.
(7) In the event that it is determined that there is more than one
� , applicant from the twenty names selected in the first lottery
who could qualify for the propertq, a second lottery shall be
held within thirty days of the first lottery. In the second
. loCtery, the Hamesteader shall be selected. At least three
alternates will also be drawn, when numbers permit, in the event
the Homesteader becomes disqualified before the execution of
the Homesteaders Agreement. In the event the Homesteader or
the alternates are disqualified, twenty more names will be
drawn from the first lottery.
(8) Any applicant from the tweaty names not included in the second
lottery shall be given a written stateraent by the Authori�y
or the neighborhood organization detailing the reasons.
Legal opinion that selection process is equitable.
6. There are no legal impediments to Saint Paul's proposed Urban Hamestead-
ing Program.
A.2 Council Resolution �
(ta be inserted after iC is adopted)
1. Description of Staffing Pattern
The city proposes to utilize the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA)
as an administering agency for the Urban Homesteading Program. �This
agency has a full complement of staff capable of administering all types
of activities with respect to urabn renewal and housing development.
The HRA has experience in the areas of relocation, co�unity organization,
real estate, rehabilitation, housing development and general administra-
tion. The Rehabilitation Division includes 18 Rehabilitation Advisors
-5- Application Documentation
. . � ��u���
and 5 expeditors as well as technical and financial staff to facilitate
the Urban Homesteading Program. Qualified services by adequate staff
are available in each of these disciplines mentioned abave so that an
appropriate number of people can be assigned to Urban Homesteading to
assure the implementation of the program describe� herein.
2, Tfine Schedule for Implementation of Demonstration
Inspection - work write-up (City inspection team 1 week
and HRA)
Advertise - �Show house - open house) 2 weeks
Accept Applications 2 weeks
Process Application 1 week
First Lottery 4 weeks
Second Lottery
�, t,.I: u_,,..: +
4V 1V �iGO<tia� i ��iG�
Property Coriveyance
� Hoaaesteaders Agreement � 1 week
Contractors Arrangements
Co�nencement of Work - urithin 30 days of the execution of
Homesteader�s Agreement
Completion of Work - within 7.80 days of the execution of
Homesteader's Agreement .
3. Goals and Obiectives
In Saint Paul, Urban Homesteading, used in coordination with the Saint Paul
Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program, implementation of the Community
' Development Block Grant Program, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Loan
and Grant Program, .the implementation of the Hazardous Building Act, the �
Neighborhood Housing Services Program, as well as other new and existing
revitalization programs, can be instrumental fn achieving the following
a. Revitalizing of neighborhoods by increasing their econanic vitality.
-6- Application Docv�entation
b. The provision of a home ownership opportu�ty for those who could
not otherwise afford it.
c. The reduction of hazards created by vacant structures. "
d. The stimulation of housing rehabilitation efforts where it may
not otherwise have occurred,
e. The increase of tax productivity of residential property.
1. Map of geographic jurisdiction of the city of Saint Paul with target
neightiorhoods outlined. This map is attached to this outline.
2. Map of each proposed target neighborhood with geographic boundaries,
� census tract lines, locations of vacant single-family properties, and
�locations of HUD-owned properties. These taaps are attached to this
outline. The city of �Saint Paul owns no single-family properties.
3. Description of residential characteristics of each proposed target area;
Suumnifc-Univers i cy
The Summit-University area, as shown on the map under No. 2 had a popu-
lation of 22,216 as of the 1970 Census (Block Statistics) . The approxi-
mate median family income is $7,672, according to the 1970 census tract
�data. Those same figures show that 56.2� of area families have incomes
below 80% of the local median family income, while 39.6� are below SOx
of the local faadly median.
Using 1970 Census Block Statistics, it is estimated that 21.7% of Suamnit-
University's year-round housing units are owner-occupied. The Saint
Paul Area Board of Realtors' annual publication "Year End Statistical '
Marketing Analyses" (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 1974) was used to estimate
average price of single-family sales. For Stmm�it-University this average
is approximately $20,135 for the past 12 months (September 1, 1974 thru
�iugust 31, 1975).
'7• Application Documentation
According to the 1970 Census Block Statistics, Thomas-Dale has a
population of 16,759. The approximate median family income is
, $8,849. An estimated 46.570 of families in Thomas-Dale have incomes
below 80% of the local family median, about 25.8�6 are below 50°� of
'the local median family income. Incame figures are from 1970 census
tract data. Using Block Statistics, it is estimated that 47.8% of
the housing units in Thomas-Dale are owner-occupied.
The Saint Paul Area Board of Realtors annual publication "Year End
Statistical Marketing Analyses" (Jan. I - Dec. 31, 1974) was used to
estimate average price of single-family residential property sales.
The average was $20,135 for Thomas-Dale during the past 12 months
(Sept. 1, 1974 thru Aug. 31, 1975) .
West Side
The pcpulaticn af th� West Side, according to the 1970 Census, is
17.239. Census tract data for 1970 was used to estimate the median
family income, $8,849. The approximate percentage of families with
incomes below 80% of the local family median is 41.3�, while 25.8% are below
50� of the local median (1970 census tract data) . About 56.59', of the
West Side's housing units are owner-occupied, according to 1970 Census
Block Statistics. �
The Saint Paul Area Board of Realtors' annual publication "Year End
Statistical Marketing Analyses" was used to estimate the average price
of single-family residential property sales. The estimate average
price vor the West Side was $24,307 during the past 12 months (Sept. 1,.
1974 thru Aug. 31, 1975) . . �
4. �nformation for the City as a Whole
The estimated average price of city-wide sales of single-family residen-
tial properties over the past 12 months is $28,118 for existing housing
stock. Of the approximate total of 1,522 single-family sales during
°8- Application Documentation
1974, only 7 were new homes. Their average sale price was $36,657.
Similar data for the target areas ia included in Part 3. above.
These estimates came from the St. Paul Area Board of Realtors' Year End
Statistical Marketing Analyses.
Based on census tract data, the local median fanaily income is $10,544.
� The estima.ted percent of families below the poverty line ($3,743) is
5. Saint Paul has chosen three neighborhoods in which to begin its Urban
Homesteading Program. Each of these neighborhoads has distinctive
characteristics and problems. The three together cover a broad range
of conditions. They were chosen because the varied nature of these
neighborhoods offer an opportunity to assess the effect of urban hane-
steading in Saint Paul so that the second stage of the Program may be
designed for maximum impact.
The three neighborhoods, their characteristics and goals are as follows:
Summit-University is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Saint Paul
located �ust west of downtown. A section of the neighborhood has been
under consideration by the Minnesota Historical Society for designation
as a National Historic District. Summit-University was originally a �
: middle-class neighborhood; its housing for the most part consisting of
large, well-constructed, single-family residences. Eighty percent of
. the housing was built before World War II.
After World War II, the area experienced an influx of low-income whites �
and blacks. Most of the blacks in Saint Paul became concentrated in
this area and the resulting social and physical problems have been
'documented and dealt with abundantly elsewhere.
The worst housing in the neighborhood was immediately around the State
Capitol, and was removed beginning in the mid-50's. The residents
-9- Application Documentation
relocated westward into the rest of Sumcnit-University. This aggravated
slready existing problems. In 1959-60 land was acquired and
families relocated for Interstate 94 which made a cut across the
� northern part of the neighborhood. Once again this aggravated the
problems of what was becoming a captive population due to racial dis-
. crimination.
The area has the highest crime rate in the city. Twenty percent of its
residents receive some type of welfare, and only 22°,6 of the residences �
are owner-occupied, well below the city average. The neighborhood also
has a concentration of vacant, boarded-up houses. All this is in spite
of the fact that Summit-University was designated a Model Cities
Neighborhood in August-September 1968 and some of its worst problems
Since 1968 the MNPC and the HRA have accomplished the rehabilitation
of 100 large houjes rented and purchased by low-income families,
� voluatary rehabilitation using Sec. 312 loans and Sec. 155 grants,
building and rehabilitation of homes under Sec. 235 of multi-family
In addition, public improvements were made in large areas of the
neighborhood. Development of a shopping ce nter at Dale and University
. • is taking place, and new single and multiple-family residences are
beirig developed in the Northeast Quadrant.
. The goal of an Urban Homesteading Program in S�nit-University would
be to increase�the level of home ownership, especially for low and
moderate-income families. If chosen carefully, Urban Homesteading
properties could serve as a stabilizing factor and as a visible example
of what could be done with the large homes in the areas. Urban Home-
steading would serve as one more tool for an area which has already
done much for itself, but which still has a long way to go.
• -10- Application Documentation
� ����45
The Thomas-Dale neighborhood as we now know it dates back to the
latter half of the 1800',s when it was known as "Frogtown." The
� residents of this coamiunity were blue collar workers and today the
neighborhood remains characteristic of the same. The homes date back
. to the late 1800's, early 1900's, and are small and closely grouped.
The 1960's and the 1970's brought a transition from urban to suburban
� residency, aad the Thomas-Dale neighborhood lost many of the new�r .
generation of older families and had difficulty in attracting younger
families until just recently when the urban renewal program began to
remodel the community.
Recently, the urban renewal programs have shifted from demolition and
rebuilding to concentrating on rehabilitation of many of the older homes
that are in need of just basic rehab items such as plumb�ng or wiring
(code it�ms)� Thomas-Ual? contains an Inter.sified Treatment araa un3er
the city's Rehab Program. Some people are reluctant to rehab in an older
neighborhood such as Thomas-Dale, but a program such as Urban Homesteading
would balance out same of the negatives of the fact of rebuilding or
remodeling an older home in an old neighborhood. Many of the homes that
could qualify for this Program are spotted throughout the neighborhood
and therefore have a damaging effect on surrounding neighbors. If the City or
, • HRA could acquire some of these homes, it would halt the spread of deterioration.
Thomas-Dale's goals are to save the characteristic of the old "Frogtown"
. neighborhood. This means that we would rather rehabilitate, but there
are definitely s ane a reas that cannot be rehabilitated and therefore would
like to rebuild. Through a combination of rehabilitation and
rebuilding, we can attract a variety of people and Thamas-Dale can conti-
nue as the "melting pot" of the city.
-1Z- Application Documentation
Wes�t Si.de �����^�
The West Side is a crescent-shaped part of Saint Paul, comprising
four census tracts on the west bank of the Mississippi Itiver, but
south of the rest of Saint paul. Ztao bluff lines separate the "flats"
or industrial area, the "Hill" or Concord Terrace area and the "t�pper
bluff" area.
The West Side was a traditional area for settlement of i�igrants from
many nations. Ethnic communities developed in the "flats" along the
river; which were subject to annual flooding until the land was filled
in by sanc3 from the river. "Flats" housing, now demolished, was not
' of a permanent nature as was housing further up the bluffs dating from
.the early days of Saint Paul.
The largest population of second-language speaking people in the city
live on the West Side. Since the 1920's in migrant Mexican-Americans,
Spanfsh-speaking individuals of Mexican descent, have chosen to live —
• first on the lower West Side and then gradually moving to the upper
West Side. The religious and cultural flavor of the neighborhood
creates a focus for the community.
Many young families live on the West Side where 64� of the papulation
is under 45. Only 16% receives some form of welfare. About half of
the housing is aver 50 years old and the percentage of substandard
units in combination with the high level of home ownership qualify the
area for the City's Rehabil3tation Program. The West Side is designated
as a Concentrated Rehabilitatiori Area under this Program.
Aousing on the West Side is in a period of transition. Although many of
the homes have been brought up to code by the individual home awner;
many others are in need of repair and some have reached a point of no
return and should be torn down. If the West Side is to remain a strong,
vi,able neighborhood, home rehabilitation programs are essential to attract
'12- Application Documentation
and to keep young families in the area and so to create a stabilizing
influence. ,
Urban Homesteading is seen as a program that can camplement and even
eacourage rehabilitation by creating an awareness of the housing stock,
of the neighborhood and of the opportunities available for rehabilita-
1. Description of federal, state or local public funds available for
The need for rehabilitation, accompanied by a growing interest in rehab,
has resulted in the involvement of a variety of public agencies, cammunity
organizations, neighborhood associations, private developers, and citizens
all working in�ariaus ways to rehabilitate houses and revitalize neighbor-
The city of Saint Paul has used and is presently using a variety of
goverimnent programs for financing rehabilitation through federal, state
and local levels. The federal goverriment provides funds for rehabilita-
tion through several programs as follows:
�a. Funding to local Housing and Redevelopment Authority for 312-115
Loan and Grant Program. A rehab and maintenance loan at low interest
• rates or a grant for people with low and moderate incomes. They are
available to property owners in designated federal pro�ect areas
' which include all NDP's plus all Code Enforcement Areas,
b. The Hane Ownership Program for low and moderate-income families is
a program whereby the mortgage is paid while ownership is earned for
single-family units, offered by the HRA.
c. Newly suthorized Community Development Funds are available for local
rehab programs.
-13- Application Documentation
d. Sectfon 236 subsidy funds for the rehabilitation of multi-family
units through Pro3ect Rehab, administered by Community Housing
Corporation, for families of low and moderate incomes.
e. The State of Minnesota, through its Housing Finance Agency, has
autharized a Hame Improvement Program whereby hane owners of low and
moderate incomes are eligible for low-interest home improvement loans.
f. The Saint Paul Home Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program, administered
by the Housing aad Redevelopment Authority, is available city-wide to
eligible home owners of]aw and moderate incomes. The loana are
available at flexible interest rates depending upon family income.
- A priority of the prograsn is the establishment of a concentrated
rehab program in six designated areas of the city.
g. The Urban Reim�estment Task Force through its Neighborhood Housing
Services Organization offers the use of a High Risk Revolving Loan
Fund. Loans are made at flexible interest rates and terms to home
owners who do not meet commercial credit standards.
The following is a listing of the amounts. of funds available for rehabili-
J tation loans and grants;
a. City General Obligation Bonds
(1) City-Wide - $3.0 million ($1.5 million sold)
(2) NDP Areas - $2.0 million (none sold, 1975 Legislature approved)
• b. Community Development - Year I
(1) Loans - $400,000
" (2) Grants for NDP Areas - $400,000
(3) Grants for City-tdide and Concentrated Rehabilitation .
� Projects - $200,000
(4) Citizen Participation/Administration - $732,250
(5) Code Enforcement - $300,000
' (6) Pro3ect Improvements - $900,000 �
c. Minnesota Housing Finance A�ency
A reservation of funds system is being proposed. Saint Paul could
-14- Applicatio n Documention
reserve up to $300,000 - $400,000 for the first six months. This
would be for the period fran approximately August l, 1975 to Feb-
ruary 1, 1976.
d. Leveraging with Local Banks
Amount is unknown.
2. At the present time, no final agreements have been made concerning the
private financing of rehabilitation. However, the Guidelines of the
City Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program and of the Urban Homesteading
Program call for discussions as to the feasibility of such agreements.
These discussions have been under way for some time, but certain Iegal
questions have prevented any final agreements. Refer to Paragraph 7.4
in the Guidelines and Procedures.
1. Technical assistance, counseling, supportive services to be given Homesteaders
Homesteaders would have available to them through the HRA the resources
of a rehab advisor, a program of maintenance and home ownership counsel-
ing similar to that offered under the HOPLIF Program, and financial
counseling of the type offered through the City's Loan and Grant Program.
Technical assistance and supportive services would also be available
from neighborhood associations and from camnunity organizations. The
most active community organization in Saint Paul is ths Community Hous-
• ing Corporation, a non-profit organization, which offers technical
assistance to home owners, assistance to neighborhood groups in getting
organized and applying for funds, and the direct acquisition, rehab, and
resale �of housing units to low and moderate-income families.
2. Encouragement and/or assistance to be given home owners .
Neighborhood associations throughout Saint Paul have initiated a variety
of programs intended� to improve the physical and social conditions in
their areas. They have conducted trash collections and ecology drives,
and prevented the demolition of older housing units and the boarding up
of vacant units. Most importantly, they have worked to encourage their
residents to maintain and improve their homes, and to take advantage of
the programs available for rehab assistance.
-15- Application Documentation
The number of private developers and contractors involved in rehab-
ilitation has been growing in recent years. B�cause public agencies
cannot do the job alone, their efforts play a vital role in the rehab-
ilitation of the area. A number of older apartment buildings in
Saint Paul have been rehabilitated privately, as have single-family
homes and rowhouses.
Rehab assistance groups offer help to howe owners and non-profit hous-
ing sponsors. Technical rehab assistance includes and is supplied
a. Evaluation of rehab work needed, and cost estimates.
b. Referrals to rehab contractors.
c. Assistance with do-it-yourself rehab.
d. Help or referral in applying� for financial assistance.
e. Design and architectural services. _
f. Assistance in organizing neighborhood groups.
� g. Purchase, rehab, and re-sale of housing units to low and moderate-
income families.
h. Tool lending "library."
i. Arranges moving of houses from clearance areas to new loca�cions
j. Financial counseling
Rehab Assistance Gr.oups: .
� a. Community Design Center. .................... ...... ...a,b,d,e
b. Coannunity Housing Corporation.. ....... ... ......... ...d,f,g,j
c. Model Neighborhood Development Company, Inc. . . . . . ....a,b,c,d,g,h
d. Urban Affairs Commission-Archdiocese of St. Paul. .. ..a,b,c,d
e. Urban League of St. Paul. . ... .. .......... .. ... .. . ....c,d,f,g,i '
3. Adequacy of public services �
The programming of public improvement and the continuance of public
services has been a part of Saint paul's Neighborhood Development
Program and will continue to be part of the Community Development Program.
-16- Application Documentation
The programming of public improvements and services would affect the
majority of the homesteading properties becauae most potential hame-
steading properties fall within ongoing project areas. Code surveil-
lance, enforcement program, refuse collection, street improvements,
curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting are all part of the
effort to improve neighborhood properties and facilities.
3. Source of administrative funds
The HRA feels that staff from existing programs can be assigned part-
time to perform ths necessary administrative and technical functions
for the Urban Homesteading Program. A request for the funding of
other administrative costs, fair appraisals, title insurance, etc.,
will be filed at the tiuse of the Community Develo�ment Mid-Year Review
in October. These costs are expected to be modest (approximately
$10,000 for the entire demonstration program) and obtaining funding for
ti�em should present no difficulty. �
1. Timetable for property disposition
Inspection - work write-up (City inspection team and HRA 1 week
Advertise - (Show house - open house) 2 weeks
Accept Applications 2 weeks
Process Application 1 week
First Lottery 4 weeks
Second Lottery �
Public Hearing � 1 week
Property corrveyance � 1 week �
Homesteaders Agreement .
Contractors Arrangements -
CoQanencement of Work�- within 30 days of the execution
of Homesteaders Agreement
Completion of Work - within 180 days of the execution
of Homesteaders Agreement �
The timetable and marketing procedures are discussed further in
Section 5.3 of the Guidelines and Procedures.
-17- Application Documentation
. •
. n, �
1. Actions taken and procedures followed to maximize equal opportunity
and affirmative acCion in demonstration program
. The city o£ Saint Paul and the HRA have been and continue to be com-
mitted to a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, age, religious or political affiliation ia the
' areas of employment, eligibility for programs, and relationships with
� firms, vendors, and contractors.
During the Demonstration Program, present employees of the HRA will
serve as staff. They are subject to the policies and procedures of
the HRA's Equal Employment Opportunity Program and the Affirmative
Action Program, a copy of which is included.
In the selection of Homesteaders, the HRA shall not discriminate �
against any applicant because of race, color, national origin, sex; �
age, religious or political or other affiliation. Conversely, no !
� preference shall be shown any applicant because of political affili-
ation. In addition, there shall be no discrimination against any
applicant occupying public housing providing such applicants ar�
othezwise eligible for the program.
'18' Application Documentation
� �
. .Urban Homesteading is a relatively new tool being used by cities to revitalize
inner-city neighborhoods, Inspired by the National Homestead and Exemption
Act of 1862, Urban Hocnesteading icrvolves the transfer of public property to
privaCe citizens at a nominal cost. In return for the property, the Homesteader
must agree to construct a new house on the property or to rehabilitate the exist-
ing house to meet housing codes. Also included in the homesteader's agreement
is a promise to live in the property for a specified period of time. The under-
lying principle is simple: The gavertnnent disposes of unused, unproductive
property, while simultaneously providing a home ownership opportunity to persons
who could not otherwise afford it. Urban Homesteading has proved effective in
reducing the inventory of vacant houses in cities where the program has been
Minnesota Session Laws 1974, Chapter 228 enables the creation of an Urban Home-
steading program in the city of St. Paul. This legislation allows the city of
St. Paul, through the HRA, to sell abandoned homes and open laad which it has
acquired, to persons of low and moderate incame for less than fair market value.
.The purchasers of these properties must agree to bring the house into compliance �
with applicable codes or to camplete new construction within a specified period
of time. Following the completion of work, the property is deeded to the Home-
steader. In order to avoid personal gain at the public expense, the Homesteader
must also agree to live in the property for a specified period of time following
the transfer of fee simple title to him.
While Urban Homesteading is not a panacea of city revitalization programs, it is
an important part in any complete revitalization effort. Attempts at rehabilita-
tion of occupied properties in declining neighborhoods have often been thwarted
by the blighting influence of adjacent vacant properties. Previously, restric-
i.i"vG Zaw� C:viii:nii�ii►� i.iin i.Yai�Siti �i 5ut:�t k)LO1JCl1.LC� 8iiC3 �'i1C CC;dilGiuii: i�iiCa3iuii-
ity of both purchasing and rehabilitating severely deteriorated houses hampered
local suthorities in their ability to dispose of vacant properties effectively.
Consequently, in many areas, the nuniber of vacant houses multiplied and the
decline of the neighborhood accelerated. Urban I�omesteading offers one method
of effective disposal of vacant properCies, by making the rehabilitation of such
properties economically feasible.
The city of St. Paul, through the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, will
undertake a two-stage program for Urban Homesteading. The first stage will be
made possible through the proposed HUD demonstration program. The houses made
available through this program are located in three target areas in the city.
The three areas are diverse in character, housing type, and exposure Co previ-
ous renewal activity. These variations will pravide for the evaluation of the
program across a broad range of variables. Based on t�is evaluation, the Author-
ity may decide where the program may best be expanded in the second-stage of the
Monitoring of the program implementation will be the responsibility of the city
of St. paul Housing Rehabilitation Program Advisory Co�nittee. This co�aittee,
.. composed of representatives from community groups, business and labor interests,
public officials and the private financial sector, was appointed to monitor
St. Paul's RehabilitaCion Loan and Grant Program.
In St. Paul, Urban Homesteading, used in coordination with the SC. Paul Rehabili-
tation Loan and Grant Program, implementation of the Community Development Block
GranC Program, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Loan and Grant Program, the
implementation of the Hazardous Building Act, the Neighborhood Housing Services
Program, as well as other new and existing revitalizati�n programs, can be instru-
mental in achieving the following goals:
1. R�vitalizing of neighboxh oods by increasing their economic vitality;
2. The provision of a hoa�e ownership opportunity for those who could not
otherwise afford it;
� ov��v�w 2•�S�C���
3. The reduction of hazards created by vacant structures;
4. The stimulation of housing rehabilitation efforts where it may not
otherwise have occured, and
5. The increase of tax productivity of residential property.
; . _
. . ���.��� -
� :For purposes of these guidelines and procedures, the terms defined in this section
shall have the meanings ascribed to them.
1.1 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Shall mean the City of St. Paul Housing Rehab ilitation
Program Advisory Committee acting pursuant to any duties or functions assigned
to it under these Guidelines and Procedures.
1.2 AUTHORITY shall mean the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of
St. Paul, Minnesota, acting pursuant to powers granted it by the City Council
and Minn. Stat. 462.415 to 462.711 and any rules or regulations promulgated
by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development pertaining to the
administration or implementation of the City of St. Paul Urban Homesteading
1.3 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION shall mean the document given to the Homesteader
by the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement certifying that the
rehabilitation work has been completed for the property being homesteaded. .
1.4 CITY shall mean the City of St. Paul, Minnesota.
1.5 C�NTRACTOR shall mean any person, persons, associations or corporations performing
cons.truction or rehabilitation or providing other technical assistance to the
Homesteader for which a fee for services is paid.
1.6 DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM shall mean that portion of the City of St. Paul Urban
Iiomesteading Program which is developed, administered and implemented pursuant
to anq rules or regulations promulgated by the U. S. Department of Housing and
Urh�n npy?lo�menr_ fc,r; or as a conditi.on of the Urban Homesteadine Demonstration
1.7 ELIGIBLE PERSONS OR FAMILIES shall mean those natural persons or families who
fulfill the requirements set forth in these guidelines and procedures for
eligibility as a Homesteader. For purposes of these guidelines and procedures,
"families" shall include non-blood related adults and tenant cooperatives.
1.8 ELIGIBLE PROPERTIES shall mean any real propertq determined by the Authority
to be eligible pursuant to Section 3 of these Guidelines and Procedures.
1.9 HOMESTEADER shall mean an eligible person or family designated by the Authoritq
pursuant to these guidelines and procedures to participate in the Program.
1.10 HOMESTEADER'S AGREEMENT shall mean that agreement executed bq and between the
Authority and the Homesteader setting forth those conditions, terms and
covenants necessary for the conveqance of fee simple title from the Authority
to the Homesteader.
1.11 HOUSING RELATED E?�PENSES shall mean the normal and ordinarq expenses related
to home ownership, including but not limited to; the principal and interest on
any loan for the purchase, construction, improvement or rehatiilitation of the
structure and any related taxes, special assessments, insurances, maintenance
costs, utilities and the like.
, �
� �����t�
' 1.12 HUD PROPERTIES shall mean those real properties of from 1 to 4 units which are
held in possession by the Secretary of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, and are determined by HUD and the Authority to be eligible for
inclusion in the Demonstration Program.
1.13 I2�IEDIATE HEALTH AND SAFETY HAZARDS shall mean those violat�.ons of applicable
codes which materially and immediately endanger the health and. safety of
occupants or potential occupants of a structure, pursuant to Section 1.14 of
the Guidelines of the City of St. Paul Housing Rehabilitation Loan and Grant
Program. Such violations include, but are not limited to;
a. Heating sqstems that are unsafe due to: burned out or rusted out heat
exchanges (fire box); burned out, or plugged flues; not being vented; being
� connected with unsafe gas supplies; or being incapable of adequately heating
the living space.
b. Water heaters that are unsafe due to: burned out or rusted out heat
exchanges (fire box); burned out, rusted out, or plugged flues; not being
vented, being connected with unsafe gas supplies; or lack of temperature
and pressure relief valves.
c. Electrical systems that are unsafe due to: dangerous overloading; damaged
ar deteriorated equipment; unproper�y tapped or spliced wiring; e�cposed
unins�lated wires; distribution systems of extension cords or other
temporary methods; ungrounded systems, ungrounded appliances in contact
with earth.
d. Plumbing systems that are unsanitary due to: leaking waste systems,
fixtures and traps; lack of a water closet, lack of washing and bathing
facilities; or cross connection of pure water supply with f ixtures or
sewage lines.
e. Structural systems, walls, chimneys, roofs, foundations, ceilings, and floor
sqstems, that will not safely carry imposed loads.
f. Refuse, garbage, human waste, decaying vermin or other dead animals, animal
waste, other materials rendering it unsanitary for human occupancy, including
lack of light or air.
g. Infestation of rats, insects, and other vermin.
h. All existing handrails that are not permanently and solidly mounted to
provide sale service.
i. Lead paint that is peeling, chipping or exposed in areas that may be
hazaxdous to children and others.
�. Conditions of windows, doors and other electrical, mechanical and structural
items that are condusive to fire and safety hazards. .
1.14 INCOME shall mean the applicant's or homesteader's combined household annual
gross income.
1.15 PROGRAM shall mean the City of St. Paul Urban Homesteading Program.
1.16 SECOND STAGE shall mean that portion of the Program developed and administered
by the Authority utiliz�ng sources other than HUD Properties, and not necessarilq
sub�ect to the requirements of the Demonstration Program.
1.17 SWEAT EQUITY shall mean any construction, improvement, remodeling or rehabilita-
tion of a structure performed without the assistance of a Contractor.
�_..;.�:� �... :.< -��...:..:�...� , .
, ���9��
2.1 To become initially eligible as a candidate to become a Hamesteader,
applicants must meet the following criteria:
A. Be at least 18 years of age.
B, Pursuant to Minnesota Session Laws 1974, Chapter 228, be a person
or family of low or moderate income, whose combined household
. annual gross income shall not exceed;
Z 16,850
3 17,150
4 17,450
5 17,750
6 18,050 `'
� I8,350
$ 18,650
; 9 � 18,950
10 19,250
2.2 The Authority, together with the Advisory Committee, shall review these
income limits from time to time to determine potential ad,justments.
2.3 Applicants may list any work they could perform through Sweat Equity;
however, such information shall not be used by Che Authority in the
determination of initial eligibility.
2.4 All applicants shall be considered without regard to race, creed, color,
age, sex, national origin, disability, marital status, affectional
preference or status regards public assistance in accordanes c�itt, a�i
�ppiicabie federal, state and local laws, flrdir.a:.ces and regulations.
2.5 Only eligible persons or families as herein defined shall be a ccepted --
as candidates to became Homesteaders.
, . c��945
3.1 The selection of homestead properties shal�. be based on an investiga-
tion by the Authority of the following categorical land iriventories.
Selection of properties during the Demonstration Program shall be
limited to HUD properties of from l to 4 dwelling units. .Within each
category, properties with vacant dwellings shall be given first pri-
ority for inciusion in the Program.
A. HUD repossessed property
. B. Authority-owned property
C. City-owned property�
. D. County-owned property
E. State-owned property
F. VA repossessed property
G. Privately-owned property
3.2 The property when rehabilitation is completed must be a permitted use
under the City Zoning Ordinance and the use must be pernaitted under and
consistent with an Urban Renewal Plan, Redevelopment Plan, Development
� District Plan or General District Plan if the property is located within
an area where such a plan or plans are in effect. �
3.3 As a �general rule, the Homesteader's cost of acquiring the property
plus the cost of rehabilitating the structure through this program
shall not exceed the after-rehabilitation fair market value of the
property. In making the determination of the after-rehabilitation
value, the Authority shall take into consideration the extent of improve-
ments and rehabilitation taking place in or being planned for in the
3.4 The Authority shall consider properties acquired in urban renewal
projects as eligible for transmittal to a Homesteader subject to HUD
concurrence during the Second State of the Program. However, the
feasibility condition specified in 3.3 above must be met. The sale
priee o= zne uniL si►ail conform co Hut� requi.rements.
3.5 The Authority shall work with interested neighborhood organizations
� during the process of acquiring properties which the Authority desires
to make available through Urban Homesteading. The decision to purchase
a property shall be made only after consideration of the sentiment of
interested neighborhood groups relative to that property, especially
if the neighborhood group submits an alternative use or disposition for
that property.
The Romesteader must meet the following requirements as a condition for parti-
cipation in the St. Paul Urban Homesteading Program.
4.1 The Homesteader must agree to complete all required rehabilitation
work within a specified period of time. This period of time shall
be negotiated between the Authority and the Homesteader, but in no
� • case shall that time exceed two years fran work co�nencement. In
the case of properties which the Authority has purchased or received
from HUD, all required rehabilitation shall be completed in eighteen
months. As a general guideline� particularly in cases where all the
repairs are being performed by contractor, all work must be completed
within six months of the execution of the "Homesteader's Agreement".
Extensions to this six-month period shall be granted depending on the
extent of the Homesteader's involvement in the rehabilitation of the
property through "sweat equity".
4.2 Work shall begin within 30 days of the execution of the "Homesteader's
, Agreement".
4.3 Those items defined as immediate health and safety hazards shall be
corrected within ninety days from the date of work co�encement.
The Homesteader may not occupy the premises until these items have
been corrected and the Division of Housing and Building Code
Enforcement has cerCified that the structure is fit for human habita- �
4.4 The Homesteader muat agree to permit periodic inspections at �tually
agreed upon times by city inspectors and/or the HRA rehabilitation
Counselor for the purpose of determining the quality and progress of
the work.
4.5 The Homeateader shall agree to maintain the,dwelling after co mpletion
rehabilitation so as to satisfy all electrical, plumbing, building,
fire prevention and related codes.
4.6 The Homesteader shall agree to carry adequate fire and liab�Llity in-
surance on the dwelling at all times. The Authority shall be named
� as a co-insured on such coverage until the time at which the hrnne-
steader obtains fee simple title.
4.7 The Homesteader shall be encouraged to occupy the property for a
period of three years after obtaining fee simple title. Due to
Federal legislation, in the case of properties acquired from HUD, the
Homesteader shall agree to occupy the property for a period of three
years. _
4.8 In the event the Homesteader sells the property within three years
from the date on which the Homesteader obtains title to th� property,
the Homesteader shall pay to the Authority a percentage of any in-
creased value the Homesteader may receive upon the sale of that
property. The amount to which that percentage would be applied would
be derived by subtracting the indebtedness which the Homesteader
orginally .incurred at the time of property purchase (total of mortgage
principal, if any, and rehabili�ation loan principal) plus any expenses
incurred by the Homesteader to market the property from the price at
which the Homesteader sold„ the property. The percentage paid to the
Authority shallbe based upon the following schedule:
a. If sold within first year since obtaining title, 90'%;
b. If sold during second year since obtaining title, 60�;
� � c.� If sold during third year since obtaining title, 30%;
In the event of a hardship, the Authority may waive the repayanent pro-
vision. Denial of such a request ahall be subject to the appeals process.
4.9 Because this program ia intended to provide homeownerahip opportunities,
the liomesteader may not vacate the property and retain ownership of the
property and utilize it to produce income.
' '�he following requirements will be primarily the responsibility of the Authority.
4.10 Prior to purchasing any property for the program, the Authority shall
have determined that rehabilitation of the property is structurally and
financially feasible.
4.11 The Authority shall prepare a rehabilitation analysis which details the
nature of Che work to be performed as well as estimates of the costs of
� � those repairs. This estimaCe shall reflect conaiderations for cost
increases which may take place (due to inflation) during the course of
the rehabilitation. That analysis shall be available to all interested
applicants and neighborhood groups.
4.12 The Authority shall arrange for an inspection by the Division of Housing
and Building Code Enforcement of the City of St. Paul to determine that
those items defined as immediate health and safety hazards have been _
corrected. ,
4.13 The Authority shall arrange for a Certificate of Completion to be issued
by the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement of the City of
St. Paul when the rehabilitation has been performed.
4.14 After comp2etion of the rehabilitation work and a Certificate of
Completion has been issued the Authority shall grant fee simple title
to the property Co the �tomesteader. Prior to that time the Homesteader
shall have leased the property from the Authority for $1.00.
4.15 If, during any time while the agreeci upon rehabilitation is being per-
formed, an inspectioa reveals the Homesteader's inability or unwilling-
ness to camplete the required work, the Authority may require the
Homesteader to coc�tract the work or to vacate the property under the
reuredies provided in the "Homesteader's Agreement". Any such requirement
shall be subject to the appeals process.
4.16 In the event the Homesteader should be required to vacate the property
prior to obtaining fee simple title, the Authority shall make every effort
to ensure that the Homesteader is able to recover expenses pncauntered
relating to the progress that the Homesteader achieved toward rehabilitating
the structure.
4.17 In the event the Homesteader is an awner-occupant of the property in which
the Homesteader currently resides, the Authority shall encourage the
Hnmesteader to sell that property after assuming occupancy of the homeateaded
property in order to relieve the potential burden of maintaining that property.
The following steps shall be taken during the course of selling properties
through Urban Homesteading.
1.. Price esCablishment
2.. General advertisement
3.. Applicant selection
4. Homesteader counseling
5, public hearing
6. •property conveyance .
7. Homesteader's Agreement
5.1 Price Establishment
Present Urban Homesteading legislation does not provide the funding to
"write-down" the cost of property acquisition, During the Demonstration
Program, no funds will be available to write down the cost of homes
acquired from sources other than HUD. In the event that additional funds
or new legislation allowing write downs become available, and the City
� is able to absorb a difference in the cost of the property (to the Cit�)
and the sale price (to the Homesteader) , a price will be set that in the
City's 3udgment will provide sufficient incentive so that low and moder-
ate-incotne persons or families will apply.
5.2 General Advertisement
A. The availability of a property through Urban Homesteading shall be
publicized on as broad a base as possible. All methods of inedia--
television, radio, co�►unity and city-wide newspapers--should be
utilized. .
B. As a minimum, public infornaation for each property shall specify: .
1. Street address
� 2. Genera2 descripticr. �f hcus2 chara�teristics
3. Cost of property purchase .
. 4. Cost estimate of needed work
5. General description of needed work
6. Applicant eligibility
7. How to apply
8. Selection system
9. Potential availability of low-interest loan
5.3 Applicant Selection
A. The City is anticipating a significant amount of interest in this
program and a large number of applications for each property to be
made available. In order to ensure that applications can be processed
. in a timely, efficient and equitable manner, a double lottery system
� shall be instituted for each property.
. B. This double lottery system will function as follows: In the first
lottery, twenty applicants' names shall be drawn. The Authority
together with interested neighborhood organizaCion representatives
pursuant to Section 7.11 of these guidelines and procedures will
then consider the applicants to determine those who could qualify
for the program. In the event that there is more than one of the
twenty applicants who-could qualify, a second lottery shall be held
to select the principal homesteader.
.C. In carrying out applicaCion selection, the following procedures
shall be utilized:
1. properties shall be advertised as being available through this
program for a period of two weeks.
2. For the f.irst lottery, all applications received will be screened
pursuant to Section 2.1 of these guidelines and procedures to ensure
that the applicant is initially eligible.
3. The names of all eligible applicants will then be placed in a
suitable receptacle for the lottery.
� ' 4. Twenty applicants names shall then be selected.
5. The Authority staff and interested neighborhood organizations shall
then work with these applicants to determine if they could qualify
for the property. Authority staff review of an applicant's request
for financial assistance through the federal, state or local rehab-
ilitation loan program shall be included. In all steps of the
process the confidentiality of the individual applicant shall be
6. The twenty applicants drawn in the first lottery will be interviewed
and reviewed in accordance with the following criteria:
a. As a guideline in deterraining eligibility, the applicant's
monthly housing-related expenses after campletion of rehabili-
• �ation work shall not exceed 257, of the applicant`s combined
household monthly gross income. .
b. . Applicants shall be able to demonstrate adequate abilities
• and/vr financial resources to undertake the rehabilitation of
the property, to maintain it over a period of years, and to
otherwise assume the responsibilities of hame ownership. (See
Assistance to Purchaser section)
c. To avoid creating an overcrowded situation, the Authority shall
ensure that the applicant's family size is not too]arge for the
structure being offered according to Housing Code requirements.
d. Ensure that the applicant is c�illing te satisfy the varicus
program requirements.(See Program Requirements section)
e. The Authority shall make the applicant aware of his/her option
to perform "sweat equity" in order to reduce the total cost of
rehabilitation. �
7. In the event that it is determined that there is more than one
. applicant from the twenty names lected in the first lottery who
could qualify for the property, a second lottery shall be held within
thirty days of the first lottery. In the second lottery, the Homp-
steader shall be selected. At least three alternates wi21 also
be drawn, when numbers permit, in the event the Hamesteader becomes
disqualified before the execution of the Homesteader's Agreement.
In the event the Homesteader or the alternates are disqualified,
twenty more names will be drawn from the first lottery.
8. Any applicant from the twenty names not included in the second lottery
shall be given a written statement by the Authority or the neighbor-
� hood organization detailing the reasons.
5.4 Homesteader Counseling
A. After being chosen as the principal Homesteader, the applicant and Author-
ity staff shall meet to thoroughly discuss the various program require-
ments. The HRA staff shall carefully explain the "Homesteader's Agree-
�gent" to ensure that the applicant understands the responsibilities inher-
ently involved in this program. The Homesteader may be represented by
legal counsel during all or part of this counseling.
B. During this counseling period, target dates shall be established
for the public hearing and the St. Paul HRA Board of Commissioners
action, property purchase and loan closing, work commencement, and
C. In the event that it appears the "Homesteader's Agreement" will not
or cannot be executed with the Homesteader, the first alternate
� ' shall become the Hamesteader, and the second alternate shall become
the first alternate, etc, Counseling would then comtnence with the
new Homesteader.
5.5 Public Hearing
A. The HRA`s statutory requirements specify that the sale of all
property shall be made after a public hearing. Therefore, after
both lotteries have been held, and the property purchaser designated,
the sale of the property to that purchaser must be advertised and
a public hearing held. Upon approval by the Authority Board of Com-
missioners, after conducting the hesring, the "Homesteadar's Agree-
ment" shall be executed by the Executive Director and the Chair of
the Board. .
B. This public hearing shall be conducted and advertised in accordance
with statutory requirements. .
5.6 Property Conveyance
A. A property leasing and ]oan closing date shall be established to be
as soon as possible after the Board of Co�nissioners authorize sale.
of the property.
B. Fee simple title �shall be acquired by the Homesteader after cample-
tion of all the rehabilitation work. During the period prior to being
granted fee simple title, the Homesteader shall lease the structure �
from the Authority for a fee of $1.00.
C. In the second stage of the St. Paul Urban HomesCeading Program in
, the event that $1.00 is not the purchase price of the property, the
cost of the property (less the $1.00) may be added to the loan which
provides £or the cost of the work being performed pravided that this
procedure is in agreement with the guidelines of the program through
which the loan is ohtained.
D. Every effort shall be made by the Authority to �velop a mechanism
for trans£erring title to the Homesteader which shall impose the
least possible burden upon the �omesteader in regard to assumiag
payment of property taxes, The Homesteader shall not be placed in
a position to pay any back taxes.
5.7 Homesteader's Agreement •
A. As a condition of the purchase of the property, the Homesteader shall
be required to enter into a Homesteader's Agreement setting forth
the terms and conditions of occupancy and title conveyance.
B. In certain cases, on the basis of need, the Authority may grant a
Homesteader an extension of time in which to come into compliance
� with the terms of the Homesteader's Agreement and, thereby, avoid
reversion of the property to the Authority. However, during the
Demonstration Program, such extensions are subject to rules and
.regulations. of HUD.
6.1 The Iiomesteader shall be processed for eligibility for a low-interest
rehabilitation loan through either a federal, state or local program
to provide the financial assistance necessary to achieve the repair
of the property. If a locally financed loan is used, the determination
of eligibility shall be made by the Authority in accordance with the
Guidelines of the City of St. Paul Housing Rehabilitation Loan and Grant
Program, excepC that no grants shall be provided to Homesteaders.
6.2 To reduce the potential financial burden, each Homesteader shall be
encouraged to perform some of the work. In the event Sweat Equity
is being performed, the Authority and neighborhood organizations are
encouraged ta seek out, on behalf of the Homesteader, technical
expertise in various aspects of the rehabilitation. The Authority
will also develop a working relationship with the St. Paul Division
of Housing and Building Code Enforcement to assist Homesteaders in
making correct and sound repairs.
6.3 The Authority may provide, upon request of the Homesteader, the names
of Contractors. However, if a Contractor is to be employed, the choice
shall be made by the Homesteader, so long as that Contractor meets
the requirements set forth in Section 8 of these guidelines and
� � 2�59��
The Authority, in implementing, administering and carrying out the provisions
of the City of St. paul Urban Homesteading Program shall, in additfon to the
. . duties, responsiblities, detersninations, functions and other provisions con-
tained in these guidelines, be responsible for and carry out the following
duties and functions:
7.1 Administer the City Urban Homesteading Program in such a manner so
as to complement other public rehabilitation and related programs,
_ and not be in competition with or as a substitute for any other
public program. Also, the Authority shall monitor the Program,
particularly during the early stages of implementation, to detect
any trends inconsistent with the fntent of Minnesota Laws 1974, Chapter
228 and HUD rules and regulations.
7.2 Adopt the provisions of these guidelines, further administrative
guidelines, procedures and/or rules and regulations necessary to
implement and administer this program. To this end the program shall
be implemented by the Authority with as few administrative rules and
proced'ural steps as possible and should be a corresponding flexible
program which satisfies the intent of Chapter 228 and where applicable, �
RUD rules and regulations in this regard, the Authority shall recommend
to the City Council necessary changes in these guidelines on a con-
� tinuing basis. _
7.3 Coordinate with the Mayor and City Council in the assignment of the
City of St. Paul Housing Rehabilitation Program Advisory Committee
to act in an evaluation and advisory ca�acity during and after
implementation of this program.
7.4 Borrow or leverage monies pursuant to Minn. Stat. 462.415 to 462.711
irom priv�tce ienders �inu tne 'ruire i:o oe ur�ed i:o mi�ke reh�bilii.rsiivn
losns and to refinance existing indebtedness under the Urban Homesteading
Program, in such amounts, and under such terms and conditions, as the
. ' Authority, in coordination with the City Council deems appropriate.
7.5 Provide necessary administrative and technical assistance in carrying
out the provisions of the Urban Homesteading Program.
7.6 Coordinate with and, to the extent legally permissible, contract with
other state public bodies as that term is defined in Minn. Stat. 462.421
(4) such as the Community Services Housing Code Inspection Division and
the City Planning Department concerning the delineation of responsibilities
and functions in carrying out the provisions of Minnesota Laws, 1974,
Chapter 228 and these guidelines including but not limited to the
inspection of residential housing; and the suthorization and delivery of
public and other related improvements.
7.7 Coordinate with the City Planning Department to inform interested
neighborhood organizations and citizens on the specifics of the Urban
Homesteading Program and to disseminate information concerning this program
on a City-wide basis. � ,
7.8 Provide, an adequate information and referral system, whereby persons and
families who are potentially eligible for and desire to avail themselves
of other public and private programs and funds relating to rehabilitation
' and homcownership, are given full information concerning the use and
availability of such funds and proRrams and proper referral to rehabilitation
prograns and administerin� entities.
. ��5945
7.9 Provide an appeal or review process and procedures and information
so concerning, wherein any person�who feels he or she is aggrieved
by the applications of these guidelines may appeal such grievance
. • for independent review and determination pursuant to Section 9 of
their guidelines and procedures.
7.10 Work with interested neighborhood organizations during the process
of acquiring properties which the Authority desires to make avail-
, able through Urban Homesteading. The decision ta purchase a progerty
shall be made only after consideration of the sentiment of interested
neighborhood groups relative to that property, especially if the
neighborhood group submits an alternative use or disposition for
that property.
7.11 Work with interested neighborhood organizations during the process
of selecting the Homesteader and alternates. The Authority shall
also inform the neighborhood organizations of the names of the
twenty applicants selected in the first lottery. Neighborhood
organizations representatives may assist the Authority in familiar-
izing the applicants with the various program requirements. In-
volvement of neighborhood organizations in this process shall be �
eonducted in a manner to preclude a violation of the rights of
privacy of individual applicants. Applications may be reviewed by
neighborhood organizations with the assistance of Authority staff,
provided that names and addresses are removed. All of the above
procedures are subject to the consent of the individual applicant.
� �
_ __
' ' ��59�5
8.1 Nothing in these guidelines and procedures shall be construed to
limiC or restrict the applicability of state or city laws or ordi-
nances relating to the home improvement business or the repair,
. . rehabilitation, or improvement of residential property, and all
Contractors performing such repair, impravement or rehabilitation
must be licensed as required by such laws or ordinances.
8.2 To be eligible to be awarded a contract under the Program, a
Contractor must be willing to abide by the requirements demanded
of eligible contractors under the city of Sfi. Paul Housing Rehab-
ilitation Loan and Grant Program, as follows;
A. The quality and workmanship standards required by the Authority.
B. The business ethics required while under contract. ,
C. The proper method of bidding contracts cavered by the Program,
as consistent with the city of St. paul Housing Rehabilitation
Loan and Grant Program.
D. The Authority's arbitration policy for resolving disputes �
arising from contract execution.
' 8.3 All Contractors performing work under the Program must demonstrate
that they are in compliance with a}.1 applicable laws and ordinances
regarding equal employment opportunity.
8.4 All Contractors being. awarded a contract under the Program must
provide the Homesteader and the Authority with evidence of a 100�
' performance bond, in the full amount of such contract, effective
for one year beyond the date of completion and acceptance by the
- :?���teaa�r wr.d the .^.u*_!:orit, of *_t�e a�rL. To *_re �r>t�n� leb�??;
permissable, these bonciing requirements may be waived or modified if
the Authority determines that the Contractor is "bondable" and that
• such bonding requirements will be met within 12 months of the date of
executton of the Homesteader's A,greement.
8.5 All work performed pursuant to the Program must be cavered by an
Authority approved warranty concerning the quality of materials used
and workmanship to be conducted in the performance of such work. The
warranty system will be monitored and enforced by the Authority in
coordination with, where appropriate, the Minnesota Housing Finance
8.6 All Contractors performing work under the Program must:
A. Carry all adequate, and required by law, insurances.
B. Possess all, necessary and required by law, licenses and permits
necessary to perform such work.
8.7 Final payment cannot be made tb a Contractor until the Homesteader and
the Authority have accepted the eligible rehabilitation or repair work
in writing. If the Contractor requests periodic draws on completed
work, during the period of such work, such draws must be accompanied
by appropriate lien waivers concerning the work completed and will be
subject to a 10% holdback on the overall contract. Lien waivers must
also be provided prior to making final payment on the completed work
'contract. �
. ,
8.8 Any such holdback shall be used to correct unsatisfactory work and
to defray any cosCs required to be incurred by using a replacement
Contractor, should the first Contractor be removed from the job by
. , the Authority or the Homesteader, pursuant to Section 8.9 of these
guidelines and procedures.
8.9 Any Contractor, selected to parti�ipate in the Program, may be
removed from the performance of work, if in the determination of the
Homesteader with the concurrence of the Authority, such Contractor
has failed within a reasonable time to meet the obligations set forth
in any contracC thereof, or if such performance is deemed by the
Homesteader with the concurrence of the Authority to be inadequate
relative to any and all provisions of these guidelines and procedures.
8.10 The Authority shall provide necessary administrative and technical
assistance and procedures so that minority contractors and sub-
contractors are provided equal opportunity to be awarded contracts
to perform work under the Program.
. .
9.1 General
Pursuant to the authority contained in the Urban Homesteading Guide-
lines, Section 7v9 the followfng procedure shall be used as a method
of settling all individual disputes arising from the administration
� or the application of the City of St. Paul Urban Homesteading Pragram.
9.2 Information Concerning Grievance Procedure
A. A Homesteader who has applied to have repayment provision waived
due to hardship, pursuant to section 4.8 of the Concept and Guide-
lines, may appeal a denial of that request to the Appeals Committee.
B. A Homesteader required to contract work or to vacate the propertq
under the remedies provided in the Homesteader's Agreement, pursuant
�to Section 4.13 of the Guidelines and procedures may appeal the
decision of the Authority to the Appeals Committee.
C. A Homesteader with a point of grievance over the administration
of the Urban Homesteading Program may request a written statement
of the Authority's position and information outlining the Grievance
9.3 Notice of Grievance .
A. Any Homesteader who feels aggrieved by the administration or applica-
tion of the Urban Homesteading Program may appeal the grievance to
the Appeals Committee.
B. A grievance notice shall include the following:
1. Name and address of the complainant;
2. Names of persons or agencies agafnat whom the coaaplaint is
3. A statement containing the specific grounds which gave rise to
the grievance, including but not limited to specific acts and
amissions, dates, locationa and names of witnesses to the specific
acts or omissions.
9.4 Conciliation �
Within fifteen (15) days after the filing of the grievance notice, the
Authority shall arrange for a conciliation meeting with the complainant.
Such meetings shall be held at such time and location as is reasonably
convenient to the complainant and .shall be for the purpose of explaining
and conciliating the matter. Other interested parties or persons may
attend the conciliation meeting. Any party can request an additional
meeting and no complainant shall have the right to request a hearing
und�r Part until after at least one conciliation meeting
has been held. Within seven (7) days of the final conciliation meeting
the Authority shall provide the complainant and other interested
parties with a writ'ten memorandum outlining the results of the meeting.
Such memorandum shall also inform the complainant that if they continue
to feel aggrieved, they have a right to appeal the grievance pursuant
to the provisions of Part and shall include a statement
concerning the manner and tfine in which to do so.
^ . ���9�5
9.5 Pre-Hearing Procedure I
A. Request for Hearing. �
If the complainant after serving of the memorandum referred to in ;
Part 5 still feels aggrieved that person may request the matter be ;
heard by the appeals committee. Such a request shall be in writing '
� • and whenever practiced shall be made on a form developed by the I
Authority and must be filed with the appropriate office of the
Authority within 10 days after receipt of the memorandum. The
Authority shall immediately forward the request to the Chairman of ,
the City of Saint Paul Housing Rehabilitation Program Advisory
Committee. Consistent with the provisions contained in paragraph
the chairperson shall appoint the Appeals Committee.
B. Notice of Hearing.
Written notice of the time and place of the hearing will be given
the complainant and other interested parties by the Appeals Committee
as soon as it is known and in any event at least 7 days in advance
of the grievance hearing.
C. Pre-hearing Discovery. ',
At a reasonable time prior to the hearing the complainant and other
interested parties shall be entitled to examine, in accordance with
state and federal laws relating to access of records and confidentiality,
all HRA and other records pertaining to the grievanee, Any record
or part thereof, the examination of which is denied to the person
after request, except where access to such records is limited by state
or federal law, shall not be introduced or considered at the grievance
hearing. �
D. Obtaining of Witnesses.
Any inceresLed p�xrLy mt�y rrqueai: iti wri�iiig Zii&i. Li�e i�pp�+ii� l,tllt811�.L�.CC
or its designee cause to be served a "request for appearance" upon
any witness. Such request must be made at least three days in advance
' of the �rievance hearing. If any person, so requested to appear, does
not appear at the hearing and submit her or himself to cross
examination, that person's testimony or allegations shall not
be received into evidence.
9.6 Grievance Hearing
A. Time and Place of the Hearing
The Grievance Hearing shall be held at a location and time decided
by the Appeals C�munittee after cnnsidering the needs and convenience
of all persons likely to be involved in the hearing. However, at ,
the request of any of the parties, Appeals Committee may order the
termination hearing be held at another suitable location. Notice
of any change in location of the hearing must be given at least 3
days in advance to all interested parties, In any event, the hearing
shall be held within 30 days after the receipt of the request for
hearing by the chairperson of the Rehabilitation Program.
B. Appeals Co�nittee
The Chairperson of the Rehabilitation Advisory Conm►ittee shall appoint
an Appeals Committeeconsistin� of three persons for each grievance
meeting from the members of the City of Saint Paul Housing and Rehab-
s ilitation Program Advisory Conenittee. The Appeal Committee members
have no conflict of interest and shall be impartial and knowledgeable
concerning the procedures contained in these guidelines. The Appeals
Committee shall preside oqer and conduct the grievance hearing and
. may appoint a presiding officer to rule on procedural and evidentiary '
matters. ,
. �
������ I
C. Witnesses, Evidence and Procedures at the Grievance Hearing j
Persons who prepared the Notice of Grievance shall appear at the I�
grievance hearing and explain to the appeals co�nittee the circum- i
. . stances and allegations contained in the notice. Thereafter, should
they so desire, either party may cal.l witnesses to testify; cross
examine all adverse witnesses, and make arguments. Al1 reliable and
trustworthy evidence having probative value may be offered into
evidence and should be given weight in accordance with its reliabilitq,
Consistent with federal and state laws and rules and regulations
concerning confidentiality, reports, records, memorandum, or other
documents prepared in the ordinary course of business may be received
into evidence unless they are incompetent, irrelevant or immaterial.
Hearsay evidence may be received if it appears, in the judgment of
the appeals board, to be reliable and trustworthy, and the probative
Value, considering the circumstances under which the statement is
made. One purpose for the hearing shall be to develop evidence of
specific facts concerning the alleged grievance. Nothing in these
guidelines shall limit the right of the appesls committee to question
witnesses or request information. To this end, the Appeals Committee
shall investigate the grievance thoroughly, may call such witnesses as .
it deems appropriate and may meet and make the decisions in executive �
D. Records
� Grievance hearings shall be recorded and the tapes shall be preserved
by the Authority for one year after the date of the hearing. The parties
shall have such access to the tapes as provided by law and may cause
the tapes to be transcribed. The party ordering the transcripts shall
pay for the same, except where a transcript at no cost may be provided
pursuant to Minn. Stat. 563.01. Adequate measures shall be taken to
insure that the recoraing is compiete and accurate. Either party may
have a stenographer present at the hearing at his or her own expense.
' E. Continuances
Continuances of the time or date of any procedure or hearing referred
to in these guidelines is to be discouraged. However, if either or
both parties request a continuance be granted, or if the appeals board
determines, at the conclusion of the hearing that there remains disputes
of fact which in the interest of fairness and justice requires testimony
of additional witnesses, then in either case the appeals committee may
continue the hearing for not more than ten days provided that the
rights of either party are not materially and detrimentally restricted
or abrogated by such continuance. The appeals committee may subsequentlq
request attendance of such additional witnesses. Copies of the request
shall be given to all interested parties and the parties right to cross
examination and confrontation and the other rights and procedures set
forth in these Guidelines shall continue in full force and effect. If
any witness so requested to appear does not appear at the subsequent
hearing, that person's testimony or allegations ahall not be received
into evidence. �
F. Representation
Any party may hire an attorney to represent him or herself or be
represented by any other person.
G. Findings and Decision
At the conclusion of the grievance hearing the Appeals Committee shall
prepare findings of fact, conclusions of law and make them part of
� the proposed decision. The decision shall be based only on evidence
introduced and received at the hearings and shall addreas itself to
to the following:
• � �
�a r
1. If the decision to sustain, not sustain or sustain in part the
grievance shall be decided by a majority of the appeals
conanittee and shall specify the facts which establish grounds
for the decision. Such grounds provided in the Concept and
Guidelines, Rehabilitation Plan or as otherwise exist by law
shall govern the decision and such grounds shall be specified.
2. A statement explaining any appellate rights or other avail-
able remedies shall be included in the decision.
Within fourteen days of the hearing the decision shall be served
upon the complainant and other interested parties. The decision
� shall have the effect of a final decision and shall continue in
force until or unless it is subsequentlq modified or reversed on
9.7 Additional Ri��ts
Noth�ing in these guidelines shall prohibit any complainant or other
interested party from appearing in front of the Authority Board of
Commissioners; the Rehabilitation Advisory Com�nittee; the City Council;
or appealing to an appropriate court. Provided, however, that except
as where elsewhere provided by law, the decision of an appeals committee
is final and binding.