265922 WHITE - CITV CLERK ����� PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council ` CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE,., -MAVOR File NO. � ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Budget for the 1975 Capital Improvement Program, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: ,- Transfer $22,000.00 from the 1975 Unallocated Administrative Reserve, ` :�y' ` Account 90075-001, to a new accotuit for the Rice-Arlington Athletic _. - Building, for a net change in the budget of zero. Resulting in the following amended financing for the Rice-Arlington Project: _ Current Financing Change Amended Financing State Grant-OSA-41 (Acquisition) 100,000.00 -0- 100,000.00 Federal Grant-OSA-41 (Acquisition) 252,444.35 ' -0- 252,444.35 State Grant-OSD-105 (Development) 22,895.00 -0- 22,895.00 Federal-Grant-OSD-105 (Development) 25,000.00 �-0- 25,000.00 67CIB-Athletic Field Acquisition 185,000.00 �� -0- 185,000.00 67CIB-Site Development 24,456.55 -0- 24,456.55 68CIB-Site Development 119,929.57 -0- 119,929.57 72CIB-Site Development 88,963.02 -0- 88,963.02 74CIB-Athletic Building 80,0OO.OQ -0- 80,000.00 75CIB-Athletic Building -0- +22,000.00 22,000.00 TOTAL $898,688.49 +22,000.00 $920,688.49 Approved a to funding: Approved: . ���Departme Fina�ce Ma' ent Services ty Budget Director . :_ , . ,. , COU[VCILMEI�1 Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Community Services �X Hunt � In Favor Robert Piram, Director Levine U Gerald Prill, Superintendent of Parks Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President j�(t gozza Adopted by Council: Date � � g �9�j Form Approved by City Att ney Certifie d b C '1 r ry BY By Appro by Mayor: Date �� �9� Approve y May r bm' o C un 1 By By PUBL!SNED AUG �E 197� �`♦o�=* o,�y � CITY OF SAINT PAUL o ;..•.M. � OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMt���,�j�R � ... � IG V + ,,° . '=��' .�.. THOMAS J. KELLEY , � � � 365 City Haii,,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 UWRE Ma�COHEN , July 29. 1975 ' , (612) 298-4928 REPORT TO THE HONORABLE LAWRENCE D. COHEN,wMAYOR , 4 _ . .._ From: Thomas J. Kelley, City Administrator � • . Regarding: . Three Council Resolutions transferring additional monies to four capital improvement projects previously approved by the City Council: 1) Fire and Police Equipment Services Building 2) . Rice-Arlington Athletic Field Building . 3) Indoor Target Range, 100 East lOth Street 4) Police Gymnasium, 100 East lOth Street. Source: Richard E. Schroeder, Budget Director Prepared by: Gregory N. Blees for: Chief Stephen Conroy, Department of Fire and Safety Services Robert P. Piram, Director, Department of Conar►unity Services; and : Chief Richard H. Rowan, Department of Police. Background: T'he Department of Fire and Safety Services request to transfer $75,000 to the Fire and Police Equipment Services Building project is based on a Planning Commission recommendation to provide site landscaping and exterior building design modifications � for the purpose of making the project visually compatible _; with the Amtrack Development. The $75,000 is being transfer- - -' red from a comple�ed Metro Fire Training Center Project account balance. � � The Department of Community Services is requesting an additional ' $22,000 for the Rice-Arlington Athletic Field Building Project. This project was oiiginally allocated $80,000 for the con- struction of a 2,500 square foot building which would function as a restroom, storage, concession and warming room . facility for the athletic field area. There are nine ball - - . fields existing on the site, one of which is the City's �major lighted softball field. This project had bid openings on June 25, 1975. The total including design and inspection is $102,000, which accounts for the current request. The Police Department is requesting an additional $17,500 for the Indoor Target Range Construction project which was originally allocated $35,000, and an additional $10,800 for the Poli�ce Gymnasium at 100 East lOth Street which was originally funded at $7,200. Both requests are based on a recent construction estimate by Toltz, King, Duval and _�Anderson. Both projects are presently out for bid and as the City is committed to a strict construction timetable to �et the October 1, 1975, deadline for Indoor Target Range �.�=,�: �e ,;.,,.. . _ � . - �6�9�,� . , . : . . Mayor Cohen Page 2' July 29, 1975 Background: _ . completion, as imposed by OSHA, it is imperative to have (continued),.x:' - �., :', adequate construction monies available to award the contract. � . . .�'� �_- ' . , �,. "'°' , The CIB Committee recommended funding approval of all requests "{ � "� ` at its July 25, 1975, ineeting. - j - - � � .. . � . . . . . . � . . . . s . . . . . . . ' The Budget Director has approved the requested funding. The . , ' Director of the Department of Finance and Manaqement Services � has verified availability of funding, and the City Attorney has approved the form of the resolution. Action Requested: Mayor's approval and transmittal to City Council. - , Attachments: 1) Council Resolution for the Fire and Police Equipment Services Building � 2) Council Resolution for Rice-Arlington Athletic Field � Building � 3) Council Resolution for the Indoor Target Range and Police Gym at 100 East lOth Street. � - ::�,. . . . - � M _ " � . .. � . � . � � - ... - . . . M . . . ' . t y..r.�.r "b' �.'m"' �t: �"' . . . � . . .. . � - . . . . ,ytiY::. r���:tY" Y ._� .. ' .. �� _ '.�: " . . ` • _. . 1' ' . .. . . . . .� . ���,:ai i� . . •..et,.,. _ ,:1°'a'.r . . -.;.r�54t.�►