265870 WHI7E - CITY CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY� OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLU'E -MAVOR • n , o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To ` Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the recommendation of the Mayor to expend $33,250.00 of Community Development Block Grant Program funds for the City' s Affirma,tive Action Program in compliance with the Community Development Act of 1974, and, further, tha.t the Council approves the establishment of the position of Community Relations Specialist in the Office of Huma.n Rights and also the position of Personnel Technician II to be responsible for Affirma.tive Action recraiting in the City's Personnel Office, both positions are existing Civil Service titles. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen I�o}i�6 In Favor Levine O r,__�ww� ��,_ A gainst BY Tedesco President I�t }�p�+ � Adopted by Coun ' . Date al� 8 t9� Form Approved by ity ttorn Certif' a ou '1 Secretary '� BY By Approved b or: Dat Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By BusHm AU 6 16 1975 5�East Fifth Str�et, Sair�t Paul, Minnesota 551 01. Edward N. Helfeid, executive director. phane 298 5�218 ,� . DATE August 7, 1974 ���V�� HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUT�ORITY OF "fHE CITY OF SAIN�' PAUL, MINNESOTA TQ Mrs. Ruby Hunt, Councilperson FROM Edward N. HelfeZd SUBJECT HRA EEO Officer The Equal Employment Opportunity Officer reports to the Director of Administration and to the Executive Director and is responsible for promulgating, monitoring, and promoting the Affirmative Action Program of the HRA. � The EEO Officer's job is concerned with: (a) Internal HRA affirmative action plan, (b) external affirmative action programs for contractors dealing with the HRA, and (c) external affirmative action programs with vendors who have dealings with the HRA. a. Internal AAP Program: This portion of the EEO Officer's job is concerned with developing, is.plementing and monitoring the HRA AAP program and includes counseling employees, meeting with supervisors, assisting in training programs, assisting in recruiting efforts and serving as a liaison with City, State and r'ederal Human Kights organizations. b. AAP for Contractors: The EEO Officer assists contractors in preparing � bid documents, obtaining bid bonds, and conducts pre-construction confer- ences to explain contractual obligations under Executive Order ��11246 and other HUD requirements which are in effect. The EEO Officer conducts on- site inspections to determine if contractors are living up to commi.tments to hire minority personnel. c. AAP for Vendors: The EEO Officer is also concerned with providing a positive effort to assist minority vendors in obtaining contracts with the HRA for personal services such as, architectural contracts, appraisal contracts, and supply contracts. Attachments: A position description for the EEO Officer and an Activity Report for 1974 are attached. � �� 0 � HGUSli��G ►�+�iD REDEVELOPI���NI AUIfIUf-�� IYUF INt [;ilr ur ��ii� i r�u �, IVIII�iiICJU1H . ` C-0K. P.•ECTr D CO PY ����g� 7-19-72 . POSZTTOi1 GP^-'.Z`,'r INT�::�'":L P.�L':��� ECONO��':IC ODPOR'I�T•r'ITY OFFIC:c LOCATI�N: Centr�l Office ANNiJAL SAT,ARY: � , , ' 13,900-20,8G0 �IOI�1tiLY Sr�i,.'a�CY: t`33�'�� ' ��"" " BAS�C FUt�CTION• Enforces all non-technical. contract provisions. Reviews Equal� Employment Opportunity effort of Contractors and Developers re�arding their affirmative action program. Par- tici.p�tes in the development of union/contra_ctor trainin� programs and apprenticeship recruitment progr��ms. Is instrumental in the developnent and administration of EEO and Affirmative Action policy and progr_^.cns for HP.A personnel. DUTIES A*?D �t�SPn*?SPILITIFS: 1. Responsible for the preparation and/or review and approval cf. the instructions to 'ui�cers, iorr.�s, ger.eral specific�tions and con3itions for all site cle�rance, � site ir.iproz�er.ients :nd construction contracts. This includes but is not limited to the revising of instructions to bidders, forms, generai specifications and ��onditi.ons to reilect Federal, State and local requiren:ents. 2. Determines cor..pliance with general specif?cations and conditions of a non-technical nature. This includes but is not limited to obtain:.n� ar.d reviewing contractors, subcontractors �:nd redevelopers insurance, perforr�ance bonds, payrolls, payment re- quests, ccrtificates, non-collusive and caithholdina affiduvits and equal employ- ment o��ertunity sub;�ittals. 3. Z:or::s tai�:. u-.-_cn �-::_-�e��:'��.._-.�s, ccn�r�:c�ors, cor.structio� industry represent�ti.���s, sch��ols, :^.�_nor�.t� ;roup or�*�..^.iz�tions, redevelopers �nd pubZic a�encies to imple;nent and en�orce la:�or-s�ua�urds provis.i.ons. 4. riaintains contract records and ob ains and revin�as all contract submittals required for close-out of contracts. S. Assists Dep�;rtr.ent H�ads and coordinates �aith tiie Personnel Gfficer for hirin� 4nd pror..otiozs i.n o�t?inir.�; cor.;pliance w�th equ�1 e�gloy-:-�ent opportunity and �f�irr.;- Fti_�;e •�cCien Policy of the �Iousing ancl �ed�velopnent Aut�ority of the City of 5�=.�nt n..�il �.r;T,•,�crta, . _ � 6. PLe��res reports �d letters to priv3te and pu�lic �.gencies �a:.th re�ard to daties outli.ned. 7. Revie:•�s d?ily ins�ection reports for co;:ipliance ��ith reporting requi.rements. S. Caraplies 3nd r�^:_ntains records of redevelopers progra*�►s and pro�ress as well as for al? contr�ct taari; and preoares reports for internal use and for subr.:ittal to public �.�e:.c�cs. . 9. P1.^ns, c�ttc'_��cts .-:nd coordin�tes seminars ��nd r.:eetings of r.iinority contractors �nd �pp:.e:�tice c^ndid:-;tes. . � 10. Y:�rticip�tes in the ne�otiation and interpretatio:� of employee �rievance procedure *o the c�:t�;�t �n:i cv��nin the limit:ttons as set forth in the equal enlployrient opportunity policy adopted by this Agency. � �L�`.r0:�':ZC 0.°;'C::'?'�'.'.42iY C t r I C�I: w � �Y�z;;e -2- . . ������ 11. Reviews and approves affirmative action proorams. 12. Sets up meetin;s on equal employment opportunity wit� contractors, developers and o*N-ners �i0i COt�l ti:e IYOt1S7.II� 2L:1 ;er.et��l JepaiC:*.12ri�S� t0 2}.'��3�:1 ��10 Y'0- qu±re:�ents set forth in �r.ecutive Order 11246 and other r^ederal and local re� quirements. 13. Reviecas contr:ctors' and developers� p .a,yroll records to see that prevailing w�ges and proQer classifications are used. . 14. Intervi_ews �.�or'_e-s to confirn wa�e rltes, classifications �nd equal employment opportu:'.t�r co-�pii�.ce. 15. Pl�ces "'nold" Ori p���n2nts tn contr�ctors and vendors if payroll and eq_ual employ- meat opportunity reports are not up-to-date or if theJ are.noncompliant. 16. P.evie�•rs t�.� ?ntern�l h�r�n� practic�s o� tae �?ous?n� a:�d Re3e�e2op�::�nt �lutnority of the City o� Sa;.nt P^ul, �:innesota, to assure co^?liance with equal enploy- �ment ppportunity in hirinQ and promot�.on in this Agency. 17. Perfor�s oth�r duties �s 3ssi�ned by the Director of Adr,iinistration. OU"�.LIFZC`.i?0"S: � i�Iust de�;o�str^te sLr.s'.;.:v_t�r ^nd 3.e^ders':ip in the fieL3 oi race ralations. Ilust denonstrate a proven record as spolcesman or leader :_n representation of or coordina- tion of mi.:�o�it•. ^�-ou�s o?: znt�rsts -r.-.,ur.:t,* a__`fG= - . �- � i� ce: �rs. 2•tust de�:n�str.^te close `r.��.li.ar_ity ��rith ?11 Fsderal le.^.isl�tion, Ex�cutive Orders, Gi.:�OY' COUi:�. ut��.iJLO:i:o c^::i'i: :i�j Li::i02' Stu�3 �...:.t iCC�� ]_Coi:����D:� 'a2�2i � a - �„_ - th�^i ., .:,�:1,. l:.i'J and �affirma.�ive ��cti.oa requi::�e:.len�s oi t::e f�i:.. und its ver.3ors. Must demonstr_te close f�.niliarity �•�ith prablems and practice of administrative and ex.ecutive m�„�•-;e-�ent, esaeci�l?�; as regards the envirorenent of pu'•�lic administration cnd priv:�te co::struci.�o:� con��^ct�.n�. t-;ust ���.�or.str=�te �_�Ytiat���e �na tiie �^ci?�t�� to ;'esi�r, t:*or�:a�la new �c�,_.nistratit�e . .�rnn,•nc+� ar��l r�r�r^n(?.��r'n, '��iet nnecA�'R '�!1i�i t�� fnr �'PY�`1�. anrj r•TYlt'�CR`COmm11T?�C�t'!.OTl. i;usr de:�onstrr_te •�:;i=i.t; ior puulic spe�i;;_n� �c::d �n p�xticular, denonstr_te the �?�:?�t, �� s�?1 �:•.,�,.� .'e n�-o�,_ _�t: to r.�:e�-.��_s o� diz=`er�zit r c� � a ' ��'� ' � ' r. �s, �.n:. to reconcile the different V1@S•7S held by groups of different races. ;,,rT �.T'T.,,..;..,rnc. =``_. - 1. Su?�or.d.�-�-�tes non� 2� t.rj.�t:_r� •�.. _ be;�^��tr..��t lTe?ds; �ivi.sion Chiefs; Personnel Officer 3. c,T--�?��� �., ;.�, I?;'D co:�tzcts, cantr^ctors, c!e�-cl.o�crs, unions r:nd r,rinorzty �rou�s � �ivvv��•a�3 r-�iuv ��s.UL7LL�Ji I"viLiu ! fiUi (]Uii1i 1 Uf I �l [ 'lrl I T Ur JHIi` 1 ri'iU�., �`v1� 1'jiiLJ �,� �t1 r.i.�"G�:TtJ r�'�nnT. -�.... �,.-,Tr-•� . ; �? , �P�oe -3- ������ � The Housiag and P.edevelopm,ent nuthority Personnel Policy and Affirmative Action Plan provide that a1Z quali.fied applic�^nts will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex or national origin. Interested persons may contact the Personnel Department�; by memo, before July 31, 2972. � i � , . : .. , �'���i� , , Th��Houwing and Redevelopment Authority • oF [he Cily of Saint Paul, Nlinresota � DATE: DECE'�i.RER 2, 1974 T0: . A. A. DYBIEC FROM: BILL TURNER � ��N� SUBJECT: EEO ACTIVITIES. . .JANUARY, 1974 TO 1vOVEA1BER 21, 1974 This memo is a brief outline of the activities undertaken by me from January 1, 1974 to November 22, 1974. Any additional information can be furnished on request. CONFERENC�S HELD BY TNE EFO DIVISION: � - Conference on the Ramsey County WIN Program - EEO Seminar for Supervisors - Biding Seminar for Contractors. . . (held jointly with Development Division) - HUD Conference on EEO & AAP ilew La�as and Regulations - Conf_erence on CETA and Youth Employrient (NYC) - Conference with Real Estate Division Fair Marketing and Advertising ^ COVFERENCES ATTEPID'�D: ' `._,_i� _ - i,oiii.raCt i,o�u laiiiue riiu) Fair �Iousing Conterence �nu1)j P - Fair :-�arketing (Metro Council) - Fair Housing (Urban Lea�ue) - KUU �EO Conference - Tiodernization (H1.T'�i. ) • - F:.�.ir Alarketing (HUD) - EEO in Const. (School Dist. i�625) - Affirmative Marketing (AUA) - EEO (Employees Council) - Human Relations {Moorhead) - EEO (P'Iinneapolis HRA) NU??BER Or MEETI�GS [TITH DIVISIOid CHIEFS, DFPp_°.T'�Ei1T AEADS A:vD EYEGUTI`�E DIR�CTOR: ; ; , W. K. Dodge. . .l6 D. W. Cosgrove.. .7 M. D. Anderson. . .5 ?rI. Stuber. . .6 Alan Block. . .13 Roy Rettig. . .3 - Jerry Seigler. . .6 Warren Bauer. . .6 Frank Gordon. . .3 � W. F. Newman. . .13 Warren Frost. . .12 P. B. Lowery. . .31 E. N. Helfeld. . .17 J. T. �Iart.. .8 ;��]*i��?; pF gn?Zt�,L ?.��F'T'I,�GS OR VISITS TO SITE O�FICES: t I 785 Dayton. . .33 Mt. Airy (Public Housing) . .8 � Site Office '�aintenance Shops. . .39 801 Selby. . .8 � Business :�elocation. . .7 Other Public Housing Offices. . .17 OUTSI�E AG�'iICIES CONTACT�D OR �TISITED: - HQB Multi-Purpose Center - CDC `� = tIUD (Cliicago) _ HUA (?•iidway) � AI*'! �C - *iinority Contractors Association - Fair Share Coalition - St. Paul L.E.A.P. - H.E.L.P. � � . � , � TI�e H��u�iiiy and Redevelopment Authority , ������� � ' a� the Cily �t >�int Paul, Minnesota � —2— 12/2/74 AAD - Mineapolis L.E.A.P. - W•I•N- . - City Human Rights Commission - Ramsey County Welfare - St. Paul Urban League - t4inneapolis Urban League - Local ��132 - Local 4�880 - School District ,�625 - Minneapolis H.R.A. - Metro Council - Employees Council , . - Neighborhood House - American Indian Center - State Human Rights Co�nission - Mayors' rianpower Office - State Manpower Office - Ramsey Action Program SPEAKING ENGAGE''�IE;dTS: ' � - Dayton-fiudson Corporation - Cedar Riverside Association - State High�aay Department - T.V.I. ` - School District ��625 - U. of P2. Teacher Core - Gillette Comnany - Su�nit Hill Association RECRUITING EFFORTS: � Community Services. . .2 Clerical Positions. . .Hired 1 BM - �� I Renewal. . .b Clerical rosicions. . .nireu i n�. . .i yv�i. . .l Far� T�r� Lc�ib►l � Position. . .Hire� 1 ZdF. . .l Planner. . .AAP Not Accomplished , Maintenance. . .l Engineer. . .Hired 1 BM WIN. . .2 Janitors. . .Hired 1 B24 ��IIN Housin�;. . .3 Clerical. . .Hired 1 BF. . .2 [+TF All Previous TdIN REPn?tTS: City Human Rights Commission Quarterly Report; HUD Quarterly Report; EE�JC Yearly Report (attache�) . COMPLAI'�ITS OTH�R THAN STAFF: , Zelda �obinson VS Co�*^.unitv Serv�ces, I?elocation. . .RESOL��ED . - ; Anthony S tone VS P_enewal :'.ehab. . .DROPPED BY CO_�'°LAI�IT � Jim Mann VS �:enecaal Rehab. . .ACTIVE � �K. Mc'`dellis VS Rene�val Rehab. . .ACTIVE Marie Gardner VS Comriunity Services. . .A:VSWy'RED (STILL ACTIVE) I�iary Epperson VS Housing Rental Office. . .RESOLVED . IN-HOUSE EEO A'�1D A.�P COr��LAINTS: �`'Iorris �dilson VS Housin,o, 'iaintenance. . .NO CAUSE (CLOSED) � "�aintenance. . .�10 CAUSE (CLOSED A1 Ro3as VS Iiousin� ) Juan Lopez VS t�ousing `Taintenance. . .NO CAUSE (CLOSED) Tony Huerta VS Housing Maintenance. . .NO CAUSE (CLOSED) ' The Hnusing and Recleve�opn�ent Authority ��� '�`� . oF the Ciry of Saint Paul, Minnesota �0� � AAA -3- . 12/2/74 Tony Huerta VS Housin, *'►.aintenance. . .ACTIVE Clyde Jones VS Housing Maintenance.. .AGTIVE (PARTLY F�ESOLVED) Eligio 'Vlunos VS Eousing Maintenance. . .:d0 CAUSE (CLOSED) Ron Frazier V5 Housing Maintenance. . .NO CAUSE (CLOSED) Mack Burch VS Housing Maintenance. . .NO CAUSE (CLOSED) Rufus Banks VS Housing Maintenance.. .ACTIVE ' *Kate Severin VS ??.enewal. . .ACTIVE *Allen Frelix VS Housing ?laintenance. . .ACTIVE *Fred Carroll VS Community Services, �elocation. . .RESOLVED � *Ramsey County WIN VS Housing "?aintenance.. .PARTLY RFSOLVED *EEO Office VS Housing Maintenance (Transfer Policy) . . .ACTIVE *Nlorris Wilson VS Housing P�laintenance (Grievance) . . .ACTIVE *Angelo Hobbs VS Housing Maintenance (Grievance) . . .ACTIVE NOTE: * Co�plaints not reported to any outside agency. MEETINGS WITH INT�'B;1AL COMMITTEES: AD HOC Housing Committee � AAP Committee Union Grievance Coimnittee � CONSTRUCTION: � Pre-Construction Conferences Held: 23 ' MeetinQS witn Developers and Con�ra�tuis: - Eden Land Corporation - Biagini - H.E.L.P. Corporation - I:amish Wrecking - United National� Develop�►ent Corp. - :�Iinnesota Wrecking - Sentry Homes, Incorporated - BOR-SON - Alexander Construction - Shaffer Construction - University Sign Company - Big Bear Trucking - Louis Ervin - Reed Construction Construction EEO Beport: (Contractors with ten (10) or more employees) . CO*�A'�Y �ID A��?OLn1T E'`k L�YEES MIPdORITIES A. J. Spanjers $125,735.00 30 6 Hoyt Construction $ 56,661.00 42 12 . *AlexaT�rder Cor:struction $499,G59.15 289 7 Prir.:e Construction $ 15,849.00 17 6 } Bituminous �oadways $ 13,711.00 4 (on-site) 1 � Carlson Sewer Cor�pany $ 30,605.00 5 (on-site) 1 **Shafer Construction $511,829.84 77 13 � Eor-Son Cans*ruction S1,284,791.00 304 33 Sheehy Construction $3,688,930.00 130 19 ' � � Craig Alexander, President of this Company is worlcing with the St. Paul O Urban League L.L.A.P. with an OJT ProjraM for Minorities and Women. (Program on File with �IP.A) ** OJT and Apprentice Program with Urban League (L.E.A.P.) � ........--�--- , � � , 7_ �- ' k ►t � , ' .. Y � � �. �, �F :'��1.�:1 y �. . ' � :� Y,r L1.;1�_1-'.. �l� :��� • L L l� � Z C� ---'_._._.� iOF!� ,.� l EpI�.AL Et�1r'LOYt�"EtJ? OPPOFtTUNITY COMMtSSlON AFako4•eo � I� � . STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMFNT IIvF4f2�J�ATl0f�1 (EED-4) °'.1°"° 1Y4 ROGG9 � , E�:CLUDE SCHUOL SYSTf:,1��5 P.ND EDU::ATIONAL IhST17U7[ONS ' • (Reod an�ched instruct�on� prior to cor+pleting tF,is {orm) • . MAIL COA�•PIETED FORM 10: �:�<<�...f .Jti iF ':.:i' „<��7t:'..1.:�r`•:�"�ai` ,t,T.i"it-.i:�:�3L ' � ;, ;;, . .� ' t , ' t ��v ii.�, S �'i� t���.:i cs :i ,�_�i:�M .�.��:-.'� .. .t . . 7'�C.� �'./`. � L:'s:.� ��. . , r ' 4%,i' f �• ;5' S'.iii ��.+'�*i � � e �.:: . �._ }`� ,; . � �. �'!. :i f1�! �.�r� : : it . i' _. ; . . at� (.�::iti i��ie:=;+�'.S '� . r�i`a!i� :t.. � �, - � � � ' - � h{ava� • `� • � ��•.i:ii � . . t . . . ,�� ?fi��...rr: �:j(: � � ��Lt..i A. TYPE UF GOVERtvP�i�PJ f (Check one box only) � • � 1. Stute ❑ 2. County � 3. City ❑4. Tow�nship ❑5. Special district • ; []6. Other (Specify) ' ' ' B. IDCNTIFICATION -- EEOC - • 1. NAh",: OF POLITICAL JUR!�DICTION (If same us label, skip to Item C) u5E .. .y ONLY � A '" 2. P.ddress - Idur��ber ano Street CI7YjTOVJiV COUNTY . STATE/ZIP , r�•.j w B , • . , w�. ♦- . I'..�.. �". ..yi. Cf� �y.. '� . I � , .".C;<'S\T �"i'� ) _.___ ._.. ^ - .i_i . . .:a. ..x . . .""_S__' I � —"^___. ( ,� _-`�_---- C. F U iv CT I O N : . (Check or.e box to ind�cate t��< fvnctiun fqr�yhich this form is�eing s�,Lrnitted;'Do��G!�{,(�ebf �a�en-d v�ihin�the func�t ons please attech ' in yo��r governn,e�C covered by tlie (unc�i�n i:�cl�cat�d. i. you cr�rino!s��.�p�y � Y 9 �Y , a list shu:ving r.omt und udJress of agencies :•f!�ose data are r.ot intl�ded.) . .� • � . • 8. NEtiLiH. Vro.�:vicey o( Gublit f,rahh serviies. out�oetiene clinics. v�snmg - 1. flhAf:C1Al A�MINISIRATION. To. mse;inc�. tox t�����r.g ond cnileU�on. y,a�yp�y�nspeuions.nental heat�h.etc. . - � twd9..�..y. e��chosl���. ce��r..�l ociwc:ing and s����.:'a. (:no:c�ot odminis�n+GOn nu•se*.fuo:�ur.d . \ <mri.•d on by o vemu.efs. uu�.f�or's or comotro:ier's ul(icr eod . . �� GChL�tA:COnTCOL Du•:e�usvo��Y;�erto.�ned bY�'�rds ol v,pero{sers or cen�� � - � ?` miss��inrn. ce�!rul odmms::�t�:e ofhc�s ond a �ues. cerer�l pers�,nnet or 9. HOl151Nfi. CoJe e+�forcemen4 low rrm PuNic hocx�n�. (ain c�evn9 or. � i Ptunn�ng oyencrc�. nll iuJ:c•o! of!�ces ond emp!oya�rs li���:ies. moy�s��atr�. dmonce enfonru.eo!.hocsiag fo�eloe�ly.hoarn� ,e:,ae.:�+ofi:m. rrN comrol. � • � bo�:iffi. rt..i � , . ' ?. SiCEE'S n':D M!GNr:AYS. /.t;:�n�rnon:e. re,d��. co•�s�.�c�lo� ond udn�in� IG. C01.5/pUf::TY UEVELO�R�fNt Pionn.r.y. roNn�. lond de.ch:yncnr. o:�:�� - � isNUnan cf �':cc's. u�!rv:. s�:le�;=':s.roc��a.I��yhv.w:;onJ b��d�ot. ' spocc. Geavn(z�r;or�prese�vc�mn. _ ,:' �_ . I1. CORr::=TIJ^:S. )o?b. rcicr.••ata��es. dc�r�nio�� hwnet. he:Lv�:•V hou�es. .. � �. '_.0 J.c c:Ri. 1J.c.:.�r..�.:--e a!Fo•'ea ond e..�._�.r�..r...,..:^s ior i!..;nee:tv: �:,�,y���s.P.�r::r o�:�i yr�bor;on o:�..:�... . �� r� IHo . o�•i>� � . rss r. . - ' cJ n�.ih'�..�os.. .. . . .i,. �........ •.��':f !e o�:n. _, . pr,..ic•�ot n.n� 7.1 --- • . — '-'— t2. UTI:rttES �.!:D ii.:.•iSP05tAiiJN. Ir:'r;cs �eo�•• xq•Plv. c'x.cv.c Oov�rr. . � ,�\ nonvq bos.<,�•�:u.c. wo�r� nunsPOn��.uo a�d•r,nera�.f. � a FOUCE C�OiECIbj`! C.�.r,ol a[,::'�.cc droor�..a.+.s"���.II s ron,•oLiv's. . . � ' to.e�,.�.� rN..�. e�:. n.'�:d.o•, �e:h:d.o! a��d �'r;'cJ en,��l�;ero� ernc.�•d in __ _ � . pa�.a�e ��✓+r�G�s. IJ Se.f:�.'.:.:i.�t! ,h6 SEh'AGE Sr.�.r:4-o„i yn�wc+ar and.c6�.e�oI'c'�.��. , . , � m�J d.:t;.�-u1. V.:� s..,n. m � rno•�;e o�d oi.cr.��vc oi aa•�:�ary o�d a�o•n. • sen�e, srvr��a,.,•�d>ow•aye a,nPOSO'D':,n�e , S. Ref f•';?TECT104 D.•��.s ol�6e urofo.m.d 6re iu.c.•or�.i de•lcol rn-.,duvect. � � . �1'r�i•�o.,i la.c��l.rr Pr.v.�.i.c•. o. •.��:es ns i�<•��61 � � ' �a E'.tiriOrnlF,+t SECUCitt . � 6 NG1CC:.1 C(5.'�::�ClS. A. ����v.c,lo•re��y.Inrvyt I,rc Rrivrc•con.iniyo�:nn — . ' - . � � � ' 15 O�MiCR :S�'•'..1�. . d....., . r. �J<:•�..N • ..I.A • � VT.4r._�.1!a.i A:::a,. .,,{'r.,..,.�.�..i�nrfr�.��.r.a'..ntl.��.�a '.i.�..o!1`�rr\s.l.l��. . � . (��O.rn.��. f:... �n� � �-! Ot.�l.��.r��.n:.nu������. •�!^�. �1C -� ..�-__�� . ��.�.��'... . _:I+��ji('r' . • `1 ) 11;1:�'11A15 ANG SAN1i(,i:::�/.�'� C)t.��•�t�.'^ �",mon�•ro•�c�ol�r,.t�lul;um • . , � ' • 1��.r r.�n1��n1 n.c.7...1 tore - _...__�.�_'_�'_"'. .. _—'__'_. - �.�..�_�_ _.."'. '__._'_.__'�..�_.".�._._�._._.._�_�.__ "_ F:�:,C 1 u�k�;,�;�a�ca a•..w�i , r � ' a r•;,,:, , ��: "�,: , ., ��_�k���._�!����:��.~ . r �� � �. r -F . - (� . �D. EMPLOYN�EtJT DA7A AS UF JUNE 30 � ; (Do no! •;nclude elecied/appointed offici;�ls. Sicm�;s wiil be cour�ted as zero} 1. FULL Ti���E EP.�PLUYE�S (TentF:�erary einpleyees not incl��declj • ti ANt�UAL MALE FEh1ALE w . °t SAIARY SPAN. SPnN. • m Q AS':.W Af,',CR. ASIA!� Ah'.EP,. WHITE BLf.CK SUF.tJA7t�E OiHER WHtTE ' BIACK SUR7JAA'.E OTh:Ek � �� (In Thousunds! , h�1.ER. �`�`�'CR. IND. A!AEP.. AMFk. IN0. u ���� A B C D E f - G H I J K l . 1.c 01�3.9 • , . 2. 4.0-5.9 . `� 3. 6.0�7.4 Q� 4. 8.0 9.9 . _ V N 5. 100 12.9 � Z - Q� 6. 130 159 _ __ Q 7 16 0-24.9 y . , ' 8. 25.0 PLUS + . E . 9. 0 1-3.9 10. 4.0-5.9 • � � 11. 6.0-7.9 ' . Q Z 12. &.0-9.9 ' O vNi 13. 1 n_12.9 7� ^ 1 ~ �' ^ w. - p ld. 13.0-15.9 '%� _� '� ! a - , °- i . 16.0�'d.9 �'� " � 16. 25.0 FWS 17. 0.1-3.9 i 18. 4.0-$.9 v> 19. 6.0-7.9 Z �� - ---- ---- - ---.. .� a 120. 6.0 9.4 ' U ' _ �21. IQ.O-12.9 _ I l. _�_ 'f � � � � W .^.2. t3.n.i5� _ r- - �'�. 1 0-?-1.9 '� • 24. 25.0 PWS �\ ' ?5. 0.1-3.9` t �" 26. 4.0 SA • 27. G.0-7 9 - . . u - --- - - --- . �-'-� aa. a.e-9.; - � W> zv. �o.o�i^.� - - ,., r cr. . • �� 3,1.� _ 13.0�1�.9. a � -t--- � , r'�� �5.(� C �3?. 25.0 FLUS -- -- - -- - - -� -- - �3. 0.1•3.9 • ' 3e e0S9 �.; ----- --- --- -- -- - - -- - - . < ?_�_ a.Q-7.4 _ - - 7 - , - - - Q C �6. E.�9 9 ---'�- - --- - � � - K oa f� n • i Q ,�; ��. io.c�:a -• 1. • � o��a._.-��5.v -� --- -- - , � -- - . n ---- -T - - -- ' a :�9 1F_C!�».9 - - . 40. 25.0 PIUS ' c � ��- - - - - -...i� t2. �t054 - - -- - - '� `- e3�_4:�-��S -•- - ---- ---- - ,�,�- --�- � ---�--- u:< . -- -- �- - - `V I � 7' . '. _' , u. �:a� F.p a.4 - -- -- -- ---- - ---- -�- -- - --/� 0 v _ii_LQG�.4_ � - -� _� _�___ . �4._L3._(�15� - -- - --- - -- -� _� - - - .:7. 1 G 0>:.9 . nA S ?50 {`lUS -- ---- - - ---_ _ _�..- --- -- -- -- ----- IIUI IL�':11G4 nr.nr» ' � � _�. .'� �_ vq•�.r i f:t.,`�,°�J��:_:.ivi��� CC.i'Y . �- - - ----r- . -- - •-.---- - --- o . . C � ':�'.; ..�. i!.J:1;I�iG ..�•::.1 .e�(;�, YJ� E.�it'�4{..:i � • 1 uL l � Ut � - ---- - - � � ' D. Eh'�PLOYPl1ENT DATA AS OF JUNE 30 (Cont.) . � ' (Do not include elected/apE�ointed officials. Blanks wifl be counted as zc�p : •' - --- �' , • l. fULL TIfJI� EII,f LUYf ES (fem;�orory empioyees qot +nclvded) -�Q.� •` � ' � aNNUA� P.1n.LE - FEh1ALE � . W I � SAI.AkY � �SrnN , SvaH. � ' AS�APf AIAER. ASIAN •AN.ER. � m U Y/HI1E BL%.CK SURNA•.'_ OTNER WHI1E Rt/�CK SURNA'AE� OiHiR � � O� n�t.ER. IND. lJ.tE�. IND. 1 : . -+F (inthoos�nds AMEk. � �N:.ER. � v 0°�' A 8 C D E F G H I J K l � : � 49.5 0.1-3.9 . . � 50. 4059 ' r • Q SI. 6.0-7A a v 52. 8.0�9.9 o - � _ J 53. 10.0•t?.S { ? --- - . . Y 54. I 3.0•15.9 �� f. N • 55. 16.0•24.9 ' S6. ?5.0 PlUS � 57. 0.1-3.9 � ' S8. 4.0•5.9 ' u 59. 6.0-7.9 . v Q 60. ' BA•9.9 . 7 - � W L 61. 10A-129 J�'r__ i i ` �. °'Q 62. 13.0-15.9 . � - . ' 63. 16.0-24.9 64.S 25.0 PCUS . � - �. iUT.FUII TIME COL - - -- • . � IUiALS I . � .: ---�-�► i � �_--J 1--L- � � � � I , 2. OTFIER T�hiAN FULL TIME EP�IPLOYE[5 (Include temporary employees) • • . 1.OFFICIl1l5;AD;,�IN. 2. PROFESSIONA!5 3. TECH�JiCIPNS - ' 4. P20"cCTIVE 5[RV. _ - 5. PARA-PROFESSIOU,=I � 6. OFFICE/ CLERtCAI_ � _ _ 7. SKIIIED CRC�FT , II. �Ff:`J./ ",:,INT. --- _ �- iOTAI U1HER COL , � . 101AlS °-.. _ '-�"�' • • ' 3. NEVJ H!F.E$ DURIt�G fl�Ci-�l YE.4R - ('ermcment fuii tir��e only � (Omit this section in 1973) ' 1. O''FIUt-.LS 'AD•'.1tN. �T- --- - - - - � -. ;;�-� - -- - � ' ?. FROFESSiON�.IS ! ----__------ - - � 3. IECHN'C�ANS _ _ _ . � ' 4. i'F01iCT!VE SERV. - - - �-- , 5 V/�n:.Pk�fESSICt�:.: �.- - -- -- � � - -- ��._ - 6. OFNCE j Cl'tRiC%u if 1 I -�---' 7. $Ktll[D_C�;,c--_ ^ -------^ - ---- -� �-_-1._ �_ _-T- --'- i � E, SLn'✓ ' ,�.'�."�1� __ � .� ----- I- - ` - --- • • tULKe�•:�ric(S - �C�t - - - - -- . . TOIAIS . . � � . .-?+ • • � i . • . � . YAi.(� � . y ' ,Y ' / ,--�.e----;— - – - � # ' t, . _ : . � �. � 1'�tf"� � :� ! . . �� . ,_:4 ��`t;�i__�.---='-=i� f�, .=_�,v� i_.,t—�_:;T —. . R'E��'IARKS (Lis1 Nc�tiona! Crime Information Center (NCIC} numbers ' , �u�sigc�cd to uny Criminul Justice Agencies vrhose da'a � � - � I • are included in this report.) ' i _ o t.-_ � � . � � , � - � � ��58�� : _ , � . �_ � . . ; ; . . � � - . i . -. ; : . � - . ; . � � �. I ,- . , t . ; _ V; . ,-.. , . : , . � � � ( : � . ,, � � , � , � � � , , , - � . . � � � • ; . � . . � ; ` CCRYIFI:�F�,T'ON. I certify tha; the informution given in this report is correct and true to . • ihe best of my kno�vl�,-u�e ancl �vias reported in c:ccor:Junce �vith accornpunyinc� instruc- � tions. (V'.'i1i uily false s�utemer�ts on ihis report are pu�ishable by lativ, U.S. Code, Title 1 F3, Section l�C►l.) . . ! I�AN,E Oi PE�:SO'v TU CUi�T:•.CT P.cIiARDlidG THfS FORM T�1�E ' .'�? � ''.:Y...nM ,�1. Y'^:!fr1 ...""��c;!."+''�i.~.. C•'f•.'1f:Y ^�r ADD�:E5S (�..���,t�,, c�r.0 Strec•t C�ty. Stote, Z�F� Codc'� IEIEPfiOP:E r.u.'.'�N:� ' AREA CODE � � j f1:7 i . ' ...�jl •' .ff.;.����n�.l•!r'ilt: �tiF:i:t��t�i �) . � ' a 1� ��'��• (1 1 . O� ��:^ •;�}' Oi ::.�'.i� t.�lt�. :...?l'1•:1G:1:.i1 ���_...� . .S—fY �7A . .`�:� :n,:�l: 1':il; . ��Y:•_`L, :�!�. :'.1:��.� "tt. '.i':7�1�. ' . DATf 11'f�Ef) �L�fy [ / TI1lE UF l�UT!1��4�'ITE� Uf FICI�:L SIGNATUF.E � .�1�i1•.:i � . :)��:)'�..Y.G� ���t"t^L�Ql' C1� �l�',-!�Ti�:'i`i2':.3. .� , • . : �,�f, 7 .., /��+ . - - ---- — — -- ' `:...-.--