265867 WHI7E - CITV CLERK � 26586"�
' Ordin�nce
• "' Ordinance N�. ��
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
, '
Out of Committee By Date
,Aa adaiinistrativ+e �s�dinar�ee apprevisg the terms
a� c�mditi�s o� a ]rabmr agreem�t betwe�n tl�e Cf.ty
ef �tt. Patil. a�c7. the As�ACi.ati� of �c,l�soiPimci
p�sfi�,ential �l�ye�s of th� 6�ffi.ce �f l�y�r and
q.ty �duinistrat�r EA�i�ll�.
�� the C�amcil� par�su�at to tL� pr�viaioas ef Socti� ].�.�9 of
t� $e�i�t Patil. q.tr �arter ar�d P�bLi.c l�rpl.�t L�be� �tio�+s Jl+ct �f
1gTl� as �d�d, recogpizes the /li�� .aa the exelsasi�v�e represe�ta�tiv+e
for the p�rp�ae of ffieeting a�d. aegotisting the tar�s �d c.�ditons of
e�p]Aya�ent fir a71 peraonr�el aa set �orth in az �grer,aeat between
the City of Sai�t �a�7. and th� As��iatior►; and
�S, tL� Citys t�r�gh de�i�at�ed. r�pr�se�tativ�e� and the Asa�ciatie�
hav�s aet in gsod faith �nd. A�gatiated. the terms a�d eoa`ditioa�s af e�pl�ent
for �nch persmnel as are set for� in the agree�nt b�tw� the d.ty a��d th�e
�eaociatioa�; aa�w, th�refere
� � �' � CITY bF �A�F PA� 3� �T:
fecti� l. ltiat the sgree�ent dated as �f th� e�'f'ectiv�e date of tY�is
ordi�ce 'bet�ree� the �ity o� Sai�t P��l aad JI�E�6�Jl oa Pile iz th�e ePPice
�f the C3ty A erk is her�by apprsv�d a� the a�tY�rized a�I�i�istr�tiv�e
oFtYcia�ls af the City as�� herel�y a�tthorized an�d directed te eaee�te said
e�gree�at o� �ehalf af th� Cit�r a�' �int Paul.
Sect,i� 2. T'hat the c��ati� i�cresaes ca�t.aiaed i.n said
a�t slu�ll. take �'•rce ar�d effeet retrsactive],y ta th� dste sho�m i�t
thd agMe�t, in aec•rdaace with the �pre�a�d iat�at ani agr�t o�'
this C�eil e�atair�d i� �.F. 26�7�8.
- 1 -
COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Christensen ��
Hozza [n Favor
Rcedler Against BY
President Hunt
Form A prove y Cit tt rney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY !
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b or f sion to il
� '
� Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. �..7�
, .�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
iect3+� 3. �t all �t�er terss �d �ditione of aaid agre�nt
shall take �arce a�d effect cut tYu et�'eetiv�e dat� af this �rdi�s�nce.
�cti� 4. S�at a�y �ther �rdina�ce, rale or regul�tt3o� im force
� sa�id agr�e�at ta'�es effect iscs�aiat�at With ar�y pr�visi� �f tl�e
t�s and co�ditior�s of eai.d agree�eat i� �y re�ealed.
�cti�tt 5. Tl�t this �rdi�aae� s�sll tak�e efPect a�d U� it� farce
tbirty (30� d�Ys af'ter its patsss�e, appr�vsl ead p�l�lieati�aa.
� AppY'enred.:
Civi7. 3ervice C�oissic�n
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Christensen pCrBOxul@l
I�Ie.ir }i�1'�' In Favor
Levine O
Roedler Against BY
President f�e�!}�'CQ
� 2 � 19� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Cou�e'rl'� Date
Certified Passe Council Secretaty BY
B -
Approv by Mayor: te 19 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�'t,'fll.�ec�� QU �. -
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• ' " , • INDEX �.��C����
. . �
Prea�ble iii
I Retognition 1
II Definitions 2
III hianagement Rights 3
IV Maintenance of Standards 4
V Checkoff 5
YI Discip�ine 6
VII Legal Services 7
YIII Grievance Procedure 8
IX Wages 12
X City Mileage 13
XI Saving Clause 15
XII Insurance 16
RIII Vacation 17
XIV Holi.days 18
XV Severence Pay ].9
XYI Dental Plan ~ 20
XVII Duration and Effective Date 21
Appendix A Al
- ii -
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This AGREFrMENT entered into on 23rd day of July , 1975, between
the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as either the "EMpLOYER"
or the "CITY"� and the Association af Unclassified Confidential Employees
of the Offices of Mayor and City Administrator, hereinafter referred to as
the "ASSOCIATION", for purposes of fostering and promoting harmonious relations
bet�reen the CITY and the ASS4CIATIOid in order that a high level of public
service can i�e provided to the citizens of the CITY.
The AGREEMENT attempts to accomplish this purpose by providing a
fuller and more complete understanding on the part of both the CITY and the
ASSOCIATION of their respective ri�hts and responsibilities.
The provisions of this AGREEA�NT shall not abrogate the rights and�or
duties of the EMPLOYER, the ASSOCIATION, or the employees as established
under the provisions of the Public gnployee Labor Relations Act of 1971,
as amended.
- iii -
. � � � � � ���8b�
1.1 The CITY recognizes the A,SSOCIATIOPI as the exclusive representative
for the Association of Unclassified Employees of the Office of 2iayor
and City Administrator (AUCEOMCA), as certified by the State of
Minnesota Buresu of Mediation Services, dated A�ay 8, 1975,
Case No. 75-PR-739-A. :his above unit co�sists of the following:
AIl unclassified confidential employees employcd in the
oPfices of the Mayor and the City Administrator of the City
of St. Paul who are employed Por more than 1�+ hours per week
and more than 1.OQ wor}� days per yPar, excluding Gity
Ad.�ninistrator, N,�yor, and all other employees.
- 1 -
. � . � �F���l
�, . �
2.1 Collective Bargaining. The CITY will bargain collectively with the
ASSOCIATION with respect to rates of psy, hours end conditions pertain-
ing to employment for sll of the employees in the unit hereinbefore set
. forth.
2.2 Discrimination. The CITY will not interfere with, restrain or coerce
rrith employees covered by this AGREEI�NT because of inembership in or
activity on behalf of the ASSOCIATIOid. The CITY will net discriminate
in respect to hire, tenure of employment or any term or con�tition of
employment against any employee covered by this AGREEN�PdT because of
metnbership in or activity on behalf cf the A,SSOCIA�IO'�, �or will it
discourage or attempt to discourage membership in the ASSOCIATIOIi, or
ettempt to encourage membership in another ASSOCIATZON.
- 2 - ,
3.1 The ASSOCIATION recognizes the right of the EMPIAYER to operate
and manage its affairs in all respects in accordance with applicable
laws and regulations of eppropriate authorities. The rights and
authority which the EMPLOYER ras not officially abridged, delegated,
or mod:fied by this AGF�EENi�;�iT are retained by the EMPLOYER, .
3.2 A public employer is nat required to meet end negotiate on matters
of inherent managerial policy, which include, but are not limited
to, such areas of discretion or policy as the functions and programs
of the �fi'�ZOYER, its overall budget, utilization of technology, and
organi�ational structure and selecti_on and direction and number of
~ �
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4.1 The parties agree that all conditions of employment relating to
�rages, hour of work, overtime differentials, vacations, and all
othe� general working conditions shall be maintai�►ed at not less
than the highest minimum standard. as set forth in the Personnel
Rules of the City of Saint Paul, (Ordinance No. 3250} and
Ordinance No. 64u6 at the time of' the signing of this AGREEMENT,
and the conditions of employment shall be improved wherever
specific provisions for improvement are made elsewhere in this
_ 4 _
� . � ARTICLE V - CfiECK OFF ������
, . ,
5,1 The B�IAYER agrees to deduct the ASSOCIATION membership initiation
fee assessments ar.d once each roonth dues from the pay of those employees
who individually request in wri�ing that such deductions be made. The
amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the Et�PZOYER by a represent-
etive of the ASSOCIATION and the aggreg�te deductions of all emplol�ees
shall be remitted together frith an itemized statemer.t to the representative
by the first of the succeeding month after such deductions are made or as
soon thereaf`ter as is possible.
5.2 Any present or flzture employee who is not. an ASSOCIATIO:� member shall
be required ta contribure a fair share fee for services rendered by the
ASSOCIATIOPl. Upon notification by the ASSOCIATION, the EMPIAYER shall
check off said fee from the earnings of the employee and transmit the
same to the ASSOCIATIO�d. In no instrnce shall the required contribution
exceed a pro rata share of tre specific expenses incu�:•red for services
rendered by the representative in relationship to negotiatior.s and
administration of grievance procedures, It is also understood that in
the event the CITY shall mske an improper fair share deduction from the
earnings of an. employee, the ASSOCIATION shall be obligated to make the
, CITY whole to the extent that the CITY shall be required to reimburse such
employee for any amount improperly withheld. This provision shall remain
- operative only so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law, and
es otherwise legal.
5.3 The ASSOCIATION egrees to idemniiy and hold the EMPLOYER harmless against
any and all cleims, suits, order or �udgrnents b rought or issued against the
CITY as a result of any action taken or not taken by the CITY under the
provisions of this Article. �
- 5 -
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9,1 l7ischarges will be preceded by a five (5� day preliminary suspension
without pay. During said period the employee and/or ASSOCIATION may
request, ar.d shall be entitled to a meeting with the Ei�IAYER
representative who initiated the suspension with intent to discharge.
During tne five (5) �ay p�riod, the r�LOi'ER may.effirm the suspension
end discharge in accorc3ance with Personnel Rules or may modif`y, or
withdraw same,
- 6 -
, t
, . �;��L)��
10,1 Except in cases of malfeasance in office or willf�l or wanton
neglect of duty, �SPLOYER shall defend, save harmless and indemnify
employee against any tort claim or demand, whether groundless or
otherwise, aristing out of an alleged a�t er omission occurring in
the performance and scope of employee's duties.
_ 7 _
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11,I The FAg'LOYER shall recognize stewards se2ected in accordance with
ASSOCLATION rules and regulstions as the grievence representative of
the bargaining unit. ?'he ASSOCIATION shall notify the EMPIAYER in
writing of the names of the stewards and of their successors when
so nsmed.
11,2 It is recognized and accepted by the EMPLOYER and the ASSOCIATIOPt
that the processing of g•�ievances as hereinafter provided is limited
by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall
therefore be accomplished during working hours only when consi�ster.t
with such employee duties and responsibilities. The steward involved
and a grieving employee shall sv.ffer no loss in pay when a grievence
is processed during working hours, provided, tr.e steward and the .
employee have notified and received the approval of their supervisor
to be absent to process a grievance and tY.at such absence would not
be detrimental to the work programs of the EMPIAYER.
11,3 The procedure established by this Article sY;all be the sole and
exclusive procedure, except for ti�e appeel of disciplinary action
as provided by Article �, for t;�e processing of grievance, WhicY. are
defined as an elleged violation oP the terms and conditions of this
11.4 Grievances shall be resolved in conformence with the following
procedure: �
- 8 -
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Step 1. Upon the o^currence of an alleged violation of this
AGREF�NT, the employee involved shall attemp� to .resolve the
metter on an informal basis with the employee's supervior. If
the matter is not resalved to the employee's satisfaction by the
infor�►al discussion it may be reduced to writir.g and referred to
Stcp ? by the ASSOCL4TION. The rrritten gri evar�c e shall set f�rth
the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the
alleged section(s� of the AGRE:��TJi violated, and the relief requested.
Any alleged violation of the AGREa�NT not reduced to writing by the
ASSOCIATIO=•� xithin seven (7� calendar days of the first occurrence
of the event giti�ng rise to the grievance or within the use of
reasonable diligence should have had knowledge of the first
occurren�e of the event giving rise to the grievance, sr.all be
considered waived.
St•ep 2. Within seven (7) calendar days after receivir.g the written
grievance a designated E1�SPLpYER supervisor shall meet with the A,SSOCIATIOI:
steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. If, as a result of this
meetin�, the grievance remains unresolved, the EMPLOYER shall r.eply in
writing to the ASSOCIATION Within three (3) calendar days following this
meeting, The ASSOCIATION may refer the grievance in writing to Step 3
within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the EMPLOYER's
. written answer. Any grievance not rePerred in wri.ting by the ASSOCIATION
�rithin seven (7) calendar deys followi.ng receipt of the EMPIAYER's
answer shall be considered waived.
- — 9 — .
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Step 3. Within seven (7) calendar days followin� receipt of a
greivance referred from Step 2 e designated E2•:PLOYER supervisor �
shali meet with the ASSOCIATIOI� Business Manager or his designated
representative and attemp� to resolve the grie�rance. Within seven
(7� calendar days following this meeting the EA�IAYER shall reply in
writing to the l�,SSOC7ATION stating the EMPIAYER's answer concerning
the grie•rance, If, as a result of the written respo:�se the greivance
remains unresolved, the ASSOCIATION may refer the grievance to Step 4,
Any grievance r�ot referred to in writing by the ASSOCIATION to Step �+
within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of tre II�IAYER's
answer shall be cc,nsidered waived.
Step ti. If the grievance remains unresolved, the ASSOC�ATIGN may within
seven (7� calendar days after the response of the EMPLOyER in Step 3,
by written notice ta the Et�'LpYER, request arbitration of the grievence.
11.4 The arbitation proceedings shaZl be conducted ty an arbitretor to be
selected by mutual agreement of the EMPL01'ER and the ASSOCIATIOY within
seven (7� calendar days after notice has been �iven. If the parties fail
to mutually agree upon 3n arbitrator within the s�id sevEn (7•) day period,
either party may request tt;e Public �nployment Relation Board to submit
a panel of five (5) arbitrators. Both the EMPLOYER and the ASSOCIA TION
shall have the right to strike two (2) names from the panel. The ASSOCIATION
' � shall strike the first (lst) name; the ENL°IA�R shall then strike one (1)
name. The process Wiil be repeated and the remaining per�on shall be
the arbitrator.
- 10 - '
. � �'����'�
11.5 'I`he arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore,
sdd to, or subtract from tre provisions of this AGREEI�'�NT. The arbi±rator
shall consider and decide only the specific issue sL:bmitted in writing by
the EMF'LOYER and the ASSOCIATION and shall have no authority to make a
d�cision on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator shall be
without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent �rith or modifying or
varying in eny wey the application of la�as, rules, or regulations having
the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision s�iall be submitted
in writing within thrity (30� days following close of the hearing of the
submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be Iater, unless the pa�rti.es
agree to an extension. The decision shall be based solely on the erbitrator' s
interpretation or r�pplication of the express terms of this AGREEN�A'T and
to the facts of the grievance presented, Tr,e decision of the arbitrator
shall be final and binding on the E2�IPIAYER, the ASSOCIATION, and the
employees. .
11.6 The fees and expenses for the arbitrators services and proceedings shall
fie borne equally by the EMPIAYER and the ASSOCIATION, provided that each
party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and
fri,tnesses. If either party desires a verbr►tim record of the proceedings,
it may cause such a record to be made providing it pays for the record.
11.7 The time limits in each step of this procedure may be extended by mutual
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12.1 The page schedule for the purposes of this contract shall be
Appendix A attached heret�.
- 12 -
� �� � . ������
13.1 Automobile Reimbursement Authorized: Pursuant to Chapter 92A of the
St. Paul Legisletive Code, as amended, pertaining to reimbursement of
City officers end employees for the use oP their own automobiles in the
performance of their duties, the following provi.s;ons ere adopted.
13.2 Method of Cormutation: To be eligible 'for such reimburseme�t, all
officers and employees must receive written euthorization from the
Meyor. Reimbursement shall be made in accordance with one of the
following plans:
. T�y e 1. For those officers and e�ployees who ere required to
use their own automobiles occasionally for official City
business, reimbursement at the rate of 13 cents for each
mile driven.
� TyFe 2. For those officers end employees who are
� required to use their own automobiles on a rPgt.lar
besis on City busines�, reimbursement at the rate of
$2.50 for each day of work, and in addition thereto
et the rate of 6.5 cents for each mile driven.
13.3 Rules and Re�ulations: The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations
governing the procedures for suto�obile reimbursement, which
regulations and rules shall contain the requirement that recipients shall
file daily reports indicatir_g place of origin and destination and
� applicable mileage retin�s thereat and indicating total �iles driven,
and shell file nonthly affidavits stating the number of days worked
' and the number of miles driven, and fl�rther required that they
maintain automobile liability insurence in amounts not less than
_13 _
� ' ARTI�IE X" CITY MII+EAG�- (continued) _ .
�100,000/300,000 for personal in3ury, and $50,000 for property
demage. These rules and regulations, together with any amendments
thereta, shall be maintained on file with the City Clerk.
13,4 The provisions of this Article shall not apply to employees of
Independent Schc�ol District No. 625. ' ,
_ �
- 14 -
15•1 This AGR�MENT is sub�ect to the laws of the United States, the
Stete of Minnesota. In the event sny aprovisions of this AGREEMENT
shall be held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction
from whose firial �udgment or decree no appeal hes been taken within
the time provided, such provisions shell be voided. All other
provisions shall continue in f�ll force and effect. The voided
provision may be renegotiated at the written request of either party.
AZl other provisions of this AGREEI+�P7T sh�ll continue in full force
� and effect. � �
' _ 15 _
16.1 The EMPLOYER will continue for the periai of this AGREEMENT
to provide for ENIPIAYF�S such health and life insurance
benefits as are provided by Et�LOYER at the ti.me of execution
of this AGRF.F�IENT.
16.2 The EMPLO�R will for the period of this �1GREF�NP provide
for EMPLOYEES r�ho retire after the time of execution of
this AGREEMENT and until such Et+�'IAYEES reach sixty-five
(65) years of age such health insurance benefits as are
. provided by the EMPLOYER for.such EMPLOXEES. � .
16.3 In order to be eligib le for the benefits under the early retiree
provision, the employee must:
16.31 Be receiving benefits from a public employee
retirement act.
16.32 Have severed his relationship with the City of
St. Paul under one of the early retiree plans.
16.4 In the event of the death of an actiYe employee or an early
retiree, the dependents of such employee or retiree shall have
, the option within thrity (30) days to continue the current
hospitalization and medical benefits, including such improve-
• ments as may be made from time to time, which said dependents
previously had, at the premium applicable, to dependents of
active employees.
- 16 -
I7.1 In each calender year, each full-time employee shall be grented
vacation according to the following schedule:
Years of Service Vacation Granted
I,ess than 5 years 10 days
After 5 Years thru 15 years i5 aeys
After 15 years thru 25 years 21 days
After 25 years 22 days
F�rployees who work less than flill-tune shall be gran'ed vacation
on a pro rata basis
17.2 The head of the department may permit an employee to carry over
into the following year up to ten days' vacation,
17.3 The above provisior:s of vacation shall be subject to Ordina^_e
I1o. 64la6, Section I, Sub. F.
17.4 If an e�ployee has an accumulstion of sick leave credits in excess
of one hundred and eighty days, he mey convert any part of such
excess ta vscetion at the rate of one-half day' s vacstion for each
day of sick leave credit.
17.5 The maximum number of dsys' vacation allowed by the conversion of sick
leave credits shall be no more than five days in any one year, so that
the maximum vacation time which may be taken in any one yeer shall be
taenty-seven deys including the regular vacation period. �
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18.1 Holidays recognized end observed. The following deys shall be
recognized and observed as paid holidays:
New Years Day Colwnbus Day
Presidents' Day Veterens' Day -
Memoria2 Dsy Thanksgiving Bay
. Independence Day Christmas Day
Labor Dey One floatir.g holiday
Eligible employces shall receive pay for eacl^. of tre holidays
li.sted above, on which they per°orm no work. Whenever any of the
holidays listed above shall fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday
shall be ob�erved as the holiday. Whenever any of the holidays listed
above shall fall on Sunday, the succeeding Monday sY:all be observed as
the holiday.
18.2 The floating holiday set forth in Section 1 ebove t�ay tie taker. at
any time during the contract year, subject to the approval of �he
Department i'.ead o: any employee.
18.3 Eligibility &equirements. In order to be eligible for a holiday with
pay, an employee's r.ame must appear on the payroll on any six working
days of the nine working days preceding the holiday; or an employee's
name must appear on the payroll the last xorking day before the holiday
and on three other �rorking dsys of the nine workir.g deys preceding the
� holiday. In neither case shall the holiday be counted as a working day
for the purposes of �his section. It is f�rther understood that ►:either
temporary, emergency nor other employees not heretofore eligible shall
receive holidey pay.
18.4 The regulsr normal rrork day hours preceding New Years Day, Jenuaryr 1;
' and Christmas Day, December 25, shall be the first four (4� hours of
that normal work day.
. - 18 -
' • �
19,1 F�mployees shall be eligible for severance pay in eccordance
with the Severence Pay Ordinance No. 11�90. The amount of
Severance Pay allowed shall be that emount percnitted by State
Statutes sub�ect to the provision that the maximum amount allowed
shall be $4,000. -
- 19 - �
. 3
COVERAGE A - Regular Services --- 100�,
Routine periodic examinations at six (6) month intervals, including
bitewing x-rays at twelve (12) month intervals.
F1i11 mouth x-rays once in any three (3) year interval, unless
special need is shown.
Dental prophylaxis as prescribed by the dentist, but not more .
than once every six (6) months.
Topical fluoride applications as prescribed by the dentist, but
not more than once in any twelve (12) month interval.
COVERAGE B - Restorative Services --- 80;�
Emergency treatment for relief of pain. �
Regular restorative services (amalgam, stainless steel crowns,
synthetic porcelain and plastic restorations).
Oral surgery (provides for extractions and other oral surgery,
including pre- and post-operative care).
Gold restorations when the teeth cannot be restored with another
filling material; crowns and jackets when the teeth cannot be
restored with a filling material. ,
Non-surgical and surgical periodontics (procedures necessary
for the treatment of diseases of the gingiva (gums) and bone
supporting the teeth).
Endodontics (including pulpal therapy and root canal filling).
�OVERAGE C - Prosthetics (Removable and Fixed) --- 50°�,
Prosthetics - bridges, partial dentures and complete dentures.
Crowns when used as abutments to a bridge. EXCLUSION: Coverage
. is NOT provided for replacement of misplaced, lost or stolen
' - dental prosthetic appliances.
MAXIMUM; $500.00 maximwn amount payable per covered person per coverage
This Dental Plan is a tentative agreement between the parties which will be
reco�ended by the City Negotiator, but is sub3ect to the approval of the Administration
of the City and the City Council, and will be effective January 2, 19?6.
� 2p ,
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` 21:1 Except as herein provided this AGAEEi�'�NT shall be effective as of the
date it is executed by the parties and shall continue in fl.ill force
and effect thru December 31,1976,and thereafter until �riodified or
amended by mutual agreeanent of the parties. Either party desiring to
amend or modif�r this AGREEr�IVT shall notify the other in writing so as
to comply with the provisions of the Public Employznent Labor Relations
Act of 1971.
21.2 This constitutes a tentative agreement between the parties which will
be recommended by the City hTegotiator, but is subject to the approval
of the Administr�tion of the City, the City Council and is also
subject to the ratification by the ASSOCIATION.
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. - �.—+�. J -�"'�t":�-��a.. �
' City Negotiator �' Business Representative
Civil Service Commission
Mayor �'-
City Attorney
- 21 -
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ppp�;�p�� p_ TITLES A.�';D SALAP.IES -- �;ffective January 4, 1975
r �� �. � ����s�
+ � � Secretary to the City Administrator
Secretary to the Msyor
A B C D E F 10_yr• 15_yr•
$396.50 $412.So $�+29.50 $�+�+6.50 $�+65.00 $483.50 $�+95.;0 $508.00
Administrative Aide to the 2�4ayor
55?.� 575.� 600.00 625.00 652.So 681.00 699.00 718.00
Administrative Aide I
571.00 595.ao 62i.00 6�+7.50 675.50 704.50 723.50 743.00
Research Aide
b61.5o 689.00 71$.54 7�+9.50 ?82.50 817.00 838.00 860.00
Administrative Aide II
680.00 708.00 738.50 771.00 803.00 838.50 861.00 883.50
Communications and Progr�s Director
752.Sa 785.50 820.00 855.50 892.So 932.00 957.00 982.00
Administrative Aide III
. 792.� 826.50 863.00 9oi.00 9�1.00 982.0o ioo9.o0 1036.00
� .
_�._ ��-_,_-.,- _
. .. ._.,�... °��.��:
' pppk;�� p_ Z'ITLES Ai';D SAL,APIES -- Effective January 4, 19?5
� �• .
� ` ����6'7
� Secretary to the City Administrator
' � � Secretary to the N.ayor
A B C D E F 10�r• 15_yr•
$396•50 $4�2.50 $�+29.50 �446.So $465.00 $483.50 $�+95.io �508.00
A3ministrative Aide to the t�4ayor �
55?.� 575.� 600.00 625.00 652.50 68i.00 699.00 718.00
� Administrative Aide I
571.00 595.00 621.00 6�+7.So 675•50 704.50 723.50 743.00
Research Aide
b61.5o 689.00 718.50 7�+9.50 782.50 817.00 838.00 860.00
Administrative Aide IZ
6So.00 708.00 738.50 771.00 803.00 838.50 861.00 883.50
Communications and Progra.,�s Director
?52.50 785.50 820.00 855.50 892.50 932.00 957.00 982.00
Adninistrative Aide III
� 792.00 826.So 8b3.00 901.00 94i.00 982.00 l009.00 1036.00
-A1- "
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" � ', �tPPEIv'DDC A (CONTINUF.:n)
f ' � ' �����_..�,
' The 'follo�ring provisions shall take effect on January 3, 1976: " �
1. The 1975 salaries shall be increased $20.00 bi-weekl.y.
2. �nployees in this bargainin� unit shall be covered by a
Dental Plan. If for any reason a Dental Plan is not
implemented for the employees of this bargai:ning unit, a
salary increase of $8.00 bi-weekly Will be granted. �
This shall be in addition to the $20.00 increase granted
in Item No. 1 above.
- A2 -
r � • Do not detach this t`r�emorandum from the O�. n0• ���
' ordinance so that this information will be cr�
` avai(able to the City Council. ���Su I
' , , �
FROM: `Thomas J. Kelley, City •4drriin' tra�
DATE: July 28, 1975
REGARDING: This Ordi.nance approves a Labor Agreement between the
City of Saint Paul and the Association of Unclassified
Confidential Employees of the Office of Mayor and City
Administrator (AUCEOMCA)�
This Labor Agreement was negotiated and is a two-year
Agreement for the period Janua.ry 1975 through December
1976. It includes provisions for a 10% salary increase
up to a maximum of $2, 000 for 1975 and a 25� to 35�
per hour increase� for 1976.
SOURCE: PersonnelOffice
ACTIQN REQUESTED: I recommend your approval and submission of
this Ordinance to the City Council.
ATTACHMENTS: Ordi.nance and copy for the City Clerk.
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