265865 WHITE - CITV CLERK CO11I1C11 ���VU� PINK - FINA�N�E GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEP RTMENT h�1J BLUE - MAYJR File NO. � Ordindnce Ordinance N 0.=y_�7��V , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Ati ad�inistrativ�e ordi�ance appraving th� ter�us a8d a�nditi�� o�' a 'tii�oraad� �f �Tader�tandin8� sPP�B t� cerfiain "�aclassified ipl�ees" of the City ot' Saiat Panl sat l�elong�g ta a esrtif�.�d tiargaibiag �nit. T� t�6XT�TGII� OF T� CI�Y 0F SAIl�`P P� DQ�'3 ARDAII�: =ection l. T�tat the �r�nd�m �f Q�iersta�cliag" clat�d �s of t�he effecti�v�e d,ate of tY�is arciina�ee� on file ia the office.of the City p.�rk, is hereby approv�ed �d the a�tY►srizmd adainistratiw efficials af t� City are here'by auth�rized aad d3.rscted tc� �cect�te 8aid '�e�raudum �t' �erstanding" ea b�half ef' the City. . 8ecti� 2. Shat all of th� ter�s and e�diti�as �et fmrth in s�id �rat�du� aP �d�rsta�nd,ing shall t.ake foree and ef�ect r�troactiv�ely te �s��u,axy �, 1975, eacept for tY�e ail�age a1la�tra�ce provisioa costeiiued ia ssid �rand� of gi�clerstand3.ag and t,�i.a shali. be¢ame ef'fective v� tY�e ef`Peetim date of this Ard�i�e►nce, in accsrc�aac� wi.th the expressed iBte�t au�al t o� the E'�uacil coataineEi in C�tmcil File l�i. 26�748. Qecti�n 3. That any other E�icali�a ace, rale or rag�a].ativn i� force whan s�i.d agreenment tal�es eft'ect, ia��sisteat xitk a�r provi�i•n of the tesms at�d conditi�s af saicl a$r�est, is �ereby repe�led. �ectian 4. �t this mrdinanee shall tsk,s ePPect ead be in Yerce. ��Y (30� �YS af'ter its pa,ssage, appr�val asd publieati�. l�ppr�v�d.: �� Civil S�rv3ee C�issior� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen � �y � g�t In Favor Levine O �" Against BY Sylvester �ed�c�e� President � Hozza Adopted by Council: �Date � 2�6 t9�j Form ppro ed by it ttorney � Certified Passed b�ouncil Se etar � BY By ' Appro by Mayor: , Date Appr b ' sion o C uncil � By BY PUe�tsHEO qUG 3 0 �c� (�,-�1. np. �5�-37� � ��� oF U����� ��5�65 This Memorandum of Understanding shall apply to the emplo�rees o.f' the City of Saint Paul e,�nployed in unclassified titles whieh are not included in any certified bargaining unit. 1. 2`he salaries for employees employed in the following titles shall be increased $76.50 bi-weekly: Budget Director Chief of Police Director, Department of Conununity Services Director, Department of Finances and Mana�ement 3ervices Director, Department of Ptrblic Works Fire Chief 2. The salary range fox tYee title of Deputy City Attorney sh�21 be increased 3°�. 3. The salary ranges for the title of Attorney VI shall be increased 6.2°�. 4. The salary ranges for the titles Iisted belo� shall be increased 10'�,: Attorney I Attorney II Attorney III Attorney IV Attorney V City Clerk and Com�issioner of Registration I,abor Re2ations Director Legislative Aide 5. The following provisions staall apply to all titles listed ixs items number 1 through 4 above: a. Provide paid life irasurance (same as for active employees� for those who retire prior to age sxxty-five (65), to be continued to age 65. b. Modify the vacation carry-over policy to allox an employee to carry over into t.he £ollowirag year up to ei�hty hours of vacation wi.th the approval of the depart�ent head. (This replaces the present forty hour maximum.� c. MIIF,AGE ALTAWANCE City officers and employees may be reimbursed for the use of their own automobiles for o�ficial City busincss. To be eligible for such reimbursement aZl officers and employees must receive written authorization frc�m the Mayor, r�nd rei�ibursement sh�ll be made in accord.ance with one of the following plar�s: ' � . �����`� . , � � � • T�1. For those officers and employees who are requfred to use their orrn autc�obiles occasionally far official Cit3r business, rei.mbursement at the rate of $O.13 far each mile driven. Type 2. For those officers and employees who are required to use their awn autamobiles on a regular basis on City business, reimbursement at the rate of $2.50 for eac�i day of work, �nd in addition thereto at the rate of $0.065 for each mile driven. The Mayor shall adopt ru7�es and regulations governing the procedures for automobile reimbursement, which re�,vlations arid rules shall contain the requirement that reci�ieats shall file ciaily reports indicating miles driven and shall fiie monthly affidavits stating the number af days worked and th� number of miles driven and flirther require that they maintair3 automobile liability insurance in amounts not less than $100,000/300,000 for personal injury, and $50,000 for property dama�e. These rules and regulations, together with any amendments thereta, shall be maintained on file With the City Clerk. Do not detach this memorandum from the �l''�• �; ��� ordinance so that this information will be �CC�pC5 . • ' � avaiiable to the City CounciL �� ��U REPORT TO THE HONORABLE LAWRENCE D, COHEN, MAYOR FROM: Thomas J. Kelley, City Administr or DATE: July 28, 1975 REGARDING: This Ordinance appro�ves a Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to Unclassified Employees not belonging to a certified bargaining unit. The Merriorandum includes salary adjustrnents ranging from 3% to 10%. SOURCE: Personnel Office ACTION REQUESTED: I recommend your approva.l and submission of this Ordinance to the City Council. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance and copy for the City Clerk. • ' . lat 2nd � 'y 3rd � Adopted ����_ Yeas Nays CHEtIS�TTSEN HOZZA c� ��� ���&6� � ROEDLER � � SYLVESTER TEDESCO I PRESIDENT (HLJI�TT)