265863 WHITE - CITY CLERK ^�����
- �� =���=�►` - - ncil esolu i
�, R t on
-- -- .�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVBD, That Antler Corporation (Arby's) be and hereby
is granted a permit to install a fast food restaurant on
property located on the north side of Suburba.n between White
Bear and Ruth Streets, more particularly described as follows:
That part of Tract B, Registered Land
Survey #276, files of Registrar of
Titles, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying
east of °Line 1" and west of "Line 2".
Said Line 1 and Line 2 are described as
follows :
Line 1 is described as beginning at the
most northerly northwest corner of said
Tract B; then south 0 degrees, 37 minutes,
30 seconds east, along the west line of
said Tract B and the southerly extension
of said line to the south line of said
Tract B and there tenainating;
Line 2 is described as beginning at a
point on the south line of said Tract 8,
a distance of 100.0a feet east measured
along said south line from the point of
termination of said line 1; thence north
0 degrees 37 minutes, 30 seconds west,
149.00 feetf thence on a bearing of east
5.00 feet• thence north 0 de rees 37
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Rcedler A gai ns t BY
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
WH17E - CITY CLERK ������
� � �� � � . Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
minutes, 30 seconds west to the north
line of said Tract B and there tenainating;
Subject to a street easement over south 40
feet for Suburban Avenues
all in accordance with plan� dated Received June 19, 1�75=
subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and
its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all
applicable pronisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes
and rules and regulations of public suthorities having cognizance.
COUNCILMEI�T Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
.iio+!�•j}�� � In Favor
Levine ;^ �
Rcedler �-''� Against BY
,�� �. �� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Cou . Date ,
Certifi ass d Coun ' Secretary By � S ���(4t�v
Appro by Mayor: Date T Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
i��.�sHEU AU G 16 �9 5
� �� �
July 24, 1975 /,�D
Mrs. Rose Ann Mix
City Clerk
Room 386, City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Madam:
This is written in response to the application of Antler Corporation for a permit
to install a fast food restaurant on property located on the north side of Suburban
between White Bear and Ruth Streets. This property is further described by the
legal description on file.
This matter was first heard by the Board of Zoning on June 5, 1975, at which time
staff recommended approval contingent upon the developer's capacity to meet
design standards and provided the site meets all the criteria for a fast food
After the applicant briefly,explained their operation, Marilyn Lantry asked that
this matter be tabled pending the City Council's determination on the matter of
McDonald's Restaurant on Suburban Avenue, as this may have a bearing on this
matter. On the grounds that the City Council has shown some interest in the
adjoining property, a motion to table this matter for two weeks carried unanimously.
This application was again heard on June 19, 1975. Staff reported that the site meets
all the criteria for a fast food restaurant and staff's recommendation was for approval
of the plan as shown on the revised site plan.
Representatives of the applicant explained the projected inerease in traffic which
would be generated by their proposed restaurant. A motion was made and seconded
to recommend approval of the permit. The motion carried by a vote of four to one.
Mr. Rupp voted agai.nst the motion because he felt the traffic there was way out
of proportion and thought the City should re-assess this commercial area. Plans
received June 19, 1975, meet design standards.
S W ��
Secretary, Board of Zoning
Zoning File 7775
421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-415�
'. �! i��. j����
. � � � �
. � � �s58s�
A) Exhibit 1 - Illustration of streets, existing traffic patterns and
projected Arby's traffic input,
B) E�ibit 2 - Chart of traffic flow per hour for 24 hours and compari-
son of Arby's traffic flow for same time periods.
C) Exhibit 3 - Chart of traffic flow for a 24 hour period and showing
Arby's traffic input per hour as $ of total traffic.
D) Exhibit 4 - Listing of various and typically successful neighborhood
oriented retail operations with their attendant customer and or
traffic count.
E) Exhibit 5 - Arby's menu - New products and services to your community.
F) Exhibit 6 - "Arby's Really Cares" - illustrating:
1) "Microbiological in-unit tests" to maintain high standards of
2) Vanguards letter of Arby's cleanliness, excellence and managers
inspection report.
3) V.I.P. Cards - Customer input to be on the alert for suggestions
to improve our products, services, cleanliness and courtesy.
G) Exhibit 8 - Architects sketch of original new building design from
which Suburban unit must be patterened with 80+ seats, salad bar,
. -.
, ' � � •
- EXHIBIT I - ������
I. Illustrates present network of streets with their attendant traffic
flow, areas of congestion, and minimal effect Arby's has on existing
traffic - even if all customers we served came from outside this
immediate area.
II. Public Works Departments plans for handling the traffic situation in
this area. (J. Smrka, B. Roettger, K. Schonberger)
A) Short Term
1) Connection of Highway 61 to I94 (West of White Bear) that should
reduce the amount of existing traffic flowing Easterly on Burns,
and Northerly on White Bear Avenue past the Suburban Avenue
2) Installation of a special right turn lane off Suburban Avenue
to Ruth to facilitate North/South traffic movement.
3) Semaphore light at Ruth and I94 ramp.
B) Intermediate Term
Installation of semaphore light at the intersection of White Bear
Avenue and Suburban Avenue - if critical.
C) Long Term
The mapping and holding of necessary property for the future extension
and connection of Suburban Avenue and Burns Avenue and Highway 61 in
an Easterly linkage.
D) Comment
Suburban Avenue, East of Ruth does not, according to traffic engineers,
carry an excessive amount of traffic - in relation to their guidelines
and standards.
I. Bar chart showing both the total traffic and projected Arby's traffic
on Suburban Avenue from 12:00 midnight for each of 24 subsequent hours.
"Our site selection policy is to choose areas where we can operate
profitably on existing population and traffic areas - not to have to
depend on bringing in additional customers - our most frequent customer
is 18 to ,$8 years of age, married, with and without children, both
employed and living within 1� miles of the restaurant."
' .' � � . •
� �. �6��s#3
I. Bar chart showing previously illustrated traffic count every hour for
24 hours both for general and Arby's as a percent of total traffic for
each hour.
I. Illustrated chart showing typical suburban oriented types of retail
business establishments with their respective traffic and/or customer
count - as compared to Arby's.
NOTE: Arby's is not the excessive car traffic generator that some might
have assumed we are.
II. Arby's v.s. McDonald's - only similarity is that we are both in the food
industry - but here the similarity stops:
A) We are fast service food operators. It takes us 3� hours to roast
our beef (on premises) . McDonald's is a mass feeder for fast food
(only minutes to grill a hamburger) .
B) Our customer check average is 2X.
C) Our customer profile is different - more adult and mature (18-58) .
D) Arby's traffic is 99� less than the two McDonalds units we checked
for the past week in St. Paul where we have Arby's units adjacent.
(12 NOON TO 9:00 P.M.)
UNIT 611
Date Arby's McDonald's ± �
Thursday 06-12-75 442 821 +379
Friday 06-13-75 485 821 +336
Saturday 06-14-75 548 950 +402
Sunday 06-15-75 260 605 +345
TOTAL 1,735 3,197 1,462 +84�
. . . • •
� ���86.3
UNIT 214
Date Arby's McDonald's ± �
Thursday 06-12-75 603 945 +342
Friday 06-13-75 564 1,400 +836
Saturday 06-14-75 499 1,134 +635
Sunday 06-15-75 320 746 +426
TOTAL 1,986 4,225 +2,239 +113�
GRAND TOTAL 3,721* 7,422 +3,701 + 99�
Note: * Daily Average = 3721/8 = 465 cars - promo week and peak season.
� Effect of commercial and residential real estate values resulting
from the growth and development of Sunray - Suburban shopping center
�') Areas be they commercial, or residential are never static - They
are alive like the people supporting or living in th em. An area
is either more valuable - or it is stagnating and withering.
'� Commercial property in area in December 1972. 30,000 square feet
sold for 1.25 per square foot. Comparable property sold in April of
1975 for $3.74 per square foot. An increase in real property value
of 167� in less than 2� years - even after deducting the accepted
8-10$ per year compounded inflation value factor.
� Residential Survey
l.) Sunray Real Estate, 735-3232, Mr. Jack Whitcomb
a) Average increase in home values.
b) No excess of homes on market - normal.
2) Cardinal Realty, 739-8033, Mr. Tom Winer
a) Most homes nearest the commercial area were built in 1955,
1956 and 1957 and sold for = 17,000. Cardinal just sold
two of them for $ 34,000 and $35,000.
�b) Further expansion of existing commercial areas would not
effect current residential real estate values.
3) Cushing and Driscoll, 222-2703, Mr. Fred Wolfe (sold out 1/1/75)
Bradley apartments behind Sunray Shopping Center - always
have about 214 out of 218 rented - 98$ - never any problem
� � � � i •
- � �����`�
4) C.G. Rein, 222-0591, Mr. Roman Brandies .
Scenic Hills Apartments - 100� rented - all 108 units.
Never a problem renting.
5) Fox-Croft Apartments, 339-0355, Mr. Art Nelson(Real Estate Services)
About 900 occupied - better now than in the past.
6) Sherm Devitt, 338-0233, Home Builder(Formerly with Sussel Builders)
a) Built 81 homes in Battle Creek Terrace from 1971 to December
b) $40,000 bracket.
c) Homes are selling for more now.
I. The seven Twin Cities Arby's Restaurants are locally owned and operated.
To do a proper and successful marketing job we try to keep attuned to
our speci fic and local customer needs. ((�R(3�1'S /�'I f Nu�,l
II. Our sites are carefully selected to meet our high standards of: Population
Density in 2 mile radius, Family Income, Commercial Activity. To date
we have not selected an area whose present life style, income, population
and traffic could not support us immediately. Our most frequent customer
lives within 1� miles. �
III. We have never gone into an area where we couldn't enrich the local
market with new products and services. Show products to our knowledge
not now in area.
I. We zealously• police the quality and sanitation of our products, cleanliness
of our restaurants and bathrooms, and quality of our customer service.
II. This exhibit shows examples of Northwest Labortories microbiological tests
on 10 critical areas in our restaurants - Letter of commendation from
Vanguard Services = Copy of Shoppers Inspection Report with bonus rewards
for sales personnel who achieve excellent reports - V.I.P. Cards from
our boss - The Customer - on how we're doing.
III. The fringes are -
A) The taxes we pay,
B) The training and income we provide the neighborhood families.
� 1
• ' • •
. �� ���8s:�
I. The architects sketch of our original new designed Arby`s Restaurant
in Roseville from which the Surburban unit will be patterned with the
addition of more seats, heated vestibules, salad bar, possibly upholstered
II. We feel and we hope you share our feelings that we have more to offer
this community in aesthetics, products and services than the swamp that
we hope to replace.
. , ,
. ! � •
� �V a uard Inc. .
� ,
� 9620 k'�st 77th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55935 Lic¢�:6ed and Bond¢d
Phone (6l2) 831-3711
June 16, 1975
Mr. George Nadler
Arby's Roast Beef Restaurants
r 1500 South Lilac Drive
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Dear Mr. Nadler,
In response to your request, you are hereby authorized to use this letter in
your presentation to the city council.
The chain of Arby's Restaurants is one, among'many, of the restaurants we
service in the T1ain Cities area. For your reference, some of the other fast
food restaurants we service are: Burger King, McDonald's, Perkins, Super Sam's
and Red Barn.
The purpose of our service is to help restaurant awners and managers evaluate
their store and er�loyees regarding cleanliness, service, quality of food, and
general attitude of the er�loyees toward the customer.
In the past few years Arby's Restaurants have spent a great deal of time and
effort working with our company to perfect their operation in all areas. The
one point they have had us stress when shopping their store is the cleanliness
of their building, both inside and outside. In an honest appraisal we can state
that Arby's Restaurants rank among the top of the fast fobd restaurants we service.
It has also been observed by our company that when a problem is pointed out on our
reports, the problem is corrected i�r►ediately.
As mentioned, our service also evaluates employees on their attitude and the
courtesy shown to customers. The e�loyees at Arby's have maintained one of the
most consistant levels of giving friendly, courteous service to the customer.
As concerned citizens, we feel certain that Arby's Restaurants will continue to
maintain the high standards they have set for themselves.
Very truly yours,
� • V
Susan M. Vangen, President •
56o�r�ng Sur�ci��ancc � L�i�dcrcovcr Inve�liQalion {j' Compari�on SliuppinQ
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City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
(Please print or type)
% the City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall and Courthouse
City of Saint Pau�, Minnesota 55102
ApplicatiQn is hereby de to remodel or reconstruct an existing (cross one out)
install and operate a new
Indicate type such as Used ar Lot, Parking Lot, Fast F od Restaurant, Drive-I�
Facility, Excevation, Healt Care Facility, Residentia Facility (Fraternity,
Sorority, Boarding Home, Nur es Resfdence)
Capacity of parking area: :
*Location .
Legal Description .
(Lot, Block, Addition)
Applicant's Name .
Home or Office Address : �,
Phone Number .
(S igna ture) (Dat
When signing for the applica , complete the following:
Address .
Phone No. :
When completed, file th ee copies of this application form, ix printa of the
preliminary lay-out pl ns of the proposed facility and the ap ropriate fee with
t�he City Clerk, Room 86, City Hall and Court House, Saint Pau , Minnesota.
Fee rates are obtainable at the City C1erk's Office, telephone 98-4231.
*EXAMPLE: 1. S.F,� corner of Main St. and First St.
2. Soath aide of Main St. between First and Second Sts.
� � � ,
• Plat Map #42
Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 `
passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971.
1. APPLICANT'S NAME : Antler Corporation (Arby's).
2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal X� Permit � Other
3. PURPOSE : Fast food restaurant
4, LOCATION : North side of Suburban between W. Bear and Ruth.
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File. ��58s3
6. PRESENT ZODTING: Commercial.
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: 05 Paragraph: f
8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: May 30, 1975 By: CLMcG:mcb
A. HISTORY: This property is part of a large tract rezoned to commercial in 1957.
B. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 100 feet on Suburban and an
average depth of approximately 350 feet, for an area of approximately 35,600
square feet.
C. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is vacant and approximately at street grade.
D. DESIGN STANDARDS: Plans received June 19, 1975, meet design standards.
E. AREA ZONING: Suburban Avenue is zoned coromercially. The rest of the area is
zoned "A" Residential.
F. AREA CONDITIONS: Suburban Avenue is commercially developed along the north
side. Land to the south of Suburban is presently open space containing
substantial slough and storm water ponding area.
G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff's recommendation is for approval of the permit
." contingent upon the developer's capacity to meet design standards and/or
requirements of the various City departments.
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter
, Moved by . Br an Yeas Nays July 24, 1975
Y }( Showalter
Date of
Seconded by: Willits X Bryan Hearing:
X Hummer
Secretary's remarks• X Willits July 24, 1975
� Rupp X Counci Action:
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A,��� ��P �
APPLICANT AntZer Corporation (Arbv's� L.EGE��
-- ° ZONI�iG DlSTRiCT' 80#�3VOARY
Fast food restaurant �r� S1!$JECT P�tO�ER?'Y
� C� t3�c �A�+lILY
� ¢ TWO �'A�14L.Y
�IL� I��. 7775
� D�T�, June S 1�75 �All'L�'1�'L.� �=��+1�L`�
-- , �� �
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ON THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1975► AT 3 :00 P.M.
PRESENT; Mme. Shvwalter� Messrs. Bryan, Hummer, Willits and Rupp of
the Board; Mr. Sipkins, Assistant City Atto�ney; Mr. McGuire
and Mrs. Besemar� of the Planning Department Staff.
ANTLER CORPORATION (ARBY`S) (7775) : An application for a permit to
operate a fast food restaurant on property located on the north side
of Suburban between White Bear and Ruth Street.
Mr. McGuire gave the staff report and stated this matter had been tabled
from the June 5, 1975, Zoning Board meeting. Subsequent to that meeting,
a revised site plan has been received, which meet the requirements of
the various City agencies. The site meets all the criteria for a fast
food restaurant, and the staff recommendation is for approval of the
plan, as shown in the revised site plan.
Steve Rutzickr W-2052 First National Bank Building, reported that the
site is zoned corrnnercial and their application for a fast food franchise
meets all the criteria and requirements of the Ordinance. He attended
a meeting with the Traffic Engineers and was told that upon the opening
of the ramp on Highway 61 this would alleviate some of the traffic on
Suburban. Also, the extension of Suburba� Avenue will bring the traffic
count down some, how much they could not speculate.
George Nadler, Executive Officer for Arby's in the Twin Cities, reported
he spent some time discussing the traffic problem with three Engineers
� in the Traffic Department and gave a summary on their findings. The
most it would increase the traffic would be 3�0. A study that was done
on a nationa) level indicated that their customers fequently live within !
1� mile from the restaurant. Most of their customers come from the
irt�r►ediate area, not from long distances. He said Arby's average daily
customer count is 800, and their average daily car count is 295. A
McDonald's Restaurant, he reported, generates about twice the car traffic.
Mr. Nadler said he believed an Arby's Restaurant would not decrease the
value of residential properties in the area.
There was no one present in opposition to this permit.
Mr. Willits stated he did not necessarily agree with the presentation as
to the affect on the community and neighborhood, but the land is properly
aoned and they have a right ta develop it.
Mr. Rupp said he felt the traffic there is way out of porportion and
that it is an unb�arable situation. The City will have to reassess
the commer�cial area there.
Mr. Bryan made a motion to recommend approval of the permit. Mr. Willits
seconded ths motion and it carried by a vote of 4 to 1 with Mr. Rupp
voting against the motion.
Submitted by: Approved by:
Charles L. McGuire William H. Rupp, Jr.
Charles L. McGuire William H. Rupp, Jr. I
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_ July 25, 1975
I wonder if I could ask one of the councilmen to move for reconsideration
on the action taken yesterday with regard to Arby's Restaurant.
I attended the beginning of the council meeting yesterday and asked Councilman
Hozza's permission to be excused. I had made a commitment some months ago to
provide free entertainment for some 250 senior citizens on the Jubilee boat
yesterday. Because I was forced to leave early, I was chastised by one of
my fellow councilmen for my absence. It was also my opinion, after discussing
it with one of my fellow councilmen, that the matter would be laid over. If
anyone on this council feels that I should not entertain senior citizens on
my lunch hour and occasionally for a period that extends over the lunch hour,
then I wish they would ask me to drop this activity.
I have voted "no" on every fast food outlet on Suburban Avenue. I think I was
out of the city on one occasion when the Burger King permit came to a vote. I
would like the minutes to record a "no" vote for Arby's. This is consistent
with my position for the area. Irregardless of the legality, I think any area
that has exhibited such a high accident rate should not be subjected to more
dangers. So far, I have noted four accidents this month on Suburban and Ruth.
One was so bad a young lady was taken to the hospital by the paramedics.
As to how my fellow councilmen vote, I feel you are entitled to vote as you
please and I'm not questioning your reasons. At the same time, I do not
appreciate my votes being questioned. With that I would just as soon drop
the whole thing.
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