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�1ba�s �c�. « ,. �
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thereof having been given as prescnocu �y «�., .,.:, �____:__; _
WHEREAS, The CouncIl has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the C uncil: Date � �� �
Yeas Nays .
Certifie assed Co ncil Secretary �6 � ��"j
� Houa In Favor
Levine �Against
Rbedler Mayor
#*��- Puet�sK�o AU6 16 r97�
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,�,,� y�/'� OFFICF. OP' TFiE yt��YOR
, � ' �j . �V/ �3 L O: �` � - -
--. _-: � 265`741
�. `""'i�=T��'k�TIVE ORDER,
- ` - ----�..,rt��a an�' d i rected
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�t he th� �tnder ��.,.�ne�7 resi��nts �rreb „
- . P,=u1 A�7min��,±r�tive 0� :..t_ i)-- � 3T Pra�t��t the �ity of
recons "� '' 770 fo_r construction or
tr�actior. of� �i_�,ew�l!.;s or.
Av�nae _'.^or� �r�,,��� Vr� t�e l�Te,�±h Side ��f �;"�Gt � ; � a
A �n Street to Vict r �, ��lyiorni
sic?e oP ��e�+ ��Ilfern;.� from ?Jo»t� Avor.igtrtetetoallor�� �h
Street. �- So�.�t!i
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�'�i� �"' �v /� � �'�'��,�� ---____---=-_ . Av e,
/_. i . �-''1' n10 4r. C�?lif. Ave.
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// 8�� h�. �a1if. Ave,
IF ��
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._�. .... ,
. _•=�. .#ci'-_on St. - ;J, taebrasha Avz. to 41, iioyt Ave.
- +;-���s• ordzr �rras i n i t;ated by t7e Oi rector of Pub 1 i c Works as pub 1 i c necess i ty on the
�asis o� ins�ection oF the walk,
��'is �,31k is poured ccncrete wirh high joints , trippirg hazards , asphatt patches, cracked
concr�tP panais , scaled, tipped pa�els and settled pa,-�els.
- �`� cngineering recor�mendatio� is for aparoval of the order. �����
.s ^ ���� 0
(:e�uc� rro�:, a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. �ialk) -
C3 NJ Rr�
. otsc. r�a. t
S.S. tlidway °arkway Service Rd. - Pascal St, to Arona St.
Thi; order �.ras initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis
of 3 ccnplain[s by one person and inspaction of the walk.
Tn+s r�al;c is poured concrete with high „ioints, tripping hazards, asphait patches, 1/ .
�isintegrated, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped and settied paneis.
T^e E��gin�ering recomrendatian is for approvai of ihe order.
: �e.-arks : Asphalt boulevard, State Fair, and f�ursing F;ome Traffic caTi far �'• r�ide walk.
(Co^struct to width designated on plat, 6' a�ide) � � f ��,3 �
.-- C i H,! Rr� � .
Dist. t�o. 1
3•�• w. lion tana Ave. - Lexi ng ton �,va, to i:. Dun 1 ap S t.
Tiis order s•ras ini tiated by the ��i rector of Public Works on the basis of 3 com�laints
a�d ins�ection of the walk. "
+nis �.;aik is pou�zd concrete wi th tree heaves , high joints , tripping hazards, e�ater �
N�x';ets , crac::ed concrete panels , sclaad and tipped a�d ssttted paneis.
���� ='�3»°°-��^9 recormendation is for approval of the order.
�?".�ar�cs : ri�avi ly scaled concrete 3� years ol d . .S ""� �O � ''3 �"
(,��duce f ron a b f t. to a 5 f t. ti�a 1�:)
Ci HJ ;:R '
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� , �" o i s c. r�o• c�cc�C7`tc�
ti.S. �'. Ninna;�atia �,ve. - Dale St. to Pierce 8utler Rte. 'CV �'`�
� S.S�. � �,�. ;'.;nn�ia`�a Ave. - Dal� St. to St. F,lbans St. �� (+��
i:�i s o r�e r .,�s i n i t i a ted by the D i rector of Pu+�1 i c blorks as pub 1 i c necess i ty on the bas i s
a= a pezit+en aitn 1 signer representing 33 b of the assessable frontaga and inspection
o� tRe ►valk.
:�^is :,alk is paured concrete wi th tree h�aves , high joints , water pochets cra �
p ls and s,.aied, s..ttte� panz1s and wilT inciude reconstructing driveway •
c.::i�rcte an� � a
��� E,gineerin� recorrendation is for approval of thz order. S ~ �� !"� �
P.e^arks : i�ir.dow '�Istls and coal hole to be closed up.
(Ccnstruct to �f�idth designated on plat)
C?' :iJ ?R " ,
Dist. �do. T
t+.5. w. California Mve. - N. Avon St. to Uictoria St. and ✓
�•�. K. Calirornia �ve: - N. Avon St. Lo PJ. Mi )ton St. ,/
T�is or��� Na� initiated by Lhe Oirector of Public Works as pu6iic necessity on the basis
o* a p��ition with one signer a.nd insp�ct+on of the walk.
+his watk is nen construction and sorr.e oid concrete with tree heaves, hi�h joints,
tripair,3 hazards, water pockets, cracked concrete panels , and tipQed, settled panels.
T�;e �n;ireering recor.nendation is for approval of the arder.
(Cc�struct to :�ridth designated on plat)
S - IDI3 %
_ ;
� - ., DiSt. t! �VV
, �+.5. C��tra1 Ave. (abutt+ng 1133 Central only, Lot 10 of 81{., 3 �',W. Ho � �`'�
, . . .
yt s Re.)
7-i s orde� �:�as i n i t i ated by th� �i rec tor of Pub) i c �.�orks a5 pub l i c necess i ty on the bas i s
or a patition wit� 1 siSn�r representing 100:G of the assessable fron.tag� actd inspection
c` t:�e :•ral�c.
i;iis ���ra1k is old poured concrete, on� tree h�aved oane) rr T _.1��-^%��
°�N::=r would i rke enti re walk replaced. • as done �n .,3 „-fl»o. Property
7��� �n�+nz°ring recomr,�ndation is for approvai of tne order. •
S - /al3.�
(�eCucs fror;: a 6 ft. to a 5 `t. walk) �
Ci HJ Y.R ,
� Dist. P�a. �
S.S. `,�h ee 1 ock Pk�.�ry. - Ed ge rton S k. to wes t 560' ,/
Tti1s or��r rras initiated by the Director of Public 'dorks as pu�iic necessity on the oasis
of a �eti tion w't th 12 signers representing P,T.A.
T;�is wal;c is poured concrete with tree heaves , high joints, tripping hazards, wa�e�
pock�ts , cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipoeo and settled panels.
Th� cr,gi neeri ng recomrr,endation i s for approvai of the order.
$ - /013 -�
�°^�ar<s : Construct $' wide �
C� biJ RR .
.J.S. hazelwood St. - $0' south of Sharwood Frve. to north 32' ��5�'- ^�`e• E ✓
Tni; order was initiated by the Director of Public 'dorks as public necessitv an the basis
o` in5a�ction of the waik.
��+i; is new construction of a driveway crossing and apron.
T�e Engineering recorr�ndatio� is for approval of tne order.
�:rar�:s : Tnis part could not b� bui lt in 1974 ffazeltirood ordet. S `�d / 3 �
(:�.ed�ce fram a 6 ft. Lo a 5 ft. walk)
�T NJ Rr2
. . . . _ ., 265'�41
� , . . �
June 4, 1975 2��8��
t;r. Rog�r tlattson
:;i rec�or of Fi nance
a:,d t4anage;rsnt Servi ces
r�cn 113 City yall
,;�iE�:TIu�J : Pa�l Desch
::sar Si r:
?i�ase �repare the Preiiminary O�der for tn� construction/reeonstructian of
• t��= ;-i�zwalks listed on the attached ;,��^in'sstrative Order.
i^e 2�ti,ated cost thereof is as fo11o�.�s
��.��� per 5 f.L � 6 B Res. 5 ft. ,:i ?e
�o.GJ per 5 ft. wide C Kzs. � Cor,n. •
�7.2J p�r 6 ft. wide C Res . E Ccr^�.
�i .7� per sq. ft. for i nte,ral curo a�d tiralk C �'�es. E Co�n.
$2.G� ��r lin. ft. for GUTDtn.^, for Rss. i-� � B when inLegral curb
a�d wai�: c�nstructed.
Attached 'n�re+��i th are the fo}lo�::i n� :
i . :�pproved Au„�inistrative Order D-2070
2. A.�'.visability S DesirabiliLy Re�ort.
Y��;;r; very truly , � '
,�y.��"� P./����
r.3 f�l�y .�. I tlOm35
51��r��isor of Sidewalk Constsuction
23-� Citp Hall, Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55142
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' . Pa�e 1 of 2 pa�es
P E T I T I 0 N
Re : FILE 510132. Sidewalk reconstructioa Montana Avenue from
Lexington Avenue to Nortfi Dunlap Street.
We the undersigned, all residents and property ov�ners on
the above described portion of Montana Avenue herebg petition
the Cour�.cil of the City of St. Paul to resci.nd the Adm�.nistrative
Ord�r D-2070.
A similar reconstruction was proposed in 19?3 and was •
re�eciaded �rhen it was shown by photographs that th� alleged
de�erioration was merely cosmetic, mainly surface roughness that
maq improve safety durin� icy conditions. There is mi.nor heaving
adjacent to the 30 year old elm trees. This eaanot be corrected
for ar�,y extended period of time without cutting dovun the elm trees.
THere has been no change in the conditioa of the sidewalk since
The sidewalk is subject to very little traffic. The City
does not consider the area important enough traffic wise to con-
sider any side�ralk necessar� from the corner o� Lexington and
Moatana Avenu�s south into Como Park where th�re is a coasiderable
amount of pedestrian traffic coming from further north on Lexing-
ton Avenue,
This sidewalk could be made as serviceable as a n�w sidewalk
wit� a, minor amount of g�udent repairing. .. :
. F
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Pa�e 2 of 2 pa�es - Re: File 510132
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