265762 PW� - FINA CERK � ^����J� `/
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Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By � Date
RESOLVED, That Superamerica Sttations, Inc. be and hereby
is granted a permit to remodel an existing service station on
property located on the northrrest aorner of Rice and Wheelock
Parkway, more particularly describdd as follows :
Lots 25, 26, 27 except 'the West 94
feet the reof, and all af Lots 20,
21, 22, 23 and 24, Bloek 1, Rice
Street Villas and that !part vacated
alley acerued to all a�'orenumbered
Lots by the vscation thiereof;
all in aeccrdan�� .Nith plans ��i�ec� ;Received June 12, 1935;
subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and
its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with
all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state
statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities
having cognizance.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�x Hunt � In Favor
Rcedler � Against BY
President� Hipz28
•�� 2:2 �9�3 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified se ounc' etary BY ��/1- `�- -� ��`
Appro y ayor: D Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
pUgUSNE� AU6 L ��
July 2, 1975
Mrs, Rose Ann Mix
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Madam:
This is written in response to the application of Superamerica for
a permit to remodel an existing service station on property located
on the northwest corner of Rice and Wheelock Parkway. This property
is further described by the legal description on file.
This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning on June 5, 1975. Staff
stated that every effort should be made to be certain of an opaque
screening. Staff's recommendation was for approval contingent upon
the developer's capacity to meet design standards and the requirements
of the various City departments.
After several questions regarding the proposed addition, a motion was
ma.de and seconded to recoimnend approval of the permit. The motion
carried unanimously.
Plans received June 12, 1975, meet design standards.
�� ���
Secretary, Board of Zoning
Zoning File 7773
, ��
� �
421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151
C�J�CS1J l.�-'
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= cinr o� sT. PAUL
June 2�, 1975
File X1650, Page
You are hereby aotified that a public hearing will be held in the Council
Cha�ers of the City Iiall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on July 3, 1975
on the application of Super America Stations for a perwit to remodel a
service station on the property described as follows
Lots 25, 26, 27 except the West 94 feet thereof, and all of
Lats 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, Block 1, Rice Street �►illas and
that part vacated alley accrued to all aforen�bered lots
by the vacation thereof.
The property is located on the northwest corner of Rice Street and Wheelock
For further information, contact the P1ann�ng Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or
telephone 298-4154.
To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance and Managen�nt
Services is charged with informing you of Chis public hearing.
If you have any questions, it is reco�ended that you att�nd this public
hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your viewe, both pro and con,
known to the City Council.
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� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
(Please pr:int or type) t,r
% the City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall and Courthouse
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
ereb made to remodel or reconstruct an exis�ing (cross one out)
Application is h y
Z 6'-8" x 4S'-0" additian to a�rvicl� na and p�tfcia9 �oc�n�tion
Indicate type such as Used Car Lot, Parl�ing Lot, Fast Food R�staurant, Drive-In
Facility, Excavation, Health Care Facil3;ty, Residential Facility (Fraternity,
Sorority, Boarding Home, Nurses Residen�e)
Capacity of parking area: 1Z
*Lo c a t i on : NGl�Mqt � Ot� R10� 8� � V�t�OC�C t�l�CM/Ap
Legal Description : Iro�ta Zb, Zi� �7 �oa�pt tl� WNt �� fN't tl1M�v�t� Imd
+atl oi Iab �0 31. =4. !', +u�d Z�, dlock 1, Itic�
(Lot, Block, Addition) g�� V1�1wi �Ad �t pit# 19�V`OS�d ��y ��l�l �O
or ajl 01 aiae+�u�u�bb�lyd I�o�ts b�► th� WIolltla�► t1N[rot.
(Miscellaneous �� ��� �� ��� ����
Applicant's Name . �����'� I:
Home or Office Address : p. Q. �ppE Z�,�i $(. � pr�� �[�� s50��
Phone Number : 4f9-1155 '
Robert D. McClva
P.o-: eox 2�8 st.Pa�l Park, 1�i.nn. 55C>?� =8. 1l�7li �i �}
�.�7��5 � � � � �a 1H!
(Signature) (Date)
When signing for the applicant, complet� the following: ;�,'AY 8 t�75
Aaaress : G'{TY PlAIr1NING BOA��?
Phone No. • SPtint PaUi, MInn25ota
When completed, file three copies of th s application form, ,six prints of the
preliminary lay-out plans of the propos d facility and the appropriate fee with
the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Raul, Minnesota.
Fee rates are obtainable at the City C1 rk's Office, telephane 298-4231.
�EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. a�d First St. '
2. South side of Main St. between First and Secot�d Sts.
Z-3 7/73 r...�..,...�� APPLICATION
�a � q�s y� � � � �
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�OXRD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION June 5, 1975 Plat Map ��'31
Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64
passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7773
1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Superamerica
2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal ❑X Permit � Other � �V�85
3. PURPOSE . Remodel existing service station.
4. LOCATION . Northwest corner of Rice and Wheelock Parkway.
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 25, 26, 27 except the west 94 feet thereof, and all
of Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, Block 1, Rice Street Villas and that part of
vacated alley accrued to all of aforenumbered Lots by the vacation thereof.
6. PRESENT ZODTING: Commercial.
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: p5 Paragraph: f
8. STAFF INVESTIC�ITION & REPORT: Date: May 30, 1975 By: CLMcG:mcb
A. HISTORY: In 1947 an application for a permit to operate a motor bike rental �
facility at this location was withdrawn. In 1965, a permit to operate a
f illing station was granted.
B. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 128 feet on Rice Street, and
175.2 feet on Wheelock, for an area of 22,210 square feet.
C. SITE CONDITIONS: The site conta�ins a Superamerica service station with a
13-car parking lot to the rear of the site.
D. DESIGN STANDARDS: Plans receivQd June 12, 1975, meet design standards.
E. AREA ZONING: Rice Street is zoned commercially. The remainder of the area
has mixed "A" and "C" Residential zoning.
F. AREA CONDITIONS: Rice Street is developed with comm�ercial uses to the north
of Wheelock Parkway, including � small shopping center to the north, a
Kentucky Fried Chicken to the e�st, and an apartment to the west. To the south
of Wheelock, Rice Street is developed with mixed comanercial and residential
uses. The area east and west o� Rice Street are developed with apartments
and single family homes.
G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff's recommendation is for approval of the permit
contingent upon the developer's c�zpacity to me�t design standards and/or the
requirements of the various City departments.
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter
Yeas Nays
Moved by . Prifrel Prifrel June 2, 1975
Willits Date of
Seconded by: Willits Showalter Hearing•
Secretary's remarks: Rupp June 3, 1975
' Counci Action•
ON THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1975, AT 3:00 P.M.
PRESENT: Mme. Showalter, Messrs. Prifrel, Humnner, Willits and Rupp of
the Board; Mr. Sipkins, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. McGuire
and Mrs. Beseman of. th� Planning Department Staff.
SUPERAMERICA (7773): An application for a permit to remodel an existing
service station on property located on the northwest corner of Rice
and Wheelock Parkway.
Mr. McGuire gave the staff presentation and showed slides of the site.
He reported there is adequate room to provide for the proposed addition
on the site, but that every effort should be ma.de to be certain of an
opaque screening. . The staff's r�ecotrnnendation is for approval of the
permit contingent upon the developer's capacity to meet design standards
and the requirements of the various City departments.
Mr. Rupp asked about buffering and was told by Mr. McGuire that there is
a 10 foot site screen planting in that area and that a 10 foot site
bed is sufficient. A 5 or 6 foqt high basket weave or wood fencing with
proper landscaping would take care of 95 to 100% headlight glare.
Robert McClun, P. 0. Box 248, S�. Paul Park, stated the planting that
is there now is the original pl�nting, which was intended to give some
Mr. Willits asked the applicant if the existing planting was goir�g to
remain, and was told the screening would stay.
Mr. Rupp said the planting may have been adequate on the original building
of the station but he wanted a better job of screening done, and would
like the developer to agree to add to that screening.
Robert McClun stated he saw no �problem with adding more planting.
Mr. Hummer asked how ma.ny squar�e feet they would be adding to the facility,
�.nd how ma.ny additional parking spaces.
Mr. McGuire said they would be adding a walk-in cooler, storage facility,
and one more parking space.
Robert McClun reported they have 1,100 square feet of building and the
net gain in sales area would be 300 square feet.
Mr. Prifrel made a motion to recommend approval of the permit. Mr. Willits
seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Submitted by: Approved by:
Charles L. McGuire William H. Rupp, Jr.
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