265758 I WMI'7E - CITV ��ERK ��� � 2s5'758 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY -y7EPARTMENT 1. BLUE ti-MAVOR Fll� NO. � O/ ' nce Ordinance N�. ���7�I"1,� Presented By • Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A� �da�ixtistrativ�e �rd,iaaace approvi�g the t,�r�s and coxditic�ns of a �randt� of �derstanding" app]yinig to the �Lsssifisd 3�,pervi.sery C�nti$�tial �play�ees �f the GYty of ti�int Pat�].. '� �, �e Gbuueil� pursuant to the proviaions of �iectio� 12.09 m� tbe � 8aint Paul City t�arter and the "Public �Cp1p�,rees I�bor Relationsl Aet", re�ognize� the e,�p].oyees in the cs�fidential gro�p s be thoss e�aplay�ee� �1ePlaed a� "�Cnfir'i��ial �aplm�ees" in 8ectie►n 179.63�divisic�n 8, of the Iiinaesota Statt;ttes; and �, ?ke t�3.ty thrst�gh its designated r�prese�tativ�es haw� mrt �and ecanferred ia e�rd,er to establiah the ec�►�a.i.e'#.�s�s a�d conditiess �P e�pl�ya�t for tlu ea�l.enc�ar yesr �t' 1975 for such pers�nel� �s are set forth is tYre �randma of �d�erstancii�g"; nrw� thsreP�r� 'ffii t�IL �' '� t�7C �' SA�tDI� ��1'. � �: fecti� l. That the "�emrs�ceu�dt� of �erst�d3.ng" dated a�; sf t,�.e effectiv�e ci�ate cf t�is �rdina�ee, mn Pile ia�the �Pl�.se,of t.he City Clerk, is h�r�y appraved and the a�t}�rizsd ae3mi�istr�tiv�e ��'Pf.ciala� of tha City are hereby att�rized a� directed t� ex�eute said �rarid�n a�' t�d�ersta�sdiag" es� �half af tYu 4"ity. Sect►i�n 2. �,t a11. �f the tssas ea�. fa�dit�.ar�s set P�rth in said �rau� ef 1�d,erstanc�3.sg �Y�a71 take f�rce:and eff�ct r�tz�e�acti�ly t,� Ja�ary 4, 1975, eacQpt fccirr the milea�e all�wa�ee proviaiaa ewataised ix� W�id �rasdmt oP ii�l+ersta�diag ar�d tbie sbal], becc� e1Y'�a�ivre ttp�n the effectiw date of' this �rdir�a�aee, ia ace�x�cl�utce �i.th the expressed $ster�t aad a►�reeunt of the C�ancil ��ntitained iB G�meil Fi1.e �c. 264748. - 1 - Yeas COUNCILME Na s Requested by Department of: Y ; Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against By Sylvester Tedesco � President Hunt � � Form A p d'by City tt � � Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by Mayor: Date Approve ayor ounc By By WH47E - CITY CLERK �s5'758 PINK - FINANCE COL111C11 CANARIL- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SA�INT PAUL File NO. BLUE t 1�AqvOR � Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. �� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Sectioa� 3. Tbat ansr �ther prdir�axe�, rule �r reg�1.�,tic� ii� foree �hea said agree�e�t t;akes ef'fect, ixcaaisiste�t with aay provis3on of the t�rms and c�diti�ns of said agreemest, is hereby repealed. 3ecti� 4. That tliis �iinaa�ce shall take etYeet and be in Porce thirty �30� clays aPter its passage, approval and pnblication. I,pprov+ec3.s Civ1�.l Servi�e t�e�ai.ssi� - 2 +- COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hunt [n Favor , Levine �l Rcedler CJ Against BY '�,� �e�es President I�K$t Hozza Adopted by Council• Date Av6 7 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certi ' se ouncil retary ' BY By � Approved Mayor: Da Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By sy �euSHm �US � A t�� . C�,.� � . t�g��-- ������ I�lp� OF �TA�3II� Thi.s 1�Ie�rax�dun of �,Tiiderstandi�g shall apply to the Confidential employees holding the elassified titles of: Chief �aminer arid Director of Personnel and Assista�t Director of Persoruiel. 1. D�pl�yees ee�ployed in the aforet�e�ti�ed titles snd positions which are considered co�fidential shall be placed in a salary range equal to the 1g75 salary range applicable to employees employed i� classified titles in non-confideatisl positioss which are in the sa�e pay grade and occupaticu3al graup as the coaPide�tial titles. 2. Provide paid life ig��.rance (sa�e as for active e�nployees) for those who retire prior to a�ge 65, to be co�tiaued to age 65. 3• �odify the vaeation carry o�rer polic�r to allow an enployee to carry over i�to the following qear up to eighty hc�urs of vacation with the approval of the department hes�d. (�his replaces the present 40 hour ataxi�,.� �+. I�lI�AC�B AI+�tN�TA1�C� City officers and employees may be reimbursed for the use of their own automobiles for official City b�sittess. To be eligible for such rei�btirs�ent all officers and ea�ployees �ust reeeive �rritten authorization from the l�dayor, and reimbnrsemeat $hall be made in accordanee with one of the Follc�wing plans: Type 1• FAr those oFficdrs ar�d employees who are reqt�ired to �a,se their own autc�obiles pccasionally Por officisl City bu�iness, rei�bursesent at the rate of $0.13 for each �aile driv�en. e 2. For those officers and e�ployees who are req�ired to �tse their own automobiles on a regular basis or� City bu,siness, reimburseaent at the rate of $2.50 for each day of work, a�d in additiox,�hereto at the rate of �.065 for each �ile driven. �e �xyor shall adc�pt rules and regulatioas governis�g the procedures for automobile r�imtiurse�ent, which regvlatiax�s and x�l,es shall coatain the requirea�ent that recipieats shall Pile d�ily reports i�tdicating miles driven and shall file monthly affidavits stating the n�ber of days �rked and the number oF miles driven and ft;irther require that they ffiaintain antc�obile liability inaurar�ce ia affiou�ts not lesa than $1�,(��3�0,(304 Por persosal i�,jury, and �55(),�p for property damage. These rules �ad regulatiox�s, together vrith a�y a�end�ents thereto, shmll be �aintained on file with the �ity Clerk. � , Do not detach this m morandum from the��, nO •�C_— �" • ordinance so that this nformation wiil be ` available to the City C unciL ' ,�65►��p REPORT TO THE HONORA�LE LAWRENCE D, COHE�V� MAYOR � � � FRQM: Thomas J. Kelley, City Admiriistratar . DATE: July 7, 1975 REGARDING: This ordinance increa�es the salaries of t e Classified Supervi.sory Confident�al Employees to the level they would be at, in accord nce with their Grad , if they wexe not in the Confidentiallgroup. The only tw positioMs affected are the"Chief �xaminer and Direc or of Personnel'' and the ''Assistant Dir�ector of Personnel".; � All other employees i the Classified Serv�.ce in the Confidential group ha received salary in�reases commensurate with th se received by emp�oyees in the same Grade who are ot in the Confidentia�. Group. , � � , ', SOURCE: PersonnelOffice i� i i AGTION REQUESTED: I recomm�nd your approval and submission of this Or inance to the City Cpuncil. I , � I ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance and co y for City Clerk. � i ; j , I i �st -��a _ �d � /�g �.d �� _ Ado�pted ��7�,___—_�_ Yeas Nays CHItISTENSEN HOZZA . � 2�5'75� ROEDLER SYLVESTER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HI1NT)