265757 WH17E r- CITY CLERK I�J65'75'� P,INK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZ.TL Council CANARY - DEP/:'RTMENT 1 BLUE � MAVOR � Flle NO. . • r nce Ordinance N 0. 1 S�<nT_ Presented By Referred To Committee: . Date Out of Committee By Date 11xi a,d�inistratiw e�rdiaanc� aa�end�ing the te�s at�d conditic�s of the Gollecti�e �argainir�g Jgree�ne�t for the period �'anuary �, 1.975, t1�'m�► Jea��axy 2, 1976, between the City of iai�t Paul and the P�fessional �pl.oy�ees A�sociaition �ii.t �o. 2, "fih3te Gbll�r 8upervisors". ', � f�� 0IP � CZ�.'3C 0I�' �AIIlT �AU� � �Il�: Sectic� l. That thQ �t�a�. agre�at t� aare�cl. t,he d�s vP �greeaeat betwee� the q.t�r of �ai� Fstt7. d th� Profes�i�a�]. �pl�oye�s Aseeciati� itait l�i. 2, "pTl�ite C�ll.�ar ors", o� fi7.e in the of"tice af the q.ty �lerk, is h�reby a�prc�v+ed., and. a�rizsd aclei�3.sfixati�e offi�ials of tb�e Cit�r are hereby a�tthari and directed tc� eaeca.te said agre�t ar� beh�1P of the GYty. , Section 2. �at this �cae�t� shal7. be� a part of !tY►e general Collectiv�e Barg�iuin�g Agrenrent e�tered intv bet�rree� the �Lty o� iaiat Psvl �d tl�e Fr�fessi�al �ploy+ees t�ssciati�t �it ]ia. 2, "�ite Oollar St�ervisars". �t a11 terjes and c�ditic�►s in said Agre�eaat �t�ea�rent ehal]. t�e �orce a�d effect retroactiv+�ly �o tY�e faurth d,ay of ��ary, 19?5, in accsrdanee with tY�e a�raarc�. gramted by �ul�rbitratioa� Pauel dated J�me 16� 1g15� end in a,EC�rc�nce �ri.th t�,e ezprss�aed.l i�tt.�at aad agrea�at� of t.lai� �,iacil c�atta43xe�. in E�tueil File �. 2f�7�8. �eeti� 3. T�aat a�y other �rd3.na��e, rtale or reg�latia� in gorce � said agreta�t tak�es ePfeet� i�c�o�sis�t �ith a,�y pr�vi.s3.aa� mf the te.r�s a�c1 c�diti�ns af �aid a�gree�s�, is hereby r�pea'l�d. _ 1 _ COUNCILMEIV I Yeas Nays Requested by Department af: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against ' By Sylvester , Tedesco ' ,�f President Hunt � Form A r v d l,�y�City tor y Adopted by Council: Date /, Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ' By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved Mayor for S ' sion t unci , By By WH17E �� CITV CLERK • r�c���y C N4RY - DEPA�I2 MENT COWI'ICll � J � BLUE �MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date S�ctisn �. i�at this +p�iinance s�u�l]. 'take ePFect and be ia f�rce tbirty {34� days af't�rr its passage, appr�wal and pt�blicatier�. Appr�ved: � �i.vil Serrice s�iar� - 2 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hunt _� In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY �� Te��ir President � Hoz2a � � +� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cer ' d Pas d by Coun 1 etary • BY By � Approve by Mayor: D Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By P e�sN� AU6 16 �975 .�—.�� :. . ; . _ : ,__.�.._-— - -- _.i _- �-- - -- -- '/�_- _-- - - _____ , i �� ' , `0 ' � "�'r'��(�/ t� � ( '� -� - � '? ��5�5'7 � �� � � � ���� �� � B�EZWEEN TH� CITY OF SAII�t PAIIL AND T� P�SIONAL II�'LOYE�S ASSOCIATION, UAIT I90. 2 "WHITE OOLLAB SUPgSVI3088" All partiea to the Collectiva Barg�inixg Agreeadent between tke City oP Saint Paul and the Professional �plc�yees Associati�n Unit No. 2 "White Co]].a►r 3upervisors", for the period JanuarY l, 1975, through January 2, 1976� hereby mutually agree to modif� the Memoraad� of Agreement as follaws: I T'he lri�cmorandum of A�eement is hereby amended by stri ki n out Appendix "A" which reads as Polloxs: APP�I7C "A" The issue of wages for the period January 4, 1975 th�'ough JanuarY 2� 1976 has net yet been resolved. This issue has beea s�mitted to arbitratioa. and by substituting in lieu thereof the att�ched whi.ch indicates salaries wYiich are in accordance with the award granted by an Arbitration Panel dated June 16, �975. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have affized their sigaatvres this�,�riay of ✓���/ � 1975• ,/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL PROFESSIOITAI, EMPLOYEES ASSt)CIATIOA II1�IT I�D. 2, WHITE COLLA�t SUPERPISORS � � � � bor 8ela ion ctor �_ _ _. ._ _ _ . -. c�� . no � p A �. TITLES AI�D SALARIES �6 V I t�r l Assistant to the Director (School Cafe.) A B C D F F 10_yr• 15_yr• 423.oo �+�+2.00 462.54 485.o0 507.So 532.� 5�.50 562.00 Supervisor of Customer Services--Water Department 446.50 �+68.oo �+89.o0 512.o0 536.50 562.00 5?7.50 59�+.50 Chief Cashier--Finances 472.50 494.50 518.00 541.00 566.So 59�+.50 611.00 628.50 Supervisor of Water Revenue 499.00 522.50 5�+7.50 573.00 600.50 629.00 647.50 666.00 Assistant Director of School Cafeterias Public Health Nurse III Supervisor of Assessments 518.5� 5�+2.00 567.5� 59�+.00 623.00 652.50 671.00 690.50 Supervisor of Elections 527.50 551.50 578.00 606.00 634.00 665.50 684.00 703.50 Bacteriologist-Chemist III Recreation Dir�ctor III ° 563.00 589.50 618.00 6�+7.5Q 67�.00 710.50 732,G�v 753.00 Recorder of Council "Proceedings 574.00 601.00 630.50 660.00 691.50 725.00 7�6.00 768.00 Public Works Technician IV Supervisor of Sidewa.lk Construction 579.00 607.00 637.00 666.00 698.00 732.00 753.00 77�C.00 Assistant Director of Human Rights Director of the Zoo 596.00 621+.50 654.00 685.00 718.50 751.50 773.50 796.00 Fireman-Meehanic General Foreman 774.00 796.50 Superintendent of Municipal Garage 797.50 82i.00 _ T � . - 2 - APPendia A . �; . :� . . ��S � S� a►�P . no . I sS��t .. -.: (Contirrued) E.D.P. Supervisor License Inspector A B C D E F 10_pr• 1 _ r� 630.50 660.00 692.50 725.50 760.00 797.50 821.00 8�+5.50 Operations Director--Civic Center 821.50 846.00 Accountant N �Cbief Sur�ey�or:.. Criminalist III Director of Administra.tion (Health) Director of Testing La�+�ratory Emergency Preparedness Director Manpo�wer Direct�r Occupationa.l Safety Coordina.tor Supervisor of Housing Inspection �Ta�er Chemist III - 667.50 698.50 732.50 768.00 803.50 843.00 867.50 892.00 � Assista.nt Purchasing Agent 680.50 712.50 747.00 782.50 820.00 859.50 88�4.50 908.50 Accounta.at v 4ffice Engineer 7�.0� 739.� 77�.00 811.50 851.00 892.00 918.00 944.50 Supervisor of Inspectors Supervisor of School Maintenance 918•50 9�+5.00 Assista.nt Superintendent of Parks Chief of Central Library � Chief of Extension Serviees Civil Engineer IV Civil Engineer N-Water Depa.rtment Director of Pollution Control Director of �chool Cafeterias Principal Planner 726.00 762.00 798_50 837.00 876.50 919.50 945.50 9T3•oo Director of Human 8ights Local Improvement Engineer Pro�ect Director (Health Services) Pro�ect Director (Model Cities Health Program) 7�+7.00 782.50 821.00 860.00 901.00 945.00 � 972.50 1000.50 � ' _ 3 _ �PPendix A �- � �' ��� �� � no . I s�� ; . - T��S � S�� �65�`s�� (Continned) Assistant Chief Accounta.nt Assistant City Architect Assista,nt Director of City Planning Assistant Yaluation a.nd Assessment Engineer Bridge EYigineer City Traffic Engineer Deputy Health Officer'� Director of Environmental $ygiene Public Works Construction Engineer Public Works Design Engineer � Public Works Maintenance Services Eagineer Public Works Sewer Engineer Superintendent of Lig�'Lng a.nd Electrical Engineering Superintendent of Water Distribution Superintendent of Water Supply Water Production Enggineer Senior Principal Planner A B C D E F 10-yr• 1 - . 790.00 828.50 868.50 911.00 955•00 1000.50 1030.00 1060.00 Grants-In-Aid Coordinator Purchasing Agent 81�+.00 853.00 89�•50 937.00 982•50 1031.50 1061.00 1092.00 Engineer of Maintenarace Services 837.00 826.50 919.50 964.qa l010.00 1059.50 1089.50 1121.50 Assistant City Engineer--Design and Engineering Assistant City Engineer--0perations Assistant Manager--Water Department 885.50 928.50 973.00 1020.50 1070.50 1122.50 1155.50 1188.50 Assistant Chief Engineer Assistant Director and City E�igineer Chief of Public Systeins Pla.nning and Developmeat Superintendent of Parks and Recreation 938.00 983.50 1032.00 1082.00 1134.00 1188.50 1223.00 1259•50 Chief Accountant City Architect Director of Libraries Director of Medical Services Director of Medical Services--Model Cities Valuation and Assessment Engineer 994.00 1042.50 1092.5o ii�+5.00 i2ol.00 i259.5o i2g7.00 i33�.50 - _. ______ _ _ . __. _ ___ _ _ _ � �,. , _ . - 4- Q,_; , � • - � �ppendix - . .- . 265'��� �� � �� (Continned) General Manager--Water Department A B C D E F 10_yr• 15_yr• 1052.50 1104.50 1158.50 1215.o0 1274.So 1336.54 1375.50 1�+17.00 Planning Coordinator 1it5.00 1170.00 1226.0o i263.50 13�+8.50 1�+14.00 1456.00 1�98.00 Health Officer i181.50 1239.0o i299.50 1363.50 1430.50 1500.50 15�+.50 1589.00 Director of Criminal Justice Advisory Commission �857.00 Bi-Meekly � Do not detac ��• � � t� h this rFaem randum from the • ot�anc� so that this inf rmation wili be REPORT�+TOeTHEt�Of�b�A��`�", '� WRENCE D� COHEN, r��i5'75'7 , FROM: Thornas J. Kelley, City Admiz�istrator'�� II � i DATE: 8 J�ly 19Fj5 ' REGARDTNG: �is ordiaaae� aaead� t �ll�ctiie Be,r�a �reene�t betxeen the Gity �i the ProYessic�al L�plo�r s las�eiati0a, tJait �. 2 "filaite C�lla�r Sap�r�isora". It the Agree�e�t to i��l�de the lg'T5 $alary Sched�.l ia a�e�rdamce xith the nv�rd �ra�ted b the Ilr'bitratios 1 �ted J�ae 16, 1975. T�is a is a salary inereayse af lt;�. , ; I I , SQURCE: P�rso�nel �tfic� , , ACTION REQUESTED: I reee�es�, yn1�r approval asel s�bail�aaian ef this oriinasce I ta t}�e GitT Co�scil.; , , � � AT T AC HMEN�S: �dii�asee, eop� �'or �ity �lerk, ani ne�► �eheclule. � ,I i , lst � a 2nd ( �, o� 3rd 7 �� � Adopted ��� Yeae Nays c�zs�vsErr xozza � �65'75`7 ROEDLER sn.vES� TEDESCO PRESIDII�T (H[J�TT) _.� , �