265746 WH17E - CI�V CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. 2s5`74s BIUE" - MAYOR Cou il Reso tion Presented By LICEIQSE COMMIT'I�E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Rehabilitation Center & Work Shop of Greater St. Paul 319 Eagle Ftest. C-2 App.01514renew Zinsmaster Baking Co. 97 SY�erburne Foods NIDP'W App.01741renew ►, ,� 13 Veh. r� t� ,t „ �f �p t, �� f� Priv. Gas Town & Country Club� Inc. 2279 Marshall Swimming Pool App.01900renew Crescent Creamery Co. 226 Sanith Ice Cream Mfg. App.01�+9renew " " 2 Veh. " " " A.R. Sundberg� Jr. �+ W. 5th St. Foods NIDPW "B" App.02981renew El.vira Navarro 542 ahio �est. C-2 App.03360renew r� r, Cig� r� r, t, Imperial Vend. Serv,� Inc. c�o Bell Cold Storage �+0 W. Kellogg Blvd. I-VM Loc App.04193renew Gold Medal Bev. Co. c�o Sholom Home 1554 Midway Pkwy. I-VM Loc App.004�+lrenew Roger Olson 902 Arcade Gas Station App.00549renew n n Cen. Rep. Gax. n n rf Allied Stores 99 E. 8th St. Parking I,at App.00587renew Vern H. Rosenberger 5�1 E. 7th St. Cen. Rep. Gax. App.0058grenew I.U.C. c�o American Linen Supply Co. 219 W. 5th St. I-VM Loc App.00715renew ,t f, 5 aa.d'1 m « t� �� Terry Brindley 105�+ Payne C�as Sta.tion-3p App.01156renew " " (�en. Rep. Gar. " " " " " Liquid Fuel Dlr. „ ,� „ Anderson-Nelson Post #1635 V.F.W, 1018 Payne Ave. Restaurant App.01170renew Seton Center 355 Marshall Ave. Rooming & Boarding House App.01269renew David Yep 1010 'Payne Ave. Rest. C-2 App.01326renew The Pioneer Co. Inc. 266 �. 7th St. $ add'l cig,VM App.01488renew Tom McLa.ughlin 1980 Stillwater Ave. �roc. A-2 App.01516renew n �� Butcher ++ rr ti COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christe en he2xx'��t In Favor Levine Rcedler Against gY Sylvester Tedesco Presidentthmt Hoz2a Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CI�Y CLERK COIIIIClI /����� PINK - �INANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL t i� �., CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE' - MAVOR FIl@ NO. Council Resolution Presented By T,TCFIVSF C'�MMTTTF'F Referred To _ Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Continued- p.2 t� " Off Sale Malt " " " ,� " Cigarette " „ " Gerald Dettinger 1810 ti7. 7th St. Hotel (13 units) App.01722renew Sage Corporation 1589 Woodbridge Sc�imming Pool App.0185�+renew Joseph Pillis 1187 Arcade Ldy.�DC Plant App.01876renew Willard B. Olson 1019 Arcade 2nd Hd. D3r. Gen. App.01911renew' Clinton Anderson 874 E. Maryland Ave. Gas Sta.(4p) App.02020renew T, " Gsn. Rep. Gar. ,� '� t� Barbara D. Houston 1197 l�rcade Masseuse App.02041renew Sheila Bowes 1197 l,�rcade Ma,sseuse App.02044renew Walson Music Co. Inc. 500 Bush Street Ca.g. VM oper. App.0207�+renew �� �� 3 aaa�l m's „ " " Commonwealth Nursing Home 2237 Co�nonwealth Ave. Rest-Nursing Home App•02095renew ►� " Food Estab. "M" tt tr �e Zapata Foods Inc. 1960 Suburban Restaurant C-2 App.02146renew r+ " Cigarette " r� +r Douglas R. Anderson 933 E. 7th St. 2�d Hd. Mtr. Veh. Dlr. App.02160renew Jane Harder 1984 5tillwater B�eauty Shop App.0216�+renew Whirlpool Corporation 850 Arcade Cigarette Ap .02239renew Ronald W. Anderson 760 Payne Ave. Bowling (8 alleys� App.022�+lrenew �+ " Restaurant t, �, n +r " Off S&1@ Ma,lt t� �t '� n « Cigaxette n n tt Minnesota Fabrics, Inc. 2097 Hudson Rd. T-VM Loc App.02257renew Li'1 General Store 106 E. Arlington Grocery A-2 App.02261renew ++ " Frozen Food " " t� » " Off Sa1e MB.lt n n +r COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen �dee�a. Hunt [n Favoc Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President�fimt HOZZa Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - Cll'V CLERK COLII1C11 2�5'746 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE � - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONM4ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Continued- p.3 ° " Cigarette " t' '+ Snyder's Dru� Stores, Inc. 375 Wabasha Rest. C-2 App.023�+3renew " �t Confect• B �r n n „ " Ha�rdware „ " " " " F]..iorist�Nursery �t t� �t �t " Cigarette �r rr �r Tom 0'Shaughnessy 2�+1 Earl St. Grocery App.02350renew ,t �{ F2'OZeI1 FOOd n n n �� �� Of� S�Ll@ MRl.t rr �f n ,� +� Cigarette `� „ �� Queen's Corporation, Inc. Como Park Pavilion Rest. C-2 App.02375renew �� �� Cigarette �� �r +r Jewish Community Center of St. Paul 1375 St. Paul,Ave. Swimming Poo1 App.0238�+renew S.P.H. Hotel Corporation 11 E. Kellogg Swim�ing Poo1 App.02385renew Hamline University Bush Student Center 1551 Hewitt Ave. Swi.mming Pool App.02�+18renew College of St. Thomas 2115 Summit Ave. Swimma.ng Pool App.02�+27renew Kieffer Bros.� Montcalm Estates 515-�+5 So. Lexington Swimming Pool App.024�+9renew Milk� Inc. 5� No. Grotto St. Groc. A-1 App.02�+63renew PDQ Food Stores of Minn.� Inc. 1377 Arcade St. Groc. A-2 App.02471renew �T " B�,tcher " " 't „ t' Of"f Sale Ma.lt n n „ �T " Cigarette +' " " St. Paul Postal F�nployees-Co-operative Cafeteria 180 E. Kellog� Blvd. Orig. C�nt. "D" App.02�+82renew �� " Cigarette �' t� t� Sheldon C. Stephens 2�+�+3 W. 7th St. Barber App.02501renew Midwest Jobbers� Inc. 233�+ Uriiversity Ave. Private Gas Pump App.02504renew �� " Cigaxette +� t� �� Pamcake Inc. 1088 University Ave. Rest. C-2 App.02505renew COUNCILMEN Requested by Uepartment of: Yeas Nays Christen�eunt A8��'a [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco PresidentNun� Hozza, Form Approved by City At�orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �NM17E - CITV GLERK ^O�nCl� 2�5,��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL `" CANAFiY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO• Council Resolution Presented By LICII�TSE COAM�IITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Continued- p.�+ t� t� Cigaxette �r n n Macalester College 1600 Grand Ave. Sw�.irnning Pool App.02507renew Red Owl Stores 13�+5 E. P�a.gnolia Grocery & Butcher App.02518renew �� '� Bakery "Btf �� n �r ,� " Haxdware " " „ " " Florist�Nursery ,� r► �t n tr Q�f, S�,le M�.l,t 'r rr n " " Cigarette n �t rr Celestine Morris lly7 Axcade St. Masseuse App.02529renew Hi 3 Club, N.S, Power 501 Shepard Rd. Cigaxette App.0253�+renew Attucks Brooks Post 606 A.L. 976 Concordia Ave. Orig. Cont. App.025�+2renew Orville H. Faull�er 830 Payne Ave. Beauty Shop App.02547renew Benjy Munson 653 So. Snelling Beauty Shop App,02559z'enew Donald Jonsen 1512 University Ave. T.V. Nlaster App.0257qrenew ,� rt n n rr 1 �erviceman Arthur A. Boelter 1569 Sherburne Barber App.02582renew Willard D. Geiger �+�5 So, Wabasha St. T.V. Master App.02�88renew Lloyd Bergum 5�+5 Rice St. Ba.rber App.026d+renew Will.ard Joseph Jones� Jr. 733 Br�dley �2 Mtr. Veh. Driver App.02636renew Sharon Curtis 710 Bl�ix Ma,sseuse App.02639renew Colleen Beth Danovsl�y 749 No, Milton Masseuse App,026�+7renew John Waxren Lane 633 No, Snelling Motor Veh. Dr. App.02664renew James Edward Crew 9�+9 Ha�tze Motor Veh. Ur. App.02688renew COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ' Requested by Department of: Christensen -��w- Hunt [n Favor Levine � Rcedler A gai ns t BY ' Sylvester Tedesco President�t Ho2Za ,�� � � ��j Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa y Co il Secretary � BY By Appro y May : Date , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �► � AUG � ty�-�