265743 WHITE - CITV CLERK �;�����'`/ '� PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARy - DEPARTMENT " BLUE - MAVOR File NO. " � � � � � � ouncil esolution Presented By i Referred To ` a e Out of Committee By Dat WHEREAS, From the beginning Americans have observed days of prayer, fasting and thanksgiving and this nation and its prayer tradition were formed at the same time and by the same men; WHEREAS, As the Bicentennial Celebration has begun and we recall that the Second Continental Congress called upon inhabitants of all the colonies to unite on a designated Thursday in July in "humiliation, fasting, and prayer" ; WHEREAS, Congress has asked us to pray for the wisdom to continue the American pilgrimage, strriving toward a nobler existence for all humanity; ask for the strength to meet the challenges that face our nation; to give thnak� to God for the many blessings granted to America throughout these ,two centuries; and to express the hope that our lives may continue to be enriched by the grace of our .Maker; � � WHEREAS, From an inspired ' �tart in prayer, unity and power have attended American history; WHEREAS, Churches of many denominations line the streets of - Saint Paul and are a symbol of the religious devotion of the citizens of this city; W HEREAS, In the spirit of prayer and belief in God Saint Paul has been built and grown throughout its history, WHEREAS, President Ford has proclaimed Thur�day, July 24, 1975 as a National Day of Prayer, 1975; and therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Thursday, July 24, 1975, be proclaimed "Saint Paul Day of Prayer 1975" ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the citizens of the City of COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler A gai n s t BY Sylvester Tedesco • President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - CITV GLERK ���A� PINK - FINANGE 11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT COElI1C11 ,� �- BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � `' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Saint Paul be urged that day to pray that day, each after his or her own convictions, for unity and the blessings of Freedom throughout our land. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen �Ies�. }lu�t� [n Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY — Sylvester Tedesco President I�e�}�pi�=,q� �l � 7 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cou . Date Certified asse ouncil cre r �` BY B Appro by Mayor: D e "���` � � A�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY p���+ AU6 Z 1975 . •' ;• � �a�r�t i�au1 Area C�erg� ��go�iation 1671 SUMMIT AVENUE / SAl1VT PAUL, MlNIVESOTA 55105 64S—8805 Behold, how good and pleasant it is ��hen �rothers dw•ell in unity! Psalm i33:1 ` July_,�,�,�.��`� SAINT PAUL AREA NEIGHBORFi00D CLERGY GROUPS Da�tons Bluff - Dow•ntown Iiamline-24iidway Hastings nZir_isterial Assn. Lzterdenominational . 1�2inisterial nlliance SAINT PAIIL AREA CLERGY CABIN�:T T+iEETING NOTICE - Maple�vood 1�Iinneso!a Rabbinical Assn. hier:iam Park Ne�v Bz•ighton No.th 6air.t Paul rrorth Suburban DATE: Tuesday� July l�j� 1975 Phalen Arpa Community Council Ri�erview Ecumenical TIt�lE: 1:00 P.M. Co�.uicil Rice Street Saint t3nihony park PLACE: Saint Paul Church Center Saint Croix Valley vi.n:sterial Assn. 1b71 Sum�lit �'ivernze Saint Pa�il Park South Saint Paul Southwest Cuoperative bfinistries Summit-University Cierg� councii Please plan to attend this important planning West Seventh meeting — we need your assistance! ��lest Saint Paui- Mendota Heights V6'hite Bear Lake Woodbury � �dJa Pres�denS: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: P.ev. Eri:ng ;�5. Tun�se±h� Rev. Gary Lueck ° Fr. Jerome Keiser R,ev. �Viliiam D. Young �alein =.u�:heran Cnurch Epworth United Methodist Church Saint John Vianney Seminary Saint Paui Area Council 1' �z:'es� ;'�rr_ard 1355 Sherwood Avemae 2115 Summit Avenue of Churches Sa:nt P��u;, 1,IN 55118 Sa�*it Paul, MN 55119 Saint Paul, NIN 55105 1671 Summit Avenue 224-7i83 i7i-4827 647-5341 Saint Paul, MN 55105 646-8805 . �r r— I C���� �F�'�� . � �,��`�,����`�' ��� \�`"�v�*��� ���;� � � ��� �1�1 _ � �'� � � ¢ �.� ��, � � - ���v�y�� � National Day of Prayer., 1975 ` By the President of the United States of America A Proclamarion As we begin the celebration of our Bicentennial,it is fitting to recall that it was a profound faith in.God which inspired the Foundeis of our Nation. Two hundred yeais ago, on June 12, 1775, the Secand Conti- nenta.l Congress called upon the inhabitants of all the Colonies to unite, on a designated Thuisday in July,in"humiliauon,fasting,and prayer." This was our first national day of prayer. Americans on that day were asked to address their prayeis to the "Great Governor of the World" to preserve their new Union and secure civil and religious liberties. Those first pra.yers were answered in fuli ineascr�.Tt�.e LTni�n s�n:�•es. T'he liberties for which our forefathers prayed were never so secure as . they are today. But material progre.cs and human achievement often beckon mankind away from the spiritual virtues. As we prepare to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of our • NaUon,it is my fervent hope that Americans will not forget that it was prayer that helped to forge our freedoms and foster our liberties. Let us now pray—as we have done thmughout our history, and as the Congress has requested (66 Stat. 64)—for the wisdom to continue the American pilg�image, striving toward a nobler eacistence for all ( humanity. Let us ask for the strength to meet the challenges that face our Nation.Let us give thanks to God for the many blessings granted to � America throughout these two centuries. And let us express the hope that our lives may continue to be enriched by the grace of our l�faker. NOW, THEREFORE, I, GERALD R. FORD, President of the � United States of America,do hereby prociaim Thi�rsday,July 24, 1975, as National Day of Prayer, 1975. ,�� I call upon all Americans to pray that day,each after his or her own � �� manner and convictions,for unity and the blessings of Fmedom through- � !,'S�., out our land and for peace on earth. � IN WITi�iF.SS`tiHF.REOF,I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth I i� day of June,in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred seventy-five, and i �� of the Independence of the linited States of America the one hundred + �� ninety-ninLh. ; I � � �� � � ' I� f � � i � i�;' _ I� . . . . . . � . � . . . � . . � . . I . . � ��' � r° OFFICE OF.THE I��YOR�CTIY OF DALt.A.S � � _ . ..�� 4 „ r , �::�- '`�;,�-� � . -=:;�>- 3 � . v'ti'i�.' .�f.. � . . . I On xhQ.ih: {.ih�Z da.y o� 6�.i�t.edb .in �774, #ne Con.�;�nvzta.L Cong�c.e.� �ocusd #,�,c:,t �a.ye�s. cou.�d �,zd #3w."ur. d�velc.ae uaae�� .tnge�.�c .in a ,a�..i.t o� c,n,i�ll- As even�� ca�ca�Ed .in 7�T3, xhe� cfatced #.a a..ak. a u.�n.n.fe cnntiner..t.�o p�c.a.y .i.,i �ce conv.i.cxi�n xhn��a.LC'.the �i..veh.ae peo,�e .�n Ame�r.i..cn couCd�pnarf and �s.in It ar.d ac,t #.og e.tic e�c.. Fsw� .#�*.cr,� rr,�m v._::.t a .�pin.a.t o� �aou�c .b�e.ar ed #o pa.aEeaa #he,�in. eve�..y dec,i.s.i.�on. Hy -1716, .f.t h�d be.cone a �eval�an o� .t}�.2 �*.�lr.�i 3p,cht� �haz i,a.b n2vPh 3�opp?1i. Fh.flm cuz..irs3pJcJr.e.d b#rvt�.clt pri.cc.uen - ur..ixy and pow�r. hcz.a a�,tended Ame�c.F.crr.x h.ia�nny. � Aa �n.ee c,i.#,i_zer.b Fie.�_�ng #,o u�:ke fuu;nrt .��a, w� knoco �z.t h�urzzn c�i_a�om .i.s no� enou.gh. Fnee gov��en.t ne.esta xh.e c�on�tan.t r,�nn,C axnndcvid o� P-'ca.�en. Pnuye�z and �.e.er[om at�.e. v�.ta.L �o esu�c Q#h�.h.. ive ne1o.i.c.e .�n �he .inap-inu.ti.on o� �he Contuze�^..#r,.e Cang�eaa .thrtt'F�a uride A,reh.i-clt a pevp�.e os p�uu�eh.. '�� cLt d.i_v.u��e .�,-..ap.i�,t,i.cn crnong r.^en, �',ne�u.ca az�c�d r.a.t have been bon.rz - and u:-i.C.� naZ �rsrv�.ve. We now r�Ize-acch ou� �er,!ar.n#,i.vn o� �ep�zden�e-on God as �he Can�`,uz�.taL Congn.eab �i.d -200 y2,cv�s a�o. ?1ow, Thv+..e�o�, T, tUe.b t:�i.,se, �{rZ-yar� a� �a.LLaa; r�a.LC ou� �et.�.oca c.i.t,tzena �o a d�y o�• °pccbP.i.c hu�n, �a..azcn9 -and Pna.c�e�r." on Th.�:t:...ad�ty, Ju.Ls.� 24f.h. Le.t #3:e ch�.ch b� o� Da�� n.<n� on xius.t dny a;� 7� o'cL.ock .in ��e r�r,r.,ing and cLt 7 0`c.�cck .in #he 2v�..sr.r� �o r.�.� ��e .a#.a�.t o� a neco c e.n tuhy o� Am e�u�e p-"�.ay-�9 �D 9��- . �_ • M�,o,•�c�y°f�� _ . md SZ�*/ - �T ,' ; •uo�Bu-�PPnQ 'IsEu� '-nag s� ao�sBd aly,Z _. •uo�ou 0��ZI �$ � .�S �EPa� 005 `u�.znq� •�qsa.za TEa�ua� �E �q TT�M q�+�Z a�;� uo �u��aaui auy -paTTE� �uno� '�a� _ j �aasa � u�ST �Tni' _� . , , r ` . Q7N9IS �S ZN�II40� �s.v ,�sanLax xnox xaa� NI'd9V TZV� 'I'IIM� noa sas oa �vo� xoiavwaoaNi xnoa� nox aas oa ss.�n+M Q �rna�xnox a�nsax� �xo ssva� rn�sixz� axnavrisis xnox� �'� �sea�a� a�oaaazas.� �xizaNVei� a��oo snoa� a� ario� zvn�aav� rn�naax �s asoN� ao � aas� azia e asoN� azia� xoxasaa�s asoN Q �� .�y ssiw 1V111WSN11Nl--------------210---------------3JVSS3W s . a a • s . � ' � S � � . ,�✓, . 0