265718 WHITE - CITV CLERK �'�;�5,��g PINK -'FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � CANARY - DEPARTMENT C BLt�E -MAYOR File N O. • Cou 'l e lution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same axe hereby granted. Fred 0'Neil Como Park foodstuPf app.01683s'enew George L. Richards 878 S. Smith catering-B app,01694renew t� r� 1 veh. n rr n Gene Chalfen 1�+7 W. 6th Pkg. Lot-25 c app.02953renew « �, gas sta. 12p app.0295 renew Hillcrest Develop�ent Co. �+�+0 Sibley Pkg. Lot-150 c app.02966renew F. Lindsey 6�+1 S. Smith caxpet dlr, app,03087renew Riverview Ranch Market� Inc. 637-9 Stryker grocery app.03112renew 't t' 13utcher �r i� t, tr n O��' S&1@ ril&.l't �� ti n tt n n n t� cigaxette Fred Hagerstrom c�o W3ntz Warehouse 2550 Wabash Ave. VM I,oc app.d+l�+3renew " " 1 addtl Itl rt �t ►r Imp. Vend. Serv.� Inc. c�o Tjernlund Mfg. Co. �. : �, . ._ , ' 2140 Kasota St. VM Loc app.04235renew �� t' 4 addtl Iri �' ti r� John A. Burbank 640 So. Smith Restaurant C-2 app.00111renew Gold Medal Bev. Co. c�o John A. Tietz 1015 Rice VM Loc app.00508renew Fred 0'Neil Como Paxk Zoo Pavilion Rest. C1 app.00554renew �r r� Ori 88�.@ TCl&1't ft n tt ,► " cigaxette �► " ,� Vogel's Food Market 1810 Randolph grocery & butcher app.00588renew „ '� of'f sale malt " '� " n ►r cigaxette '� n n Terrace Auto Supply� Inc. 2367 University gen rep. gar. app.00972renew John S. Tocko �+00 Sibley la.undry�dry cleanin� app.00g80renew " " pickup stati0n " " " Ned A. Pierce 1150 Prosperity gas sta'�ion 6p app.001038renew COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Subtnission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK ����y�� PINK - FINANCE COUCICll � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZTL File NO. ' BLUE -A�qYOR - Council Resolution Presented By -������E COMMCT'1� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date continued- p. 2 tr r� ,r ,r �r gen. rep. gar. fr t� cigarette tt tr rr rr �� 'tOW truck n n tt '*" � '�I�e' �• �- �r�► Ponderosa Systems� Inc. 1301 E. Jessamine Av. Rest. C-2 app.01102renew r� �� cigaxette t� n �t Joseph Schatz 17�5 E. 7th St. & White Beax Vernon Stech 783 Hampden butcher app.01135renew �t „ gas stati�n 5p app.01153renew gen rep. gax. " " „ James Verhulst 2�+6 So. Snelling Av. gas station �+p app.01172renew ,t tT gen. rep. gar. " '� cigare�te " " " t� " cig. VM aper. '� " ��� , Jean 0'Brien 781 Raymond Ave. carpet cllx. app.01183renew Julian R.Claeys 2365 w. 7th St. gas sta. 6p a.pp.0121�+renew �� ,� r, n �r gen. rep. gar. Speedy Markets� Inc. 1112 Rice St. grocery app.01363renew `� frozen food " " " �� '� off sale malt " „ " �� �� cigarette �r rr n L & L Furniture & Appl. Co. 1319 Rice St. caxpet dlr. app.01�+04renew Fred 0'Neil Como Park-Candy F1. 1 C-1 Restaurant app.01�+37renew " Como Park-Candy Fl. 2 " app.01�+38renew `� Como Park Stand �2 " . app.01�+39renew 't Como Park Stand #1. " app.01�+�+(}renew George S. Richards 878 So. Smith Ave. Rest. C-2 app.01�+58renew n ,+ ,r ,f ti cigaxette Kenneth H. Keegan 2�+35 �. 7th St. Rest. C-2 app.01�+60renew �r t� C1g8,Y'@'t't@ tr n �i Mickey's Inc. 193 So. Robert Restaurant app.0155�+rene�a n t� Clg&Y'E't't@ �r fr rr John L. C�raxrett & Dennis M Johnson COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE -CITV CLERK �'�5`718 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAT.TL Council CANARV - QEPARTMENT BL{jE - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONIMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date continued- p. 3 " 166�+ Rice St. Laundry & Dry Cl. Plnt. app.0156grenew Oakland Cemetery Assn. 75 E. Sycamore Private gas pump app.01825renew Swanson Drug Co., Inc. 816 E. 7th St. confectionery app.01863renew �� �t cigaxette n rt n Donald D. Carlson 132�+ E. Rose St. beauty shop app.01900renew Conveyor Specialty Co. 1003 Corning cigarette app.01921renew William B. Wonders 916 Arcade St. grocery A-2 app.0193qrenew " " frozen food " t` " " " off sale malt " " " rr " ciga,Y'ettL-' ,r rr » Geraldine Hasten 613 Grand Ave. masseuse app.02015renew Gene Lowe 1984 Stillwater barber app.02057renew Maureen Re�'?i,v 965 Arcade St. ma,sseuse app.0209�+renew Hi-Lo Service Station, Inc. 399 so. Wabasha gas sta. �+p app.02115renew Denver Midwest Motor F`reight 1005 �.i.stis private gas pump app.02116renew Stephen Capiz 1639 Rice St. beauty shop app.02131renew Cynthia Mudzinski 1368 E. 7th beauty shop app.0213�+renew Roy B. Leland 1050 Arkwright gen. rep. gax. app.02137renew Joseph Gubash �+77 W. 7th St. grocery A-1 app.021�+7renew " " off sale malt app.021�+7renew rr �� cigarette �� rt n L.M.L. Corporation 2041 Hudson Road Rest. C-2 app.02149renew East Side Hardware� Inc. 890 Payne Ave. Laundry�Dry Cleaning Plant app.0216]senew Grace E. Ruger 732 State St. beauty shop app.02255renew Abe Youness 5�+2 Stryker gas sta. 4p app.0226�+renew rf n fr n ,� gen. rep. gar. Nathan S. Berkavitz 218 Ohio St. junk dealer app.0228�+renew Kappers Co.� Inc. 1000 N. Hamline solid ftiiel dlr. app.02287renew Concord Urug Co. 176 Concord St. radio & TV tube testing e�er�.pEV� app.0233�+renew COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco • President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Fotm Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date `Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - C�ITV CLERK •f����J� PINK -e FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council n� v CANARV -�DEPARTMENT BLLE -MAYOR � Flle NO. • Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMNIITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date continued- p.� Allison G. Dorst 21y0 Nortonia Ave. beauty shop app.02335renew Arthur F. Williams 393 N. Dunlap optician app.02337renew Fordes L. Bergan 759 Raymond baxber app.02340renew Shirley M. Duckstad 2083 E. Cottage beauty shop app.023�+4renew Lois A. Dillon 295 So. Howell beauty shop app.023�+5renew Clarence M. Aamodt �i59 N. 'Dale St. Lc�y. DC Plant app.023�+9renew W.R. Shaw Lumber Co. 217 Como hardwaxe app.02351renew Paul Faxaci 41 W. 4th St. baxber app,02352renew William G. Olson 38$ Earl beauty shop app.02353ren�w Byron 0. Tiska 52 So. Prior Ave. baxber app.02355renew Veronica 0'Connell 1588 1Kaxgaxet beauty shop app.02359renew William F. Taylor 812 Berry St. private gas pump app.02380renew Superamerica' Div. of Ashland Oil Co. 1625 Rice St. gas sta. 8p app.02381renew n tt tr tr n grocery A-1 n �� haxdware " " M rr 'r liquid fuel d1r. �� 'r r� " " off sale malt „ '� " �� " bicycle d]3". ,� t' �� " " firearms " 023$�renew ,� ,< <, t+ �� cigarette Mike Thomas TV & Appliance Co.� Inc. 925 So. Robert St. W TV master app.02383renew t� t� �� �, ,� serviceman Kenneth L. Youngberg & Earl Benson �+90 So. Hamline Ave. TV ma,ster app.02�+02renew Jan Trushenski 12$�+ W. 7th St. ma,sseuse app.02�+07renew John Bryant 728 White Beax Ave. barber app.02412renew Model Cleaners & I,a.underers 378 C�o Lc�y�DC pickw.p station app.a2415renew Standard Spring & Alignment Service� Inc. 20 P e Ave en re . ax a .0241 enew COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By s w�y WHI7E —f_ITV CLERK f ��L7,' /�Q PINK r FINANCE � COUIICII �; �� e U BL�ERV—MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONQ2IT�.�E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date continued- p. 5 Market Re-Coning Serv.-Speaker Corp. 293 N. Snelling Ave. TV master app.02�+22renew �t " 2 servicemen " „ " Westinghouse Security Systems� Inc. 2303 Kennec�y St, apparatus install, Wanda LaPointe 7�+9 No. Mi.lton masseuse a�'���3r�� PP•02431renew Hillcrest Country C1ub�Inc. 2200 E. LarPenteur Av. cigarette app.02437renew Judith Ann Dupre 965 Arcade masseuse app.02439renew Bertha Belisle 545 N. Snelling Ave.-basement cigarette app.02441renew Jacob �.ichs 5�+5 1v. Snelling Ave. barber app.02451renew l�ary Ann Burl�nan 976 Arcade St, beauty shop app.0247�+renew James Robert Kukas 286 W. Arlington Ave. m�r. veh. dr, app.02498renew James Joseph McKnight 110 W. George mtr. veh. dr. app.02523renew Keith Daun Paceley 815 F1a.11er mtr. veh, dr. app.02535renew Speec�y Markets, Inc. 1112 Rice Street Groc. A-2 app. 01363 renew rr t� n rr �� Froz. Food 11 �� n ir �+ �� �� Off Sale Malt �� �� �� �� �� Cigarette Ned A. Pierce 1150 Proaperity VM �oc. app. 01039 renew COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � � Hunt In Favor evine � Roedler A gai n s t BY Sylvester Tedesco Presiden�, HoZZa JUL 8 19�'j Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council• Date Certified P ed uncil Se � BY By Approv ayor: e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �Ml.bpi� .Nfl ! 9 r975