265690 CITY OF ST.PAUL O F�E FINAL ORDER ` �``' By' In the Matter of aOAStte�cti�1$ ot t'+�caoitt'r�et� Ot sids�alka �d lnot''k , ia�id�utal �thsrrtos _:_ -- - _ . . _ :�. _ _ __,-�. ___ - . _ �. �_- -----�_�-,.-.,�-,,, ; � � ` �,:.� ' � � ��Ma�t� Til� �o. 1l�e�#lt�twN ' �' � a �:- - � r:f.. �, ..�" 3t�; �-101i7 '�`; AANLIMi AVB�, �ast sids fra� lsit A�e. to lbrtind Aw. 3-10118 !;:; eAIa.INE AYS., aut •ids ts�v� rsrtlaad to tb� aorti� 1S4 l�t. + (1337 �brtla�d) 5-1011! �7 �iR11'iOt3A 8T., tast sid� tre� pseaola Av�. to tb� sortk co allh 124 lt.+ (1517 Ose�ola) s•1A121i , �' ST. t7.Att A11E., sorth •id� !'roa Lwciastva �kwy. to Esidp(1164 St. Clair osl�) � � �8-10121 7 sT. QJIZ AY=., aontb aid� ft�a� Lexto�te� l�kir�r. te fti�� (1146 at. Clair � oQ17►� �1OZ32 �' �IC1'i'* aT.. wst •i�� lx�a� �i� �+n. ta t�s north ts! ft♦ to alih , . r . ` S-1C128 y. �3�A�'i i�'., iist st�i� tres ft. Cl�r �. ta 3as�nt A�n. � i•1012�► � �2 �1R.. s�t� �riAs #re�► ii�tl�r 3t. to ?airviaM Ary. (3312 3si1r�► /C�., Lota 12 i 13 slk. 6, Skiiwr� a�d Ca�aid� !k. A�d. 4n1y1 8•1O1Z5 i � �ET LoE., �orth si�� �z�oa �ri�p it. to =�s�dicata St. !�•lO1Zi S �#dIC�T! �T., r�t�� si+i� �ra� fi�t'aad A�re. ta �it Av�. a-1Al2i `� �i �. b�frJ� sld�� fsaa Ocaa� �w. to Su�it Aw. a•1o128 3 sr. CLAI�,;AY�t.. .oac�b .id. f�o�. t1a�.+�a! 1an. ;co A�roe sc. , .=-101t! ` / t70110DRD '�`., s�tbw�st irial� lx�or� dtstia� ft. �� [�sas !t. COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date � � �� Yeas Nays �` .t. � C ied Pas e Council Secreta '���"� J HoZZe �In Favor Hunt Levine S�Against Rcedler Mayor � Syl�ester 7edesco �BLISHED JUL 5 19� „ : : # , � ; , , .. , ;;. . � � , ,y . , . sA. ' k + . , . . , r � . �� � .. .. � ` � � � � . . � . ���� �- I•� r \ •. • . � �. , .. . , .. . ' . . '' '� . .. . � . � .. . � . . ' . � � . .. ' � 1 � . .. ,�' . �. . . I . . . . . . . . � .. ' ' . � - . . .. , � . .. � / . . . ' ' � . .. a”` . .. . � .�. I . _ ,. � � ) . ; , _ . . . . , , ; , _ . . �. � . . .. - ; _ , � , . , .. . . � , � _ . . : . � z` ' . . ; . , , . : . . . . , ; - , ., \ � � � . . _ , �, . , . , . ;, . . , � , j . . _ � , � : . ; . . , . � " - ��`�, i�r� � , ; �� . ,.., . : � . - � , . , � : � �r. 1�c►t�1 D�arlo�,:Dixe�tor . . � , �,� ,rl _ _ �t�►a�rta�e�At t� Fublia `i'o�rlu . �, . �, . , , � �,: � . , � , ; , ,�bo+n':�34, `l�E�►_Ha�,l,,� - - ' ,I ; ; ` St. ��tvtl, I!ttm�►sota . . • ; .. It�ti� St�s , . . _ _t � , •.� . � , � . - , 7,bs Cifi� t��ncil �oday �optad � f�el s�ds� Q�3�g � � �c�,.�r�a�e�t�°aa�io� , D1' e1�d4M� otit� B�,r �tl,eir AVaAW norCh ;BtBt i'rOm 1*�►is �tt, '�C�Q"�I1�rA� 8+�b�aae�eweiL . ;- _ � ' to spp�rarral� � motiv� vao sdoptrd sv�q�sE�'3� � t,� 'fw�bl�c ,�orks :, ; " tv '1tiw��iptt� ,�mid a�k� �rac�a�iad+�tttws 'oa Ebs �s bt2ti�r'o! e�s sie�r � � ta�iaips�w►` tl� boa3.��ta��cl �d p�bl�.c o�a�se arah� . o!` its �.+�t*aashi to i � ^ . P � th�i loaat�� o! s.�ark io t#�s ss+�s, r�,e�s �e'Parh� � t=�cn- li� e�taet-�d =- : , _ , coaaais�a� 'ctiis::�ua�t�r. ., - , . � - ;_E. � , . , � ' � � . . ��lft,'T t�til,r 7io�mrs�. - , , ' . ' - . . � �� . � . . _ ' Gity Clesk � . ' � � , . � ; -� , .:. ; , ;;; ,�';/�EOsd(�t , - : • � , • �;� ' �3s �x �atioe COhlst , * - { ` , .! I�Z. Pilaor. I�isaator Dipt. o# Co�l7 3�ssro�ta��� ,, ,' , . ; , � : , � . �� � ` �, , : , � � � .,i { , , �, �� , - : � , � , � ` . _ ' ,�, �� , t � �, , , � . , '��:� . �,;nr . �a:.y . � ,�' � E b..' _ ' .. ��� £ i �' � .�;��. -�..�r � �� � k `��"„� � K p .� � q.i' i. y� 'a :>>* � � V Y=� �� 'fr' i� i;n. - . . ... - �n ��M. . ... . .. . *q� i#'. i`;:��, �I��I '.! �,:',' ..�s.: .: �� A.4 AF t _ . ..��- �s . # :�i�-� 'a'y'. . . . • Dis*_. PJo. 2 �.a, Hamline Ave. - Summit Ave. to Portland Ave. (all "R" residential} �ri�s order was initiated by the �irector of Public Works as publh°cc�at���-��,ty �� •S or i nsvection of the walk. �� �.� � R,�j� This t•ra;k is old tile and poured concrete with broken tile, high joints , trippi�g hazards, �varer pcckets , holes in tile, asphalt patches , disintegrated, cracked cc��crete panels , scaled, tipped panels and settl�d panels. � i7� Eng�neeri�g recomnendation is for approval of the order. S ' � � �� 7 (Construct to width designated on plat) CT NJ nR Dist. No. 2 c.S. Hamiine Ave. - Portland to the north 150'+ (1337 Portland Ave.) jA�B residential) Tnis ar-der was initiated by the Director of Public Works as pubiic necessity on tf�e basis o` inspec:ion of the walk. T��i s ��ra);c i s ol d poured concrete wi th tri i n hazards water PP 9 , pockets, asphalt patche-s di;integrated, cracked, and scaled panels. ihe �ngir;eeri�� recornendation is for approval of the order. � (�ed=�ce f�om a b ft. to a 5 ft. walk) S- /0 // 8� CT r-lJ RR Dist. No. 2 E.S. Saratoga St. - Osceola Ave. to north to alley 124`+ (1517 Osceola) (A&8 residential) This order was initiated by the Director of Public 4lorks as public necessity on the basis of i��soec� ion of the a�alk. ihis �.ya?k �s old tile with tree heaves , broken �iie, high joints and tripping !�azard;. T��e tngineering reccmmendation is for approval of the order. � (�,=.duce �rom � c ft. to a 5 ft. ti�alk) S— /D /�� i,T �iJ RR ' . . Dist. No. 2 5,5. St. Ciair Ave. - texington Picwy. to Bridge (aoutting 1160 St. Clair onty) (A�B Res.} Th�s or�er �as initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis �f in�pection �f tne walk. T�is walk is old poured concrete with trippir.g hazards, water pockets , asphalt patches , disinte�rated, cracked concrete panels , scaled and tipped paneis. ✓ i�e Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. Renarlcs : Wa I k to natch b r i dge approach wa 1 k ,S — I O � oZ D {Reduce frcn a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) CT HJ r�R � Dist. tVo. 2 S.S. St. Ctair Ave. - Lexington Pkwy. to Bridge (abutting 1146 St. Clair only) (A�B Res.) T;�i; erder was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on tne basis of inspection of the walk. T�is �.�alk is oid poured concrete with tripping hazards , water pockets , disintegrated, cracked panels. T�e Engineering recommendatio� is for app roval of the order. � (r�ec;uc? from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) S ' � Q l a � �T #�J RR Qist. No. 2 '�.5. Syndicate St. - Summit Ave. to the north 229'+ to alley (abutting 1285 Sumnit) (A�B R�s.; This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of insoectior,• of the walk. This walk is old tile with tree heaves , broken tile, tripping hazards and is offgrade. Th� Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. ✓ Re^�arks : Rest of block done urtder contract in 1968. S „ �o I a � (:?����e from a 5 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) CT HJ RR �8� ��� ���� � , ��v , . Dist. ��o. 2 c,5. �ar�toga St. - St. Clair Ave. to Sargent Ave. (A�S Res.} fhhis or�er was initiated by the Director of Pubtic t�lorks as public necessity ��� �S c* 1 cr�rplaint. and inspection of the walk. � i;+s walk is old poured concrete with tree heaves , tripping hazards , water pockets , offgrade, as��;alt patches , disintegrated, cracked concret� panels and is dangerous. The Engi neeri ng recormiendation i s for approval of the order. � '4`����i�a� Rera�ks : ;�o records when walk was constructed. S —lo � � 3 (Construct to width designated on plat) tiT IiJ RR Dist. �do. 2 S.S. Selby Ave. - �w'��eeler St. to Fairview Ave. (abutting 1812 Selby only , Lots 12 � 13, Bik, b, Skidrrore � Cassidy Pk. Add.} ihis order was initiated by the Director of Public Worics as public necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk. Tt�is 'r�a1k is ald tile with broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards , water pockets , nole5 in tile, offgrade� asphalt patches. � � T;-;� Ergireering reconmendation is for approval of the order. S � � o/a � (Corstruct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR Dist. No. 2 t1.S. Berkel�y Ave. - Griggs St. to Syndicate St. (A&B Res. ) T:�Ss or�er was initiated by the Oirector of Pubiic Works as public necessity on the basis of o co;;,piairts and inspection of �the walk. T�;is ti�alk is old poured concrete with tree heaves , tripping hazards , water pockets , offgrade , aspi�alt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete pane]s and is dangerous. �he tngineering recomr,iendation is for approval of the order. Remar�s : �dalk constructed 1940 ✓ S _, �Q / a. J (Re��ce fro� a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. rralk) (Construct to ;yidth designated on plat) CT� tiJ RR • � � Dist. No. 2 '�.5. Syndicate St. - Grand Ave. to Summit Ave. (Part A and Part C) � This orcer �ras initiated by the Director of Pubtic Works as public necessity on �e�� of � corplaints and inspection of the walk. +�is walk is old poured concrete with tree heaves , tripping hazards, water P����� o`fgra�e, as��alt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped panels an� settled panels. ✓ Tne Engi nee r i ng recor,nendat i on i s for approvai of the order. S'— �0 /� )o (Ccn=truct to width designated on plat) CT �IJ �cR Dist. No. 2 B.S. Wheeler St. - Grand Ave. to Summit Ave. {A�B Res.) This order �.ras initiated by the Director of Pub) ic Works as public necessity on the basis cf i�:spect i or. of the wa 1 k. Tt;is �alk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tiie, high joints, tripping hazards, water pockets , offgrade, asphalt patches , disintegrated, cracked cancrete panels , scaled, tipped and settled panels. Tne E�gineering recommendation is for approval of the order. ✓ Re,�a r#c, : Wa 1 k to �e 4.5' w i de / 6 �� � (Construct to M�idth dzsignated on plat) CT HJ RR Dist. No. 2 .+.5. St. Clair Ave. - Pteasant Ave. to Avon St. (ASB P,es. ) Tni; order was enitiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of in,pection of the walk. T��is walk is o1� ti le and poured concrete Haith tree heaves, broken ti le, high joints , triopi-�g hazards , water pockets , holes in tile, missing tile, disintegrated, cracked concrete paneis , scaled, tipped panels and is very dangerous. The Fnyineering reconrr.endation is for approval of the order. � Remarks : Al 1 hornes face Li nwood Ave. � � �°� 8 (Red�ce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. waik) CT HJ RR - , , , , . . � Dist. PJa. 2 S,l.S. Concord St. - Curtice St. to Kansas St. (A&B Res.) This arder :�as initiated by the Directar of Public LJorks as public necessity on-� of inspection of the walk. �� Tnis �alk is old tile with broken tile, hign joints , tripping hazards, water ockets , holes in ti1e, missing tile, offgrade and with asphalt patches. / ' ��_���`� Tt�e Engineering recom�endation is for approval of the order. ✓ (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) s' _ �Q �� 9 I CT HJ RR � .. . . -_ .>�. �=-- _ ._---_--.____ __:.. �..._.__.�:_.�._,_...T..._—,__.___�__..___._ __ _ ___ . , . _ ___ ___. . '��vt�`.S� -- City l".iarY. ' �..J�� JL 1..+�� ��1�.i*) � �A IT L No: // _rl�f ��ianr,.,�/y''Ce�•�cs D*�p�-,� 'J .;''� ! �/ t OF'�IS3F. oF �cf�� r7��xoH Date: lwIAY � 4 �975 � AID�r�[�tIST1Z�TIvE flR�r R �--::�=- �L=!��� ���Y� ` .�.��.?iNi�i R�,TIVE ORDER, Trt�� ��� i1�r�ctar o� t:aa D��artr.�ent of Pub� ic �lorks is he�eby authorized a�c! dj rected �s� ���gbrc� �dans, o�tain s�.�rveys , �repare est3naLes and �nvestigate the necassity to :,.;�r►s.reae�lrzc:�nstruct the side�ralics a� the fol iow3ng lacations and da ai i other wflrk ro�t�a�,� �a ��a�ssaryt and inctdenta� �o ccrs:plete said improvement. ,j/o/1���� ���'� n� Nam3ine Avc. f�oc� Suzzrait i+ve. La Portland Ave. '� g�o��8-�ast 3�de of l�amllne Ave. from Pflrtland La the notth I5�`+ f1337 Portland Ave.) � slp�/��a�t s��� csf Saratoga Si. froa �sc.�oja Ave. to Lhe narth to a�tey 124'+ (15t7 Osuola3 ✓ S/D�� �D��3� �i�i�: of St. CtaZ r Ave. fr� Lex9ngton Pk�.y. tc Qridge (�Io0 St. Clai r onty) '� S/p�aJ��th sQde of St. C1aIr Ave. from Lexingtfln Pkwy. to 8ridg+e (ll4�i St, C�a3r on9y) � S`��a,Z;�fe�L at�� ��' Syr�dlcate SL. f��s� Sura�ss� � Ade. �o the r�orth 229'+ t� ai3ey `� � Slay��3t�t �3de Saratoga St. from St. Clair Av�. to Sarrersr Ave. ✓ 5/dd2��J�:�h si�e of Selby Ave. fro�s �heeler St. 'to Falrvie�+ Ave. (t$32 �elby Ave. , L�ots t2 �t3 � Sik. b, Skidr.cr� � Gassi�y Pk. Rdd.) � . .. _ �l� I�- +�rii x ci�nQ; cr_ . 4 ?����'L� side nf �rkeley Ave. from Grig�s St. t� Syndicake St. � ��w �� �f � . � � '���� si�e S ndi cate St. �`ro�a ��and Ave. to Su�t t Ave. '� cxs 1FK S�� � � RGP Of: f JFS Cl7 �/��j, �b„� �dd�s of Wizester St. fto:a Grand Ave. tv Sumni t Avs. v ;�LM A�o �o�&.� sF�e o� St. �ia�c Ave. ��o� ?leasant Ava. to �von St. � _'` Y"� 5/����, E eEN P.5.0. R.H.H. � . 5%��aG��'��th��e�st ��d� of Co�crrd St. frasn C�rt�ze St» ts� Kansas St. � '�h� �3� r���ot of F3nance and Jtanac�c.er�t Servtces 3s hs�sby c+trLtt�d t4 gr�pare� wt��re r�c.�s5ae�y, o p�eair�n3ry �rc3�r and sc.'�ed:�le a pubtic hea�a�q. �Y��G3 = . :":�'�:�°.��r`�D AS T�3 FORtii �;1 :-� ; ,l _ i _. , �j,,,.,�'�, _� � f �, � ',�1� / �: ___..._ � , . — �-.�:r, _ – A�.sstanx Ciip Attorney j epazimen2 tie� ' S�G;�Ws9��:5 �y� ,� . ; _-�- f � . i r' s � �..i � . . .� �. . . . . . . • . �' '1' _ � �' . ���� Aflmiaistrative Assistant to M�yor -. _ ���`� �- ����� �� CITY �F SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL ). DUNFORD - DIRECTOR ►day 20, 1975 Mr. Roger Mattson Director of Finance and t�lanage�nent Servi ces Room 113 City Hall ATTEVTIO�J: Paul Desch Dear Sir: Please prepare the Preliminary Grder for the construction/reconstruction of the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order. The estimated cost thereof is as follows $4..Dq pe r 5 f.t 4 � 8 Res. 5 f t. w i de $6.00 pe r 5 f t. w i de C Res. � Corrm. $7.20 per 6 ft. wide C Res. b Cor,xn. $1 .75 per sq. ft. for integral curb and alalk C Res. E Comm. $2.00 per ] in. ft. for curbing for Res. A � B when integrai curb and walk constructed. Attached herewith are the following: l . Approved Administrative Order D-20�4 2. Advisability E Desirability Report. Yours very truly, �L - �,���6111��p��� /� � �� �� Harttey A. Thomas ,�, MAY1975 � Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction ^ .-��ED �„ � 4 PT OF '� �9 �VqN�E ��,L� HT/gh s��� � `�'� 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesuta 55�02 �� . . ' 1 --• �,� `\ u � � ,, MACALESTER COLLEGE SAINT PAUL , MINNESOTA 55105 ■ DEPARTMENT OF RELIGION 3O � (��.5' �.. �. � �� . � ����� � . _ l � 3 ��u.�� .�.$'-��� 7?Cr�c.v�, . S�l C�S �� �,e,�,t�/�t .�ai��-�'�, : � �C�,�, �.he. .�Z , �U�� cz,� %� �. �' 1 La�'-�..� ,�,�;�, � .��� �1�.��. .,,�-�.:� °-� � , =�- � � � .� � " � � � Q%t�- �� �. "�,.��� .�-� �.. ���� e��.°,�� ��.�c ��t .,:��., a� ��1� l� �' � -� �� ��. . � - � � .��.�. - C� i�� ��Z���'i l � � Q ��� .��'� < </ �� . � " .,,,� G� .� �1��� �yK-8d 1�L ' � ,/� G�-� � G'� , • , « � I/ �� � � � �� � �.�.�Y��� C � ,� � ` � � ! � � �,y,,� I�%G)A/_ , +(���R.�G�K� �� L /�'lJ2 �-` , C�� � , � ���� ..C/I/�+ 'Juv��p , ' _ � (����� �� ` � �� �, . . . �� � `>_� :/ � ��� � ��� ��� 3 6 _ �. � tUu.f.e� S'T�. ���/�iK�rc11�C- M r• R. f�• d�it. �Svv�. � l.w�_ 3 C7, �c!7S �cr'�• o� �t+�-- �t'�ar�c�z.�� �a vu�c,�,e.� _ /tSSe�s� �L�• t�3 c: �/�, S� �a�j�KK cs�7�c � . �a.v S�✓� � Q � CJ�� _ ,� ��s cugs^i �1�t Yo as�C ✓e�cri+S�i�u.G o+-� e� 6 _ S� � 0 � _j 4'v�. t,��t�a2.l-�� 'S�.e.¢.� �c1w'�- �✓� �. � .Su►.��e iT/ t.J�� c� '� _ . I�t�i.U�ba-3 � wt �tv�- �ve�C �� �u�.t.. c ovt s �v�a-, t�s - bt c i'�,� �� ka✓"' _ari�t S �I ti'!-e • � � '(vu�. . S��c,.-w�a�' t s �-s� �� �� !s i� �►� e iD�. a� w�c,. �. �1e ,,�,a�— -{� c�e.,. �e.. sw� aw�o�� d�i -- n� . � �✓'4��Q-��-- �ct4b�S � [� . �f t��Q dG � _ �O� -b' _ YGTi���_ � , , � � ,`� �� J ,) �o l9'75 � �6►��� : _ �.� �w -�. .� �� _ _ ��/L�, ,GU��.�rn�.�i�i ,���+^� �.•�-J2� „11.!%rnm.,� �,t � ?r/��;� ��`r.�c�". _ _ _ _ _-- _.,_. � - � _ __ __ _ -- __ . � � ��� _ _ � � �J��� _ ___. � � � -- �� - * _ _ _ - _