265682 WH17E - CITY�CLERK 1 ������ PINK - FINA CE � COIlIIClI � LANARY - DEPRRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL �/ BLUE, � - MAYOR File NO. � �� = cil Resolution . � - Presented By Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul� that Seetions 1 and 3 of Chapter 426, Laws of Minnesota for 1975, approved the 4th day of June , 1975 � entitled: '�An aet relating to Ramsey County; the cities of Maplewood and St. Paul in Ramsey county; and the city of Minneapolis in Hennepin county; establishing the St. Paul levy limit as that levy limit established by general and special state law; authorizing thecities of St. Paul and Maplewood to impose reasonable eharges �or emergency or paramedic ambulance services ; authoriz- ing the city of Maplewood to establish a physician' s trained intensive care paramedie program; requiring payment to the city of St. Paul by Ramse y county for road maintenance ; providing for payment of certain fines to munieipalities in Ramsey county; authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds by the city of Minneapolis for parka and parkways ; amending Laws 1974, Chapter 435, Sections 1.0207 ; 1.0209, and :�.by adding a section; and repealing Laws 1971, Chapter 762. " a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and .�a#;1� Aot hereby is in all things approved; �`` ° RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul , shall fortllwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attor� � n e y General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a eopy of this resolution of approval of said Act. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � ��t � [n Favor Sylvester � Against By Tedesco President�K Hozza ,��)1�. 2 6 ��j Form A e y City Attorney Adopted by Counei3":� Date Certif' Pas Coun ' etary BY `��� By ���-'_ Appr by Mayor: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By BLiSHED �IU L 5 i�TS . ' , _ � ' '. , CITY OF SAINT PAUL .�1�� � � ��rr o0 t�� � � �. � Roa• Mix o :;...;::'••• '� Albert 6. Olso� vl..• City Clerk and �'` _:�� a�' Councii I�ecorder Council Secretary �+'� I ,�c • y�• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS S86 City Hall St.Paul,Minneaota 5510t Phone 298-1,8J1 �; �a t f Juiy i, i975 . Joan Anderson Growe ' ' Secretary of State 180 State Office Building St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Ms. Growe: Attached for filing in your office is a certificate of the City of Saint Paul, approving Sections 1 and 3 of G`hapter �+26, Laws of Minnesota for �975• Will you please time star�p the enclosed copy of this letter and the certificate and return them to me. Ve ly yours, �� I City Clerk � AO�sc Att. STA1'E OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF STATE FIL"ED J U L :; - 1a75 ����''�a`we' �/ Secretary of State ; i � � i 4� ' � . � , ` , • CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW I3Y GOVERNING BODY � (Pursuant to A'Iinnesota Statutes, 645.U2 and 645.U21) S'I'ATE OF hiINNESOTA � County of Ramsey ' � TO TI�E SECRETARY OF STATE OF AIINNESOTA: , . y � { PLEASE TAKE NOTICE,That the undersgned chief clerical officer of the -� . • � � City of Saint Paul _ (namc o�governmental urut) DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance �with the provisions of Laws, 1975, Chapter 426 requuing approval by a # majority vote of the governing body of said local _ Sections 1 and 3 ` - r governmental unit before it becomes effective, the - ('.i ty Council �-� _ (designate governing body) at a meeting duly h�ld on the 2btY�day of June , 19 3�_, by re�olution _ (' F N� 2656�2 did approve said Laws, 1975 , Chapter �+26 (1f other than resolution,speci�y� - � Sections 1 and 3 by a majority vote of all of the members thereof � (Ayes 5 ; Noes � ; Absent or not voting 2 ) and the follo�ving additional steps, if any, requu- ed by statute or charter were taken: . Re"solution to be published in official paper of city. _ A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a of this certificate by reference. b - , . � Signed: SEAL - (Official dcsignation of officcr) _ (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Tlinnesota Statutes 645.U21) *If extr�aordinary majority u required by the special law insert fraction or percentage here. . - STATE OF MINNESOTA OEPARTMENT OF STATE FIIED J U L :� - 1�75 _ � �;dl�,�� . • (/ Secretary of State ,- . �� _ - , �!-� � I � ������� � , . i � ,,eJ{'�•�'U11&LG .. � �rJ�%' u ,� �e �:, � ���� n - ---� 1 _- �----- - -.____�_.._---�--- C .►, �� \��.� � � .�, ) -._ _____ , . -- - _._ ) _ _ __ ---- _� �. , - : _ ��-- - . �� ---- ------ ,: � _ ,Y�..,_ _____. _._ _ _�.� � I, Joan Anderson Growe, Secretary o�f State of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy with the record of the original '—instrument-- in my office of HOUSE FTLE N0. 1526 CHAPTER N0. 426 LAWS OF MINNESOTA, 1975 APPROVED JUNE 4, 1975 C �� and that said copy is a true and correct transcript of said --instrument-- and of the whole thereof . . .:•� ► IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my � , - hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State, at the - Capitol in St. Paul, this 12th day a f June � !� A. D. 19 75 /� `/ � _.�t�i.i�� ` � ��%�'_-�.c'-G-�l-�,�����'' CRETARY OF STATE ) 1�,�� --: j i � � �� -� , ;,� ,. r _ � �—�--�� ��-� �- O , , . . , � _ ._ _ , _ .._. _ - - � ,_ - - . . '� ', . ' . : •• . ������"? - H.F.No. 1526 CHAPTER No. A � �C � � � 6 � � � . 2 relatinQ to Ramsey county) the citiea of Maplewood � � and St. Paui in Ramsey county� and the citY ot 4 Minneapolis in Hennepin county� establishing the 5 St. Paul levy limit as that levY limit estabiished 6 by qeneral and special state law� authorizin� the 7 cities of St. Paui and Maplewood to impose 8 reasonable charqes for emergencY or paramedic g ambulance services � authorizinq the city o� !0 MePlexood •to establisb a physic�an� s trained 11 intensive care para�medir proqram� requirinq iZ payment� to th� city of St. Paul by Ramsey county i� fo� road maintenance� providin4 tor payment o! 14 certain fines to municipalitiea in Ramsey countyt 15 authorizinQ the issuance of qeneral obli9at�on 16 bonds bY the city of Minneapoiis for parks aAd 1� parKwaysi amendin9 Lewa 1974, Chapter �35, . 18 Sections 1.0207t 1 .0209� and by addinq a seCt�,on� : 19 and xepealinfl Laws 197�,, Chapter T62. 20 H� IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STAT� OF MINNESOTA= , 21 Section 1 . [CITY OF SAZNT PAUL� TAX LEVY LIMiTS.] 22 Notwithstandinq any provision of �he charter of the city of _,.___._ 23 Saint Paul to the contrarY, the councii of the city of Seint ,_,�,_...___._._._ _____._ � _____—� 24 Paul ia authorized to 7.evy taxes for qeneral city purposea �_ �_� ��_— 25 in such amounts not to exceed the levy limits impoaed bY 26 0eneral and special state lav+� 27 SeC. 2. Laxs 1974, Chapte= 435, Section 1 .0207, is . 28 amended to reads Z9 Sec, 1,0207. [HEALTH.] (a) [ADDITION TO ST. 30 PAUL•RAMSEY HOSPITALZ PLANNING.7 Ramaey county may issue and 1 ' ' . , . . . , ' . , ���� �H.F.No. 1526 . � -� 1 sell general obll9ation bonds ot the county in an amount not � to exceed g900,000 to ��.an and design an addition to St� 3 Paul�Ramsey hospital in con�unction with the Gillette 4 hospital authority. The county shall Pledqe its tull laith 5 and credit and taxing powers for the Payment of the bonda �n 6 accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, except that � no election shall be required and these bonds shall not� be 8 inciuded in comput�nq the net debC of the county under any g laws� and taxes required to be �evied !or the payment of the 10 bonds shail not be subject to any liml,tation oi rate ox ii amount. . - 12 (b) LMORGVE.� (1) [DUTY T4 PROVZDE.] Ftamsey coun�Y 33 ahali Provlde and equip a pub7�ic mor9ue at the county sea� 14 !or the receipt and proper dispos�tion o# ali dead bod�,es� 15 wh�ch are by law sub�ect to a postmortem or coroner � s 16 i,nquest� without charge to anyone. 17 (2) (MAINTENANCE.] The mor9ue shall bo under the 18 contro� of the county, be maintained �n a suitabie buildin9� 19 separate trom anY other busineas, and equipped with the best 20 modern approved appliances for the handling and d1,s�oSition . 21 oi dead bodies . It may not be connected in any 'manner with 22 an undertaking establishment� no person may be employed 1n 23 or� about the mor9ue who is in �ny manner connected �rith o� 24 interested in the undertakinq buslness , 25 (C� LHEALTH DEPARTMENT�] (1) �HEALTH DEPARTMENTj 26 PURPOSE�� It is the purpose af thls subsection to pxov�de �ZT enablinq� atT�horitY For Ramsey county to establl.sh a-� 28 comprehens�ve health department and to Drovide coordinated 29 D�blic and mental health services to the residents o! Ramsey 30 county. The term ndepartment�� means the comprehensiVe 3= health department establl,ahed in RamseY eounty. Thia 3Z subsection is in addition to any statutory author�ty no�v 2 •. • . � � H.F.No. 1526 ' . . , . � , ' ,���� � . ; 1 existinQ for the eetabliahment of a health department tor " 2 Ramsey county. 3 (2) tCREATION OF DEPARTMENT�� Ramsey county may create 4 a county health department which is under the aupervision S and control ot the county board, 6 (3) [POW�R& AND R�SPONSIBILITIES•� tA) The � responsibili�ies assi9ned to the department shall include 8 but not be limited to ail or some of the re�ponsibilities as 9 �et forth in the followin9 subpara9raphs. 10 (B) The powers and dutiea vested in or imposed upon a il local health bo�rd as provided -in Minnesot� &tatut�s 1969, iZ Chapter 1�5� �or tbe a=ea of ell of Ramsey countY. 13 tC) The powers and duties impoaed upon a board o� 1�4 county commissioners to employ publxc hea�th nursea as 15 provided in M1.nnesota Statutes 1969, Chapte= 145. 16 �D) Heaith se�vices for school children vested in o= 17 impesed upon a achool dfstriet v�hen th� board ot educatiion 18 of the school district petitions the county to provide the 19 serviees by contract or otherwi�e tot its district. 20 (E� The powers and dutiea vested in or �mposed upon the 21 health ofticer of a city inside the county of Ramsey who has Z2 elected to maintain locai reqistration ot vital atati�tics 23 and the po�vers and dut�es of the clerk ot the district court 24 of Ramsey county as local req�strar o! vital atatistica. 2S �F) The county may authorize the health department to Z6 operate a mental health program and may utilize the 27 authorities ot the commun�ty mental health boards as set 26 forth in Minnesota Statutes, Sec�ions 245�61 to 245.68. 29 When so authorized, the county board shall sufflce to 30 tunction in lieu of the communitY mentai health board 31 provided tor in Mlnnesota Statutea, Section 245.66. 32 (G) Prepare and haVe published an annual report ot tbe � � .. . _ , ... . .. �.,.-..� _'_>. . _... ._ . .. . � 2:�.:. �_., . _ . � .�.. . .::.'� � . . . ,..._. , . �._. . . . : . ' _.- d , , . H.F.t7o. 1526 + 1 work ot the healtli department. ���� � � ,, 2 (H� Re�ommend to the 9overninq body o! a governmental 3 unit in6�de the county o! RamseY local leqisiation 4 pertaininQ to pubiic heaith. 5 (I� The department maY be author�zed to provide other 6 heaith services as maY be directed bY the eounty board ii 7 the serv3ces are authorized by iaw to be provided by the 8 county or by any agencY or department thereot . � 9 (J� The department may be authorized to buy services 14 f�om other a9encies, pubiic or private, that are providinq - � il se�cvices consistent with health department purposes, 12 (K� The department may be authorized to establish fee 13 schedu�e� besed on ab�iity to pay for services rendered, 14 �L) The county shaTi have the authority to adopt and 15 enfor�e regulations for the preservation of public health 16 app��cable to the whole or a pnzt o! the county, but no 17 county �equ�i�tian may aupersede bJ.qher standards eStablis.;�a 18 by atatute� the requlationa of Che atate board of health, �r i9 pzovisiona o� the charter ox ordinances o;E d municipality 20 �naide the county pertaininq to the same sub�ect. Nothin s 21 in this �ubparagraph sha11 proh�bit a mun�cipaS3tY �rom 22 adoptinq ordinancea or resolutions for the requlation ot �.�_ 23 public heaith settin4 hiqhe� standa�ds than those of the Z4 state board ot hea�th, the county board� or state laN� 2S (M) ?h� health departmeAt shall cause ali laws and 26 reqnletiona relatinq to pubiic hea�.th to be � obeyed and 27, entorceQ l,nside its jurisdirtional area. 28 (4) tFUNDING.] tA) The heelth department shall be 29 operated and maintained from funds appropriated �or and '_--s 30 coile�ted by the department toqether wl,th the ata�e� 31 tederali and private qtanta th�t are made aval.lable to it �_ �2 to any of the local 4overnmental units ln the county o! 4 , , • � : ___ .r�. .. ... , H.F.No. 1526 i Ram�ey for h�alth purposea. �, � �"����� 2 (B) The county ahall annuallY Drepare and app 3 budqet of the department � a pTOpoaed expenditures for the 4 ensuin9 �iscal year. 5 (5) (TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS�] Upon ass�qnment by the 6 rounty board of the responsibil�ties under paragraph (3) , � the porrers and dut�.es of a depa�'tment, boardi aqency, � B qovernmenta� subd�vfsion� or bureau whose powers and duties 9 have been �laced in the hea�th department shall end and its 10 records and personnel relatinq to the powers and duties are 1� txans�erreC to the health department. - - - 12 �6� �pERSONNEL.) tA) [HEALTH OFFICER�� The county ahail 13 appoint g health officer who shai�, be desiqnated the 14 director ot public health and who sha11 be responsible for 15 the operation of the department� The county shall fix his 16 salary, 1� � (B) [QUALIFICATiONS OF HEALTH OFFICER.] The health 18 officer must bt a licens.ed physician expe�ienced or trained 19 in public health administration, or instead a person, other 20 than a physician with train�nq or experience in public 21 health administrat�,on. If the appo�ntee is not a phYsician, 22 the county board shail provide, in add�tion, the serv�ces of 23 a iicensed physicJ,an that are necessary on either a part 24 time or fu��, tlme basls and pzoV�de xeasonable �ompensation 25 therefor, The director o� the department ahali select 26 subordinate personnel subject to the approval of the county 27 board, 28 (C) GEMPLOYEES.] (i) Each peraon transferred to the 29 health department by thia paraqraph and eACh employee under 30 a merit system qoverning publl.c empleyees is considered to = 31 �� hav�- qtiaiified for a permanent posltion ot similar class and - = -32 � grade in the classified civil aervice of Ramaey county� 5 . �� • � . • H.F.No. 1526 . : ' �,� 1 xithaut reduction in paY or s�nioritY, and without �±�'t���'`� 2 examinat�on. Eech other person so transterred who is a �u11 3 time otticer or employee shall take� within six montha alter 4 the organization o! the hea�th department, and subjeCt to S civil aervice rules of Ramsey county, a noncompetitive, 6 p�actica�i q�alifYinq examination. The qualityinQ � ex�minat�on maY involve only the dut�es ot the po�ition 8 occupied �mmediately prier to the or9anization ot the health � 9 elepartment or the poal�tion occupied on the date the 10 examination is given, whichever examination the o�fioer or il employ�ee elects to taKe. If a pexson takinq the quaiifY�ng 1� exami�at�on possesses the abil�.ty a�d capacity that enabies 1� him to per�orm the dutiea o� the po�ition !or rrhich he is 1� examined� in a reasonabiy efficl.ent manner� he shail be 15 91ven a permanent civil service status �n the RamseY county 16 civil se�vice. A person who wi��tuily �refuaes to take the 17 examination when offered without reasonable excuse sha11 be 18 removed from his position �mmediately. A person takinq the 19 examinatl.on rrho ;Ea�ls to pass shall be removed from his 20 position at the end o! 60 days after Teceipt of notice of 21 �ai�vre to pasa . A person reqy�red to take a qua7.�fy�n9 � 22 examination shali not be l��d ott� suspe�ded, dl,scharqed� o= " 23 reduced 1.n paY or position except in accordanee aSth the 24 p�'ovisions of laws applicable to members of the classified 25 Ramsey county civii service havin4 civii service �tatus 2b until he has completed the qualifyin4 �xaminaCion and h�s 27 beeA notified of the result the�eot. 28 tii} A Part time officer or employee o! a department, 29 board, a9encY� 9overnmental aubdivi6ion or bureau whose � 30, • po.�►e�s a<nd duties aze placed in the health depa�tment maY be 31: trans;ferred upon the orq�nization ot the health department 32 and may become officera or employees thereof . 6 . � . • H.F.No. 1526 • �' � ' �`�������{:� " i (7) [RESOLUTION� APPROVAL.� No resolution adopted by �" 2 the board ot county commissioners ot Ramsey county 3 eatabll.ahinq a county health department �s effective �nside 4 each of the followinq governmental unita unless approved by 5 the 9overnin9 bodY of the particular un1t, namelyt city ot� 6 Saint pault city o� White Bear Lakef Yiliagea o� Arden � H�lle� Blaine, Falcon Heiqhta� Gem Lake, Little Canada� 8 Laude�daler Maplewood� Mounds y�,ew� New Brighton, North 9 OaKa� North Saint Paul, Rosevl,lle, SaxnL Anthony� ShoreView� 10 Spring Lake Parkr Yadnais Heighta� town of White Bear. The il teaolut�On is effective in a unxt upon the approval of that - 12 uniC � s 9overninq body. I 13 (8� ICQUNTY NURSING SERYICE�� The Ramsey county nursing ' 14 serv�,ce presentlY existinq shall not be d�scont�nued unless 15 the disconti�uance is approved by two�th�xds ot the 16 9overninq bodies of the qovernmental ynits iisted in 17 paraqraph �7� of this subsection� 16 (9) [PAYMENT FOR SERViCES�] No 9oVernmental unit listed 19 in paraqraph t7) shall pay for any serVices provided by this ZO aubsection until its gavernin9 body has approved the 21 resolution as provided !.n paraqraph t7) . 2� (10� [CITY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS� FUNCTIONS.] None of the 23 tunctions of the Presentiy�existinq cl.ty heaith departmenta 24 in the county of Ramsey may be abandoned by the county 2S health department without proper provisl.on for the exercise 26 of the function by some agency of 9oYernment, 27 (d) [AMSULANCE SERVICE.] �1) [LIMITED TO REQUESTING � Z8 MUNICIPALITIES,I If the county ot Ramsey, or an aqency or 29 department thereof, establishes an emergeney ambuiance 30 service� the coat of operating and maintainin0 the service 31 shali be a charqe only against the real and personal 32 property located inside those v�11a4es, cities or towna 7 . .. , ., . . . - �� _. : ._ - : - ,�L�t �H.F.No. 1526 . ��� � ' s� -� 1 inalde the cauntY �hich by reaolution of ita qoverninq body 2 request the service. ; (2� (5ERYICE CHARGE�) It en emer9encY ambulance service 4 na provided under the above paragragh is provlded in a 5 viliage, city or town in which the real and person�l 6 property �s not char9ed fox the cost thereof, then a � reasonable charge for the sexvice aheii be made oi the 8 bene��ted person. y (e) IPARAMEDICS�� (�� tDEFINI�IONS�] AS used �n this �0 axt�c7,er "phYsician� a trained mobxle intensive care il paramediC" means a peXson whol _ iZ (A) Is 8n employee of Che county of Ramsey or the citY 13 0� St� Paul� 14 (B) Has been speci.ally tzained in emerqency cardiac and 15 noncaxd�.ac care bY 8 iicensed physiclan �n a traininq !6 proStram certified by the state board ot health or the state 17 board of inedica� examiners and �,s certitied aB qu�i�.tied to !8 xende� the emerqency �ifesaving services enumerated hereit}. ig �2) The city of St� Paul and the county ot Ramsey are 20 hereby authorized to maintain a staft of phys�cian� s trained 21 mobile intens�ve �are paramedics� 2Z (3� (A� Notwithstandinq any other provision o! law, 23 physician� s trained mobile l,nteas�ve care paramedics may do 24 anY ot the foliowlnq� � 25 ��,) Reqular rescue, first aid and resuscitation 26 services� Z� (ii) Durinq trainl,nq may adminlster parenteral 28 medicationa under the direct supervision of a licensed 29 phYsician or a reqistered nurse� 30 (iii� Perform cardiopu�monary resu�citation and 31 defibrillation in a pulselesa, nonbreathinq patient� 32 tiv) Administer l,ntravenous saline or qiucoae 8 -� . - _ : H.F'.No. 1526 . � . � �� ��c���� -, i solutlonsj 2 (V) Administer pai'enternl �njeCt�ona in any ot the 3 �ol�owxnq c�,asses of drugsl 4 (a) antiarrythmic aQents � 5 (b) vago�.Ytic aqenta� 6 (c� chxonotropic aqents � � (d� analgesic a4ents� 8 (e) alkalinizinQ agents � 9 (f� Vasopi'essor aqents � 10 t9) diuretica � - 11 (Vi) Admin�,sterr perform and apP1Y �1� other 12 procedurea, druqs and skills ln which they haYe. been trained �3 and are certified to g�ve, applY and dispense. 14 tB) But at ail times before undertaKinq the actions 15 authori�ed bY clauses (iii� � tiv) � (v) and (vi) r Paxamedics 16 ahall make and continue to make, durin9 the course oi an 17 emergency� attempts to establ�sh vo�ce communications with 18 and �eceive instruction5 from a iicensed phys�c�an who ha� 19 been associated with the dispen��n9 oi emergency cardiac and 20 noncardiac medical care, Additionally, the Daramedics shali 21 make and continue to maKe, during the course of what they 22 bei�eve to be a cardiac emer9ency� attempts to teiemeter to 23 a licenaed physician, who hes been aasociated w�th the 2� diapensing of cardiac med�cal care, and electroC$rdi09ram of 2S the person beinq treated. , 26 (C) Noth�nq contained in this subsection shall be Z7 construed to change existinq iar� as it relates to deleqation 28 by a licensed phYsician ot acts� tas}cs or functions to � 29 peraons other than phYsl,cian� s tralned mobi�e intena�Ye care 30 paramedica , � ji (4) No licensed phY�ician or re4lstered nurse, xho in 32 9ood faith and in the exercise of reasonable cere givea . 9 . '-• . . . . . . - .� . � . . . .. . . . . . `..�. , �. , � ���� � H.F.No. 1526 �:.:, 1 emergency �.nstructions to a certified physician � s trained Z mobile �ntensive care paramedic at the scene ot an 3 emergency, or while in transit to and from the scene of Buch 4 emez9ency� shali be liable for any civil dameges as a result 5 0� �ssuinQ sUCh instruct�ons, 6 (5) No certified Phgsician� s trained mobile intensive 7 care paramedic� who in qood faith and in the exexcise o� 8 reasonnble care rendera emergency lifesavinq caxe a�d � 9 treatment as set �orth �n this Subsect�on, ahai� ba �i�ble 10 for any ciYxl damagea because oi renderinq such care and li treatment, - � - iZ (�) [AIR QUALITY�� (1) tAPPROPRIAxION,] Ramsey county 13 may appropriate and spend money in each year for the 14 improvement and preservation of the purity and quality oi 15 the sir. 16 �2� �JOINT POWERS,� Ramsey county may enter into 17 eont�acCual a9reementa �►ith enother 9oveznmental unit� body 18 or group ot bodies inside or outside the county without ig �eQaxd to wh�ther the other qovernmental un�t, body or Qzoup 20 ot bodie$ be a unit o! state, countY or municipa� qovernment � 21 or e� sehool district, author�.ty� or speeial district to 22 pertorm on behalf of that unit, body or group of bodies the 23 improVement and preservation of the purity and quality ot 24 the a�r. Z5 �3) [ORDINANCE.� Ramsey county may� by ordinance� enact 26 and entorce rulea and reQUlations controllinq the purity and Z� quality o� the �ir. No requlation adopted bY the counLy � 28 pursuant he=eto fs ettective within a 9overnmental Un�t Z9 until ratified bY the goveznin4 body of the governmental 30 unit affected. 31 � " Sec. 3. La�va 1974, Chapter 43Sr is amended by addinq a 32 section to read= 10 . + �r�� � H.F.No. 1526 . - • ' � �'� CJ, ,, , 1 I1.02072] LPAYMENT FOR PAitAMEDIC sERVICE.� Subdiviainn 2 1 . The qovernin9 body ot the city ot Saint Pauir in ..� � � - --=----r-- . . � conjunction v�ith the operation . of it� emer9ency or paramedic ...._-.---.•-�----- ----• 4 ambulance program� may imPose reasonable char.qes tor the � — , -.--.� � 5 emer�ency or paramedic ambulance ser�Jces in order to �— 6 finance its costs . � Stibd. 2. The followinq persons sh�ll not be subje�t �o �� 8 such chat'4es i .�---�---�- . 9 �i) Any Person wha ia eliQ�ble for or receiving pubiic ,,,� ___.__,�., �._._..__._., 10 ass�stanCe under the aid to families w�th dependent chiidren ...__..,._.._�..... _�,. �i programi but is not eli4lble fo� any . fede�ally� atate o� �____—�.,�,_ - ..+�__.. 12 locally funded publ�c ass�stance pro9ram which would pay for __._,_.,,.��.. . 13 sueh charges nor hns medicai� health or accident in�urance _�.. 14 policies which would pay for such cha�9es� or .__.__..._.-._�. 15 (ii) AnY PerSOn who� except fo� the amount of l.ncome or _.._�..��Y..... 16 resources, would 9ualify fo� aid to famiiies with dependent __�__...�.,.._.._._ ----+- 17 Childzen, �s in need . of inedical assistance _but is not �,,..�.,�._._,. —_.____.. 18 e7,i9ible for anY federally, state or loca],ly funded p�ubl_iC �.._._ 19 asaistance program v�hich would pay �or such charges nor haa 20 medicai, heaith or accident inaurance policies whieh wouid ��....�.� �����r- �1 pay for such char4esj or 22 (iii) Any pe�son over 18 years of age, in need of _.____.__�� Z� medScal care that neither he nor his relatives responsible _-.�,._ - - -- — 24 under Minnesota statutes, sections 2568�01 to 2568.26 are 2S financiallY able to ptovide, ia not e�iqibie for any _..�_� - �6 federallY� state or locally funded public nssistance pro4ram Z7 which xould paY for such char4es and has no �aedicai, heAlth ...._--- -� --�. ---- � Z8 or accident insurance policies which rrould pay for sueh 29 char9es � 30 See. 4, The provisions of Lawa 1974, Chapter 435, 31 Section 1 .0207 (e) and sectiona 2 and 3 ot thia act shail 32 also apply to the city of Maplewood� 11 � . w .. , : . - r h . . �. . . ��c-��"��� . - H.F.No. 1526 1 Sec. 5. Lews 1974, Chapter 435, Section 1 .0209, ia � 2 amended to rea�l 3 SeC� 1 .0209 [HIGHWAYS.� (e� [ppWER TO APPRpPRIATE FOR 4 SAINT PAUL STREETS,� (1) tAPPROPRIATION,� Ramaey County-�ap _ S �c-��sm�s-- ' �...�e��e�.d 6 PrcPt�t shali annuallY appropriate to the city ot Saint Paul —�, 7 an amount of moncy to ass�st �n the const�uction� 8 improvement and maintenance o! roads and streets, and � 9 bridges thereon� inside the 11m�ts of the city of Saint Paul 10 where th� road� and streets, and bridQea thereon, conne�t 11 with, and are extensions of, �oads-!,n the county- outsl,de o� 12 the city, but leading into the city� in no _ year shail the 13 amount apprapriated be less than 51 � 300,000. The moneys so —�__.._. _.�_ 14 appi'opr�ated shall be paid to the city o� St. Paul in trvo � -____�__ ----- _ _,_^ 15 equal amounts, one to be paid by June 15, and one by . -- - - -, — --,�.____ 16 NoYember 15 of each year. �-_..__..�... -- � 17 �2) ICITX TO CONTROL EXPENAITURE�] Moneys so 18 appropriated shaii be spent under the direction ot the city� 19 (b) [DUTY TO APPROPRIATE FOR MUNICIPAL STREET3�� t1) 20 [FORMULA FOR APPROPRTATION.� Ramsey rounty shal], appropr�ate 21 �60�000 annualiy and pay it to the municipa�,�ties in the ' 22 county, outside the city of St. paul, to aid the ,, 2� mun�cipalities in the construction and malntenance o! . � 24 municiPal roada, streets or bridqes, and this approprlation � 9 26 sha�,� be apportioned in the fol],owinq manner= ;�';� 26 (A) 70 percent to be prorated to the municiPalities in a 27 propot'tion as the number ot miles of roads inside� and ' 'l 2B maintained exciusively bY each municipality benrs to the 29 total number ot milea o� roada inside the county and 30 maintained exclual,vely by al1 the mun�cipalit�eaj end 31 tB) 30 percent thereof to the municipaltties, , � ; 32 proportionatelY, accordin9 to the asaessed vaivation oi ail 12 � . � . � j , ... • � - . � ' H.F.No. 1526 . �'��s�� . • . . � � 1 property for taxation in th� munlcipalities, and shAll be 2 spent on municipa� roads, streets, ot bridqea by the 3 qovernin9 body ot each municipa�itY. 4 (2) [CERTIFICATE,) On .or be�ore March 15 0� ��ch year, � 5 the county en4�neer shn�� certifY the actua�, number of milea 6 0! roads inside and maintained exclusivelY bY the � municlPaliti�s outsiQe the city o! St� Paul. The mi�.eage 8 so certi�ied shail not include undeveloped roads, even 9 thouqh the piat thereot maY have been filed for record, 10 (C) [COUNTY MAY DO MUNICIPAL WORK.� (1) [MUNICIPAL il AUTHORITY,] In Ramsey county� the governinS� body of a city, _ 12 viilaqe or town therein maY authorize the county to 13 construct and maintain any or all ot its hiQhways without 14 adv�rtisxng for bids. 15 �2� [COST, LIMITATION.� The constructl,on that �s 16 xeferxed to in the above paragraph is oniy to be performed 17 as part ot a maintenance job� and, the cost ot the 18 construCtion ahall not exceed �2,500 fo� a project� 19 (d) [LEXINGTON AVENUE� OLD TRUNK .HIGHWAY N0. �0�� That 20 part of Lexington avenue !n Ramsey county lrom Larpenteur 21 aVenue to the northerly boundary of GountY road E aAd �hat �Z part of county road E from Lexinqton avenue to trunk highrv�Y 23 marked No, 51 , are a Dart of the county atate-aid system ot 24 hlgh�rays, Minnesota Statute�, Section 161 .082, applies to 2S this section of highway. 26 Sec, 6. NotwithstandinQ any ProYision of the charter 2� o! the city oi Minneapolis or any other �tatute, the parlc 28 and recreation board of the c1tY of Minneapolis is ..._� ----- Zg authorized and empokered to issue bonds for the cost of � 30 acquirin4 a title to land for parks and parkxays, and to - 31 borro�r from time to time� fo� such times as it shall think 32 exped�ent, not exceedinQ SO years� a sum o# money the annuai �.._� - - - 13 - ' . H.F.No. 1526 . : .. � ����8� . 1 interest upon which for all the money6 so borrowed inciudinq _._._..� .��_— _ 2 the aums heretofore borrowed� sha11 not exceed 850, 000� and 3 !or that purPose shall haYe authority to issue bonds of the .r_�_ 4 city of Minneapolis, to be denominated ��park bond8� n se�ured .._._______.__ �_..._`. 5 upon aaid pazks and the improvements thereon� rrhich bonds __.......,�.... 6 srieli issue under the seal of said park and recreation � _�__..__� 7 board, and shall be siqned by the president and secretary ot —�.�.�._ _ 8 aaict boardr and countersiqned bY the comptroiler of the city ..__�.____�-__ _.-----_ 9 oi Minneapolis, and shali bear �nterest not exceeding the 10 leqal rate allowed by atatute for gener�l oblivation bonds � ..�._.�..._... ._...._-.._..__...._ _ . 11 And �n na case shall bonds be issued by said commissionera .__...�,_ 12 so that the bonded debt of the city shali exceed the limi� _-....._.,� 13 tixed by law. It shall be the duty ot the secretary of said . —,.....�.� 14 park and recreation board and of the city comptroiler to 15 keep an accurate register of ail bonds issued, sho�v�nq the 16 amount, numbez� and date of each bonQ, And for the payment . -_-.. l� o! the principal anQ interest of said bonda, and aaJ.d pazks 18 and improVements thereon shai� be irrevocably pledqed. with a 19 f�xat lien thereon, and the c�,ty o! M�nneapolis shail be ._.._.__�._. 20 irreVocably bound� provided, that ali lands shall be first ,�_-_-._.. 21 subject to the unpaiC purchase .price thereof� and said bonds 22 may be soid by said p�rk and recreation .board, upon such _,...___-- 23 terms and fot such prices as ln its judgment are the best . Zg that can be obtained for the same. � 2S Sec* 7. The bo�d�nq author�ty qranted by th�s act �� 26 shall not be in addition to that suthorized by chapter 16, •...�� Z� section 5 of fihe charter of the eity o� Minneapo7,ia or anY 28 other statute. �� 29 Sec� 8� Laws 1971 � Chapter 762i is repeeled. �___.- ,..-� 30 Sec, 9, [LOCAL APPROYAL.� Subdivision 1. Sections 1 31 end 3 ot this ect shail become effective onlY after their 32 approval by a majority of the Qovernin9 body o! the c�tY o! 14 ; . • ► , ... , � ,�"��rc ,-� x.F.No. 1526 , , ; �` �'�� -r ' i Saint Paul and upon compliance with Section 645 .0_ 21 ._ ___.__^...:� � Subd, 2. Sectlon a of this act shail become effective 3 onlY after the nPPro�ai of a majority of the goyerninq body _�� 4 of the city of Maplewood and upon comPliance trith Section " _.."�� ___.____�. 5 645.021 . . 15 ��, ` � � , f + 1 ,_ , �. - - ���s5.� � � H.F.No. 1526 ��' , i � � i , r � � Martin O. Sabo Speaker of the House of Representatives. Alec G. Olson - ' - President of the Senate. Passed the House of Representatives this 19th day of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five + � c , • �<:!:«C � Edwa d A. Burdick Chief Clerk,House ef Representatives. Passed the Senate this 19 t h day of MaY in the year of Our Lord one thousand ninc hundred and sevenry-five � . � Patrick E. Flahaven Secretary of the Senatt. APProved �"N'NE Y IgJS � Wendell R. nderson Governor of the State of Minnesora. Filcd S� Iq75 Joan Anderson Growe Secretary of Statc. ; f 16 � � ; �