265681 WH17E - CITV CLERK - pINK - FINANCE j'����^� CANARY - DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAIIL COUl1C11 1 tJ RLUE - MFHYOR File NO• �� � un il Resolution Presen ��� ted By R d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Sections 1 to 3 and Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 261, Laws of ' Minnesota for 1975 , approved the 2nd day of June � 1975, entitled: '�An a�� relating to the city of St. Paul and Independent School District No. 625; providing for the abolition of the power of the city to levy and raiae taxes for the payment of severanee pay obligations of the board of education of the eity; providing �'or severance pay and the authority to levy and raise taxes for the payment of severance pay obligations of the sehool district board; amending eertain provisions pe rtaining to the method of eomputing severance pay for city employees ; providing for ordinance for increased limited compensa— tion �or officers ; increasing the mill rate levy for payment of severance pay obligations of the city ; authorizing the city to rezone lots or traets of land in certain oircumstances without the consent of landowners in the immediate vicinity; amending Laws 1959, Chapter 6g0, Sections 2, as amended, an.d 3� as amended; Laws 1965, Chapter 705, by adding a seetion; and Laws 1973, Chapter 6g1, Section 4, Subdivision 1. �� a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; and RESO LVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul� shall forthwith file with the �eeretary of State a certifieate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential �aets necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a eopy of this resolution of approval of said Aet. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � ° � Hunt In Favor �r Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President� Hozza Adopted by Council: Date J(JN 2 6 �QjS Form Ap d by City Attorney Certified Pa�sed b�c' etary BY � App d by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PuQ�is�rEn JUl 5 1975 - � ITY OF SAINT PAUL ��� �� � C , • ���77 0.+� � ; R � Ro:e Mtx o ;;,;,;;;;;;;, "' Albe�# B. Olsoe City Clerk and �,� `°-'-��� �� Counci!Recorder Council Secrefary �� ,�c ' +.« OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS S86 City Hal! St.Paul,Minnesota 55108 Phone�98-l�2�J1 s � July 1, 1975 � . Joan Anderson Growe Secretary of State ' 180 State Office Building St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Ms. Growe: Attached for filing in your office is a certificate of the City of Saint Paul, approving Sections 1 to 3 and Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 261, Laws of Minnesota for 1975• Will you please time stamp the enclosed copy of this letter and the certificate and return them to me. V truly yours, ��� City Clerk AO�sc Att. STATE OF MINNES07A pFppRTMENt OF STATE FILED ! JUL `� - ,a7F 'I ��,/�d�,,��'�� I SecretaN of State I �O r • • � CERTIFICA'1'E OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LA'W . � BY GO�IERNING BODY ' (Pt�rst�ant to 1�linncsofa Stai�ites, 6�5.02 and 645.U21� � S7'A'I'E OF ;�f IN 1�ESO'I'A • � County of R�S�Y ' . � . 1'O TI�E SECRF,TARY OF S'I'ATE OF �11NNESOTA: _ � • . {�. - PLEASE TAKE NO'I'ICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the . � , -� .. � - C�ity of Saint Pau1 ` ` � (name o govcrnmental unit) DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance 'with the pro��sions of La�vs, 1975, Chapter 261 reqiiiring approval by a ' majority vote of the governing body of said ]ocal - Sections 1 to 3 and Sections 6 and 7 - r. . go�•crnmenial unit before it becomes effective, the �;tv .�,�n�;� " � �a�5��,�t�gov�rning boar) at a mecting duly hc_^ld on the 26th day of June , 19 3�—, by re�olution � C F No 265681 did approve said Laws, 19 75, Chapter 261 (If othcr than reso)ution,spccify) • • � Sections 1 to 3 and Sections 6 and 7 by a majority vote of all of the;members thereof . _ (Ayes�_; 1�'oes ' 0; Absent or not voting Z_) and il�e follo���ing additional steps, if any, requu- ed by statute or charfer were taken: . . : Resolution to be published �in official paper of city A copy of ihe resolution is hereto annexed and made a par this certificate by reference. . � , _ � ' Signe SEAL � - - (Offirial designation of of6cer) (This forin prescribed by the Attorney General and furni�hed by ' the Secretary of State as reqiiired in 111innesota Statufes 645.U21) *If exfrvordinary majorify is required by the special law insert fraction or perceniage here. . . STATE OF MINNESOTA - DEPARTMENT OF STATE FiLED � JUL :� - E�75 � � • !;�,r+r;�✓t�I�rre�r/.d�Zerve.� . � Secretary of State � �}' Ik / / ; i � r: - � � , �.� ( _ i / ' �_ - - � � � • �' .. � : . , � , � , � ` � � : , ; � , . ' � , . � : , � . .. ,�` , � . • � , , , , • � i: , . � � , . " . Fabrusrq 28, 197k � . . � , . i � , . � , , � I , � ' , - CottaCilwcnoan Rt�y Huut i � . . � Chairman; I.egislative Committes. Rdom 719, City Hall � ' � St: P�dal, Minaeaata , .��,; . , - . . . Ueaac�H�1�dam: d . . , � � The Cit¢ Couac�l today raf�red to ��e Lagialativ� ' ttee i�or � considaratioa:, a propaaal sub�iCtsd bg the !�ity Att rnep suggesting � ; ttut tha City �e�k 8tats logisletion phich wauld ' the City to: . Ya:oa� without a� canesat peti�an,; land Mhich it d t�oaes vhan it . adopta'the p�ropas�d Zaain6 Ordinaace. i , • ' . Youre vsry truly, , ` , . ' � � . " � , I ' . ` � � � . � . , . . � .{ � � .� -�. . � . . . . . . . � � . . . , Citp C16rk \, l \` . � � . l aso:�� , � . � . � , Attach. _ � . i . , , � . , i. . , . . � , i � �. , _ , , ' I . i _ � " . A � � i . + . ! � , ,` I � � � � g � � i � � 1 ♦ ' _ � i� � � � f •� � , ' . � � '��. , , � ' . 't ' • , , � � �5,�� _ __ ° , ° _ _ _ _ _ �- ������� �_ � - \ � - �����7� � � , , � �` �E:�pilELtg, ', _ O$DA' � ��� � � ` ° � , ., , � �_ __ - . -- -- � -- ���� � � '� �; � �" -- --- _—_- _- � � � _ i , � � � - -- --_-- � , � � � �F� ,,. � � � a \.: >." ` � � ��' ; � � , � �` ±- �,,. �li \: . ��i � - - -- ��= ,, i�� -- --- -- - �-� � -_- -- -- -- _ - ij� -- -- -- --- -_ , - __ _ __ I �- — --- - - - _� � � _ i �/ ( I I, Joan Anderson Growe, Secretary o�'State of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy with the record of the original --instrument-- in my office of ; HOUSE FII.E N0. 1518 CI�APTER N0. 261 LAWS OF MINNESOTA, 1975 APPROVED JUNE 2, 1975 C and that said copy is a true and correct transcript of said --instrument-- and of the whole thereof IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State, at the - Capitol in St. Paul, this6th day of June A. D. 19 75 / . � , SE TARY 0 TATE j ;� �, _�-� �� ,� � � � � � � ��� ` '� �-�,_� ���_��-�� ��� �. O :- � ', :�. , ' . . . • . . � . • .. . . • . - - . . , • . .... . .� .•. . • . . . . � : � • --� .. .. _. . .. . , , � • . - • • .. - ����� � H.F.No. 1518 CHAPTER No. CT l� ..1� 2 6 � 1 � - , � Z reiatin9 to the city of St. Pau�l and independent � � 3chool D�atrlct No. 625� providin4 !or the a abolitlon ot the porve� oi the citY •to .levy end 6 =aise taxes !or the payment ot severance pay 6 obi�gations of the boazd ot educatl.on o! the city� � � providin9 for severance pay and th� authority .to 8 .�,eyy a�nd �raise taxea for the paYment oi eeve�ance 9 � " - pay obl,i4ations ot the �ehool diatr3,tt board� ip amending certain ProvisSons perta�ninQ .to the 1� �method ot tomputinq seYerance pay .�0= c�ty i� emp�oyees/ prov�dinq tor ord�nance tor. increebed 13 limi�ted compensation tor offieere � increaal,n9 the 1� mill rate levy tor paYment ot severance pay 15 obliqations ol .Che citY� aukhorizinq �he city to 16 �ezone lota or trasts of land in certain � 17 circumstances x�,thout .the consent o! landownera �n 18 the immediate vicinity� amendin4 Laxs 1959, 19 Chapter 690r Sectiona 2� aa amended, and 3� aa 20 atnendedf Le�s 1965i Ch�ptex 705� by adding a 21 - aectionl--and LaKS 1973� Chaptes 691� Section 4� 22 Subdivision 1. Z3 HE .IT :ENACTED 8Y THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF -MINNESOTAI 24 3ect3on 1. Laxa 1959, Chapte� 690, Section 2r as � Z5 amended by La�is 1963r ChaDter 729, Section l� and Laxa 1971� " Z6 Chapter� 599� Section 1� is a�nended to reatdi � Z7 Sec. 2. tST. PAUL, CITY OF� 6EYERANCE PAY.I The 28 Drovisioas� rulea and re9ulationa under anY such ordinance 29 tor such payment o! severance pay by said eity, authozized . ` 30 under the toreqoin0 Provial,on¢ .o� aectlon 1 hereot, ihall be 31 aPPlitable to a11 e�DloYees o! said C�tY Othet khan ita 1 .� • !• •� • ' . . � . � .. . � . • • . . � . . -' . .,': • . .' . � • _ , s � �•�.. . � . .�. �. .4 - .' . . . , . • . � ' • .. � . . . . . • rN l.Y���� H.F.No. 1518 1 elected city otticials. �ete�r 2 tsrre�-tee�-f° 3 ee+e!ke7tt� � - 4 5 - � 6 . 7 � 8 � - 9 10 il _ 1 Z eh��t'e�'T�est ' 13 . . - �` 14 : 1� e � - 16 17 1� 19 . �0 Z 1 es-�d-� �2 . . - �� � ` - 3-��he3►e�d�errT 8 u c h a e v e x anc s- �4 Pay �hal� be excluded �rom ret�remen� deductiona and from �5 any calculations i�n retirement benetits, and. shail be paid „_..._��...----- �6 oVer a pe��od not to exceed iivc yenra from termination of .27 employment. . The amount o� such �eveTance pay alloxdble� or ZB to becom� DaYable in reapeGt of dnY auch employment or to 29 anY auch employee a�ter December 31 � 1973� aha7.l �not-�bt-� . 30 , . . � 31 32 � � ,� _ -- _ _ __ . -- — __ ----------__.s._.w..,.....__._._.�_�...._.... . • . - • '. � . ;� . .., . � . • .. . ' . . ' ' ; _ . - - , . � . _ • . .... ._ . - • � ' • � � • : •.. • . " '` . . - . . . . ` : , • - • • .. ``���.�-� H.F.No. 1518 i exceed 84, 000 • Z Sec� ..2. Laxa 1959� Chepter 690� 8ection 3� aa amended 3 by Laxs �961� Chapter 549� �8ection if Lawa 1963� Chapte� 4 729� Section 2! Laxs 1965� Chapter 659r 3ection 1 � T,a�re 5 1967i .Chapter 488� Se�tion 1f end La�rs 1971� Chapter 599� 6 Section 2, �s emended to T�adt � Sec. - 3, t3T. PAUL, CiTY OF'� EMPLOYEE �S SEYERANCE PAY.� 9 Subdivis�on i . The aal.d citYr '�or the purpose o! proYiditi9 9 moneys !or the paYment ot Sts severance pay obl,�4atl,ons 10 under anY such ordinance� herebY .l�a �authoriZed and 11 emporrered� bY resolution ot lts counc�l, �n addition to a7,� 12 other poxers possesaed by said city and in add�tion !o and 13 in �xEess o� .any ex�ating limitation upon the amount �i� ls 14 otherv�i�e autharized bY lak to levY aa taxea, to .levY taxea � 15 annually .not- exceedincl in anY. one year an amount �eQua� to j l6 ��t9�0 one third o! one mill upon each dollar ot tht ' 17 assessed valUation thereof � !Or e�tY ��rvices other than. i6 public schooia, upon .all. taxable proPerty in said citYr � 19 exclusive o! moneys and credits� xh�ch taxea as leY�ed ahail Zp be apread upon the tax rolla, and ali -�ollections thereo! 21 Ohali be paid .SnLo the trea�urY o! aa�d eity, therein tc be Z2 aliocated therefoT and .to be diabursed and expended by said � Z3 eity in payment o� any such city serv�eea other than public Z4 schools. �everance PeY obiivat�on: and tor no �oth•r purpoae. Z 5 , �e .. e�r��i Z6 - � ' Z7 28 ` . 4,� �e�e--�a—�a�� Z9 . , 30 � . � )1 . . �2 . . . � � . .. •• : •«. , � . . . .. . . .. .. , ' 'r : • • � � •+.. •�. . . ... _. 4 . `. . . , '- -. __-` �� � � . . ������ H.F.No. 1518 1 � . . . - - 3 . .. 4 � . S �h�+��--�+—la - �—�e-be 6 . . . . 7 e 9 S�bd. --3 2 . The d�aburaements and expenditures ..-� 30 bereinbefoTe authorized �,n beha�.� o! aaid city � 11 -�ef—�r�e� tor payment ot auch 12 city � aeverance pay obli9atlona � 13 hereunder �ahall not be deemed to constitute anY pazt o! the 14 c4st ot saxd cl.tY� s-b=—be+tr�s qove=nment rrithin the meaning 15 ot any statutory or charter ��mitation on aaxd citY� a 16 expenditures. 17 3ec, 3. Larra 1973� Chap�er 691 , Sect�on 4, Subdiviaio� 18 1� �a atmended to readt 19 �3e�. 4. �ST, PAUL� CZTY OF� OF�'IC�RS� COMPENSATION�] 20 8ubdivialon i, Notwithstanding any provision o;� larr or the Z1 9t, paul citY ch$rte� to the contraxy� the city o� St, Paui Z2 *hali. have the Do�exr -lrom and attex the effectl�ve .date of 23 thia section� to tfx in �erm and retxx �rom time to time the 24 compensation ot all dulY �Sected officera under its charter. Z6 Such compensation ahall be lixed by ordxnanc:e p�saed upon �n �6 the manne= provided tor bY the �cha=ter ot the extY oi St. Z7 paui, proYided that no ordinance inc�enainv �comDen:ation ot Z8 elected oftici�la may be pasaed durin4 the last three month� Zg o! any term o� ottice� Except , 30 � as proyxded hexein, no eubaequent � 31 lixinQ ot �compensation shai� be pxescribed to take ettect 32 dur�nq the term of office �tor Mhich the elected otticials a . � _ : . . . i . � , � , � �� • •. � • ;. _ ' ' • i � •�.. . _. -• �- . .. . . . . _ - . ` ' . • �.+����� . H.F.No. 1518 i sKall hava been eiected. The G�ty oi St. . Paul la authorized Z to provtda b�Y. ordinanCe Pa�ss�d , upon . in the menner provided � !Or by the charter oi the aity. ol . at. Paul that Compensation 4 0! ail dulY elected ofticer� , under..lti �chert�r may be- � iACredsed by an . amount not ..to exceed 62,OOOr ,�au�h ordinance 6 to be enacted anC . to become Gffective prior to Decembex 31r Z 197g, �_.-_ . 8 Sec. 4. Laps 1965, Chapte� 705, is .amended by addinq a g section to readt 10 8ec, 6� , The school board, for . the purpoae , of provldinq 11 moneys for the . paYment of its aeverance pay ob114ationa 12 under a. pian approved bY reso�,a�tion ot the diatxict, in 13 �dd�tion to �ail other poKers , posaeased � by the achooi � � lq d�st�S�t and in addition to end in exCeSS ot.:any exia�in9 15 �.�mitation upon the amount � it �s _ ptherwlae .a�thorized by laM 16 to levY as taxea, is authorized tio l�YY taxes ennuelly. not 17 exceedinq in , any one year an am0unt eQual to two�tenths . o! _ _. _ _ � 18 one m1�.i �upqn each dollax ot Che asaess�d valuation thexeof 19 upon all taxable Droperty Mi�hin the achool dlstrict rrhlch �0 taxes aa levied ahall . be sp�ead upon the tax �olis, and a�,l 21 eorrections thereot aha11 be held by the achool dSetrict, ZZ atld allocated _ there�or to be . disburaed and exPended by the 23 ec. hool . dl.etrict _ in payment of . any, pub�ic��schooi severa�ce ��.. r w�n��e �i�i� . �4 pay� obli4a�iona and !oz no oth�r .�purpoaa, . Disburaement4 . and 25 .xpenditures prevlouslY� �uthorized on beha►lf ot the schoo� • �6 d�,str�ct for . payment . of aeverance paY obli9ations ehall not �7 be .deemed to constitute any part ot the . cost o! the �8 oDe=ation and maintenance o� the . aChool d�atr3�ct rrithin the �Zg meanxnq of eny atatutory 1l.mitat�on of �ny �chool . d1,�tr�,et . 30 expenditures, � . 3i The �etpount o! such eeveran�e� paY a7.loNable or to become 32 payable in �r�apect o! any such �emploYment or to anY . auch , S - _ • ;,. . _, . . •., ,� � : . ., _ � . .. : . • . - .. ` �� • . • _ • . . • . i ''�' •~ •--� -• � .. . . , � ; ' � .•__' . � - ������ H.F.No. 1518 1 employee ahall not exceed b4,000, � 3ec. 5. Section 4 ahall become e�lect3.ve only afte�' 3 epproVal by a . ma�ozity of the qovernin4 . body o! Indtpen�ent 4 School D�strict No. 625 and upo� comP7.iance rrith �the S p�oviaio�a o� M�.nneaota� 8tatutes, 8ection 645.021 . 6 �eC. 6� [SAINT PAUL� CITY OF'� REZONING.] Whenever the 7 4oVerninq body o! the city . o! Saint Paul has adopted a ne�r 8 .�onin4 ordinanee or plan, the �c�.tY m�Y� . notwithstanding . the 9 pxovialona o� anY statute, charter p;oviaion or ordinance, 10 �or a pe�iod ot t�ro yeara nfter the adoption thereof, alter 11 the zonin9 0! anY lot or �tract . �rom such .new .zonin9 1� �laaal,lication .CO e classl,licet�on eubstant�,a�.2y equlYalent 1� to th� pxevioua �zonin4 thereot , or -to any .:zoninq 14 �classltication, the degree o� . �eatrl:cti.on �ot . �rhi�h rrould be 16 intermediate bet�veen auch nex nnd pYeVious . clas�ificationa, 16 rtithout the conaent , ot any proPerty owner. The altexationa 17 authoxized bY. this aection ahell be made , only attex a public 18 hea�in4 on euch proposed Chanqe haa been heid . by _�a committee 19 ol. the QoYezninq body or by a deBi4nated .a�ency . o! the titY �p ot trhich heerinq �►ritt�en �o�ice shail have been mailed to 21 �he . pwner . of . the a�tected Droperty and all� the . owners o! ZZ reel eatate rithin 350 feet . ot the .affected D�'oP��ty - 23 .accordinq to the re�orda o! the aud��or ol � tiie county in Z4 xhich . euch pr�perty �a �al.tuate� �nd sueh :alterations ZS the=eatteT adopted bY the affirmatlYe Vote in taVOr thereo! �6 by ;2/3 0! eil o! the members of the qoYerninfl body o! the �7 cxtY. �,.._.. - 28 �Sec. 7. ,The authoi'itY �ranted t0 . the City o! Saint Z9 pavl .bY . thls . act .la in add�tion to �any other authority . 30 0�'ant�d to .the city� � .._... -- � 3l 8ec� 8, _ Sections 1 to 3 a►nd seetio�a 6 and 7 :hall 32 become eftective only efter its apDroVal by a majority ot 6 � M . . .> ., � . � � - • ; s '•� . _ .. � - - . . , ' . . , , ... . . - . . ,. - . _. ,-. _ :� � � ' . _ -�'����� . H.F.No. 1518 i the qoYernin9 body . o! tht City , oi Saint Pau1, and upon Z eompiiance Kith the provisione , o! M�nneaota St�tutea, 3 Section 64S.OZ1 . � . � . ' ,h � . t�.. r ('• .. ' . •- • - • . '�� • � � . _ � `� . - . ... . . � . .. .� ..� �.,, •� r; ��. . . . _ • . . . S �•�.. � � . •'. -. �. : .., . . ' . . " . __ � _--' - � - . .. ������ _ .�. H.F No. 1518 � (��r � Martin O. Sabo •Speaker of e House of Repsesentativcs. Alec G. Olson Psesident of thc Scnau. Passed the House of Rcpresentatives this 17th day of May in the yeaz of Our Lord one � thousand nine hundred and seventy-five � � Ed d A. Burdick Chief Clerk,Houst ef Representatives. Passed the Senate this 19 t h day of May ia the year of Our Lord onc thousand nine hundred and sevcnty-five - . . � Patrick E.Flahavcn ' • ._. Sec�etasy o f the Senase. Approvcd �uNE � 1975 ���k��� Wendell R. Anderson Governor of the State of Minnesots. Filed. °�� Iq75 . Joan Anderson Growe Stcretary o f State. $ . . ..� � �- ,z��� �j _ ' " � `� CITY OF SAINT PAUL .. ` �,. �d"-1 . r . OFFICE OF THE MA OR �, t' CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDINATOR February 25, 1974 • Councilman Leonard Le�ine 718 City Ha�l ', � St. Paul, Minnes,ota 55102 Dear Councilman Levine: In a memorandum opinion on downzoning issued on September 4, 1973, (copy attached) the City Attorney suggested that the City seek State legislation w�lich will allow the City to rezone, without a consent petition, land which it downzones when it adopts the proposed zoning ordinance, The purpose of the legislation is to provide a safeguard against the possibility of awards of compensatory damages for downzoning land and to permit the City to rezone quickly to rectify any mistake which may occur in preparing new zoning maps, The suggested legislation was to be identical or similar to legislation which Minneapolis had enacted when it adopted a new zoning ordinance in 1963. The Plaizning Department supports such legislation and requests that the st�tute which follows be brought before the City's Legislative Committee for ronsideration so that it may be recommended to the Leg�slat.ure for enactment. STATUTE An act authorizing the city of Saint Pau1 to rezone lots or tracts of land in certain situations without the consent of land owners in the i�nediate vicinity. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. Saint Paul, city of; rezoning. Whenever the governing body of the city of Saint Paul has adopted a new zoning ordinance or plan, or for an area of more than 40 acres amended or altered such an existing ordinance or plan, in compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.357, such city may, notwithstanding the provisions of any statute, charter,,provision or ordinance, for a period of � years after the adoption thereof alter the zoning of any lot or tract from such new zoning classification to a classification substantially equivalent to the previous zoning thereof or to any zoning classification the degree of restriction of which would be intermediate between such new and previous classifications without the consent of any property owner. The alterations authorized by this subdivision shall be made only after a public hearing on such proposed change has been held by the governing body or by a designated agency of such city of which hearing written notice shall have been mailed to the owner of the affected property and 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 . .. s ' ` all the owners of real estate within 350 feet of the affected property according to the records of the City in which such property is situated and such alteration thereafter adopted by the affirmative vote in favor thereof by a majority of all the members of the governing body of such city. Sec. 2. The authority granted to the city of Saint Paul by this act shall be in addition to any authority granted to such city by any other acts of this state. Sec. 3. This act shall become effective only after its approval by a majority of the governing body of the city of Saint Paul and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645.021. The period of time that the City may rezone without a consent petition is two years in the above statute; the period of time that Minneapolis could rezone without a consent petition was ten years. The Planning Department believes two years is a sufficient time period to protect against possible damage awards and to rectify mapping mistakes since the proposed zoning ordinance has provisions which require the City to review the entire zoning ordinance �v�ry 5 years and the district boundary lines every one year, If y�u have any questions on this please contact me at 4151 or Roger Ryan at 4.5(?7. Very truly yours, , ; . ,,._.....__.__v )'')� ��`�,�._._,�_.._:_ Vincent M.�oughlin ~ 1'13nning Coordinator �RiC:smf P.rt2C�'1. . . �,i /� /� " .�. ! �'"y1 y,•��� j'� '`Y�C� L3 ,'�' /y1 t� �/1�>i�i z tE YI � d �/P/�'�Z�'2� � �:� j�f� E�J f �e!J �i it.e (' � �L�L y ` 1 v .?s P.I � !«' �'�'i2 ��.�yj . �