265648 WHI7E — CITY CLERK �65648 PINK — FINANCE COUI1C11 CANAF2Y — DEPARTMENT GITY � OF SAINT PALTL BLUE — ni,AVOR File NO. � L il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Budget for the 1975 Capital Improvement Program, as heretofore adopted ancl amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: Transfer $490 .09 from the 1969 CIB Unallocated Administrative Reserve Account and $29,509 .91 from the 1970 CIB Unallocated Administrative Reserve Account to a new project entitled Wilder Playground Expansion - 551 York Acquisition, for a net change in the budget of zero. Resulting in the following amended financing: Current Financing Change Amended Financing Wilder Playground Expansion - 551 York Acquisition 1969 CIB -0- +490 .09 490 .09 1970 CIB -0- +29, 509.91 29,509 .91 - ~ TOTAL -0- +30 ,000.00 $30,000 .00 Approved a o fundin : � Departmen inance d Management Services ` prov d B d et ir tor: � ichazd E. , chroeder �_� . �:,,--- ._ COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Community Ser'viCes � In Favor J Robert P. Piram, Director �r A ainst By Gerald Prill, Superintendent of Sylvester g Parks & Recreation � Vice president� Tedesco • �V� ' 9 �� Form Approved y ity ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi as y Co cil Secretary BY � Appro by Mayor: e Approve y ouncil By By �t���.ISH � 2 a � , + � �.' �����?� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR LAWRENCE D. COHEN THOMAS 1. KELLEY MAYOR REPORT TO THE HONORABLE LAWRENCE D. COHEN, MAYOR From: Thomas J. Kelley Date: June 2, 1975 Regarding: One Council Resolution allocating funds to a new capital improvement project: 1) Wilder Playground Expansion - 551 York Acquisition Source: Richard E. Schroeder, Budget Director Prepared by Gregory N. Blees for: Gerald Prill, Department of Community Services Background: This request is to purchase the only residential property on the Wilder Playground block (ex- cluding the wooden house structure used as the Wilder Day Care Nursery) . The property is needed to expand the existing inadequate play- ground land. The funding request includes the purchase of the house at the fair market value, the required relocation cost and all adminis- trative processing costs . The project request was reviewed by the Office of City Planning and was recommended for acquisition by the City Planning Commission on April 14, 1975. The CIB Committee recommended funding approval at its May 22, 1975, meeting. The Budget Director has approved the requested funding, the Director of Finance and Management Services has verified the availability of funds, and the City Attorney has approved the form of the resolution. Action Requested: Mayor's approval and transmittal to City Council. Attachments : 1) Council Resolution for 551 York Acquisition. 365 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 O IiDUTING SLIP . Y C+�+ttal Ijg�rov�a�ents Procram Counci! Resolution� PLS?i58 DO 110T R&MOVB THIS ADL►MNG SLIP Ol�l� LBTTER FROI! Ii 1l�SOL�if�SC'1THANIC � � {. !J Initial, Dete J U N 41975 �d g°="`�a i� eunce�r �,prn�ovni.: RICHARD E. S�1�NEY � � Offioe of the Sudgat Director, 367 City Hall 2) FUNDING APPROVAL: I30RR�SBERGER--MATTSON 6 D rector, Dept. of Finanae & Manaq�nt Servicea, 113 City 8a11 3) P'OR!! APFA�VALs SEGAL City Attorney, 647 Cfty Ha11 4) TxAN31lITT74L TO M7i1YORs HL•SriL'i►7 Office of the City A�einiatrator 365 City Hall 5) b1AYOR1IL APPt00V11L: - LEE Office of the Mayor, 347 Gity 8a11 6) INTRODUCTION TO CITY COl]NC'IL: SYLVESTER Chairaien, Council Finance Commfttee 7th Floor, City Hall 7) PIACBl�NT ON COt&ICIL 7►CsBND11: . OLSON � City clerk. 396 City Hall OBD-5/28/75