265641 WHITE - CITY CLERK �/s564� I�iNK � FINANCE . CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COIlACll - BLUE - MAYOR File NO. - y C ci olution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RF�SOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Browndale Dtinnesota, Inc. 1866 Marshall I3rd Iise App.03833New Edward Spexet 374 ;J. Lexington Gas Sta-6P �� 04-414" �� �' Gen Rep Gar t+ t� �i n u Cig r� u r► Richard Gimple 1239 Rice Firearms �� 04489�� 803 Properties Co. (A CArp) 363 St. Peter VM Loc �► 00093�� n n 4 Add'1 M �� n n Gold h4ed Bev Co. c/o Concordia College 275 N. Syndicate VM Loc �' 00159�� '� c/o Concordia College-Centennial Iia11 Concordia & Griggs VM Loc �� 00160'� �� c/o Luther Hall Concordia & Griggs �� �� 00161�� �� c/o Minnesota Hall Concordia & Griggs �� �� 00162�� " c/o Wollae�er Hall �� �� �� 00164�� !' c/o Globe Business College 236 E. 5th �� �� 00165�� " c/o Co-Operative Plating Co. 1605 Iglehart Av. �� �� 00166�� i� c/o Grown Auto 1536 ��f. 7th " ►� 00169�� " c/o St. Paul Fire & Marine, Ins. 3&5 Washington rr n pp262" �' c/o Joy Herbert 1580 Ford Pkwy " �� 00263�� " c/o Twin City Ship Yard 1303 Red Rock Rd. n �r 00286n " c/o Larpenteur Estates, Inc. 1260 Larpenteur W. ' �� 00321�� �� c/o Commonwealth Nursing Home, Inc. 2237-9 Commomvealth Av. �� " 00346" " c/o Hamline Univ-Sorin Iiall 1536 Hewitt " �+ 00375" " c/o Robert Sonterre 883 University ' �� 00468�� �' c/o Denny Mix 1094 E. hlinnehaha �� " 00512�� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �. WHI7E - CITV� CLERK �A���� �NK +- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALIL Council V CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR " � Council Resolution Presented By LI��,� Cp�7TTTF.� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 2 Gold Nied �ev Co. c/o Dorothy Young 168 N. Chatsworth Av.VM Loc App.00519New « c/o Q Petroleum 1184 E. Maryland " " 00530" Gerald B. Johnson 380 White Bear Cig VM Oper " 00710�� Joseph 1Veis & Stanley Mitchell 571 Earl To�v Truck �� 00746" n �� t� n pp747n Sir Vend, Inc. c/o Whitaker Liuick 1225 University VM Loc �� 0O758�� . �t 3 Add'1 A2 n r� n Northern Vend c/o �Iighland Chateau 2319 W. 7th VM Loc �� 00789�� f� c/o SPI� flotel Corp. 11 E. Kello�g Blvd. �� '� OQ791'� �� c/o D. L. Corp. 1183 University �' '� 00792�� �t c/o Macalester Grill 1600 Grand " �� 0(}795�� Charles J. Schuh c/o I�inn. hlilk Co. 370 University " �' 00803" Northern Vending c/o Ray Ellis 2144 University �� " 00804�� '� e/o Soc. Sec. Dis. Service 460 1Netro Square Bldg. �� �� 00813" Craig Gifford & ��es Reichstadt 243 Lst. Curtice Veh Fed " 00818�� Charles W. Grimm 550 Cedar V1�7 Loc " 0082?'i Twin City Vending c/o Phalen Tennis Club 1151 Iiarclay " �' 00854" n �� 1 Add'1 1+1 n n �t �� c/o St. Bernards Bowlin� 1180 Albemarle VA�t Loc " 00856�� John Mauer 6511/� S. Snellin� Carpet Dlr �� 00879" Ski Hous, Inc. 75 1V. Sneliing 13icy1 Dlr �� 00903�� Twin City Vendin�, Inc. c/o Pillsbury Co. 1061 Red Rock Road VI� Loc �' 00941�� b1e11ic Simmons 44O University Fd Estab-M �� 00969�� Arnold Tessmer 76$4 Stillcaater 1�Vay. N. 1 MM " 00981�� n �� 1 MAA � �i u Paul & Sharon Nimis 1365 hlagnolia Av. 1 r1AD « 01077�� Edward B. Henderson & Son, Inc. 2050 Marshall Grocery A-2 �► 01125" �� �� Froz Fds rr �f ir �� �� Off Sale A1alt �� ir it n r� Cyg n ir n t� �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayoc: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK R+NK r- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ����� BLUE - MAYOR � � � Council Resolution Presented By t.Tr.�nr�F r.nA�Tmm�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 3 Lester R. Hansen 63 S. Robert Catering Veh App.01163Necv Susan Cormican 841 Grand Rest C-2 +� 01254�� Plttt North Central Theatres, Inc. A-49 ttTabasha bfotion Pic �� 01325" �� ' " Confect 1� �� �� i� n Ci� n �t �r D.V.M. , Inc. 119 State St. 2 F�7 �� 01353�� n n 9 I�1AD �� �� u 0'Neil United Siloivs 1460 University Amuse Rides " 01�09" �� r� Itin Fd Estab �� 01410�� Cletus P. Dunn 1328 Pt. Douglas Rd. Gen Rep Gar �► 0141��� rr n Cig VI�1 Oper 1-2I�S�� tt n n n VM Loc n 01�15�r La.wrence ��f. Magel, Sr. 2089 IIudson Rd. Amuse Rides ►� 01520�� Gary Southward 82 Mounds Z31vd. 1 HiAD " 01528�� Poor Richards, Inc. 4-(�0 T�'hitall VI�i Loc '' 015�4" �' �� 2 Priv Gas Pump �� 01545t' Theisen Vending co. c/o Nlax, �effrey & David Bearman 171 N. Snelling VI�i Loc " 01590�� Stceffi.ngtons 1G36 University " +� 01682�� North Star Driving 291 N. Snelling �� �� Q1685�' St. Paul Society For The Blind 216 S. Wabasha Fds MDPW " 01762" COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � [n Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester � Vice President I� Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date JUN i 7 � Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P Counc'1 Secretary BY By Appro by Mayor: Date VN ��J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ��A:���� �uN a 1 19�5