265639 WH17E - CITY CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE '� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COl1I1C11 ����� �BLUE �- MAVOR File NO. . � Co cil R olution Presented By LICEN$E COI�ITTEE ,� ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persans at the a.ddresses stated be and the sams are hereby granted. Orville E�renson 455 St. Peter Pkg Lot-41 c App.035�N�► Southland Corp. 2065 Randolph Grocery " 03643" �� �► �� ►� �► Froz Fds:: �� ° Off Sale Ma,lt rr rr n „ �� Cig �, „ �� Tec�ical Design Corp. 7605Washington Av. S., Edina io r�w " 03693'� Browndale Minnesota, Inc. 1816 Jeffersan Brdng Hse " 0�023" Gold Med Bev Co. c/o George Kline 1627 White Bear VM Loc " 00322" " c�o Court Apaxtment� 1337 Arkwright " " 00324" " c/o � G. Hilliard 1631 Marshall " " �333" " c/o Lloyd Bowles 1136 E. 7th " " 00371" Servomation c�o Hoerner Waldorf 2250 Waba.sh " " �895'� " '� 20 Add'1 M 11 u n Kick-Off, Inc. 243i w. 7th Rest " 00940" " " OFf Sale Malt " " " Caxl D. Olson 277 Ruth VM Loe " 01505" n u 1 Add'1 M n n " Theisen Vending Co. c�o G.C. Murphy Co. 1566 Univ�ersity VM Loc " 01591" ,� Tf � �� f� �� 3 Add 1 M " c�o Montgomery Waxds 1�+00 University VM Loc " 015q2" " �� 2 Add�1 M r� �� " Jehova.h Lutheran Ch. Thomas & Snelli.ng VM Loc " 01735" Maxvenus Co. 490 Snelling " " 01736" Harry Nord 620 Front " " 01737" „ " 1 Add'1 M „ " " Seton Residence 355 �'$hall VM Loc " 017�+3" Wheel Service Co. 2654 University Cig " 01754" Rwssell Schweizer 5193 Abercro�nbie Dr., Edina Fdstf VM Oper " 01773" Russell Sehweizer c�o Central Warehouse 739 vandalia VM Loc " �1774" ,� COU[�TCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITY CLERK ' PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ������ CANARY - DEPARTMENT �BLUE - MAVOR File NO. - � Council Resolution Presented By LIGIIdSE COI�+ILTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 2 Joseph L. Flemi.ng 459 s. Robert VM Loe App.01787New P'hillip R. Hillman 398 Duke St. " " 01789" Houseing Authority 7th & Cedar " " 01790" Frank MurP�,Y' 360 St. Peter �� " �1791" Stans Civic Center Lunch 253 w. ?th Cig VM Oper " 01832" Northern Coin Machine Co. 1�+81 Marshall Av. 2 MAD " 01881" Interstate United Corp. c/o Amer. Nat'1 Bk. Bld�. 5th & Minnesota VM Loe " 01912" �� t� 5 Add'1 M r� " ° .Amer. Nat'1 Bank 5th & Minnesota Cig " 01913" Society for The Blind 216 �. Waba.sha VM Loc " 01917" �� „ 1 Add'1 M " " " Space Center Minn., Inc. ��+4 Lafayette VM Loc " 02014" Twin City Vending c�o Dept. of Corrections 4th Flr� Metro Sq. " „ 02027" �t " 1 Add'1 M " „ " Federal Aighway Administration 7th & Robert VM Loc " 02029" Frank wallak 255 Ranoux St. #6 VM Loc " 02065" ►� ,► 5 Add'1 M " " " Leroy Robben e/o Centennial Bldg. 1365 Westview Dr., Ha.stings, Mn. VM Loc " 02067�� rr n 1 Add'1 M �r �t rr Walson Music Co., Inc. 500 Bush St. 1 MAD " 02075" Thomas W. Ledo 259 Ma,yfair Rd. Mtr Veh Dr " 02118" Edwaxd E. MeGee 964 Coneordia " " 02120" John 0. Dougher 1769 Lincoln Av. " " 02124" Jon E. Zimmer 188�+ N. Albert " " 02126" John C. Madole 1696 Ashland " " 02127" Patrick M. Palmer 162 W. Geor�e " " 02144" Constance Marie Cooper 214$-2nd Av., Ne�rport " " 02203" Frank James Chane �+36 Daytan " " 00201+„ Robert Beaxdsley 51+ W. E�cchange " " 02212" Kurt R. Youngdahl 6120 Lake Elmo Av. N. " " 02213" COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT COI1rlC11 �f9LUE �- MAYOR File NO. - ' Council Resolution Presented By�����;�a��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Ci�nt'd Page 3 Kirk Iarue 0'Neal 896 Ashland Mtr Veh Dr App.02234New Dennis J. Iiannan 796 Pax'k " " 02235" Mary Ann Rydel 183 Little Canada Rd. E. " " 02240r' COUIVCILMEN • Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��nsen � � g[� �% In Favor Levine /` Roedler �J Against BY Sylvester '� Vice 1'resident����C Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date �()N � 7 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P d y ncil Secretary, BY By Appr by Mayor: ate � � rJ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ������ J U N 21 t9�