265638 WMI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council K (-'{�[]��( CANARV pr DEPARTMENT File NO. ��v�v`-'" 9q...UE - MAYOR � � C ncil olution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Battle Creek Town}iouses 125 �J. htcKnight Rd. S�rim Pool App.16126Rene��ra1 ?40 River Drive ?40 A1iss. River �lvd. " �� 00208�� George Pappas 371 iJniversity Rest C-2 �� Q3659�� �� �i Ci� ri n n Country Club Atkt, Inc. 522 S. Snelling �rocery A-2 �� ()3701�� fr �► Butcher " �� �� � " Off Sale lvlalt �� �� �� tt tr G�� n n n #�10 Do�+ming Street 238 S. Snelling Rest C-2 �� 03?02�� �� ii Cig i� n n Fellowship Club Hazelden Found. 680 Stewart 13n� & Brd Ilse " (h3709�� ir 't Fd Estab-M r� n n Kieffer Bros. 515-45 Lexington Av. SEaim Pool " 03855�� Midwest Management 461 W. D9aryland �� �► 03856�� Clark Oil & Refining 744 S. Cleveland Av. Gas Sta-6P �� d3870�� n �i Ci� u �� n Associated Dry Goods Corp. 2110 Ford Pltwy Grocery A-1 " 04027�� �' �� Confect-B rr �� n n n Rest C-1 �� rr u �' �� Bicycle Dlr �' +� �r �� �� I3eauty Shop �� �� �� n n n n n Ci� Butler Mf�;. Co. 1000 Berry Cig �' 04077�� DeLaria's Kitchen -, Inc. 2123 Ford Pkwy Rest C-2 ►� 04150�� Haas Auto Body, Inc. 14Q0 St. Clair Gen Rep �ar �� 0436?�� John & Marion Cieminski 2111 Ford Pkwy. VM Loc " 04383�� �� �' 1 Add'1 M �� �► �� �� �� Gas Sta-5P �� 04596r� r� �' C�en Rep C=ar �r i� rr n �r Cig „ �� �� Jerome Kelley 166 University 2nd Hd MV Dlr " 00030�� Specialty rlfg. Co. 2356 University Cig �T 00052�� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PATTL Council CANARY�� DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO�. _ � Council Resolution Presented By _r.Tr.��reF rn�tn�TmmFF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 2 C. G. Rein 1485 St. Paul Av. S«im Pool App.OQ055Renewal Robert E. Kost 1399 St. Clair On Sale Malt �� p0059�� tr �� Rest Cr2 n tr n Albert P. Whitesell 321-109th Av. N.W. , Coon Rapids Tree Trim-1 Veh �� 00061�� t� " 1 Add'1 Veh �' �� �� Thomas R. Kaiser ?08 E. Ha�+rthorne Tree Trim-1 Veh �� OOC�6�� G'larks Submarine Sand�vhich, Inc. 1567 ttihite Bear Rest C-I �� 00080" i� r� Ci� i n �i Harry Urbach 710 N. Dale Ldy/DC Plt " 00083'� Walter Jensen 1551 Chamber Tree Tim-1 Veh �� 00110�� Gold A1ed Bev Co. 553 N. Fairview Av. Fdstf VM Oper �� 00125t' Cxold Med �2ev Co. c/o Crown Auto 474 University Vl� Loc �� 00168�� " c/o Dwayne E. Albrecht 1523 Como Av. ' �� 00318�� �� c/o G�cleport, Inc. 139G ��T. 7th � " 00349�' " c/o Fairday Corp. 325 D�yton �� �� 00359" �� c/o Idorst of Austria, Inc. 2161 Ford Pl�y ►� '� 00378�� �� c/o Sherrianne Langer 1125 Payne " " 004�0'� 1� c/o Ruben Zamansky 485 S. Snelling �' �� 00451�' 3tWCA 65 E. Kellogg Swim Pool " 00546" Alfred Freeman 688 Selby Av. Priv Club " 00566�� Walter J. Schotils 1151-8th Av. S. , So.St.pTree Trim-1 Veh �� 00563�� �� �� 1 Add�1 Veh �� �� �� American Dist. Tele�;raph Co. 446 University Automatic Device" (b621�� (App. Installer) Adeline Stewart 128 N. Cleveland Rest G1 �� 00636'� u tr On Sale Malt tf n n �� �� Off Sale N�a1t �� �� tt �� �� C.:rocel y A-1 �+ n �r tr n Ci� u er n Hillcrest Country C1ub, Inc. 2200 E. Larpenteur S�+rim Pool �� 00638�� . I.U.C. c/o Pearson Candy 2140 W. 7th VM Loc " 00724" n n i n �r COU(�1CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council �b'S�'�� CANARY.v. DEPARTMENT 6LUE - MAVOR File NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By �,TG�F Cp�g�I�F Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 3 Michael Boyle c/o Hancocl� Nelson 807 Hampden VM Loc App.00739Renewal rr �� 3 Add�1 M �� �� " Sir Vend, Inc. c/o Concordia College 275 N. Syndicate VA1 Loc " 00764�� �� �� 3 Add'1 M �� �� �► �� co KTCA-TY 1640 Como Av. VM Loc �� 00767r1 " �� 1 Add'1 M �� ' �� �� c/o Butler M;�g. Co. 1000 Berry St. YM Loc �� 00771" �� �� 7 Add'1 M n n �r ►� c/o Fisher Nut Co. 2327 Wycliff VM Loc �� 007?7�� u r� 7 Add'1 M �r n r� Northern Vending c% Minnehaha Bowling 955 Seminary VM Loc et 00806�� n t� 4 Add'1 M �� u �t Wm. J. Hirabayaski 1326-30 Grarid 2nd MV Dlr �� 00819" tt r� Dlr Rep Gar t� �� �� �� �� Clg n �r n Nelson's Interiors, Inc. 1670 Grand Carpet Dlr �� 00823�� Knox Lumber Co. 602 N. Prior Av. �a,rpet Dlr �� 00$24�� Twin City Vending c/o Summit Court, Inc. ?9 N. Western VM Loc �� 00836" �� c% Hartzell Mf�. Co. 2516 Wabash �� �� 00841�� �� �� ? Add�1 M �� �r �� Harley Davidson 1209 W. 7th Mtrcyl Dlr �� 00873�� Servomation c/o Fairway Foods 1930 Como Av. VM Loc " 00888�� �� �� 8 Add�1 M �r �� ri " c/o Montgomery Wards 1400 University VA1 Loc " 00893�� " " 23 Add'1 M �� �� tt The Moore Way c/o Hamline U. Drew FIall 1536 Iiewitt Vld1 Loc �� ppgggrr tr ►t 1 Add'1 M �� +� �r �� c/o Midway Motor Lodge 1964 University V1�i Loc �► 00904�� n u 2 Add'1 M tt i� �� �� c/o Occupational Training 666 Pelham VM Loc �� 00905" �� " 5 Add'1 M » �� �� �� c/o Sealy Mattress 681 LaSalle VM Loc �� 00910" �� �f � COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALIL Council _(j�{�� CANARY + DEPARTMENT File NO. �i'��R BLUE - MAYOR � - � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COb�iITTE�' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 4 The Moore Way c/o Twins Motor Inn 1975 University V1►4 Loc App.00912Renewal ' " 1 Add'1 M �� �� �� Midwest Vending Co. c/o Ace Box Bar 2162 University VM Loc �� 00916�' " c/o IIamline University 1536 I3ewitt Av. ' �� 00923�� " �� 7 Add'1 1�1 �� �� �� Pioneer Dlst. Co. c/o KSTP 270? University VM Loc " 00948�� " " 1 Add'l M �� �� ►+ " c/o 1►lontgomery 1�Vard 1400 University VM Loc �� 00954�� " " 2 Add'1 M �� �� �� " c/o Nlontgomery Wiard 1700 Wynne VIM Loc �� 00955�' " " 6 Add'1 M �� �� �� College of St. Catherine 200� Ra.ndolpli S�+�im Pool �� 00963�� Rich Peterson 1369 E. Maryland Ldy/DC Plt �� 00971�� N. Western State Bank 873 E. �linnehaha Ci� " 00977�� Hamernick Paint & Glass Co. 1381 Rice Carpet Dlr �� 00984�� Canteen Co. c/o Central 1�arehouse 739 Vandalia VAi Loc " 00998�+ n n 8 Add'1 M ti n n " c% A.U.D. Office 1821 University VA4 Loc �� 01001�� �r ►� 5 Add'1 �1 n t� ir " c% Alorrell & Co. 2523 Wabash 1�v. Vt�1 Loc " 01011'� " " 6 Add'1 M �� '� �� " c/o I�lorrell & Co. 21t�3 �tTabash Av. VD1 Loc �� 01012�� �' " 7 Add'1 h1 rr i� �� " c/o Sewall Mfg. Co. 698 Glendale St. VM Loc �� 01018�� " ' 1 Add'1 r1 ' �� �� " c/o H. hi. Smyth Co. , Inc. 1085 N. Snelling VM Loc �� 0102111 " " 5 Add'1 �I �t +� �� « c/o Schnitzer's Iron & Metal 2703 Territorial Rd. VM Loc « 01022�� �' c/o T��in City IIard��ood Lumber 509 N. Cleveland " �� 01029�� " c/o U. S. �edding Co. 558 Vandalia �� �� 01030�� �r � � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (jITY OF sAINT PALTL Council 2656�8 CANARY r DEPARTMENT 9.LUE� - MAYOR File NO. - � Council Resolution Presented By�C,��,,E r.n�IT�r. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 5 Canteen Cn. c/o ��testin�house Electric Supply 350 University Av. E. VI�1 Loc App.�1031Renewal " " 1 Add'1 A1 �� �� �� Midway Sports & IIealth Club 1504 University Swim Pool �� 01095" Fred Rester 241� `�d. Sycamore MV �alvg Dlr �� Q1097�� Lamp Lighter Inne, Inc. 2260 Como Av. On Sale A1alt �� 01143" Ray's Tom Thumb �505, Inc. 1541 E. Maryland Grocery �� 01154" " " Froz Fds " " �� �' '� Off Sale A9alt �� �i �� � �+ Clg �i �� ir Gordon Schierman 490 Summit Catering-l3 �T 01209�� Bert IQieman 941 W. Hlinnehaha Gen Rep Gar �� 01210'� Ediaard �1. Kadela 2180 Marshall Grocery A-1 �� 01211'� r� �� Off Sale N1alt �� �� �� r� n Cig rr n n Arlyn J. �3isbee 825 D9anomin Firearms �� 01213�� Donald F. Thomas 1510 University Ldy/DC Plt �� 01248�+ International House of Pancakes of hiinn. , Inc. 2217 Hudson Rd. Rest C-2 �� U1263" n n Ci� �� �► ri Havir Mfg. Co. 930 Duluth �� �� C�1276�� � r� VI44 Loc �� 01277M Coates Rental & Trailer Sa.les, Inc. 509 Como Av. Trailer Rent �t 01279�� Clarlt Oil & Refining Corp. 201 N. Snelling Gas Sta-4P �r 01281�� n n Cig n n �� Canteen Corp. C/0 Northern States Power 825 Rice Rest C-2 �� 01299�� Fairgrounds Golf Range Center 1700 Como Av. VI�9 Loc �� 01301�� rentiles 497-9 Payne �� �� 01311�� J. �d. �laker 660 N. Snellin� Gas Sta-4P �� 01362�� u n G�n Rep Gar �� n n Arrow Imports, Inc. 427 N. Snellin� V1�S Loc �� 01368�� r� n 1 Add'1 NM n n �� COUNCILMEN Requestedby Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITV CIERK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARY �r DEPARTMENT File NO. Bt.UE - MAVOR � � � Council Resolution Presented By LIf;EN�E C�MMIT'i'GF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 6 Arrow Imports, Inc. 1515 University V1�1 Loc App.01369Rene�oal �� �� 1 Add'1 M �� �r rt Cook Paint Co. , Inc. lC�'i8 Grand Carpet Dlr �� 01394�� Minnesota hlilk Co. �70 University Cotta�e Ches Plt�� 01�170�� u n Clg n �� �� �� �� Milk Past.Plt �� �� �' �� �T lst Veh �� �� " ►� n 2nd Vela n n �� �� ' 54 Add'1 Veh �' �� t� Lee Roy r�tiller 699 N. Snelling Gas Sta-5P �� 01512�� tt �� C:en Rep Clar rr n n Red Ofrrl Stores, Inc. 2117 Hudson Rd. Grocery " 01513�� �� � Butcher " �+ �► �� �� Flor/Nurs �� " �� +� �� Hard��vare �t " �' �r �� Bakery �� u n n n Off Sale I�9alt �� �� �� r� n Clg n u �� Simonson Lumber Co. 665 Ra.ymond I3ardware �� 015�0" Ruth L. McCardle 1603 Fernwood Iiea.uty Shop " 01547�� William J. 13orchert 1672 N. Flmaline Ldy/DC Plt �t 01548�� Carlson Pharmacy, Inc. 2058 Marshall Cig �� 01549�� Wm. J. Dunnigan �717 S. Cleveland VN•i Loc �� �1552�� Montgomery Ward � Co. 2089 Hudson Gen Rep Gar " 01555" " " Flor/Nurs �� �t " Univac Plant #�5 640 N. Prior Cig " 01556�� Anton N. Kasella 1201 White Bear VI�i Loc " 01557" n n 2 Add�l M n n n General Electric Co. 74,50 rietro P:,lvd. , Edina �1ec App Rep �� 01570�� �r �' TV rfaster " " '� u �, 2 Se2"v �� n t� � "toudry Apothecary 393 Pd. Dunlap Orig Cant " 01584�� �� r� Ci� n �� �� n r� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against gY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK ('���/1�('� PINK -- FINANCE COIIIIC11 �� ~ �� CANARV �. DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PALTL F� V � 9�U� � -MAYOR File NO. • • � r Council Resolution Presented By �.'rr.FNSE CAk�IIT�'F'��'- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page ? Donald P.,ateman 520 EVhite Bear Gas Sta-4P App.01589Renewal �� �� Gen Rep Gar �� �� �+ R. A. Lacher 1820 Grand Orig Cont �� 01594'� tt n Ci� �e ri n Robert Sonterre $83 University Trailer Rent " 016271t Robert J. & Sandra Carter 1624 Selby �3eauty Shop " O1G61�� Ilamel Cycle �lorks, Inc. 585 Univers�y l�trcyl Dlr �� �1704�� �� �� Dlr Rep C�ar �� �+ �+ Isabel Beireis 1369 James Beauty Shop L� Q1720�� Kathleen A. Heuer 11�0 Arcade A�asseuse �� 02129" COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � l� � In Favor Levine �( Rcedler �� Sylvester Against BY � Vice I�resident�� Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date �UN � 7 �J Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie ssed Council Secretary BY i Approve y Mayor: ate � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �usH� JuN a� t9rs