01-863City of St. Paul RE50LUTION APPROVING ASSESSMBNT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THSRSON COUNCIL FILE N . O B � �S Fi�No. 18 36 � Assessmeat No._0697. Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for the installation of the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement in conjunction with the Charles/Griggs RSVP PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT: EDMUND AVEN[JE - HAMLINE AVENCTE TO LEXINGTON AVEN[TE (32' ) CHARLES AVENCTE - HAMLINE AVEN[TE TO LEXINGTON AVENCTE (32' ) SHERBiJRNE AVENUE - HAMLINE AVEN[TE TO LEXINGTON AVENC7E (32' ) SYNDICATE STREET - UNIVERSITY AVENCJE TO THOMAS AVENCJE (30') GRIGGS STREET - UNIVERSITY AVENLTE TO THOMAS AVENCJE (30') DUNi.,AP STREET - UNIVERSITY AVENUE TO THOMAS AVENUE (30') VICTORIA STREET - PIERCE BUTLER ROUTE TO HUBBARD AVENUE (36') AV�N STREET - PIERCE BUTLER ROUTE TO HUBBARD AVENCJB (36') HUBBARD AVENUE - VICTORIA STREET TO AVON STREET (36') Preliminary Order . 00-968 Approved . October 18, 2000 Final Order . 00-1050 Approved . November 1, 2000 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactozy, therefore, be it R�SOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_�1a�dav of September, 2001 at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILPERSON Yea f Benanav � Blakey ✓ BOStTOICI � Coleman ✓ Harris � Lantry � bser-� -Reiter Adopted by the Date Oo` Nays Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In �'%JO r B � Against t RbSer'� � Charles Griggs 18936 fix time � 3 Q�1 R aa. Public Hearin : Se tember�, 2001 ' � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DMSION Date: August 8 2001 Green Sheet Number: �tact Person and Phone N�mber: EPARTD�IV1'DIRECfOR 2 C1IRCOUNCII. Glenn Picha 266-5$51 ATTO� � �� i�ceK�c�cnng�ny: srzvmoi `�'�`°Y "�'�°��°°""°"•.s i 111579 crtoxxEQuFS�: Sattiag date of public heariag of rati£icatioa of the assessmeat of eae£its, cost aad espenses for the iastallatioa of the following streeta with itumiaous madway, coastxvct coacrete curb aad gutter, coacrete driveway aprons n8 outwalks, bouievar8 so8diag, tree plaatiag, coastructioa of a laatera style ightiag system, aad doiag sll pther work aecessaxy to complete said improvemeat ia oajuaction �vith the Charles/Griggs ASVP PAVING ADiD LiGBTSffiG PROJECT. (pYOject 8936) YLANPllNG COM�II�LON i :�� ' �.,,Lei �7 �,. [MI:i��:TI:�IY�Y. A sT"*T P�bticHe�h :RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWJNG: Has t6e personH'n'm ever worked mder a contraM fot fhis depat{mrnt? Has fLis prrsonlfi[m ever been a QM1y mplo9ee? Dces this perso�t'Qm possess a skiIl notnormeIly possessed 6y my carnnt CitS �P��9a� YES NO YES NO �'/�� Explem eIlYES ansreis on a seperate sheet and aHach ation is necessary'sn order CAGES IF APPROVED: as above. S IF APPROVED: �perty owners have S IFNOT APPROVED: these benefits wouL with )[7NTOFTAANSACTiON: �1� 946,837.00 TOTAL �STlREVENUEBUDGETED(CII2CLEONE) YFS xo $1,440,444.44 PROJECT F[3NDS $ 506,392.56 ASSESSMENTS ���� ASSESSMENTS AND PROJECT FUNDS A�Tiei'rY Nv�Ex: IlVFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) nperty owners will be notified of the public hearin� and charges. (Whu. W6ef, RfiaS WLerq Rfi9?) �in collectin� assessments to AUG 1 � 2001 taxes. C01-2T555-0784-29257 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: From: Date: Shari Moore City Clerk's Office 170 City Hall Glenn Picha � �� Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall August 9, 2001 �� � f� � : v, :' �� Council Agenda on August 22, 2001 will set a public hearing for ratification of the Charles/Griggs RSVP project before the City Council on September 19, 2001: The purpose of this public hearing is to ratify the assessment of the CharleslGriggs RSVP (project #18936) . Please have one publication 20 days before the public hearing. (publication of ratification of Charles/Griggs RSVP, 18936) City of St. Paul RE50LUTION APPROVING ASSESSMBNT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THSRSON COUNCIL FILE N . O B � �S Fi�No. 18 36 � Assessmeat No._0697. Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for the installation of the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement in conjunction with the Charles/Griggs RSVP PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT: EDMUND AVEN[JE - HAMLINE AVENCTE TO LEXINGTON AVEN[TE (32' ) CHARLES AVENCTE - HAMLINE AVEN[TE TO LEXINGTON AVENCTE (32' ) SHERBiJRNE AVENUE - HAMLINE AVEN[TE TO LEXINGTON AVENC7E (32' ) SYNDICATE STREET - UNIVERSITY AVENCJE TO THOMAS AVENCJE (30') GRIGGS STREET - UNIVERSITY AVENLTE TO THOMAS AVENCJE (30') DUNi.,AP STREET - UNIVERSITY AVENUE TO THOMAS AVENUE (30') VICTORIA STREET - PIERCE BUTLER ROUTE TO HUBBARD AVENUE (36') AV�N STREET - PIERCE BUTLER ROUTE TO HUBBARD AVENCJB (36') HUBBARD AVENUE - VICTORIA STREET TO AVON STREET (36') Preliminary Order . 00-968 Approved . October 18, 2000 Final Order . 00-1050 Approved . November 1, 2000 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactozy, therefore, be it R�SOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_�1a�dav of September, 2001 at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILPERSON Yea f Benanav � Blakey ✓ BOStTOICI � Coleman ✓ Harris � Lantry � bser-� -Reiter Adopted by the Date Oo` Nays Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In �'%JO r B � Against t RbSer'� � Charles Griggs 18936 fix time � 3 Q�1 R aa. Public Hearin : Se tember�, 2001 ' � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DMSION Date: August 8 2001 Green Sheet Number: �tact Person and Phone N�mber: EPARTD�IV1'DIRECfOR 2 C1IRCOUNCII. Glenn Picha 266-5$51 ATTO� � �� i�ceK�c�cnng�ny: srzvmoi `�'�`°Y "�'�°��°°""°"•.s i 111579 crtoxxEQuFS�: Sattiag date of public heariag of rati£icatioa of the assessmeat of eae£its, cost aad espenses for the iastallatioa of the following streeta with itumiaous madway, coastxvct coacrete curb aad gutter, coacrete driveway aprons n8 outwalks, bouievar8 so8diag, tree plaatiag, coastructioa of a laatera style ightiag system, aad doiag sll pther work aecessaxy to complete said improvemeat ia oajuaction �vith the Charles/Griggs ASVP PAVING ADiD LiGBTSffiG PROJECT. (pYOject 8936) YLANPllNG COM�II�LON i :�� ' �.,,Lei �7 �,. [MI:i��:TI:�IY�Y. A sT"*T P�bticHe�h :RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWJNG: Has t6e personH'n'm ever worked mder a contraM fot fhis depat{mrnt? Has fLis prrsonlfi[m ever been a QM1y mplo9ee? Dces this perso�t'Qm possess a skiIl notnormeIly possessed 6y my carnnt CitS �P��9a� YES NO YES NO �'/�� Explem eIlYES ansreis on a seperate sheet and aHach ation is necessary'sn order CAGES IF APPROVED: as above. S IF APPROVED: �perty owners have S IFNOT APPROVED: these benefits wouL with )[7NTOFTAANSACTiON: �1� 946,837.00 TOTAL �STlREVENUEBUDGETED(CII2CLEONE) YFS xo $1,440,444.44 PROJECT F[3NDS $ 506,392.56 ASSESSMENTS ���� ASSESSMENTS AND PROJECT FUNDS A�Tiei'rY Nv�Ex: IlVFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) nperty owners will be notified of the public hearin� and charges. (Whu. W6ef, RfiaS WLerq Rfi9?) �in collectin� assessments to AUG 1 � 2001 taxes. C01-2T555-0784-29257 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: From: Date: Shari Moore City Clerk's Office 170 City Hall Glenn Picha � �� Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall August 9, 2001 �� � f� � : v, :' �� Council Agenda on August 22, 2001 will set a public hearing for ratification of the Charles/Griggs RSVP project before the City Council on September 19, 2001: The purpose of this public hearing is to ratify the assessment of the CharleslGriggs RSVP (project #18936) . Please have one publication 20 days before the public hearing. (publication of ratification of Charles/Griggs RSVP, 18936) City of St. Paul RE50LUTION APPROVING ASSESSMBNT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THSRSON COUNCIL FILE N . O B � �S Fi�No. 18 36 � Assessmeat No._0697. Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for the installation of the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement in conjunction with the Charles/Griggs RSVP PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT: EDMUND AVEN[JE - HAMLINE AVENCTE TO LEXINGTON AVEN[TE (32' ) CHARLES AVENCTE - HAMLINE AVEN[TE TO LEXINGTON AVENCTE (32' ) SHERBiJRNE AVENUE - HAMLINE AVEN[TE TO LEXINGTON AVENC7E (32' ) SYNDICATE STREET - UNIVERSITY AVENCJE TO THOMAS AVENCJE (30') GRIGGS STREET - UNIVERSITY AVENLTE TO THOMAS AVENCJE (30') DUNi.,AP STREET - UNIVERSITY AVENUE TO THOMAS AVENUE (30') VICTORIA STREET - PIERCE BUTLER ROUTE TO HUBBARD AVENUE (36') AV�N STREET - PIERCE BUTLER ROUTE TO HUBBARD AVENCJB (36') HUBBARD AVENUE - VICTORIA STREET TO AVON STREET (36') Preliminary Order . 00-968 Approved . October 18, 2000 Final Order . 00-1050 Approved . November 1, 2000 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactozy, therefore, be it R�SOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_�1a�dav of September, 2001 at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILPERSON Yea f Benanav � Blakey ✓ BOStTOICI � Coleman ✓ Harris � Lantry � bser-� -Reiter Adopted by the Date Oo` Nays Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In �'%JO r B � Against t RbSer'� � Charles Griggs 18936 fix time � 3 Q�1 R aa. Public Hearin : Se tember�, 2001 ' � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DMSION Date: August 8 2001 Green Sheet Number: �tact Person and Phone N�mber: EPARTD�IV1'DIRECfOR 2 C1IRCOUNCII. Glenn Picha 266-5$51 ATTO� � �� i�ceK�c�cnng�ny: srzvmoi `�'�`°Y "�'�°��°°""°"•.s i 111579 crtoxxEQuFS�: Sattiag date of public heariag of rati£icatioa of the assessmeat of eae£its, cost aad espenses for the iastallatioa of the following streeta with itumiaous madway, coastxvct coacrete curb aad gutter, coacrete driveway aprons n8 outwalks, bouievar8 so8diag, tree plaatiag, coastructioa of a laatera style ightiag system, aad doiag sll pther work aecessaxy to complete said improvemeat ia oajuaction �vith the Charles/Griggs ASVP PAVING ADiD LiGBTSffiG PROJECT. (pYOject 8936) YLANPllNG COM�II�LON i :�� ' �.,,Lei �7 �,. [MI:i��:TI:�IY�Y. A sT"*T P�bticHe�h :RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWJNG: Has t6e personH'n'm ever worked mder a contraM fot fhis depat{mrnt? Has fLis prrsonlfi[m ever been a QM1y mplo9ee? Dces this perso�t'Qm possess a skiIl notnormeIly possessed 6y my carnnt CitS �P��9a� YES NO YES NO �'/�� Explem eIlYES ansreis on a seperate sheet and aHach ation is necessary'sn order CAGES IF APPROVED: as above. S IF APPROVED: �perty owners have S IFNOT APPROVED: these benefits wouL with )[7NTOFTAANSACTiON: �1� 946,837.00 TOTAL �STlREVENUEBUDGETED(CII2CLEONE) YFS xo $1,440,444.44 PROJECT F[3NDS $ 506,392.56 ASSESSMENTS ���� ASSESSMENTS AND PROJECT FUNDS A�Tiei'rY Nv�Ex: IlVFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) nperty owners will be notified of the public hearin� and charges. (Whu. W6ef, RfiaS WLerq Rfi9?) �in collectin� assessments to AUG 1 � 2001 taxes. C01-2T555-0784-29257 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: From: Date: Shari Moore City Clerk's Office 170 City Hall Glenn Picha � �� Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall August 9, 2001 �� � f� � : v, :' �� Council Agenda on August 22, 2001 will set a public hearing for ratification of the Charles/Griggs RSVP project before the City Council on September 19, 2001: The purpose of this public hearing is to ratify the assessment of the CharleslGriggs RSVP (project #18936) . Please have one publication 20 days before the public hearing. (publication of ratification of Charles/Griggs RSVP, 18936)