265612 WH17E - CITV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE COUTICll (_j'� CANAR�V - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL (� ,BIUE - MAVOR ' ril�e NO. !_��. �• nci esolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the akldresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. ; Shoreview Treatment Center 115? Sherburne �n�l & �3rd IIse �1pp.00061New People, Inc. 19? N. Kent �� , �� 003g7�� �► „ Fd �`astab-m �� �� �� Robert Charles Truax 2050 Dela�aare Av. , W.St.P Mitr Veh Dr �� 00505�+ Larpenteur Estates, Inc. 1260 Larpenteur Swi1n Pool �� 0O634" Aldine Corporation 17p6 University 13ng'', & Brd I�se t� 01535�T 143? N. Cleveland, Inc. 1437 N. Cleveland Res1t C-1 �t 02332�� BK Vending Co. , Inc. c/o DeLuxe Check Printers, Inc. 530 N. Wheeler VA�t �,oc ►� 03355" Fred 0'Neil Como Park Veh Ped �� 03827�; Hlichael E. Bryan 1657 Charles Mtr Veh Dr �� 03828�� Thomas G. Mumford c/o Ashback Construction 492 Barge Channel Rd. VM I�oc �� 03897�� Peter P. I3easy 1546 St. Clair Av. On 5a.le Malt �� 03957" Larry L. Strehlow 830 t�'. Arlington Mtrl Veh Dr �� 03963�� Wes & Diann Bonine c/o l�intz ��Jarehouse 658 Pelham VA1 X.oc �� 04523�' �� �� 3 Atld'1 M �� +� �� Wintz Warehouse C58 Pelham Ci� �� 04525�' V. Barnett `. -:_ 526 Sherburne Fds�f V1N Oper ��a 00026" V. Barnett c% Wright Bldg. 2233 University VM �,0� rr ppp2g�� �� �� 1 A�d'1 A�a n �� n 1798 Grand Av. , Inc. 1798 Grand FdsiMDPW �t 00041�� Gold Med Bev Co. c/o Crown Auto 1607 University VM $,oc �� 00170�� " c/o Goddin Co, 285 Como Av. '� , �+ 00185�� " c/o IIoffman Corner Oil Co. , Inc. 950 N. Lexington �� �� 00191�� " c/o Mastell's Trailer Repai< 1047 Raymond Av. �� +� 00218�� " c/o Salvation Army Store . 92? Payne �� �� 00269�� " c/o W. F. Smith Tire & Rubber Co. COUN�ILMEN " 1 A�d'1 M �� �� �� Yeas Nays ' Requested by Department�of: Christensen � Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Atltorney Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Sul�mission to Council By sy � - i WHITE - CITV CLERK /�►6561� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Caiuncil CANARW - DEPARTMENT •BLUE - MAYOR Fl�@ NO. � Council Resolution � Presented By �ICENSE COMNiITTE� + Referred To Committee: Da�te Out of Committee By Da�te Cont'� Page 2 Cold Med Bev Co. c/o Southwest Cab Co. ?38 Selby VM Loc App.00278New " c/o Grand Av. Motors, Inc. 850 Grand " ' " 00369�� " c/o Karate Center 160 University �� " 00382�� " c/o Midway Professional Service ', 1630 University �� ! �� 00393�� " c/o National Family Ins. 2147 'University �� ' " 00405" " c/o Charles Smith 613 Grand �� �� 00420�� " c% U.S. Bedding Co. 558 Vandal ia �� , " 00470�� " c/o Sanitary Tce Co. GO1 N. Prior " �� 00501" " c% Sheral L. �tilliams 627 University �� �� 00515" " c/o Dynamic Ceramics 1083 Alagnolia �� �► 00524�� " c/o Mid�aa,y Suzuki, Inc. ' 999 N. Lexington Pkry. �� ' " 00527�� ARA Food c/o General Trading 475 1V. Prior �� �� 00653�� " " 4 Ac�d'1 NI �� �� �� Servomation Corp. c/o Torit Mfg. Co. 1133 Rankin VM Loc " 00778�� �� t� 5 Actd�l M n ta ti Midwest Vending Co. c/o Mel's Direct Service , 2165 University VM Jloc " 00915" " c/o Clark Oil ?44 S. Cleveland " �� 00919�� " c/o 740 River Drive Apts. 740 River Drive �� ' �� 00920�� u n 1 Add'1 M t� n �� COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department �f: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor ' Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attprney Adopted by Council: Date r Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By ' Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Sub�ission to Council By By I, WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANqRY - DEPART-ENT Fl�e NO. 2'65612 BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution � Presented By LIC�;IUSE �.t}A��'�"�'FF i Referred To Committee: Dalte Out of Committee By D�te Cont'd Page 3 Roy E. Smith 705 E. 7th 2nd' I-ld MV Dlr App.00931New Pioneer Dist. Co. c/o Phillips Pet. . 2245 Burns VM I,oc �' 0095?" Socony Mobil Oil Co. 606 Vandalia Cig� " 00960�� Stuart Oil Co. , Inc. 225 Grand Gas' Sta-�P �' 01194�� n n Cig' n �� n Sir Vend, Inc. c/o Fisher Nut Co. 2327 Wycliff 1 A�d'1 Fds VM �� 01201" Mary M. Hill & JoAnn Goshey 1391 W. Arlington Catering �� 01216" Lester Bergstrom Rte. . , �5rederic, Wisc. Treg Trim & 1 Veh 01284�� n n 1 A�d'1 VbD �� �� r� Coca Cola Bting Midwest, Inc. c/o Nobles Industries, Inc. , 651 E. ?th VM X.oc " 01345�� William A. Thurston 1508 Univeri�ty " �� 01366�� The Sibley Co. 184 E. 6th St. Cig �' 01560�� Executive Coffee System, Inc. c/o Midway Ford Co. 1850 University VM �,oc " 015?2" t� n 2 A�d'1 M n n n �t c/o St. Paul Guedance & Train�ng Center 310 Cedar St. VM �,oc " 01574�� �� n 1 Add'1 M �� �� �� Neil 0'Leary 1910 Saunders Veh ',Ped �� 01582" " " Orig Cont " 01583�� Continental Oil Co. 360 S. Snelling VM l'i,oc �� 01596�� Laurie Gas, Inc. 675 W. 7th �� �' 01597" Don�s Towing 524 Lafayette Rd. �� �� 01598�� Aero System's Engineering 358 E. Fillmore �� " 01599�� Advance Stamp 242 E. Fillmore �� �� 01600�� Ea.stern Heights Mobil 1770 Hudson Rd. " ' �� 01601�� Capitol City Dist. 245 E. Fillmore St. 11 �' 01602�� Anderson & Seiberlich 265 Lafayette Rd. �� �� 01603�� Martin Auto Livery 186 Forbes �� " 01604�� Roy K. Voss 305 Maria �� '� 01605" St. Paul Book 419 Wabasha « � �� 01607�� �i ' n n COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department qf: Yeas Nays � Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attbrney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � $y Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Subtpission to Council By By WH17E - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE (�ITY OF SAINT PAITL Cquncil 26�61� � CANARN - DEPARTMENT .B4.UE - MAYOR _ Fi1e NO. Council Resolution Presented By �.ICF.NSE C.(NN1►1iTTF.F; , Referred To Committee: Dalte Out of Committee By Date Contd Page 4 ' The Argonautes, Inc. 550 S. Snelling VD4 �,oc App.01609New Court Services 16th Flr, Court House " �� 01610�� Hawkinson Printers 287 E. 6th �� �� 01611�� Twin Tool 378 E. 8th St. �� � �� 01612�� Berland Shoes 59 E. ?th �� �� 01613�� National Body, Inc. 15 W. Winifred '� , �� 01614" Elks Club 72 l�. Concord �� ' �� 01615" Riverview Club 454 Onega " �� 01616�� Byerly Foods of St. Paul 1959 Suburban '� �� 01618�� �3ergstad & Walberg 400 Sibley �� ' �� 01619" Iii Lo Service Station 874 White Bear �� �� 01620�� Red Owl-Sunray 2117 Hudson �� �� 01621�� n n 1 Add�1 M �r tt �r Frank Ca,sale c/o Phalen Norge 1369 E. Maryland VIN �,oc �� 01634�� �regory B. La.rson 168 Swnriit Mtr I Veh Dr �� 01638�� Mark R. LeCuyer 2642 Victoria �� �' 01641�� Phyllis A. Langfield c/o YWCA 65 E. Kellogg Blvd. VM I�oc �� 01644rr " c/o Phalen Tennis C1ub 1100 Barclay �� " 01645�� �' c/o Como Tennis Club '� 1515 Brews�ter « �� 01646�� Servomation Corp. c/o Northera Airo�otive, Inc. St. Lawrence St. '� �� 01648�f n �� 3 Add'1 M �� u n " lf�! 4301-68th Av. N., Mpls. Cig VM Oper �' 01649�� " " 1 Add'1 hI " �� « Palace Playground 360 View VM I�oc �� 01666�� Ceramic Habit 1520 St. Clair �� �� 01667�� Fire Station #19 2530 Edgecumbe " �� 01668�� Edgcumbe Playground Gri�gs & Wellesley " �� 01669'� Society For the Blind 216 S. Wabasha �' +� 01670�� Midwest Safety Assoc. 1590 White Bear " " 01671�' Lorraine's Dance Studio 778 E. 7th �f " 01672" COUNCILMEN Requested by Department qf: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor ' Levine , Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Att�rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Sub�ission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK t PINK - FINANCE CQUnClI 265612 � ,CANARM - DEPART=ENT GITY OF SAINT PATTL Fiae NO. B�.UE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By _LICENSE COMMITTEE ; Referred To Committee: D�te ' Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 5 Knowlans Super r1kt. 791 Crand V1�9 �,oc App.01673New " " 2 A�ld'1 M " " �� Douglas P. Ripperton 1104 Grand V�1 Loc " 01674�� Hallie Q. Brown 2?0 N. Kent �� ►� 01675�' Midway Can 2341 Hampden �� ! �� 01676�� Midway Space Center 545 Prior �� �t 016?7�� blidway Platt 2233 University �� �' 016?8�� L & r4 Leasing 875 Prior Av. N. �� �� 01679�� Transport Clearings 1821 University t� �� 01680�� r9idway Host Cafeteria � 1821 University �� �� 01681�� Cole Sewell Co. 2305 Myrtle �� �� 01683�� " 2288 University �► �� 016$4�� Sewall Mfg. Co. 705 Ra.ymond " �� 01686�� D9ontgomery Wards 1700 Wynne �� �� 01688�� Fred Meyer 1365 Pierce Butler �� �� 01689�� Wm. J. Pc�idinger 1293 Pie�ce Butler �� " 01690�� St. Luke's School lOG5 Summit �' �� 01692�� David Hodnapp 1040 Selby �� �� 01693�� Robert Hogoboom 442 Selby '� �� 01694�� Redeemer Arms Apts. 313 N. Dale +� �� 01695" Wm. & Enil Dey 1215 N. Dale " �� 01696�� Butwincik Bros. 224 E. 7th « �� 01705" Minn. Fmblem & Creative Arts, Inc. 524 Payne " �� 01706�� Columbia Transit Corp. 1102 N. Snelling �� �� 01721�� n u 2 Add�1 1�1 �� n u The Junior League 999 Payne V1�1 I,�oc �� O1726�� James C. McGinnis 654 E. 6th �� �� 01727�� n n l Add'I h9 ►i n t� Rehm Motor 2108 University VM I.�oc '� 01728�� Boise Cascade 865 Vandalia �� �� 01729�� St. Paul Seminary 22G0 Summit �� �► 01730�� Loras Ilall 2260 Swnmit �� �� O1731�� Crace Hall �� �� ' �� 01732'� n u COUNCILMEN Requested by Department c�f: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco � President Hunt I Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attbrney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' By � Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Sub�ission to Council BY BY +- WHI7E - CITV CLERK �� -iLr�,�C`,". -) PINK - FINANCE C�l1T1C11 ��v v_L,T� CANAAV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL F�e NO. � B{..U�E - MAYOR . . . � Council Resolution Presented By �ICENSE COMh(ITTEE , Referred To Committee: D�te Out of Committee By D�te Cont'd Page 6 � Family Physicians 579 t�ells VM Loc App.Q1734Ned;� . Payne Av. R9edical 12�9 Payne �� ', �� 01738�� Reed's Sales & Service 126Q Payne �� �� 01739" Ray �llis 2144 University �� ' �� 01740�� Carol's, Inc. 540 N. Prior �� �� 01741�� lst C�rand Av. Nat'1 Bank 1071 Grand �� �� 01742�� S & D, Inc. 1439 N. Cleveland �� I �� 01744�� H. B. Fuller 2267 Como " � �� 01745�� Murray High School 1450 Grantham " '� 01746�� McKay G�stom Products 2500 University �� �� 01747�� Merriam Park Comm. Center 2000 St. Anthony �� �� 01748�� Graphic Arts 1951 University �� �� O1?50�� Minnesota Transfer 2971 University ►� ►� 01751" Firestone S�ores 455 Wabasha St. �� �� 01755�� Mary Ann Cameron 4041 Park, Mpls. Mas�euse �� 01756�� Jeff Karter 1494 E. Rose #�4 Cig i Vl�i Oper " 01772�� Russell Sch�aeizer c/o Minn. Transfer R.R. 2071 University VA9 �oc �� 01775" n n 1 Add'1 1�1 n i� u bfs. Cheryl Jones ?74 Concordia hias+�euse �� 01781�� Mitronics, Inc. 300 E. 4th St. VM L�oc �t 01784�� Jerry Dahlrang 2230 N. Albert F`t I�ed �� 01908rr . I' COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department df: Yeas Nays Christensen � ' � g�t In Favor ' Levine (J '�'''�'� Against BY Sylvester T�� President� gpZZ8 � ' O �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Cer ' ' asse ounci ecret�y BY + B Appro by Mayor: D Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PliBUSHED .IUM 1 '