265605 4 s��CITY OF ST.PAUL C `~ ��, �I
FINAL ORDER �T�' `� � � r
By ' �"� �
File o.
In the Matter of r�►tsa�e� iNta�s't� �t�'b a�d �l�d+�wlk �! xo�ic iw��qta�l
tlNSytoa IIA� �'!'., +�t sii�r �s�os S. 7tlt =t. to s. �iaRh �t.
� /�s�.l 16, 1973
under Administrative Order � approved
under Preliminary Order �� approved � 2'� ��
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertalning to said proposed improve-
ment and has �'ully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date '� � � ��
Yeas Nays
t�hristellSefl � Passed by ncil Secreta;y �� t 2 19�
N oz.za j
-1unt In Favor y
�,evine �
��,� Against
�ylvester Mayor
'�e"'�"' PuB��sNED �UN 1 4 +9l�
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UFI'IC,Y: OF TFi7. ;fAY072 l�� � �a
Date: ri�° i A 1975
- 265��5 �� .
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T�at Lhe Di recto� af tt�e Departr.�enL of Pubi ic Works is hereby authortzed and
disetted to prepare plans, obtain surveys, prepare esLtmates and investigate
L:-�e necessity to reconstruct integral curb and sidewalk on the east side of
�Ir',u�Sh� ST, from E. Seventh SL. to E. ttinth St. together wt Lh ai 1 area�,yays,
eoal-holes, trap�oors, tunnels and oLher underground facilities of every
czscrlption, and provic+ed Lhat al } pe�si L� heretofore granted by said Cj ty of
SL. Paul for th� installation andJor maintenance of such areaways, coal-holes,
Lr�apdoors, Lunnels and other underrrounri tacjlities of every description wili be
and the sane are hereby revoked unless said areaways, toal-holes., tra�doors,
tunnels and oUtier underground faci I i ties of every description are reconsLructed
by sai� per�ittes on or before a date which is �0 days afLer the date of final
approval of this order; and tnaL, further, tt�e Gepa�tc�ent of Pubtic Works,
tnrougn its ChieF Engi�_sr, �s hereby authorized and directed to ft11 in and
renove such areayrays, coat-holes, trapdaors, Lunneis and oLher undzrground fact 1 i•'t;es
of every descri�tion, the peroi ttees of whic,t� areaways, coal-fioles, Lrapdoors, -
tunnels and other underground fa�tlitjes of every descriptton fai ] to reconst�uct
tne sar.ae to the satisfaction of the City Engineer an or ,before the ab�ve mentioned -
date. - _ , p�,,.
The ,�irector of Finance is hereby directed to prepare the pretirainary order and
scj�edule Lhis �atter for public hearing. _ .
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Administr�h�re Ass�startt to Mayor
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Apri 1 22 , 1975 .
Mr. Roge,- Tlattson �
Director of �ina�ce
and I�tana5e�,�ent Se�vi ces
Room 113 City Hati
;�TTEtdT I 0iJ : Pau l Des cti
Cear Sir:
Please prepare trie Preli;ninary Order for the construction/reconstruction of
t^e sidewalks listed on the attac��ed Administrative Order. -
The esti��ated cost thereof is as follo,�s
$4.Qq per 5 fi.t ,4 � B Res. S ft. �•�ide
So.00 per 5 ft. wide C Res. �. Comm.
$7.20 per 6 ft. wide C Rzs. & Comm.
$_j.,�.��er_sg___,ft__ for inte�ra_t curb and walic C Res . � Comn.
_ This does not include the cost incurred in eliminating the areaway, etc.
• $2.00 per lin. ft. for curoing for P,es . A � B a�hen integral curb
and walk constructed.
attached herewi th are the fol lo�•!i ng :
l . Approved Administrative Order �-1968 4/18/75
2. Advisability � Desirability Report.
Yours very truiy,
��7.-l'.C.; "r • /�������`v
Hartley A. Thomas
Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction
4�' �'S��,:
HT/gh ��'� � ���'
� APR 1975 ^,
� ��.c�ivE� o
DEPl'• `�
�' 0� `"
� " "�'�� � 234 Cit Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
`�, . ��1 y.
. - ,.; _. Dist. �Io. 3 �
E,S•, lYab�sha St. - E. Seventh St. to E. ;Jinth St. ��� �
. �FJ�
T_i11S order was initiated by tne Director of Public jiorks as public necessity
on tile basis oz 2 co�piaints and inspectian of the walk. �65��0
This �.*alk is poured concrete wnich is offgrade, with as�halt patcl�es, disintegrated, cracked
concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels and settled panels.
T'ze Engineerino reco�endation is for approval of tha order. ��yr�
Re�ar�s: ::econstruct with integ:al curb s _�'� / d �
�Construct to width desi�ated on plat)