265580 WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE� - MA�OR Fllp NO. � C ncil solution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Acme Nationwide Oil Co. , Inc. 370 Dayton Liq Fuel Dlr App.01699Renewal n �� 2 Veh n �� �i G. fieileman Brewing Co. 882 �V. 7th Bev A1 Non A1 �� 01946" �� n 13 V�h �t �� n Earl Schoenheider 423 E. 7th Rest C-2 " 01978�� Robert S. Baldinger 215 Eva Fds MDPW �� 02097�� r► n 4 Veh �, n n A & E Liquors, Inc. 656-56�/a Grand Rest C-2 " 02833�� n n Cig n n n Clarence E. l�leyer 2385 Ellis Gen Rep Gar « 03256�� Dominic T. G€ncotta 109:8 Rice Rest C-1 " 03328�� Louise Skipon 191 N. IVestern Rest C-2 �� 03348�� n n Cig r� ►� �� Poor Richards, Inc. 820 Clarl� Junk Dlr " 03436�� Carbone Pizza, Inc. 777 S. Smith Rest C-2 �� 03437�� Eugene Prendergast 1272 S. Pt. Doulas Rd. Gas Sta-4P " 034h5" n �� Ci� u n n C. L. Law 1176 N. Dale Gas Sta-3P " 03449�� r� �� Ggn Rep Czar n �r �i Harrison School 949 E. Magnolia l�'d Estab-L " 03494�� I+1cClellan S�hool 1045 Stinson Fd Dstab-L " 03517�� Victoria School 1610 N. Victoria '� " 03544�� Wheelock S�hool 1521 E�dgerton �� " 03547t� Lyle C. Wulkam 1119 Prosperity Gas Sta-9P " 03585" �� E� Grocery A-1 �� �� " n n C�g n n n Clifton EI. Howard 978 N. Dale Hardware �t 03600�� Edwin Muzyk 1090 Earl Crocery A-2 " 0361?�' n �� Froa Fds " " " �� �� Off Sale 1�1a1t '� " �� n �r Cig n n n Snyder Drug Stores, Inc. 2145 Pord Pkwy. Confect �� 03695" �► �� Har ware " " " COUPiCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY � OF SAINT PAITL Cauncil CANA'RY - DEPARTMENT File NO. 2555� BLUE -MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By�,I�,�� CC�Mb1ITTEF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 2 Snyder Drug Stores, Inc. 2145 Ford Pkwy. I'lo#�/Nurs App.03695Rene�val u �i Cl� �i r� n Duane & Sharon Anderson 241? W. ?th Bowling-16A �' 03837�� All Season Motors, Inc. 297-301 University 2nd Hd Mtr Veh Dlr 03858�� Datsun Royal, Inc. 734 Grand New MV Dlr �� 03865�� �� �� 2nd Hd MV Dlr �� �� �� �< <� Dlr Rep Cxar �� �� �' Clarence M. Aamodt 659 N. Dale4 TtN1 Loc '� 03868�� Thomas G. Mumford c/o John & Mary Milton 2228%z Carter Av. �� �� 03876�� Clarence Kempenich 185 University Gen!Rep Gar �� 03969�� Ron & Jean Nienaber � 1347 Summit Cat�ring " 03970�� Strand Cinema Corp. 450 Wabasha Theatre-Mot Pic '� 03976" " " Con�ect " " �� Anthony P. r1angini 11?7 Clarence Res� C-2 �� 03981�� n rt Cj�', n n n �ietty Magenheimer & Elizabeth Kogl 170 Ramsey GroCery '� 04068�� r� " Fro� Fds " �� " �� �� . Off Sale Malt �r n �� u n Cig �� n �� Sibley OK Hardware, Inc. 2463 t�. ?th Flo�/Nurs " 04081�' Hillcrest Wash, Inc. 1645 Edhite Bear Ldy/'DC Plt �� 04082�� �� n Ci{; n n n Fred Iiagerstrom c/o Atomik Motor Parts Co. 1865 Univ�rsity VM Loc '� 04122" " c/o Tr�in City Welding Co. 1319 Pierce Butler Rd. " �� 04142�� Earl Mork 991 FSront St. Gen Rep Gar '� 04189�� Imperial Vend Serv. , Inc. c/o Academy of Nairdressing 20 W. 6th VA�i �,oc " 04192'� n ii a naa�i ri �� n n " c/o Kaplan Paper IIox Co. 130 S. Wabasha VM I�oc " 04199�� n �� � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays , Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attiorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Subtnission to Council By By , WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT F11C NO. � �65580 BLUE - MAKOR � � Council Resolution Presented By LICF.NSF. COMMTTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Co�t'd Page 3 Imp Vend Serv, Inc. c/o Midwest Spring Mf� Co. 906 N. ]k'�le VM I�oc App.04205Renewa,l rr c/o Martin Auto Livery, Inc. 255 �I. 7th �� " 04218►� Coca-Cola Bting Midwest, Inc. c/o Services for the Blind 625 N. Robert VM t,,oc " 04274�� Bill Nicklow & Geo. Svolopoulous 461 N. Snelling Resi� �� 04300�� �� �' On �$ale Ma1t �� '� " t� �� Cig ' �� n i� Kunz Oil Co. 584 N. Fairview Av. VM Loc �� 04360�� n n 1 Add'1 �'7 n n n John W. Askew 179 W. �th Gen 'Rep Gar t� 04373�� Phillip R. Hillman 398 Duke St. Catering " 04403" Leonard I3lomber�; 2310 W. Como Av. GroCery A-1 " Q4404�� ri ir Cig �� n n Kenneth Schrobilger 25 W. 9th St. Resit C-2 �� 04430�� Steve's Warehouse Salvage, Inc. 651 S. Smith GroCery A-1 �� 04439�� Roxy Furniture & Appliance 1550 �aihite Bear TV Master " 04h72�� n n 2 Ser� � u n Luther Henderson, Sr. 631-33 Selby Rest C-1 �� 04481�� �� �� On 4�1e Malt �� �� �� �' �� Off Sale Malt �� �� � �� tt �� Clg �i n �� D.V.M. , Inc. 1889 Fairmount Av. Fds�f VM Oper �+ 04497�� Roxy �rniture and Appliance 1550 White Bear Carpet Dlr " 04531�� George Gruber 1608-10 White Bear Hardware " 04538�� Interstate United, Inc. 332 Minnesota Rest " 04597�� Litho Specialties, Inc. 1780 W. ?th VM I„oc " 00001�� Pepsi-Cola c% Hamline University 1536 Hewitt r� r, ppppg�� Country Club Mkt, Inc. 1600 White Bear Av. Cu�octery A-2 ' 00048�� �� n �utC�her r� n r� " " Flox�/Nurs " " " �� �' Off 'Sale Malt �� rr n �� t� u �� n COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Fotm Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Subtnission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK ���`80 PINK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council 5 CANARY - DEPARTMENT '�^ BLUE - MAKOR FILC NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Dake Cont'd Page 4 Gold Med Bev Co, c/o Falcan Oil Co. 756 N. Snelling VM Loc App.00147Renewal �� c/o Crescent Creamery Co. 226 Smith Av. �� �� 00167�� �' c/o Phillips Petroleum Co. 717 N. Snelling 'r �� 00243�� '� c/o �arrick Parking Ramp 20 W, 6th " �� 00363'� �� c/o John W. Stuart 400 W. 'lth r� r� 00364n �� c/o Kaplin Paper Box 130 S. Wabasha �� �� 00542'� n n 1 Add'1 M �r �i n Joseph Francis 161G White Bear Barber " 00547�� James Fida 1406 White Bear Av. On Sale Malt �� 00617�� Vernon Sanftner 629 Jenks Gen Rep Gar " 00620�' Hillcrest Country Club, Inc. 2200 E. Larpenteur Cig " 00639" A.R.A. Food c/o American Can Co. 747-55 N. Prior VM Iyoc �� 00648�� r� �� 14 Add'1 M �� �� �� Royal Datsun, Inc. ?34 Grand New MV Dlr �� 00686�� �� �� 2nd !Hd MV Dlr �� �� �� tt �� Dlr �',Rep Gar �� �t �� Bi-Geo, Inc. 1373 E. Magnolia Rest C-1 �� 0069?�� �i " Tavern r� �� tr tr tr Cig ti n n I.U.C. c/o Hart Ski Mfg Co. 630 Pierce Butler Rd. VM I�c�c �+ 00719�� �r tt 6 Add'1 M r� i� �� Pat Nik, Inc. c/o M & L Motors 1493 Univer�ity VM Iyoc '+ 00?42�� �� �� 2 Ac�d'1 M « rt n Sir Vend, Inc. 3241 Winpark Dr. , Mpls. Fdsitf VM Oper �► 00757�' Sir Vend, Inc. c/o Remmele Engineering Co. 1211 Pierce Butler Rd. VM I,�oc �' 00?61�� �� �r 5 Add'1 M �� r� n �' c/o B. W. Harris l�fg. Co. �t n COUNCILMEN Requested by Department pf: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor . Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Sub�mission to Council By By .WHI7E - CITV CLERK I �65580 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council GANARV - DEPARTMENT Fi�e NO. BLUE - MAYOR � � Council Resolution Presented By LIC�EN�E CL1�1IT'�'F Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 5 Sir Vend, Inc. c/o Container Corp. of Amer. 1050 Kent VM Loc App.00768Renewal �� �' S Add'1 M �� �� �� �► c/o Robert S. I3aldinger 215 Eva St. VM �oc �� 00774" �� " 1 Add'1 I�i t� " " " c/o Battery Warehouse Serv. 909 Selby VM T�oc t' 007?5" Northern Vend Services, Inc. 1481 Marshall Fdsitf VM Oper �� 00?79�� Northern vend c/o Midway Chev Co. 1389-99 Univer�ity VI�1 �oc �� 00796i1 n n 4 Add�1 M n n �� �� c/o Mid. Nat'1 Bank 15?8 Univessity VM �,oc �� 00800�� " c/o David Olson 134? University �� �� 00802�� �� c/o Minn. Lumber & Wrecking 915 N. Albert �� �� 00807�� " c/o Riverview Club 454 One�;a �� �� 00810�� '� �� 1 Add'1 M �� rr ►1 " c/o Royal Olds, Inc. 1469 University VM Loc '� 00811�� �� c/o Union Advocate 440 W. Minnehaha " " 00816�� T�ein City Vending, Inc. 1065 �. Hwy 36 Fdstf VM Oper �� 00830�� Twin City Vending c/o Johnson Wholesale Lic�uor 2341 University VM Loc �� 00847�� �� �� 2 Add'1 M �� �� �� " c/o Plastics, Inc. 224 I�yan VM Loc �� 00855�� �� �� 7 Add'1 M �� �� �� Raymond Turner 164 N. Da.le Pool Hall-6T �� 00864�� ri n Orig Cont n n r� �� �i Cig �i n n Charles Masanz 987 Payne Rest �' 00866�� Lester P. Comeau & Hertlaa 2024 Marshall Res� C-2 �' 00878�� n u Clg n n n Servomation c/o Riverview 1�1em. Hosp. 225 Prescott VM L�oc �� 00894" n � COUI�ICILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt . Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Cauncil �1 C CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��■• ��` '� BLUE - MAyOR Council Resolution Presented By 1.I(:F:NSE COMMITTE� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 6 The Moore Way Co. c/o St. Ca.therine's College 2004 Randolph Vle9 T.oc App.00908Renewal it rt 14 Add'1 h1 �� �� �� " c/o Sears Roebuck 425 Rice VM Loc �� C!0911�� �� �� 1 Add'1 M " '� " Vega.s Cinemas, Inc. 479 Wab�sha Theatre A1ot Pic �� 00921�� n n Cpn,'�'ect �, n n �r ri Ci�! n u n Midwest Vending c/o Jack Wong 367 Selby V1�9 1,oc " 00922�' �� c/o M. Mueller 859 University " " 00926�� Pioneer Dist. Co. 5200 W. 74th St. Fdstf VA1 Oper �� 00945" Pioneer Dis. Co. c/o Grain Term. Assoc. 266 Shepard Rd. VM T,oc " 00947�� " " 3 Add'1 M " " �� " c/o LaBelle's 1925 Suburban VM Loc �� 00949�� " " 3 Add'1 M �' �� �+ " c% Las Vegas Cinema 479 Wabasha VM Loc �� 00952�� �� " 1 Add'1 h4 �� �� �� " c/o McKnight Vi11. Apt. 177 N. I�icKnight VM �,oc �� 00953�� " c/o �illips Pet. 299 E. Wheelock Pkwy. �� " 00958�� Mary b1. Switzer 17?7 Sheridan Pet Shop �� 00965" John Hoikka 238 Pleasant VM I�oc �� 00985" �� �� 1 Add�1 M �t n �r James Lee 1334 Conway f3arber �► 00987�� Canteen Co. c/o American Fmpire Ins. Co. 2?00 University VM I;,oc �� 00988►� " c/o Bethesda Luth Hosp 559 Capital L31vd. }� �► 00989" " �� 8 Add'1 M r� ir n �� c/o Bethesda Luth Hosp 560 Capitol Blvd. VM Loc �� 00990�' n i, �t �i �, COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Att'orney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Subwttission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK �}�^��n PINK - FINANCE COI111C11 VV V CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY - OF SAINT PAZTL File NO. BLUE -MAY�R � � � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 7 Canteen Co. c% Burlington Northern 379 Como Av. VM �,oc Ap�.00992Renewal �� Burlington Northern 619 tV. A4innehaha �� �� 00993�� tt n 4 Add'1 M �� �� �� " c/o Burlington Northern ?00 Jackson VM Loc �� 00994'' " c/o Burlington Northern 892 Mississippi VM l`j,oc " 00995�� " " 2 Add'1 M �� �� �� " c/o Burlington Northern 1082 N. Hamline Vhi Loc �� 00996�� " " 3 Add'1 M �� �t �� " c/o C�icago, N. W. , R.R. 799 Payne Av. VM Z,oc �� 00997�� �� �� 2 Add'1 M �� �� �� " c/o Ford Motor Co. 966 S. Miis. River Blvd VM T;�oc '� 00999�� " " 60 Add'1 M �+ �� �� " c/o Gold Med Bev 553 N. Fairvieca VM Loc �� 01000�� �� �� 5 Add'1 M �� n n " c% htinn. Transfer I�y. Co. 2071 University VM Loc �� 01002" " c/o l�tinn. Transfer $y. Co. Raymond Av. VM Tyoc " 01003�� " c/o Minn. Envelope Co. 23 E. Fairfield " �� OlOd4�� u tr 5 Add'1 M �� �� �� " c/o h9idway Nat'1 Bk.30? Lafayette Rd. VM L,oc �� 01005�' n �r 1 Add'1 M �� n n � % Milwaukee Railroad 1000 S�lep. VM L�oc �� 01006'� " c/o h1ile�vau��ee Ra.ilroad 1000 Shop Rd. " ' �� 01007�� �� �' 13 Add�1 M �� tr tr " c/o hiinn. Mutual Life Ins. 345 Cedar VM Loc " 01008�� " " 2? Add'1 M �t �� �� �� c/o Mounds Park FIosp. 200 Earl VM Loc �� 01010" n n � COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department pf: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attlorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Subtnission to Council By By , WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK -,FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ((['''��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT ����QO BLUE. - �fAkOR Fi�e NO. C �� � � Council Resolution Presented By LICF�111SF. CAMMITTF� Referred To Committee: Da�te Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 8 Canteen Co. c/o N. States Power 825 Rice VM Loc App.01013Renewal �� �' 1 Add'1 M n n u '� c/o Pearson Candy Co. 2140 W. 7th VM Loc �� 01014rr n n 6 Add'1 l�i n n n " c/o Quality Park Products 2520 Como Av. VM �,oc �� 01016�� �� r� 11 Add'1 M �� n n rr c/o �. Fieileman Brewing Co. 882 W. 7th Vl►1 Loc " 01017�' ri r� 11 Add'1 1�9 �� �� �� �� c/o St. Joseph's Hosp. 69 w. Exchange VM �oc " 01019�� n n 15 �dd'1 Ni �� �� �r �' c% St. Paul Public Library 90 t�. 4th St. VM Loc �' 01023�' tt n 2 Ac�d'1 M u n �i " c/o St. Paul Humane Soc. Beulah Ln. VM Loc " 01025�� �� " 1 Add'1 M n n r► " c/o St. Agnes School 525 Thomas Av. VM T�oc '� 01026�� t� �� 2 Add'1 M �► �� r� �� c,lo Twin City Lines MTC 400 N. Snelling VA4 Loc " 01027�► " " 6 Add'1 M " �� �� John Johnson 555 University Trailer R�ntal �� 01079�� Johnson Bros. Wholesale Liquors 2341 University Cig �� 01101�� Earl J. Uhlir 545 Jackson V1+�1 Loc �' 01104" �r �� 2 Add'1 M n t� n Carl Pedro & Sons, Inc. 501 N. Robert VM Loc �� �11C��" n �� � Add'1 M �� �i ti H1�, Anerson & Nordehn, Inc. 21 W. 4th St. Ori� Cont �� 01134�� n i� Ci� n n n I�laynard Zahradka 1825 University Tow Truck �� 01138" Interna,tional Harvester Co. 775 Rice Nee�r MV Dlr �� 01142�� n n �r n r� COU[V�ILMEN " Dlr Rep Gar " r� r� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Favor — Levine Rcedler A gai ns t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Subtnission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK Co4ncil ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - AQA1fOR File NO. � w . Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CO��MIT'i'EE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 9' Fanny Farmer 407 Wabasha Coni!ect App.01148Renewal Container Corps. of �nericas 1050 N. Kent Cig " 01152" Battery Warehouse Service 909 Selby " " 01155�� Robert T. Helfman 674 Grand Groqery �� 01157�� �� ' Off 'Sale Malt �� �� rr n n Cyg n n n James Kurata 45 S. Cleveland Barber " 01159�� Janssen's Super Fair, Inc. 1218 Thomas Groaery " 01160�� u rr ButCher r, �� �� �� �� Off 'Sale rlalt �� �� �� n n Cig ►� r� n Roxy Cleaners, Inc. 121 E. 7th 1,dy/DC P U Sta: �� 01161�� �� " Orig Cont n n n i n Clg n ir n Evelyn Gaarden 1386 Arcade Beauty Shop " 01166�� Robert La Vasreur 2177 Hudson Barber �� O11?1� Allen Bakl:e 893 Payne I3arber �� 01173" Ingeborg Black 382 St. Peter Grocery �t 01174" Capitol C6=.ty �railer & Equip. Rental 495 W. Maryland Tra�ler Rent " 01198�� D. K. Carter Co. 8�0 Decatur �w. N. , Mpls. C3� VM Oper-2M" 01200�� Dayton's 700 Nicollet Av. , Mpls. TV Master " 01204�� n n 3 �@I'v tr u ri Hall, Anderson & Nardehn, Inc. 354 St. Peter Orig Cont « 01205�� Norm's Liquors, Inc. 416 Selby Ori� Cont �� 01212�t �' t� Off Sa1e N[alt �� �� �� u n Cig n n tt Gulden Phaz�aacy 1202 Payne VNi Z,oc �� 01218�� Norbert Garbe 243 N. Pt. Douglas Rd. GenRep Car ►► 01220" Franca Lipori 11 E. Kellogg Beauty Shop " 01222" Dianne Fennell 1610 Randolph Masseuse �' 01223�� Muntean-Hedman, Inc. 916 Rice Ori� Cont �� 01224�� Norcrest, Inc. 455 Como Av. Ca�et Dlr �� 01234" COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date I Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council. By BY WHI7E - CITY CLERK �6558� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT 'h BLUE - h4A1fOR Fl1�c NO. � .t� : Council Resolution Presented B� T.TrF.NSE C.c�MMITTE� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Dake Cont'd Page 10 Polish-American Club, Inc. 1003 Arcade On �ale Malt App.01235Renewal �� �� Off,Sale Malt " �� �� �� �� DanCe Hall �� �� �� �i n Cig n �r n Lee Greene 907 Payne Pet Shop �� 01240�' Greyhound Bus Depot 25 W. 9th St. Cig �� 01241�� Gene Chalfen 147 W. 6th VM �oc " 01242�� Michael J. Kane c% 530 North Wheeler Deluxe Check Printers VM �.oc " 01243�� Don Soete 46 State Office Bldg Rest C-2 �� 01256�� n n Clg, �� �i �� Cornelius Bruston 496 Wabasha Barber �� 01258i� Twin City Hardwood Lumber Co. 509 N. Cleveland VM &oc �� 01262 Dorothy Noga 2?30 E. Hawthorne Mas�euse �� 01264M Eugene C. Nagel 830 �nite Bear EleC App Rep " 01288�� Mobile Radio Engineering, Inc. 186 Forbes �� t� 01293'� Ra.ymond Kruescher 20 E. 4th St, Barber �� 01294« Mders Lundquist 1129 Payne Elec App Rep " 01296�� Wilder Residence Gift Shop 514 Humboldt Ori� Cont �� 01302�� �� u Cig, �� n n Nick J. Delmont 922 Raymond Barmer �� 01303�� Mary G. Schultz 1918 E. Maryland Bea�tty Shop �� 01304�� Wilder Day Care Center 666 Marshall Av. Fd �tab-M �� 01305'� Columbia Transit Corp. 1102 N. Snelling Gen Rep Gar " 01306�� Twin City Pigeon Elemenating & Pen C. Extermination 315 4th St., Downers Grove, I11. Pest Control �� 01307�� Pioneer Dist. Co. c/o Montgomery Wards 1700 Wynne 1 Add'1 VI�i �� 01312�� Lyle E. Kokott 310 University Rest C-1 �� 01327�� �� �� On �le Malt �' �� �� tt �� Off Sale Malt �� �� �� t� t� GroCer'y A-1 �� n n n n tr n r, COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler A gai n s t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITY CLERK �65580 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAI�OR Fl� NO. � � f ' � � Council Resolution Presented By LI(aEN�E C.L1A�IItilITTFF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Da�e Cont'd Page 11 Richard A. Dauffenbach & Lloyd Hansen 955 Payne TV Master App.01329Renewal Arles M. West 862 Selby I3arber. �� 01337�� James tV. Cardell 2311 Como Av. �� �� 01356�� George J. Stasny 1053 N. Western Av. Grocery �► 01360�� �� t� ButCher rr r� " �f �t OffSale A'talt �r r� n �� n Clg �i rr r� Modern Merchandising, Inc, 1925 Suburhan l�v. Confect " 01361�� Alano Society of St. Paul, Inc. 520 N. Robert Cig �► 01364�� Carl Hayle Carpet Suc. , Inc. 190 E. Marie Av. , W.St.PCarpet Dlr " 01367�� Twin City Carpet 823 S. Robert Ca.r�et Dlr �� 01412�� Nancy V. Vitale 570 N. Snelling TV Master �� 01413rt n �� 2 S�rv " '� " Ronald H. Lindquist 223-29 E. 8th VM Loc �� 01449�� Pamela Michaud 1150 Argyle Beauty Shop �� 01451�� Ritter Beauty Enterprises, Inc. 754 S. Cleveland " �' 01457►' Karen J. Mandehr 145 N. Snelling Mas�euse �� 01465�� Sheryl St. Cermain 1610 Randolph " �� 01467" T�ain City Hardwood Lumber Co. 509 N. Clevland Priv� �as Pump �� 01468�� Henry & Margaret Sonnetag 3571 Hoffman Rd. , VdBL Carpet Dlr �� 01485" Pioneer Co. , Inc. c/o Ik'�vid �. Vadnais 373 Ruth VM Loc �� Q1493�� II c/o Surfoo Service 1383 Arcade '� " 01494" �� c/o Hanover Bldg. 48�� Cedar " « 01496�� � �� 1 Add'1 M �t �� �� Shirley Abner 540 N. Prior hias�euse " 01511" W. F. Smith Tire & Battery Co. , Inc. 2325 Endicott Cig' ►� 01523�� , Joseph Classen 77� Payne TV Master '' 01527�� Hillcrest (;ountry Club, Inc. 2200 E. La.rpenteur Av. Priv Gas Pump �� 01533�� KSTP 2668 Territorial Rd. Priv �as Pump �� �1535" LeNore A. Ehrlichman 740 N. Snelling Masseuse " 01536" COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hunt [n Favor � Levine � Rcedler Against gY Sylvester Tedesco President � Hoz28 �p 5 �'� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Coun ' Date Certi ' a e Co il Secretary BY I By Approv b Mayor: Date � Approved by Mayor for Suhmission to Council e By By ��J�us�� JUN 14 t��5