265569 , WH17E - CITY CLERK w ^��A� ?INK� - FINANCE COUI1C11 �!`• !• CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL File � NO. , � �� BL�IE -1+�qYOR � �� � C� ' olution Presented By Referred To m 'ttee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , The City Council, by resolution C. F. 264737, vacated a portion of Spring and Market Streets subject to terms and conditions, including the condition that West Publishing Company dedicate to all owners of property abutting in vacated Spring Street a 40-foot easement for egress and ix�,gress and also a permanent sewer easement; and WHEREAS, West Publishing Company ha.s presented a proposed deed of easement in compliance with said vacation of street resolution; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby accept dedication of the aforementioned easement, a copy of which is hereto attached, and the City Attorney is authorized to record the easement deed in the Office of the Register of Deeds. COUI�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen �X Himt � In Favor Levine J Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco � Presiden� Hozza �� �. Form Approved b ity ttorn y Adopted by Council: Date �� Certifi assed Cou Secretary BY I Y Appro by Mayor: ate � g7 Approv d ay Su i ion t ouncil By By PUBLISHED �UN Z 41��J � �`.C,I TY C EH � ` � w ' COQ�ICII ���'�� �' , . �• "fINANCE �ITy OF �SAINT PALTL tPAR ENT � � '� / File N0. � � ; - o ' nc�i Resalution ��/ �� , �,.� . . , �E C'� tnted By r�� . � �a - Referred Committee: Date O� Out of Committee By Date Vgt�C��R O RESOLVED, That upon the petition of The West Publishing Ct�mparry et al., those sections of streets, he=einafter described, �; be and the sam�e are hereby vacated and discontirnied as public atreetst S gring Street from its intersection with the easterly ; line of Ea.g1e Street to its intersection tJith a line drawn across Spring Stree� mt ri�ht an.gles to the northM erly line of 5�rin,� Street from the most ea.sterZy �:oint of Lot One (1), �lock Farty-three (43), Rice and Irvine's , adciition to Saint Paul, according to the map or plat � `� thereof currently on file with the Register of Deeds in and for Ra�ey County, MiYmesota; Al.so, the �rest Un�e-Half (W�) of Market Street fram ' Rrellogg Boulevard tv Sprir�g Street; . sub3ect expressly to the foilo�ring cor�ditions and reservations: ' 1. That the vacatian be subject to all the terms and carXtitions ; of C�iapter 228 of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode, as amended. i � 2. That s specific easemeat be retained to protect the interests of the Northern Sta.tes Pawer Compsuy. ' 3. That in the event a building is erected ad�acent to Hill Street or I:ello�g �3autlevard, the wall Ad j oining either " � Hill Street or itello�g Boulevard i.s ta be designed as a + . : . , retaining wal.l and t%e desi�n of the wall to be reviewed ► and approved by the Pul�lic �'arks Depar�ent. �Hb ec: o.��, cc: DJ 0 RLN W�H COUIVCILMEN Requested by De�partment of: GKS Yeas Nays �FK Christensen R�P ueE Hozza � In Favor ��r Lev ine Rcedler "JO Sylvester Against BY T�E Tedesco �E oErv President Hunt ►.s.o. Form Approved by City Attorney F Adopted by Council: Date •\ , ' p` Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' ? , By � � '�.� ��' � � � Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ,sv � � J�a � r . � ������� ',i � ' ^. ' y f�• . 2�55f� 4. That the petitioner agree to grant to all th` owners of property abutting Spring Street on the north between Eagle Street and Cdabasha Street (including the Northern States Power Company, the County of Ramsey, and the City of Saint Paul), a forty-foot wide perpetual easement for egress and ingress, said easement to approximately paral- lel the south property line of the petitioner' s property, the description of which is to be prepared by the petitioner aFter field survey and said easement is to include the right of emergency vehicle access, and to be in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 5. Tha.t specific perma.nent sewer easements be retained as ' follows: a) To protect the existing sewer connections to the Northern States Po�rer Company plant.at vacated Ma.rket Street. b) A 30-foot wide easement in Spring Street bet�veen Ea.gle and Market Streets centered on the existing 10-inch V.C.P... s ewe r. '' , c) A 30-foot wide easement centered along a line 8 feet south of and parallel to the existing 10" V.C.P. sewer in Spring Street betcaeen Market and St. Peter .Streets . 6. That the petitioner, at his own cost and expense, dedicate permanent se�ver easements described as follows : a) A permanent sewer easement 30 foot-wide centered on the existing 10-znch V.C.P. seti�er located across � ' Lots 1 through 4, inclusive, in Block 44 and Lots 1 , through 4, inclusive, in Block 45, Rice and Irvine' s � Addition, vacated Ontario Street and vacated Market Street. b) A permanent sewer easement 30-foot wide centered : along a line eight feet south of and parallel to the existing 10-inch V.C.P. sewer located across Lots 1 throu�h 8, inclusive, Block 20, Rice and Irvine ' s Addition and vacated Ma.rket Street: . � Said Easement dedications must be approved by �he Department of Public Works and must be in a manner and form acceptable F to the City Attorney. � � � � � � � � � � � � • i � . , , , .. �_ ,�� � �-� �� CLERK � � FINANGF� T �����r� � ' �.R�-"DEPqqTMENT GITY �F SAINT l,�UL COLLI�CIl i� �MAYOR " � Flle NO. Council Resolution ������ � Pre'sented By _ � Referred To Committee: 1Jate � i Out of Committee By Date — " �. � 7. Tf�at the retained easements or dedicated eas�ments stated � • above shall be subject to the proposed buildirz� deve2op• � ment pro�ect and shall include the verpetva.l right of the � Public t'orks Department to construct, maint.�.in, o�rate � �tnd repair the underground se��er together with a perpetual � essement for ingress and egress to said easements. � 8. That the petitioner be responsible for aa as-built plat � of survey locating all existin� ar�d proposed bvildir�s at�d �tructures to include under�rouad sewers in relation• � shf.p �o the existin,; platted lots and blocks in lti.ce and j Irvine's Addition in the evenG any sewer structures are ,� to be specificallq �escribed, relocated or abandoned as public sewers. This survey must be in a form accept�.h2e � ta the De�arta�ent of Public t�Tor2cs. The easenent described �� in Cond3tions S and b above, either retained or conveyed, i are to be described after said f�e2d survey is completed i ax�d fn a form and mann�r acceptable to the City Attorney. ' 9. That the netitioner, i.n vlew af the easement dedications �I and restrictions conta3.ned therein, pa.y to the City the stsn o£ $400.00 for the costs of processin,g tl�e vacation +� a�d provic�e the City with a bond in the nmount of $25,000.00. ij 30. �at the petitioner e�,rees to trork with such personael ss the City f� Cotu�ail oP Saiat Paul ra�y desi�ate to revievt any reasone►ble alterna�Lives ,, to ite current p2.en and incorparate into it� final plRrte such portions I� of those alterriativ�e sw.;gestians ns are fessible, giv+ea the economia aad • �at'tagemen$ canstrainta oY the pro��ct. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays • Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine S lvest � Against BY Y � Tedesco President Hunt - Adopted by Council: Date OEC 1 2 i97d Form Approved by City Attorney ' /� !^ �ertified Passed by Council Secretary By � 't '; ` ! ,' r; By ' � ,�� ' �pproved by Mayor: Date �LC, � E] �7� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By gy . i - . � - . . _ � ` 265569 �CtTY Q�� S�1NT PA.UL ' . - QFFtCE (7f #HE C1TY ADl��fNiSTI'.l'�TOF ; Tljt;�•!AS J. �:f.Ll.f_ F,,Fi?�!;i_ZO.�!{��','• �l;!������'�F n. C�11L'�'. ;!`_,Y.�.� ' : � n��Tr: May 12, 1975 - . R�G?�rtDI�G: Driveway �asement from West Publ lshing 'Co. t� C(ty of St. 'PeuT and County of Ramsey to replace -portion of S�ring St: which is being vac�ted. � � . � . . . . • -, . _ � SOU,:CL•: Qepar�nient of :Publ:ic�Works ' .. ... - . . . . . � . ; • , . ; . � . , . . : . . � . . . , , _ � , a � •. - . . . . �CTIO:� r.L�L'ES:T��.v ��Appr.oval of attached Counci�l Resolut1�on• . � . AT7'.�C:i2•I�iaTSs. ' COUfici1 .Re�olu�t.ibn i . ' . Deed,of- Easement ; • � . . . . . , . TJE:FJH:ddr , . ._ . : - � - � • ' . . . -. . � - : -; : �it� t-iaU, 5�int��':;ut, M�irin��c�ca 5y�o . � : . • f � ; , . - � . . , ,.�.- _i . t �t:�:?; n; ���,r{:.:-�. �V�SV� t�:_tI:_;E".�, `i'he Counci]_ o�= th<:. Ci�.� o•`_ Sa�_r�t Pau3., upon ti?e petition � o� the T•?est Publisnin� Co^�pany, by resolution, Council File No. 264737, adopted December 12, 1974, vacated a portion of Spring Street and a portion o£ the ��'est one-half of r�arket S�:reet, subject to certain ter�s and condit�.ons, including Che condition that G'�st Publishing Company grant to aII o�aners of p�operty abutting on Sorin� Street, vacat�d, a forty-foot wzde pergetual aasement for egress and ingress and, further, the �edicati�n of a permanent se:•�er easemer.t; an_d k�IER�AS, The jdest Publishing Co;�pany, a ��innesata corporation, does noYV desire to comply with the sa±d conditions of vacation of street resolution requiring the dedication of easetaents over lands a�aned by ?Jest Pul�lishing Company; NO��I, THEr.EFORE, In considexation of the vacation of streets by the Saint Paul Citp Council, and in compliance with the terms and conditions _ of said vacation of street resolution, C. F. 264737, Glest Publishi.ne Comgany, a "finnesota corporation, grantor, c�oes hereby gzant, dedicate and convey to the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of r�iznesota, and the County of Rar.:sey, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesot�, ' a forty-foot wide perpetual driveway easerient, for egress and ingress purposes, on, over and across portions of vacated Spring Street, Lots I throu�h 4, inclusive, Block 45, vacated Ontario Street, Lots 1 throu�h 4, inclusive, �31ock 44, vacated Mar�et Street, and Lots 1 through 3, incZusive, Elock 43,, all in Rice and Irvine's addition to Saint Paul, accordin� ta the plat on ' file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in anci for P.amsey County, �•linnesota, the centerline of said �lrive�aay easement bein_g described as follo�as: � Corunencing at the Northwesterly corner o` Lat 3, Bloc?c 42, o� Rice and Irvine's addition, tnence South 2$°�{4'I7" East, along the Easterly I.ine of Eagle Street {iJ;�ich is a1s� the tirTesterly 1i_ne of Lots 3 tt2rough 5, I3lock 42, . Rice anct Irvine's addition) , ror a distance of. 250.5� , f eet, to the poi.nt of beRinning of the centerline to be describe�, thence Iv'ortt: 5.5°07 'S3" Fast, parallel ta and , �` �'TNIS DEED IS EXE(V►�T FROP+t ST�.T� �3���J TAX UNDER ML�iL STHT: S;.�. 2�.'.��i:)•,. i. , . . � . � � ��5569 ?�.(;i F`'__,t n.OZ'ri`.L'.�� 9 O- t�;:: ��::.^�1?:�:; i^.US� .YOLC�13���J rail. Oi � S;%'11' t1"2C�.�� *_�i ,__ c:LSr"�!:��L'. O� Z�i�.35 f.e�r_, ti.CP.CG t0 tne �j.�i:� oa a c�.�,��. _. ..<_:in� � .d:,l.�_c� angle of 1,��3�. 'C°" aiid .�it:! ._ Ladi!!� �,t: ?!.'.5.�� r:,�t for an arC �is��*_:ce oT �:��}.t�'7 r?:�� Y_1?�C:CF :;CL'i n �,o`FZr��t� ��1.^,t far :.� i1�.ut3IPC:2 Or �).��b r2�?t� t};?I:C�? ='aOT��; 7�_�31'S4" East �Or � C?1StaRCe of 421. 5� feet and t�ere �ern�n<.ti::�. TY:� ria�ts granted L-o grante� h�rein sha?.Z� ��pressly include the ri�.r�t of. acc�ss for ��^ergen�}* �����':icl_es on and across t�?e c1_e�icated �rive:ray ��;�-:�r.r_. In iurtn�r consiceration �or t':e vGcatior_ of str��ts by the Saint Pa��l Ci*_y Council by said resolutior:, C. �. �'6�7'7, and in cor.:pli�ncc� c•rzth ti'.�� _2TfiS Si1d CO:?�1�1.7??S ti?ereof, r`TC^._3t nU��1S'?1Ilo rOI-1L��Lly� 1 '1'T1P_Il°SOtS ccrporat�.on, gzantor, c'oes her�b�* grant, _ozv�y and dedicate to t�e City oi S2it:t Paul, a municipal corporation of the St2te oF Ilinna�oCa, a - cernane�.t sewer ease�:ent tnirty feet -�*ide and situated on tne existing • ten-ir.ch V. C. P. Se��7er lccatecl on a^� across LoL-s I throu�h $, inclusive, Block 20, Lots 1 tnrough 4, inclusi�z, �3lacb: 44, a�d Tots 1 through 4, � inclusive, Block 45, aIl in Rice and Irvine's ad3i.tion, and portior_s oi vacated Ontario, �prin�, ar.d �tarket Str�ets, the centerline of said p�rr.cazen� �ew�r easEtnent being described as folloT•rs: Commencing at the Z?orth*�r�sterly cornur of Lot 3, BZock _ 42, of Rice and Irvina's ad�'ition, thence South 23°4'+`17" East, alon� t�.e Eas�erly line oz Eagle Street (c�hich is also the ���estarly line of Lo*_s 3 through S, �lo�k 42, � Rice and Irvine's a3dition) , for a distance of 230.53 feet to th� paint of beginnir.g of tY�a centerline to be described, thence North 58°18'32" East, for a distar..ce " of 415,27 feet; thenc� r;ort'� 65°1�J'11" Ea_st for a dis- � , tance of 29�.89 feet, t�enc� �yorth 25°I1'15" Easr �er 7 i u�o'- +- ^� i� ' C � `:: �� 7 1/� . - y 7.��� ' i.7� � _o u reir.* t �t :� oa.. � �� �+ ;��s �___ 23.72 feet tror a granite r.:r�rument on the South*.rest corr_er , of Lot 8, Elock 20, oi Rice and Irvine's addition, tnence North 72°04'lb" East for a distar.ce of 209.19 feet, thence I�ortn 79°22`52" East for a distanca o€ 212.87 £eet and there te:-n:inating. The City ot Sa�nt Paul, grar_tee, is hereby given the perpetual right � �� corstruct, r^air,t�in, operate an� repair underground ,�c,r�rs within the easement area described above, toget:�er «ith a p�rp.tual easement for �.r_gress an�? egress to said ease�aenLs across tl:e prop�rty ^�rned by orar.ror. z?�1 jvZT`3�SS I:?HT:Rk:OF, t'est Pu`ulishi�g Company, granfior, �or itse�.f, its successors anu assigns, �;as caused thes� uresents to he_ executed in �. � � � �I � . � ♦ ._ ��5�69 —�S CJt;�Oi":LtEc i•d:'?r? ±�=-1.S i� � .____ �i1, O� 1�'1!P'I��i� � 197�. ,.,-�..�, n--,I:7�'i-�I:'G CC.`I'�=;Y �_..... . ���i �__ '��i i i �i � � i _ f . / � _ i�i�� � . �. . . . . . .. .. � . �.t S � . . . ItS , . . . . T:z?a D2ed is E:{e�1pt £ror:. Sta�e Deed '!'z�: L'nder Minn. Stat. Sec. 2°7.22(F) �J��'g A�PROVED: Assistant City Attoxney STATE OF IIINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF RA??SEY ) The foregoing instrLment was ackno��Iedged befora me this j/ day o f �'Gz��� . � 19 7 5, by .�.-s� . . �o-.��. . . � � ��c2��r�.�� and � ��._, . . .� . . . �. . .�. . . (Title) � � of tt�e ?��ST PUBLISHING CO:fPAl��', a Minnesot� � (Title) � corporat3on, on behalf of said company. � � �__��.-"�'-%�� . . . .. _ Norary Public, Ram.se� Coun*_y, 2-tinn. My Com�-r.ission Expires; �eL, / a, / ,`��'/ % ,� i ,+ ! ,T � � � Z.?.. .�..'.r:i�„n,.6 sJ,�ti�,,,-.:! t� \��.,.�,.. ...�'�C._(�.n/�/�?1 .��`,.'r;1 . . , ' ' �� ' ) _ <' � � �: �� i, ��;�"2��i r ; ;'-' i�;oi��2v ����u� at ,t•,ESO7a �Y ' %�, ` _� � � F'i'�°vij�Y :,t�Uiv f, �,, � ' . � � c � ;.ty['em-n;ss�or,rx�ires 1zn.22,.98i �' � , r � � �, . , ' < ;+�G"V"J'v�'I i1C7V�GG`9�YV vVGC1"J'VG"JV'✓1/"�7`✓V�V��,`�^;��t��1 : . T�is Instrument Was Drafted By: ,� t�� , ,; � , ' i :�, City of St. Paul '',�,`�/�!� { \ `,1\ _ Off3ce of. City Attorney ` , � 647 City �:aI1 , Saint k'aul, P�inn�sota �ORt�� P ROV �� , , ___.. Y' � � � � . .. � . . '�t' . . .. . 3 , I �kl:. w y 1 l\ � �� � � �� : � ¢ 1 �\. '.c\ � ,y U � �a �1 1 r �9 � --- � � 6� � . '�� i' � `�� 1 /'1 \ ` � �"� �� �� � ��: � •���� ' . . � � � � j� � �1 ` J/ � Ib F�,' �V. . � �9 'Y O \ � —__� ^ , . � � -+1 41r� \ �� � . . . r � �� ^�%. i � o / � �.1 q �,_ �� �1,.�a �3 / ��. �j Q \ �k� � '����� � � � � � // �f�� / �����,�� , �. --- e,: ; �, q� ,�r �� �Y � ,/' � ' � ` 1 `� �,3�� f � o , 8 � �9 �y S j :�� b �, � . � j� p �0 � � �� r 1 ! _.__"._—__'_ U y��� i v \ �� n � � � � o � � � � h , � � � � M � ��6 f'. ti� � ft �'� ` •.� \ r � / ,, ��F ,�o � '�•�o ,r � � .. `->�o;;PjO// `�4 �h� \ � / `` �AcA � �,i �` . j' „.� / � � / ,���� �Y� 4\ �� � \ � / ;��p I'', � �\ "�� j �, i" ,� � ' � y\ � �. °s � �. y o.. � r � �� N W �i a� '� "�.°�� � ���. � N ' "{" � m'�� � '� , �, . 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