01-856QR�G'�is�:���� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To [ . ��A�S"Suffi�-L�- I � RESOLVED, that the licensee, Avanti Petroleum c. d/b/a Total Mart (License ID No. 46950), located at 2199 University Avenue West in S� t Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 far the violation of the sale of tobacco or to acco products to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of within thirty (30) days of the adoption of th' � Mayor. This resolution and the contained in the July 12, 2001 contested by the licensee. Inspections and Environmental Protection i by the Council and signature by the of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts of Violation letter to the licensee. The facts were not � �� ��� �,�` $� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date B C�,L��. � � � Form Approved by City At�' y � � By: / Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Council File # � Q$� Green Sheet #\ V`l 1 1 v By: DEPARTMENT/OPFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 104196 '"'r LIEP Aug 1, 2001 ' O\- rS4 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: INITTwIIDATE IY11'L4LDATE Virginia Palmer (266-8710) � DEPn�zrn��r Drn crrr courrcu. MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �IC"�' — CIIY ATI'ORNEY _ CITY CLERK NUMBER FINANCIAL SERV DIIL FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG Allgl1St22�2O01 �COI1SeIlY� FOR �YOR(ORASST.) _CNII.SERVICECOMMISSION ROUTING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acriox �xeQUES�n: Adverse action against the Cigarette/Tobacco license held by Avanti Petroleum Inc. d/b/a Total Mart, located at 2199 West University Avenue RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNIlVG COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depariment? CIB COMMI7TEE Yes No CNII. SERVICE COMMLSSION 2. Has this person/fimi ever been a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm po5sess a skill not nortnally possessed by any wrrent ciTy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INIITAITNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'UNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why): Avanti Petroleum Inc. d/b�a Total Mart fa3led June 28, 2001 cigarette compliance check. CotacBc� �e�earch C�ni�r � �Q�� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Council action necessary to impose presumptive penalty for license violation: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No penalty will be imposed for license violation. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVTTY NUMB&R: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIl� i\USERS�PANGBOAN�gernshat - cigarme mmpl B wpd OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTOIL�IEY a�� � Clnyton M. Robiraon, Jr., Ciry Attorney O,�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civi[Division Norm Colemnn. May�or 400 Ciry Telephone: 651 266-87I0 ISWestKelloggBlvd. Facsimile:65l298-56I9 Snine Pmd, Minnesatn 55102 i AUguSt I, ZOOI NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Owner/Manager Total Mart 2199 University Avenue West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114-1611 RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Avanti Petroleum Inc. d/b/a Total Mart for the premises located at 2199 W. University Avenue in Saint Paul License ID #: 46950 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, August 22, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation concerning the unlawful sale of cigazettes have not been disputed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. V ery truly yours, ����� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Melissa Mathews, Community Organizer, St. Anthony Park Community Council, 890 Cromwell Ave., St. Paul, MN 55114-1599 � 1--�� UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Council Hearing Date: Avanti Petroleum, Inc. d/b/a Totai Mart 2199 University Avenue West Wednesday, August 22, 2001 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date of Violation: Place: Presumptive Penalty: June 28, 2001 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form 5. License information OFFIC' 'F THE CITY ATTORNEY Claylon b,. „o6inson, Jr., Ciry A�[orney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colen+rsn, Mrsy�or July 12, 2001 C3tiEI D3V3S10R 400 City Hal[ I S IYest Kellagg Blvd. Snint Paul, dfinmesotn 5510? NOTICE OF VIOLATION Owner/Manager Total Mart 2199 University Avenue West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114-1611 .� 8 �'`�7 Te[ep/�one: 651 266-87/ 0 Facsimile: 65! 293-56l9 Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Avanti Petroleum Inc. d/b/a Total Mart for the premises located at 2199 W. University Avenue in Saint Paul License ID #: 46950 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LTEP) has recommended adverse action against the Cigarette/Tobacco license held by Avanti Petroleum Inc. d/b/a Total Mart for the premises located at 2199 W. University Avenue in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as foliows: On June 28, 2001, a tobacco compliance check was conducfed at the premises of the Total Mart located at 2199 R'. University Avenue in Saint Paut. A sixteen year old male entered the store and asked to buy cigarettes. He was asked to and did show identification which correctly stated his date of birth, but the clerk nevertheless soid him a package of cigarettes. Sale of tobacco to an underage person is a violation of Minn. Stat. §609.85 and Saint Paul Legislative Code §324.07. Since this is a first violation, the licensing office will recommend a 5200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 3�0 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Page 2 $ 5 �o Total Mart Q � ��_ July 12, 2001 Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but �vish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admiYting the violation and requestin� a public hearing. We will need to receive your letter by Monday, July 23, 2001. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, piease advise my legal assistant, Peter Pan�bom, and we will take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing. He can be reached at 266-8710. If we have not heard from you by Monday, July 23, 2001, we will assume that you do not contest the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty wi11 be imposed. Please be advised that the clerk who was identified as having made the sale on this date is also being charged an administrative penalty pursuant to Minn. Stat. §461.12, subd. 3. This is a separate action from this license matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, � �.� O�� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Melissa Mathews, Community Organizer, St. Anthony Park Community Council, 890 Cromwell Ave., St. Paul, MN 55114-1599 $5 b o � --� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ) ss. ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 17, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: � Owner/Manager Tota1 Mart 2199 University Avenue W. St. Paul, MN. 55114 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th of �ily, 2001. � Notary PETER P. PANL,t,G�r3 = k�� rrornRrPUSUC-M�r!�+�se7a ..,° MYCAMMISSiUA' ,7�" EXPIRESJAN.31,2t�o �_ r -,� x�e�as^R.:st�c---- 85b O I -7`sq- � � 0 x M W O � � N � O d V N I�p J M C M O � O C d � C O R � w C d N � d V ..I m � m N � m a�i > U "U ._I Q O U T Q F � N � N C � U (p J � U O O , N � a i� � � � �z I C � I U � J 0 � N V � W � Q � � � yW N � Z ��� a O) N � � � N LLJ a� � Z � OI J � � Z � � W �I� z�a �IF- O d � Q U C � O U N N 0 � � m � a W N c N � � 7 Z U 0 a U C m � C N � N Z C R Q 0 U � U c � � C N � � � Z N � o o � = N a m y � N � � �Im y 3 47 m � �: � 1� N N C N 7 m 0 0 � W F � � � ll.� Q Z O � Z x W J O C') O M m c 0 � c 0 U y C N E E O U O � O � � C N � N � � � � — U � � (6 � N � � v� E � c� � � � � rn s Y rn �- Qc r Y U U � Y ,C U � U N N � U L Q' U U U � � O C N U U� � U N Y O U�"� C C�O � V V (6 U ��m�mm� � rn � d (0 '- L O_ O. � � � � (J p. N � U N N O� V U` �� � U C � +• O j U<1' O O U � U � � R 'a O M U U C — N Z O_ � U N N� C'� V E O� Q�j � �� O� � LL N � Q O = "' "' Q c6 O) .� ccD � Q'o O N N� � U O a. . � Q ` - U U�Nyy @y 'mQ�'6 O(6 y[6 (4 O � t0 C� C� N F 3ddUY o m �rn�ti m 00-LOOO y � fl- 00 �000 �jO�N U— � ch W U<N ��Ot[J O�� O_� ON N\N N '6�� W Z W mQN f�cD� V (O(O'O� W NLN� � 00' 000 (000.--dN� O OF�?CE GF i.IC'rNSE, INSPE�GNS aND ENVIRONb[E�ITAL. PROTECTION Roger Cunis, Direcror D1- � CITIT OF SAINT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayo� Case # TOTAL MART 2199 UNIVERSITY AVE W ST PAUL, MN 55114161'I license Type_ License � Cigarette/TObacco 0�6950 LOWRYPROFESSIONi1LBUILD[NG Telephane: 657-2669090 350 Sc Peter Sver� Suite 300 Facimiie; 65I-266 9124 Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102-I570 Web: xnvw.cistpaul.mn+u/[i T'obacco Compliance Check Purchase Form Business Type: 0 Convenience � Convenience / Gas � Gas � Dmg Store / Pharmacy � Tobacco / Smoke Shop � Supermarket / Grocery � General Merchant � Liquor Store / Bar Restaurant � Other (p rivate club bow�ing ecc.) Date: � � � � � � Time: 1 Z � d a.m. / � � M M D D Y Y � Was purchase attempted? If NO, check reasou: �Yes �No �Doesnotselltobacco �Unsatisiactory/unsafecondidons � Out of busaness � Other �ABerbusinesshours �Notapplicable Buyer � � � AEe Sez Adult �� � Did adult or officer view transaction? Use 3 initials 15 Female Use 3 initials Yes or No � ale 17 �Y2s sale made? Was age asked? Ye or No Yes or No Type of purchase: Self Service Clerk assisted Vending machine - Unlocked Location of machine _Vending machine - Locked Locarion ofmachine �.'a�r ID requested? � shown? �e� or No es or No Type of product: Amount spent: 5 0� . � � Cigazettes Smokeless _Cigazs _Other (cigazette pape�, iignter, eic.) Gerk Information: � Female � Male Approaimate Age: � linde: 18 Actua! age if known ' - - . . , _: _ , . :., ... -. > -- - _ - . - � -- - - - _ , . _- - _ �ftiif�'enaltY3� " - , ' �nicriaytPrnallY $ �� - - - . ver _ :-. - .. ... - . ,_ _._ _' . _ .. .. _ . ' � _ - . '�' _ _,� - -,"_ _ " . � - . .- -_ � � - . . . :Licease� '': - -.'CIv� - FPenalty5�-.. - -. .. ` _;�3uspension:_LQdzysaricsc: ,_ _�� ,�.Foc,LFffieeifsrOnlg - - -3 ,�.:�:.OvdII � ' _ , -,�-•. � � �-- � . . ..Y�` _ -XV.� .1..«' �c1:. --- .� -� S b O 1 -$�9 Name ' �� ��• Date ofBirth Address: Driver's License # or State I. D.#:� �'� („ b n( ��`).�� Licefyse Groun'£amments Text Licensee: pyqNn pETROLEJM, INC. �gA: TOTAL MART License�: ppq6950 07/03/2001 7o CAO for adverse aCion. CAR 06l28/2007 Failed tobacco compliance check First failure, 5200 fine. Clerk was Zor Heur, 348 Maria. CAR 04/18/2001 Passed tobacco compliance check. SS 06/22/2000 Passed tobacco compliance check. SS � - 06/21/2000 Correspondence received to change mailing address. LKK 09/17/98 Congratulations lettersent. PJW OS/10/98 Passed cigareke compliance check. PJW 52825 Ph Notice Sent 10/7�/94 Set 11l9/94 22 Email, 49 Mailed 17/9/94 Ph On Appn For New Cig, Gas Sta, And Groc- C App'D C.F #94'1612 04/29/99 passed cig compliance check - 05/77/99 letter sent SS 07/03l2�Oi $ q., � S � b �� � n.i / AdWess 1 _LCensee, CoMac2 � Licensel Cart➢ioldar l i � - -- - - - - - Type: r Property C Licerrsee C: UnMficisl C,qq Stree!#. 99 Street Name: NNER9TY - _. . _"". ._ .__.."""'__ StreH TYPe vltl> ' _ " "_ " _ '_ ' Direcfiarc <q�p _ _ UM #: �— CRy, �AJV . _ ' 148F8 D TOTALPE7ROLECTOTAL " '__-__'""" ' __"'_'___' 77443 A 'TOTALPEfR01RTnTLI 980W8513 E553 AVANTI e � 11997 i wan ssa O 1- f'�� $5� a � --� � She � LC0'1S¢ � LlceflS2¢ Stre: � 6 Property f� i.icensee Direi, I Streat C: 199 { ' SlreetNeme' INVH29N Und t . Crty Street Type; AVE Un4 Ntl �— Gy T PALIL State: � Wartk M1� _ I Dist CaunciC � — ; Ucensee VANTt PEiR01 �� � � D6A; OTAL MART I. ��6� � Sales Tax Id� 3� 26 — e .._ . Licer�see VRMI PETROLHIM. WC. , '___""_'_' __'"'" _ _ - DBA OTAL MAftT .'__'_ "_'_ '_ " _ _ � Lic. Types , bisurence � Bantl , ftequiremeNs C� Unoffidal Project FacilHffiw: ASLrtJGON, fARIFNE Adverse Action Commerts D'veGiorc Un p: � license Group CammerRs: Zyx 5511A ���� �o CAO tar ativerse ac[ion. CAR 628R001 Faled tobacco campGence check. Fi�st �� ' � i s�we, 8200 fine. qerk was Zor Flew, 348 Maris. CAR ' 4178f2001PpssedtabaccocompWncecheck.SS � 6R2f2000 Pessetltobacco compGence diec&. SS I, INC. Licensee Commerd5: � mnc 6511 �65250 . R # 010002949 D Save Chenges to FGstory S 5�+ 01-� � TYP �r _ .'��-,',__- .'� - Licensee VANTIPEfROIftJM�INC. _ _'_ . S[re� . .. -. - �BA OTALMAF2T _ .. . " _' -_ _ " __ _ _ _ " ' _ 5[ret 4cense Licensee Lic. TYpes ] Iwrence �, Band I Reqwremer¢s � � " Stre, Licensee Neme: VANTI PETROLEUM, WC. , �_ .� • .._'_' _"'. ..'_"__'. ... Dira� D&4 OTAlMART " "' � -' Und °�les Tex id 373026 Non-Proft r Vl+wka5 Comp: O+DONWO ��!�,i,�m"' i AA Cardract Rec'd ONON�OU AA Treining ReCd: OM170.V000 Crty: AA Fee Catlec[ed: ONOd10�0 DiscourR ReL'tl: r Other Aqency Licenses Finanda! HoW Ressms . ��eCCICe�A9..�Cle�FVa 13 _� , � ° �� Y - � t$�.. . �,w�� `� -Meil Li�¢�se Ta — �s €��„" �°���� " fi raaa io corrtect _ ' (651J fi86-9254{._ ' C' Licenx Pddress --- x� �.-.-.,� Olher 0571&Y99300NOA(IU;TOMASECK vY1LLIAM - AVANTIPETitc S j �c..MgahvdceTa— 1487ft p�y�� _" DOAOil7700QLON0A00't11dL JAMES C_ ). �� i r Ma� Ta Car4ad � " ' _ .' ' ( � x'�'�z_",x''�'� a _��'zS?'s-'.a ��cc . � I � ticerise Adtlress BackgrourW Check Requaed ('" Save 0'10002949 0 .PMN