265555 WHI7E - CITY CI.ERK 2�55�5 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE b'M�AV�R C ncil olution Presented By I S MMN4ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RFSOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. James $yan c/o State Dept of Taxation 1276 University VM Loc App.00097Renewal " �� 1 Add'1 M �� ++ �� " c/o Hamm Bldg 408 St. Peter VM Loc �� 00099�� General Tire & Rubber 395 E. 7th Gen Rep Gar �� 00115" Gold Med I3ev Co. c/o Automotive Merchandise 709 University V!►t Loc « 00139" " c% Carlson Pharmacy, Inc. 2058 Marshall �� �� 00339" " c% Fred's Tire Co. , Inc. 519 University �� �� 00361'� �� c% Gate�+�ay Transportation Co. 2230 Kasota �� �► 00365" " c/o Carl J. Seebeck 62 W. t�inifred �� " 00396" " c/o Gary Thron $61 University �� �� 00439" � Howard Graves 1151? Yukon, Coon Rap. Ci� VM Oper '� 00569�� Iiome Floor Company 1172 Arcade Carpet Dlr �' 00572�� James Wegley c/o American Bakeries, Inc. 97 E. 12th VM Loc �� 00596" " " 1 Add'1 M �� " �� Capri Ho�el, Inc. 7-9 W. 7th Cig �� 00614" Steve Jaderston 2102 Como Av. VM Loc �� 00622�� �r n 1 Add'1 M n r� u Lestie A. Saul 880 tt�hite Bear Ci� t� 00626�� n n n �� u C�g VM Oper Leef Bros. , Inc. 506 Kenny Rd. VM Loc �� 00630�� The Sibley Co. 184 E. 6th ��'" �� 00635" " '� 1 Add'1 M " �' �� Richard T. Kill ?18 Sherburne Fdstf Oper " 00641�� ARA Food Services Co. 2830 N. Fairvie�a, RoseviTle, Mn. Fdstf Oper " 00646" ARA Food c/o 31►1 #42 9Q0 Bush VM Loc " 00661�� n n 1 dd'1 r� n n n COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen , � Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler � Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Coun�cil: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITY CLERK �s5555 PINK - FINANCE COUCICll CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � BLUE s MAVQR Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By T.TCF.N$F. ��jTTT+�.F. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Pa�e 2 AR.A Food c/o 3A1 �°785 1743 Ames VM Loc App.00669Renewal �� �� 1 Add�1 M n t� n " c/o 3M #�55? 389 E. 8th VM Loc " 00670�� �� �� 3 Add'1 �1 " �' " �� c/o 3M #424 1080 Hazel VM Loc " 00671�� �� n 31 Add'1 1►� n �� a ARA Food c/o Minn. Mining �27 880 E. Minnehaha Vl�l Loc " 006?8�� �' c/o St. John's Hosp. 403 Maria �� " 00682" �� �� 16 Add'1 M �� " " Edward Spexet 3?4 N. Lexington VM Loc '� 00684�� �� �� 2 Add'1 M " '� " �� �� Cig VA�f Oper " 00685" N. States Power Co. 825 Rice Cig �� 00694�� F. W. Woolworth Co. 1484 University Bicycle Dlr �� 00695" Delore Beach 1191 Randolph Cig �' 00?01�� O.K. Enterprises, Inc. �017 Iiall Veh Ped �� 00703�� Ork. Enterprises, Inc. " Fdstf V Ped " 00704�' E. J. Kavonius r770 Old Iiudson Rd. VM Loc " 00?08'� �� �� 1 Add'1 M �� tr u Antiques International, Inc. 5th & St. Peter Exhibition �� 00711�� I.U.C. c% Gould Battery 1025 N. I,exington VM Loc �� 00718�� �� �� 8 Add'1 M �� �� " n c% Ramsey County Jail 322 St. Peter VM Loc " 00726�' �r �' 1 Add'1 M �� �� �' �� c/o St. Paul Fire & Marine 385 Washin�ton VM Loc " 00728�� �� �� 15 Add'1 M " �� " �� c/o U. S. Gypsum Co. 1121 E. ?th VM Loc �� 00729�� �� �t 5 Add'1 M n n tt Montgomery Ward & Co. 1400 University Ca.rpet Dlr �� 00735" William S. Dees 406 E. Maryland Cig �� 00743�� Sir Vend, Inc. c/o Olson Graphic Products 2446 University VM Loc " 00769" �� �� 2 Add'1 M �� " " 'v YM " 00780�� COUIV�ILMEN �� 4 Add'1 �9 �� �► �� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUI'1C11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �"11@ NO. ������ BLUE -�v1AYOFE Council Resolution Presented By LIl'EN,SE CAI�NITT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 3 Northern Vend c/o Cue & Ca.ron 147 N. Snelling VM Loc App.00783Renewal �� c/o Joe DeLisi Fruit Co. 616 Pine " �� 00784" �� c% �.hi.C. 180 E. 6th �� " 00785" �� c/o St. Paul Lodge #�59 BPOE, Inc. 72 Concord �� �' 00786�� ►� c/o General Tire & Rubber 395 E. ?th r� �� 00788�' �� c/o Duane & Sharon 241? 1V. ?th �� " Q0790�� �� '� 2 Add'1 M �' �+ �' Northern Vending c/o Gene Chalfen 147 W. 6th VM Loc " 00805" �� c/o Joiin P. Tracy 1345 Marshall " " 00815" David Penshorn 645 Parkway Dr. TV Master " 00826" Twin City Vending c/o fiavir Mfg. Co. 930 Duluth VM Loc �� 00842�� Summit Manor Nursing Home, Inc. 80 N. Western " �� 00865" �� �� 1 Add�l M �� rr n Mae Lindberg 17?6 V�ivian Lane, l�.St.P Carpet Dlr " 0088A�► George Gruber 1610 white Bear TV Master " 00882�� Servomation c/o S11ied Stores 95 E. 7th VM Loc " 00889" �+ �� 5 Add'1 M " �� �� �� c/o American Hoist 63 S. Robert VM Loc " 00891�� �� �� 26 Add'1 M " �� �� The Moore Way Co. c% Kaplan Metal Co. 345 Shepard Rd. VM Loc " 00899" �� �� 4 Add'1 M " " " �� c/o Zinsmaster Bread 97 Sherburne Av. V'M Loc " 00900" �� �r 3 Add'1 M �� �' n l�fidwest Vending c/o National Car 139 Eva VM Loc �� 00925" �► " 1 Add'1 M i► " " Evelyn Knops 1442 Mechanic Beauty Shop �� 00964" Glenn Groebner 2206 W. Hwy 36 TV Master " 00983�� Abda.11ah A. Wazwaz 1660 New Hudson Rd. Ft Ped " 0�096" i Loc �� 01108�' COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PATTL Council CANARY -�EPARTMENT F112 NO. �fi55�5 BLUE - MAV21R� Council Resolution Presented By _r.=��,N,c� rp�+�m�___ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 4 Thomas R. Griffin c/o G�orge M. Dorle 460 N. Lexington Pkwy VM Loc App.O1110Renewal �' c/o Tin Cups, Inc. 1220 Rice '� " 01111" " c/o St. Paul Lodge �9 BPOE 72 Concord �� �� 01112�� " c/o Den-Ter, Inc. & L. Sabes & A. Viner 201 E. 4th St. VP9 Loc " 01114�� " c/o Jamea F. Gross 544 S. Smith " �� 01115" " c/o M.C.J. 674 Dodd Rd. " " 01116�� �t c/o Lloyd H. Clausen 71 W. Annapolis Av. " " 01120►� Leonard J. Falconer 1104 Bice " " 01122�� �� " 2 Add'1 M �� �� �+ United Hospitals 125 W. College Ci� �� 01136�� Capitol Optical 19 E. 7th Optician �� 01146" '� 1554 University �' �' 01147�� Max Bussjae�er 515-14 Commerce I31dg. �� " 01150�� Rich Witham 306 Skyway Bldg. �� �� 01167�� Ca,rolyn Jean b1cGee 749 N. Milton Masseuse " 01180�� Hart Bros. , Tnc. 320-1st St. S.W. , New Bri�hton, Mn. Carpet Dlr " 01185" COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hunt � [n Favor Levine Rcedler "� Against BY Sylvester Tedesco ° President� Hozza Adopted by Council: Date ....� 7 � Form Approved by City Attorney Certifi ass by C ncil Secretary BY Y Appro Mayor: Dat Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLIS�ED ,JUN 14 ig75 WHI7E - CITY CL.ERK PINK - FINANCE � COIITICll �65556 � CANARY -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. BLUE -MAYOR ~ � Co ncil olution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R�SOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Tastee Products of St. Paul ??9 W. Wheelock Grocery A-1 App.1�601New Gardner Development Co. , Inc. 1533 W. Como Motion Pic-Theat" 14726�� Laurie ��s, Inc. 675 W. ?th 2 Add'1 Gas P ' 02772�� North Star Services 688 Hague Garpet Dlr �� 0302?�� Mrs. Elsie Johnsen 1347 Burns Gig �� 03271�� Marcus Sheldon Teichner 2049 Montreal Firearms �' 03392�� Multiclean Products, Inc. 22?7 Ford Pkwy Cig �� 03421�� Southland Corp. 1766 E. Minnehaha Ctrocery �� 03644" n n Froz Fds �� n n �� �' Off Sale Malt �� �� " n tt Ci�r n �� n Bennie E1Cid Feltha 602 N. Dale I�est C-2 �� 03736" Amos M. & Donna V. Fester 1821 University On Sale Malt �� 03813" Barry H. Herman 180 W, ?th 2nd Hd Dlr �� 03904�� Fuline Vending c/o Vintz 2550 Wabasha Cig �� Q3966�� Peter Miller 483 S. Griggs Tow Truck �� 03979�� S�hillers Markets, Inc. 121 W. Maryland Grocery �� 04155�� " " Butcher �� " �� n n IIakery r► n u �� �' Off Sale Malt �� �' �� �� u Clg n n n Leroy Patraw 659 N. lVestern Cig �� 04182�� Gold Med Bev Co. c/o Ceramic Boutique 1083 Arcade VP�i Loc �� 04380" Thomas G. Nellas 5221 James Av. S. , MP1s.Fclstf VM Oper �' 04511�� Thomas G. Nellas c/o American Hoist & Derrick Co. 63 S. Robert VM Loc " 04512�� " " 1 Add'1 M n t� r� Wes & Diann Bonine 125 Riversedge Way, Fridley Cig Qper �� 04524" Mohawk Bar, Inc. 429 S. Robert MAD Oper " 04563�� Afohawk Bar, Inc. �� 1 HiAD " 04564�� t� �t 1 �qy n n n Norhtern Coin Machine 1481 htarshall Av. 6 M�iD '� 04565�� Ms. Cind J. Russell Inactive Masseuse " 00005" COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler A gains t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WN17E - CITY CLERK . PINK - FINANCE C�unCll �s55�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL File NO. BLUE -MAVOR � � Council Resolution Presented By LI(�NSE COMMITTL',E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 2 Thomas Nygard State Capitol Bldg. Cig App.0001�3New n ti Cig VM Opex` �r n u Dee-Jays Hawkeye Liquor, Inc. 111 Concord St. Cig " 00064�� n tt C1g VM Oper n �i n Carl Johnson 1439 Arcad� St• Gas Sta-6P �� 00072�� �� �� Gen Rep Gar �� " �� �� �� 2 Tow Trucks " 00074�' World Wide Salvage 853 Payne Bicycle Dlr " 00124�� Gold Med Bev Co. C/o Addressograph 245 Lafayette Rd. VM Loc �� 00127�� �� c/o Alter Co. Concord St. & Page " �i 00131�� �� �� 1 Add'1 M �� �� �� �� c/o Burlington-Nor�hern 405 E. 4th Vl�i Lac �� 00151" rr c/o Capitol Community 1060 Park " �' 00152�� �� c% Cathedral School 325 W. Kellogg Blvd. V'M Loc " 00153�t ►� c/o City & County Employee Credit Union 144 E. llth VM Loc �� 00155" �� c% Dain, Kalman & Quail 201 New Am�er. Nat'1 Bk Bldg VM Loc �� 00172�� �� c% Edgerton I-Iigh Rise 1000 Edgerton VM Loc " 00176�� �� c/o lst Lutheran Church 463 Maria " " 00179" �� c/o General Electric. Supply Co. 540 N. Fairview �� " 00182�� �� c% Genuine Parts 901 Grand " " 00184�' " c/o Great Western Iron 521 Concord " " 00187�� �� c/o Griggs & Cooper 475 N/ Prior " " 00188�� �� c/o Group Health Clinic 355 Sherman " �� 00189" rf c/o George Kunshier 492 Case " " 00190" �� c/o Hamline H�tel 545 N. Snelling �� " 00192�' �� c/o Harris Mechanical 2296 Territorial ►� " 00193" �� c/o Haskon Mfg Co. 2285 University " " 00195+� n n 1 Add'1 M e' n ►► �� c/o Hazel Pk Jr Hi School 1140 White I3ear VM Loc �� 00196�� �� c/o Home Re air Service . air COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITY CLERK 2s555� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANqRY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ! �. Council Resolution Presented By LIC�EN.SE1'AMh1LT�'FF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 3 Gold Med Bev Co. c/o Luther Seminary 2375 Como Av. VM Loc App.00213New " c/o Midway Nat'1 Bk. 157$ University " " 00224�� �� c/o Mutual Service Ins. 1923 University �� " 00229" �� c/o Ober Boys C1ub 375 St. Anthony " " 0023$�� �� c/o Olson C�.raphic Praducts 2446 University " " 00241�� �� c/o Paula's 620 Sims �� " 00242�� �� c/o Ron Saxon Ford, Inc. 225 University " " 00271'� �+ c/o E�elding Specialists 2356 Charles " �' 00297�� �� c/o Atomik 1+9otor Parts 1865 University �� " 00330" �� c% Brook's Superette, Inc. 2050 Marshall Av. " " 00335" �� c/o Child Evelopment Center 360 Colborne « " " 00343t� �� c% Copher Bearing 856 Itaymond �' " 00367�� �' c/o Ileck Automotive 950 White Bear " " 003?6�� �� c% Mobil Oil Corp. 852 Hathaway �► rr 00445n �� c/o Travelodge Corp. 149 E. University " �� 00463�� �� �' 2 Add'1 M '� " " ►� c/o Pour House Ceramics 1022 Earl VM Loc �' 0046?" �� c/o Local 596 2400 University �� " 00506" �� c/o St. Anthony park State Bank 2300 Como Aw. r� n 00509�� Blair C. & Alice M. Burdick 297 Maria Av. Hardwaee �� 00553�� Flofflman Corner Oil Co. � Inc. 1581 A1. Co. Rd. E. C�.� VM OUer-2M " 00560�� COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIIL Council `/� CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. �`����� BLUE - MAYOR � Council Resolution Presented By�ICENSE COA�MITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd page 4 Herbert R. Irwin 636 E. litlMntana Cig App.00561New Hoft�nan Corner Oil Co., Inc. 950 N. Lexington " �� 00562�� Globe Business College 236 E. 5th Cig " 00570�� Leonard Anderson 52? Wisconsin, Hudson 7 MAD �� 00576�� n r� 1 � �� n �� Horace R. Goodhue 7?6 Iglehart.. Masseur �� 00577�� Da.wn Erickson Civic Center Sauna Masseuse �� 00578�� Cold Med Bev c/o Ceneral Trading Co. 181 W. 6th VM Loc " 00612�� Donaid Trent 309 E. Wheelock Pkwy Cig VM Oper " 00625" Twin City Barge & Towing 1303 Red Rock Rd. Cig �� 00628�� F�ed Hagerstrom Cottage Grove, Ain. 1 Add'1 Cig M " 00629t' Don P. 0'Brien 968 Rice Gen Rep Gar " 00734" Harold E. Anderson 874 E. 7th Tow Truck ►� 00748" Nancy Ra.msey 6322 France Av. S., Edina Masseuse " 00753" Jesse Talioferro 390 N. Robert VM Loc " 00755" �� �� 1 Add'1 M '� �� �� n n Cig n �� n Percy Ross 11 E. Kello$gg A�ctioneer(D) �� 00797" Willis Landrith 358 White Bear Cig VM Oper " 00901" Midwest Vending Co. c% Clark Oil 430 S. Robert VM Loc �� 00917r' Twin City Vending 1065 E. Hwy 36 Cig VM Oper �� Q0943�� �� �� 2 Add'1 l�i '� '< <� Thomas R. Griffin c/o Bud Geor�;e 537 Greenwood VM Loc �� 011l?�+ �� c/o St. Paul Yacht Club Harriet Island « " 01119" Billie Kay Eoff 241 Ban fil Masseuse " 01121" Steve Jaderston 2102 Como Av. 1 Add'1 VM �� O11 45�� Sir V�nd, Inc. c/o KTCA-TV 1640 Como Av. 1 Add'1 M �� 01164" Leslie A. Saul 880 ��hite Bear 'VM Loc �� 01169�� Industrial Credit Co. Hamm Bldg " " O11?5�� V. Barnett 526 Sherburne Cig Oper " 01177�� �� " 1 Add'1 M " 01178�� Carl Pedro & Sons, Inc. 501 N. Robert 1 Add'1 M '� OI187�� �1 i ftnn na i_le n' d M r V h r �� 01192�� COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler A gains t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Coun�cil: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By