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FI NAL ORDER °��-.�'�+- , •• '"''
, :l•• .
In the Matter of
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�ttt�tc� lfle No. Dsacription
AOaB AVE. north sid� fro� �arl St. tn E. 7th St.
S•1Q082 E. TIII1t1U 8T.. botb •id�s lsa� �
isht Rd. ta Hovard st.
S•10083 E. 7tb 82., sarth sid� irva Clar�nc�e 8t. to .To��p� h�.
f•100a4 S. MIllllmiANA AVE., aa�th sids froa '�0 tt. M�at ot 8aselv�ood
to tli� �aat sppros. 44 !t. {abbattip,f I.ot 4, alk. 11,
D�aslar's �e. Csnick��aks Rard�a Lot�)
� ���., ;• MT'/INA A1/E., h raa Q� . to 1 t. wst ot
�..% �� � ,; ,��; td� (� to
• � r0 •1 �Y�r On lf?I�l1A �t.�
1�outh sid� ra� Has�l to Nhi . ssar.���
8-I0087 _ x. MARYI.AMD A1►E.. �otth •i�� l�sar 1Z,S tt. �ast o! th�e
�aat prop�rt� 1in� o! 11! Owspssa to� ldsquiat, at�t�d
_ ---., - -
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The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a�pu�li�he�aririg-u�n,.the,above improvemerR; aueT►vn�-
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and 1 ��y^ "" "
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recorrimendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it ` � �
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City af Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and sha11 report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
� � �
COLJN�ILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas Nays
Christetllpe� Certif assed y Council Secretary � / �'�
''� .
�unt In Favor B
�v�� � Against
'oedlell Mayor
'ylves� �
;ed� � Pua�►skED ,�UN 1 41975
, .� . ,_►
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, Council F�le No. 265��1 — Br Dav
, �GH.HOUa—
. � In the Maller ol Reconslruction •
�of sidewalks at lhe lollowiqp laa• � ` '
lions anC do all other work w�ich � . ,
is necessarv anC incicental lo
COmole�e Sa�d imProvement.
FileNo, De.sc�iPtion
$.10081 ROSS AVE.. norlh side
i IromEarlSL�oE.lthSt.
IS-�008t E. THIRO ST., botn sides
Irom MCKM9ht Rd. �o. HowarC
�5.t00!] E. 7th ST., south side .
• Irom'Ctarence Sl. to .Johnsort
5-10081 E. MINNEHAHA AVE..
� � norlh Side from��90 ft. we5t of
HazelwooA to the edsl aporox. �0 �
It. (abuttin9 Lot �, Blk, 11. Den-
51ow'S Re. Cruitk5hanki GarGen
Lots) �
5�10085 E. M O N T A N A A V E..
. no.th vde Irom [urve St. to 186
' It. west ol Haiet St. and. MON- -
� . TANA AVE.,. South s�tle Irom
Curve�5t. to Hazd Sl. antl 1�e �� �
allev cro55inas only on E. MON•- ' .
TANA AVE., south Si0! 1�OT .
Haiel lo Whdt Bedr Avt.. �
�5�100% E. NEBRASAKA AVE..�
both s�eei Irom Hatef St. to,
Curve51. ' � .
g.�ppg). Q; �MARYLAND� AVE�.'
norlh Side �rom 125 11. td5t M��
1hP. EdSt DfOPM�y IinC Of NP Ov� '
E��d5S10 BUrnOU151.2XiP.�ClO. � - ' �
u�d¢r pdm�nisiratrve O�der D•1136'
anoroved Aon13.1975
The Council ol t�e C�IY�0� SdiOt
PeUI hdvin9 rece�ved tbe.reoort of
the Mavor uoon the above im-
orovement. an0 hav�nfl cons�dered .
f..�4.� �F �!'i�'.�'.� sa�d reoort,nereDr resoWes:� , U t"..—�.' � .
� - - � t. That the sa�0 reoort�aM tne � � � �
sam! is herebv aoaroved w�th no
alternatives, and tnat tne estlmat-
e0 cost thlreot is 5�.00 On• }t.S ft.
wid! A 3 B RlS.. 56.00 S ft, w�de
� �G Res. 6 Comm., f7.20 6 tt. witlt
C Res.S Comm. . � �
2. That a.ov0lic hea�inq be had
�0�1 SaiE improvlmMt on lhe 9r
�dar ot J�me.�tv7s_ at t0:00 0' x ,
.!'lii „ ip he Council Chamberi o��
lhe Clv Hall and tourt Houx .
" . Buildin9 in the Citr of Saint PauL . � . , _ � �
;. Thdt n0tit! of 52itl PubliC
bearioy be oiven to the oersons - . _ � �. . .
a�d in the manner orovi0etl bv the
Charitr, Statinq the time anC _
� � Dlace of hearinp, the naWre of Me -. . � � _ � �� � '
imorovement anA l�e total cost
��•,[�' f7 � �. 1'= .:7::').� rJ .2�`!� .- �thereofasestimateA. P.`.:'� at. n� A :�it:-W �j Z .j} t::j � 1�.t�
� AEOPtM bY �h! CounCil May�13.
i�4 j � j 1975. - .. . .
F^:: .. i °'II:::. { , �,
�AonroveA MaY 16,7975.
1H'"� .. � ¢ we0. P.P.—Mav Z8;1975. ... �
u.. _..._ , .
j,Yi� . � �� � - . � .
''"�` �' r t�� ,
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• � � 5 � �
May 30, 1975
Paul J. and Deanna K. Lorinser
2259 East 3rd Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55119
File S10082 Page 5
City of St. Paul
City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
On May 26, 1975 we recieved a letter stating on June 3, 1975 the
advisablility of proceeding with Administrative Order D-1936,
approved April 3, 1975, which proposes to reconstruct the sidewalk
on East Third Street, both sides fromMcknight Road to Howard
Street and do all other work necessary to complete said inprovement.
We would like to go on record that we, Paul J. and Deanna K.
Lorinser, do not feel that this improvement is aecessary, especially
in front of aur home.
After reci�ving your letter for improvement we went out and examined
the front sidewalk. In doing so we found only one crack, and
means that very few people use the sidewal�C in front of your house
we again state that we feel it is very unnecessary to improve
the sidewalk stated in your letter of May 23, 1975.
• '�, � + . � � CITY OF ST. PAUL
May 23, I975
Paul J. and Deanna R. Lorinsen
2259 East 34d Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55119 .
File S�,OOS2, Page 5
Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public
______.._hearing_in the Council_Chambers_��the City_Hall and Court House_ at. 10:00_a.m., on____�
_T��.,p �' 1975 � on the advisability of proceeding Mith Administrative Order
D- t��h , approved ,�p ir 1 '�� 1975 , which proposes to: reconstruct t;1e sicie��alk
nnn r•.:�at T�� r t St or� both sideR om MctCni�jlt r��cl to Howarc� Street and do all
ntS�ar weTlc nprpiC�a�Tv tA rem pf n aairl innro���mo*+*
The asaese�aent rate for A and B Residential property (1 and 2 familq dwellings only)
aill be $4.00 per assessable foot for a 5 foot Wide sideWalk.
Sidewalk construction for all other propertiea will be assessed at utual cost ahich
ia estimated aa folloas:
5 foot wide sidewalk $6.00 per assessable foot
6 foot wide aideaalk $7.20 per a�sessable foot
Aaseasment rates for sidewalk vidths other than thoee quoted above Will be pro-rated
In addition to the above, charg�s aill be made for extra vork which is a particular
ben�fit to th� abutting property euch as poured concre�e removal, driveways and
additional width of walks based on the annual aidewalk contract pricea on file in the
Departsent of Public Worka.
If you wish detailed informatioa regarding this propoeed improvement, you are invited
_ _____
to meet with the technical advisora in the Council Chambers at 9:30 to 10:00 a.m. the
eame day aa the hearing. You may also telephone 298-4255 for construction infornation
or 298-5241 for assessment infornation.
This proposed improvea�ent Was initiated by the Department of Public �lorks.
To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged With inforoing
you of this public hearing.
If you have any queationa, it is recommended that you attend thia public hearing to
afford you the opporCunity to make your vievs, both pro snd con� knawn to the City
�v�� �� ..
� - -�Y
'� , 5-27-75
: Council of the city of St. Paul
� ��le the residents of Pdebraska avenue, bordered by Hazel and
; Curve streets,do hereby state that we re against any and all
: types of so called improvements to `"� sidewalks. The afore-
menticned improvements are deemed by us to be unnccessary and
a total waste of our �i.e. Taxpayers) money. Ti�e therfore request
� that said sidewalk construction and or improvements be done in
, areas where they are actually needed.
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, • 5_27-75
� Cuuncil of tF,e city of .;t. Paul '
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P�;1'I`PIUI� y J��J
':Jr 1;tle r�sidonts of I�ebraska �venue� Y�rdered by Hazel and •
Curve �treets,do heraby state that 'e���re a�ainst ar�y and all : r
tyI�1A5 of so called improve�ents to �.�d5sidewalks. The afore-
menti,.;ned i�aproveu�ent�= .�rH doer-,ed by us to be unr:=:aessary and �
a LoL�l tiaste oi our ��i..e. Takpayers) money. Me therfore request '
� that Aaid sidewalk confitruction and or improvements be done in '
ar�as where they are actual]y needed. t
/�' � • �'�a�►,,�11�: ��,,4.� ,g. ,�/'�,,,,�.G�l�,'
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,-;,� — �:v ::;erx V 1 1 1 V r .J1�i .� i i n � a�
r,k — binanc�Dept. (� ��' (
e�a* Cep.. ^
� ,.., No: �f �'">
, • ADi�1INISTRATIVE ORDER � a{'R 3 1975
� �!�5���
�'t�at the Di rector of the Gepartr�nt of Pubi i c '.Jorks is hereby authori zed and dI recied
Lo prepa�e pians, o'atain surveys, prepare estinates and investigate the necessity
to reconstruct si�e�aalks aL the follo�•�ing locatiflns an� do all ather work wich is
necessary and incic:e�:al to cor.�lete siad improverrs�nt.
fwrth sic�e of ROSS kVE. fram Earl SL. to E. Seventh �St.
�oth s i des of E. TH1 RD ST. f rom NcKni ght Rd. to t�os,rard St.
South side of E. S�VEt��TH ST. fron Llarence St. to Johnson Parkway
t�orth s i da of E. M I tatiEHAfiA AVE. f ron g4` wes t of t?azc lwood to the eas t app rox. 40'
(abuiti ng Lot 4, Blk. 1� , �ens 1o�,r's Re. Crui cicshanks
_ Garden Lots) �
t�orth s i de of E. P;�:�1TA:tA AVE. fror.s Gurve St. to 1�6' arest af }iaze� St. and
South s i de o` E. :40:iT;�„A AVE. f ron Curve St. to ttazel St. and the al Iey cross i ngs oniy o:-.
South s i�e of E. N��iTA,.A AYE, f rom Hazel to W'n i te £ear.
8oth sides of €. �"cSP,ASfW AVE. from Hazel St. to Curve St. �
Froe 125 feet East of the
Florth sides of E. NaRYL�;�D AVEx� "tast propertly )ine of ?tP Overpass to 3urnquist
Ths director of Finanze and Manager.ient Services is hereby directed to prepare the
preli.^�inary order and sc.�:edule this rzatter for public hearing.
' .
� . . . . orig. s: o ae:. � .
}7��. . . DJD REG :
. , � . . RLW WAH _�
� � � - GKS JfK - �
JFS CCT:^`. '
M A10
� � - TlE � vHP � �
�PROVED t1S ?O FOR�1 ,�s oec+ -
� � . � P.S.B. _R.H.Rr . ' .
. .. f / . /� /. ,. . ..
Assistan:City A:tornay Pt1E�� �C WOr{CS epartment HeaJ
Sidewalks / f�,�--� ' ��
_ , Yr;� �/� ,� , .
,, - . . .
�3c� �
Administr�tive Assistant to blayor
April 9 , l�j�
P�r. r.� � _ ��� . �
_�i �'e�_.;'" ,:i` : , , .,'�.�
�,".. .1�^- --.-2;� . ,.�.� ti I ..>;
- t ! - -
',J�"1 i . � �� �'y �7� I
�� t��i. ,i.i : , _., _-_'ai..<�l
�'°a' J I � .
��=%i5? � : �i:�' � � '_ �('�' ] I i '��"✓ �lr;=_ � `Or :Il� GO�'���Y"L'CtlOr?�r°CC�-iStrUCtIOCI Of
_.._ 5i �� .. , .� ' . �t�c O^ _.� _ ��t�...'� _,: .,� ; , i � :r��.i _ .. Or�_r,
I��e e5` -� _�d c�� � _ ,�r�of is a5 fcllo�.,��s
S�-r--•-� G�r � r t ^� � � �e s . � f.. �,�i d?
>5.'�� �er � �t. wi �e C K�,s . �_ �o��r-�.
57. 2� per u ft. ..i :z � ;-.�� . , �c� , ,.
Si 17 �c'.' Sci �t , i0' I �:c7;'d� G�..fv ai1G 1�•1air� � N°� . L �Oi :l??.
�2, �� per ' i �. rt. `or Curo� r T�L� R�s . � & 5 �,..en ir�c,ra� Cury
afid '.,�'t%: COitS �!'UGi2d.
r.��a�`l�C ;l°'�1�11 t� ��2 t�'°_ �O� 1t�1,ii fl�
l . ���ro�i_d Hd^inist�'a`;v� �.rde� U-1936 4/3/75
2. r.:;•ri �.=_`.�i 1 i ty & �es i -abi � � ty �°po;t.
����rs ��-y tru?�.
� .
;' : /�;j` � ,�,�T,;,-,,,;� „
i?art ley �A. inomas � �
Su�ervisor of 5'sdewalk Const�uction
� �
/; ,
23^ Cit�� Ha11, Saint Pau1, !�;innesota 55102
� � ��Dist. F!o. ) ,
. �
� ii�J. !'.Q�s ri`J�. ' Ea3f� J�. tC �. S'c.V°fiCl�l SC. �
' T�`� s ���?� w;� i n i *. � at�d �y t;� :,i rector of Pub 1 i c +�lorks as pub] i c necess i ty on the bas i s
c - . ,. ^e��� �n o� tne �,>>��
� , � ; ;�ral�' } �e z,�.� _��,,,;-A� ���,�rete �-�; th tree heaves, broken tiie, hi h oints �
tri ��i :� �a��� � 9 .1 �
_ � , as?�a , t �at.:`:es , crac+�=d ;.oncPete panels , scaied Faneis.
�'" ��air.-�eri ^g r�cc^c,endation is ;or approval of tne order.
'.-___-= `r� a o �*_ . to a S `t. .:al ',:j �' '_'" 1G ::�' �' f
- :�J KR
�i5t. ��0. �
�. 5 . �. T:; , r� : *_. - MciC:�i7ht P,d. ��� Ncr�ard St.
t;_ . : G�CF� 4-ra5 i^i CI atZ.�i �Y L�� �i !'?GXO�' Oi t�115) i C 4aorks �5 �ii�5� 1 C necess i ty 071 t�1e ba515
� � =� _�i ;; on wi �� 1 ; ign�r re�r_���n�i �g i ):; of th� assPssable front�^e a;�d u�on
i . __wio� cf th= , " • �
� :�' = '.�+a: %: is �oured c.�rcrete with �;�e ;7�aves , n�igh joints , tripping hazards , disintegrated.
C.!��.K�G CD(li�r�tfl rJdi��: S � = � t` ^�'�'(.ai udriE°,S.
5 a�2C
�� J V
� ,-� � �^°eri :^c r�cor„mencat+on is fo; approval cf the order.
!.� � { J
rr �� l r.r'� iJ '��' q4�
; -:-�� =-uct to �rri�*_;� designated on plat) �
��� �J P,R
Di st. tio, i
�•= • -. S�v�ntn St. - Ciarence St. to Jo!�nson Pktivy,
�^� � cru�r :yas i�� �iated by the uirQ�tor of Public '�lorks as public necessity on t5e basis
. �, = ��,iticn t•,� t;� 1 si;�zr representing 50% of the assessable frontage a�d �:�on
i �,��..���,-,-; cr t;,� stiai�:.
h � � ',�:�1; is o1% ti ;e 4ti�ith t;ee hsaves , orok��n tile, high joints , trippiry hazard� ,
:, o�'� _�,:; nal joi n�s. ,/r
��� �n�:: ��::rir,:_ r�cor:.rendation is for a�;�rovai ot the order.
t���;s�r::c� ta .�ri dt� �es i gnated pn plat) c' ,. / U � � �
J `-�
C i rJ ;�,R
� . Dist. No. !
♦ ' ' '
� ';.5 . c. `!i ;�nenaha ;�ve. - ;0` west of Hazelwcod to the east approx. 40' (abutting
` ' Lot 4, Elk. ii , Dens�ow' s Re. Cruicl�shanks Garden Lots}
' T;^� s �rc?r �.����tYated by the Di r�ctor of Pub 1 i c as publ i c necess i ty on the bas i s
_r i �. - ___io� o` t�^.. �,��alk. �
!"' � .-r?'� ( S G� � �i �2 Wlt� �'i0�-.�^ LI �i? , !� I �l joirts , tripping hazards � 4+13t@i' pockets �
a�� �`:e5 ir tiie. � /��
T;� _, -e�ring r�caT��endation is for approval of th� order.
=.._ ,r�s : v^e ��' �ot a: i�31 E. :;i r.r��aha � ,. � ,'�
(i„��s =ru=- to wi�+=7 designated on plat)
Ci �J �
Dist. P1o. 1
� . � . _. .,nta^a Hve. - Curve St. to ) 3�' �,rest of Hazel St. and
� . �. �. `''G^�c(t� n'v�. - �UCVB st. �O �aZ�.� St. and the aliey crossings O�I�Y Oft
� . 5. �. ��^tana �ve. - Hazei �o ':i�;i *_e �ea�.
. ' s �;c= :,as ini tiat_c �y t�e �i rec_or of Public '�lorks as p��l ic necessity on the basis
.- i -,���ctic^ of t�� o��al;:.
T�, : s �+a' �: is po�red cor,creta wit:z ��ee heaves , high joint� , tripp+ ng hazards , high r%
� �-�i �.,.inai ;oi�ts , asphalt patcnes , cracked cor.crete panels , scaled, tipped , and �
- -=_ . �.. :n�is .
--_ ��.�ineering r�comrendation is ror approval of the ord�r.
� �� �, � �
r _��:..... =ro�;, a 6 zt. to a 5 ft. �.�a1�) `"
�. 1 �V RI�
oist. No. 1
�.5 . �. ';e5ras�a ;ve. - :�aze1 St. to Curve St.
T�i s �r��r �.�as i n i t i ated by tne Di rector of °ubl i c �orks as pub 1 i c necess i �y on the b_3s i s
of i --,oe�_�icn o` ��e wal�.
�`,is �al � is poured concret° ti•aith tree heaves , high joints , tripping nazards , high
lo��� �udi �?� joints , asphalt patches , cracked, scaied , tipped and settled panels , and
^.a^y a;r,�a? _ pa:ches.
�h,� �,,i �eering reco�mendation is for a�prova3 of the order. `�
Fe�arks : 3�; bad walk caused 5y tree �eaves - l
��z additional bad walk is due to faiting concrete. � �
i�e�.:ce , ro.�� a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) •
l. � i;� D� . . . �
c. � ^ . .
� . .. • . . a
� Gw�Efl fiN NI. 2Nqt �- .ay CeuaU Fde No.2�b131�Bv D v ���� pjN Np,��'dY�� �Ef0�UT10NACpROVING �RELIMIN111YORDER j
INGS D�vNN.Meiis- � idM.Meiu- idN.H�,tta- �ffttSMBNT�ND C�ueul Fd�Ho. 165r�r. Bv Dav.'I-- -. �
SUS - Dovid �n tne Mathr o/construclinq�n� ��Me MNter ot��p�irino a . i1XINGTIMEOR ' �dH.MorFa- I L
In tIN AAatqr W RK0/ytruCHen . In Ih�INJtler ee co�tlemn�nq and� In K�o
constructfM sitlewalks anA do all T��eM NNment lor strMt nd NE�RINOTM[REON I
Of si0�walks�t fln fqlbw�eq IaP
�ryy�i�q�� otlMr wOrk�n1clSf�rY�nd M[iAN► hWhw1Y pY►ppyf b OO�n. I1 IpM��� �1 ����k � h UMd Fik N0. t6S�M-BM�D�v. f�kiep �q eiseTeM i� tRe leny�a�����u'��
I,�n the IaOd t�1loCOmOleMSaidimorOVemtnt.. s�d fxtenA SWnS�AVe. from yM �s �ei� �� �M��) �� itlN.NOZta- �. �� necassary Ipr the slooes. cuts antli�,pp y�,��,
owS. cuts anA FiMnte - Sf. t0 McKnlpAt Rp..on. Ove►Nf0 In i8e mitter Of the iSS�ysment ����5.iMlypmq npnt o! removdl pf''MU1f1l7ptd
c«e.�eu s.�u in+KOVem�nt.
Oi remoWl 01 FileNO. DlyCriptipn x�oss IM f01tOMinp .Nx bW pNyM� .. . ONIlfrts. cost arW ex0lefLK IN �ifl�al sYODOrt from sWliect land��+rWfI�r�RC
i typjKt Nntl S�9 NAMLINE AVE., east tMtls: � - tructinq or reconstru[ti si�• a rymaieder Ihereo/, occas�onetl'.N0.2 tOfi!
sitle from liMWe Ave, t0 tIK The npr�lyrlv 20 fetf N L 1 F�~�' DtStri�liN� M
ol,.a�a5ioneA S•10N1 �OSS AVE.. n�rth fi� ��ksantl woik ieu0ent81 tf1lMM: a laUVitions tMerepl or consfruo���6�r�Y� �
af KtOnslru[. �rth tO NItY 1501t.+ (13,'!t lin• IbW-�, i�clYSiW. YIY. tt, tle frpmFa►ISt.tOE.)MSt. Contr�ct T3-M•OSS7. Distri�t N0. tbn o1 slOrxs in tn! 9raElnq antl�,ytt p 19
colnAVe.1 , y1pp12 E. TMI RD ST., ppM sides 'Levv N0.N NOP ASSE55A�LE: surlatinq t�e aller m 81k. 7, Nw.� �u� �p;
! p�ie9 an0 � �� � Glek H�i9�S M�l J. Ise. F.O. i61361 - POrtlind Avl., wooOAdtlition. �J�7�7..
(rom Cottsae ���� NA�MLIHE A VE., w�st oarts oi Lots 1 fhru f, irKl ive �rem McKniyh4 RC. tp M artl
slde from lintWn}we. to nortH�nd Lot 11, 91k. Zp, 8�tpe !ek u, � th si0es irom Dale 51.-W CarottO u� AEmimstrative OrOer D�1817 ��
��O�der D•1Bl7 to aUeY 150 ft.-+ It�i Liocole 11eiqMs Plq ]. Irieq no�tMr of � t. aoorovetl Febrwrv l.1975. I s��w
Ave.) southlrlY of antl� ��� E. 7tb �ST.. soutn yide� The assessment of benefib, cost TNe Coun[il oe t�c Citv or Sa�m��`v� ��u
.1175 a line Sp h�t hom ClartMe� Sf. W Johosoel Paul '�r
ONer, KS737 5•1ppS1 DUNIAP ST.. ��ISt si �Ilel to t�e nortD line M Sect' 4. pkr,�,. m! lzpenses for an in tomltCtion Paul Davieq received the reoorf W'M�a�nino C
i�S� . trom St. Cl�ir Avt. to Ofc�ol� Townshi0 2t nert0, Ranp�22 . y10B11� E. MINNENAHA AYE., f� teie above imorovemeM hyv. th! Maror upon thr above im� ItA F1Cp�L
.1MVii10 ble� Ave. � . AISO iC11UiM Mn100►�►Y N -
�Mi�A SIQ! �►oR�:90 f1. Ny{� p/ � �n subMittltl to th� �Oy11Cll. PfOVQMlfI�, iRd hdv�fq COnSiQ�fetl V�R!
�bnqovemeM 5�1005Y ST. CLAIR RVE.. rwrlA in tlN IanO nKes»rr tor sl " M�2llwood t0 MN isst ao�rCr.rp t� COUncit havinq conpitlertd 1ai0resoort.Aerepr reso�ves: • '�z
d tlK Gouncii �sid�/rom�Qak Grove PI.to DUm Wts. �n11 titis intltdinp ri of f�.�lsbYttiM LOt�4,blk. U. p�n• anA fountl the�said� �sfKS. �.t. Y�it ttro saitl�reoort antl fM �j��
xwrn, oDiec. Iao labuttin� Lot t�. Blk �. St.r�meval M I�tN�I wopo►t ntsatis/actorv.tM!rthp�e. it sarot it heroW aoprovtd with no
3�Ow's.N�. C►WCkslNnks.WrWn nIWW! '
+tlitions re�s� ��+��i5nortLlne�dO.Onlrl wbieet IanAS or nm�i�� „wa..�,,,,,,,,,p,,.,,�, ResolveG. That tne sala sstss- �ternatives. anr! that t0e estimat-
;rN�y��y cpn• S•�OOSJ GOODqiCM AVE., bo aNlsioiNp On ��t[�y�tions eni be sntl Me same is
5100lf E. M O N T A N A AVE.. �+NM �� b��tMereof isS7.000.00 M �t
p����p�;� siAes Irom Sve01u1�St.b Nam•or construetan W slons in resoectsaporoveE.. � �, That a ouWic Merinq be naa �
tine Ave. n011h�id�Itpp Curvi St. b 116 �
• GouMil ot �an0ie0��nA�wvley of Hurns. w h,-west of.MfHI g�..�p, MpN, esolvaE Furtner, Th�t p:�y�;� on taid imwOvement on.tne Th�ird t�$��Gr�
ul 1��M or•_ ���� ��►�MES AVE. both siWS hamltutD5l.toMcKniyMRA. TAN� AVE., wut� sf0e.lrom ����h�d on uitl asx srMnt dw of Juae, t�75. at 10:00 o'c�xk
tteNemade ���Gri�psSt.teSvndicateSt. ynA�r Apmisistr�fiw OMN ��� �, tp H�H� 5t. and tM ��f TAirO tlav of Jyn�, 1�75,d �,nt., in the Council'Chambers o�
TMt tne y��s SNELLING AVE.. .west aopror�AAypust�l,NlJ MMr croasin4f aW on E.MON- ��of teo o'Uxk a.m.,,in tl�e tM Citv Mat� anC Cou�t Mouse FanN��hr
mi�rs tPe es-� siqe/rom BKkeMr Aw.to nat� TM�CowKil ef tIK Cii$of. in �`TANA J�VE.. sM�tp� �iA��.ffOrt� ^�il CDamDer of tDe �Court BWMinqintl�eCitrolyintPaW. �}j±!!
im0�ovtme�t to �Ilev 421' + I1SIJ BerkNW PaW I+aWnq nc�iyay tl�n r�v�. s� and Cnr Nall 8u'rltlitq.'i� 7. TRat nollce eF said oupl�c A�'^���
aMWY�! and Ave.) � �!M AMYO/ uDOn IIM 1Eov! �m• ��ii3��'�.. CitY �i� St.� PAW: tty t Me hlMl�q IN Oivin to thc oersoes
iW0 above: 5-tWS� DAVEitN ST., west side.uoyMn�n4 sntl Mvi�i c Di tor ot Fin�nca oive np►�ce o� aa0 ie Ihe m�nner orowtled W the
an0 Citv At- lrpm St. Glai• AW.:W souM MM� f+dls 1►om MaiN St. W �i
si�braoa►GAKel�'f��olrn: Cwv�St. 5+ rM�tinos. as requ�reQ (y,r tM Ch�rter, statino tht time ana �
itlqlited •rM aller 13�'f'(t7�SL U�i[) 1�. T,bat M� Siid riport and !N S1NI7 �E.' MARYLAMO �AVE.. C t��• uatie0 in S�iO neti�[e�the�axe W htlrino, the nature o(Me C b r l f pNN�
�cpenS netes. 5•10078 ADRIAN ST.: w�yt qae�� if M�py approve0 wit p� �ry� Sid! Nem 1tS 1t. easf a ti aiM Wx�of heari�9. pb M, improvemenf a�0 the total cosl P i f �t
�eal�s1aU br from Albion Ave. to aerM ts_1. �fNnMlws, and th�t Itr esti b �east�rooertv fiee o� NP Ow �u ot tnr imorovement, ane tne ���+sestim�tee: � ,�6"i
nniin. uE Nf�ott thtnol is 5�2,000.Op. e�piµ�8urnauift.�afsnq�tl. � unt assessetl ao�inst tM'Iot ar F�I�No.�SOp:S � 1pp�
I 540pS9 ALBION ST., beth tidf 2. SMy a publi< Marinp be 0 y�r AOnlini;tr�tlw OPotr O•1131 Im et the,oarticular ow*tr t� tv7�dppetl bv tM Council M.�r tJ. al�
mc�i M�Y 1J. from AOrianSt fe�W.7MSL � en faW��mp�ovenp�t�on Me t n• m fM notice istlirecfetl. �
wWer Adminiftratiw OrtlN 0•Ht lr�f�yfMt� �►owtlApri1�,1975� i�
soprovNMarch1�.19)S �iv ef Mar. 1975. H T�y�py�N o/tlie CNY et 5aint �tl Ov tne Councu �r 13. Aoo.eveOM�r�6.11)S. p
�i 10:00 o'c10Ck •.m..in tlle Cpy il 19) � ►
S' Tht COUntil N tM Citr oi 9,1int C�p�►s ol tM CitY Mall p�Mvihp rKlired th!rePOlt M pyb M�v 16.1915. I W etl. P P.-Mar 20. �915 Tf����
G ttlS � P�W haviaq ►K�iwd the r�pprt N�py� Mpyy� gy�bi in t1K r � MavO► upp� fM bpw im- ----�--' .
lh� MaYOr �uo�n Ih� abov�� im � � MorMnenl. �nA 1►�yUq consWqM Wed. P.M.-Mav 18. tOjS� � ..._..._...�_ p�Y h
wovement, anA Mvinp canfWp �f�nt Paut. saitlrwoM.n�nw�esa��,; MQTICES
TN�YtMG saidreoort.herebrnso1r�s: ;. That rrotice W a1'A c 1.`That tM ssi0 r�pprt antl the -- L�
hexle0 be a�wn a tlie dar' s 0T p�INTE 1lT�� In
NT 1. TMt tM said npert arM 1M sar�e is Ifn�W aoorawA witA ne �[SOWTIONS O U ST THE
A-OY G+r ssme is Pe►e0v aorroved vwth n �in t�e maiu+er orovitlN py alqrnatiws, and tMf tlr�stbq�t- � R cH FUN�S •
alNrnatives, a�►d that th�estimah Clurler, statinq t�y tery �y cOSt th�rpf if N•Q0 lin.ft.S fl. Cou il File No. iKp4- t�C �P�ul hNeln aro- t��e,,
o1qca ot Mannq. tM Mlure o1 y� A 8 6 Res.. l�i.00 S k. � ri J.Ratller- �v P�• � •�tIM Wb1�M��f�fu M`�� �f!
�.NiessrmM e0 cost ther�ef.is tf.0p lin. ft, S' imprmrem�nt and th� IObt t t
fM/!M!S f0► wid!A i Y fi�f.��.Op S'witl!C tIM/tOf�sfilimatea. . . . t R�s. d Cemm.. �.2Q L M. MI4� R vetl. That liten5es ooU�tl �� � �(F��py IMf �
�IiMIMS� RK i Comm.... ;1.20 �' �+�iM C FiN No.t71�,1 C R�s.i Comm. for r Ihe OuiMino Cont lors T W . �A �#� o.
ISIM NM N• RlSiC0�11T. � � AAOpI�y (p qy�(pyMi1�AA�y. 2 .7lyl i p�blit Atphq p�� .ni On tM list atNtnstl o fFi�. � Ct 1�7b �..v�j
M1u FNru �. That s OupNt MqinO�0�� .. yyy, . a� sai0�ImproWRlent on Ihe ,rtl �e tion pe aMJ:.tne ss Ke .
a� s+i0 fmNSw ph py Oir et Juea 191i at t0:C0 o'etaek �� orantea a�a 1 C�R �
�^4 A�orowdMaY 1b 1�75. Cie is ��stry�!etl to is wc�i � � C ��� �' ��
i+�{Ma1 Nad wr ef JuM. 1�73, �t 1Y.a o'clOc a m, in lhe �pyMil ChamWRS ef lice s uoon th� wv ibio
ar IM bw �.m..in tIN �,1 ��n WW. o.A.-Mar 7�. Hri . .the GtV M#N ��f0 Cburf M�yy� `� �YW trsnwv Of tM t . ir�d �y �'� ��n
d�{{IMM 7hf Ci�Y N�N i�.0 Wt/ MqN/� YYiWiiq ir1 qhCilYp1$MM Pp�l. fae . �.}/7�
�IrNH b+ SuiWieqintMCNYO�S�intPauL 'RELIMtNARY0114RR I �. Tnat ^°tK� '°� Hb �Iie A eQ W tn� Coune�l Mw t�. rwwt�'� �ry INptI ��
+�!�Serr a. tMt nqNce et saN oublk GwK11 FiM No.71ftYr-ev D �NI^a a qive� te the oerw� tV� '�p}M kaflph W fh�tl�y ii
�►Y. tMn• hentnp b� Nye� tp yN yMy iA M.Hott�- +rM in tM maen�r�rovid�tl W the A ove0 Mav tr.tv75. , � Nfft�PaW��yryM Of tunds
a in tM n�anryr O �Charkr. statin4 tAe time a�0 a
^Q � W M�t �e tM M�Iter of cansMUCtfrp 'aK�W hlNinO. IM Mture a tM �• P�P•"'Miv 2e, t91f �, T� �u� ��kh fht n-
�1 �w�ss� Charter, staNno tM Yw�y pW�iliry fewlr �� ��r�e�ur A •I imorowm�m and t1� Wte1 cosf ny�and aMil� •
M��NM{n AIK�0}Mif1110.tlle naturR N fM IrMq Deitar it. to M�;etwoo0 . q��esestimata0. . Flt� t�b, 0f6 m�rif�Me�u� y ����
rw tM f�me imo►owment �nd'UM MtH t0it aW M M�1��WOetl from 41►aen � ( NnPrOVe-
;t y�mllMd tneraofa�f3tlnbtrd. to�Op tt. nerq�Of IdN�O.Also c A�ed br itN GIUrKN fNfY /7. Co il File No. 265�5f - qy pu. tId �
t M�[ountr AdaMed bv tM Cow�cv Ma1i,11 struct s�wM a�A w�ter strv' � 19�5. � p�� ►;'
� t k J.Ro�yler- F� 7- 1�Pa►k Im-
iiM. . � li7S. . ..' COnMtffee�{/S 1097) �. AOOrevetl MaV 1A.1�15. � � I eif�I! • H0n 01►Mt � ��� i
ayt Me fa10 AoprovMMarlti 1975. und�r AdmtasVauw OMN 0-17 �etl. P.P-Mav 28. 19ii �vetl. TMI Iicenses 1oel;td �tl � rk) P�
s IMr�W�e• aMew�ItJMw�rv f1�.19)S j�er v tne arsons n++ne0 len Me�Rib 1i*-t�M�De�ie��6� S
f M,S�aw� W w.�J..,.Mar i�.1N3 iist a�4che0 1e m�s nsaNUtwn M � ,�s
.. . �M COYnCI) qf-tM CitV Af 5qi � a� the s�01! y�e �erebv 9►Mtly
, P�ul�ay�Qq�K�iy�A tNe re0e►t o �RE�IMINARYOROEII W►M��M�`NW Mrk hnp►OYH
�RtLIMINw�YORpER � �r� � � �bovt im- t� Citr Ue�k is instruttNlo� merNt . �
;fY M�Y 17. COUnCfI PiN N0.2161A1-SY�D�r- M�nf. Nd I�arino cWMid�retl i0 H.No=:a-. . � • �issue SucH lixnses uoon t� Nr� «ilA �h. S. A��4N}'s - .
iOM.NOna- ��0(�OMLMr�Eyr�so4r�i: In tRe Mstter sf Imerovi Wall �n t i n t o t M G t r t r eiswv�ol NN �,� s�;�r N O ti- F
rMUiretlhes. � 1 In A
� � In (Ae Oilitq�"pf K4Yir'u1��beld 1. T�f � �b itOK) �M tbe St. from KlIIOpV �Slvtl. 10 .�)tN �,� .� F� ��A .µ�
.N i 5 �e►a ro w M a Y�n H ' �� i� �'1 0 r�s p r q r e d `W�h n e S t.. 1 Ci tr Pr oiec t 1�O i 0 i) as /W 11)�etl 4r t h e C o u n c N A 1�r t�. ��'' �,��AC�,�x j�� e !
�N M s�•t N l t h �tN,MtiWS, iM tHat �IIe tStirtyb IowS; MIt►Cpnplat�10N1 .�0 p►.YM
, LihrarvMxribNl�ffollews: ApprovrdMarl6.to75.
LW�.BIaCY�.N�r�Maiphlf 4ticuftllNre�fisS10.]il.0p. Constnxt � bitumi�s overlav.l /t� �� R�wnws v
T YINfi Alse. ry�cNyliq tM WtMritY te t.1h�t a aiblic hNrinq.b�•had recpnstruct storm wster d+qmaqe W<d. P.P.-Mav 211. 19:� � � �_J,S,v_�v '�� � . X ��
^�Y Caw K�re� 4ota 17 �ry��, �1xM y. � fiiA imOtevMNfM on tM t7fh /Kilities antl alt eth�r.wark neces• � � . .�; �",�'�U as
, . MiYtlln MeiOMf t0► IIM (�Y Niy� �� �v. 10)S. �� 1G:00�0'cbtk� fi►v �MI intiQM{11��t0�60rlIONI! • �
Mn MfiOh�S 41b/Mlt i1M.�pK FMW �•f17 ie.!!1! COYnGiI ChN�O!►#N s�iA iTP►OV�minl, CoYn[71 Flle No. tAS�53�-AY V�f• ' .••
����� Ord!► C P U0 1�1!„ �MN ��C dY Mitl � CoYrt MOYN Yntle►Administr�tive OMt� D•11�t rick,l.Reetller- ��� N r
�� N4rlZ H�I 9YIIOI�q in th�Gitv Of S�iM P,W. aoaoved Ma�27,tVlS Rewlved. TMat liunseg ►Opyb A�y �
.�f�r w�0er Admin�stratiw @�r p.ttr 7. TA�t net�ce W t�id q�iE TlK.Counc�il ol the Citv ei SJlnt br br the q��spns n�mld M tN! K .
aea►UfiW iebrua►r i�.NJ1 �MKi�O M Oivtn to tb� aprfons P�W hiwnp rece{y1q tIN►eoqrt d list NbcheA 10 tMis resal�pn � , Tq q�
� TM Countil s1 IM Citv ol Eaiat antl in tl�raim�er ersvNMO M Ue the Marer uoen tM +bove Mr. ind!he s�rof �re hereM OIMkQ, s ; pq. ��, �� pEet M�
� P�u1 navta�rKNw?tM rlprt W�M. stNiap thR tkM antl arownanf, aml h�vinp considrrW ahA tne Citr UerK is ins�ruplN p Y�.
� � M! MaYOf ���My � 1fp- �K1 M pib1M:1he nJ1uM o/the� siitl�eoort,hereW vy01vN: ilsw suCM iitt�fef lroon tl�! av� � . .
����r MOWeMNL �lld 71�vllq t611ifdfl�d���f � tM 1At11 eOSt �l. Th�t the %aiA ree0rt and CAe ^knt intp tly Ci�Y I�NSUIY Of 1M!• .. . . ,
hrlM�ta► sa�tlreoatMtMrNfNv�s: MN►Nf�s�stimaNtl. sams �s nerew sawoved wiro na ►wuireRhes. � � ' �►tn! �"tiH . , � .
�NiiYrinp f. that M� qia r�oort aod t0a RiteNO.1)1St sfNrMtives, an�fM1 the aifNM4' A�etl pv the Gounci� A�lar tJ.I J4!r1W OW�I�V 7
oor �f
',��l►1�KIO• �rrN ii MrfW �oMOVW wil� �0 Aqq�ll0 b 1M CoUntfl MiY 1J. ed cOSt tnenW iS ik00 nC►is5lff. 1975. { , 6�IM AA1,�t�Sb1M
�Yl �ssess- alb�natfvef� anA t1u�f tMt fftMriai• 1175. h.-SZ6.000.00: ApororeAMaYU.1975. II. '# Of m� �
�iMreM iA �cpstt�erwllftzrxax AwrovedMaV1�.1975.. . i Thal a�public he�Ifrq pe luq � �Weel. F;�.Mav 15,. 1�IS � I �
It.tl�e same 2. That a pANt hNrM4�be MO W�. P.P,-Mar ZR 1V7S a^ �id fmprovemeM en tM �rA � . . .
e wbmitied on sald imorovenNM��On the T�iro. . � - � tlar ef June. 11)S,af t0:00�e'clbck � � � � . . . aM ��.
Ila Countv �av of June. 191f. st 10.00 o'clock . a m. in tne Couacil Ghambtrs of ' �f : ��r t�v^ . ,
a.m., in ths Councd Ch�mbers of tM Citv H�II snA Ceurt Moyx Gount❑ Fila qe.2i�59-I�r Rq1► ' � • �1 ��
t�e Citv Nall a�0 tburt M�y�e R�fO�UT10N��'qOy1N¢ BYNtllnoinlH�Ckvo►SaintPaW. RrtSrivestlf- -��4 6
��� 6WkirqintMGlfrOlSt.��u1. �SSESSMENTAN4 �, That ns1k� W saitl duONC MeaWvM. TAaI licences�e�r= �� ' '� s��
0. TAat nstic� of y� py�c FIXINGTIM6 Oi hM.i�fq ba bireil 10. th� psr�orK mlft to cwpytt birpo W �s, �o- W1
��'� AeMinO W.flWe b�-tM Mrw1� �-N�RINC TN�REdN� �p M lhe manner OrovWeA�py tAe olied for by tM fetlorrinq e. UUtr L �C� �6f���� W tv 1f U r- It. . ���
Councu Fip Na fWp-iv Dav �e
sntl M qK man�sr��ov7 M!M GMrter.. statinp the lim� �ne tiohs �t tM �resses st�Me. fsr .�', 1hR e��IIE�d v
�d�N.HOt¢a- ��a heirinC.the Mt4rs pf tl�e th�,ars. Wt�f NM hours iMiut. Wqh� Nef NAida • I
Cn��. ctati�p lM Ims a�W ►n.tIK maiter o/the assassment e ��11 �
=M MaY�1J.. WKt N I�earinp.�tMa natW� o/ a �pM�s:'cott and�eltn�e�s fo1 improwment an0 tIN bb1 cat e0 on each aoolication,bt+IM�qM M!U I f rMnf ol 1c•, +
tM impror�menl and tM.toUl tMr�pfasestim�tW. sameu�AlreWO�antetl. �� (� U�n �!�'�oP� �a�4i1 �
�costthereofasestimatetl. 'mprevipa Naiel St. from Wllten FileNO.1/7b2 $m�tn•popd �usiness Men ',syr�.. - ����, y� T"'Q �� ��r�M
1975 A�.!o E. �rd St.antl Wilson Avt. Hpylt sM CemmuhltY � b1
�� FileNO.177tt.g . from Yan Drke St. b MatN.St, AdoMea W the CourKil Mav 17. " �nc.. �938 Umvers�t6. PA�. ,�p, ! A e f pf 1�71 The a/MM. +
AQoWld M tht�CouhGil M1Y 1�: (CitY P►oiett G4111 1 a S 1 W I O W t: t V�S.. � . . � .. DOE69 Re n ew al . . 1 .. S+lt►f�PaUI I(c c�rt ftv+no ���
iCER Fip! a�atle �rM surfaq with bi• Aaorovetl Mar��.7w5. ��ote+l br tA� CnuncU ��` 1,1, th1E Me CIfY Ot Saln1 ��tro wW.
1975. npyf� rlutNi�l aM Construct t9t5. W� l�1Yr1f�M o cone�.
�9V b�'v � � �� fumi Wed..p P-May t8, tolS�� � Aonrov�E Mar 16.�975. � � w �6 fMS C1W 01 SI�M P UI cl�0� i
AOWOVld Mav 16.1975. � - � cMttst! curb antl OUffe�M M�xel 4f���t4�'���.
p��CMy��i�g �� W t0. P.P-MaV��I. 19/3 5�:k.am wpspn,a�te. to E, aro st. � � ���� 1�GMCiW 13�Y p�
ylJlkt��n0 � . . . AISO� COtbt►uCf flwK Slrvit! ... .. . W ef1. P.p:�-Mer 28.�t�15 � F.MfM�TO� f 111!1wl 'sfp �
< y�h Is conneclians and wahr service �Rk1.IMINARYOl10�R �iNkh 0� NI!F�,��eoum�r��,���►��,r�:�
sl•� tOM. PRELIMIMARYORDtR toMNtffOhs �1 KT4+w xt li►�y}��'^erinr•�
Gour�til F�I�No.2�SW-Bv O�w Council File W0.2ASu3-6r Ofv. II�t�r�latbn !h•f����
�' e�� id M.Moua- �'i�orWi ind SYrII[�W{1h bb �A H:H0228-r COUAGN F�1� No. 26�.5�- ev Prlt• M� t� tew, d�c len Wt
tpt �ood tuminous m�terial �n0 eonstruct let �1�A M�tler pf rroWnq and ricM J.ReedN,�-�- ,. � ��.��� i►1d�hAf; Y��,
�n �ne Maner oe r.cons�rucn r �tt K hsw been RkAi�r
�idWrNk� � centrete curo ��d OutMr antl con-wvfac;nq the allev +n E�ak 7. Reso�vea. ihat �icens�s aosUetl �� e �t.��i Nna�HI^t1 n�+h�
. � sidewalk3 and d0� sll �ther wo stwct xwer ter cforM wtter pur� NOrwooQ�Additien. �otated in yV. for�bv�tne eersons nametl�oA t M e R i H t�f 1 h N I�N N f i f 1�p-I ���'
whic� is �eassarv �n0 incidMtai b p�y on W l lsen Ave. irom V�n 7thNDPareb(P-0iY61 list attacMrC to tnis resoluiion p! �il, !� �ri�M�fN}t V�af� !
. taCOMpl�MfiltlfmKCV�M��t. � Dvk! St.-to HuN St. AIw con• undlr Administr�tive OMer D•�e22 and th! surne ar1 �ierbr yrae1W,� � t�
MKWY.: Finance struct uwer serviCe connections approred Febue`arr 7,t973 and the Citv Clerk is instt�cttry xd . N ,tMV�q� I tts P�
, ��. �� FileNO. Description an0water}ervlclCOnnections. Tbt Countil of tAe Citrol Seinf iFSUe sucb licenses uoon 1�1! wr � y�� �_��)H� N .711
5•tOp60 WATSON AV „north slde F
� ,�� S. U�tlf.� AA(IJI{qi5t►iUv! O�tl!►��p-� PaYI b�Vld9 receiVed th!ttooit of�menf�nto tht.C�tv trea�surJ of the��. ' �;:1 . �p�Wlll sc4vr h
from brake St. to suWy Rvs. approwtlNOVembe►30.t9�2 the Miror uoon the atqve im• revuireetees. � ' S1Nrll}�t �{�
3�.. e�st ���1i���9��K��n��1 ' ProllminiNy O+Aer 2i05i9 ae6rovetl orOVement, and navin0 consiEe►ed Aaopletl W tne Council � aoorovei M t�ie �arrMl A ;,
�,�u�p� 5-10pst�PASCAL�AVE..`OO1hSi1N5 �Flb►u�rY1.197�' - . . . �iY 13.� � .. �ryffy���tldtin b .��..�,
frem��OKROIa�Avl.QO FalltNOyflt ' � Said reoort.neflbv reSOlres: 19)5. .^ � . ,� OI th! CeltlflGt on ontv If tt�3 tounty.
Flnal Ordfr 26098$apuroveA Aoril t Tn�r fne caid renerf ,�e rti. e........._........ . _� ___ . ..___
� _ .... e�. -
�_ '�•� ., �� . � . •. . �
�� �js �
' Administrarive order D-1936 , approved April 3, 1975 , proposes to
reconstruct the sidewalk on the north side of East Montana Avenue
form Curve Street to 186 feet west of Hazel Street and, on the
south side of East Montana Avenue from Curve Street to Hazel Street.
We, the undersigned home owners on East Montana Avenu�e between Curve
street and Hazel Street, protest the proceeding with �dministrative
Order D-1936 as it is now progosed.
We �eel that there is no valid reason for removing the present side-
walk in its entirety, when a large portion is in good condition.
We feel that the cost of this reconstruction, in addition to the in-
crease in property taxes, places an undue burden on us.
We respectfully request that the city of St. Paul not proceed with
reconstruction outlined in .�.dministrative Order D-1936 at this
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I certify that the above signatures are true and correct, and
represent in excess of 60� of the home owr�ers on the north side
of Montana Avenue from Curve Str�et to 186 feet west of Hazel
Street; and on the south side of Montana Avenue from Curve Street
to Hazel Street as referred to in Administrative Order D-1936 ,
Council File No. 265441 and Finance File No. S-10085.
Je ome J. eller
Subscribed and sworn to before me this lst day of June , 1975 .
_ . � �
x ,
. �`?�.._ J. R, x _
�'�`�� NOTARY p��P�CKELS
, �i�l'`� NEfv,"�t��.,{r� MINNESOTq �
�y�tititi�vm. Ex;;ires �v�rv �
�„ 6, 1979 �
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