265548 - �5�8
F I N A L O R D E R -- �. �;..�,���� �
d �
� , �
� In the Matter of etOU�raetl0j �td t'��aut�uet#es �i�Lka a�t b�r i+pi�
all ot�sr �ws'Ic �i� is ��ans�► #� i�i��atr2 ta �l�rtlt �rs�
i+�tror�►�at. �nt�r� t�T� it ia d�t,�tniis�d t�at �e�d +Md �'li�iw►R
po�r�d ai��aik� �ar ayccist
l�a�� ti,1• �a►. t�ariptiea
s-1�1041 L�� �.� w�t a�ls lta� �at� Aw. to
�wse� qp�c. 60 tiet at 413 i. I�eou �ar�►.
l-1t1042 �OCtA�OS !p., s+r�rt riit� !'svow Jnli�t �Awn. to
�t �d.
l-1004? �t �lii.,, s+�etc�e si�s fra� � �d. ea
�s �t. �+�t�#a� 1��4 �raiel,�h�
��d1'09�! .�.-��
t. ,.' ;
under Administrative Order �Mi��� approved �� �y� �'47s
under Preliminary Order ���� approved � t 3 �
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the'same; now, therefore, be it ° �
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date. ,�M 3 1��
Yeas Nays
ChriSte�Sett Certifie y Council Secretary �1N 4 ��
Holza '7 .
Hunt In Favor
Levine J
Rcedle� Against
Sylvester Mayor
��s�t� ,UN 14/97a
'v�- ' / /i� V 1 1 3 V 1. t.J L> 1 �\ 1 � L a u L
Pink - t,ran�e DeDi. ��� �� . � t
C ary— ;tp:,
a � 'ri � c����cr: Or- Ttil: DiAYU�i
. .
r, • p /
' a e.
� 2 4 1975
That t�e Director of the Departrent of Pubiic tlotks is hareby auihorized and
directed to arepare pians. obtaIn surveys, prepare estimates and �nvestigate the
netesslty to construct/reconstruct sicawalks at the follawing iocations and do all
otEter work ���ic,`� is necessary and incidental to cor�plete said ir�provemenL
tiorih side �/1Y�RD AVE. from East line of lot 11 , 31k. 1 , Noah's Add. (10�►3 eayard)
to Pleasant Ave.
South sid� �:�YA.�D A+IE. from 11est 2J' of Lot 9, Btk. i , t;elson Park Add. (1020 8ayard)
to Pleasant Ave. -
fOQC�`�41est side LEXI=1GTOr! PKUY. from Palace Ave. to north approx. bQ' _(41$ Lexington �kwy.)
/O�,/��� East sice EDGC11`;BE RD. from Jul iet tive. to Edgcurr�e Rd. � � �
�1est s i de CN/ITSUGRTH ST. f ro:n Rogers S t. to fiace St.
�,'es t s i�e i-1!DOLcTu�� �1lE. f rom Lot _27, ii t k. 2, Si rmi nghan's 4th Add. (1583 t�ti ddleton)
to Ro�srs St.
Eas t s i de !'.1�GCETO.� AVE. f rom vacared ttay 5� E 1 S 35E to i,ogers St. `_
5outh s i de 0T70 AVE. f rom Rage rs St. to wes t °:y i ne Lot 3� B lk. 2, fii cr�i ng�an's k.tFr
Add. {�032 �
�Q����� South side FtAltG7LPH AVE. fro� Edgcurwe Rd. to G�iggs St. (abutting 1214 Randolph}
�oat(�-S South s i ds ELEA:iOR AVE. frorn Hani i ne �+ve. to Albert St.
The �irector of Financc and Hana�enent Services .is hereby directed to prepare t�e
pretir�inary order and sc�edule this m.atter for public hearing.
�-0593 :
or+s. e�: o,�s. cr
DID kEG . � � .
� Alw WAN � � • .
%�PPROVED .-�S ?O FOR'�i cx, ,FK �, '
,• :
;f;� RGP L£E "�� i
� �' Jf5 Cli �; % �• ' �
. „ A10 / �� � ' � r"7i
Acsistant City Attorney T� ' Puh 1 i c �.'OI'�CS ;�partmenC Head .
� l�E ��,y 5fder�alks
P.S,D. R.H.R. �
_ / . � . . . � - .
Admini�trative Assistant to Mayor
, �.
ti j
` I
. _ .. . . � .. . ... ... . �.
• • �, .
, ;+.5. Bayard Ave. - East Line of Lot 11 , Blk. 1 , Noah's Add. (�}.$��) /� O `j J�'
to Pleasant Ave.
� ±;�i s ord�r ti•ras i ni ti ated by the Di rector of Publ i c Works as publ i c necess i t on the
ba� �s of i nspecti on of the area. i-.
Tiis walk will be new 5 ft. mono constr�ction and witl meet existing walk.
The Engine�ring recomnendation is for approval of the order. �r��
t3 ��
(Construct to 5' widt-h)
�� 0 /� Dist. P3o. 2
S.S. Bayard Ave. - 'dest 20' Lot 9, Blk. l , �Jelson Park Add. ( �
to Pleasant Ave.
T��is order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the /
�asis of inspection of the area. /
Tnis ti•�alk w: ll be new 5 ft. mono construction and wi11 meet existing walk.
Th� cngineering recomr,endation is for approval of the order.
(Ccnstruct to 5' width)
Q7 '
� b Dist. �do. 2 !/
`d.S. Lexin�ton Pkwy. - Palace Ave. to north approx. 60' at #415 So. Lexington Pkwy
This order was initiated by the t�irector of Public 4lorks as public necessity on the
�asis of inspection of the walk. .
T;� ;s �alk is o1d tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, nigh joints, �
tri�pi �?g !;azards , water pockets, high longitudinal joints , and offgrade.
Tne �r�5i�eering recor,,menaation is �or approval of the order.
(Constr�.;ct to w.idth designated on plat)
� • i , ,
� .
•_. _ . --�-_..._ � . _ , ,
� This order was initiated b;� the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of the area. ����
This walk to be new 5 ft. wide construction which wilt meet good existing s�de�lk at �
Tne Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. 265431
(Construct to 5' width)
� `� >
� � ` "1 0�St. r�o. 2
W.S. Chatsworth St. - Rogers St. to Race St.
This order ��as initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of the walk. I
This walk is old tile with broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards , holes in tite,
missing tile and is offgrade.
The �ngineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce �rom a 6 ft to a 5 ft. walk)
. / � � � �
Dist. P�o. 2
W.S. �liddleton Ave. - Lot 27, Blk. 2, Birmingham's 4th Add. (1583 Middleton)
to Rogers St. �/
This o.rder was initiated by the Director of Public :Jorks as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
Thi= walk is oid tile ��ith tree heaves , broken tile, tripping hazards, wa[er pockets ,
holes i� ti1e, missing tile, high tongitudinal joints , and offgrade.
Tha Er,gineering recoc,mendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. tivalk)
� op � �
Dist. P�o. 2
E.S. Nid�'leton Av�. - vacated May St. E IS 35E to Rogers St.
This o�der was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the ba�
of inspactio� of the walk.
�his :�aik is old tile a+itn tree hea�es , broken tile tripping hazards and is very danger�
Tne Engineering recommendation is for approval of t
he order
(Raduce froa� a b ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
H J P'� -
� � �
� . S.S. 0*_to i�ve. - Rogers St. to :lest line Lot 3, 61k• 2, Birmingham's 4th Add.
. '�
T"i s order ��as i ni ti ated by the Di rector of Pub 1 i c blorks as publ i c necess i ���i`t�l�'
�asis of �nspection of the walk.
Tnis walk is old tile with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints , tripping ��,��
noles in tile, missing tile, offgrade, with asphalt patches. Walk is Dangerous.
Tne Engireering recorunen�ation is for approval of the order.
(�educe from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
� s- � r� aY � -�''`'
Dist. hlo. 2
S.S. Randolpn Ave. - Edgcumbe Rd. to Griggs St. (abutting 1214 Randolph only)
Tii� order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
�asis of inspection of the walk. �j
i��is ti•lalk is old tile with brokzn tite, high joints , tripping hazards , water pockets ,
nissing tile and offgrade. . �
The Engineering recommendation is for a�proval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on p)at , 6 ft.)
Dist. �`Jo. 2
S.S. Eleanor Ave. - Har�l i ne Ave. . to Albert St. � ,`/� O C! � �,,•
Tnis order ��as initiated by the Director of Public IJorks as public necessity on the
basis of i �;spection of the walk. �
T:zis �•�alk is old ti le and poured concrete �•�i t`� tree heaves , broken ti le, high joints ,
trippinr, hazards , �•�ater pockets , holes in tile r�issing tile, disintegrated, cracked
c�rcrete �anels , scaled, tipped, and settled panels.
Tnz Enyineering reco�menration is for approval of the order.
i�o^struct to width designated on plat)
CT �iJ f�� .
. �
� . ������
,March 31 , 1975
;{r. Roger hlattson
• ;;i rector of Fi nance
and t�Sanagerrrent Servi ces
„oor� 113 Ci ty HaI 1
�TiE�+Tlu��: Paul Desc�
�zar Sir:
?iease orepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of
t;�e sideti•�alks iisted on the attached Administrative Order.
The estimated cost thereof is as follows
�,GL ].•g�t-,-�� pe r � f t A E B Res. S f L. ti•�i de
• So.00 per 5 ft. wide C R�s . � Corr,m.
�./$�7.20 per 5 ft. wide C Res. � Comn.
$1 .75 �er sq. ft. for integral curb and walk C Res. S Comn.
$2.00 per lin. ft. for curbing for Res. A E B a�hen ir.tegral curu
and walk constructed.
Attachea nerewith are the folloti•;ing :
1 . �pproved Administrative Order o-1919
2. Advisability S Desirability Report.
Your� very truly ,
%1'�l; %/�a--���
�.a�tley ;;. Thoras
S�oervisor of Sidewalk Construction
234 Ci*,y Flalf, Saint Paul, hlinnesoia 5�102
� �' :�� .'� r � .
.�� �� � �; �.� .
� , e {) ,
� i ooncil File No. 265�31 — Bv Oaw � ����„�'L�J
id H.Holia—
v! In the Matler of constructinp . �
�� � " And �econsiructin0 SidEwdlkS an0
bv doino all ot�er work whith is
• nl`CC55dlY dnd inCldPntdl 10 COT•
oiele sAid improvement, eace0t
where it is determined ihal 000A �^
-anC sulticient DoureA SiCEwalkS r �
�:rtnb �t;, '� „oW�x�Sc. ;Y: ::c,�:�7 ! n�� :-'riiy•�r.i•�is.f�a�
� �ainanu � � � '�� .� . . . _ ..
C t^.�'. '�"1' FiteNO. Descriotion � tF�1£a �.'tf;?2:+�'_:i1 :'.� !�7JllW .r.rfil:l 77fi�0 �jR
�5-100N lE%INGTON PKWY.. '- �'
!I: )'C;i=, `t' west side hom :PaNce Ave. to j��,1'iJ?� 2� ji '-�'Y'.fi;'d '1C•tf^;!3 �1((��;;"�t'r:'.f��;� i
north aporax. 60 feet al 11S 5. � �
, LexinotonPkwv. �2 �)") `." )ff �' ;.tG`:T�f:I2 � ")' Il'!C(
S��OOe� EGGCUMRE RD., �att
S�Ae Irom Juliet Ave. lo Ed9cwnbe
S-�o0u RnNDOLF+i nvE., xou�n� � � `j �Vrt ��,1
+side from Edccumbn Rd. to Griqps f����f-�Q•�47"�u .�' �-`! �:
�5t.(abutling 727�Randoloh) .
5-tOpeB ELEANOR AvE., south
�sitle from Hamline Ave. to Albert i'= }
:�,; . -��•n -,��.; .st. � � .t�.��: ,.,s.�;,:::,:�.��1 i.c�: -e
un0er adminfstrative Order D•,1910
.V �� .�� ;.G�:.�I�t:°• ,dOprovedMarCh21.1975 �,'� •i:'r'YC�(ji; I�-S 1!)f1 .
.� ibe CounCil ot the Citv of $aint
Paul h�aving received ihe report of
't�e Mayor upon ihe above im- •
• !i� .��V/; j•'orovement, and havin9 considercCf;U � ,�;}' ,.��,'[��..��j� CJ(;�;J-.�
�saitlreporLherebvresolves: �� � ���
. 1. Thdt th! SaiC repoA and lM ���s_ 7(�i.,117����
same is herebv aporovee witn no
alternatives, and tAat the estimab�
ed CoSI thereof i5 SI.00 per lin. ft.�
�l� .!i!� `i<�'.�117 5' A68 Res.— 16.00�xr lin. fl. S' '�.',•"f� j�t�,.j{�.•/n� �{=(, ('f—�;
' C Res. 8 Comm.— 57.10 otr IiO.� � •-- •
�� it.6'wttle C Res.6 Comm. 9 U�:r\ .7�, �y�.f 7�
2. T�at a publit hearin be had� J
on said improvement on the 3rC
Q�r nf I��n� to]S dt 1�:� O�C OC
a.m., in tne Council Cnamberz of'
:�-' •��('•� y`�' . �ne Citv Hall an0 Court H'ou5th? � .�t��l� ..'!lif�i.. �5.1 �jy�{-(•j—�
� Build�nfl in the Citvof Saint Paul. � �
3. That notice ol said vublit� ..�G Y�9���i i
Aealinp be'qiven to th! olr5on5�
an0 in the manner oroyitleA br the�.
Charter,� statin9 the time aod�
plate of hearinp, the nature of the� �
' imDrovement and the total cost� • �
thereof as eslima ted. - �
I AtloWetl bv the Council MaY 1J,
. '1.197. ' . .
l \<.� � -�'S AoofovedMar16.t975. � � • ,r-1.� �
_vyktlLP.P.—Mav 28. 19)S�
. . . .. . .. . . . . . � . . , .i - . ..
.r;r°��.: r3 .2�;: ,� �2 _i� .n� ' -s::q l�U.vC - .z�ri �,. . '? .j�. r.il 7�q UO.�� .
.fi U.' i?� .233'. :i `:JI'.J Cj . �� .(1�_� i��/ �S.�S
. . r�`'i !�\'Ji;�. - - � ��'��. � � . . . ' . . . � .
�'�}1` 's F ��"� . .
j�.�;` �. � �� � ,
� �� t. �.. � � � .
' . � . .. s„ .. . _ . .
t .• �
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,`r:•,� �; � ♦ ` i► ��+�17 y!�Ct