265523 WH17E j CITV CLERK PINK FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANAF2Y - DL�PARTMENT File NO. 2�5�� - BtUE -[�AVOR w `" / �'^ ] ; �u CZ ReSO`Zt�ZO1Z Page 1 • � -- Presented By . R d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the city operates through several departments (e.g. City Planning, Public Works, Community Services) that do have substantial impact on the handicapped community; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has by policy and by ordinance expressed its concern for the problems of the handicapp.ed; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council have recognized a need for informed decision-making regarding the problems of the handicapped; and WHEREAS, better appreciation and knowledge of these problems would come from a committee composed of a majority of handicapped persons; Now, Therefore, be it . RESOLVED, that there is hereby created a committee of 13 members, at least seven of which are to be handicapped, known as the Mayor' s Advisory Committee on the Handicapped; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said committee shall be charged with submitting a report and recommendations on their activities by January l, 1976; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, . the Council hereby ratifies and approves the following persons as members of the committee: (continued) COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E t CITY CLERK � ^����� PINK , - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 •r Cl�NARV - DEPARTMENT COl1T1C11 �� ��� BL�U E� -fv1 A Y O R Fl l@ N O. �' � , . � Council Resolution Page 2 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Nominees: Ms. Jaime Becker Ms. Sue Benjamin 838 Lincoln Avenue 1869 Marshall Avenue Apt. #5 Ms. Mary 0'Hara 690 Hampden Square John Morris 208 Sherburne Avenue, Apt. 4 Tom Heinl 456 Blair Robert Tuttle 2341 Taylor Avenue Charles Van Heuveln 463 Maria Avenue W. 0. Klaenhammer 1470 York Avenue Michael Bjerkesett 6450 York Avenue S. Robert Kerr 972 Carmel Court Richard Ramberg 4215 - 22nd Avenue S. Vernon Schultz R.R. 1, Box 356 E Richard Ducharme COUNCILMEN f Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine U Rcedler Against BY Sylvester �— President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date ��Y 2 9 �� Form pro by Ci orne � Certifi ass y Council Secretary BY � � By App ve by Mayor: Da Approvttd y Mayor Submissi o ', By By PU9LISHED ��{y 1 4 f9T5 ' , , ���y �� 19 7 5 � � - C v Nominees -- Mayor' s Advisory Committee on the Handicapped l. MS. JAIME BECKER, 838 Lincoln Avenue Organizer: DFL Handicapped Caucus Member: Handicapped Housing Task Force 2 . MS. MARY O' HARA, 690 Hampden Square Organizer: Handicapped Housing Task Force 3. TOM HEINL, 456 Blair Avenue Currently Employed: Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation 4 . CHARLES VAN HEUVELN, 463 Maria Avenue Board Member: Independence for Impaired Individuals 5. W. O. KLAENHAMMER, 1470 York Avenue Currently Employed: Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company 6. MICHAEL BJERKESETT, 6450 York Avenue S. President: National Handicapped Housing Institute Inc. Staff Director: United Handicapped Federation President: 2100 Bloomington Association Member: National Paraplegic Foundation Member: American Public Transit Association Handicapped Advisory Committee 7 . ROBERT KERR, 972 Carmel Court Currently Employed: Trossen, Wright & Associates . ` y ' � � Nominees - Mayor' s Advisory Comm. ��55� May 2d , 1975 * � on the Handicapped Page 2 8 . RICI�ARD R.AMBERG, 4215 - 22nd Avenue S. . Currently Employed: Governor' s Commission on the Handicapped 9. VERNON SCHULTZ, R.R. 1, Box 356E Currently Employed: Special Vocational Rehabilitation Service Unit, St. Paul Public Schools Member: St. Paul Council on Employment of the Handicapped 10. RICHARD DUCHARME, 2849 Centerville Road Member: St. Paul rouncil on Employment of the Handicapped 11. MS. SUE BENJAMIN, 1869 Marshall Avenue, Apt. 5 Currently Employed: St. Paul Goodwill Industries President: National Council of Health & Welfare Agencies Member: Handicapped Housing Task Force Recommended by: Councilman John E. Christensen 12. JOHN MORRIS, 208 Sherburne Avenue, Apartment 4 Member: DFL Handicapped Caucus 13. ROBERT TUTTLE, 2341 Taylor Avenue Director: St. Paul Association for Retarded Citizens