BLUE -M��'OR � � File NO.
' � `i Co n 'l Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, a Resolution of the Council of the City of Saint
Paul dated July 7, 1964, (C.F. 219053) authorizes the Department
of Health to participate in federally funded health projects; and
WHEREAS, the Childhood Lead Poisoning Control Program is
a federally funded health project; and
WHEREAS, Section TII (A) (4) of the Guidelines for Grant t
Applications, Childhood Lead Poison�;�g Control, March 14', 1974,
issued by the United States Secretary of Health, Education and �
Welfare pursuant to the Lead-Based Poisoning Prevention Act, 42
U.S,C.A. �5 4845 (b) , requires that projects must have an advisory
board, the members of which shall be appointed by the chief
elected official of the affected political subdivision, to
encourage the a.nvolvement of residents and property owners in
planning, implementing, and evaluating program activities to help -�
i bring about citizens' understanding, participation, and support;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
Program Citizens' Advisory Board be, and is hereby established;
to be compri.sed of ten members, two--thirds of the members shall
live in nei hborhoods affected by lead-based p�int poisoning;
� the majorit�f the members shall have one child under the age of
six years at the time of appointment; and should include individuals
with competency in the fields of inedicine, law, public health,
housing, construction and environmental health; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Childhood Lead Poisoning Pre-
vention Program Citizens' Advisory Board shall have advisory
° responsibility to the Mayor in planning, implementing, and
evaluating program activities and may have direct responsibility
COULVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Hozza In Favor �: /
Levine /f
S lvester Against BY ��
President Hunt
Form App ecl by City orn
Adopted by Council: Date •
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY '
Approved by Mayor: Date Appro by yor for iss
By By
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� B�„E , •_ �,A oR E, GITY OF SAINT PAZTL F le ci1NO ��55�4
� � � �' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 2.,
in sta.mulati,ng public education and in seeking local funding
support �or Qxojected activi.ties; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLS7ED, that appointments to the Childhood Lead
Poisoni�ng Prevention Program Citizens� Adva.sory Board shall be
made by the mayor pursuant to Section 3� 01.8 of the Charter for
a term of two years, except that one-half of the members appointed
initially shall serve only one year so that after the first year,
one-half of the members shall be appointed each year; and, be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Childhood Lead Poisoning Pre-
vention Program Citizen' s Advisory Board shall meet at least
quarterly; and shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred
in the performance of their duties as members of the Childhood
Lead Poisaning Prevention Program Citizen' s Advisory Board.
COU[VCILMEI�T Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Rcedler Against BY
Tedesco '
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By —
PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 65514
� BLUE _- MAYOR File NO.
. i
� �' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Tn�HEREAS, the Childhood Lead Poisoni.ng Prevention Program
Ca.ti.zens' �dvi,sory Board has been recently established by
Resolut3,on of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant
to federal guidelines under the Lead�Based Poisoning Prevention
Act; now, there�ore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council consents to the appointment by
the Mayor of Dr. Carolyn Levitt, Mr. Paul Trevine, Mr. Lyn Robinson,
Mrs. Merrie Barr and Mrs. Demaria Carter, each to a one year term;
and the appointment by the Mayor of Mr. William Crowder, Mrs. Jenny
Shypulski, Mrs. Sharon Garcia, Mrs. Glennice Shelby, and Mrs.
Barbra Brown Perizek, each to a two year term on the Childhood
Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Citizens' Advisory Board.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �- �
Christensen [,
Hozza � In Favor
Levine �, =
Rcedler A gainst BY y�
Form Appro d by City rney
Adop�d ff�� , l��r,c '��C'���TY ? 7 1g�J . ,
.� �.
Certifi Pa s by C uncil Secretary By
Approv by Mayor: ate Approve b a u ' n t uncil
By By
PtlBZ�SHEa JUN 141975
, � � , •
� � � . � � ��55�4
April 28, 1975 • THOMAS ). KELLEY
T0: Robert P. Piram 1 '�jS
FR: Thomas J. Kelley I�J�
RE: Federal Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
Citizen's Advisory R� '
' s names submitted by Dr. Eberhardt
!!�,�. 'd in his April 2 letter.
�✓ v m ����/�' instruments and letters of ap-
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365 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
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Apri 1 2, 1975
Laa�rence )
City of 5 l � � —� 7 � /
Room 347 d�
City Hall
St. Paul , 7
_ Dear i�tayor `,�,'--�rvu �n�''�� •
tJe submitt ����,�s for our Federal Chi ld-
hood Lead � l,vl�- �v-� Z� �istri ct Grant Admini-
stration ir � it would arriv� by the
deadline of /�
,;��zG��c�t�� � �Zr�Le�
The new gui � en's Advisory �oard
and submit c�uidelines also require
that �hese � �ted public official .
The Advisory rs:
T��ao-tfii orhoods affected
_ bX,,,,,1�d.d, mus��.-h�v�'ott��"'
cn�ld u� this appoint-
ment. ] �mpetency in
the fiel housing, con-
structi o '�oard H�i 11 have
advisory _ntinq, and
evaluatii _ . . ,..�� ana can have direct respons-
ibility �n stimulating public education and in seeking
local funding support for project ac�ivities.
We i ncl ude bi ographi cal sketches of tt�e persons �-�hom �.re have approached
regarding their willingness to accept these positions on the Board.
555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
(612) 227-7741
_ • �
When you notify us of your appointment we will forward the notification
ir�nediately to the Federal Regional Office in Chicago in order to ex-
pedite their evaluation of our Grant Renewal Proposal .
Thank you for your cooperation.
Edward R. Eberhardt
Deputy Health Officer
Robert Piram
Qirector of Community Services
}�JT/j b
cc: Paul J. Cox, D.V.(�i.
Director of Environmental Health
. Approved by:
__ - , f
� �
Thomas J. Kel' ey
City Administrator
Dr. Carolyn Levitt graduatAd from ttie medical school and co�nleted
the pedi atri cs resi dency �rogram of ttie Uni versi ty of P•1innesota i�
1967. S`i: briefly �-�orr.ed as a �edi atri ci an i n triQ c�e�eral cl ini c o
t�lodel Citi�s , �-ti�neapolis before takin4 t1C1P_ out to have a tab�.
S'�e join�d the Children's Hospital staff as Oirector of Ar�bulat�rv
Services in 1�71. She is active on the St. Paul Child Abuse 7eam and
� the Child Health Consortium of St. Paul for in�l�m�nting tlie Early
and Periodic Screenin� Proarar�. One of her Drime interests is in ex-
tendinq t:ie servi c�s of Chi ldren's Nosni tal into t�i2 coranuni t�, ��rf�i ch
is con9ruent r�it�� our Project �ffort to find c��ildren in danc�er �f bein�
, damaged from high lead absor�tion. She and her husband have t��ro children ,
four and six years old.
��1i 11 i an H. Croarder, 1 a��ryer, attended the Uni versi ty of Indi a�a a�d �
� �raduated from la4•� school there in 1�71 . He volu�teered as a VIST�
��orker and a�as assigned here. After o�e year, he v�as awarded a federal
Heber Felloti•rs{�ip and is no�! working under that while attacf�ed to the
staff of Leqal Assistahce of P.ar�sey County. Ne has l�ad considzrable
experience in the past three years vrith housino nroblems in St. Paul .
Ne t�as t�ad court roon ex7eri ence. N� i s marri�d and has a three month
old daughter. They live at 811 Holly.
�ir. Paul Trevine, 992 Randoln�, is narried a�d has a son �lev?n
rront>>s ol d. 11� and hi s �.-!i fe nov�d to St. Paul from Cor7us Cri s t� ,
Texas, thr�e years a�o. �;e is en�l�yed b�r �ti�rants in Actic►n , St. P�ul ,
as an !l�+vaca�e. t�e is also a student at the L'nivnrsity of '9innr�sota
in the Departm�nt of Crir�inolog.y. He is on tn? Board of Directors of
the t�tartin Luther f;in4 C�nter, anci has a s�ecial in*erest in t�e �•�elfare
of the Chicano population of St. Paul .
._ •
� �.t, . � . . �
. t�trs. Jenny Shy�ulski , 134 Duke, has children a4es 5, 7 and 3 mo►�ths
old. She and her husband are officers in tt�e Salvatio� Armv:�����
presently ���orking as a volunteer in the Salvation Army You�h Center
in St. Paul. After graduating from flardinq Flia� Schoal , s�e attended
a seminary for two years.
Mr. Lyn Robi�son, 331 LaFond Avenu2, was born in P4inneanolis and
� graduated from South High School there and subsec�uently attended Augsburg
College for three y�ars. He is a real estat°-sa1esman and is a m�mber
' of the St. Pau1 P,eal Estate Eoard. Fi� is an active r�ember of the Thomas-
Dale PAC and of t�e Tnomas-�ale Lead Poisoning Task Force. Ne a�d
his �•iife '�av? children ages three and five years old.
p r1rs. Sharon Garcia, 16� tl. i�lcCarrons, has children three and five.
Sh? vras barn in Little York, �•iinnesota and graduated from t�echanic
Arts fjigh School in St. Paul . In the past, Sharon served as a volunteer
mem5er of the St. Paul Indian Health Board and as a youth worker out
of the St. Paul Indian Center. At presznt, she is a Community !�!orker
� at the tdeighbort�ood Justice Center, 50� Laurel , St. Paul .
P1rs. M�rrie �arr and hzr husband live at 818 Fuller. Shz is
�resently a volunte�r at th� �?artin Lu�!ier Y,ing Center, doino field
�ror�; i n Publ i c H°al th Admi�i s trati on al�d i;ea1 th Educati on to ful fi l l
th� requirer�ents for a S.A. �rogram she is ta[:ing at �letro�olitan State
College. She is a Licensed Prac�ical �lurse and does private duty_
: She w3s born in Texas and has lived most of her adult life in St. Paul .
, Her chi ldren are grorm. S�ie rehr�sents the black communi ty.
. � y } , ,
�„ � � � � ,
� : P1rs. Glennice Sh�lby lives r�ith her husband and four yea����"��'�
daug�iter at 1�G3 Dayton. Slie 4raduated from Central Nign School and
attendec� th� tlni vers i ty of i•1i nnesota far a siiort ti r�A. She arorks as
a secretary and fornerly �ras a youth r��resentative af the r�todel Cities
Physical Cor�s. She has also been a mer�ber of P�lodel Cities Planning
� i=trs. Demaria Carter has lived in St. Paul five vears. Sf�e lives
at 3°4 t-'ackubi� and has a fi�ro and a half year old son. She is a i:i�ca-
lester araduate in sociolog� and has �auqht at th� Institution of Africa�
t'rs. Qarbara 6ro��i� Perizek (generally �:noti�m as 'trs. Perez by personal
prefere�ce) resides at 1247 St, r'lnthon�r, Aoartm�nt ��o. 1�►21 , is a floor
r�oniter on the 14th floor of Skyline Toti=iers. She is also active in the
central cor:anittee of this housin� unit.
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� . requires: N� person in tne lTnit:ed States shall, oa the basis of race,
� color, reli.;ion, sex, or nation�l origin, be excluded fron participation
� ' in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under
� - an}� prosrar.i or activity receivinb Federal financial assistance. Therefore,
• �' every program or activiry receivj.n� financi.al assistarace from the
_ _ Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, must be operated in
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j' :;� - - � � PROGItA?h GUID�LIt�ES . �
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� �
� I. Introduction � . 3
� II. General Information ' � • 3
�' A. Eligible Applicants - 3
; . . - .�
B. Financial Support , • 4
� 1. Federal Support for Co�munity kroject - -- - - � -- ��
a _ GranCs ' • � 4
;� _
� � 2. �Federal Support for the Establishment . � -
of Ceatralized Laboratory Services for
� Analyzing Biological and Environmental - • _
� Svecimens ' . 5 �
� , . .- • . •
j3 3. Non-Federal Support _ � -
t. . • - � .
,; -- - . 6 _-
- ____- ---- __________ ---- ---------
�: 4. Period of Support _
.� . , _ ___
:�� . .
�.. .,
�,. III. Conmuni.ty Project Planning Guidelines � 6
-1. . . . ' . . . � . . .
A. General ' . 6
= B. Detection and Treatrnent of Afflicted ' _ �
;��� . � - _
Children . �
,4 C. Detectien and Eliminatioa of, Lead-Based - -
;: ;:. . $
-� . " Paint fro� �Surfaces af TJwelling Units . -
' ,i • . . .
D. Local Administration, Organiza�ion � �
,-�- �nd Int�rag�ncy Coordination 9
'a ' . .. � _ � . . .
► .
-; , E. Fro,ject Evaluation - �
IV. rs�ablishment of Centr�li�ecl Laboratory Service.s 9
� V. A�.:c�inistrata.ve and I'iscal nolicies Z�
A. Applic��tioti and Re��ic�:� Proced�ires 11
; B. Crant Ev�lu:ztion a���d :�a�rd ior ConVnunity '
? • PrOjCCt Crat�ts w_ . �Z _ ___
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�_;, . C. Gr1nt Evaluation ar►d Award for �stablishmenC
�� � of Centralized Laboratory Services � 13
;. • \ -
� D. Use of Grant Funds . " - _ . ._.. 13 -
__. � ___ _
:j •. . . . .. .
� E. Program Reporeing P.equirer:ients� • IS
; � . _
� ' F. Grants A�r�inistration . , . _ 15
# _ �'I. Appendices � � � �� .
°i� A. Grant App].ication Project Narrative for � _ �
' � Community Prevention of Lead-Eased Paint �
_ � -
: Poisoning 16
3 ' • �
_ _ . _ _ ._ _ _ __
'; - � B. Grant application Project Narrative for
` ___ __the Establishr.:ent of Centralized � - --- --
`� _. _ _ _._ _ _ __ . _:.:. Laboratory Seivices . . 24
� � ��
� C. Addresses of P.egional Officzs 22
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Section 101 of the Lead-Based Paint Foi.soning Prevention Act, as
`; - amended by PL 93-151, authorizes financial assistance to help cities
`i and eommunities pror�ote developcient of local pro�rams to control
' lead-based paint poisoning ar�ong children. The national program
;� provides project grants, not exceeding 90/ of the cost of developing
'! and carrying out an approved local progra� during a period .of three
'' years, to assist local governnent and private nonprofit organizations
''� in any State. ��
- Grants are also authorized to state agencies for the purpose o£
i establishin� centralized laboratory services for analyzing �iological
and environr�ental lead speci�ens obtained from Iocal lead-based
� " paint poisonircg detection prograIIS. -- - - - - - -
: � _
' . . _ _ The Departraent o£ Health, Education, and Welfare•expeces grant funds ta __ _
; ° be used for the screening of children tor undue lead absorption znd lead
; poisoning. Comnunities are e�:pected to assucte pri�ary responsibility
; . for treatment of children and reduction of hazardous sources of lead-based
i • paint. To assure recognition of these responsibili*_ies, restrictions
I ' orant funds for treat�ent of victins of
� have been placed on use of � .
; � - lean-based paint poisoning ana ior enuiron�:encai iead hazard reducCion in
; dwelling units. •
� These guidelines present the.elements for grant support under 5ection I,
' .; PL 91-695, as a�:ended by PL 93-151. These include €unds: (I.) for the
�i � detection and treatraentl� of incidents �f undue ].ead absorption and
`? ; � lead-�based pain� poisoning anong children, (2) for the detection and
eZimination of lead-�based pa�.n��fron dwelling unies that present a hi�h
j � - risk to the healtn of childre�- , and (3) for the es�ablish�e�.t of a
. -�.�=•-•= State centralized laboratory facility.
:� ' .
_ ' II. General Inforrration ' � -
_, . .
; .
' �i ; A. Eligible Applicants �
s ` I. Any public agency of a ur_it of gerer�1 local goti•ernr�ent ir
�� � � � any State, any priv�,te no�ip��ofit or�a�ization in any State,
-� t �- any case :rhere State
, � and a�. asency of �tate �overr.acnC �n
` ` gorera�ent prcv�des di:.�ct services to citizens in local
! coe�^�u:�ities of �ai:�re units of �en�ra' Zocal �o�:ecnt:e,t c;�thia
, � tlic State are �re�:�:ntec� b�r State 1_a:: ;-�cra in:pl�,_ec�ting ��
i :
. : re�c�-i�*in� suc}, g_�nts or :.ror� e�rc.::it:g such �,Lr<11CS in
, ; � :ic.cordance wiC}� tt-+eir �i.rt.en�ed pLrpo^c, is eligible te� �:�Yly
' i � ior �z grant �nder Sccticn 1�1(a) o: :.he Act.
z. .��l�t �:'.c2iC c'1�L^��' :3Ut�l'J.'i:�il t.0 pr��-���:c', centi:?i{7�.'.d I�b�,-;,;_ory�
� � aer��ices to ]_oc<.1 h�,�?-'=r� ��C11C�.CS �r E�ro�r�r.;:; .is cligib)_: ta
s .
, � uppi}• for t� Ui_a:it un�er �e,cCYOn i0i(c) of th� e'•.ct. .�
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� Public agencies include those of (1) any city, county, to��rnship,
�+ town, borouF,li, parish, villaFe, or ot}.ier- Seneral purpose
; poliLical subclivision oi a state, and (2) any combination of_
_:: •
unit� of locaZ �overnr,_ent in one or �ore. states, and (3) an
, Inclian tri.be, or (4) «ith respect to the lead paint pQisoning
' � elimination �.cti.vities in their urbzn areas, tl:e territories
': and possessions of- the UniCed States. Private nonprotit
i ' agencies include any institution oL or�anizatian wliich is a
.;' ._ corporation or association, no parC of the net earnings of Frhich
. inures, or may lawfully inure, to tl�e benef3t •of any private
< . shareholder or indiviCUal. �
._a _
�� � B. Fin�x�.cia.l Supnort _ _ -
; . -
i 1. Federal Suvnort for Ce:;;*uni_ty Proiect Grants Under Section�
; -- --_--
. �y 101(a) of the Act '
, ' _ -- - _ __ _ __ __
3 � Grant support wi12 be provided onl for projects which: (1)
. � .
reflect a co�rpretiensive co��nunity ranage�ent approach to the .
� , . lead-based pai_nt poisoning prublen, and (2) are di'rected to
� prever.t and contxol lead-based paint poisonino ata�ng childrzn
, . - - in com�unities or nei.�t�borhoods in cahich chi�di_�oo� ?ea�
� .pu�succii�g :,a5 �CCIL (1ttllU:1SCL'iiLen 'to be a 5.igiaiii�ant pu�Iic -
; health problem or which represent hi�h risk areas, with
i ... eoncentrations of old, deter.iorated housi.ng occupied by -
� .
� . children age 6 or less. Bs�th. gouernrsental anc� private agency
_. � _--. .- --_ _ _ .
_ . � , projects orci3.narily �aill not be funded within the same city.
d -
:•�: F Yrojects whose three year budget shows a decreasing depenience
' on Federal brant funds a:^d, there�ore, indicutes a strong
j . - prospect for centinuatior. r�he� feder�.l: suppor_t terminat�_y will � -
_ ; : be �iven high priority. .� -
. , -
9 ` Grant funds stiall not su�plant existing local funds. Federal '
' � support must-�be used to s��pplemen�, and to the extent practical,�
;':_; - increase ti�e lEVeZ of e.:n�nditures fram Stzt��, locaZ and� _. _. _ _ .
° ' ot`le,: nan-tederal sources of funds for chilclr�ood lead �
- ' • p�is0:11ng Cc�n*_rol. . .
:; .
A�pli�-ants r�ust show `:,� le�rels of expea�dit���-es for C�l'�I.u�'lOCid
1e�d poisc��i.:�;; controJ_ �.'t:ich they 'provided durin� -the current
' ' £j.scal y�ar a�d tiie Y°c��.�ding €iscal }�e�tr. .
' I'C'in r-c1�. i i..�...:�'.�i..1�_ 1S":�: i�'�i:��.0 CFlII.lO� t:� llSC�; {`'7•`: i:flC CIE'.'. �ti:T�:^E':lt
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* Prir,�:�r� �'�_�t�cc�,..,, a-:c; cJ_'_:._:�.:;_io�� o�' 1^:ci-bascd �.�:��nt iro�:: :.��tfaces
. of dwell�;:� u:iitr ,.., �t:;cd in t,_.^s^ �;uideli��es r.:eans tF�e con�!�.ct. o. �c�ctt
� ,�cti.vttie_; c�l�e.� r:ni, : p.irt oi ��;c epidemioZogic foilc.:�p of a ct►�ld or
__ _ _ childr.e;� "rw�n:� t�n i;:��.-c u;i�?uc 7 �rr.::? :►bsorPcio��.
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`��1 elimivation of lead-based paint from surfaces of dwelLing ��
� units. �to:��vcr., �r.:uztecs are expected to pxovide for
/ i necessary J.ead hazard reduction activiCics.
�� •
`' 2. I'eueral S�ipport for tti�� l?stablish�rcnt of Centralized
i • �; �• j� ,- � �- or the rlct
I.aborator ' , c��'vicc.� .ndc.. 5<_c..ion 1_Ol(e}
' Grant support under Section ].Ol(e)� of the ltct wi11 be
'' , provided for pro,}ecCs which: . .
; a. Feflect the need for a state-wide laboratory service
:;• for the analysis of biological and enviran�ental lead �
+ specir��ns obtained from Iocal lead-based poisoning
§ detection proorar.;s; �
b. ti�ill assu:ae the responsibility for proi-iciency �
testing, training, and monitoring to assure conpetency _ _ _ - __ _
� of lecal laboratories perforMing lead spec�men analysis;
� �
s c. �will show evidence that continued finartcial supPort •
`� . will be provided by other gratits, fees or appropriations
i " which will assure continuing funds for the operation of _
� the service. - . • -
� . , . .
� � 3. Ivon-Federal Support --
a . . ' �
The non-Federal share of project costs may be deriued from _ -.. ___
iState and/or local appropriations, .oti►er r_on-Federal sonrces,
�.' � or Federal sources as provided by Iaw (i.e. , model cities
.� : funds}.
t Federal su ort must- be used to supple�aen�, and to the extent :
� :
i : PP
, ;� , practical, increase the leve7_ of eh-pendztures from State,
� . . and loca]. and other non-Federal sources af funds for childhood
.� • , lead poisoning control. In no event �uay Federal f�mds replace
;; � • non-Federal funds. Funds or services identified to provide
�� � . the local portion of proj�ct costs may not be the sar�e grant��e
-; � • funds or services used to r:.eet requiremei�ts for participation im
_� ' • o.ther F'ederally supported activities. Local fu.nds e�:pended
.� for the purPose of developf�,n, atld conductin� a pr��ram for
, , the routine detectioz and eli�nination of 2ead-base3 gaint
� from surfaces of d�aellin� ur.its cailnot I�e usea to r.:eet the
, matching requircren= for cor�r.:unity proj^ct grants �nder
# Section 101(a) a:.aidecl pursuant to these �uideiir,es.
# ' .. _ _ � � .
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October 1974
U.S.Department of Health, Education,and Welfare
Pubiic Health Service '
Center for Disease Control
Bureau of State Services
Environmental Health Services
Atlanta,Georgia 30333
DHEW Publication No. (CDC) 75-8285
(Formerly CDC 74-10009)
Fe.aale by the Superintendent ot Documents,U.S. (3overnment Printing OHice
Washington,D.C.20402-Prico 25 cents
s . -.
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i , 4. Pcriod of Support • • �
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Each grantee t•�ill g�nerally provide Federal assistance for
i � 1 ycar. (12 COP.S�CIIL'I.VC monCh:,, as sho�.cn on a:aard staCcr�.enC} .
;� � Support for additior.al pro�ect yeaxs �•�ill be �3de, throu�h
• `' separate ConCinuation �rants. . •
s . �
7 �
�• It is contemplated that the developmental activities �,*ill
; have been cor.pleted within the iriitial �rant year. Iio�oever,
; it is expected that successive grant periods �;rill reflect a
j decreasing reliance on I'ederal grant funds under the Act. •
III. Co��unity Project Plannin Guidelines (Section I01(a) of the Ac�)
� . . .,
The objectives of tlie pr.oject proposal must be specific, .
measurable, znd realistic. Grant applicaticns must reflect a '_
� , compreliensive comr�unity mana�e;r;ent syster� approach to the lead-
i �ased paint poisaning proble« . Each projeet a_p�lication must
s include at least L-he follawing elements listed under A through E:
� . . • ' • -
.� � A. General : " _
# . .
,� � 1. Educatzonal and outr.each vrosrr.ans to�dPV�I o� co�ru-ntinitv
� awarer.ess of the danger and the prevalence of childhoo3
} 3ead-bas�d paint poisoni�d �nd to gPr_era*_e cc:��.��i*_y
� -
� _ and individual self-help action in a11 se�ents of the � . _
community, including h�ealth professior.als, parents,
� educators ro ert oFmers industr and the eneral
i : � � P P Y � Y, �
� citizenry.
t . . • . -
? Z. OpportuniCies, to the ma�imum ehtent poss�b�e, for the
� empZoyment of resider�ts of comr�unities or neighborhoads
. affected by lead-based paint poisonino.
:3 . _
� , . � 3. Methods and procedures to infonn such residents of . . .
�� . . opportunities for emple�-ment in the Iead-based paint-�
\�� � . poiso�zing co:�t:rol pro�ram as we11 as plazs for L-raining, �
•educational opportuniti.e.s and carecr ladders to help
t7iese empl.oy��es becon�e prod�ictive �e�:bers of hezlth
+ and other a�ency pro;rac�s. .
a - . �
� . �
� 4. ZmTolvement of. resident� and prorcrty oF�ncrs i.n
; plannin�, impi.cr:;et2ti.:��, ;�nd evalG��-;_:z� gra�r��:n
� activi.ties r'� �1G.I.�J t3!"L;1G ��>011� Cl�'l"I_E:I1S� t1P.t�c'.I:>�andi�l�y
� - particip�tiot� and su;-;,-�rt_. Projects���..ust h:-3��e �n
' ad��isory bo���1. T�ro-��irJs of the �oard ::�.>>t live
� .{.:t I1Ci��i�)U��IO:;:i�: uf r_.;.�:��Ci U�' ZC'i:��- :�ISC(� �i-,�.�:.G 1it�iSUt1�.:1`;,
� A r.�ajorlty n;u��. have cnc r_�iilci un�E�r a�c 6 at
; � • .
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�`� � the time of tliis appointr�cnt. In-acldition; tlle advisory
t :
�� board �houlc� ir.clude inua_viduals ��iLh compctency in t c
' fi.elds of n�edl.cine, lat•�, pubTic t�calt`i hoU�ing�
i construcC3.on, and envir.ci:;����:�taZ liealt��� This �ioard will �
, �
have advisory r.espoizsi.bil:Lry in p1lnr.yno, imPler�enting,
� and evaluatl.n�; progra�� aCLivitics and can ha�Te direct .
'� xesponsibility in stimulating publl.c education and in
= eeking local f•�nding support for project activities.
; :
� �ties and respor.sibilities of the Roard are tiO lication.
:, r clearly defined and sul�mitted with th� graut app
' Appointments to the Advisory Board shall be made by the
b chief e cted official of the afiected poli.tical sub-� .
� division. The Iength of term for. �ebbers should be t470
years, �r.ce�t that one-hal: of the r�.2mbers a�>PQi�ted
�; - � initially shall serve only on� year. After the first _ __.
' year, one half of the Board wi11 be appointed each year,
�'c Generally, it is expected that Board me�hers will be
; appointed to only one term.
� ,� and sha11 be
� The Baard sha11 meet at least qL�rtex y,
� reisbursed for actuzl expenses incurred in the performax:ce
:� of their duCies as �2m5°rs of the Board.
� •
_ 5. promfltion, develop:�:ent, improver•:enL�relatedJto housinp,�andment
-� of. appropriate ordina:�ces and cod�s _
9 �health �ohicli ir�pact an the control of ch�l�.ood lead-basec3
� . licable s ecific arranoen�°n�s
j _ , paint �oisoning or ��here app � p
e " for such act:.vities. Comm�!nities rny fin� it necessar.y �-o `
_ 1. Tn 7..CaLOV2 �C�.ii:?i11StL"�i:1Vi. S;1Ci �°vg� �iOG$C�Ul"E�5 �O
, - deti,.lop oY ` ,
� enforce such ordinances and coues.
' 6. Marshallin; resourcea frcM the p�.blic a:�d Pri�'ate seYtorwts_
� of. the cor:�::?:Lnity. ir7_ority 4*i11 be �iven to those p•-o.,��-
^ ='+,. which indic;�te tha� all avail�:��'-e co�~a=t'���_ty resourc::s �ai11
� �L' II10�?1.�1'LC.'d ir.cl�.:(�1.i��T VOZllP.�.JYj .'S�:I1T�oF..`r and VOI.LS!:�c.?'y -
a' . 'n r:)I.J��iLi1L.
agency .;•-.'��
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:i' �'�:c.•_;t�.�1;:�r:� of :1fi1 �.tc3 t;��i�c::-c_�.i
g. D�te_tior. ------ --- _._,.---
• . r , ,- ,^,�11' sc.rt �r;...;; ��ro�*^�,;', �p C�ietect C.t'�.�!t=�?�'
' Az i,: t>-�� �-�� .� � �
1• •t �1 ' , i,' .'_�. .. '.:..; ,`...�. 7.E:1(l ,�i„�. _ �:0� . ,t _ d 701:� <� �
Y,l,- .-, � ' � � c :,,�r_,-,:; _.. iccat__., " �` :;
„ , �,,T . _�!�a i . � � f , -,
: `r . r.CL �� � � '�; ,��? 5 ��.i1 ._ ,=:i? _.. . c1i. i�0U1:� i_ :,..�. . .'i
- ' u C� , .-; l __� ,l 't >1r � '. . '� CCS �3�'`t'.c,?...
_ ,,;1,�., . . . c ., ,_. . � c. �_,.. _ .. _• - -
,,- ,- ��•. .. :::.r�i="'',-•
� i_., .,... _ .. .
—.. �1 ��.__t C.-�'.�
. � p �_ � � . . -
; I . , S • I� -
� �i f�. ;i
, , ��
' l. .. ... :`.'. _! �� -
_.�:..�..... _ ..,,__.
r-� t,__� �.�
• . . '-- . � , � ��., i'�� F- t;� {;�
, • '' ! . � ��, ' .;f ��;. �'� {
; . ' �� j �".,�. " L.[ �'
� � , .
� .
2. The screenin� of childr.en not norr,iall.y utilizin� or bein�
i� ' '� served hy c:�istir.� health �crvice�. The total estir�ated
° number. of children in the a�fected cor�,.^�unity should be
specifie3. Targ�t numbers to be scre^r.ed shoulcl be
estiMatcd. �3asis for estirsate should be given.
, ' � � �r
� �
, 3. An inLensive coir�aunity follat.vp pro�r.am to insure tizat t;�J
children with clevated l:lood 11veiZ1��cesorrtreatment as �l P �`~ '
under a progra�n of inedicaZ stz l�,
� � the condition of the child ir�dicates (see Section - �i° .
� - _ ' '
" . V.D.3.a. , pagel4 for lir�itations) .
} F .
� 4. The inte�ration of lead go�sonin� dvtection 4nd screening �� `
� acti�ities with e:tiistin� ce:~prehensive healtli service�. �
Centers Chilclren f'�� '��
progra;.ls such as Nei�hborhood Healtt! � �
and �"outh Projects, �taternal and Chil3 Health Proj�cts, �:
�?.ealth iiaintenance Orga^izatiazs, an� Early and Periodic
Screening, Dizgnosis anu 'Treat�aent u�.der riedicaid.
� ran to ir.�ure that c�:ildren .
; 5, An intensive corr.;:iunity prog
' with elev2t�d blood lead levels are protected asainst
; furt`cier ehpesure to lead-based paint hazar�s (see Section .
F � �,'.D.3.b. , pu�e i5 io-r l�r,iitat:ions).
� . . _
� �+-� , �n�ormance with the P.ational . . -
, 6. b rzpo�ting sy���� in c..___
;i -- Cor�unity Childhood Lead Poisoni^� �ata Systen, includir.� -
�� the establish:aent and mainten2n.:2 0� a case register of �"
� children with elevated bZcod lead '-evels. - : _
� . ..
� � -
3 '
�� � 7. Tre use of a laberatoi-y *.;hich has c�e�,:onstrateci Zts
� , Ll p� 3 r:��Z;"TA�.IIc`l�ll)t15. �`LL�
� �ar,,:bility fot t:ccura�.:. �yocd 1__� -
� � � la�oratory caliich perio�-^�s analys�s �or any grar.tee �!ust
, _ �ti�n
•°:� �e�r,t:strate its contin��2� compete�ce through parCiczp�
. in a proficic.ncy tes�li:�, prograr.: uporoved by ti�e Center for
i - pr�, „`ctive s;r �atee who intends .to - -
. � . � Disease Control. A -
� es+�ablish a new laborG ��Ly cap��' i�Y �or b?ood le4d
� . a_�al,rsis nu:=t provid� fo� ana1Y�=5 �Y an agproved
�:� . .
; :s_;zLoratory �:nti1 the ;!���.4 �3�JOr�ttc,r.;`s ca�a.�i1 iry has _
, ; heei: �ppro�led by t`�e :;��c.�er for T.tsease Cont�-ol.
; � ,_t,r'� Paint fr.om St,rfa.c�s
� ,-��:-{;�;� -.nu i.:l�^:;.n;t�i�?`• c'F_ 1`_e?cl_y =_—_-------
. D���' ___�
' `-`_i_----��-i n-"--'L_�_-JL:^3 ^
. ,,; to r^,�i•�Iy �,,;
� f . �.�",.iiP.l� ?1';.'. !iJL13i.^S` r ���,�i:lE.'Il� ��� . �t'_T.^i� • .
. _� � ,� ;i`or ��t;tc'ential i���,_si.n:;
. � .. ' ' I � .ii:'_�'_�l:..l'�� �.�F•":.r.�r� ci:t;' i �• t .
' " ,• I -c'� b�.� ..E :1C1 ILV �.ti :lCl:s
, ��.�,.1 fC'.:I.! `Q .'�:Vt'_ F.i 1:. . .
�,. _•. _ � y �. :� �7rOT"^ t;- i�:(�t1C� tr,r� I117.c^.Zt]
• ��`'•}'_•t.'•uTti:S f'? �_>i1'CL"j.V.,�. �`� •r'- '
- '�, • . i��� �_ .iI—D�.SCCt l% .:i:.� �l1 S�1Cr C1':lC�.}.:ll1^� � . . �
_ , � � r,� �.�.,� r-.�n �. -
. t�T�� r.�_� !�� "
` �� '� '�1
. r.. , �. . , _ _
, .. �,; !� �1 .'� t�. : ,.. -
� {. .. :-ti :-t �:
, _. _ ,v . _ . - - , - - • , -
.. , -. .-. . _ ..�. _
_,.. ,:
F ��' • ' . . ... . . � ' �•. �{•: y � � R if
• + � R�� • � ) i �1,� (�+' �
; � � - . � � �����4
,, .
; � . � _ ___ _ -- . _ _ _
__ _. _ . _ _.
.i �: � _ �' � � � � ,
! . . . __ �
'� • D. Local Administration, Orr.anizatian <znd Intera�±ency Coordination
' ].. Provision for direction of the lead poisonin� control
; t pro�ram under a responsible individual with either the
; ;; suthority to work across agency lines or written �
' committments to assure masimum coordination of this
; .# program with other related programs operating within
+ �' the project area. �. - .
` 1 2. Provision for cooperation with related progra�s: - These � w
� ' may include but are not l�.mited to: (1) I�Ieighborhood � �
} ; Health Centers, (2) Head Start Programs, (3} Childre�l
: and Youth I�ealth Programs, (4) rlental Iiealth Centers,
� (5) Medicaicl, (6) ACTION, (7) Housiag Inspections and
' Code Enforcements and (8) Legal Aid Activ�ties. - . _
: + � �
_ ;__ _ E. Praject Evaluation __ .
.f . . _ -_ . ` ..
j � 1. A descriotion of the periodic evaluation which �ril.I be made to�
; ' measure progress in attaining project objectives and a . - �
� : description of the plannin� process whic� will be used to �
� . . - - ---- guide the program in attaining its objective. E valuation and -
g?cr.nin� �'.:�ll ,_.�';:d� ccllecticz of �;�a. o:�: t�a :.s��ar �� .
; children screened ar.d treated; the nun�er of dwelling units
: screened and hazards reduc�d; periodic assessment of progra� . �
�� = priorities; and the rseasureir.ent af grogress in te�s of (a) -
-� --- _ _ _ .
i , percen,.age of children at risk in t�:e target area who have
' ' received the necessary services to gravent lead poisonin�, _
� - (b) changes in the incidence of 1ea� paisaning cases, dea�hs,
� `° and undue 2ead e��osure, and (c) the e�.tent to �:Sich tlie �
- t�w�rer.ess ot �he co:�unj t}� zesidents to i�he dar.oers of Iea3
�.;=- -� poisoning has been enhanced. - _
� .
V� ' 2. Pro�rision for a:z evaZuation system sho�ld al.so include an
� appiaisal of the cost of the effort (i.e. , the cost for
-ry scree�iing each child, the cost for tr�aLment, the cost for
± � . � - each dwellino unit scr?ened, the cos� ra reduce the hazard,
; � the cost of co:��unity education and o�treach and the cost of
` ? ; program ad�ninistration as well as an Gs�i�atior. of the valt:e
.� .� � of ti:� volunt�er com�o?ient in the prc�,�acas) . _ -
'. i 3:� Provision for a quartcr?y report to L�e submittcd ta the
• ap�:onriate DiiE:�? Re�ionai ���.Eice. -
� � •
` ' iJ, F.st:��1:.��;��ent of C�^:�traliz��d L:i�orato4V S�°rviceG �Sec*ion IU'L(e)
; ' Of t}i_ P.Ct}
; Gra�ts ray also be made to a state a�enc;� �Ti1j.C�l ���idx�esses cr.�
} specific facet oF co:�trol;� �..e. , anal}:ftl�' }J�.OId+�iCc 1 or
r .
; .l _ _ _ _. ,
4 • �. �� •u� �.� �� �'� ,
� _ . , � �� , ��; �;:� r.� ��
i �•j s .:l :� __ � 1.. --
, .
, _. . -- __ .__ _
. „ ^--- .. .__.-•—_ _ . . ._. __. . __ _ _ .,- , -. - . , . . - - - --- - - - - -
, . . .. . . - ��� _
, . . � .� ._ _ -... ,. , _ .y. .
; 1V
i .
s' � � , � .. p (� � �'y y"'
� ��� r ��
�� � �� �� � r��� �`� ����d
,,. ( �:.-� �. �
' .� . 1 r.. F1 �t.� t.l t.� . � .
F . "'_ .. _ . _. -.... . _ ._.... � -... . . ..... . ._."__._.._ ._. _... . _ .____'_'._ __.�-....�. .. .
� � . � ' .. . �.
+ environmental. specimens for lead. .Grant .applicat�ons ior a State
�T= cenl-ralized lalaoratory operation should:
: . _ __ _ _,
' 1. Set forth thn need for a .LaUorator.y service in terr�s of the
# oper.ation of tlie laboratary within the context of the State
plan for the control oE lead poisoning. The projeeted
nunber of analyses reqLired to su�port Ioca1 screcning
, + prograns stiould be enur�erated for each program during the
; first year. The nu*�ber of blood lead analyses greviously
; perforr.�ed for tl�eir pro�r�M should Ue stated. The nuraber
- of children 1-b in the state eligible for EPS�T under .
� Medicaid should be stated; the nu�ber of blood lead
# analyses previously perfor�r:ed under this program should be
stated. ,
2. De�cribe the relatienship of the centralize�' labara�ory to � �
" _ city or other project laboratories and private contract �
_, __ _ _ _ __. _ .
laborataries. � '
; 3. ., Outline responsibilities of the centrali.zed facility to �
.� render consultation to local control probrams�to Ensure
? uniform collection, transportation; and storage of specimens
� _ _ _ ._ .iri t:�� scre::.-.�ag pro�ra.rr,s. •
� - . • . .
� 4. Include the projected dates for purchase of equipr�ent, trainin�
� of personnel, establishr�ent of competer_cy, rece_pt�.or_ o� - -
� initial specitnens from local programs and operation at fu11
__.3 _.____
_ . capacity. ' -
� �:
� S. Show evidence that supporC �ai11 be provided by other �rants,
; fees, or appropriations which will assu:e contir.tii�ng funds
� . for tlie laboratary facil�itq when the grant pragrar� is
t -
-� terminated. '
� • 6. State the number of environnental lead speeimens, the type
: � � of analysis to be performed and the e�:pected kind of _ � .
� . samples. � _. _ _ . _ __ __ _ _ __.
. . . �
� �
` � 7. Agree to provid� quarterly sun�mary data on analyses.perfo rn:ed
� including distri'�ution on blood lead levels.
3 � � .
� ' . �
j _
� .f � � � . . . .
� . .
i ' _
i .
� _
� . . . . . . . _ . .
�, r�5 �-`� �-�
�� � _ � _ � ��� �i ►� ,���!� �'.� �`! � _
..� L.'..'�' .� '��.�, �' :.i i.i t,.i - � �
.___ . ._.._...-,�-, , - ;--r�. ._w.. _�_ _ , _t .... _., _ . :— , - - _ - -- �- . � _ � � - > •_ .
_ _ _ • .. �
. _ ,.
. _ . .. . ' . . . ' . 4 .. . .. : .. . :;.. � .-..- . .. .. . _� . __.
__ a . '
. � •. .. ' � �'b � �� �-)^3 �� ' , _ l���t1�_Z
, n �� � .� ' r, �i , � �
� �'. , f,i '�� A y'.; � �
. - ��:� �� �� �t ►� f:, Ea
. _
:� __ _ _ _, _ _ . _ - - ___ _ --- . .----
. . _ �
_ f3. Accept responsibility for overseein�;. qu�lity'canCrol during .
sample col.lectfon and �hipr,tent, r,ncl alert �rojcct directors
• to problcTas rc•aealed by inconsistent analytieal results.
, _ . _
` 9. A�r.ee to par.t�cipate in pro.ficiericy"testin� pro�ram of the
Genter for lliscase Cor.troZ.
V. �:dministration and Fiscal Pol�cies and Procedur.es
A. ApPli.cation and Review Precedures
- , ,,
Applicat�ion kits, further inforr:�ation, technical assistance and
con��ltati�n muy b� cbtained from the appropri4te renartment of
Health, Education, and [�;elfare F.egional Office (see addresses �,
of F.e�io:�al Offices .in hppendi:ti C) . -----
� . _ _ _ _ __ Priar to subr�ission of tl:e aaplication to the Regional Healtr,
Adr�inistrator, re�ser.�:b1.e onportunity fer review and connent with
respect to the u�^.iic4tior� sh�ll be afforded to t��e appropriate
State co;��reher.si.,;e 1:ealti� plar.nino a�;ency desig;:ated pursuant
to Sec�icn 314(u) of the Public Heal.th Service �ct [42 i3.S.C.
246(d)] and to tl�e apprcpriate area-�•ri.de health planning ager.cy,
if any, establi���2ci pursuant to Section 314(b� of the Public
Healtii Service �ct [42 U.S.C. 24b(d) ] . Both of ttiese planni.r.�
agenc-i_es shoul� Le involved ezrly in t1:e develapu:ent �f the
: projcct plan. , ,
_ , ___ .. __ . . __ _ - - -- -
" , _ . . In those cases wl:ere target zreas of Lhe project i�,gact on P,odel -
Cities, review ana approval. �s required by the r:od?�I Cities Agency
" and S�IOUiCi b2 St��r�itted to t32e P,egional �?ealth E�c::�iaisCrator as
suppor�ive mater7 s�1 ror th�� graztL app7.�c:ztion.
B. Grant EvalLat-ion and A:�r�rd for Con:mtsnity Proj^ct Grants Un�er
, Secti_on l0I�a; of the .4ct - . _
-' l. ti.ithin ti.� Ii�its of fu.ds available for s��c�! purposes, �
< the Sec.ret�ry may a��rar�t comr�unity pro�ect �;ra�ts uith •
respec� �t_o those orcjects which ;,�ill in.;�is jud�mer_t
bes� pro�;;ote tlie pu:-��ose of tl:c ��ct takin� iata account:
; � �
� a. Tre ;i�.,n:.ficai:ce <<:f each pro;ect �n. t��r_;ts of tiie
exL-c::� ol the r:�b1em and n�ec� for ti1� service ta
be prc.�-.�.c!�d.
�� J. ��1c� i c:.^,r._'31 (��.._�.�t}' ci:1(� C:�:E:Ct�VCII._S:i OL tl'lE.' �'iL'O�>U:��:(� .
�C�t::—!;d:;�:�� �:7_t1i: -)O1�'•�7R:t:'1�� precentior 7���ram p:�rsu:IIlt
� �o tY�� r.�c,uir��-,::n�s of Sectioa III. �
c. The e:,cent to c.�::;.cii representatives a� tl�e con:.:uniCies
' to i,. ;;crvec3 1����•e Lcen involved in tl�e dcvelonc�enC
-. of tiic project. . �
f',�� r;-.�,, ;; r.;�s.� r.••-.� � .
S.+^�.f �� `. _.3 �i+� t'
,` `�. � .,t : � � �
. .. . , _ ,.__.-----••-- -- - - -._ . .._. _ _
._ . r . � ,
.- . �: . - ... . �,• � - - - _ ,_. _ - ' _ ' '_^�
' � ' ,' ' :� F't;'i1 �
, - '. � .��, �� �; �I 1:; lc"..
, . . ; .
' ' 'ifi.ry� ��.L ��a ��
e � , �4i� +•i 1, i)•:� ` _
i , _ r� �� �� �� .. _.
•.._. _
' `�
� � .
_� . . . . 4 ' - .
' � '
- d. The-extent to wl�ich cor^munity resources are
-: - -----__ - - -moUi�.i•r.e� esPecia2ly the in�•olve.r.:ent o£ voluntary
• _. manpo�•:er and volunta;:}* agencies' resources. '
� e. The determination by the Secretary that there is
� . satisfactory assurance that the services to be -
, provided �•rill constitute an a.ddition to, or a . . . -
si�nificant improcement in qLality (a$ deterr:�ined . • � _ _
in accordance witi� criteria of the Secre�ar}} in -
- - services thaC would otherwise be provided. �
. f. The extent to wh3.ch, in the �udg►:!ent of ehe Secretary,
a grant under this part will assist in the estal�?is?i�:�ent
of a continuing Ie�d-based paint poisanin� prevention
� _ _ -_ _ : program.G;hich caill be conducted by the appl.icant b�yon� ,,
the termination of Federal fir.anc�.al su�port.
z . .
3 �g. The exteat to which relzted Federal, State, local, - :
� . � . and other programs are ccordi.nated and utilized ta
� , impact on the lead-based paint poisoning problem. � "
; • - .
� . . . -..___ _" . . .
s 2. Continuation support for projects is �contingent upon: - :
, - . -
� ` . __ _ a. � Satisfactory progress in achieving program objectives. �
y ; • •
: : __
�' ' b. Demor.strated need. � �
,,. .
,� > _ _ . , _; , : ..
� , �c. The e�;tent to which the responsibiTity for meclical
� ' treatnent of children is assur.ied b} the co�snity.
� : .
� :
;,� d. The extent to cahich the responsibility for necessary
a � screening and hazard reduction in dwelling units is - -
� : . � _ .
:.-; • assumed by the co�nunity. . -- • .
� : ' • `
� ; . e._ Compliance with limitations and conditions of -
+ • • • previous �rant awards £or this purpose.
� _ ' � -
� f. AvailaUi�ity of Pederal appropriations. .
� � • � �
. 3. Recipients of Federal support for lead-based paint
, � poisonin� control programs must: .
3 ,
; ' �. Be in compliance with the provis;ons of St�te and
1ccal laws applicat,Ie to appr.a;;rzated funcis.
; .
a ' -
� . • '
i . - r` e�^-1 C1'��:�
; �r-.� ���.� �1, tl i� -
�1. �
� , . � . . � �.� � c S � {•� . .
.. �. � �
. - � � . �. . ..
' !� i � . _�_ _... _.. . - .. _-.
_ ....,.. -._� .. .r,-�....- Q: ..__..� ,_ .. ._._. _ . . .. � � . . t _ ... . .. . . . . .. .
� �- � E
, _
. � ,. . _ . � ,.
�' .,+ . ' _ . � ',� '� 1��� �+'� !'� - . _ , � 1�✓
: � ` �
' i ' . . �� � L �: ��� � _ �/
i' � . . . . _ . .il..�����
; "� . �
a• b. Provide serv�.ces and emi�Xu;�n��itt c�PporZunil-tes to
3 ,
; �inclividuals, cxcept �.�t�erc ott;cr�:ts� meciically �
_ __ _ . . _ �
; • - , indicated, ���ithout dj.scr�.min�tion on Lhe �rounds
;�• � --- - of race, col.or., nationaZ origin, age, seY, creed,
� ; martial status, or duration of residence.
' - `-- - _ - c.� Provide services wit�� respect for the privacy
; _ and dignity of individuals inva2ved. �
� d. rfaintair. tIle confidentialir.y af p.�Cient records . -
- at all times. - " � -
, � - - .
e. Provide a�suraace that no child� �33_II be denied . ' � '
a screening tesr for lead poisaning because his
� : , parent or �uardi�z is unable to pay ariy charge �
. for such tes�.
� _ _
. - G. Gr2nt Evaluation and A�aard fc�r. Fstal�Iish��r.t af Centralized`
� _ Laboratory Services L`nder Section .i4l(e) _
, ___ . _ _ . .
: _ 4lithin the Zimi�s of fuzds avai2able far �-c*_ch purposes, the . _
: ' Secretary m2y ak*ard grants for the es�abl�shment of centralize:? �
; : � . Iaboratory services �:hich will, in his ji:.�nent, best serve -
3 the current ar_d propose� local and State �rograms, including _
� , _ Ear1y and Periodic Scre2nine, Dia�nosis a�id Treatment under
� . __. -- Medicaid. - .
. j i
:; • Each ag�2icant must bive: . .
� _ _ . _ _ ' �
;� = . 1. A description of the immediate� and Ie:*_�-ran�e obiectives
� � of the State under this grant to me�t .the need� identif:;e�
i + -
' �abo�;e und the methods to bc� employec; -�n rueetitig tnese �
i : � � -
� objectives.
� �
� : - 2. A descri�tion of the steps to be takez to ir_:�ure that +
� , laboratory services provi�ed under t�:� grant con►�in�ie _
� ' ' to meet high standards, including �t-��s to insu�e _ . . -. ..
� ; : outside reviec�, of laboratory perfer^�=:�ce. �
f y
� .
i . 3. A description of any currci.� plans i::r assu�u�*zf� tile
y � responsibil:it;r far pro�i��i�=^cy ����:-":-;, tra���:_g, and
5 � monitoring tQ <.ss�.�re co����:c-,�:.�.ncy Qi l.- =3� 1:1��`�:�i,Q'"1C:i
pCriOrP1�T1� �E'.'i� S��C�C?;'i1 2�?Ft�)'�1S C':":'��1,��'�lOiIi" ��ii_ :.�t�l':.
� • -
4. In ^?i��2t:{.0:1 i::, ;.`_t' 'iE':ii'.�r:'f:^.F_^.`.i �tS :_ _._.:?�ffi;t('t �,. �f_'C��r-.'_i �;
: �s ls �C� �:; 1 s:;� — . ��?ir'i,; l�il`) ; _ , =s ��i .'.)J �C; l=1� 1�� •
; �
' D. U.e o!- G.-n�'t �,;r, -
1 .
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�^�lr •�•.;. ; -i�'f�'�, '��: '��• �
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$QZ.i'7.}� �ni: __. -'j �.. � r'.i :;:•"' ��[�7�„�. _:i �)i"Q,j�:'�'_ i.il uC�:f)rCS .. :'."
�a_it;t tl�:.. . , �;... . .. . _ ., .c,�!:.:c<�, �i�n ;:��;;�;l�l.._,=.::� . �nc? tcr,�-
i , : c I?:i "`^1}+.i: . li: ,.. ��� ., ,,•.r; . ri , . r-� �." 'j ' '
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: , . . � .i � �!�, ,� �..:� �., �� .
. ... 1! :1 i! .a 6.f +.+
. . . t
� 2. Any funds �ranted for commtici�.ty p�o�ects uider SecCion 1(3I(a)
�� of ttic Act May Ue used for Che £olla:�ing:
'� . �
� a. Developnental. acti��i:ti.e^;
b. Core pro�;r.am eompoaer.ts, incluc�ir,� ad;,iinistrative
cosL•s, educztional pro;ra.�s, costs for screening
children, l�boratory �n.alyses, investiga,tion tor
lead tlazards in t}ie env�ronment Qf cizildren with
elevated b?ood leads., and data co2lcction and
� processing. � : _ ., . -
. c. lraining to meet manageT:ient needs c�' �the project
including advisory board rier�bers; .
d. P.eimburse:�_ei:t of r.ie�:�bers of advisor;T boards f.or
necessary c;:nc:�ses incvrr.ed in tl�e actual per�orn.ance - -
- of their ducies as mer.lb�rs of the 'b��ard.
, ��. 3. Any ii:nds graiited under S�ct:_on 1D1(a} =:1ay be esperided
for e.u�r�ency m�dical care or treat��n.^.t and en�rgenc;r
hazar�l reduction of residert�al en��ira:���nts only uzder
speci�I circuinsta��ces as indicated iii L:�e folloL�rirg items:
, a. Providing r::euical care o;_ treatr::rt:�*_ on o�ly an
' e��r�ency b�:��� cf vic���as o� ie�:�.-�a�ed pa:�.�:t
• pOjSO:1111`� L?:!P_�e the uppli�ant �1T!��S� c.11a C�°:^OiiS�r3�E'S
� - to the satz.s�action oi ti�e Sec,:et_-y, eith�r t���ore
' or after Li-�e provisi.on for such c:�_� or treat:�ent,
tha� no ot,:__- ft;nds :�ra reasor.�.�,�..,' -�vailable zor_ suct��
- ' � CC rC Ci�?Ci t__ —•:1rt�C.iRt• ,'i C� ..i-`�. F `lc.-' c1T .r 1' � .
. L� . �: �i .. �1.��VZP� Cv'�.UL:�..G! � . . .
�.-X;J 1�J• . . . . . .
•,,;•,; � iev�i r_.;� _';e patic,i i� at
(1) Cor,�.;.-- _ �.oc� ����,� . � ,. .
�_"�L� �J i.°.:1.!:�.?. _. ��_.?i,.��l7 I'tj�i3.i�LE'T�S G� �.'�Oi..°._ _ ,_
� h.A��` � -
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; ._. . - �. - . �_ ;�, �' 2�1 ��__...,_.__::� ttlti .,- --- ;::���t._
,,.- , � , „i � , : _ < <�._ ..'':�: _. _'._� CO�'f: , rfr �?7" �.
. ,.?'"` t., .,'c. . :1 c;!, i^1� P:C'i1?._ _. i�:?:'c? ,L'
.-- . .. .. '. _ - . . . -i O:. - ' `ECr�CI l'�..i�. O: 1c' ...
+ ;�,.. . � .. . C. . ��:. � "'�_� _ ,,� �Y';' t".... �� .
- ,,
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.. ,'i .� . . .
;.; '� . r; -'� :`_ •
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. .
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' Y . � ' ' ZA � �' Li � � . .. . �� Y� .
. �. � �� �1 ;,., �i,. _
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. . _—... . .. .. , . ._ ... . . _ _. _ ... . . . ... .__ .. . , . .. . . . _
b. ltazard rec3uction of residenti.al ctwellin�s, only
wherc tt:c applicant finds that tlze presence of lead-
� ' based r�int o� surfaces of such d:�:clli_n� units presents
� _. _an i,,::ir_ent dan�cr Lo Che iica7.ttz and safety of orae or .
- _ __ __
more r.esidents ancl t•rllere tne applicant f.inds, and
demonstrates to the satisfaction of thc Secretary,
eithcr before or_ after such dele�ding, that no ut.her
funds are reasonabl}� a.vail`ble_ for such deleading.
?10 :nore than 10 percent of ttie direct costs o£ any firant . � . _
� a��•ar.ded r.,aq be used for emergency hazar� rRduction of �
d�Lellir�� units. - ' -
4. Pr�.or approval by the Regional 1?eal�h �dministrator of -�e��isien
: of. the bu��;et and project plan, is required E•,henever ti�ere is
: � to Ue a si�;niiic�nt chan�e in the scope or nature of project
actitTities. ..
E. Fro�ra-: Re�ortin' RC.'dLlYL'fiC'.11tS � -
� A qu�rterly report on th` status of the prc;ect is requ�;_ect af
alI �r�ntees. Such repo��s must be s�.ib:,��tte3 �aithin 7 Cays �
� .. - `F!-n� tho -�...7 nF n��F' ...�~��l .. .-��'7� . .
_ ,._ _ _. _ _ •- :i:. � �.� r= �-
F. Gra*�ts Ac?s;:.n.i;�r.?tion � -- �
Ela(il��Ot181 ��.^inistrat��r� _and fiscal F)Q�1.C1�S 8?ld �SZ'OCCSLY'f:S c1rE
set forth jr t'�e Depart,�c.�nt of health, Edu�.:�i��.on, and t�,elf.�77-e
Gr<i�ts Aun�nistratien ?��a-�ua1 availa�le iro� th� Superi�tei�ci�ut
of Docu;aen��, Gover.i��-:�.:� ?'rintin� OLfice, .�:shi:�gtanr �� �. ior
.�,`�.�1�',� GPC '���.'_,..�.^_`lt .�....:UE'L 8�4'-S�.'i.
. . . . 4 _ ' � � . - � .
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� • _ ��^l 4j.�,., r! ';.,'1 ��_ - . .
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-- -.
�� � GItANT APPLICllTIOri q .
_ . Pi�OJECT T:.1IZ.°,/i'i'IVC POR \ .
�s' Tlze project narrativ� j.s a detailed plan of the activity for ��hich grant
' assistance is requested. It shoulu ue com.plete and _concise. The regul`tions
an3 pro�;r�r,i �t:idelinES sliould be read caxefully while pl�annin� the project.
< ConsultaL-ioci �.nc� asszstance r::ay be obtained throu�;h tt-te F.ehional Health �
A3ministrator in the apnropriate P.e�ional oL-fice oi the Departr�ent of
Heal�h, Educatian, ���1 G�elfare. �
The project *:arr2tive is ta be .siibnitted on s�andard_]:etter size w:;it�
pap�r ��ith pa�es nu:r_bered, continu�ng the sequence of the printed
applicatioT: �orn. Tne format for tl�e �roject narrati_ve should follcw
; t��e £o11c�.�in� o��tline.. •
' ' Title af Project
; ._ - - �
t i. ur^ar!i�a�ion aiia Hcl�1T11St"L?L10I1
A. OrQaniza�ion - Describe the agplicant's administrat�.ve
� or�anization, its procedures, facilities, staff and resources �
� � and plans for the develop�ent of additiona2 staffi_ng necessary
_ . � to carry out the oro�ra� efficiently and eifectively. A �
private nonprofit aoency, institutioFZ, or organi.zaeion nust
; pro��ide evider�ce o� its r_c,nprofit sta�us in accoru�nce c�ith
y instruction accompanying the application for�n. _
� . B. Adtrinistration - Describe how the project c�ill be adr�inistered. -
.� ` � Identify all public a�°nci�s or nonpr.ofit or�nizations �ahich
� , t � will h�.ve project oper3tional responsibilit�es, and discuss
, ; , � � . � hocs the activities of each unit or organizatioa will be
' � moni�ored to assure satisfactory perforrl�nce.
; � .
.� � C. LeF;al �.u*horities - DescrZbe the applicarEt'-s J.e�a1 authority a�ld /
, . �
; respons:�bili_ty for the adr:inistrarion of_ t�is pr.o�r�m. F�r r�ew
'� apglic�nt's that �lo not �iave the nbcessary le��1 �uthorit;l
d�scrihe the steps wl�ich are propesed Lo ootaii� tlie Iegal
` authority ncce�;ary to aCr.:ir,i�ter the program.
' D. Descryl�e an,� 1'ederally-c�.:r,�d housl.ng ov��r F7�17.C}2 Iocal �or��rc�r�en* j
? tias �:� cont-rol (i.c. , r,i�Itary b<<��s, etc.} whi.cl� may ��
' - conLribuCe tv the numb�.r of chtldren �t risk.
.� �..,.� pr'} �'.1 C:«� C-{�'.
F� �., ;: .y �':1 i' -
. ;; . .. �< <; ;:; ..
�.1 � i p�, � .
. . ` '.� } 1�r 1.1 e..� :� . -
.. ....� -_ � ..�.-..»...,�....-.. .....�.,,,,.... .._.. '_' �.._ .,..�_ . . _ _ .. .. . . .. ' _ . , _ v. - ' y .
�... -.� - . .. _�. ,�. - . .�" .
., .. .�.s- .......
1 , , .._ , . . . . � 17
. , ' . . . . , � , ,f �,+'+� r� �^±'� w�^^r,� . � -. . _ .. �,;,-►� .
' � ! 1 !•
. a , . � . �� ,, ;;�,�, ` .� �, (�� �,�p��..
: _ �.:.s L � :���.. � i� C.���
; . -
� . ,
. . . . . . - • . � � q . .
M� . .. . . . . . , . ' .
II. Lcad-B:�sed Pai.rt Poisonin� Prob].em \�
_ , - _
, ---
' A. Dclin4ate and descriLe thc �;;�o;r�phical area in tahich ttie
� pro�c�et is to be conducted and identify population a� risk. �
; Provi_de an estimate of CIZe nur,iber of children at rislc who
reside in the target area (use of mags will be helpfu7.).
Ii. Describe conditions of dw�lling units or othe�- struc.tures /
in which the environrental hazard of l.eacl painC exists. �f
Provide an esti:�ate af the nur�?�er of 3�,iel.ling units whicl�
.contaiR the liazard in the tar�et area. -
: --
_ C. Describe ti�e incidence of lcad-based paint poisor.ir.g in �
childr.en in ter�is of repor;:ed cases and de�ths, and the -
; - . nur,�ber of chiluren ��ho have been reported i•�ith e�e�Tated
blood le�d levels as a result of the ex�osure to ]_ead
- paint hazards.
� � -
� - TIZ. Current I.ead-Based Paint Poisonin� Prevention Pro�r�m
� _ � � ' ' !,/
- Q� 7r�Pnfii.fv all aaPnrj.e� �.rh;.rh h�vP a r�7e rPt�rRd t� rh�
j _ --- . .
� elinination ofvlead-based paint poisoning in the praject area
and describe th^ responsibilities of each. -
: , _
- B. Describe the scope of current activity - Include a state�:ent �
i � : - of the current progra�► objectives (im..�edi;�te ar.d long-r�^;;e) .
� � Indicate the nu.^�ber of children scree�ect �d treared for le?d
; : . poisonin� and the nu�r;ber of d��ellinf; iinits inspeci�ci and t`�:�
! � hazard reduced durir.g the Past year.
� ; C. Yrovlde lead-based paint poisoning rrez:ent-ion bt��?g�t anc' actu�l � .
� � dbligations of the applicant for the currcnt f_isc�l y�ar a� � . �
;=� . the pr.�ceding fiscal year., c�:here appl�cab?e. 1'1so ind:i.c�,=� tz�_
,:� � sources of funds appropriated, otl:er g,-anis (Pe�3era1 or r.;�_�-
� : " Federal) , fees, etc. .
'� ' D. Describe ceordination of ti�e raedic4? a:�c' �ri�,iYa�z^:cr�tal ,:�,��c.<�s
, . of the grog,-�r�. (Attac!i copi.�.s� oi_' �:�:-<<�=�_:-,_� �L ����e�cc-... ��_
� ' � underst;�ndir�f; Wi:�.^_�1 1T1CiC:2t.!? i 02�.,;�1. �:���7:'<.1.P.�i:'1:��'c`c_'illitli" -..:'7. _ _
� � betw�_en local �r,d statc prot;:-ac�C) , i�;� :�e�_ =it:` -`: ... . -- _ _
�: e :,:
; and CXtE'ilt t0 6,'�:'_ :I: ��:!� CUYl�..l�l`.��C•'�,7'?:.. 1 . �_il`_�' � �:]�C� .. . : . t'L..2�
� _.�� .
j C';�j.Si.�i:� CO�1��',."E:�!::i�S1�:C i:nl7�.r�1 SE'.L�:'�C__ .:i!C� �:C;i:, l_i!.� _iiGr•• ._ . . l.'�-•--_
.. . � ��. . �!'
� partic7Patin�; C:('7�?T�^?.'T;L'"�� ;IL,c'ncie:;,''OL � �:"P.i?:!L.
: .
j �+
' 1"., �E':;CTrj��(? ,!1(`�-�'vO,� ,,•;:'C� r„ ,rn,��•,�-i;. .,--.n::`-'7C'� e�. �.�:2,-';_}..r,cr.,� . �;,i
� ° - - " - _ '. _. _ _ . .
! on ii:te�:.or ., ���t�.... �. 1. + ' , � � , � �-_� � - - - �;, -
.'a. i. UL�fC Ctili 1:`.C�i�l;uS �..� li_ � :)I" .. ' �'�_. ��F �
j t�]�1P. fOr' II=S .1�. U���t?t:��xl?1(:1G:i Of }2i37c1�C1;?lCS c1!:::)':I2f: OL' �C,_ _ .,.i? —
''' :�� c^
II . c;escr:.Le bo':h *,c•thods. - --
' ' - r�.,•1 t'_..,} . "7 j':� r.•� �
:� �� .-� , ,;
, . . I `� I.'• ;', `.•..t r�
_. , f-:� �i . . . �-.`
� : : . .
� -_,,.,........ _.,, ... „ � . e.. .
. . . . .. ..._._., ..- - _... ,_ . _ :.-:-
. . . . . .. . ._... ._ " - ._.... _ ..
. . . -. . . . . . .. ". . . � . - - . .i . " ...: . ..i. _ � . __..
. . ' - . _ � �_.� r..,,.t, _ _. 18
, , . � � �. r� .
� ,s t, �1 �,� w-�
.� . ' � � �t• ; �'1 (i
, , '`}� ;,c u��a !� Ls ,
j __ . . ._ . __. _ _..__ __ __ ...___
� . � . . __
- • . , �
,� - • R . .
F. Describe proc�ctures and tecliniques includin� cocip enforcem�n*_
' used to ach:teve reduction of lead liazards in dEaeZ].in� units.
G. Describe current screenin�; pr.ocedures to deter_rrzine b�ood Zead
` levels in ci�ildren alzd �;hat provisions are maue for medical � _
; . evaluation and treatment of childx�n faund to h�ve undue .
, le�td alisorption. -
II. Desc-r,ih� IaLor�tory procedures for deterr��nin� Uload lead
levels in cliildr.en and le�d conteizt of'paint.' T1ie grocedures �i�
followed to r�onitor laboratory quality should b� discussed
in c�etail. � -
I. nescribe procedure for establishinG an ?dvisor�r Loard, c;hetiier_
or r.aC one is currentl� b�ino uL-3lized in the pra�r��, an1 �(r�.
: _ _ _ _ anticipated functiors in addition to those pre�*i.c�usly listed
; as re��uireiner�s. State e�.pected ben�{;ts :o Le derived f�-o�:,
i Acivisory Boai°d. ' •
J. Descri�e non-buc'betary constraints e�perienc.ed in c.urren� prcgr�:-�
; oger�tions a.^.d ��;'.iat steps are beind tar;en to resol�e ther.
L};31:1r��E5 Oi i1Ji�—�.t'ili�vctcT'y C,Oi1S�r�zi�Li.S :�:iCi:l�i` 1�uGtc�..yli�:.�2 ��.bnZ
� - auti:orities, lac�. of inter�st by reside:�ts in pro�ect area, lac� �
�° _�� of tec�inical �:no,��ed�e a:�.on' profess�onals, tcc':�ical, or
� ' �' .
9 �
. _ �F ;; aa;:,inls�ra�i�:�� Stdff� Lilli�'1131J1�' ��'t[JQ�'<i`LQ3� c.i1c'.:LJSP_S� �?ai'L::.Cl�dl.,.l!•:
� ��- agenc�.es usir.� different r:ethods fo�- d��.erzzni�i,=, blc�d �!e�d le�.ets,
�. � . . prob�er::s c�f sec�s�-ing r,�e�.�.c21 treat.j,.�nt, i�ade�7u��e coorcjiF�_.ti::r:
�; . . .
� be��•:F_en medical ��.d EilV:`1-OT.�;:ental cor��pon�at::;,, e�c. - , .
T��. _Pro�r��,' ?.�'a.�—t;:.S?t� i�c:ll?� :�_;f?ri?,P,? Pl Z2.i't�l:ili �',`i� �---^r
;. Descr.i�� tn� pr.er:o��d comp�:'.��_.�� v p � �: t� e o ��:-. ,.. �rT� ..
,i e rc„ra ��r d t:c�i n � _�-, r:-
�, OF 1P.CLC'E'.^.tS O� �E�:�i—}1;1Si.:l '3:3;.^:!' �OlSC'T!3.I1Q 3P'iCs^:5 C:l:1Ci'LEiL u:7� ��r
f � � • _" ' ' .-.....a �'. i . Q:2S.1..3'.'_�i� t:; . .� _ _ . � _
the e�.i.::i.:-;tior �:� �.�:ad-�.� ^� •� ;int f�:r:� T ,;+�� t�i.:' :�-�_s�r:t
, , _ ._
� a hi�:: r�,�; to ..;-i= `��•aJ_�h ��� c`.:i�dren.
, . - .
r ' • :
, -
- �. ).:i_�.11�C :� .a. _ : ._ :t..fi QP. f:��(1Ji:�.t Q���E'r�..�'JF?� ��_ -:(���..'�i�_? u_.,. �... —�aTl`� � .
.. . : 1.."2., . ..:�.� .,�:'_ �'�.'.�i�1CC1 7.ii i.Ci`;;?': CS._ i il�� .[i�';:�-_:. �r. _._ r;_5�! � � .
.. � . � . . ....'., . -.Il - ._ . ... _ J', .,..... _i�ili:il� L?-,- i.,l- .-_c•l' �i.i ._..c= C.::t. ._.:i. _ -� t..'_ .:Es� � .
. _ !' ic' _.. . _ '`�•Y _ - _- _ ��_�.T!G t':'=_`_S r�.: � . _ _. ' ^i.2G;t . -r ri
- � - - . ' 'i� 1 1 � -�- i�i: � - ' � -
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' C. Describe 9.nterpretation of Iead-hased �ai.nr paisoninQ conCr�l
pro�raM activities wi�h those of e:ci�stin� comPrehensive
� hcalth sei�v�.cc and housing pro�ra�r.:;. .
, D. Describe �rech�nisri{s) to de�elop znd mainCaj.n a balunce bet�reen
the medical and enviror:r.:eatal as�ects of the project.
E. 1)escribe project activities for the addltian3l bud;et }*ears -
for �•:hich support is requested in the ap�lication. :
- : _ . .
F. Describe plan for continuation of progra� �ctivities �•:hen
I'ederal support is tern�inated. --
G. l3escribe t�o�,-• grantee. ti;i_11 evalua�e activit}T at end of each___._
�rant-sugparted perio�.
, . �,� �_ - � __ �
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PROJL''CT ;;:'�RI�I:TIV� F�it TiiT: }:ST:ll:LISti:'`'I'CNT - -
The preject narrati��e is a detailed plan o� the activity for which grant
ass�.stance is requested. It �hould be co�:plete and concise. The
: re�;ul4tior�s and pro;;ram guidcZines should be read care'fully �ai�ile plannin;
tlie project. Consultation �nd assistance mzy be abtained throu�h the
Re�ional 'r;ealth Ad;ninis_rator in tne appropriate F.egional office of the
Dzpartn�ent of �tealtil, Educaticn and t�el�are. ,
Tl�e project narrat�ve is �o be sLbMitte�. o.i stan�aid letter size ��nite
- --- - - paper wiL-h pa�es nu�r:Uered, continuing the sequence of the printed applicati�Z
� forri. The format for the project narrative shauZd' £ollow the following out1=:_�.
Title of�Project �
; l. U�Lni_zation and Adminis*ra.tion '
' ----
� A. Organization - Describe the applicant's adainistrative organization_
� its proc��dures, its facilities, staff and resources and plans for
� , . any additional staffin� necessary to carry out the program
� � efficiently a�d effectively. - '
. � B. Administrati.on - Descr3_be hot�r the project i:i11 be administered.
Identify all agencies ���nich will have project opera�ion�.l
� resporsibilities, and discuss how the activities of eaeh unit
+ or organization will be monitored ta assure satisL•actory _
performance. � ' ,_ : � .:
C. � Legal Avtnorities - Describe' the applicant`s Iegal authorityr
' - and responsibility f.or the adr�inistration of this pro�ram.
AppZicants that do not have the necessary legal authority
' should desrribe the steps which are proPos^d to obtain the
� legal authority necessary to acir.iinister tl:f� program. _
. .
II. F,stablist;ment of Centr�l Laborator.y Serviees
A. Describe t��e local pro�rams the centraliz�d IaUoratory is to
support, i.ncludin� boCh their st�ort ran�e abjectives and lon�
ran�e f;oals.
� B. Sl�ow the de�;rce of. �xp�,►lsion necessary to support J.�cal pro�,�'.:�^s
; an� e:cpccte� screc�iir:� u�lcler T�i�JT pro�r.:��s o£ :Ie�iicai.4, incl.ucli;��
; the nt,::�ber of l�l.oed �v:�ples to be �itialyzct. - .
� , � .-•,. f•, �•�i c
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� �C. Estir.tatc thc number of environmen�al s�nplcs c_�cpected to be
���, �ilalyZea. � '
, �
' D. Estimate any expected ecanoray of scale sCen�ins £rom centralized
+ services.
; .
E. List any equip�ent to be purchased with estimated prices. •
F. De�cribe any pZans for trainin� of personnel including
. associated costs,
� . _ . �
G. List the ogcrnting costs which Che applicant f•rill bear.
� III. Art�l;�sis af Bleod tcr Lead
I ry
A. nescr�be the co:�plete. pr�cedure for_ . analyzin; blood for Iead
;: including the sample coliecting procedure(s) in the field,
' , sa�;ple preparation, and the analytYcal de�=ice used in
! dete�-minino tlie lead in the prepared sample.
i . ..
� . B. Justify the r�ethod of �nalysis chosen in A. ir.:mediately �hove,
� � inclLdino any e..perience �T?:ich the laboratory has had wzth
i the method. Bescribe why the method chos?n i.s considered �
� :�i:'y���.'vi i.v ut�.ELltallVC it:Ci.itUu, Ui SI2�i.iy"SS.S �;'1VE:I1 Lile
; applican.t's specific situation. �
� .
+ � . - �
! C. Describe the internal quality.�control progra;� cahich c•ri11 be - - -
3 employed in the laborato�y to insure consistently accurate
�� results. In 2ddition, the applicant mc�st agree to partici�ate
� on a regular a�d continuino basis in ��ie C�C laboratory �
` n�or.?toring program.
� � -
; .
� D. Describe the l.aboratoryts prograr� te insure t��a� the pr�cedures
� . used to collect, transgort an� store samples �rior to a:zal.,;sis
�' . will result ir. unconta*�inated specimens bei�g receiv�c; in a • '
� fcrrn suitable for analysi.s. �� - - - -
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* T:c„ • . , - '
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SCaL'e�: � . . . _ .
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(t�� 1't•.r �.?i:il St'L"CE't '. � . __ _ _ __ • _
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April 28, 1975 • THOMAS j. KELLEY
ApR �� 19,,
TO: Robert P. Pirazn �
FR: Thomas J. Kelley t��r�,
RE: Federal Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
Citizen's Advisory Board
Mayor Cohen has approved of the names submitted by Dr. Eberhardt
for the Citizen's Advisory Board in his April 2 letter.
Please have the necessary leqal instruments and letters of ap-
pointment prepared. Thank you.
/ t ��
i' ��.c��'�'°�►'`' "- /���'.(,�'.�`. �_
TJK/ca �"!_ �. �� �
ce: Edward R. Eberhardt �� �
G�-�-� � C� � ��`a�°�:�.� �
365 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Cti T Y O�.
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� e��uqso�a�u "'� .
� ano� t�n s� b
'L n¢�oiro■�rm ,
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s ...
April 2, 1975
Laa�rence D. Cohen, P�ayor
City of St. Paul
Room 347
City Hall & Court House
St. Paul, Plinnesota 55102
_ Dear 4layor Cohen:
GJe submitted by mail the proposal for rener�al for our Federal Child-
hood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program to the District Grant Admini-
stration in C;�icgo on �4arch 25, 1975, so that it would arrivz by the
deadline of April 1 , 1975.
The new guidelines require that we have a Citizen's Advisory Qoard
and submi t thei r narr�s tiai ti� the proposal . The gui del i nes al so requi re
that these people be appointed by the ciiief elccted public official .
The Advisory Board must be constituted as follows:
Taro-thirds of the Board„must live in neighborhoods affected
��,�based�_pa,.i.n.�. .p�i soni ng. �� majori��y� riu"s�'�Vh�v2��rre�"'"
ch�ld under six years of�age at the time of this appoint-
ment. It should include individuals with competency in
the fields of inedicine, la���, public health, housing, con-
struction, and environmental health. This Board will have
advisory responsibility in planninq, implementing, and
evaluating program activities and can have direct respons-
ibility in s�imulati��g public education and in seeking
local funding support for project ac�ivities.
We include biographical sketches of the persons �-rhom �a� have ap�roached
regarding their arillingness to accept these positions on the Board.
555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
(612) 227-7741
When you notify us of your appointment we will forward the notification
immediately to the Federal Regional Office in Chicago in order to ex-
pedite their evaluation of our Grant Renewal Proposal.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Edward R. Eberhardt
Deputy Health Officer
_ Robert Piram
Direetor of Community Services
cc: Paul J. Cox, D.V.t�1.
Director of Environmental Health
Approved by:
_ - ;��
.. .
Thomas J. Kel ey
City Adminis 'rator
' . ' � Dr. Carolyn Levitt graduated from the medical school a�� co�nleted
; .
, the pediatrics residency program of tne University of F�1innesota ir������
� 1967. S`i� bri efly ��or'r,ed as a �edi atri ci an i n t�ie qe�eral cl i ni c of.
�-1ode1 Ci ti�s, �°?inneapol i s before taki n4 ti r.re out to have a �aby.
She joined the Children's Nospital staff as Director of Ac:�buTatorv
S�rvi�ces in 1°71. She is active on the St. Paul Child Abuse Team and
� the Child Health Consortium of St. Pau1 For in�l�m�nting the Early
and Periodic Screeninc Proarar�. One of her orime interests is in ex-
tendi ng t�ie servi c�s of Chi ldren's Hosni tal inta th� cor8nuni t�, «f�i c?�
� is congruent .�it+� our Project effort to find children in �anaer of beinn
' . damaged from high lead absorntion. She and Eier husk�and have t��ro childr?n,
four and six years old.
: . ' 4!i 11 i am H. Crovrder, 1 aa•�yQr, attended the Uni versi ty of Indi�na a�d '
'� nraduated from la��� school there in 1971 . He volu�teered as a VISTA
�r�orker and a�as assi gned here. After o�e year, he ��as awarded a federal
Heber Fello�rsi�ip and is no�r working under that while attached to tne
staff of LeQal Assistahce of P,amsey County. He has had considzrable
experience in the past three years v�ith housino probler�s in St. Pau1 .
He has had court roon ex�erience. H� is r�arried and has a three nonth
old daughter. They live at 811 Holly.
1 tir. Paul Trevine, 992 Randolph, is r;iarried a7d has a s��� eleven
r^ont��s old, tl� and his ;•!ife r�ov�d to St. Paul from Corous Crist� ,
Texas, three years aqo. Ne is em�lo_vLd by ;1i�rants ih Action , St. Paul ,
as an !idvocate, f;e is also a student at thQ Lniv�rsity �f "1inn�sota
in the Department of Criminolooy. He is on tn� Board of Directors of
the hlartin Luther Kina Center, and has a specia7 interest in the �•relfare
of the Chicano population of St. Paul .
• .
�� � �'. d � . .
i ,
G t
I .
' � � � t�1rs. Jenny Shypulski , 1�4 Duke, has children aQ�s 5, 7 and 3 montt�s
; . .
i old. She and her husband are oFficers in tne Salvation Arr�v. She is
i ..
` nresently <<�orking as a vo7unteer in the Salvation Army Youth C�nter
� in St. Paul. After graduating from flarding Fli4h School , she attended
� a seminary for t��o years.
/Mr. Lyn Robinson, 331 LaFond Avenue, was �arn in hlinneanolis and
'� � graduated from South High School there and subsequently attended Augsbure�
�� � � � � � �
4 College for three y�ars. He is a real es�ate�salesman and is a rr�mber
' of the St. Pau? P.eal Estate Board. N� is an active �ember of the Thomas-
Dale PAC and of the Thomas-�al? Lead Poisoning Task Force. He and
his ��rife '�ave children ages three and five years old.
f �' Ftrs. Sharon Garcia, 16� �l. �1cCarrons, has children three and five.
f �
Sh? r�as born in Little York, �tinnesota and graduated from ��'echanic
Arts High School in St. Paul . In the past, Sharon s�rved as a volunteer
mem�er of the St. Paul Indian Health Board and as a youth arorker out .
of the St. Paul Indian Center. At present, s'�e is a Community 4�orker
• at the tdeiqhhorhood Justice Center, 5�0 Laurel , St. Paul .
� Firs. Flerrie 6arr a7d h�r husband live at 818 Fuller. She is
�resently a volunte�r at th� l�artin Luth�r Y,ing Center, doina field
r�orE; i n Publ i c N?al th Admi�i s trati on and i,eal th Educati on to ful fi 11
the requi rer�ents for a �.A. �rograr� she i s taki ng at �1etro�ol i tan S�ate
College. She is a Licensed Prac�ical ;turse and daes private duty.
She was born in Texas and has lived most of her adult life in St. Paul .
H�r children are gro��,n. S�ie re�r�sents the black communit.y.
� .w. ' �. ` . . • . .
. / � .
1 . �
, - ; P1rs. Glennice Shelby lives 4�ith her husband and four year oT
daug,iter at 1!lG3 Dayton. S,�e graduated from Central Nigi� Schoal and
attended th� Uni vers i ty of i•ii nnesota for a short ti r;�e. She vrorks as
a secretary and formerly �-�as a youth re�resentative of the t�Sodel Cities.
Physical Corps. She has also been a mer�ber of P4ode1 Cities Planning
� / i�lrs. Demaria Carter has lived in St. Paul five years. She lives
at 3°4 i�'ac'r,ubi n a�d has a tt�;o a�d a hal f year ol d son. She i s a tiaca-
lester graduate in sociolog�r and �as �auqht at th� Institutian of Africa�
� '�;rs. �arbara 6ro�,m Peri zek (general ly !<no�•f� as i•trs. Perez by personal
R preference) resides at 1247 St. Anthony, Aoartm�nt ��o. 1421 , is a floor
mo;�it2r on th° 14th floor of Skyline Trnr�ers. She is also active in the
central cor,7nittze of this housing unit.
' �
���' �s;
.. �
� ..:,....�.�... -�
, o,....y�., �
d .�a.a.,�. �
� {�n Y�ICM�1M � .
, V" ■M
March 27. 1975 ������
' Raymond L. Tyler
Environmental Health Services
' Consultant
Division of Prevention
Public Health Service
Reg i on V, DHEbV .
, 300 South Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60606
� ' Re: Reference Project Number 05 H 000403 010
Dear Mr. Tyler:
, . We are transmitting our continuation application for the Childhood Lead
Poisoning Prevention Project. The Model Cities Relatedness Certification
and notice of the formal appointment of the Citizens Advisory Board, will
, � be forwarded when received. The continua�ion application has been for-
warded to the Minnesota State Planning Agency and the Metropolitan Council
wh_ich are the "A" and "B" Agencies respectively. Copies of transmittal
' letters to these agencies are enclosed.
If you require additional information or explanation, please call us. •
� Yours truly,
�.Z�"t`' ' °�
� �
' Paul J. Cox, D.V.h-1. �
Director of Environmental Health
' PJC/Imp
1 _
' 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
' , (612) 227-7741 .
' c�Tti' o�, e1TY OF SAfNT PAUL
' ``� s
� ..:....�.:... -+
3 c;���_��� b
' � rco:.MUn� , � � . .
��, ,...� .M h�
., •
March 24, iq75
� .
John E. Bolend
_, Cha i rman, '
Metropolitan Council
Metro Square Bidg.
, Suite 300
7th � Robert
St. Paul , . MN 55101
' Dear Mr. Boland:
. I am enclosing, for your review and comment, a copy of the St.
, Paul Division of Public Heaith's continuation application for a
Childhood Lead Based Paint Poisonin Control orant under Title
IIt , section 31 e af the Public Health Service Act, as amended.
� This is the second year applica.tion.
. Please forward your c�mments to: Thomas C. Klapperich, Director,
Division of Preventian, Region V, Division of Heatth, Education
� and Welfare, 300 South Wacker Orive, Chicago, Illinois 60606.
� �� /^ /� -
�i��C��� ��.F:-C-y�-c�Ce'�
' . Edward R. Eberhardt
Deputy Health Officer
' Enclosu�e
555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota S5101
' (612) 227-7741
' . .
' ,`� �
4 ..:.::�.:. -�
� ..o�.....�....
. ' 6' ��.co.'ro���u � .
� �.,� �. �o
s .,.
March 26, 1975
� Mr. Gerafd W. Christenson
' Director
State Planning Agency
Capitof Seuare Buifding
' S50 Cedar Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55101
Dear P�ir: Chr i stenson:
' 1 am enclosing for your review and comment a copy of the Saint
Pauf Division of Public Nealth's continuation appfication for a
' Childhood Lead-Based Paint Poisonina Contro! grant under Titte III ,
Section 314(e) , of the Public Health Service Act, as amended.
This is the second-year application.
Ptease forward-yot�r commen#s to: Thomas C. Klapperich, Director,
� Division of Prevention, Region V, Di�vision of Health, Education
and Welfare, 300 South Wacker Drive,. Chicago, Itfinois 60606.
� Sincerely,
� . , �
1 _ ��.�����'
Edward R. Eberhardt
' Deputy Heafth Officer ,
� Enc.
� . � �
555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
, (612) 227-7741
,. �
PUS'LIC HcALTH SF�V iCc oM;�µo. �a�A���E
� 1. Stace Cleer:-q'r.s� Id�rrifi�� .
.� �f�OtiCCNSZRUCTiON P�OGRA�;Sj Z. AppSiconf'a A'r={�co!ior.No. .
PART 1 _—
, 3. Fsdrrel Cronror Ap�ncy
� � l. Apal�cvnr P:e�»
Public Nealth Servic�_ ^s ' ' ' °� �' '^ u���th
Oryoni:afioeal Un�� . Deporr.na�t�„ision .
, _ ccc n,..a__ StrPP'f —
DivisiorLOf Preventi�n ��� • C���
Adminiarrat{.a GFfics Stro�t Aodrssz— P.O. Box
300 South Wacker Drive St Paul Ramsey — .
� Str�sl A3dres. — ?.C. 8ox City CouMy -
Chicaqo I1linois 60606 Minnesota 55101
' z,�cflae s��,. z�,c�ae
C;ty sre:e
5. O�sere�tive No.+�e o�the Projeet
' Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Project __ "
, - 6. F�derol Cae�lo9 No. 7. Feder�l F�-o�^g P,avwarod
13.266 � 85 000
1 $. GrateNe 7yps
- Stote, Co�nTy� X City, Other(Soecif ) ;
� 9, Typ�o�APpiice�ion w P.eCussf � .
Nsw G+ar.1� X Continuation, Supplement, Ot!»r Chonges(Spseify)
10.Typ�Of Assiatonce �
-' : �i
X Gro�t, Loen, —Othe�(Sp�eiiy) t
11.PoPulation DirscHy Baroiifiny(rom ths?rojsef . 13:Lenytn of Pro;�ct .
� 5 590 chitdren a es t-6 Se nd ear �
lZ.Cony�a�aional District 14.Beq��i-y^_•e
, e. _. 15,D�fe oF Apyliernion
Aori ! 1 1975
15.Tf+r opplito�`•ee�tirie�thot fo ths b�sf oF 4is k�ow�ed�s end bslief the deta in t:��s e:p•Iention ws trus and earoet,a�d Jhot Fs will comply
� v�Hh�h�altacfiad ossuaancss if hs rxsivss�M qront.
, TYP�d n�^w Tirle T�Isphone AJumber
E. R. Eberhardt Oeputy Hea lth Off ice AREA CG�� N7M9:R E�T-
Slynofve o4 AW^c�ixed Reprasenl Sve _
� , �i 612 227-7741 33
r ..����- -�'�`
Fo.Fed�rol Uae Only Proj_ct P:umber
05 H 000403 O10
, .
' S-5161-7 (PAGE 1) Form Approved
PN O.M,B.No.6i3-R1379
(Formerly HEW-608T)
' 10-73 ' .
, `f
� '
PART ! ot qa,,,�;�un th� ..O:her" !*,c.Exarn;�l�s�f other types of !; ,
yrar.tees a•a caurc�t uf gcvarnmenu, i+ti,erstate organir.a �
� � ' P�cceot for tions. er:::eciat ur;�ts. 1
This fcrm h-1i c= i s.:i fpr a�l Feo.rai ass��tance
(a) cons!ructio-�, t.�n:i acq�i::tcn or i�nd dzvaioa+�tnt 1��=n? 4� r,��k tne typs o: avPlica.�on or request. It tne . �
•.GL`�er Gh��:^es' b�oc�c �s ch�ked, spec:fy th= type ot .
project, and (h; s�^;i_ o•�rrose one-:ime�.s�.231C2 f2[;'i252i �
of tess.t�an ..i",c';J:���ch d� nct rP�;:i►B 2 Clea►:m;housa ehange. Th� de�i�iteons for terr,�s usa.d i:� ttem 9 are as �
rav+e�.v,an C�:V!�::lil;er�tai ir.i,:,ct stat�m;:r*.,cr ra•.oclt!�n o� fokle:*�s: ; �
persons, �usina;;=s or fsrms. �his form >hall be�sed::iso to a. New g::nt • a� action vihich is teing,ubm�tted by f
reGuest s:i��p:•:rn��;al es:;:st3rca, to propose cha.^.,as or ihe ep;,lic�nt for the first time. j' �
0m_ndnents, �r�d tv request con!iruation or refunding, for b. Continuatioi gra�t - an acuon that pertains to the , f'�
appraved grants oriylna�ly s:,bmitted on thi;form. eontinuatian of a mu!ti•year grant {e,., the secorT3 �
Seibmii th?ori;�,•:at and tv.o copies of the forms. tf an item year ativard for a projact whicfi will ex.end ovar five '
wnnot be ar.s:,.r� o� de�s not appe�r to be ral3,ed or years). '
relevant to .h� a,si;tacce required, v.�riL "PlA" for not ap• c. SuFplemen,al grant — an act��n which p�rta�ns ta an �
pli�abte. �1�har. a r�yu.st i; made for sup�le^�?ntal assi;- increose in tne amount of v�a Fed�rat cor.tribu•.ion
tanca,am2ndmenis or char.g�s to an ap�rcv=d grant,submit for .tie sams�erfod. !
only t?�osa�.aga>vrhi,:h are a:+oropria*e. d. Changes in the exis:ing grant — Spec:`y one or more � '
1t$nt 1—Ent=_r tne S'ate ciaaringtiou:.z id=n:ifier. This is of th�t�llowing' • �
� �
the co�e or numn�r ��:,i;��d by tn?ctearn_hoi�:e to appli- (;} inc�aase in d�•ation — a reGuest to extard the
eations r�uirir.g St�ta c�aariny^ho�se coor�;na:�on fcr pra grent pzriod. �
�rams tistad in ^t:acr.ment D, Office ef 'lanagemen: and (2) D�crease in duration — a request to raduce thz ' '
B�dget CiiCU;ar f�,o. P,S5. �
gran?pariod. '
(tern 2—En.�r the a�a�icanYs a�a�:ca.:on number cr o?ner '
(3) Dac:eau in amcu�t — a requzsi to dscrease the ' _
identitizr. 1' a �rer,;::,f�cat6on was submit!ed, s5ow also:h� amcunt of tha Federai contribution. i '
numb�r tha: z?;.aar� cn the preap�lication if dif`erent �
than the ap�ticat�cn nu^tb=r. Item 10—Check taa iype of assis.ance �zGuestad: 1f thz i
�tem 3—En;�r t:���ana of th�Federal grantor agency,the assinanc� involves more than ene typz, ch�ck t:vo or more
rama oi t`�z pr�mary organiza!ional unit to whicn the appli- blxks and exaiain in?art 1V—Program Narrative.
eation is addr�sszd, the name of tha adminis�,�ativs ofiice ttem 11 —Entar the numbar ot p2rsons directly benoiiting � �
having direct o;,erationat responsi�ii�ty fcr nanaoing tne from tt�is project. For ex3m�(e,it the pro;act is for a n2i�h•
r,rant prcgr�m, and the c�mplete addrass of the Fad�al b�rhood hezlth center, enter the estim3t�d numEer of rasi-
grantor�Sancy. dents in tti�.n=ighborhood that wi�l use tfie cen:Pr. ,
Itam A-cr.iar tnz �ams af i5P appiicant th2 nar-e of ths Itsm 72 ' �
prirnary orgar,+zational unit which will uncf•rtaka the grant a. Ent�r ths congressior.al district in wh�ch thz a�plicant
wppor.ed activity, and t�e complste address of the appli• is Iccatsd.
cant.* �
�Itom 5—Enter th�d�scriptive namz of this project. b. Enter the congressional distr.ct(s) in which most of
the actual �vork on the project will b?accemp+ished.
tt�m 6—cr.:er th�a�propriate catalog num�r as shown in If tne �vork rvill be accomphshed e+ry-wida nr S.�ce-
the Cat3!og oi r=ederaf Dom?stic Assist�nce. If the assis- wide, covering savsral congress+onai dis:ricL, wri2s
tance vri;l p�r;a:n t� mor2 th3n one cata�cg n�mbar, tcave "ci.y-w�de"or"S:ate-wids". , '
this spac: blank and list the catalog numt+ers under Part II t, �tem 13—Enter tha num�r of months that will be n�ednd
Sectio�A. to compl�te the project afte� Federal funds are made avail-
t:zm 7— Em=�the amount that is reGuestzd frcm ths Fed• able. '
eral Gc�err.tr.a^L in i`�is ar plication..This zmcunt shoul� Ii:m 14-Enter tFe approximate data the proj?ct is ex- � ,
x�ree witii :ha tatt�l amount s^cwn in Part iil, Saciion A, p2ct�d to t;tgin. `
Lin3 5 eP Cot�r,n ;e}. F�r rev��ions, ch;r.�es, or amand- :
Ments, s`,o.�r or:'Y th� amount of ��> ir.cr�a:;z nr�+�r'-°�e. �t°m 15—E^*zr ihe daLe tnis aop'ication is su�m+ttzd. :
Ittm 3—C':�� o-s ;r�n:�e type. 1 t tna ;r?niaa is oihar h?m 7S—Compiete Lhe csrtification baf�re submi;tirs_ttie � �
than a Stat�, a:+:»ty. or ciiy yo�ernment, s�ciiy L�� iygs rerort
* Enter a'so in it>m 4 tha zpplicant's emp�oy:r �d��:ifi;;ar.ion r.�.imber�ssigned by th�US. I�ternal Re�:enue S�rvica,o: if th�e^.pli�:nt .
has baen assigr�a:a�Hct^J en:ity numbar,c�ns���ir.g of t:,e IiiS 2mpio;�er�dantif;�tian r.umc�r ara-fix:�hy "i"and sufiixed by a rv:o- �
di�it numha�,•:n.::r tc:_f:iR DHE`.V 2nti!y numU2r.
If the p�yee s ::i b-o:^?r than th�apa�i�an: type on a separ;e s`eet ar,d attach to :his form "Aayea:",tha payea's nama,d::;;a:tmant ,
ordivis�on,co;n,^•!�te zddress,2rid employ2r identifica;ion nu*;bsr or DH�W anr.y n�rnber. 1`an irdividual's name ar.di�r titl= is dasir=d
on the paymani in�..:�an.,tne name and:or titl2 i;d�sireo on the paymert instrucn�n*,th� n3ma and/or titfe of th_d�s�g-ated indi- . �
vidual n;ust b�sp�crti=�. .
hem 6 — For ner: research or tr�ining grant app!icat�ons submittect t� the Division oP Research Grants, NIH,enter the r•rords
°r��s�a-ch pr�;ect" or "train;r� grant." For all other zp�li::a[ions, enier the z�propriate ratalog number as shown in
thz Ca.a!o�of Federal Dom�s:�c Ass+stance. �
. hem 9.d.(11 — Inc:^�:�: the duration —Th�s definition includas ren2wal apolicat�ons. A renaVral grent is an action wbmitted by the
app�icant for compatitive revi�w and re�e.val of a projact which has atre�dy been sup,aorted for a period of time.
Fcr this type check"Other Changes"and specify"Renewal." .
PHS-51S1-t IPaGE 11 (8ack) '
10-73 }
• � �
, !
' • �
• �
tPAR? U � oMS No.eaRO �ae
� '
�tam �.
, Poes lnis assistance requast require Stote, local, Nama of Gov►ming Soe.+y
rayianol, or o.'i�ar ariatity rating? P�iotity Rotirty
Yes X No :.
' Item 2.
Daes t��is assis'ence request reqvira State, or locel Nama of Agi�ry or
odviury, aduceti.no! ot health ctearances? Bxrd
, Yas�—No (Atta n Documentatian) .
Irem 3.
Does this ass;stence r.�quest reqviro clearin�heuae (Attac}� Comments)
� re��eW in accordance•wit:� C?�i3 Circuiar A-9S? M i nnesota State PI ann i ng Aqency
Metropolitan Council
--�—Y�' N' (subm i ss i on 1 etters attached)
, I:ern�.
Doss t!�is ossislanCe request requi�e Stat�, local, Nama of;�rproving Agenq
�e�ional or oi�ar planning approvol? Data
1 Yas X ►�o
Item S.
Is tSs preposad project covarad by an o�proved compre- Check one: Stete ❑
, hensive plan? . Locol ❑
Rrgional Q
Yes X P!o Location of Plan
� Ilam 6.
Will the essistonca requested serve o Federol Name of Federol Inssallotion
instelletion? Yes X No Faderol Popuiotion benefiting ircm Project
� Item 7.
Will t�e ossistance raquested be on Federo) land or None of Federol lnstallation
ieslollotio�? location of Federol Lond
� Yes_�_No Percent of Project
Item 8.
Will ttie assisfanc- rrquested have an impact or effrd Sea instrvctions for additione) ihfarnation to bs
� on tne enviror.ment? povided.
Yes X No
, Itaro 4. Kumber of:
Wil1 thy assist�nca re�quested cousa tfie disp!oceraent Individvols
of indivi:uels, f�milie�s, businesses, or farms? Families
8usinessss .
� Yes�_ho For.:�s
jt�m 10.
Is there ol�o�related ossistance on this project previous, See instr�ctions for additionol infamoJion to be
� panding, or oniicipctad? provided.
PHS-51o1•1 (°AGE 2)
� (Formerly HEV':608"f)
' �
. ' , '
1�357?UC7;CNS ��
PART il" sco� oF ttse p�an. Giv2 ths Ixat4�n whsw th! approveci � {
ptan is d`/3iI3��Id tr,� e�camination ar�� siatt wfisthsr utiir #
Pi�ative answers wifi not reGuire an explana!ion unless th+ pro{act is in eon`crmanc�:wi:h t'�e p'an. � �
� �
Federal -�,ency r�c;u.�sts more informaticn a? � later data. �,� 6_��,o�� tha Fopulation res�ding or work�ng on iha '
Provids su�pl�+�,^en!ary data for r�il "Yei� ��+WEfS in L'�s ��,���3�jnsta!lat+on�.Yi�o wii� N�nefi;from tt�is projaet. i
space provid�J in �cordanc2 witf� �na foilcw+ng ins:ruo-
tiens: i:em ?—Show tht p2rc�nt=�;e of the projFci work that viill
• ltam 1—Prov's�s rha name of the roveming body establish• �conducted on fed�raHy-cwr,ed or taased 1and. G�ve the. . -`
ing t,tie priorir� system and U5e prioriy rating assigr.� to name of tt�e F.,dera�instailatian and its location.
this projNcL h_w� $—Describe trisfly tMa possi�la t;e�eficial and harm- �
(tam 2—Praiide tha nama of tfis 2gency or board wh�ch fu1 im�acL on *.h9 �nvirc�m�nt of tti3 Qroposed proinct. tf
issued the cfaarancs and a:ach ihe documen;�tien oi status an adverse environr..s�:Ul impact is anticipated, explsin
or approv3l- what ac*.ion �.vill t�e tak�n to m.n�miza the imp.ct. F?c!erz4
2gencies will provids separa;e i�str�ctions if addit�onal data �
Itam 3—Atzach the c!saringhou;z comm�nu for the oppli• is r.e�ced.
cation in accordance w�th tha +nsEructions contained in Of-
tice of hlanagamen? �nd 8udget Circular t?o,A-9�,if com• Item S—Stata the nuc-��r of individuals, �amii�es, b�si•
ments wera w�m+�ted Fr?viously with a pr�3oplitation,do na�s, or f,r;ns tt��is project will d�sp+ate. Feclerai 2;anc.zs �
rtot submit Lh�rn a;,3i» but any addi�ionai commznts r�- witt p:oviUe s2para!a instr�ctior.s it additional cata is
eeived f►om ti�a claaringhouse shoutd be womit?ad wi?h nez�ed.
this application.
I;am i0—S'-o•N t:ie Federaf Dom�st�c Assistance Catalog '
(tem 4—Furnish the name ot tfis ayproving�c,eney and the nunhar, tha pr�:gr3m �ame, t�a ty�2 of a:�i;tance,th?s�a-
approvat data. tus and thz :.rnaunt of each pro;sct whera ther� i� fP,I3C^cd
Item 5—Show wfiatfier the �provad compr�tnsiv9 plan pravicus, Fzndir.Q or antic:pa.rd assis±anca. Use addiiional
� is S:ata, Iccal or regional, or if nana of thesa, expiain the sheets,if nasdad. , �
• ' �
. �
_:` �
.�. �
: r
PHS•5161-1 (PAGE 2) (BACK) . _
10-73 • f ,
. ,
� ' '1
� 7
' PART !!1 — 8'J���T 1�1FC4;+t�7l�y �
� . SEC7l��f A — BlSQGET SLl�i?�ARY • r�
Grar+t Preyan, Es'i�a�nd U�ob2yvr�d Furd• N��.. e r R�v i s�d B y d;r r
Fv�c�ia+ F�d+ral
a Ceralep No. f�d�rol ►:a+-F�d.ral F�dral No�►F�d�roi Tetel
��eTirifr . �,.a
ol �b c d1 �l 41
_ead Poisonin . �� `
13.266 s 20 000 s 2 300 S S S
''07�!S S 20 000 S 2 300 S S S �
ea o i son i ng _ �.cnt P:oqrom, f�ec+:en�r Activiry
.CZ C�2S5 L3�°gOftzS T�•��
(1) ii1 (3) d1 (5;
Persannel S 77,250 .� S S S -
nge Eer,efits 1 1 6 .
Travei 7 500
ipmer�i —0— I
. Scppties 8 50 �
ractual 10 900
. Constructien —0—
�r 200
Tata1 Cirect C�ar;as 118 950
_ itect Chatg� .. . ,
�. TOTALS S 118 950 I S s S S I
'. �gram i�coma S �3 S IS S �
" 316'I-1 IPsge 3i
rr�iy HEWo'08T
. �
' �
' .
' •
. �
, I
� ,
RAAT IN the �ra:i.o• t,�^'ty Enter in Colur^�s (c; and (d) th? est�-
mated �:��o�n;s c� funds �cth v+�:�: re^.�a�n'urobti�a.�d at �
Generaf Instruccion4 the end a1 .he 5ran: f�:nding perdod only if ths Federal
9rantor a;-ncy +��tructrors pr�::Ge fcr this Ot^ertivcse,
This fJrm is d�si5nad :o that a,:�Eicati�n car, JP made fo� zD ��
funJs from on�� or more ;;rant �ro rarns. in �,��3na�i *.he �eave the_, c_.��'s blar,k. Ent�r�n colvmns(-} and (`.) ths �
budget, adhFr�: to a�y existing Federol y'a�tor ay.rcy amC�jnts o� f�r�rs n�e�!ad tor :he u�:omu�3 peri�d. The
amouniis± �� Col�mn (g) shau!d b2 tne surn of amour:s in i
guida{ines whir_n p;�s�ri:n: how ar.d v�hzther budy�ted Calum�s f°� a^+�(tl. � ;_a
amounts should b2 s�para:efy s.�cwn fcr ditf�ran:fu�ctiars /� � g q�3nts,- '
or activities within tha p�ograr.�. For sorr.a pro,rams,crant For suap_!r.ental grants and chan s to existir. '
or agenties may reGuire t�d'yets 'a ba:zparate�y rticwn by do not u>e Cc!um:is Ic) a�+d (dl. Er.ter i� Column (e1 ii:e
function er activlty. Fo� o'her programs, yran!or aS��c�es amount e` the ir,crease or dacr°ase of F�erat funcis ar,�
� enter in C_'��r.n (f) ths amour.t c`. th�increasa��r d��+�ase
may �ot req�ira a b�ea<�ow� by funct�o� or a�:t�vi��.See•
tions A, S, C, a�d D sh�ut� ;nclude buds2t e�tin�tzs for of ROR F°f?f3� 4unds. In C�i�.;mn (_; enter th2 n°w .otal '
the whcle pro;act �xcept when applyir9 for as�star.ce bu�ge?>d amuun:{=ed�ral ar;!^��•�ec'era�) r,h:ch i^dudez
whieh reGuir�s Fad�:al a��thorita:icn in arn•.:a1 or OthZ► the total prw;,c,:s ou;hcritad bc�;eted amcu^s pius or
funding p°riod in�remen*.s. In th2 1�iiE�C352,S2c'•ions A, 6, minus, as aFY"ePnate, t�� aTCUr.:s sho•nn in Co,umns (e?
- c;. �,, a�d 1f1. T7e art�,cun;is) i^ Coiuron !g1 shouid rot eq:�al the '
C, an� D ,hould prcv:.� .f:e bcc;set for ttis st _��get
period (usualiy a yaar; and Sec.�on E should a-esar.t tfie su�ot 2r.,cwn:s in Cofumns l°! znd (fi
n�eC for Fec!araf �ss;s:�nce �� tne wbcecu?nt �udcet peri-
Lice 5—Show L�e t�.ais fo�afl co�.,mns u�d.
ods. All applicarions <_hcufd Con;ain a �raa<down 5'y t�e
oDjact c13ss catrgories shown in Lines a-K cf S�i;o�B. $eetion$.Bud,-zt�at�yorizs ;
SecYron A.SudgatS�mmary �n the cc�::c-in h=_adinys (1) mrou;h i41, en�er the titlzs of
Lines 1-4,Col�mns{al and(hl. the same Droyrams, func��ons, ar,�':ctivi:�es s.tio•.�n on Lines
For app�ica:ions p?rtairing to a singls Fede�al Srant pr�- t-4, Cotumr. {a?, Section A. Ni��n a���i�ional sneats w=re
gra� (Fe.d�raV Domestic ASSi;tanCE Ca?afcg number! and prepared tor Shc�un A,provide s�rr:ilar co�urnn he:din;s on �
not requir�n� a f�:�ct�onal or activi;y braakdown, 2�:_r en eoch s�hr�t. Fer �ach p�ogram. i�.:�c:ion or ac!iv�ty, fill ir.
Line 1 under Column (a) tne t8ialo9 prog�dm title ar,d the tF�e totai requ�r�m°nts for f�n�s Iba.h Federat and non-
Ca;alog nurnber in Column (b). Feci?ra0 by ob}�ct class categor+es.
Fo.� a�,c:�i�'ations [?er„ining to a s+r.gle Frogram requiring ' L��s fia-h-S�ow ;ti2 estimat� amount fur each direct �
budget ar-�ounts by mu�tiple functions or ac;vities, enter cost b���;et (o�+j°ct class{ czt�,ory for 2ach co:umn v;iin
ths name o` e�ch activity o� function on e?c.i+ lin° in Col- pro9ram,`u�ctien or acc:vity he=�:�n;.
umn (a), and ent?r the ca.aiog number in Coiumn?��!. For
applications pertain�ng to,r,uli.%p!e proyrams wh�re r.or.e o` Line 6i—5now*.h_totats of L'rrte�8a to 6h in e�ch cc!umn. �
. Lhe programs require a breakdown by function or activiiy, Line �j—Sho•iv the amount of �^direct cost. Refer to Of=
enter tha catalcg arog��m title on each line in Colunn ta1 fice of I�.tana3ement and 3udgat Circular �lo.A 57.
and tfis respective ca.a�og number on each line in .;aumn '
�b} Line 6k—Er.ter tF.e tota! of amcunts on lin�s 6i and 6j.
For 2pplications pertaini�g to mulripls programs where For ati applicat�ons for „e�:. cran*s and continuat!on grants
ane or more prcgrams require a breaR�oovn by f�nction or t he to ta i am 2unt-in cotumn (5i, Line 6k, should bs the
activity,prepare a separau sh�t for each prec,ram rzqu+rir.g same as the to*.ai amount s�hown in Sect�cn A,Colurnn(g),
L'�e breaRdorvn. A:1di:ionaf shezts should be used when one � �in2 �. For supp�emantal grants and chanyas to grants,the '
form does not proviC� 2iequ3?a space for all br�a�cdown of tatal amour.t o` tne ir.cr�ose or d.�crease as shcwn in Col-
dat� req���ed. Ho�ti•r`+°r,when more 2han one s'.^=et+s usad, umns (1'-;41, Li�e 6k sho�.:'.d b�.`�e sam°zs!he s:im o`the
tha first pa;e should provide the summary totals by pro- amoun:s in Sxtion A,Columr.s(e1 ar.d tfi on!ir•a 5.L"dhzri �
grams. additior+al s�ee?s�vare p�ep3red, :he 1�st rivo sentances ap- � II
Lines 1-4,Columns lc� ihrouqh(g1. p1y only to t1:a first page with su:^mary:ota�s.
For new apPlr'•"+%ns. �2ave Columns {c) and (d) blan�c. Line �—�nc•�r :hs estir�at�d ar.^•o��nt of ir�ccme, if any,
ro�-t. Q.; nat ada or '
For each lir.� e�>r� in Cofunins (a) and (�), e�t�r in Cel- expected t� *� c,�r:erat�; frc*� t:is N j_,.
umns (e1, 1f1,.ar.d (�l ina appropria:e �ncurs oi fvnds wbtract :his ar�eunt from ihe t�ial proyect :+rncunt.Snow
peaded :v sup�u�t tha project for Lh� first f�rdir.g pzriod under ths prc:�am narra,cv? sca'.am•�n: th. na:ura and
(usual;y a yea�). source of incoma• Tha estimate� amcur.t of �ro;r�n in-
For contine:r„g gr�nt prarram applicatior,;,w�r..;:tha�z tome may t�e consid?f°!1 by Ltte Fed�raf g:antor a,-:ncy in
fotms.befor�the end of ex��fur.ding pariod as raq�ired by d�tsrminir.g the ioal ar:�ount o#tha g:anL '
SEE Sl'i'P1.E�lENT:1RY 1'VSTRt'CTIO\S ' '
PHS-5161•1 (PAGE 31 (3ack�
10�73 � ; �
, i
� �
� Paqe 3, Section B
A. Personnei (See page 4a)
r1) The salary of one Clerk-Typist II at 25$ is used as in-kind matching
fS2,350.00) . �
! B. Frinqe Benefits
� 1) The fringe benefits are �aid fo� aft project personnel by the grantee
1 from loca! revenue as part of the cost sharing (�11 ,600.00) .
C. Trave!
, 1 ) Loca_! Staff Mileage: Miteage paid to staff for usino their automobites
fo� project activities according to the estabfished City mileage pfan
, as provided in the �nployment contracts ($6,000.00).
2) Reqional and National : Funds to allow pro�ect personnel to trave! to
regionaf and nationai conferences and workshops related to project
' activities (S1 ,500.00) . .
E. Supplies
, 1 ) Medicaf : Consumable medical supplies such as tape, gauze, ete., used
in project activities ($b,000.00)
r . 2) Other: Suppfies related to project activities, incfuding paper, pens,
markers, printed mate►-ials, etc. ($2,500.Od).
, F. Contractua!
1 � . Outpatient Services: Emergency medicaf treatments for project patients
, t$2,500.00) .
2) Laboratory: Processing of bfood specimens by certified labo ratory
� ($8,400.00) .
H. Other
, t) Communications: Telephone and postage ($700.00).
2) Emergency Renovation: For emergency removal of lead-based paint
, hazards ($2,500.00).
' �
' Pae3b
' • .
, �
r _ ;
, �
The totaf amount of this budget is 3118,950, which includes: �
F.Y. 1976 Federat funds 3 85,000
, F.Y. 1975 Federai funds, carryover 20,000 ;
Locaf cost sharing at 9 to 1 t3,950 !
S 118,950
I� Section E, Page 4, we have estimated future funds needed for conti�uafiion
, of the project at the same levei .
' -
' .
� �
' ::� ' .
, � .
� Page 3c
, , .
;�;^vrant Pro1 am (b) APPLK4tiT (ci S7ATc (d)CTMER SO�JRC�S (e)707ALS
ad Polsoning Prevention Pro'ect s 13 950 $ s s �
n�s s s s � '
Toro!for Ist Yeor lst Guarter �nd Oua+fer 3rd �uwerr 4th Ouortsr
. Federal S S 5 S S
TA� S S S S 5
���uae c�•1plNG P_?:�OS(YE:.Qs;� '
(�'vor.t Proyrem �
, (b}FIRST lci SECCN� .`di TNI?J (el FOURTH ,
ad Poisonin Prevention Pro'ect s s 110 0 0 s s
- _ (Attach uddirionol$heees If Nxesswyj �
. roct Chary�r.
, ''vxt Cbmg�s: '
,. 'mwks: .
, ",.
-�j�y�i�-� �PACe a! PART IY PROGRAM NARt�A i!VC (Attath per instruction)
%�y HEP!-SCBT) .
See .Page 5
, � ` .
. .
. J
{ ,
�r;sr�ucTiorvs . ,
� PART 111 Line 15-Enter tne totais of amou:+:s on Linas 13 ar,d 13. •
Sect;on E. 8ud,et E�timates of Fz�eral Funds Neaded for
Seetion C.Source of?ion-Federal Resourtes Falance ot thz Project i '
Line 8-11 - Er.�-r am^..nts of non-�e:i�ral resou;ces thaL Lines 15•19-Ea^=r in Cohlmn (al th2 sar:�e Grant progra-n
titles sr:�,wn in Column (a,, Section A. A breakdown by , I
will be used on the 9rant 1! ir,-kino c�ntributicns a�e �rt- !
eludad,provide a bri�f ex�darat�on o�a s�parate s'rieet. IS�e function or r�tivity is not n`cessary For �evi app!:cations
Attachment F, O�iice cf P:taragernant and 8�dgat C�rcc�ar and continuing 9ra�t applications, enter in th� prOp2r Cal• . .a,
No.A-iC2.) umns amounts oE Feti°ral fu:sds which wiit t? r�_'zd to
Column S�) - Ent>r th� pro,ram tiiles identicai to Cal• eomplete tfie program er project over tha s�cceeCin�fund-
umn (a}, S?ction A A o.eakdown by fur.ction or ac*_ivify is �n9 periods (usually in yearsl. This Section r,eeci r.ot t� I
eompl2:�d for amendments, changas, or su�piaments to � I
not neces'sary. funds for ths current y?ar of ex:stir.g cran�.
Column(b) -Entar the amount of cash and in-kind con• ' �'
Vibutions to bz �nad2 by the applicant as shown in 5�.:�n If more than faur lir.�r are ne�'�to list the program ti:�es
A. iSee also At*.=_chmen:F Offica of iLlanagement and 6.�- ���t additional schedulZS as necessary. �
g?t Circu�ar�:o.:+-t�2-t Line 20-Enter ths totel for each of the C�um^5 Ib)•(a). '
Column fc� -Enter *.he S:ate coatribution i` the app��- N:hen ar,'ditional sthadules ar2 preoared for this S°cticn,
eant+s nof a S�a:a or S?ate agency. Ap;,!:cants wh;c`�ar�a annota:e accord�ngiy and show the ovzrall totats on tnis
Sta'e or S!a�e 2�8�C�?S S�!OUIGi IB�ve this column b�ank. line. '
Co�umn 1d) -�nier t�a a-�ount o`. casn and in-k:r.d con- Seetion F-Other Budgei Informa*.ion.
tributon;to ba e�sde fram all other sources. �i� 21 -U�a this spac2 t� explain amo�nts for ir.divid��al
Coiumn (e1 -cr,*ar to:ais of Co:umns 1b1, (c1, and Id1. ����t object ccst cate;ories that may a�Raar to be ou' of ,
Line'12-cn�?r ths total for eh:h ofi Co.umns{`%)-le).The the ordinary or to exptain ths detail; as reGuir_d by th° ;
amoun> in Cu!u^�n (e1 shovld ta eqval to the amo�,nt on Federal grantor zgsncy.
Line 5,Co+umn f�) Sact�on A. ��r�2y- En*.er tFa typa of indirect ro.e (provisiena;, p�e- ,
Seciion D. Far=casted C,:sh N?zds dete�mined, final or fixedl :ha: will tv_ in eF��:t durir.g fi° ,
line 13-Entar the arnount of cash needed by qua�.�r funding pzriod, the estEmai�d amount of tne base*o whi�h
from tna grzr*_o!a;ency during the(irst year. the rate is applied,and the total indirect expensz.
Line 14- E�?�� th? a��o::nt of cash from ail other s�ur_as Line 23-Provide any oth=r eKp�anations requir�d herain '
rseeced by Guar;er dunng the first year. or any other comme�ts daened necessary.
Section C- Lea✓e blank when applying fo►a research gr�nL
S�ction D- Fill out Lins 13 only�vhen appiying for a res�rch grent. ; ,
Seccion €- L'+n2s 16-19
For rerv app'ications and continuing crant �p��icet:ons, enter in the proper cotumns amounts of Fed?ral fur.ds for
direct co��s rvhich tivi�; be neeued to corr�tste the project over the svcceeding fur.ding periods {usuaiiy in y?ers). '.
$nctit�n F- t_ina 21 �� 1
Id�ntify and explain all iterns or ca:?gories rr�ueo�Vd und2r Sz�tion B. A!so, exp'ain and jusiify any un�si:at incr�sas
in a.::cun's rayuestad for future years. �'
, '
I '
- . I
' ' ,
PHS-5161•1 (PAt.iE 4) (Backl i
( '
. +
• i �
' �
. ;
SU?PlEt+1°NT TC?A�l'111,ScCT10N F. .
KEY PEr?S•`ti'i=L
' � . I I � j SOURCc O% FUNDi '
Ar:N1�AL � AJ. TO'AL (
SALR%�Y i MJS. : TIME 4A1��•UNT � �ap��_��. REOUE57ED � �
- NAR1E� RAT°_ I �B��G. . P.EQuiRED �,�.;D 6TME:- FROM oH5 . _ �
' (i) ! t') (3) C4) � (5) (C`
, Pro,ject Director Adcock 35,000 � 12 5 - - -
Financiaf Otficer Eberhard 25,500 12 5 - - - '�
Pro,ject Administrator Cox 23,600 � 12 10 - - -
, Project Coordinator Pechman 17,3Q01 12 100 17,300 17,300
Public Health Nurse 11 Terretl! 15,3(30 � 12 100 15,300 15,300
Sanitarian Aide Vote! 10,100 � 12 l00 10,100 � 10,100
Sanitarian Aide Eberhard 10,500i 12 100 10,500 10,500
, Sanitarian Aide . Shepherd 12,100i 12 100 12,100 12,100
Sanitarian Aide (new) 9,600 12 100 9,600 9,600
Clerk-Typist II Pitzen 9,400i 12 25 2,350 2,350
, � � �
SUBTOTALS 77,250 � 2,350 74,900
, t
' _;, .
' .
' ' FRINGE B2NEF1T5(Rafe �5� ) . ,. � - �� �6Q0 � � �6��
c.�r=_;OR1' TOTAL S 88 850 s 13 950 s 74 900 �
, PHS-5161-t fPAGE 4a)
• �
1 � •
• . i
'� ,
PART IIl, SECTt01{ F : ,
1. P�xso�nel � ,
Enter in Coi:::-:n 1 th�annual(12 monthsl sa�ary ra!r f�r each ke�;posi?ion refarr=cS to in th�rurra.ive,wh9ch:viU be Fiiled for ali orany
part of tha yea:t�r an incumbent s:orking on the�rc,�a�t. This rate may no:b?��rz than t`�at paid by tce grantee to othw employe�in
mmparabls po>ir.�c�s or,if the grentee has no cvrr�parable posirons,t!�z ra:e rr�ay rot ba mcre t::an that pa�d for such services etsewhere in ;.�'
the communi.y. . . .
Enter in Calumn 2 the number ot months the posrion will be fifled by an ircumberri workir.g on the project. '
Enter in Column 3 the parcent of tima or effort the incumbent wiil devote to the praject d�ring tha number of months shown in Column 2. ; i
E�te�ifl Co!umn 4 tha total amount requir=d,as computad from the in`err•iation sh�wn in Cotumr.s 1 :hru 3. Use tha follotiving formufa:
Annual Salary(Col. 11 X
Na of',1onths(Col. 21 X Percent of Effort(Col. 3; = Total Amount R�quired (Co% 4) '
� '
—-A -- — PERS�NNcL '
� (1) C2) (3) (4) (;) (�)
Fu(I-Time Emyloyee of Institution working
60�e time on projcct.
� John Dor 524,000 12 60;'� 514,4Q� 51,440 E12,960 '
Cotcutatioc 24,000 x �2 x 60 0 = 3id,400
12 . '
Summer cmp!oyee ($ months) to be poid •
51,000 o month. Will work on project 25�"o I
of fim9. �
I 5 7$0 5 7$0 '.
Richard Roe � 512,OG0 3 25'�
> �
Calculotion ; 12,0^U x 3 x � 25•� r= S 750
. � � 12 f ,
2 Fringe 8enef;ts
Enter ir.ths paran,hssis the fringa benafi;rat�applicablz to emp!o}•ees of the:ns:itutions. In Column 4,entat the 2mount deiermin2d '
by 2pplying:h�rat�to th2 total oF tha salaries in Column 4 to wh�ch the r3te applias,and ent�tr.e appropriate a�no��ts in Columr.s 5
and S.
3. Optio�far Safa.y Detail Submission 1 '
(nstitutions ray raquest that the salary rates ard amounts requested for i�d'+viduals not be maCe avaitable to HE�V reviewing consuttants.
7o do so,an additional copy of ihis paga mvst be also suvmitted,comple:e in alt�espects,except that Co(urt:ns 1,4,ar,d 5 may ba feft
blank. '
� ,
PNS-5161-1 (PAGE 4a) (Back) i
. i
. `
' .
A. The Division of Public Health is a section of the Department of
� Community Services. The acting Health Officer has assigned four
' staff individuals in the Division of Public Health to develop and
implement the program: Project Director, Admim strator, Nurse and
� Coordinator. The following paragraphs describes their functions
and responsibilities. In addition to the assigned personnel , the
' Director of Nursing participates in the planning and implementation
- of blood lead screening at the twelve HeaTth Clinics, St. Paul-Ramsey
� ,
County and Children s Hospitals.
The Project Director acts as the liaison between the program and the
' : Ramsey County Medical Association, cooperating hospitals, and private
physicians. The Project Director establishes the medical policies,
, -
- reviews screening reports and supervises the management and referral
' of children exhibiting elevated blood levels. The Project Director
also has the responsibility of informing private physicians of the
' recomnended methods of treatment should it be advisable. The Project
� Administrator has the overall responsibility for the supervision of
the program and personnel . The Administrator develops general policies
' and procedures consistent with federal guidelines. The Administrator
maintains a liaison between cooperating city agencies.
The Project Nurse has the responsibility of coordinating public agen-
� cies and non- rofit or anizations both in educational activities and
p 9
' S
the direct implementation of inedical care. She organizes and supervises
special screening for day care centers and schools. She confers with
' parents of children who have a confirmed blood lead level � _ Q� ml . ,
and arranges for medical evaluation of children exhibiting>40 ug/100 ml .
, blood lead. The Nurse follows children under medical care and their sib- �
lings. She was instrumental in the formation of the Advisory Board and
maintains liaison with it. She arranges for publicity and volunteer
� workers. She designs medical care and screening forms, and maintains �
the procedure and policy manual regarding screening and medical manage-
� ment (See Appendix I) .
� The Project Coordinator has the responsibility of supervising the
' sanitarian-aides and clerk-typist. The responsibility for developing
the recording and filing system and assigning field duties rests with
� the Project Coordinator. The Coordinator is responsibile for preparing
� the quarterly reports and coordinating all activities of the team (See
' A endix II .
PP )
� :
B. Weekly meetings are conducted involving the Project Director, Financial
' Officer, "Administrator, Coordinator, Nurse and the Director of Nursing.
� Current problems are discussed and policy changes are instituted when
tndicated. The Project Coordinator, tlurse and the three sanitarian-aides
� meet hi-weekly to discuss field problems and personal experiences which
are shared for the benefit of the program. •
The Housing Code Section has assumed the responsibility of enforcing the
' lead-base paint ordinance when the program is unable to obtain voluntary
' compliance. This Section also makes referrals to the Lead Project when
tf�eir inspection of houses reveals a potential lead-base paint hazard to
' ' 6 .
, �
' children.
, Letters of cooperation have been received from the Housing and Redevelop-
� ment Authority and the Housing Code Section (See Appendix III) .
, C. Our legal authority and responsibility for the administration of the pro-
gram is provided for by Council Resolution, Council File Pdo. 206124 (See
' Appendix IV) .
� D. To our knowled e there is no Federall -owned housin over which we have
9 � Y 9
' no control located in the City of St. Paul .
A. The geographical areas in which the program will be conducted are delin-
� eated on the Socio-Economic Stratification Map of the 1973 Community
, Health Demonstration Program (See Appendix V) . The estimated number of
� children at risk who reside in each target area and hazardous dwelling
� _ units is as follows:
Children Hazardous
� at Risk Dwelling Units
Rice Street Neighborhood---------- 1286 3663
� Summit-University Neighborhood---- 1274 7506
� Thomas Dale Neighborhood---------- 942 4478
West Seventh Street PJeighborhood-- 612 3252
Westside Neighborhood------------- 422 1447
Mount Airy Neighborhood----------- 291 797
� Phalen Park Neighborhood---------- 229 1760
Macalester Neighborhood----------- 206 861
� Riverview-Concord Neighborhood---- 168 450
, � 7 .
' Children Hazardous
at Risk Dwelling Units
' Daytons Bluff Neighborhood--------- 160 807
� TOTAL 5,590 25,021
rB. The above neighborhoods coincide with the areas of housing constructed
� � prior to 1950. These are 'the areas in which the Housing and Redevelop-
ment Authority is providing assistance in upgrading housing conditions
� and providing new housing.
� C. Seven children were admitted for treatment for lead poisoning to St.
� Paul Hospitals in the last four years. To our knowledge there have been
no reported deaths in chi]dren due to lead �oisoning. During the years
r i972-1973, the Division of Pu51ic Health conducted its own lead screening
program. Five hundred and seven children were screened and seven children
' � (14%) showed blood lead levels of >50 ug/100 m7 . This program was discon-
tinued because the Minnesota Department of Health ceased analy2ing submit-
' ted blood lead samples. This, indeed, was unfortunate. Since the current .
� program has been in operation, tne records of children screened in the pre-
vious program have been reviewed. Twenty-three children were identified as
, having had elevated blood lead levels. We are in the process of re-screen-
� ing �hese children. Our present program data reveals that for the months
of December 1974, January, February and part of March 1975, we have iden-
� tified 13 children with b7ood lead levels of >30 ug/100 ml . Two children
have been referred to Children's Hospital for medical evaluation and we
, will continue to follotiv these cases.
' 8 � .
, A. The Housing Code Section, Housing Redevelopment Authority, and Legal
Assistance of Ramsey County are cooperating in providing safe housing.
� The Ramsey County �Jelfare Department, Children's Hospital , St. Paul-
� Ramsey County Hospital and the Ramsey County Medical Association are .
assisting with case finding, screening and medical care. Neighborhood
' community groups, t�tigrants In Action, Women's Advocates, Ramsey County
Nursing Service, Ramsey Action Program and AIM have all indicated their
� support for the program. The Division of Public Health has assigned ten
, additional personnel (not funded by the project) to cooperate with the
program. Five co�rnunity out-reach workers are presently devoting time
� to promote the program.
� 6. On July 1 , 1974 the St. Pau1 Division of Public �ealth was awarded a
, federal grant in the amount of $85,000 to conduct a Lead Poisoning
. Prevention Project. Qualified staff personnel were immediately assigned
, to develop and implement the program. . .
� Our program was predicated on conducting a door-to-door blood lead screen-
� ing activity in selected target neighborhoods. In addition to.the field
screening approach to seek out affected ch�ldren, the program �ncluded
� provisions for blood lead screening at twelve neighborhood health clinics.
To observe first hand how a door-to-door program was being conducted, the
� Project Administrator and Nurse visited the Milwaukee Health Department
� in July 1974. The procedures observed in Milwaukee were helpful in de-
veloping and implementing our program.
Forms were developed for obtaining and maintaining essential data. Edu-
, cational material was ordered and a training program was developed. A
, � 9
� .
, requisition was submitted to Civil Service for the employment of three
sanitarian-aides and one Project Nurse. A requisition was submitted
, to purchase ane X-R-F Analyzer and temporary deleading equipment.
� .
The Pro�ect D�rector contacted the Ramsey County Medical Society and
, outlined the program activities and solicited the cooperation of St.
Paul physicians (See Appendix VI) .
On September 13, 1974, the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene was
, contacted to determine if they wou7d provide blood analytical services
� and sampl.e collection kits. We also requested the services of one of
their medical technologists to train our personnel in the technique of
, obtaining capillary blood samples. Our request was accepted and arrange-
ments were made for the training of our personnel (See Appendix VII).
, .
, This laboratory is certified. Its analytical method is the Delves cup
� modification of the atomic absorption technique using 10 microliters of
� blood. The medical technologist arrived on November 4, 1974, and pre-
sented a two-day training session. Three sanitarian-aides, five public
' health nurses and two laboratory technicians were trained in the sam-
� pling technique. Arrangements were made to actually obtain samples from
pre-school age children whose parents are employed at the Health Center.
� These samples were analyzed by the laboratory to determine the competency
of the trainees.
� Prior to training in the sampling technique, the sanitarian-aides were
presented a two-week training session. The training period included
Ilectures on lead poisoning and field training by inspectors from the
Housing Code Section in performing environmental surveys. Upon
' 10
' .
completion of the training course, the sanitarian-aides were given a -
' wri ten examination See A endix VIII . We were ver leased with the
t � PP ) Y P
Iresults of the examination.
� Our short-range objective to amend the Housing Code to reduce the allow-
able lead content on housing surfaces to 1 .0 mg/cm2 was accomplished.
, The amendment became effective December 2, 1974 See A endix IX .
� PP )
The actual screening of children in a selected neighborhood began on
, December 6, 1974. A lengthy newspaper article had been published a
few days prior to this date (See Appendix X) . On the initial day of
� screening, three television stations sent crews to film the sanitarian-
� aide in a home as he was obtaining blood samples from two children.
� In Project Year O1 target neighborhoods were selected based on housing
constructed prior to 1950, and door-to-door screening was begun. Three
, - sanitarian-aides were assigned to this activity. The actual screening
� was preceded by a community educational program. The aides placed post-
� ers ("Has Your Child Had A Blood Test Yet?", "Old Paint Can Poison Your
, Children")' in pi�ysicians ' offices, grocery stores, public buildings and
schools. Community groups were contacted and the program u��as presented
� to motivate community awareness and participation. Lead poisoning articles
� were prepared for community newsletters (See Appendix XI) . The elementary
school principals were contacted for permission to distribute pamphlets
� ("Lead Paint Poisoning in Children" , "The Flake", "Parents: Are Your
Walls Poisoning Your Child" , "Dear Mom and Dad") to the kindergarten,
� first, second and third grade students who were instructed to take the
, material home. Following the destribution of the pamphlets, a letter
was given to the students to take home (See Appendix XII) .
' The Housing Code Section, which is in the Department of Community
Services, is closely associated with our program. As it is our
, policy to blood test children from any area in the city, we process
all referrals fro� the Housing Code Section when they identify a
� child who may have been exposed to lead poisoning. Our personnel
conduct the original housing lead survey and perform the necessary
� tem orar deleadin . The sanitarian-aides a rise the occu ants of
P Y 9 PP P
� the lead hazard and make recommendations for reducing the hazard. �
� The current program �bjectives are as follows:
Long-Range Objective �
� To reduce lead paint poisoning in children so that it is no
� longer a significant public health problem, and to eliminate
lead-base paint in all structures where small children reside.
Short-Range Objectives
' 1 . Develop a working relationship with city agencies, state
� agencies, and neighborhood groups. �
2. Develop and implement a community education program that
, will increase corrununity awareness of the health hazard of
lead-base �aint.
' 3. Persuade the city council to amend the housing code to re-
duce the allowable lead content on housing surfaces to 1 mgJcm2.
4. Train sanitarian-aides to collect blood lead samples by the •
tfinger stick method.
5. Train sanitarian-aides to use the lead x-ray detector.
� 6. Train sanitarian-aides in temporary/emergency deleading
� procedures.
7. Qevelop a system for follow-up on all suspect lead poi-
' soning cases. '
' 8. Establish a referral syste�n involving all city hospitals
and private physicians.
� 9. Develop a record keeping and data retrieval system.
10. Screen all children aged 1-6 for blood lead level where
, lead-base paint is a problem.
� 11 . Inspect dwelling units for lead-base paint where children
with elevated blood lead levels live.
� 12. Issue corrective orders to aelead dwelling units where
children with elevated blood lead levels live.
� .
, Ten dwelling units were surveyed and the lead hazard identified. The
hazard in one house has been corrected and steps are being instituted
1 to correct the remaining units. .
' One hundred ninety-six children ha�ve been screened since December 6,
1974. Only 12 of these samples revealed excessive variation bet►veen
� the two ca illar tubes anal zed. We feel this low fi ure au urs
P Y Y 9 9
, well for the competency of our people.
' We have established a screening program in the Model Cities Clinic. .
The results obtained at th�s clinic will give us a profile of what
' to ex ect when we be in our door-to-door screenin in the Surnmit-
p 9 9
� University neighborhood. It is this neighborhood in which we expect
to find the highest incidence of elevated blood lead levels.
C. See budget. � .
' �
' D. The Project tJurse and Coordinator have the responsibility for main-
taining a balance between the medical and environr�ental aspects of
t 13 ' '
the project. The Nurse maintains a case-register on each child to
, facilitate prompt follow-up. The sanitarian-aides are responsible
, for maintaining the environmental survey records and informing the
Project Coordinator of the status of involved dwelling units. The
, Project will receive status reports on referred dwelling units from :
the Housing Code Section.
E. The current method used to determine the presence of lead-based paint
, i r surfaces of sus ected dwellin units is the X-R-F Analyzer.
on inter o p 9
, The use of the analyzer is supported by the Housing Code lead-based
paint amendment. Instrument readings of�2 mg/cm2 are indicative of a
' potential lead hazard, and these paint surfaces must be corrected. To
" supplement this method, the Minnesota State Department of Health will
' erform the wet anal sis for lead content in selected instances.
F. Temporary deleading procedures are employed: scraping,peeling and
' : flaking surfaces, taping and advice to occupants on permanent methods
of deleading. To assist the aides in determining potential lead sources,
� � a check list is followed (See Appendix XIII) . Our present budget provides
' for $2,855. for emergency removal or covering of hazardous lead-base painted
surfaces. In addition, we may recommend that City Summary Abatement funds
, be utilized to pay the expense of deleading for the indigent or recalci-
trant landlord (See Appendix XIV) . Our cooperative agreement with the
, Housing Code Section gives us another tool for enforcement through the
' court system. Presently the sanitarian-aides issue written order to
effect the required corrections and a reasonable period of time is
, given for correction. To date we have not experienced difficulty in
obtaining compliance.
' 14
� � .
1 G. The Division of Public Health is the grantee of the program and has
the responsibility of conducting the blood lead screening program for
, the City of St. Paul . Screening is being conducted at twelve health
clinics and in selected target neighborhoods. The Program ac� t�����
� requests from parents residing in any area in the city. If the parents
' request, sanitarian-aides will perform the sampling in their home. The
Program determines which target neighborhoods will be screened and their
, order of priority. The main thrust of screening is the door-to-door
method of seeking out children between the ages of 1-6 living in dwelling
' units constructed prior to 1950. The Program has the responsibility of
' conducting environmental surveys in dwellings housing children with blood
lead levels of >30 ug/100 ml . The Program maintains the recording sys-
� tem, conducts educational programs and prepares quarterly reports. An
ongoing in-service training program is also maintained.
' The Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene immediately telephones the
� Project Coordinator on all samples revealing > 30 ug/100 ml of blood lead
, content. The Coordinator informs the Project Director of the results.
The Director evaluates the results and consults with .the Nurse. The
� Nurse has�the responsibility of following each case to determine if
' confirmation has been obtained and if inedical referral has been completed.
Cases involving blood lead levels of? 30 ug/100 ml are scheduled for a
' confirmation test and the home is surveyed for lead sources. Children
with confirmed blood lead levels between 30-39 ug/100 ml are resampled
' at three month intervals. Children with confirmed blood lead levels
' between 40-49 ug/100 ml are referred to one of the participating hospitals
or to a private physician for medical evaluation. Initial cases of >50 ug/100 m'
, are immediately referred to a hospital or a physician for confirmation and
follow-up. The vurse closely monitors these cases to assure that treatment
' 15
, is provided if indicated. The home environment must be free of lead
poisoning sources before the parents are advised to bring their child
, home after treatment. Parents unable to afford the cost of inedical
treatment will be assisted financially from project funds. 8ecause
� Children's Hospital provides care on sliding fee scale, we have not
, had to use our funds for emergency care.
, H. The Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene has consented to pravide
training and capillary blood lead analysis. This laboratory is
1 accredited by. the CDC Proficiency Testing Program for blood lead
� I. The Advisory Board has been appointed by the ��ayor of the City of .
St. Paul (See Appendix XV) . The Advisory 6oard will meet quarterly
rto assist in planning, implementing, and evaluating the project
� activities. The board members will be encouraged to participate in
public education and in stimulating ongoing f�scal support for the
' program. The board members will be given orientation to the problems
associated with childhood lead poisoning. t�embers will be extremely
' important. as liaison between the project and mass news media. .
' �
The lawyer, a member of Legal Assistance of Ramsey County, will give
' invaluable support as a housing specialist with courtroom experience.
The physician member will interpret for the board the medical aspects
' of lead poisoning.
, � - f
Non pro essional members of the board represent a large federal housing
, development, the American Indian Movement, and black, white and Chicano
� 16 �
, �
J. Non-budgetary constraints have been minimal . We have experienced only
' five outri ht refusals b arents to artici ate in the ro ram. We
9 Y p P p P 9
, will periodically contact these parents and attempt to gain their� -
t�cipation in the program.
' �
' Problem
� It was impossible to commence the program prior to December 6, 1974 for the
following reasons: 1 ) Civil Service delayed in providing the examination
, for sanitarian-aides. 2) The first Project Coordinator unfortunately had
to be relieved of his responsibilities. 3) This demanded that we assign
� another individual from our staff who could rapidly adjust and be informed
� as to the needs of the program. It was necessary for this individual to
develop a new recording system and the necessary forms, develop and order
� educatianal material , arrange training sessions and in general , implement
the program (See Appendix XVI) . 4) We experienced difficulty in procuring
� . the services of a certified laboratory within budgetary limits. 5) We are
, understaffed in field personnel . We have only three sanitarian-aides per-
� forming screening in the field. One of the aides has the responsibility of
, conducting all, of the environmental surveys. As the number of cases increases,
his time devoted to screening will correspondingly decrease. These factors
, have limited our ability to screen more children in a given period of time.
' 6) We have found it necessary to revise some of our forms to obtain data
which was formerly thought to be unnecessary. The X-R-F Analyzer was not
' ordered by the City Purchasing Department until August 19, 1974; the instru-
ment was received on February 26, 1975. Lacking this instrument we were .
, unable to conduct rapid, on-site lead content determinations. 7) A signif-
' icant problem has been the number of "no-entries" encountered.
, 17
' A. The proposed program objectives are as follows:
Long=Range Objective
, To prevent symptomatic and asymptomatic lead poisoning in c� F�Y`
� ,�
' through a community-wide educational program, door-to-door and
- health �clinic screening programs, and a vigorous campaign to
' eliminate hazardous lead sources supported by adequate ordinances
for enforcement of the elimination of lead in the home environment.
, Short-Range Objectives
It is notewo•rthy that we accomplished eleven of the twelve short-
, range objectives for Project Year Ol . Perhaps the goal to screen
all children aged 1-6 for blood lead levels where lead-base paint
' was a problem was over ambitious.
, 1 . To screen 2,000 of the 5,590 children at risk during PY02
with the expected staff increase.
r2. To identify and follow-through on the medical care of the
l00 children expected to be exhibiting increased lead
' absorption in PY02.
, 3. To locate hazardous lead sources in the 120 dwelling units
expected to be identified in PY02.
, 4. To present fifty talks to interested community groups and
agencies on the hazards of lead.
' S. To financially assist 10 home owners who are unable to pay
' the cost of hazard reduction.
6. To reduce the lead hazard in 95 of the 120 identified haz-
' ardous dwelling units.
7. To augment our field-staff with one CETA, Title VI, employee.
' 8. To institute the erythrocyte porphyrin test for initial screen-
, ing as soon as the means are available to the program.
9. To train the sanitarian responsible for the inspection of day
care centers to conduct an environmental lead survey and in
ithe use of the X-R-F Analyzer.
10. To conduct a survey for the presence of hazardous lead painted
' surfaces in the 42 day care centers.
11 . To screen the 1 ,647 children in the 42 day care centers.
, blish case riorit based on blood lead laborator
12. To esta p y Y
' results: Class 1�29, Class II 30-49, Class III 50-79,
Class IV>80.
' 13. To continue community educational programs utilizing radio,
T.V. , and newspaper coverage, and pamphlets and posters for
' distribution.
To develop community awareness, the Project Nurse and the Coordinator
' will be contacting community groups, PTA's, Ramsey County Nursing Service,
elementary school principals and school nurses, members of the P1innesota
' � A artment Owners Association and social workers to acquaint them with
, our program and solicit their support. Presentations will be supported
� with transparencies and educational handout material . The Accident
, Preventiorr Section, Division of Public Health, will assist the project
by informing industry when working conditions may affect the employees'
' children.
The community screening program will operate in a number of ways. The
� major activity will be the door-to-door screening method on a 6 day-
week basis. We have the potential to modify the sanitarian-aides working
� day to include the early evening hours. Screening will also be performed
' in the twelve clinics. The blood sampling in the clinics will be per-
formed by Public Health Nurses and Laboratory Technicians. Arrangements
, 19
' �
thave been made to do blood lead screening at special Early Periodic
' Screening Clinics in April and May 1975. We plan to do blood lead
screening at pre-school round-ups in April 1975. We anticipate that
� we will collect 200 blood lead samples at these planned clinics.
' Screening can either be performed at the home or the parents may
' bring their children to the Health Center, or to one of the neighbor-
hood clinics. The twelve health clinics .are located in strategic
' locations for convenient accessibility. The health clinic schedule
is published in the newspaper and hours are posted in the clinic
' (See Appendix XVII).
The project is intended to screen all children between the ages of
' 1-6 living in homes constructed prior to 1950. There are 10 such
neighborhoods in the City of St. Paul . It is anticipated that to
, conduct a meaningful program at least four additional years will be
required. Upon the completion of our screening activity in homes
' constructed prior to 1950, it is our intent to concentrate in areas
' of housing constructed between 1950 and 1960.
' Following problem cases will require considerable time before these
cases can be closed. It has been our experience that this segment of
' the population is very mobile.
As funds are made available to employ area residents, either through
' the project budget or city contributions, employment will be instituted.
Arrangements have been made to employ one CETA, Title VI, person to
, augment our field staff. Officers of local community groups will be
' 20
' informed and requested to assist us in employing residents from their
' community. People hired under similar circumstances in other program
activities have been retained on the city roster in order to mai�t �11�.
program effectiveness. Individuals employed will be trained in their
rrespective assignment under the direction of the Project Coordinator �
and Nurse. -
' Objectives for succeeding years will include the door-to-door screen- .
ing in areas of housing constructed between 1950-1960 (See Ap�endix XVIII) .
' To phase our door-to-door screening when the screening of target areas is
completed and other facilities such as child health clinics, pediatric .
� . clinics, comprehensive health care facilities, pre-school round-ups,
� EPS programs, hospital emergency room care are capable of performing the
' '
� 6. We responded to the concerns listed on page 6 of the "Guidelines for
' Grant Applications" within the body of �he narrative.
' .
C. The three agencies most intimately associated with upgrading housing
' and the el.imination of lead sources include the Housing Code Section,
H.R.A. , and the Division of Public Health. We expect H.R.A. to elim-
tinate deteriorated housinq and relocate families into approved housing.
' The Housing Code Section performs area housing surveys to upgrade hous-
ing conditions in areas not under the supervision of H.R.A. Deleading
' would be accomplished under this system. The Housing Code Section also
processes referrals from the project for final correction including
' court action if necessary. Letters of cooperation have been received
' from these two agencies.
' 21
' The program complements existing comprehensive health service as an
important adjunct to the city's goal of improving the quality of
' health services to segments of the population who may be unaware
of specific haiards in their environment. As a major case finding
, project we are in a position to identify as;rmptomatic lead poisoned
cases and prevent the occurance of clinical cases.
� D. The Project Nurse and the Coordinator have the responsibility for
maintaining a balance between the medical and environmental aspects
' of the project. The i�urse will maintain a case-register on each
' child to facilitate prompt follow-up. The s�nitarian-aides will be
responsible for maintaining the environmental survey records and
' infarming the Project Coordinator of the status of involved dwelling
units. The project will receive status reports on referred dwelling
' units from the Housing Code Section.
r � �
E. Project activities for PY03 for which we will be requesting federal
' support are: �
l . Purchasing of portable erythrocyte porphyrin analyzer.
r2. Purchasing of improved models of the X-R-F Analyzer.
3. Resurvey of neighborhoods which have showed a high incidence
, of children with elevated blood lead levels.
F. The Division of Public Health will be requesting the city for budgeted
' funds to continue the program when Federal support is terminated two
years from now. The organization will be maintained and as new guide-
, lines are developed by the Regional office they will be incorporated.
' The program will be reviewed on a yearly basis with stated goals and
' 22
objectives wnich will be used for evaluation. We are confident that
' nduct a meanin ful rogram.
we can co 9 p
G. Established policies for the administration of the project will be
, periodically reviewed as to their effectiveness in attaining the �
objectives of the project. Quarterly reports will indicate whether
� or not we are ro ressing at the expected rate. If we are not, the
P 9
, screening procedures v�ill be reviewed and changes implemented which �
will ensure reaching our stated objectives.
The number of children identified with elevated blood lead levels will �
' be stron ly indicative of wh�ether or not we are reaching the exposed
� target groups. We expect to identify 100 children with elevated blood
lead levels who will require immediate medical attention and follow-up.
' Evaluation will also be based on the number of identified lead hazard
dwelling units brought into compliance. The number of affected children
, should correspond with the number of children requiring attention and/or
' follow-up. Our ability to maintain contact with these children, even ,
though they move, will be an indication of a successful surveillance
' program. � The number of dwelling units deleaded in advance of our
screening program, the extent to which we can reduce the expected
' number of affected children, the number of parents requesting the
, screening of their children outside of the target areas will all
indicate the success of our community awareness program. ,
The above will provide a continuous measurement of the success to
' which the program is accomplishing its objectives.
' . 23
' Prior approval from the Regional Heaith Administrator for revision of
th� budget and project plan wili be obtained for any revision. We will
� i i 15 da after the end of each uarterl
su6m�t quarterly reports w th n ys q y
� period. .
, . .
� .
� �
� �
� _. : -
� �
' � 24 •
. ; ,
. DEPAP,T1tEt�1' -0F COt1?�'U��ITY SER'1ICES Appendtx I
' � DIV I S I O`1 �F PI!CL I C NE,�LiN �
5�5 Cedar Street
f Sai nt Paul , �'i nnesota 551'll � �
227-7741 , ext. 57_
Chi 1 d's tlar�e AQe Phone '�����`�
tParent's ;tam�e Address � �
' CIRCLE A."!S'.rc2 T!!.4T A''PLI�S:
� 1. Yes ;10 t•;as f0U1" F10U5� built before 1950� If so, ho��r lonn have
' you lived tnere? (If you have nov�d •
in the last six r��nths, ti�,e recc�--:�nd testina. )
, 2. Yes !�o Coes your child o`ten nut thi^cs in his/her mou�h hesid�s
food itens such as dirt, ciaarette but:s , old ,ie��.elrv,
oaint chips, o�her �
r3. Yes t�o Does your ctii ld ch�ti•� on aainted or varni s�zd dra���ers ,
atood�rork, s�iindc:; s�i l ls , furni ture, cri 5, toys, other
• . �
' , � Yes 1�o Does our c�ild have aoor a�aeti*e, tiredness, dizziness, "
. Y
fussiness, vo�itinq? Circle rrhich anoly.
, 5. Yes ido Is your child freauen�ly car�d for by other than mother
(day care, bab::si tter, etc.?)
' � . � 6. Yes tlo Do you see- �eelino oaint on - . �
a) t h e c e i l i n a, a�a l l s, s•r o o��,;o r l:, ti��i n d o��1 s , o t h er
' � �, in roo^s or bas�^ent or else,�rherz.
' b) radiators , pi�es , co�crete clocks , play equipr,�nt,
. c) porches, railinas , outdoor s;din4, windot�rs , doors, �
, -�� garaqe, other buildings , old �ainted boards , other
� � � ' �
' . .
' �
pate Screened Report Action �
Receptionist: � '
, Please give the �arent the 1/2 page instruction sheet on hot•� to r�quest
. a bloo� test �vhere testina is not done at the elinic. Testing is reco�ended
��hen any above ans�rers are ci rcled.
' EN 57-?./75
' �
� ' Appendix �
, � . ' . ,
, .
� .
, " .. .
' � . .__ _
' • pEPART'•tE'!T OF COt",U':ITY SEP,`lICES •
• DIVISIC��I 0� PJ��IC !'�+LTfi
. LEAQ P�JISO:iI��G r i;E�'�:iTIO;�
, . 555 C°dar S�reet
Saint Paul , ,�Sinnesota 551J1
� 227-7741 , ext. �7
� � uestionaire you filled out indica�es. t�at blo�d-lea� teSL�rC� shauld
- The q
be done for your child. Lead �oisonina is often hard �o tird. l'.e st�-ongly
' reco^:�end that you ta�:e ae+v�ntac� of tnis c���l��°ly free s�rvice o` ta°
. Division of Pub,lic t,�al�h for youi� ci�ild's nealt�.
� The test can be quickly done in y�ur I1Q!:l? ;rhen it is not availa`:le a�
' this clinic. It requir::s enl� on� fin^.°r �ric�: Torna fe�•t droas o� �`Q�°�nsic�nC�A
th� �ead Foisc�ing Pro�r:�m a� t:�e St. Paul �2alt:� C_ntcr, 7-77'1 ,
57 for an ap;�ointr�nt. A °u�lic f{°al�� :+urse or a k'.ealth S^�ci aii s� ���i 11 ccr�
1 L'o your i�ouse, or you r.�ay cl�oose to I�ave t'�^ test done at our laLora�or:� at
- the Nealth C��ter do:rnto::n Uy a���ir,tr�.�nt.
Siqneci consent or auardian is necessary *_o have th� tnst done. If sorr?-
' one oth°r tf�an the oar�nt or guardian. :�rill be brinainq t�,� c�:ild to ��s }:ealt�
' Center, asl: the receotionist for a consent forn fcr th� par�nt or �uarc�ian
, to sign. : .
EN �5-2/75 �
' � � � • ' ..
, .
' . .. .. _ . . _ __
• . . _ , �
. , .
' � � . ...
.. . • . i
� . .�. . . ' - i
. i
' ' � - i
' � � , •
' ' • ,
CI7Y OF ST. PAI�L Appendix I
' 227-77�1
� Referral Forr� for �
� Childhood Lead Poisonina Prev��ntio� Proarar�
(give this to adult in charnn of child)
� o; �. Da te
' Agency or �1.D. Contact
Address Ph��z
' � Ch i l d's Flame . A�?e
Hor�e Address Phone
� Father's ilar^e � 'rlork F'hc���e
� ftother's tlan? t�!�r'; Phen^
�- Dear poctor: � �
� This chi ld .t:as found t� ?�av� a ccnfi r�::�d b]ood lead lev�l o�
u4a. �ceordin� to our nro.j�ct and euid�lin�s �!� raf�r• Tnr
' m�di cal su-�ervi si�r, at n� u�":. Att�c.��d i s a co�;� of tne FPderal
frant treatrent reco�^^�n�.lati o��s.
� Pleas� report to us yo,ir findi ngs , car�, and recnr.?r^�ndati o��s
to us folle�•�in� your discharc;� of the patient.
� ' Thank you. .
� ! ' P P i tl�a th � ursQ .
.1tn Terrel l , ro�ect u�l c 7 I ..
l�tad�line AdcocE:, tt.D.
� Project Dir�ctor and �
Npalt�� Jfficer
, Con�cnts:
' .
' ' �
Appendix i
' .
' '
Chi ld's tlare Age Oate �
� �lor�e Address hor:° Phone
��,p, Phone Address
' Fath�r's tlar� Nork P!�o:�e
' �iother's �lar~:e !�lork Phone
. Contact Infornation
� .
Child's Day Care I�ror,.�`ion
� .
Co�^r�n t �
, Date Progr��s .°.'�cr*_ -
� _
, ' � � �
' ' .
� ;.. .
� �
� -
t . 2-I3-75
� . ' '
� QUARTER ---- YEAR ------
� -
� i � � --
_ �_
I i
! I
1 I
1 � �
I � I _
� � I
I � ^
� � -
-�.-- . _ �_
� . �
Post Card report Mail card when blood lead level is below
30 ug/100 ml .
� 30-39 ug/l00 m1 Nurse will report to family and phone for
repeat follow-up within three months for
� rescreening and environmental survey when
, blood level is 30-39 ug/100 ml .
� 30-39 ug/100 ml 30-49 ug/100 ml . Project Coordinator will
Confirm: Nurse will phone arrange immediate confirmation sample.
Over 40 ug/100 ml Over 40 ug/100 ml , immediate referral for
� medical evaluation.
Over 50 ug/100 ml Over 50 ug/100 ml , on initial screening,
� refer immediately for medical care and
environmental survey.
Van - Transportation The Child Health Clinic van may be used to
� � transport the child to clinic when necessary
or by yellow cab or private car (Nurse's).
� Number of Capillary tubes Madison laboratory accepts a one capillary
tube test when results are lower than
30 ug/100 ml . Requires re-test when one is
� above 30 ug/100 ml .
Excessive variance When two tubes are analyzed by Madison and the
difference between the tubes is rrore than
� 6 ug/100 ml a re-test must be made.
Confirm visit Appointment - (12 hours to survey) Project
� Nurse or Sanitarian-Aide interview parents,
� advise and survey.
� Medical Expense Refer to Children's Hospital and let them
classify according to sliding fee scale or
to St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital .
� Foster home May be necessary to place child out of home
when takes time to correct environment.
� Log laboratory reports Public Health Nurse will log xeroxed blue
slips for use by anyone. Dr. Adcock will
receive blue slips and keep own log. Log
� will be filed in Nurse's file.
Non-resident Refer requests from non-resident to Ramsey
County Nursing.
� Low H b Project Nurse will follow-up on low Hgb from
Child Health Clinic as obtained from laboratory
� or Joan Murray. �
EPS Do blood screening on interviewed individuals
. (Using orange inventory sheet to select) . Not
� necessary to re-screen yearly. Reports above
30 ug/100 ml follow above procedure.
, ,
� • �PPendix �I
U � V1
. ti-1 �.J � � �
� �--1 r-1 (A � � �
� �
� V �
� � Z
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� �
Appendix I11
� 445 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� � Phone 612-?98-4212
March 20, 1975
Dr. Paul Cox
- Director of Environmental Health
� Division of Public Health
_. City of Saint Paul
555 Cedar Street .
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
� - •
Dear Mr. Cox:
� Pursuant to my discussion with Mr. Pechman, who is supervisin� the
lead screening program, the Housin� Code Section will continue �
to assist in the enforcement of abating exposed lead paint in
� residence structures throughout the City.
� We will also continue to refer, for blood sampling, any children
� �from 1 to 6 years found in residences with deteriorated surfaces
containing high lead.
If we can be of further assistance, please contact me. .
� Your truly,
i %���� �' - �
/� >�.��
rank A. Staffe n
� upervisor-Housing Code
FAS/pjb ,
� � ��,_ .
Ap�endix i { i
� 55 East Fifth Street, Sa�int Paul, Minnesota 551 Ol. Edward N.Helfeld,executive diractnr:phone 298_52 18
;�` .
��� , C�(�
- -� 1� .. .r
, �^ `�.�'�,�•:�ti, 4_c��
j «� ���`�.� �� ,�� ,_
Q�- �
!'ti,,! � E�"�; `=`� _
,� o,�F�c�
� !"E,(��.���.� .
� March 19, 1975
� Dr. Paul Cox
Health Department
S55 Cedar Avenue
� St. Paul, Minnesota SSI02
Dear Dr. Cox:
� The HRA Rehabilitation Staff has informed me that your Department is seeking the
cooperation of various �overnmental agencies to unite in programs to combat the
problems of lead base paint poisoning. Please rest assured that the HRA will
� cooperate to the maximum extent possible in all our programs. Past activities
have included work with your Department on this problem.
� •Presently policies of both the Department of Housing and Urban Development and
HRA forbid the use of lead base-paint. The technical specifications for a11
our sehabilitation programs specifically exclude the use of lead base paint. On
many occasions in the past, the services of your Department have been utilized to
� . correct such problems in multi-family housing.
Since the HRA will be administering the St. Paul City-Wide Rehabilitation Program,
� and anticipates the rehabilitation of as many as 900 buildings between April 1, 1975
and June, 1976, the Rehabilitation Staff will cooperate fully With your Department
by notifying you of potential problem structures.
� If you desire specific information about the HRA' s future rehab,ilitation programs,
please contact either Mr. Warren Frost or Kenneth Gauthier of our Rehabilitation �
, Department at 298-5495.
� , �
Edward N. Helfeld
� .
� Orvilie E. Anderson, Donald P. Del Fiacco, David H. Hozza, Robert Sylvester, Kenneth J. tynch, Wiliie Mae Wiison, Ron Maddox � , � �
� APPendix IV
� S?�C�.a L P?�J�CTS p=S^!�T I Or; �
� Cocecit File ho. 219053—By Dean
�: :edith—
�ti'`.cre:,s, 7't.2 CJLIICII of the City of
� Sair.: Paul hcretofure un F<bc::ary 2T,
176:. by resol,�tion, Co:.ncii Fiie `o.
20Gt_4, e;tablshed a fund desigr.ated
"Ce^.tral Into:mation San�:ce Eiureau
ot iE.a?th, Sp�ci�l Fund \o. 1��54" to
be cs.d for Uie pu:puse ct orrration _
by t*e fiureau of Heal.h of th_ Ce^*.ral
� In[orr.^.3tion �r.ci Refecral Se:��icz: and ;
R'.`.ereas, There is p�e,ea::y -cail-
able trom tir.�e to ticne f�r.�?s forth-
co:r.:n¢ from faderal, sta±e ar.d p.*i�a!e
age-cies for the epera:ion o! sp-cia2
me�:c31 and hea.th p:rograms ti�hich
� ma�� be carried ivrw•ard in co�ter�cion .
w i t h an e;tablished go�e:::n:raLal
heai:h department such as :he City's
BU:E3U of Health: and .
R'?-.ereas, A?must uni.orr..;y fcae:al
and sta.e requi-er..?nts r.:_i.e such
' tun�s acaYlay:e ie: !Fese.�.:rie3 sr_cial
r.:c:...a: � hc�?:h � «;rrs onl�
k•ha-e they are to be ca:::e:: ou; ur.de:
dire�::on and in c'�n�cr.�tion ��i:h ac-
tici::es o: a receer.ized go•:err.^iental
hea;_h Cepartme7t; and ,
� ��"^ereas, It is �:�w :h: 3.sire of the
Cc_..:-.is�ioner o[ .'uh:ic S.1(E�t' 3r.� .he
IIu:°au of iic�ith: c�!ncurred in o}� the
Cit� Cou�p:ro'ier. to ha�•e �utno*iza-
tio.^. ::om tha Courcil of .!�e City of
Sai:2 Paul, to accept and re^eice doaa-!
tio:s of funds, w�hen ava:tabie, ircm:
� feCeral, sta:e or pricate ag?ncies for
the aurQose of carr�ing out s�ch s�,ecial
me�ical, hea;th and rela:ed �rojec:s
foz w•hlch no budget npprc�ria::on has
beea m3de in the City's budget for the
Bure_s of Heaith: and
' �t'*ereas.Au;horization to accept such
tur_�s and to exgend the same in-
dica;es the r.ece�sitp foz char.gi^g the
title oi ihe aforerr.entioned spec�al
. furd: r.ow, therefore, be it •
Resolved, That the ti!:e of said,; '
Spec:al Fund shall hereafter be Qes-;
� igna.ed as "Special Projects Fur.d,+
Sure�u of Health"; be it
Further Resolved, That the Cernr.iis-I
•Sfcr.er of Pubiic Safe'.y and the Eureau
of i:e�lth, in cooperation wit� t^e C:ty
1 Cor.:p:roller, is hereby autho:ize3 and '
empo�xered to take approp*ia:e action
to :eceice and expe.^.d funds a�•allab:e•
frar !ec'.e:al, state or pri�•z!e o�ercies(
� for speciai medical, heal.h a�d re-
l�tc-d projects con�idered r.rcessa:y or
des::at:e fur tYe 3ureau of i?ea':h and
� -.. fo[ rr}:icki no b;:�'.get ap;.:opri�';uas
hace teen n:3de in the City's YJ:�i��2i
1oz !`.:? Et::c-u n' �t._•n!,'�. �
A�cp:ed bp the Co::r,cil Jnh� 7, l�bd..
Approved July 7, 7964. ;
(July ll, 195�1) .
, ' .
�. • .
aPPe�,d i X i v
t �����
� .
Cour.c�l File ?io. 2�3780 —By Dean
I �ti}e:eas, The City Council of tY.e
Cfty of Saint Paul, by resolu:ica, C. F.
219a�3, an amendment of pre•::^�s :es-
olution C.F. 2G;124, cid there�•> es:ab-
lish .he "Special Pro;ects" '.:n3; �id
\ti hereas, Substantial be:.e:'s `ace
accr:ed ta the citizer.s of S�:r.t Pa.:l
� thro::3h c,eperation in t!:ese_ca::ous.
pro;ects; and
«':e:eas, Partic;�a;ion in : a-}' of i
these ^ro;ects mqcires esncr'.i:_.-es af!
port�;ns of t�ese Fc'eral "_' �'=:e'
fun�'= for ccrt;�in p4-p��ses i-c:�'_e3 as .
� a p.-o•.isi�n of the g:ant; and - :T-
N'`.ereas, Inc!u�?ed in this cz'e__.-�- of
exper.ditnres, but not necessar.lp _
ited 'o these esper.ditures, �re ti.e
. SoII.;•.cing:
Fi.r.•;rar:�ms — i'�acel e>�_rr.se :n-
� c:�rred by a person rece:�:r.g an
Tra�:el rxper,se for persons o:her
*.*:an a City er.:rlo��ee ci:ec'e3 or
requested to participate in cr.e of
tY.ese special prcjects;
P.e:-.`,urserr.ent for local ':a�el by
� cther than a City emplo::ee:
Ref�-:burse�r.erit for e�Fer.ses in-
c:�rred b}• other agencies asss?ing
in a s�;ecial p*oject;
S:=�plies, eqnipr..c�t and/or rer�rts
� specifically requ:red to Ge used in •
� a par'icular project; ,'
A.-.y: other item �_'eeme� r.e:es_;r. to
f::i:ill the purccse 25 c� 'r.e: in
,r:e pr��-�.m -.i'.-:ch ca::::ot `e ae-
q;:ired re::rlily t:;rou}`.i ....:^�al
rnrchari��g pr�;c�.-:ures:
thcre`ore bc it
� Re ol�e�i, lhat upon aporo :1 �f the ,
He<? h Oi�cer or the Dep. � .i'h
OfFcer c'is'�t r ::c s e�� - e uf
�urc.ased serti�ces (..�cl�dir.� ...� ::ir-
1ng of personal ser�-ices. .. -'>.ry
equipment and out of to�.n 'r-:�-ei)
� and r.ot in•escess of One H�:�:.`.re-: Dol-
lars t;100.00) may be made in � _:.rd-
ance •.tiith the terrns of ths °es�'.:?ion
and :ci!hcvt other or further e:::cn or
appro�•al ty t5is Council; be ii
Fu:ally P.esolved, That a?I s.id ex-
, penditures �r.ade hereunder.scail be
sub;ect to fi�:al audit and � :':al by
the City Comptroller.
Adopted by the CJUtlC1I �i3}' -�, :S�B.
Argro��ed �fay 26, 1966.
• (liay 28, 1966)
�. .
� , .
� n
1 �
' D
j D
n �
o �
' �
� c°� X
� ° n 3
= m � m D
( � � , , � o � Z
�- o � � G�
� ° � � p �' � C7
� p � -� �
° m o m c� ; �
-� � � � c o n �
1 o m � o � �
� � U, z
� �
� p
�n � �
1 �
3 �
1 �
' D
T�. -z�-�,r����
ApPendix VI
� . . . �
� `w f
, �
;., �,/�• a
_ -.�-,r�::�.....
o .:...........
� ' _ > � .
Nco�.ouq� `1
;•s, �..,w.�.. �
~'' October 30, 1974
� Qoctor Robert S. Flom
Ramsey County Medical Sociefiy
� Lowry Medical Arts Buiiding _
Saint Paul , P�linnesota 55102
Dsar poctor Fiom:
j � The Saint Paui Bureau of Health wishes �o acquaint physicians of Saint .
Paul with its childhood lead poisoning prevention program, starting in
� November of 1974.
Under assistance from the U.S. Pub{ ic Health Service, Department of Heaith,
� Education and Welfare, we plan to conduct the necessary screening program
to find the incidence of children with chronic lead intoxication in Saint
� Paut and work to eliminate the environmental hazards of (ead-based paints
- in the housing of these children.
, � To be in the ro ram the �r;est 7th Street area has been chosen as a target
9 P 9 �
area. Testing by trained sanitarian aides will begin soon to screen ali
� children in the area frcm eight months fia six years of age for blood lead �
levels and conduct the necessary referrals and housing inspections for al )
ehildren found to have a b[ood lead content of 40 mcg./100 mi . and above.
' A .public healtti�nurse will immediately contact the family with a chi (d
having elevated blood I°ad and fiake or refer the child to the physician
� of fiheir choice: A knowledgeab(e practicing physician or a center such
as Saint Paul Ramsey Pediatrics Clinic or Children's Hospital Pediatrics
' Clinic. . •
� Simultaneously, screening will be made available in existing well baby
clinics throughout the area. .
� Although few cases of acufie lead poisoning are seen by practicing physicians,
a survey by HEW in 1971 found chronic lead poisoning in children in 23 of
� ;
• ,
555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
� (612) 227-7741 .
l � �
1 � �
� Doctor Robert S. Flom
October 30, t974 �
Page 2
� .
27 large cities scattered throughout the United States. (n 1974, a
� national survey for childhood lead poisoning found 19� of children
screened to have e[evated blood Ievels and 4p e(evated on confirrratory
, Subtfe changes from chronic (ead poisoning may o unreco nized and are
9 9
impossible to diagnose on routine testing, so, withou�t a screening
� program, only a very high (evel of suspicion on tha part ot the
practicing physician will detect subclinical cases of leac� poisoning.
The arorth of our total program wil ( dapend to a great extent on the
1 cooperation of Saint Paul physicians on the fol (owup confirmatory
testing and treatr�ent of children found in our prelir�inary screaning
to have elzvated blood lead, and the cooperation of home owners to
� eliminate hazards tor continued poisoning as they are found.
We hope for a successfu( program and urge physicians to contact us freely
� with questions or referra[s for screening.
� Sincerely, �
, �.� �.ZC_,:_(_,.�, _� �i--�.-�_�-Y.C�
Madelins Adcock, M.D.
, Di rector of P�edica I Services
� "� ' .
, .
� ' .
�. �=�' �,
"'`� University of Wisconsin Center for Health Sciences AREA CODE eca
, Jx :
�Vj!%� �� r TEL. NO.262-1293
v 1
+.��^ 465 MENRY A1ALl.
J, � �6����
October 3, 1974 � �i;� :, :
L• � ;.
� . ^_,�� . ,=,. .;, �, .
,,�� �'�',
. � �;: ���T y�?ti,! . �.
Dr. Paul J. CoX D.V.t4. ``:: fj�'`' "' ��-� .
, ' 1f� 'f�',�`,±y � � -_•
Director of Environmental Health i'�:���.. � ;�; i,,,::.��.
City of St. Paul ` '�•, �:'` L�; ��_ ,
Department of�Community Services
� 555 Cedar Street � _, ' �
St. Paul, MN 55101 . •
� Dear Dr. Cox:
I am in possession of your letter dated Septembar 13, 1974 and addressed to .
, Dr. George Handy of the Wisconsi.n Departmznt of Eeal.th and Social Services. �Je
at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (a separate organization) would be
happy to serve your progran by providing analytical service and sample collection
kits for capillary blood lead analysis. ��Te are participating successfully in
� the CDC Blood Lead Laboratory Evaluation progra-�. Tr7e have sufficient staff to
handle your samples efficiently. I will answer yo� questions in sequencz:
� l. We can handle up to 50 samples per week in addition fio our own proo am (more
by prior arrangement). At that level, we ex�ect that results would be mailed
� first class within two working days of recei�t of the specimen. All results
, of 35 micrograms per 100 milliliters or greater will be phoned at no extra
2. Vie have a skilled medical technologist sampling coordinator, Carol Gannon,
� available to train sample collection personnel. Two days in St. Paul should �
. be sufficient for her to train up to 5 sample coZlectors (the maximum we
recommend). We would expact your organization to pay her transportation
� and expenses. Dr. George Handy or Dr. Richard Biek would need to approve
released time"for Carol for this purpose. After the training, she will be
available for telephone consultation.
' 3. We will supply all sample collection materials except phiso-Hex.or Septisol -
soap, white paper towels, and.pZastic wrap. Our sample collection kit
includes a separate sturdy mailer for each s�ecir►en (or multiple specimens
, if requssted), and sample request slips whic.`� serve as report forms. You
would be expected to pay for postage when mailing samples to us.
� 4. 4Te will telephone all results of 35 microgra�s per 100 milliliters or greater
at no extra charge.
1 5. A conservative estimate of our direct cost is: $1.00 per test for sample
collection materials, $1.00 per test for l�oratory expenses, plus $1.50
per test for the Wisconsin State Laborator-� o` Hygiene mandatory administra-
tive service charge, required by statute. This brings the cost to over $3.50
, per sample. Since the federal government is partially supporting lead analyses
in our laboratory this year, we would be willing to provide this service to
you for $60.00 for a 20-sar►ple kit ($3.00 per test), paid when the kit is
, � . .
, Lr. Pau1 J. Cox, D.V.M.
; Page 2 _
October 3, 1974
� ordered. Purchase orders should be made out to the 'r�isconsin State La�ora-
tory of Hygiene.
, F�e are pleased to have this opporttm ity to cooperate Fzith you. Please call me .
at (608)262-9710 if you have any questions.
� _�/ , � _ !n�
y � {i
�i�yV�..f��' •�����L��� V��l '+/ +
' Patricia H. Field, Ph.D.
Chief, Toxicology Section
� PHF:js -
cc: Dr. Inhorn
Dr. Laessig
, Dr. Handy
Dr. Biek
Mr. Klapperich
� Mr. Tyler
' �
� .
' �:,
1 •
/ .� �
QI �/�CN. �C/� �/�C�" .'i %� C"�'.�
C�/' '1�:^�'r.�� �-w N / :
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._ . . . . . _._. .....- ----...___ _._. .___ ..----._ ._. ....
... .__._.... ..__.__.__ _.. _._........._._..._.__ .
�' 1. aberrant 23• heme
� 2, anemia 22. hepatic
3. anorexia 23. hyperkinesis
4, anoxia � 24. idiopathic
� 5. apathy 25. lacrimation
6. asymptomatic 26. lethargy
� .
7, ataxia 27. leukopenia
� 8. blepharospasm 28. nephritis �
� 9, chelation 29, neuropathy _ -
� 10. collagen 30. neutropenia
11. coprophyrin 31. paresthesia
12. dehydration 32, periphery
13, emesis 33. pica
� _., ,
� 14. encephalitis � 34. plumbism
' 15. encephalopathy . 35. protean
�� 16. eosino hil 36, renal
� 17. epidemiolo�y 37. sequelae
� . 18. erythematous 38. syndrome
� 19. etiologic 39. tachycardia
20, fulminant .
� �
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� . - , . ` . CiITY 4F S�1IYT I�AZTI. Council
, , .. File N 0.
• .
Orc�in�nce Ordinan��
� _
!'rrscntc•d E3y <y: - -,
� � ,
� � . -
�z �1 �
Referred To ,, Committee: Date
, r :_ .,. . _. � . . . �
Out of Committee�By " Date
An ordinance amending Chapter 54 of tlie Saint Paul
Legislative Code , entitled: "Minimum Housinj Standards , "
and pertaining to ttie use of paint containing lead.
Secti on 1.
That Section 54. 09 of the Saint Paul Le�islati�-e Cocle, as
amended, be aiid� the same is hereby �ftirther amended b3• strilcing
and deleting paragraph "e . " in its entirety and insertin; in lieu
and in place thereof the following:
e. Use of Paint Containin� Lead.
1. No est�rior surface of any dtvellin� or multiple �
dwelling or accessory thereto shall hare eaposed
. accumulated paint or other surface covering material
containing lead in excess of one-half of one
percent (0. 5 0) by weioht if said �int or surface
co�Terin� material is blistered, cracked, flaked,
scaled or chalked away.
2. No person shall apply paint or other surface c� ver-
ing material containing lead in eYCess of one-half
of one percent (0. 5�'c) by �aeight of the total solids
coiitaiiied in said paint or surface coverin� material
to the exterior surface of any dwelling ox multiple
dwelling or accessory thereto.
3. Notwithstandin� any provision of this chapter to
the contrai•y, the provi sions of th is subsecti on
54.09(e ) shall apply to unoccupied dwellings or
;� multiple dwellinas or accessories ther o
COUl�1CIL11EN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
� Levine
Rcedler B
Sylvester Against Y
Tedesco .
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
� Certified Passed by Councit Secretary By
Approved by �layor: Date Approved a or f mission to Cou ci
� By BY — --
� _ .. ' .,• . � GITY OF SAI:\ T PALL Council .
� T
File N 0. �
OY�LLZYI�IZCG� Ordinance NO.
� I'r�•�rnlc•d [3y
� Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
�' Page 2.
; Section 2.
� .
That Section 54. 10 of the Saint Pau l Legis lat i�-e Code, as
� amended, be and the sauie is �iereby fiirther �nended by strikin� �
� and deletina para�raph "h . " therefrom in its entirety and in-
serting in lieu and iu place thereof the follo�aing :
� h. Use of Paint Containin� Lead.
1. \To person shall apply paint or other surface cover-
� ing material containin� lead in excess of one-lialf
of one percent (0. 5�0) by weight of tlie total solids
contained in said paint or surface coverin� mate��ial
to �the interior surfaces of any d���elling or multiple
� dwelling.
2. No interior surface of any dwelling or multiple
� dwelling shall have esposed accumulated paint
or other surface covering material containin�
lead in e�cess of oiie-half of one percent (0. ��o)
� by weight, or in eYCess of 1. 0 milligram per
square centimeter of surface area.
3. Notwithstandin� any provision of this chapter
� to the contrary, in any d�aelling or mtiltiple
dwelling, no porch, interior door, stairs ,
window frame , baseboards , or trim surf ace
� four feet or less above the floor shall have
=�exposed accumulated paint or other •surface
eovering material containing lead in excess
� of one-half of one percent (0. 5�0) by �vei�ht
or in excess of 1.0 milligram per square centimeter
COUNCILIIEN Requested by Department of:
�Yeas Nays �
Hozza In Favor
� Rcedler B
Sylvester Against Y
President Hunt .
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Councilz Date
Certified Passed by Council Seccetary BY
� By
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� BY By
� G I T Y O F S A I N T �A IT L Council
� . •A*^�E"T File N0.
O� Z�G�YLCP. Or.dinance NO. -
Presented By '
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 3.
of surface area.
Section 3.
This ardinance shall take effect and be in foi•ce thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, approval aud publication.
Section 4.
This ordinance shall be deemed to be a part of the Saint
Paul Legislati��e Code and shall be given an appropriate etiapter
and�or section number at the time of the next revision of said
Legislative Code .
� '
COUNCIL�tEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays _
Christensen .-�
,Hozaa � In Favor
Rcedler � Against By
:uri?�a�:�..�--..��"ri�� ?�..:_,:..x:if�'t.t' .
0 CT 2 9 1974 Form pproved by C' . t' rne
�op��$`b�'�'3�1: . . Date -
� Certified Passed by Council Secretary_ By �``
By - .
Approv m' o to oun
App oved � Mayor:. e —
BY _ By 1
I .
Appendix X
� S��f �►V ` St.P�ef Pionper Press
��°��� Se� � _.___ _ . �������
� e . •
�� f D AT E Thursu'ay, Dec. E, �9T4
f �� ����� . _ . . _ .,
or fs . .
1 _ _
� ' �
�e��� ���on
, Bv Bob Go�iQoski ThaYs one of the major If readih s of 40- lus
a sources o*'lead Foisoning. g p
Staff'�1'riter Ghildren �°ith pica,an ab- az'e founded, the bureau
� Starting Friday. city � employes plan to re�7sit
normal appetite for non-
heaith «orkers w�ill be food siibstances, often the homes and, w-ith the
going door-to-door in St. teec;le c�n windo�c-sills, use of a lead anah-zer,
Paul's �t'est 5 e v e n t h pinpoint the source of the
S t r e e t neigl�borhoods p a i n�t e d furniture, toys poisoning.
� � p and owti�r lead-containing Dr. Co.r- pointed out that
lookin for re�clioo:chil- item, such as newspa- Q
dren with lead poisonin�. pers. boons and certain the probram starts as a
It is espec!ed that iheir comics. new city ordinance �oes
sur�ey and prevention :1�1 �d i c a 1 authorit;es into effect �r•r4ch states
� program µill detect some d that pairited walls «�ithin
ha��e found lead poisonin,
childr�n in ne�d of treat- is especia?ly harmful to four feet of the floor con-
ment for poisonin;,based children. It can cause taining paint ha�in, a
on similar efforts in other centx�l nervous system lead content greater than
� cities. . .5 r cent b�•w-eiaLt must .
damaae ar.d eren death. � �
The fre° testin� pra Some scientists are find- ha��e the paint remo��ed or
gram. f�nanced by a one- ing e�-idence in animal eo�ered.
year �3�,QL•0 federal erant tests t.�at suggests that S�. Paul s Department
� thaf expir�s nest sum- of Community Ser�ices
hyperacti�-ity and certain reported recert,y ihat
mer,is bein�conducted in learnin^ and beha��ior � '
the �;�ake cf a national ' 28,000 older structures in
problems are linked with
survey o: prescl-�eol chii- undue lead accumula- St. PauI likely�-ere paint-
dren ��hich found t?:at the tior,s. ' ed �-ith lead-base paint
� . �health pr�olem is r.�ore Dr. �ox explained that �more than one per cent
widespread than previous- the sanita:ian aides coing Iead contentl.An estimat-
ly estimated. ed 9,000 to 10.000 children
through the neighbor-
Dr Paul Cot, director of under 6 }•ears of age live
� environmental heaith for ��ods «°i11 confine their in those buildings.
the St. Paul Health Bu- 'acti��ities to chec�:ir.g the
reati, figured ��'ednesda�• home eni-ironments for
that bet«�een �00 and S00 lead le��els.
ch:ldrea bet�-een the ages Wi� parental permis-
� of eibht months and six sion, t�iey «�ill obtain
years �cill ha�•e their blood samples from the
blood checked for ele�at- preschaolers w�ith the fin-
ed lead le��els durin� the ger pric's techtuque. If the
� program in the next six sample turns up with
months. more than�0 micrograms
. After the �Vest Seventh of lead per 100 milliliters
Street area is covered.the of blood, the level set by
city plans to apply for a the U.S. Public Health
� second g:ant to e�pand Service as a cause for
the co�-erage, most likely concern. parents �vill he
to the Summit-Cniversity asked to ta.ke the child t4
area, said Dr. Cox. a doctor for a confirming
� Parents also can have test.
their children checl;ed at If a child has a lead lev-
one of the]0 city clinics in el betti►een 40 and SO mi-
St. Paul. crograms, he might "b�a
Bureau cmplo��es are little s�o«•.'' act unduly �
! . going first into those c r a n k y,display marked �
neibhborhoeds becausP behac�orial changes or be
they iTiclude much oider unusualh- uncoordinated,
� housinb, !�ome: uften bt;ilt said Dr. CoY.
years ago «�hen lea�i- The t r e e t m e n t, e!c-
based paint �cas in ��ide plained Dr. Ccs, i; called
use. They e�pect to find chelation and ;'nt�ol��es a
� that the paint is peeling series oi drub injections .
and flakin� in s��me �'1�ich "tie up tile lead"
h��mes and th^�•ounhsters and a(loti�• it to bu Q,.a�tly
are eating the paint chips. excreted from the 6ody.
� .
� - - -^-. ---- ._ �---- ----- . -------_
rS 0 U t'�C E st. Paul Di spatch D a T E SepteMSer 2, �Q��
� �
� . _ LCAU POISO\I\G is :ound.iri t.`ie b:aod serea.i,
aad it st�ows itse�: h}• cassin� wt�d�minai E�4in, cc�-�-
[ � �- ! '�' � vulsiot�s, vcmi.:r;. ����ne.IZ2:L'S jU�? �t'f�l�:?Ic'S�. t:i'e•:�-
��6,.d.':�*� �� E ����� ness ur irritabiiit�-. T'r�e :n:aortart tl�i;;is to ca;cli :`
� � early, he��ause treutti:er.t is .o�� sn� siow.ut c�r;
� t��ork ii it's star;ed sooa enou�h,
� �� F J,
eE E � �f�i �f°'� ' The L�ureau of �I��lth ras tust recei-:�ci a eran!
� ! , . Y E S ! krS" �!t `-S;�! r _ .-.:.- :..-.� r.._.__ a•__ ^...;-....: _"."'_ '.'.' °v i..�.........,..
1V1 tvJ.VVV 11V11 t {:ilu\.�V1 Gv•V��:.«.�,� . :.!:.
�, a Chi'.d'nood Lead Poiso:�ing Coi:�vi 1�;•ebra::�.
� ��� _,.� � � �,,,; � First step, �z•hich Dr. Cax}:�;pes to stari ir �.•+o-
� � F
� � � ���� �CI', �-,•ill be a ho���u.to-hou�e �LlI'':f;= 1?1 li?C 1t CS: �C':-
� � ..J enth. �ummit-Lni��ers:.y ai�c:D�:e-;1-�o�n�s n����.�:;c•r-
By Aittt�aker xac[ Carul Lacey hoods, H�hich ha��e cu.�ce�,t:at�or,s o:p?�:er h:;:i:e�.
� � Stat[ti1'riters � Sur�'ey teams there «�ill chec?: a:i homes wi?h
- . pre-s�hc�eI }our._e�'ers in ,':e:::. U�•no:di��_t a s^�ci.i
� . I,Q3'.� PO150i1illd, G'tiU5l;7° bi airi G2rilc�@ al1CI I11C[I- �TaurCt Cal��d a?e,c! ar.aI��zer d�`21I:at Z;!e �:ails to de-
i81 T8C2TCI3t1011, 15 prebabi�� i:�����i� t:iore«idesj�re�d ter;TlIRB Y10�8•Il1i1C11 Iei?li 1� 1❑iil�l�nil?Y. �.GY Sit�? .'.:1':-
it1 Si. Paul tl.dll an�'one kno"�s. accordina [O l!1P St. �}1!P.b o�-er one i�C: C['lt 1� uu;�cPa'JuS BiiQ "d�,'1L CI ttiP.
I'aul l�ureau of Health. , old pain! contain� n�nre than 1G per cent lead.
� � Qnlv se��en or eibht cases "a��e been brou,ht to Persons interest�d in scr��ir.; cr.a cit;zen� ad�i-
t!;p bureau's attention, sa��s D:. I'aul Cox. But he sas- sor5� b��a:d for the g:•�jeci ti�ap aet in tocci���i.h th=
. pects there are ma�i�•, man}• n:o:e �oun;st�rs w�der Bureau of Health. .
six being �x�isQneci t,y c�le�:in 7���� li::::es oE paizii that
� cor.tain the czeadl��elemen.. " � -
'- If you lice in one of the ci't�'s��.Ot)0 hou�es and
apartments built Lefore :9:,(i. it'� p�ssible that tLose
�� dar.aerous paint flakes are in}o•.;r hor.ie, ���itl�in nib-
'� blino reach of y�our growiii;bo��o:Liri.
� . _
� ' .
� - �
St. Paul, Minnesota
• March 20, 1975
250 tested f i ' ' �
� or ead po�son�ng
About 2a0 cluldren be- about 5.000 chiidren in St.
� tween the ages of 1 and 6 Paul, the mayor said.
have been screer.ed for Tiie test is simpte and
lead poisonin� in the «', can be done in the child's
Se�enth Street area �ince home. he said. Screening
� the pr��7ram ��-as started is recommended because
in Jant�ar��, accordin� to the symptoms are not al-
� �ca��s easy to detect, he
St. Paul 11layor Lan-rence said.
Cohen. The screenin •
� g Fro�ram
Lead-based paints used soon «•ill be e�panded to
in houses prior to 19�0 is the Frogto��-n and Sum-
no�v deterioratin�in some mit-L:ni�•ersity neiohbor-
homes, posing a danaer to haods. Cohen said.
� .
� _:,
� �
, , .
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fir.r:�Er T.CaICN ���oc��us, rrrco��c��7:.?rn ��
'' • • ,. �,.• r� �`����_,.T,iC�:.'T�R ':
� �HlT fULLt::.',ri4:1 Q=Ti:E't:':ST SEL�EfJ7N S7l'fEi'�4..'�`AClATln:/�6:�ST°�Vc1dTJ!Cv,,.::U;:1F1'Ci=i.?f::; !�'_ST S�i�:.d..l �;
a.�.. t;
� �,•�� . � . •inrrsora SS1C2 yf 1 ,''!, ;��t
t St. P;u1. F - --- '
]7`� �r i.t ^. "n _ - �-:.=s��^r__.s_�. ._�:�.�._•_>::.�_.�...:.,s. .___•_—_._ .. ..
?u�_......,s.z..-_..r....:.._.�.»_....,�.�.,G.t..."i�"�':>���a►.�:.:. ' ,:��.,
n ,
vo1,3F:o t� ' "� - —
� � �C<.r :� ��`.f`t`. ".��'.��y� ,
:.� �-
�je—+/! � . ' r'� ,(� .
�"iC}�1ie. _� . . .. �:Fi`.itS
� • ' —•.. _
G�;���.w:�.. �'�;J
71�� St. Pau! C��.;si�:� of f'ut,!::
. . Hca!t,� is c.�nd:�c,�, <� do:�.-to-c'��.�r
� surv2y to dc:teCt �'Vt::i p�ii�onir;�� ir
c!tilc'�:i� *h�ou�h t�., �c-�d Poiso:��-.�
Pre�•er,:i;;n Frc,;r�:��.
� . Ci�ii�iren :,,:�_:��n c�i,?V:nci six ya.?rs
! ' '' �? 7til �irE::'t
of ac,e :�ir�g �c� t;�e ,..': ,
pfEil 8':: I�12 TSf_2 �L E'rfU� Gfl��:��t'.tl
. being t^st�d in t�� vclunta�y
� Scrc:et�in� .pror,r�m tlz�t bey��n
Dec���,!a�r C, 1�7-:.
f�f�e;�:b:;rs cf :�;� };��alth Div,s:on
� staff �•r�'� c�!I or� h�m::; iu inquire if _
� Pre-scl:�c� C�li��'�,� ••'` liVitlQ iCl L{1G•
hous�. it so, pa:er�. �:•. , +:•e 2s�e:: ta
' . Si�r, a ri�i°��� a!,�::�:r:r� a F;cod s�r,��- �
ple to t�, ....:e�Srcm ti�_ ci,u�'s l:nc;:,. '
� ' , ' _. . `
Yh{� at'.•.t�fl!(1'� �(^::�`�'� IJ Ii(if��ff�:�i.i�
- • 1�4�Oi C1�<:��.�.��l�l�:_.r CI 1:.�._�4/J��t�:.. .
. , Parents oi cni�dr_r-, ..,,or�� tescs i�-
� ___ _ � C3iC2iC Ci �;it;;l !:-a.) ��i:;i �tl i{?2 t�'C:C•`)
1t�'+i! �?8 CC:'�i�Gif;(1 J`/ ii �".I;:�L• �-{:%.1?i;
. . nws�� �^:l-�o ���i„ a��? ;!��:: Ha�en`� in
t hav�.^.c t���child's conc:ti�n evaiGa:eci -
� = bY�p'�;•��ci:�n. _
Le:�u i�o;scr����_:� c�-n fead t�� L,-r!!1
; ,
l.uiT'.2,'e Fiil:: �.::��5�'.`:3 plly;�iCB� ;r��-
� pairm��1T. �Ili' O�Ctii'.,':!;C C•� I�:d
� . . � �.}�1;�'�l1li(1C�1 �S j fi�!%.'ii�)' .��1..:.i la�•r. 1'�:iifl � - - . .
��:r �� c t �
, :���'f:r i, , � r.:,, t;,c n��;r;;i�y v`r,it•�
hc�.�es coi::._r��c,�... : _;ose lf;;;�v:%��re
I : . P� �� °:; ��:+�� I^�..��:s��, � ..
L Pau ,r.c��s',���r.� �; i E>r��!y ;`�g
_ reswt c: i;�.�-��t;o�� oi ��.�c� u�• u4:.'s.._
anc? c!,;i:::1en. S�i�rces �f !cr.c '
� ' poisc1n;n,� are ��in-` �;�r,:; ar�ci E�i�::'_�:r .
C�II�S C:'�1?:i'Ui!,� !t:�:1. I�;�' ilOf:lGS �lf
. . � � ' � Cf1i��Jii'!1 �i:r�J:i'.: 1t-�i:: !:iiV�drC:� Il:����1 . �
le�•c,_. �^;:,� bc� v;;:t�d !�v a �an;i.,�•i�.,.�
' � �.i*.ft� t•crn tt'`�1,1�.�!;h C!ivis�an :;��o ,
\^:�4t Ci ;i•�ftl)�• �. (ti . �,�)lat'rr,� (ii
. � - ' � ��'=•i.��;[�,; {�'iilf:�lii .�'"i :�i' 171.:'f}T��:.. - � . '
3S ::� (}f(7::�CR1 ... ., i 1:.t.f lF:., i:.,.:.
, � C{:ill�:���.":'i l��:tn`.._f�l(1 - 1':li�i �1 ��'ii:! .
tt(]i:i'; ... %.��: OF�I:i�, .:1 `.-:i1�ilCt;` �'.'li�: . . .
�t�C•'.t�Cf'ut.':"'t� 3f !i::Y'I1?{� !);1t111. �
, .
t 4L• �T~ � � �h � �F� f �'� � � � r �
, i r� � - t i 4 �� � 'i
�..�, � �- � � �.- - :� �:��_ ��� �`;� - - --.�:�'"
,�/ � J � � � ._ ^sr,�-.��
1�� �' °� - � � . �
,� ' . . � - _ ��� 1;
� v ,^. .-,... �. � � �
� 4� ,�• ` ��`�..
,.1 � � January 3I, 1975 . ...
�OFFICE BUILDING � The Ramsey County Welfare Board, on=�,Ianuary 27 -
;¢./J = ? - ;;
1975, acted to lease space for the entire statf .
at the American Center Building, Kellojg and
Jackson, the lease to begin March 1, 197�. The Board authorized the
leasing of R3 ,000 square feet of space. �Ve plan to move the Intake
� staff of INID early in �Iarch and the other departments at 476 Saint
Peter during the remair.der of that month. Lae plan to move SociaZ
Services .and Administration in the month of April.
� Messrs: Fashingbauer and Marvin will be meetino with Ii`ID Intake staff .
to arr an�e for that move, and we will be meeting with the remainder of
' the staff to consider the noves. tde snall need the advice and coopera-
� tion of affected� persons thro4�hout the agency. ���e will attenpt to
solicit your help to make for a productive and efficient move over the
next t-hree month�
� To of the new building will begin the wee;c o ary 5th. �rrar_�ements
e being made throuoh .Division Secretaries.
� � *
LEAD POISOVI�G Are any staf£ members interested in learnin� more
� about the hazards of lead poisonin� of children
from old paint? Could you recognize a potential
problem or symptoms in a child?
A nurse at the Saint Paul Health Department, Ms. Wyn Terrell, is availab le
for consultation with individuals or groups. St,e can be reached at 227- i
� 7741, extension 61,
� � S PEAI�RS BUREaU . , The following is a report of the activities of the '
Speakers Bureau for the fourth quarter of 1974.
, 1974 SSD jMp
Talks People Talks People Talks �ag�.e
Fourth Quarter 43 1362 10 305 7 330
� Third Quarter 32 971 8 �24 2 90
Second Quarter 43 1464 2 38 3 62
First Quarter - 28 713 22 • 590 20 451
� ' - --- .. -... ---` ._ - .
.� . , �
�:. _
, � _ : _.
�'ourth Ouarter, 1974 - Oct. Nov. & Dec. .. _ __ _ .
_ �. �,- , . , . _ .
� Total Nu.�be'r of Talks requ�stPd.;. . . . . . . , 60 ^ :
Total Nu,�er of Peo le �ddressed . . 1997 ,
� � � 3 iar.�..... �' - .
� yy� C'
� ,.` ' . � 7�Ki��Ii�I�Xi~�4��Ki��]ix^^XT�A[_�xii'JCi��h�T���IiK�C�rn'i�'Iii(
{ . ��.� ,
y � V�;.L'2•1r II cEL:.U�RY 1975
� .�. :
�--� ' ` ��:`.y's�ts:�:`'.'•'�:,�`.�-.':/b��:-�L-�Y.s�-�.`^}vr-:;;::�.`�:L�:z:-:c�sY:t-..°��:":�:�':�c�i:Y��r
�;" ��� -- �
, ��- �"
� �
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� ` ��1'\�`�� � � j ��(T� `^�� � � � ���~�(< � ���1•' ; - '�
ci °
� ':,., ��' .. ��`. , � � �1 + �:J"t t'i;; �"; �r�+.'{ i � + ��! r .�} �- :� _ '`�
. �, -� �.�,1 `�./ ;j ' �#� :;9 � �:a�.�'�' � �I <(
� ;.:::,
;f; f'�1.:�c;ti,� >�
��� .
r..: ..; Y "
i' �'�'
The Saint P�ul Di�Tision of PubL.c Hea�th is concucti*�� �. door-to- .
d�or survey to c'etect �ead r.oisoni?�g in cr.il?re�n �hrosgh �:�e Zead,
� Poisonin� Preventior_ Dro�r�n. • , t,,
Chil�ren bett-r�en on� �nd six ye�rs of a�e living �n tr.e �.::st 7th '
Street �re� arc th� �irst �;�r.t �a�.�1 ch�.._c'�Ma �ei:�g test�� i� tr,e
voluntar;� screeni.r,g �ic;r�r'• tn�t began ���c�m�er 6, � 97lt-
� Members of the �e�.1��� DitJision staif �ri11 c�11 or. ?zomes te inquire
if pre-school chil'�n =r� 1i�zn� in tr� ��C115C. If so, ar~ents will
be asked to sign ^. rele��� �.=lowing a bloo;'_ s�r.:p�� to be t=�en frcM
the chilclts f�n�er. T:;is scrr=ening proc�ss =� �c?'fo�2� �~�e of charbe
t undcr a fed�r�1. gr�n�-.
Parents o� chil�.r�n zr:^o�� tests ir.•3ic��te ? '��.�'� �e�.d 3�ve� in th�
bloo� will be conti�.cteL �;� a. Public H��1�Y: �-urse -:.z� w•i11 aid �hc p2I`e?'i'':s
, in havin� tlzc crald.�s cer_�sticn ev�luatez b;� -_^. �Y:�s�cian.
Clinic�.l le�c' �oiscn�r.� �.ncludes ��a��z, br�in d�='g�' �n� pcssible
�hysieal ir..pairment. Sa�-clinic�l mz a include ir,.;��:_i�^:Er:� in 1e��ir_g
' cap�bilitq �.nc? m::nt�1 ret�_r�?�.tion. _
The over^ll problc:� is t'�� protection ef chilcren �'rc^ le�d poison-
. ino - th� elir�in�t�c7 oi sources of lcad Y!az�rc? -to c�,�ld�n. Thc
occurance ot le�:�' poisonin� is �rin�rily �.s�oci^.tec� wit� cl�.�r hories
� s.+.�ce the m��.jori�c� o��` cit;� ?^.or.:es construct��? beie�e 1°s0 kere p��nted
wii;h a lear b�.se ���nt.
5ources o:P ler� �oisenin� ?re print, P�tt� ?n�' Fla�ter chirs con-
1 • tai_ni;�� le�d. :4 ch�� of p�int abou�t the siz� of rn ad��.z�s tY:i��-:��-s1
can corrtain betT?cen �J ?nd 1 C0 milligr�^:s c_' lea�:, �.r.d so �. chil�
eating a few c�zi�s c^n Easily ingcst 10� or more ti�es the t��er�ble
� �dult lcvel of t�?e ��t�1.
i�ie hom�s of c'zil�n :.zose tests s�zowe` hi?h le�els *.,rll be �r_s���d
by � sanit��.ri^.n ^i�c fro:� the Health Div!sion :�Tho will c=t�r.�ai-n° the
source of poisonin;. P�rents will be inforr_�d �s to prob=�m ureas
� after th� 2ice cor,'�1�tes checlt�ng ;�-ith a lc^�' ?n�l��zer �_i�. ��?��Ed
surfaces with loosc, cracked or f�.�kin� p�i:t.
, � -velt
Child He21th C�i.nzcs �t Roosc
RooseveZt Comr�xnity Center, �575 ry�e s ��nuc -
� Fri�y, Febru�rt� 21 , 1 :00 - 3:00 p�n.
These include: I�uniz�tions '
� Blood tcst ^
hn�+��h Courl��lirig
' leac? .test
� +•rro�:t c-�.?tuw' _
CZG'Il:.^�- SC1'nr".i1Ti� ::. �i•�Sr'.=Ti`: ti1C C�17.ZC��3 '
t�et'_: t�t'i � �p�ci�.l �too��r���e to
� hc�p ��^f:-�er.�., Zecay.
For n.ore informrtion c�ll 227-77u� or 77�5-;�47.
�"r�'tE IS iT0 LTC� �A�� P�LTT'r 1�T i:OC4SErELT, i i' 'IC� i�9S(��?T :��u:: �. Fi.S��
iVJHO NIWJS '1fIIS I:�'O:ui:uiON. ' �
..� �
. ' � . �
� �. v .:� n '`� ,�
•....:' '.� �! '✓=' � ,� L ;f �i--•� =r� 1� �' !'�? � `' �,
�� };� •.' � •;�� , ,� ! s.� ,��� � # � J�.�'.i�:. '�{
� .r .� � � z��� ,� .
� �f�� �'�/' ���. �;r '� ,.,�,�. ��'��` �,� 1�� , _ _. ._� t ;
S:! C..1 �` � f�'�-• --�-'�.; � 4 't- �.,� {
� � fl � � � 1
c:.::.'� �--�,� ,{..,.�:t �, � �
- � . ��F7� �� � �e_.�!.l :�.�� � �i� � �' ;
� -�.� �� � � ,
. � �
� In ��rc'er to �.iv� ;;cu '�.�� �ESt F:0551.U7.3 service durinr� the winter, t-ae
z�::ad your cooperati.on to meet the probleris tY�t tainter weather brin�s.
'� t , �,� - �' ,' �� -- and ou ha��e bcen furni�l?ed a L?�ovel -- � �
�t �-� ?c?Lr � ��..r.,it iL y y
to lteej� t:�c s��?e;�?�s cunnecte� wi�;� your �i,rel��ng free �.nd clezr o� �
ice ar.c� snot•J. i
The n��-+.nten���ice �epart-��nt is ploti�-ing a11 �r��n sidew�ll�s, exce;�� ��
you live in a court ;1ou ���� resrons:ble fc�r the ��atch of ma�n sic�Fralit �
yn frout o� y^�?�� ap�rtr�i�n�L. Tcnai�'ts are �1.so respons�bl� �or kee�zng
-�Y��ir �ront �n�± rear is.!1?r.s c'lear of sn�w, ezic �rour patch o�' ma:i:► si;?:,-
�ralk in �lie bac:, of �oui 2parL-��<<�nt. .
^",� ' o to ��e rti?e �re th '°.�" Bt:.`L�.n�s on the h_��1 taher: z-e ,
,.1 . excepti r. „
- do 'tk�v�: sor.:e :enic, ��iti��ns livir.n th�^_t `-re unai�le to �hovel s:�ow, ���
�t;he ir��nten�.r,ce ce•parc..T��r.�t t•�ll be �lowiT.� their sidewalks. '
�: report on s:�ot�* rE:-:ioj�al is prep�r�� jo�n�cl� byr Manaoe�^.e^�t ar3 r��i.n-
�',E?]3ilCE. Resa.c'en'.-S ;rl� �B notiiicd t;� �e��er i�C the�r sidc-;a�k �.s �
r.��c �:cp'r, c:f.ar c" �... . •,�r,:_ sr.nt�. Ii th�iS T70?°l� is not �o^e b��a �::° 1'3S'.LGG'Ti:
i��. a �:a�:._�<���e �.�-��, -�..•c .7.�;�. be ne�ess�ar�r 'co rxr�n�e for +;he _:,^�n-
�'i�:7;'c?7C8 C�81J2i.vT^_f'Tl�i uJ Ci0 1t+. 2:1� �Ol: S�T7.11 t�'',r'-. C�lc:l^�GCI O'.lY' ?i:G'llcl COGi",
f c•.r. :�u�h ti�u-•� a� thc r�:te �l �6.00 pe r hotr ��rit� 4 7D]..II17.ti�.11r1 ch:r�e c� �
� .'W�?�5�� for e�ch tirne tlii� trvrl: is requirec'�_ �"`�
If S�our S-;�I: is *_:ot cic�r, thc F,,,�t Of�ic� D����.-rt,rerrt c�:n `:�d ��ril1 �
r�f u::e to �s�1�t er tr,e r-:�il -- and thc T��_;h Collector t��..11 ::�t rna�..��
. "'he M���ten�_nce c'c�^x-t:nent �s do.'Lng the�r ��2r�t by b�in� on t:�c jcb �
when the s�:c�Y il.i�s, let�s have a gooc' �reeorc� oz residents 2lso do�r_�
�;h�ir part of r�moti�Yi� sr.o*.�. ,
If you Y���:�t: a�y�r quc stiens about yc�,zr. �re� of re;pon�:ibili�•,y a :^�;;
is lo�atad cn -Ll�e bLi.�_etin Uo�.:•� �_n ��?.�� itar�.ger.aent Oi'fice. Plea�e �'���:!
free io cl:�ck ii a.zyci;�e. '
(,'�'� Ni�"'If?�c `�_`�I.T ItE��7I ,^� I�TT I�`GE(�`.!�,I:C COr:D ^10 iZ'7I`1 1�CF7iS 1`.�' S.`r..Di�Tii�i� �
�:ty ILLL'.::�ir .':;D I�� 'JIU��1'.Z'Iui�; Cc' ��. SA�D1'� P:.uZ CITY O;iJ):I'�1A,'�:C�. :��Lt��L
Tf;1.i�IK !:ilOJ9: ('iLI, T�i, �:C(�I1�Eii`C:; T.iK"'.�.' COiIG� �Il.?'i�iT BiC1�USL Or� t1 CORD �r„ ''"a'
7`iiE S��?�?•::.:.K9 �'�TD COQ?�?^'C�,�� T.ZT�1H i:�;.
Tr�L;�� I�`II :'�� .:Ju1� COOP.��?GZ:iOi? ,
. V `�~ �
� '
� � � �. , . ^. t �� .
1 ; , � o � �---- - �
�� � �
- ���...� ` - �
, � �
� � _ �........�. �1��•� .
' . t�� k f� � . . '.�' . . ....«...• •�`�.�rti�
��� � r, � I:l t'. ---_ .-•--_---_� � ,-. '
�' � _ : ......... _.. • ..
f�� wsa.:r �'t.i .
. . ...� � •• .
FE RUARY. t9i5 PREP�P.�� ��� .riCi•�-.:---'_- �=c--�...� �I=��L..._C::: 4,5oQ
,����,��,�,,� i � _ � � � ,� Clinical lead poisoning
`�•� - � r � � � ������ includes death,
'� �,�e�� .����'��.� ��_ brair� ,
���� �_�� k � � damage and possible
physical impairmer.t. j
, � The S�. Paul Division of Sub-clinical may include -
� Public Health is conducting impairment in learnin �
g ' ,
a doo� to door survey to capability and nental i
i �� detPc�. lead poisoning in _-� retardation. ;
children through the Lead �
Poisor.ing. Prevention ;
- The overall problem is the ,
i � Program. .,__ protection of children from �
lead poisoning - the elim- _ �
Children between one and ination of sources of lead
t six years of age living � � hazard to children. The �
in the V;est 7th Street . occurance of lead poisoning ;
Area are the first St.Paul is primarily associated with �
, children being tested in older hones since the majority _
. the voluntary screenir.g of city homes constructed be- .
progra:n that began December fore 1950 were paintea with '
� _�_ .._ 6, 1974. lead base paint. ' ;
� Members of the Health Sources of lead poisoning '
� � - are paint, putty and plaster f
Division sta�f will call on '
homes to inquire if pre . chips containing lead. A ,
school children a?-e living chip af paint about_the size i
� in the house. If so, of an adult s thu�*+.� nail can �
parents will be asked to contain between 50 and 100 ;
sign a release -allowing ma.11igrams of lead, and so �
a blood sample to be taken a child eating a few chips
, from the child' s finger. can easily ingest 100 or .
This screening process is more times the tolerable .
performed free of charge - - adu3t level of the mztal. ,
1- under a federal grant. "�'� -
The homes of children whose
Parents of children whose � tests showed high levels will .
� tests indica�e a high level be visited by a sanitarian ;
in the blood will be con- aide ��rom the Health D�ivision
tacted by a Public Health who will determine the source
nurse who will aid the of poisoning. Parents will be �
' parents in having the informed as to problen areas 4
child's condition evaluated ; after the aide completes . :
by a physician. . � c�hecking with a lead analyzer �
all painted surfaces with
� loose, cracked or flaking ;
, �
.. , - � . - ��
�-�-8-.1�I � H E l� �T i-� `�
� � � �; � � The Sa i r.L Pau1--t}i ui�i en of Pub 1_�c--�:ee i ti i s r.on-
duc:ing a door-to-door survey to detect le2d
� ',-`... � �- ---��- .� potso�ing in children through the Lead Poison-
� ' . '���; � ing Prevention Program. Ghi ldren between c,ne
, and siit years of aga 1 i vi ng i n the '.Jest Sevent��
Street Area are rhe fi rst to be tesL��J i� ti�i s
1 ; votu�tary screening progrdm that b;:gan DeceTQer
� � 19�4•
� --� P9e~:5�rs of the Heal�:h Di�rision starf wi l l cGll
t on homes to inquire if pceschool children are
. ��� living in the hone. If so, parents will be
asl:ed to sign a release allowing a biood sample
' � to be ta�cen f rom th� ch i 1 d5 f i nae r. Th i s s creen-
.�„�___,1 ing process is perforred free of charGe under a
, - federal grar�t. Parents of cF�i ldren whose t�sts
, . � indicate a hig�r levei of lead in th� bleod ���i 11
' : ; be contacted by' a Public Health Nurse who wili
. � aid iha parerits in having the child's cr,nd�tion
� �� , evaluated by a physician.
� �� Clinical l�ad poisonir.g includes death brain
� � damage and pQSSible physical �mpairrr,�nt. Sub-
`� clinical may ir:clude ir�pairment in learning
' � caoahility and mental retardation. T!�e overait
�I� ;� problem is the prot�ction of children from lea�
��`�i � � poisoning - the elimination of sources of l�ad
` ��i �} hazard to c'�t ldren. Tr;e c+ccuraRC� of )ead poi-
i � soning is primaril}� associated with older hor��s
`� since the m�iority of city homes constructed be�
� I � fore 19;0 were p�interl with lead ba�e paint.
. ;
! Sources of lead poisoning are paint, putty and
� � H
� I > plaster cnips co�taining lead. A chi� o� paint
� aoou� the size of an adult's thumb-nail can
� _ .� a contain bet:��een >!: and 1G0 mi 1 i igrams of lead,
, . - . 1 ;, and so a child �ating a fetiv chips ca� eas� ly
:,-; ? inyest 100 or more times the toter�uie adult
leve l o f t he meta l . T he homss o f c hi ldre� whase
�� � � tests s�o�iad a hig`.; l�vel wi I1 be vis+ted by a
� � � iteatth Division vrho wiit
�± sanitarian aid� from �i-�
! deter�ine t�e source of poiso�ing, and parents
—"""�. � wi I l be inforr�ed as to problem areas after the
' — aide completes che��;ing with a lead analyzer
aZl �ai�ted areas v�ith lao�e, cracked.ar flaking
� paint. .
� � � �/�'�,�' �"�-/ ��'//V/�
Friday, re!�ruary 2�[�-�, 1975 and Friday,hla�ch 2IItt;
' are the mQnti�ly Childrens free Health Clin�cs a�
yo�r Coi�muni ty Cen�or, from 9 a.m, t� Pleon. f:o
�p�ointnents 4�e needed for gen�ral services:
, B1ood tasts, dental screenir��s or immunizaticns.
Appointm�nYs are neec:ed for examinaLior,s by t��e
doctors and m2y be ot�tair,ad by callin� 222-35qi .
' . . APPendix XI
. "Twin Cities Caurier"
, March 21 , 1975
� .
Test piar���d to ��� I��� c���
� �iN. t►,,Kf�.� ���c��.� ��..a��f,
chfldri•n In th�� �un�it�it l nl-.
. _ t rnl��r nt�t�rHn l.uthcr hir�; v��rslt�� nri;i� brh�c�•n i and
, t rnt •r� IR vterti►p; lo-tcst G y�;ira „Id f��r 1�•ad �N�isun-
t�u;. Ilrin�; �aiuii: cliil�.iri�n
�►n Tn�•sd;�r ur lteiln�•sila}•
murnin�;� M•h��•i•n y;:u1 and
, 11:110 n.m. G,r fr�•�� li•`liiu•�
or ph�Kir �_4-•iG���� r�t� �:►
fur tnfurmtdtun.
, Lond �r.lc�minl' can �rrc�-
t{nc•o bri�hl J:im�u��� �i�ul,���r
Crt�q�i�• �� rhfl�l. It i�. Jlfti-
cult l�►�Irli•rl 1�•:id puls��nl�µ;
(11 a Cl�iid unlrv� ,� hl�M�cl
__ _- - - - snnq,�i, Is lukrn nnd lrsls
• nr,��li•. "��i brfn�:Ju�n• chfl-
drrn In mW11ol uw I��st th�•n��••
, _ urk�•a t'��nlrr �K•reuiiu�•1.
� Aii you need to know about Lead Poison �
(and then some)
WHEN: April 9
, WHERE: Room A 9:00 A.M.
PRESENTER: Ms. Win Terrell , St. Paul Department of Health
, SPONSOR: Unplanned Parenthood Unit, Ramse Count Welfare
v v
� A6ENDA: 10 Minute fi �m
(0 Minute talk
Questions and Answers
' I
� :.. �
' � .
APPendix XII
� � �
� 555 Cedar St.
, at
' �n
, PLEASE CALL 227-7741 - EXT. 55
BETWEEN 8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
� ::,
� '
' ,
' ' `
I c�T�' o,� C1TY OF SAINT P�UL
�.`�' s
, � . ,. '� DEPARTf'✓1ENT �r C�N1MUt�;iT1' S�RVICES
� .,:...�:';».. -�
� �.z».�.�....
"'"" "° ' DIV1SiON OF PUSLi� 'rf�ALT!-1
.: --_�, ,
L MCp��y��119` .
- V'S r..c .n. h` . . . . . � .
, �O��>
Dsar Parent:
' The St. Paul Division of Pubiic Health is sending Lead Poiconin� Health
Specialists into your neiqhborhood to test children fror� aoe I to 6 for
blood lead poisoninc�. You may remember a booklet your child recently
' brought home from school about lead poisonina.
If you are often aa�ay fror� home durina the day, please phone the Health
' Center, 227-7741 , ext. 57 tor an appointment so the Lead °oisonin� Health
SFecialist can test your youn� children. It is a free service of the
� City Division of Public Health. It takes only a few minutes in your home,
' a finoer-prick and t��o drops of blood.
If you work and your children are not at home during the da��, please �hone
us with information so Your child will not be missed in this imeortant pre-
, ventive health care.
If you know any families with pre-school children, olease c�ive them the above
, infornation.
2l21/75 -
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Is your building or home over 30 years old? Then don't let
your children chew on woodwork or eat flaking chi 'nt.
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A long time ago, many interior paints contained white lead.
If you live in an old building, there may be lead paint on
the walls and woodwork. Your child can get lead poisoning
by eating old paint chips containing lead or by chewing on
painted woodwork, railings, windowsills and similar areas.
If your child has eaten just a few lead paint chips each day
over the past three to six months, HE MAY ALREADY
� �a •u�eap asn�� saiui�
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' � ST. P.11JI. DIVISI(1:i OI' YJI3LIC }IE;1LiEt . .
Eh�'I:0\��iT.1L SliR\'EY C}IL'Cit LIST
' ARE4 P�"�SSIP,?_F: S�!,rf.F OF I.F:�D SAt�iPLF C(1LLrr�•r�.�
Walls Yes ____ ro _ Yes � ro
' Window Sills ' Yes � No _ Yes � No _
Window frame Yes fio Yes Na
Baseboards Yes ho Yes No
� Doors . Yes _ No � � Yes � No _ .
Radiators Yes l�o Yes No .
� Ceflings Yes t�o _ Yes � No _ .
Csibs • Yes To Yes No
Beds � Yes _ Ko _ Yes _ No _ -
' Toys Yes ` I�o _ Yes _ No _
Tobacco Yes I�o Yes No
, Matches Yes ` ro — Yes _ No _
Toothpaste tu�es Yes No Yes No _
Medicine tubes Yes Ao Yes No .
� Jewelry Yes _ ro � Yes _ ro _
Lead �laze pottery Yes _ l�o Yes _ No _
Newsprint Yes \o ~ les No
' Magazines Yes ` \o _ Yes _ No _ .
Home nade alc�hol Yes ho Yes No
' ShelZfish Yes� _ Ao _ Yes � i�o _
Oil Colurs . Yes No Y e s N o
' Fish equipment Yes ro Yes No
� Shooting Equi��:ent Yes _ No _ Yes _ No _
� Lead v.ater pi�es Yes IZo Yes No
Soil and dirt Yes No � Yes i No +
' Burning of Ba*_tery Cases Yes _ No _ Yes _ No _
Bnrnii:o of Painted 3oards Yes 2�o Yes No
' lrungici2es & Insecticides �Yes _ • ro _ Yes _ No _
Cosmctics Yes fio Yes ro
Detergents Yes No Yes No
' Leaded gasoliae Yes ^ Ao _ Yes ! No _
'. Were the following areas checked:
2, Kitchen Yes r No w 7. Outside yard Yes _ No _
'. 2. Bedroo�s Yes _ No _ 8, �cterior of House Yes _ No _
3. Living room Yes _ l�o _ 9. Fence Yes ____ No �
, 4. Dining ro�m Yes � ro _ 10. Gara�c Ycs _ No �
5. B�senent Yes ` I�o _ 11. Accessor y structures 1es _ No _
6. Attic Yes � ro + 12. Parents Occupation 1es � No `
2/st7s . �
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APPendix XIV
t �
� �
' ` i
� � � CH��PTER 56. RE:�IOVAL QF \TC'IS��:�CES �
56.01---'I'�e Di�:ision of Housin� and F3ui1�'ing Cece Enforcement (herein- '
lftcr referred ,o zs "Di�ision") is h�reby authorized un�i di:�cted to rcrnove
� and a�►ate, or cause to be remoti�cd or abated, an}• n�isar.ce, subsiances, �'
matter, e:us��on or thing ��•hich, in the eFiniur. rt �:e Di�ision ce►istitutes
a nuissnce ���:ch thr�atens the pubIic pLace, l:e�ith, and safet}• ur �ti�liich
vnpairs the s:L.itar}' ca^dition or ;ocd urcer of tl:� cit;�, ar.d ��hic� is found - �
' or e?cists upoa aay street, zll:y, �vater, exca��ati��n, bvildin�, erer:ion, lot,
grounds or ���er p:aperty locatecI �t•i>_h;n tbe City uf S�int F�ul. lfiis
provision do� not apply to ttie zemoval oi bu:idings.
56.0�—T1:e o�.;�ner ef any build�ng, �ti�hen��•cr it becomes vacant, s;�atl remol•e
' therefiom .ll pa^er or other c��;nbuctible materials acc�mulated thercin �n3
shall securei•; cl,��c and ::eer closci a;l doo;s and «�indo«•s or ct,�er e^c�-
ings into s�c:� bui?�ing ���hile ii r��:ains unc>cc��p:ed. Va��nt, b�:ii:�ir:es al-
]ow•ed to r:m�:n ��pen to entr�• by L:,authorizcd p4rsens are �ercb� ci:c?ar�:�l
, to eanstitu:e a r.�isance. The Di�:ision is authorized to ab�te suc� ;,?�i�arce
by issuin� aa or�;r to the o�.�-aer, a; Fm��idcd belo•,�•, to remo�'e a11 ;aocr
or other ce�'�uctib,e r�iztcriz's a�d c?ose all �oers and ��i�dC�•s or cth,r
, openin£s. Ia tne event tl�e o�.tre: Coes not comply „'ithin the ti,:e F�rio3 ��
speci5ed in s�ch order, the Division r.�ay close such deors, ��::��•.�•s er
� other o��nin�s azd remave �ll p2�ers and con:bustible m:teri�?s. ::�d assess
all costs Ltiereof a�ainst the rzal p:operty in the manaer set forh bclow. '
� 56.03--In the e��ent such a r.uis�n;.e be found, the Di�-ision sh�ll r^ail a �:�rit-
ten order to the o�.;-ner of the sab;�ct r�al preperty addressed to his Iast.
knon�n s:reet �d�:css. For thc purpose of this ordinance, "on�ners'' s!:all be
� those sho«� to re such on th� reco:ds ef the Ra:nsey County :�u.iitor, but
other ap�mprate records ma�- be used. The w�ricten �rder shall coniain the ,
a Descriptien of ihe real est�te su�cient for idcn:ification. �
' b. Specify ihe nuvance «•bich etists and the remedial action reqeired.
c. Allon•a reasenable time for the Ferformance of any act it requires.
d. State that the u.«er raay �ppeal t�e crder of t�'�e Division and obtain a
' hearir,g b:,ore the Cit}• C�uncil b}� �'in; a �c•ritten request for �ublic
hearing n-i:h t,`�e City Clcr� not more than seven days from 4'�e date o#
the order.
e. State that unl�ss such correcti�•e action is taken or reouest for peb'ic
� _ hearina filed �,ith the City Ct::+ «-ithin the time spccified: LIlZ D1�751CI1
"may remo��e tne nuisance an3 c.a:�e all costs incurred thcre_a ,,�aiast
the real zsiat� �s a spec:�l r_ss:ss��ent to ba collected in the same manner
as tates aewirst ::e said r�sl estate. .
' S6.O�i�—In L'�e e��ent the o��-ner fil�s an appeal ��_h the City Clerk, � pro-
vided a`�o�-e, the Ceancil s:�a11 fi.� a date for publ'.c hear�_,g and �i�-e the
o��ner ���riitcn neiice of the d�,e, ti�e and place thereof. At the t�me of the
, public h:arinQ, the Council shall h�ar from the Di�•ision, the on-aer and
all other in;cre�ted F�i�ies, and tycreafter the Council may sustain, modifv
or confirm the or�er uf the Di�•ision. If the order is sustained, tr� Council
shall by resoIu:ion fi.� a time R�ithiz �rhich thc nuisance s;�all be remo�-ed �
, or abated and furthcr pro��ide that if such corrective action is r.ot taken
ti-ithin the ti:r,z so s�ecified, the Ci�� m�y abate th� nuisance and char�e all
costs incvrrcd th��rem. A copy of this resolution shall be scr�•e3 by mail '
upon tt�e occncr by the City CIerk. �
, . 56.05—Tn the e�•ent the City re�:o��es and/or abates the nuisance, the Di��-
sion sh�il kccp 1n accurate. record of all costs incurred thcrein and report
th:se casts to the Department of Fi�:ance and �.lanagement S�r��ices. T�hese
' c�sts shall t:,en be ascesscd a�f�ir.st ?he afTected re:il property in the manner
provided for in Chapter 14 of the Ciq• Charier.
, � .
_ Appendix XIV
' .
, � .
' .
, SG.Q6—To meet a stuation r:hic� co�s:ir�tes an immediate danger or hazard
' which if not immeJiately remuvcd or abatcd �c�itl cr.dan�er the health or
safety of the public and ti:cre �loes not csist suti;cicnt i,:r�e to gi�'e ���ritten
notice to the af�ectcd real property, the Division, ���it:� t;�e «'ri..::n authori-
' zation of tlie Nia��or, is h�r�by en:pu��cred to tzke ali r.:�sonable and neces-
sary ste�s to rcmove or aL�ate sucli nuisance fo:ti►v:i.ti and «�ithout the
necessity of issuing thc ���rittcn order providcd a�ove.
' Following such emer,eney abatemcnt action, the Di�•:�ion shall rnail�vritten
notice to the owner of t}ic property dcscribing tlle nuisance, the action taken
by the Division, the reasons fur in�meui.tite �ction, tt�e costs incurred in re-
moving or abating tl:a nuis;nce, and t;�at a lic:rin� �hall be hetd before
' lhe City Council for tl�c p�rpose of cor.sic3crin� the .ctioas taken by the
Division and to determine «•hether th� costs iucurrcei by the Di��isioa shall
. be asscsscd a�ainst ttie property. Cupy uf tti:s r.oti�� s1iall be pro�id�d the
City Couiicil, and tlic Civ'1Cl'll Si]�II 5LL � l�':IC fOt 1:�:1CIf7,thcrcoa and notify
' tI�e prot�erty o��-ner :n the mann�r set fo►:h in C1:pter 1-� of th� City Char-
. ter pertaming to assess:n:nts. At the szi�' hcar:n� t!�� Ceuncil �.ill hcar a
rcport from the Di��isiu�, and also hear from the pmp.:rty o�i�ner, a.�d ti�ere-
after may adopt a resa':ution Icvying an as�cssi��ent for all or a portiun of
� the costs incurred by L�� Di�ision in remo��in� or abatin� the nuisance. .
(Ord. 15154, Aug. 4, 1972; amcnded Ord. 1�233, \ov. 8, 1972).
, _.` .
r _
� �
� . . �
�,��,� .
i .
' MarCh 2d� 1975
� lawrence 0. Cohen. M�yor
City of St. Paul
Roo� 347
, C1ty N�11 � Court HousQ
St. Pau1. Minnesota 55102
� Dear Mayor Cohen:
t�e dr� subattting the pro�asa) for renewal tor our Fcderal Chi1clhocd
L�ad Poisoning Preves�tian 'ro�ram to th� Dtstrict Grant Ad�inlstr�tic�
� � tn Chlcago by �tarch 2a. 1975.
The new guidel4nes require G'��t we have n Cf ti ze�'s Advisvey Cioard �nd
� subrotL t�heir na�s with tha proposal. T�e guid�lines nlso requir�
that thes� peo�le GQ appointed by tne cnief elected publtc official.
Ttti� Advisary �crrr�tttQe r�sfi t�e constitut�d Aa foilamrs With th� nar,r.
� , of Lhs persan accepting that �asitian. � r:�ust attach to the pro�osal
tha acknonledg��t of th�i r a�,poi ntcatent by you.
Laga1 Advisor 8111 Cra�lay, L�wyar
� D �1ou:tng spec�d,�st
�led1 cal Advi sor Carolyn Lev1 tt. �t.D.
� _ Ch11dr^�n'a Hospital
Rssident. child undQr six years t�errie f�rarr
� old - Lpt; volunt+�r, Student fn 81� fuiler Avenu�
Mealth Education � Ad�inlstratlon St. Paul, Minn�sota SSl+D4
Restae�t. chiid under six years O�s. [�r�aris Catltr+s
� old , 384 N. f�ackubin -
St. Paai, MinnesatA 551�3
R�sident. chi ld under sf x years �is. Shara� Garct a
, old 643 Vtrginia Av�nua
SL. Paul . N1�nesota 55103
� Reatdent. chi ld ur+der si x years Mr. tyn P.o�tnson
a�� 331 La�ond Avenue
5t. Pau1. �llnnesota 55103 .
� �
' � .
�,;;---,,;,� .
Restd�nt. ch11d under six ye�rs Ms. �aarbara Brorm Pere= ��5�'�,�
� old 1247 St. Anthony Avenue
St. Paul, �1lnnesota �5104
` Resident, ch11d under six years Ms. Glennice Shelby
. old 1��3 Dayton Avenue
St. Paul. Mir�nesota 5514A
' Resident. chfid under six years E1s. Jeany Shypaiski
old la4 Duke - Skyline Tawers
� St. Paul, �tinnesota 551Q2
These people hnve been persor�alty cantacted and have g�ven their ccroser�t.
' Thank you for your coap�ratlon.
' Sincerely.
, Edward R. Eb�rhardt
�puty Nealth Otficer
� : :
D .
' � P ram
Di ractor of Coa�ni ty Servi ces
� _:,
� cc: Pau1 J. Gax. O.V.M.
Director of EnvSron�ntal �HeattA
� . � .
Appendix XV
� _
Art�cle I Name of this Orgam zation and Function.
� Section 1 - The name of this organization shall be "The Citizen's Advisory .
oard o the St. Paul Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. "
Section 2 - This 6oard shall function in an advisory capacity to the �staff
� o the St. Paul Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Prooram.
Section 3 - The Soard shall revie►•r any activities of the Project and make
� recorrrnendati ons and work toG•�ard the financi al independence of tne Project.�
Article II - Constitution of t4embership.
� Section 1 - A�pointments to the Advisory Eoard shall be made by the chief
elected official of the City of St. Paul .
� Section 2 - The r�embership should include individuals v�ith cor�etency in
the �e ds of r.�edicine, lati�r, oUblic health , hausinv and environr�ental
health. Two-thirds of the :board must live in neiahborhoods affected by
� lead-based �aint poisoninq. A majority must have one child under six years
o7d at the time of this aopointr�ent.
� Section 3 - The length of terr�. for members shall be two years, exceot that
one-half of the members appointed initially shall serve only one year.
After the first year, one-half of the Board �•�ill be ap�ointed each year.
� Board nembers will be ap�ointed to onl.y one term. The mem5ers to initially
� serve only a one year term, Hrill be determined at the first oreanizational
. meetina of the Board.
� Arti�le III - Officers
Section 1 - 'fhe Officers of the Board shall consist of at least a Chair-
� person, a Vice-Chairperson,- and a Secretary.
Section 2 - Election of the above Officers shall be by a simple majority
vote of the present membership.
� Section 3 - Duties of the elected Officers shall be:
� 1 - The Chairperson shall convene and conduct ali meetings when present
and other duties as decided by the membership.
2 - The Vice-Chairperson shall preside ►•rhen the Chairperson is absent,
� and other duties as decided by the membership.
3 - The Secretary shall take minutes of every r�eetinq and read them for
� majority ap�roval at the next aeneral r�eeting. The Secretary shall also
mail natice of ineetings and am�ndments as stated h�rein.
� Section 4 - The elected Officers shall constitute the Executive Cort�nittee.
Section 5 - In case of a vacated office, the Chairperson sha11 , �rith ap-
� proval of t�ro other members, appoint a member to fill the remainder of the
te rm.
Appendix XV
� S ion 6 - In ase of a vacanc in the Office of Chair erson the �
ect c y P � ����J- "��
Chairperson shall act instead. c�_
�' Article IV - t�eetings
Section 1.1 - The Board shall hold one qeneral mee ting at least every quar�
� ter during the third month of the quarter, at a time and place desiqnated •
at the previous general meeting and notified by mail t�•ro ��eeks in advance
of the meeting. -
� Section 1.2 - Special meetings of the general membershin may be called by
tv�o of the three executi ve Offi cers or by one-fourth of the general member-
� ship including those holding elective officers. .
Section 2 - The Executive Committee shall meet at the discretion of a ma,jor-
�tyT of its members.
� Section 3 - ttinutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kent in a book for
' three years by the Secretary. The minutes shall be read and anproved at the .
� next general meeting by a voice vote.
� Arti cle V - Speci al Corr�i ttees
� Section l. l - Special corrmittees may be constituted when necessary.
Section 1 .2 - They shall keep minutes and be responsible to the Chairoerson.
� Article VI - Finances
� Section 1 - The Project shall provide mailing services and duplicating
serv—ices as necessary.
Section 2 - The Project shall reimburse members for child care and trans-
� portation when necessary. �
Section 3 - The Project shall consider application of the Board for other
� funds deemed. necessary by ttie Administrator of the Project.
Article VII - Amendments
� Section 1 - These By-Larrs may be amended by two-thirds vote of the present
members p.
� Section 2 - A copy of any proposed Amendment shall� be mailed to each member
tvro areeks pri or to the next general meeti ng.
� . .
Appendix XVI
� .
� .
� . ' . . .
� _ ' .
� . . .
� Address � Census Tract
�� � �
pate � Badgc Plo.
� � ' �
Lead Hazard Found Yes t�o
� Lead Hazard Reduced Yes !�o
-� : � ��umber of tarc�et chi 1 dren occu�yi nq thi s dti�rel 1 inn
� - �
- Pluriber of tarqet chi 1 dren othen•ri se re1 ated to thi s
� . dr�elling unit. �
tlumber of confirmc�d positive children occupying or
� _. related to this d►��ellinq un.it.
�� .__ _. _ . ___. _
� �
- Appendix XVI
� Ei�D OF MO�JTN E+IVIP.�3'1:''.E��TAL
� � . i
�. Total inspections of dwelling units in target
�( area.
�� � 2. Total nurlb2r of d�•iellina units in taraet
area, �lhere a lead hazard aras `ound.
� 3, � Total nur:�ber of dwzlling uni ts i� taraet �
- area, ���here a lead tiazarC ti��as reduced.
� . • ' s identified�
. 4, Total number of d�•rell�nq unit
� this nonth.
� •
5. Total nurnber of dti�rellina units insnected
/1 � this month.
_ . 6. Total nunber of d:•rellino u�its ins�ected
� ` this �onth where a �12ad 'nazard aias found. �
__, .
� 7, Total nur�ber of d��:�llina units insnected
this month where hazard was r�duced.
�' � g. �'� Total number of children occu�yin� �•�ellinq
� uni ts aihere a lea� hazard was reduced.
� nfi rr..ed �osi ti ve c`�i 1 dren
g. Total. number of co
occupying or related to dti•relling uni ts titi�here
� a lead hazard tiras reduced. .
� .
� � �
� . '
� 1 - Male 1 - C 3 - AI 5 - 0 1 - Yes
/ / 2 - Female 2 - B 4 - MA 6 - Other 2 - No
� 551
� 1 - Single 4 - Mixed,
2 - Duplex 5 - Other -
� 3 - Multiple
� / / / / - -
' I hereby request and authorize the City of St. Paul, Division of Public Health
1. Take blood samples from the above named child to determine the presence
� of lead.
2. Perform medical examinations, x-rays, rescreening blood tests, and
treatment when necessary for toxic levels of lead.
3. Transport my child and myself to and from the lead poisoning clinic or
� hospital for treatment.
I hereby release the City of St. Paul, Division of Public Health, its officers,
� employees and agents from any and all liability that might arise or accrue to
either child, parent, or guardian by reason of such tests, x-rays, exaininations,
and treatment.
; �
� ', �� .
� , 227-7741
. . I�
,�' . . �
�' 1. Painted gurfaces - sucn as: � i
�lall�, ceiling, a�indovr si]ls, radiators, fallen paint chips, cribs,
� toys, furni ture. . � . '
2. Printed material - such as:
. � � Newsprint, magazines (ink may contain lead. )
- � 3. Ciqarett�s, tobacco and som�2 matches.
' 4. Lead wat�r pi.�es and pipes rrith lead soldered joint .
�'. .
5. t�laterials containinq lead - such as:
Varni;shes, shellack, dr;�ers, pigr�.ents, paint on containers.
� ,
6. Food utensils - such as: �
Lead-�glazed dish�s, �ottery that has bee:� lead lazed (es*�ecially
�' harm��l if acidic juices or food are stored in � Qse containers . )
�� � �. Fungi ci des, i nsecti ci des , some cos�^eti cs and� medi ci n . .
8. . Fallout l�ad arti s i ' f f
, p cle n the a�r rom auto zxhaust nd burnina o.
lead materials such as battery casing ���nich may ut lead in the
� a•ir. :
�9. Lead gasoline. .
� . � 10. Soi] and dirt fror� outside play areas and dust insi� and autside the
� : - ._
11. Soft metal objects - such asi
Je�vel�y, collapsible dispensing tubes, some toot paste tubes and
medic ne tubes.
� �
12. Foods suct� as larae amounts of sheJl fish, home made whiskey.
13. Work clott�es - from a person ti•�orkino in areas �vith a largQ concen-
� . tration of lead in �he air,
:Som� signs of :lead poisoning to watch for are: -
�� .
1. Crankiness, temper tantrur�s.
� .
2. Stoma h aches and throwing up.
3. Neadadt�es
` 4. Poor arppeti te.
- 5. Drowiness and too tired to pla}.
� � . _
� .
� , .
� * Circle. Response � DATE ____� /_
� . . - �
ouse o. ir n treet �ar.�e �t7�'�jo; �������
� Number of Chil-
Purpose* dren Screened Status* Dwellina Unit Ty�e
1- IniLial Screening 1- Taroet C�ildren 1- Sinale
2- Rescreening 2- �lo Target Children 2- Duplex .
� ' 3- Vacant 3- Ftul ti ol�
4- �lo Resoonse 4- i1i xed
5- Other �
� Nouse fto. Dir'n Street flane A�t. t�o. Floor
Number of Chil-
Purpose* dren Screened Status* a•relling Unit Tyoe
�. 1- Initial Screenino •1- Tarqet Cnildren 1- Sincle
2-.Rescreenina 2- No Tarcet Cnildren 2- Dualex
� . 3- Vacant 3- �dultiole
� 4- No P,esponse 4- Mixed
5- Other
� . • _
House i�o. Dir'n Street Nar;�e Apt. t�o. Floor
� . - Number of Chil-
Purpose* dren Screened Status* D;rellina Unit Ty�e
1- Initial Screening . 1- Tareet Children 1- Sinqle
:� 2- Rescreening 2- t�o Target Children 2- Duplex
3- Vacant 3- Plultiple
. 4- t{o P,espo�se 4- t�ti xed
5- Other
� COt�"1ENTS:
�1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
• ,�; Nouse Wo. Dir'n Street �lame Apt. Pio. Floor
� Nur►her of Chi 1-
�, Purpose* dren Scrcened Status'� Dr�ellinq Unit Tyae
1- Initial Screenin9 1- Target Children 1- Sinqle
2- Rescreenin� 2- t�o 7arget Children 2- Dunlex
� 3- Yaeant 3- Multinle
`_', 4- No Res{�onse 4- Hixed
!� 5- Other
COt�4^1Et1TS: ' . � •
� — .
* Circle Response DATE _/_J_
Frouse�]o. ib r n treet lame pl�t o: oor
Number of Chil- �
Purpose* dren Screened Status* Owellina Unit Type
1- Initial Screening 1= 7arget Children �1- Sinqle �
2- Rescreening 2- Fao Target Children 2- Dupiex �
3 Yazant 3 Flulti�le
4- No Response 4- Mixed
5- Other �
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �
House No. Di r'n treet tlame A t. tJo. F1 oor �
Number of Chil-
Purpose* dren Screened Status* Urelling Unit Type �
1- Initial Screening 1- Target Children i- Single
. 2-_Rescreening 2- No Target Children 2- Duplex
" 3- Yacant 3= t•tultiole �
4- No Response 4- Mixed
5 Other
Nouse iJo. Dir'n Street Name Apt. No. Fioor �
. Number of Chil-
� Purpose* dren Screened Status* a•rellina Unit Type
1- Initial Screening t- Target Children 1- Sinqle �
, 2- Rescreening 2- ��o Target Children 2- Duplex .
3- Vacant 3- htultiple
4- No Response 4- Mixed
5- Other �
' � '�
• House t�o. Dir n Street Name Apt. P�o. Floor .
� NuMber of Chil- �
Purpose* dren Screened Status* Dwellinq Unit Type
1- Initial Screening 1- Target Children 1- Single -
2- Rescreening 2- ��o Target Children 2- Dunlex
, 3- Vacant 3- Multiple
4- No Response 4- hSixed �
5- Other -
COtM1C�1TS: � �
DATE / /
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_ 1
�amily Name How long at this address
Previous address How long at this address
� yg� Before 1950 Own Number of Target
STRUCTURE 1950 - 1960 children at this
� WAS BUILT After 1960 Rent address
Number of Apts. in Building Previous contact _ Yes If Yes Reason
at this address No Inspection
� Complaint
Reason for Inspection Child � 40 ug Blood Lead
� Relative or playmate �40 ug Blood Lead
' History of PICA Yes No
� Is there loose flaking paint in house or apartment Yes No
� -� PICA Source (Non Food Ingestion of) o %� Other Lead Sources
A - General PICA J - Acid Foods Stored in Pottery
' B - Painted Surface K Acid Foods Stored in Pewter
C - Paint Chips L - Soldered Seams
� D - Plaster M - Battery Casing
E - Putty or Caulking N - Painted Lumber Used as Fuel
F - Painted Toys 0 - Pesticides
G - Collapsible Lead Tubes P - Water Sample
� H - Linoleum Q - Other
I - Dirt
B - Basement o'° �o 0
O QU 'sU
2 - 2nd floor
3 - 3rd floor
4 - 4th floor `� e ° m •
s �s o e •
A - Kitchen Area m w e o •
B - Living Room Area
C - Dining Area
D - Bathroom e e p •
E - Bedroom �kl
F - Bedroom ��2 ° • � • •
G - Bedroom ��3
H - Bedroom ��4 a� e► o e
I - Closet
J - Hall Interior a ` o o •
K - Hall Exterior Rear
L - Hall Exterior Front
M - Stairway � A e e
N - Window Sill
0 - Porch e m e e
P - Fence
Q - Exterior or Auxiliary �, � �, �
R - Other � � s � o
S - Porch Rails
O A Qr B �
1 - Ceiling • o �+ ` • � •
2 - Walls
3 - Woodwork 0 A • • •
4 - Radiator
�, w a► o �
NovcmU cr 19�4 Append i x XV i (
Sponsored by the S.ainL- Paul Division of Health
� and the Community Centcrs as listed.
. . C].3.nic Services
� Blood Pressure Imntunizations
Dental Screening Lice }Iead Cirecic
� Family P1�'lIlI11ri� P.eferrals Nurses Evaluation
Fluoride IIrushings Throat Cultures , "
Food and ?�'ut�rition . Urine Tests
� IlemogloUin Tests #Physical Exams - children
.Blood Lead Testing under 6 yrs. By Appoini;meni;
� Capitol Community Services Thomas-llale Development Council
1060 Parl: Street S37 I�'o. Dale Street
488-050� 22�-7029
9:00 to 11 : 00 a.m. 1:00 to 3 :00 p.m.
� 2nd Tuesday of each month ;.4th ��'ednesda3� of each mon�;h
McDonou�l� Corununity Center rSerri.cl; Community Center
1544 Timberlake Road 71$ Ed;crton Street
,� 488-024�. � 771-5821
10:00 to 12: 00 noon 9: 00 to 11 : 00 a.m.
2nd Friday of each month lst Tuesday of each month
" St. Cecilia� s Church � Helpin; Hand Health Center
� g23 Bayless 499 ��'• Seventh Street
_ .646-8884 224-7561
.. . 1: 30 to 3: 30 p.m. 1:00 to 3 :00 p.m.
2nd Thursday of each month 1st Wednesday of each month �
� ;:, �
� r7ounds Park United biethodist Church Roosevelt Housing
Earl ancl Euclid 1575 Ames A��enue
774-8736 774-9647
1 1: 30 to 3: 30 p.m. 1:00 to 3 : OQ p.m.
3rd Tliursday of each month 3rd Friday of each month
2000 St. Anthony 1599 Selby
645-03�9 645-0478
� 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. . 1: 30 L-o 3 � 3� P•m•
QL-h Priday of cacll month 3rd 1�'ecinesday of each mont;h
� .
Capics of fl.icr� f'or c.�ch clinic arc ��v<<il�ibl.c from tl�e
� Sec:L-:ion c�f 'lictiltli 1;cluc<<t:ioc� 227-7741, 1,��• (iU
Rppendix XVI11
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Job Description
Project Director
� (Madeline S. �dcock)
� Project Director �aill provide direction and supervision for Project
activities. In tnis capacit�, sne w-ill estabiish fiscal policiss
� governing th�. op?ration of the preject, 2nd exercise over-all admin-
istration of Pro}ect activities.
Exar�ples of specific duties: �
� 1. Provide consultation Z71t.Y1 other administrative
personnel on the Project.
� 2. Provide budget surveillance.
3. Direct the establishment and review of the Project `
� reporting system includin� current status an,�3 eval-
uation of project activities.
� 4. Integrate the Project with related current and pro- -
jected co�munity prograns.
� Emplo���nt Standard;:
� .
Must meet emplo}�ent requirersents as established by the Saint Paul �
1 Civil Service Office ror the position of Director of .�dical Services.
� _'` . -
� -
� '
� �
� .
� '
l � � .
� Job Description
Financial Ofricer �
� (Edward R. Eberhardt)
1 Financial Officer c�ill be responsible to the Project D�rector and will
supervise the financial aspects of the Project. �
� Examples of� specific du*_ies.: .
� 1. Supervise the financial administration of the Project.
� 2. Integrate Project activities with on-goir.g related
� 3. Monitor Project activities for conformance to Federal,
State, and Local lat:•s and reoula.tions.
� 4. Assure application of appropriate standards of book-
keeping and management for Project act�vities,
� 5. Approve all Project e�penditures.
6. Institute inventory control procadures for Project
' equipment and supplies.
� Employment Standards: � .
' , Must ineet the employment requirements as established by the Saint Paul
Civil Service Office for the position of Deputy ::ealth Officer.
� _:,
� .
� •
� -
1 �
1 .
t . .
� . �
� � �
Job Descripti�n
Project Administrator
� Project Adniinistrator is responsible to the Financial Officer and the ,
Proj�ect Director for ths overall supervision or proaram acti�•ities.
� . Exa�rples of specific duties:
1. To su�ercise the Project Coordinator and the Public
' Health Nurse II.
� 2. To maintain an effective liason caith the City Council
regarding leoislation relative to the prooram.
� 3. To prepare reports, and exchar.oe and distribute infor-
mation with local, state and national oroups and aoen-
� cies.
4. To monitor pro�ram activities to assure conformance
with appropriate laws and regulations.
� 5. To evaluate prooram performance and effectiveness.
� •, Employment St2ndards:
Miust meet the employment requirements as established by the Saint Paul
Civil Service Office for the position of Director of Environiaental :iealth.
� ", .
� •
� -
i � _ .
� �
t . - .
! �
1 � �
Job description ���G� r,;
Project Coordinator ���- `
� Project Coordinator will be responsible for the activiti�s of the Sani-
tarian Aides. He ��ill develop eoucatio:al materials Lor the project.
The Project Coordinator will be responsible to the Project Administrator.
, E�:amples of soeciric du*_ies: �
1. Supervise the activities of the sanitarian aides.
� .
2. Goordinate project activities with the city nousing
inspection prograr.i.
� 3. Develop necessary educational materials.
4. Develop ar_d maintain communication with neijhborhood
1 organizations. ,
S. Assist �in developin� trainin� and in-service educational
� � prograrss for sanitarizn aides and otner h�alth and �ael-
fare proiessionals reoardino the hazards of lead-base
. paint poisoning.
� ' Emplo}�nent S tandards: -
Must meet the e�plo5�ent require�ents as established by the Saint Paul
, � Civil Service Ofzice as established for the positioz of Sanitarian II
plus educational backoround and experience in nealth education.
� . _.. , . .
� �
� •
� - '
, � • .
3ob Description �
� � Public Health Nurse II
, Public Health Nurse will be under the supervision of the Project .
Administrator and the �dministrative Aide.
� Examples of soecific duties:
1. Assist Project Coordinator in setting up project
, procedures. � -
2. Determine the medical and nursing needs for the project.
� 3. Secure necessary clearanczs for obtainirig necessary
equipment and supplies.
' 4. Organize routines needed for good patient �anagement. �
S. InstrLCt the nurses and clinic assistants in the Cl�ild
� Health program all mechanics of the project.
6. Assist in the organization and supervision of community
workers and volunteers.
� ' 7. Assist the Project Coordinator�in establishing instructional
prograrzs for community caorkers interested in recruiting pa- �
, � tients and interested in assisting in specinen collection.
8. If elevated sample obtained,to ma�ce arrangenents for re-
, evaluation and treatment as indicated with a medical fa-
9. Plan record systems and follow-up procedures such as
, notification of patients, referrals and reporting to
other agencies, and arranging supplementary ho�e care.
� Employment Standards: �
Must meet the emplo}ment requirements as established by the Saint Paul
� Civil Service Office for the position of Public Health Nurse IL
� '
� .
� �
' . •
� .
Job Description
� Sanitarian Aide
� Sanitarian Aides will work under the supervision of the Project Coor-
. dinator and perforr.i initial and follow-up inspections ot housing units ,
in connection �oitti the screeniizg program.
� . Examples of specific duties: - - ,
1. Under supervision, conduct follo�a-up ho�e visits
� on children with elevated screening results.
2. Conduct housing inspections for the purpose of
� identif;•ing lead base paint in the units.
3, Operate the Lead Anslyzer during housing unit
� inspections.
4. Promote screening ser:ices throu�h ;io�e visits
� and neig}iborhood meetinos. .
5. Assist clients of the program in obtaining other
needed services.
� 6. Assist in the development of� appropriate health
educational materials and programs.
, ' Employment Standards•
Must meet the employment standards as established by the Saint Paul
' Civil Service Office for the position of Sanitarian Aide.
1 _.. ' .
1 -
1 . �
1 . � -�
1 � �
r . . :
� . .
Job Uescription
. Clerk-T�pist II
� Under the supervision of the Adr�inistrati��e Aide, to perform routine
clerical work, miscellaneous typing and related wor�: as assigned.
� Examples of specific duties:
1. To type vouchers, checks, ir_voices, permits, n�tices,
� requisitions or purchase orders from prepared copy or
� indicated data.
2, To type address on emvelopes, labels or �+rrappers.
, 3. To type tslank forcas, fillin; in such infor.:ation as
names, addresses, dates, numbers, quantities, vaZues,
� etc. �
4. To type plain copy from prepared nanuscript of frorn
printed� matter.
� 5. To cut stencils.
� 6. To perform the duties specified for Clerk II.
Emp1o_yment Standards: '
' � 2�st meet the employment reauirements as estab2ished by the St. Paul
Civil Service Office for the position of Clerk-Typist II. ,
, :.. . .
� � .
, •
� .
' � _
� �
, Saint Paul Division of Public Heaith �
� Cilwe tUe Iollo..tr.g Info�mntioo !or eoeb ke� stal( member, bcg�nniag with tho prognm director. (U�s eoodcuadon page� nod [ollow th•
�amo 6enenl /ormat (ur �ach pe�wn.)
NAML . SEX � MALE a�HTH DATE ltlo.. s.+r. s.�n
Madeline S. Adcock, M.D. � � FEMALE I October 23
� T[C1E � SOGIAL SEGUH�TY NO PLAC ������• Sj �� °�
Director ot Medical Services
� 469-22-5477 Ic'��`"�nci t Bluffs, la.
- Proj ect b i rector • . .
� • �Q.N�. lfnduJ� wuni�; ui,onl. aoit�t:+. �+� 4�•-nrc�a� auewlrJ inJ honnrf co�Jn.e1.1 . .
� 1lt5TITUT1oN (�cme o�d txorto�l � DlSCtPIINE raoM I To YEAR cO�:F���ED
�NOAC � College 1940 1941
� Fargo, North Oakota � . � . _ .
Universit.y..:of Minnesota Pre-Med. 1.941 1944 B.S. , 1945
Minneapolis, Minnesoi-a : •
� Un i vers i ty of M i nnosota � . M��i i ca I • � 'I 94•4 I 946 M.D., I 947
Minneapolis, Minnesota . • ' . .
� Bethesda Hosp i ta�l � . I nterns�h i p � _ I 947
Saint Paul•; Minnesota ' . • ,
� . �. • � . � _ .
� , • � i
. I
' PROFESSIOf�IAI. EXPERIEl�1C� t5t�rt �cath F%ESE\T POSITlOV an1 lut iiQn�lK�nt tsD�'��t ►rir.snt to 9�opJ=�* �nclr�inj ll�w�.l , •
� ' C�r•rent: Acting Pdedical Director, Saint.Pau�l Division of. Public Health. 1974 _
� • .Previous: Staff - Saint Paul-Ramsey Hospital . 1966 - present. .
. N. I .H. Fellowship in Pulmonary Disease, 1964-1966 . . �
� . . • :.: • .
Acting internship - Ancker Hospital . 1962-1904 �
� ' Catholic Miss�ion Hospitals; Ghana, West Africa. 1950- 1962. � .
1 . � • . �
�. ` .. . . • .. . . f • _
� . � i � . • . - - •
.� . �, � ' ` • •� • • �.
. � • ' . • ' • • • .
• . • , . • . . .' , _ .. • .
•� . '. . .
. �� � ���'�' . .
Division of Environmental Protection � 05 t! 00002� 060 �
I � B10�R"Pki1C"L S;;ETC}{ •
'�',r;w t}►s Io1loNtng IolovxasUon !or eacs ke� •wif moml�er. bcgianiu3 with tLe probram dlreeWr. (U�e eo�attauadon page� and [ollow vtie
� •ame geoar�l format for each ��r�on.� �
NAM� S�X � f:AI.E � }31r2i'i1 UATi: Ufo...S�Y. i���)
Edward R. E�prhardt � ❑ FEFtALE 7/���
��L� SOGAL bcCUftITY l.O. � L..CE OF OIRTN tC.:r. Sut� or
' Executive & Finar.c��l �r"ficer � 356-03-8575 Ill inois
•, ' • , . , - .
Acting Director - Gran�ee kgency
� EDUCA710�t I:'+tlr1+wur��n= ft�:ant.e:.i+:tf.tn.d �a�t•tftit�a a::cnda3 snd honur� cun;��rt1.1 �
� Iot�a State University, Anes, Iowa Animal Science & Bi�logy 1°36 79�2 B.S. , 7942
Medical Departnent SrQcial S�hoois Veterinary Tec"nic�an
U.S. Army, Cp. Grant, Ill�no�s Fcod & D iry iechnician 1�42 . '19�3
-' University af 1rSinnesota, rlinneapoii , An�mal Science an�
t�linnesota Agr. Econonics 194b 79"�7 t�1.S. , 1947
, U.S.� Public Health Se:-vice � � �
.. Taft Engineeri�g Center, Urban .Planning for� - . , Certificat�:
RoGhester, i�tinnesota Environmental Heaitn . 1964
' University of Oklahe��;a, ��orr�an, Public Health �N��ninis�ra 9/66
�Oklahoma tion - 12/66 Certificate:
- 3/67 7 967
' ' � . .
PROi=�SSiON:aL EXf'cR1=n:CE :sca*t �nw FKF:SEYT PO�1Tl0� anS lu:a+,��lK�^j •=S�+�M�rai�_•��t Ta p�o:*.:m snelu.t:n�1iuROrs.) _
� 6ureau of Nealth, Deputy f;ea3th Officer, 1969 to presen� �
Bureau of Hea7th, Sanitar�an iV, 1966 - 1969 •
, Bureau of Nealth, Sanitarian III , 1963 - 1966 - � - �
Bur�au of Heal th, Heal th Sanitarian, 195i - 1°03 ' . �
� Bureau of-Heal th, f�eat �Inspector; 1949 - 7 951 - � � .
, U.S. Army, Food Inspe�tor, i943 - 1945, Ft. Snelling, t�innesota; L�do, India .
U.S. Army, Yeterinary Ser�ice, Instructor Food & Dairy iechnica� School , Cp. Grant, Illine��
• - 1943.
, . -
� ' • � � •
• . . • .
� • ' . . � • - .
. , .
' ' � • • .
, . .. -- " —
ytSµ-99-) (i'AGE 1 • . �,1/'7.
REV.<-7C • �.
APPLIGAtiT J(iGANIZA7IUN APP67t,.A11vn na�mu�.►a
City of St. Paul - Division of PuUlic Health - Dept. of Community Ser ices
r555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, rLinnesota 55101 '
. etocFhP}�ica� sxEfc�� �
�,rl�� tLe 1o11owl�g In(orm�tioa [a� eee6 ke� ualf inember. bo�t�neing with tho p�ogrsm direetor. (U�• eonttou�clon p�g�• ood Iollo.� tS�
, tame generat lormat /u� ��ch pe..oa.) . .
AME . SEX � M�,LE U7HTN DATc lJlo.. Ja7. 7��r1
Paul J, Co�, D,V.M. , M.P.H. I ❑ FEMALE �Octeber. 14 1921
Director, Division of Environmental Health �474-14-0212 S�int Paul. :�finn.
� -
� Project Admini�strator • - . . ,
•. • . .
, EDUGATION :t��:��. wvn�n� iti�nel.cotlifr�. ana ...�rn��t�ei er.�+G1J aw1 nowarf cow(rriiS.) • .
• 11i571TUTlOt�i (��Tt a^Q loteuow� � DISCIPLItdE YEAR CONFERn=�
'` St: Thomas Colle�e, St. Paul iology-Chemistry 1940 Z942
St. Thomas Coll.ege, St. Paul e-Engineering 1944 1945.
St. Thomas Colle�e, St. P.aul � iology-Chemistry• . � 1946 I947
,� Universi.ty of Minnesota � . �. �terinary riedicine � 1947 1951 D.V.M.- t951 "
Universzty of-�linr.e�ota eterinary Science . B.S. - 1962
University�S,Lf Minnesota . . . eterinary Public Health ' 1963 1964 r1.P.H. - 1965
� , � , : . � . . . � •• • , • • ' . .
. , .. ;. . . , . . . , .
, .�. . . . . . . • . : • . . •: . -
- � � . •: • � � . . ' " ' �
� . . . . , . � . . � --
. . • � � � �
PRQFESSIC�:.I. EXPERIENC� ISsart �e« Pi.ESEVT 7057TIOY au.t �u� iiiw�ficant t:pnitwet rdr��nt to yro;re.n lnclrJu�t Ho++o+�•) . '
� • �
Director, Division of Environmental Health . • � • ' � '
� Uni.v�rsity of riinnesot�' i�fedical School - Veterinary in charge, J.aboratory Animal Hospital .
' -Private Practice ' . . . . .
, . . . • . . ' f � . . . '
� . . . . • ::, � , , . . . r
' • : •• - . . • , • • . • •
. . � .
� . • • . . . �
_� . , •
� � � . . . • • � . ' �
. . ' . .
. . i , . , � .
� ' . I , . ` . • ' .• • .
� ' . ' ' • ' • . • � • .
' ' • � • . . . ' � ' � • • •
,• . . � , "'r . .. ''
�-�+�-r-�++�— -
Ap�pLtGANT U�iG�ni2wf�:.�+
' Paul Aivision of� Pubtic 05 N ���4n3 Ol 0
610G:�:.r�1C«L Sn�iCil - .
Cirl�� {Ls �ot2owin; [nform�tioo (or sac6 kej �ta1l eaember. bc��ncing with tha pragram direttor. (I.��s eooUauaeJoa p�ge� nad [o:low t�a
� ��yp 6cner.l lorro�t for �acA perwn.) •
- I 5£X �. MALE I OIRTii OAii: ��lu..d.+s. �is+t
Gar3 J. Pech.:�nn ❑ FEMAL� Decer,�ber 15 lc''0
� �� . . £7CtAL BE�UniTY NO. °LAG= OF �1RTH 1C.:r. Stati or
Sanitaria.n ZI �471_[;!,-�'�;3 St, p`1LL� �inne::��t;:
�[7�'.f.A7J0l15Hi? ?O PRC?Of,�D ?RD:�GT OR TRA1tvING PROGRAM
r� . .. . . . � . � . .
Project Coordinator .
� s. • � ^
�fl(JCA7 IG�i :;.�r:�.:�w+..r.�; �a:��e. ea�lrtn. a+a .�..n�,:�n aa:�•-t.i aRJ n�•.o.r ro•.;:•re.:.l •
IN£iT7TUTiON (�'.�+raa3locasio�.l � DiSCiPt!!:L � YEAR GOt:F��.Fc
. � � • •
Colle�e of St. i�e�s , lg5g 19ti1
Saint Paul, �.i.iz.-�esota Pre-Piad � _ ,
r � � - � . ,. . . . . . - . . _
Universiry of .�.nnesota . .
tiinne��olis, ::i.nnesota Zoolopy . 19GI 1963 B.A., 1963
� ' - � , ' � ' , -
:•� _ .
. . .
. � . . .
. . �
, . . � . . •. . . - . . .• . , - . , -
. . . • � �
, . . : . . ' . • . . �
. • • � . � . � _
� • PRVFESS.C�!`ii.L cX�-ni`.�IG� 'S:art ���: PnFSE\: FGSITiOV ta.i 1ut iijwif:cont azCrf�wc� r�:t.��..t Io f•�:J=m �wdr�(n1.Kowora.! '
� • $C, Paul Divisioa �oi Public Health, Sanitarian II, 19G6 - .Present � - .
� •Food £� �Druo �,�ministration, Food & Dru; Inspector, �:inneapolis, rlinnesota;
New 1'ork, New York 1963 - 1906 ,
' �� . . . _ • . . � . , - . . �
,� • . . .. .• . . � . � • � • • ' � � ' • ' .
' - _ . • . _ � �
, . . . . � • • � • . �
' . s • ' . � � • ,
, ; . .. ' , . � � .' .
' , . � • . • • . • • .
.� . . ' �.. �. ' � • • , � •• y • • .
' St. Paul Division of Public Health � 05HOOJ403-010
. -
� CI�� tL� following Informatioo (or eoch ke� �talf inember, beg�uaiog wit� the program direcwr. (U�� tootivu�tiaa p�ge� ood toltow eb�
�am0 6ener�I Iotmal for �ach Der�oO.�
NAME - $EX � MALE D�HTM DaTE t.�to...1.+r. �ra�l
tJin Terrell I [�FEM��E I ��ovember 7, 1924
Public Health �lurse II (56P-2�-87Ga � �"�""'' �
LOS i,tiQ2�E.S . �Ga�i f�rni a
� Project Nurse • :. . �
r .. . . _ .
EBUCATIOIV :lnaluli wvn�w; icl�aal. roll�fr�. awJ .w.rena�s� o�:�+drJ a+1 ho�er� cow/s..ed.l
' INSTITVTlOPi (�a.wr awd locariow) DISGIPLiNE ,
� � • � . ' � fwoM To YEAR CONFERREp
University of California, Pdursing 1941 1946 Q.S. in
Berkeley, Cal i forni a � � . . Plursi ng
i- _ � . . ,. . . . .
Chicago.S.tate College, = Counselina and Guidance 1970 1974
Chicag�, Illinois � : ,
, :. . . :. ., - � .. , . �
Un�iversity of "�tinnesota Public Healtti r�ur5ing 6/71 8J�1 C�rtificate
. . . 9����� �
.. ,. . , , .
, :�' . . • . . : , ' �
' ,'� ' . • , � � � i • � -
. . . . ! � � I
' PROFES510NAL cXPER1E��IC� LSiars +e�� P&ESEVT POSlTIOV aw1 7ut ai�w�l�cant tzpn�swe� �el�v�nt to 9ra�ere twclrlin` Howwt.l , ,•
� •� St. Paul Division of Public Health, Public Health :�urse - �
' . . � �Fami ly P1 anrling Nurse Pract�ti oner, �1�7!) to present ' . '
(organized and directed In Service training program�for Family Planning
_ . Pra�titioners 1971 ) � .
� School Nurse', �Matteson, Y11 i noi s, 1955 - 1968 i . . � -
' �omnunity�Organizer, Camp Fire Girls ,•Tulsa, Oklahor�a, 1955 - J957 ' . .
Instructor, St: John's S'chool of�Nursing, Tul�sa Oklahoma, 1951 - 1952 �
� •. . . ' . �
' _ . . . •' � . • , . •
. . . � � .
� • � • '
• �,
, • . . . • ' . . • ' • ' • �
• ' . . • . . ' ' _ . � .
�: ' • --" ,. .. -•