D00899• - City Clerk - Finance Dept. _- Dep[. Accounting (Civic Cenrer) _ - Engineee (HGA) _ - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMn No. �$�� Date CITY OF SAII3T PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVS ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CPA1.4 ADMINISTRAI'IVE ORDER, Whereas, addiuons which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described • as Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demolition Excavation & Bridge Construction-Parking at�mp Excavation Alternate A known as Contract L Project No.014440 Edward Kraemer & Sons, is composed of the following: Po i4658 1. Grout fill tunnels and install bulkheads per Construction Change Directive (CCD) NC1.7. Reason: Unmapped tum�els impacting constmction. Total $52,895.00 $52,895.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum af $ 52.895.00 said amoum to be added to the lump sum considerafion named in the contract, known as contract L-. 147-76009-0739-68050 APPROVED AS TO FORM and which amount is to be financed from: , a r 19 `/C Edward Kraemer & Sons Conuactor �/� I ��ti_19� By - ���—�-69-M dminic trative Assistant to the Mayor � Ass' tant Ciry Attorne� �� ►�ro�qq � ���Z�`����� GREEN SHEE N_ 21794 INRIAUOATE INfT7AL/OATE - � DEPARTMENT DIFE�CT -- � CITY COUNCIL y3 ASSIGN �CRYATTOFNEV \ 6�Y �.^.�4/ OdttCLEHK NUYBEBfOR = t� — pWn� O BUDGEf DIRECTOF � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. �D� � MAYOR tOR ASSISTANT) ��, TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1CTION AE�UESTE�: �,�„�-- � c i�.� o.-�. � --� �-�� �r�. �F � RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Heject (R) _. PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIVII. SERVICE COMMI$$ION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTAICTCOURT � SUPPOflTS WHICH GOUNpL OBJECTIVE? PEFiSONAL SERViCE CONTFiACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/firm ever worked under a coMract for this department? YES NO girgy� 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? °�a�6aC�4C YES NO 3. DoeS this person/tirm possess a skill no[ normally posse� �rignt �ployee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to grgqj�$f��t � n MFl��ia, E'�` ��� INlT1ATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Wlro, Whffi, When. Where. Why): .��� ��� � ���� C�-� �.�.- ��� �. ?`��- � vj,�-r,-=�'�-- ?� C�-y-- -��'..�--� IFAPPROVED: y � � � j'`�`� � �§��G-i,� w, 5_ t. � . ta 4� ;� „ . �-'�_ S.-, . �^ ;�����ift 27 1596 ,,r:, ,_:; ��� ��� �,��",:,� ������,a"':" �' � �, t ' a � ���._,��,c�= r�� � ��� I� TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7HANSACSfON $�"� �` S FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INiORMATION: (EXPLAIN) RECElVED AgR – � 1996 CITY CLERK �-�—�x ��:G�� - COSTlREYENUE BUDGE7ED (C�RCLE ONE) YE NO ACTIVITYNUMBEH �� I 1 �0� /`v�J � GO O�� LSV� ���� �� � ���,-,.-�- � ��� �� � � � �Q08�q CONTRAG'i STATUS • • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Edward Kraemer & Sons 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, MN 55337 Original Contract Amount: $1,026,000.00 CO No. CPA1.1 CPA1.2 CPA1.3 CPA1.4 Subtotal Deduct Add 223,687.46 6,469.77 3,199.00 52,895.00 �286.25123 DATE ISSUED: 8 March 1996 CONTRACT NO.: CP-1 CONTRACT TITLE: Demolition, Excavation & Bridge Construction CONTRACT DATE: 29 March 1995 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $1,312,251.23 • � "' • �.+ � � ! � C.QN=TR::AGTOR'S PR"aPOSAL Contraczor Proposal No.: � d' Project: Samt Paul Civic Center Oate: 1 Contrect No.: A cnange in the scope of the work is reaues2ed as indicated below: 1 `� It is requested the complet�on date be l�exiended, () decreased, ( 1 unchanged hy _ calendar days. The adjusied compietion da2e will be S Description of the change: (Reter to d�awings, specifications, addenda, if applica61e1. (Referenca RFP No.: • CCD No.: �•'� FO No.: 1 3. Basis of payment: (Checic one) �� S 1�rm price for Performing this change is ....................................S S�. S� S Adequate supporting detaiis and informat�on (Increase Oeduct) must 6e attached to allow Owner to evaluate. {) Time and materiai per contract, but no2 to exceed S () Actuai cost at completion of work S Submitted by: �.�+.?ws�o K�°�'v�� � �-� Date: �o �- ��' Contractor C ontractor CJ • � Action Recommended: (Check one! () Change wiii not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 () Proceed on the foilowing basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is accaptable. () Change is accepta6le, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( ) Basis of payment shali be S �2 � �� (oJ�O ! 5 �- �'�!1!L-/JfNC3 () The following modifiication is recommended: L�ND $ p..,EpGE GpNS'(Y��UCd?oN • {) Change in completion date is accepted. -�jEE G¢f�}N6B C�'C)El�-- ( 1 Change is acceptable with no change in price. ( 1 Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. �G�• �� Reasonfor Change: O Design Change O Client Request �EQ,Field Condition ( � Suggested hy Contractor ( 1 Design Omission or Other (expiain) 3. Is this a part of the originaai contract scope? l) YES �.NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �fQ.YES ( 1 NO 5. A/E consulted. �CJ'ES ( ) NO Prepared by: � "� CPMI) Approvedby n ,_(HGA1 ,� v � � � Approved by Ownerl Date• 2' 2 Date• Date• Approved by: (Owner) Dace: cc: Chns Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Dick Zehnng Eriks Ludins 3225- 3225- BL SAINT PAUL dVIC CENTER EXPANSION � ' � ����� � JI��1'1�11i� G� ��.�vt�EL� A-m�s I.�ti� I��T�- g(3��'g� �� �/�� 9����9� �/zz��� j�M �r �cc� %c.v.ZL�s �e��rr�R� � iz�r�r�EZ� ._ V�.r_��-L. � 4-�L��I ---- G�� t� s.�; �, � ua,�.�t��� �;2f5��G�_ G��_rfi�-� ���.,�:.:�. } 1 ��1 _ �P-� n<, � �z,�a�°� z, a�,�'. ,,.__ - �—. _ . __. _ _ .. � . _: . ..� f � � -. � : _._ _ �u$ ��.--- � �' ._ , ���'�� , c� , , — � —. __ _ , _ __ , . . , , , , . , __. _ __. -- _. _ _ _, �_ __ __ _ � _ � _. __ _. _ - � --•_ 4,_G �`° , �� s�A�. �t�+ �:� 7,5 — - - — -- -- �_ � ; . � � , � o' i � , ' _ _ � ,----!— -- --- - °-- j ._ - ' ; � � � � _�_ _--- - 1 _ _r ....,. _ . t_.._ , r i , , , � - . :._ . ._,_ ..__ _ _ _ _-*--- _ � . _ S� __ _ _.�' ,,,_ _;- _ . i 1 �_ _ �. .. .__ ' ------� __ _.. __;._ ._._. � _ - -- —+---�— _. t _.___. , _ . _; ___�--- _ • _ � , ; . _ . __. k _.. . __: _ , _ .-' -- - � , J __ _ ' ._ . : _.. � .. ; ....___ . . . ._ . . _' � i _ . � . . . . } - — � ' ___._ __ _ ,- . . '_. — _' - __ i �' �I �� ��,Q 15� ZS�� a ¢,oCa. �r,�,..(�� �. l3,3F5Q� i �� �I I C� �� August 30, 1995 AMES CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVII.LE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Artention: 3erry Volz, Regional Manager Subject: Grouting Tunnels at Shotcrete Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Excavation & Bridge Consiruction Dear Jerry: �.�,,, e` `% IYEIR� e • As per our letter of 8/28/95, we have completed bulkheading and grouting our first ei�ht tunnels today. These are the tunnels encountered due to excavaring the raznp down to elevation 60.5 at the northeast corner of the ramp. The sanitary sewer tunnel still remains to be grouted at each side of the excavation. This will be done once the sewer has been redirected to flow to the east. Attached are the grout delivery tickets for verification of the quantity of grout. As you can see, the total quantity of grout used was 56.5 cubic yards or 1,525.5 cubic feet. The cost for this grout is 1,525.5 cubic feet at $10.00 per cubic foot or $15,255.00. It is our request that a change order be written for this amount. Should there be any questions, please give me a call. "a��v.u...o � '�h�braa.l'f r� L Sincerely, �`-�����, Michael Moeller Project Manager. � � Soa'��, - a.,�v.r.,.n � q-eoJ "- A^ E4ua1 OPPon+tniry EmploS'er OFFICES IIV: DENVER, COLORADO • PHOENI7L, ARIZONA • SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Twin City Area (612) 688-9520 �tt Ready Mix (612) 7843512 CE�TO��' CEMSTONEPRODUCTSCOMPANY WYATT READY MIX 2025 CEN7RE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS. MN 55120 ��� Hastings (6�2) 437-3521 St. Bonifacius (612) 446-9090 I I �' �. .- � _ I , I I WARNING: PLASTIC GONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MAT�RIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET +e sole and ezGUSrve lubibty of the seller for airy detecf m i�ie acceptetl 9ooGS shali be fimdetl to reparir�g or mplacug Ne Wq7ER ADDED AT CU`J'�. OMER REQUEST (GALLONS) �otls as �he seiler shall elecl The obligabaf ro repafr or re^ ihe gaotls shall temmate ivm manths aftertl� delivery. '(' ze unloaEing ame of 7 minutes per yartl to be mm W��%'��I on pb. Demurrage at S60.00 per hour must be paia by F�q57' MIDDLE LAST e purchaser Nereattec . �CXNOWLEDGETHA7CEMS70NEPAOWC7SCO.rs�wthaMebrdama9eofa++ynaaxeakv�.di�x.une4'DYmyrequest The concre[e sVength shovm on tlus ucketis the POTEMIAL strength antl rtwve tnzk past arb liim or ryh� of way fim�6, antl adawwleLges wi0ingneSS to pay wrecker fees or wst in repanrg 9uaranteetl oniy when tested and sampletl m accortlance witry A.S.T.P »9�P�M� ' - spec�caGOns. Our conaete mizes are tlesigned for specific slump ranges, ar ` �� adtlitional water voitls all gparantees. �USTOMERRELEASESiGNATURE',:t;}-:;� 3 +��. 's�; � # ., , X . �,-� �.,� 4 �. �'�-, � ,� It is fhe huyefs responsbility to protect heshly pouretl concrete from freez�n ���� � ��"z'' ,.^ -, � . � � � � tlu�ng the first seven tlays after tlelrvery. N J `} � ..�e 'i � T 6 '�" ..-§�"'� Y..v.. `� , •' r SUPPLY OUTLETS..OPEN SAT. 7 AM -NOON. CALL 774-7575 FOR IHFO. i K .�� . .; � ? �' „ .��' . 1 _. ST'aT F$xcE crt unrvcn ,.,. , 48 ROIi DECKEA� ;c:�.�tw,� _ . . CUSTOMEfi D - ��. PfiOJECT NO IiIHG -STPAtJL J '" BST2tUT 8t 1?GT�-0".3-=�r-ii�Il 200FT 8"TURf3 R6T Tff ,TUI - 2 . - 56: ` s: 56. Sf .;� .�, � ' �aFa�,r._ � '� ;�rccs ���� ��t�a� 1.. \y `.�.� --- � ' ti ' �_ . .,� 1,'���" `� � 10:50 11:33 P.O. NO. MB?51-0363 ' , r:ax�.'rtv-c - .y .s:: . . k£�.�n ��,-.. .� pe:r9's�T=�'�i.� . :o L.. -. y..;� L- . � '� � r�R; -�� • � : CEM 1@00__pUMP YD � �3i�:-✓:i.- � � � .:` ; S�'E' . �.:-� �n.:-..r �. �X�..i_.;i ,,= n+•U � Y ' k+�4:G11�"c.R 1Qii , �tyit. 6. , i _ - S =me ; :f^%'f=: . :J:�;�y� %i;i, w��;�. v�if1 � A �'.� - ^ �J �bt � _ ' rest:;.a�-_�...� ,.. ��ii.' `,� :. . \_.�,.-e.a.-�.� r_ .m�� • aK�, .��� .. .'�IT'•:r'.'i ,. _ ::7N.3'..'�G�_`�I:�f!31'I.Ge�.,_u T±1^�^..�_ .. .=.a,�.�s:.�:. . :�=aao� �av^r>;�.:: .;l - . :Y` ,c.v.11:C'F��=� ':�:::io.?1=>-�£/Ci':d<< . `S: ���: .� . e.� -.':7`J::-LaL:�4i>5:,2.ik_vi�G35•:r.c_= ._ .�rt ••{, � � - . , �3CO+tY =,�x �iC .,..,".�t' �' k � :^ �� -+ _ ' _ _ . -R- ��� ' f�" r<^1Z 5':�—�d.�"�"`='.`�d�_.:_i%:.tTIA� .. ... .^wkr. ii. .��'_. • � "' " , � �k+' . f, � � _.. __.� ( i"'.-"-, ' . . �,,� a�.. �� --, � �.� �°' °-� & z: : . ' �i r ".. _� , � SLUf�1P i � ` .� ` � . � r y.� raio�osumwa�-;sat �� -�•�� ���� ai w�tl�e ? f' ��:. r �,_ ` : �+' � � , ,% - .:>�,�.•?-`"� � .�"ff'�.�� l...l::�' . . .-hir• �-' _ .: .?.V-^� �:iY n:i�- _'�Y�: �I� . .,-.TY,: �:,�..,D;?:Qi . , ...:`:x'.3€. .'*�' c"lA_:7 ..,�?.Pti1} _? 3:? 'k3cY'� LY�-"•`J �2+15a`AQ � .� ':����,�'����. .�.'.", $;.'�.: . .7!"' ::w�-k i•Y�: _Y...: �1�: � � � ..iS,i, : �. �:�?Ri�if,wyV.�. ' .. ��a".'., ! , _ '�5�.35' �'!. � -. -' i + CUSTOMER COP � Twin City Area (672) 688-9520 �yatt Ready Mix(672)784-35�2 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS C(� \ WYATT READY MIX 2025 CEN= RE POINTE BLVD. ' MENDOT�EIGHTS, MN 55�20 11;r • ( acius (612)446-9090 S � .... _.__, rn�ion v�a�n ARRIVE PLqN' � D � Q/ �'% � �-,� = '/ - °S�� WARNING; PLASTIC CONCAETE MAY CAU � INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAPETY DATA SHEET The mle arb exciusive ia�diry of q� s„q�er for any Gefect in Ihe accepted 9op�1s sha11 p¢ � to repanng or repWanq me WATER ADOED AT�USTpMER REQUEST(6ALLONS) gwas 35 the selier stWl eiect The pp��p� �Q repair or repiace t�e gooGS shall temmyte aXer ihe delivery. Free unbatlmg Gme of ] minutes p¢r y�p i py �p���y �rom artrval an pb. Demw� at 560.00 per hour musl be paitl by FIRST Nepurchas¢rmerealter. . ��y��� �� i ACKNpWLEOGE THaT CEN.STpryE PRODUCTS CO is nat luble far `�"�, _ �o ma+e wck par cum ene rn �ma9e of any nawre or kinC inaur¢� py „�y ��q�¢� The concr¢[e sbengih shown on ih(5 ticket is the POTENTIAL stren ih an � v � M �t af way timits, arq yrhnow�eages vnllirgn¢ss �o pay wrecker fees w cost in repa�n(g 9uaranteetl only when tes[e�f and sampletl m accortlance vnth A.S' CUS7pM R�SE SIGNATURE specificavons. Our concrete mixes are tlesignetl for speufic slump ranges, adtlihonal water witls all guararn�s. � It is Me buyefs responsibiiiry to pmtect freshly pouretl conerete fmm free: ,� ���� dun� ihe first seven tlays atter tlelivery. SL'GGLY OUTLETS . LPEiV �AT. '? Ahl — Nt70N, CqLi_ 774 INFO, f � 1�4969 I 17'� � DEhlPIIS T�JRRS 50� To. : r AMES CDNST INC DELIVERY AODRESS CIVIC CENTER RqRKING —57Gr�UL ucnoNS - 1�iRTY`ST' '�'Q_:CH�STiVUT', � ftGf i_ T AT FENCE GO c00FT `�'�"T(jRbf . .. - . . . .�;R.: -�-..�.� .; � 9. ID0 � 54. 00 54. � r i"` 1,;,, �. 5.�; - -, 56 fER NO. TIME DUE 1189 1Qr:2 EXCHAiVGE ST Ttl. �'UI�NEL �6 LEAIVF T LL LOADTIME AIR 4 �+9 : Sk� O. NO. B751—ib?,6;, , ° "�' 808IA7 ,_ CEM ia�0 PUMP YD .. - ...a'f",#�: � 3 � ��� �'-z'F.^' . _�"e�'F � � � � � .:....� '9�"- ��^%.-�-.:1. � �� . �. _- _ � ' «t_ ''� - � ' .�._ -t: .,. .., _ Y 4 � a+ �� �'*--"' � - �d'' •: � .. -. . .��4{_ i 0 �. .`� ,..�.�� ' n' : '.T�- � -� .� ...._._-. � �, ?,�—A,_c g-45 � SLUMP Q�.OQi .1 IE —lA . � The 6pearor ot!his Wck is ai � amaumvmof��_mh wn1a, co un�oaa. rrud�s ne .F�_� i��s bn9er rnll be biNetl . �. �� Twin City Area (672) 688-9520 �att Ready Mix(612)784-3572 4�, 00 � 54. +a9 : �4 O. • 51-0?,6u E WARNING: PLqS71C COM1�CRETE MAY CAUSE iNJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL St�FETY DATA SHEET ne sak aM exCUSiva ��abn�N ot me sener for a�ry aefect in ll�s accepteE gootls srya1� be pmrtetl ro repainng or replaarg be WqTER AOOED AT CUSTOMER REQ��iEST (GALLONS) �wES as4+e sHier snau etect Tne oW�gauon to repatt or repiycg Yne gooES stWl term�nate Mro monRis afler tl�e defrvery. ' - ee un�oaain9 ume of 7 mmutes p¢r yara to be como�netl irom artiwdl on pb. Demurage at 560.00 per Fwur mus( be paitl by F�qST MIDOLE LAST �e purchaser Mereatler AGKNOK'lEOGE THAT CEMST9NE PRODUCTS CO �s eqt lia�� ��myge d arry natu�e��i '�r¢u� � my �Epu� me concrete strengih shown on this �cket is the POTEMIAL strgn th and � move Wck ast curb ime or n ht of wa bmitS, a�W arknowl �gness to pay p epyi� g amageaproperty. . guarenteetl only when tested and sampled in accordance wfih q,S.T specifications. Our concrete mixes are designetl tor specific slump ranges, a =USTOMER RELEASE SIGNATURE atlditional water vo�tls aii guarantees. , It is the buyers responsibihry ro pro[ec[ fresM1ly poured concrete from freezi tluring the Lrst seven tlays after delivery. S��GPLY �UTLt=.I'S..OPctd Sf�T. ? F�h1 —i:iLOPL CRLL 774—?57� FQR INFQ. i. 'LANT T7CKETNO. TflUCK ORIVER ORDEHNO. PpCKETNO. USE 1 ItZ+492N 36+Z� DEIViVIS SF'ELLM��iV 56r 56 I_EANFTI_{_ �MES CONST I IVC 1 f 89 +Z�� : 47 1EUVERY AODRESS PROJECT NO. p,i i.I V I C CcNTER R�1RN, T h!6 -STPAUL �. M: VSTRUCTIONS � PARD 8T TO CHESTNUT & RGT TQ EXC1-IRNC�E ST=' AT FEIVCE G� crDOFT & TURh! R6T 'TII TUNNEL i� . . , � - ?'-A . ,.i-°y'G . _ . .`' _ . > .�+'�„` ",' ""'�" -,_.:,+s2^. _ .�'_ . . 9. a�a � C�"A'1'STD�/E CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY WZ'ATT READY MIX 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS. MN 55120 $09 M CEfi e � � [ 6 i - -k- ' . _ .�F;_;::�,'_;:..c " : • � � -<. ':�. '�,a r _ , - � -Er y _. � _, ' '_ " , .. � ,_+"`a�'.„ �'�l ` � a ��r � i. �i � �. ��:. 10�0 f�UMP YD ����q Hastings (6i2) 437-3521 St. Bonifacius (612) 4 46_g090 30--F1�_ig-95 CC SLUMP r�. a��+ . v�a )NE 1-1A The Opereror ot this truck is al4 �_ amatimiunof �- mmm which to unloa0. T(ucks ne• z�5.y.�„' pbsi�es bn9er wiq be btlletl s y., , �.,C �✓ �=n -� `-v � � .s te ' � . _ - � * � "�2' _ �..�>'`°A'� . _ �-,°�,"`"'�'�'-yv__ i. r _ CUSTOMER COPY TF+rin City i4rea (6'12) 689-9520 �yatt Ready Mix (612) 7843512 � � �►•e� Hastings (612) 4 37-3521 St. Bonifacius (612j 4 46-9090 - WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY.DATA SHEET :+e sofe �aM exGUSrve ��abAiry of ine seller for any d¢fM in the anxpt¢C yppys spyil "I�e'fimi�Ey to reptirug or repladng Ihe yyp7ER AD ED T C noes as me seiler snali elect. The odi UEST (GALLONS) gatron to repau or repWce tlie gootls shall te�mmate Iwo mrnihs afier tli¢ tlelivery. - 'ree wloaeing time ol ] mmutes per yarE �o be compuretl (rom amval on job, Demurzage at ggp pp per hqu musl p¢ paid by FIRST +epurUazert�ereaftec E LAST aCKNOw�E �E roT �EM�S n9�NE�PR�ODUp� Cp. is�n la tle �r � i rt�ag¢�of ao naNre or bM niwrt¢y py my teque5( The conttete svength shown on this ticket is the POTENTIAL shen h am�e1N� 9 �g PeY meticer fees or cost in reFwnrg 9t dnc 9�AoPeity. guaranteetl only when testetl a�tl sampletl in accortlance with A.S.T :llSTOMER RELEASE SIGNA7URE specifications. Our concrete mixes are designed for specific siump ranges, e „ , atltlrtonal water voids.all gua2ntees: _ It is the buyer's respons�6ility to pro[ect freshly pouretl concrete from freez - dunng me first seven tlays aRer tleirvery. __ .. �..vr�� � u i1�K i ui' �?�'R�Y OUTL�TS..OPLlV sAT. 7 qifl - NOC7N. GALL 774-?5;5 FOP I�sFO. I 1Q+486ti 97 WflLT RENSCOOTER SE+ 56 V V LEAh1FILL OLD TO: x CUST04AER NO. TME DUE LOAD TIME AIR ��h1ES rpi�ST I NC 1 189 �D9 : k�9 08 : 47 �ELIVERY AD�RESS PROJECT NO. P.O. NO. :IVIC CENTER GARKIt�{6 -STFAUL MP751-0363 lSTRUCTiONS �ARD ST TO CHESTNUT R RGT TC' EXCHANGE ST ` � -xiT FrENCE" `GD' ck�QF1' t� TCI€tN f�'T°TO 'TiJIVNEL '_ . ._ _ .- , ,: , _� x� "�`^ � , �.:� � �' . � . ' „-�-_" � .". �� _ - .,�- ����� "" ' - 1 ' . _ . ' ` � ' Ii // � y Ij� � � J ` • 54 C, !� '� ' l' '� '1' ' '0'r �E CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY WYATT READY MIX - 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55720 0, o � i., 81a8 ' 'I , _: CEM 10�rD pUMF YD J�L� . . :�. 1-IA 1NLk IS 211� — - a maumum of � mmm wfiich ro unlosE. T�ucks ne� ' Mbsites longer wdl be qiletl a _ ' wrt¢nt holdind fime 2te. . ,r.. _ ;;,. , : _ �� f > N � � L .., � r� �. . —" � e� ,� ��'3� x € ' - " . . �S. �� . . �" . ' ��2"' s, � �£ �' r1 • . r�.. ,�N�� s �.f�Ye { � .. �' " � �.rn._.. ,�,. - �xa.e. .._ _ . `- ' � ` \ i t n��.�rn��rn nnnv Twin City Area (672) 688-9520 . Wyatt Ready Mix (612) 784-3512 �'�"'/�l`"`�"T'O�f�'.E �a'�q CEMSTONE pRODUCTS CO�VIPANY Hast�ngs (s�2) a3�-ssz� WYATT READY MIX St. Bonifacius (612) 44g_gpg0 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. . MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 �� a I , 1 �� I.___ _r---ar...�� .....� .,,.....�.-,,..� .-n.�an I �tav� I �1f2..R(yE'� X ;� s G= L V S J LAN7 1 ( WARNING: FLASTIC COI�jRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY %SEE OTHER SiDE FOR MAT�RIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IDe wie a� ezdusrve ��aqliry of �he selter tor any defect in fhe accCptetl qoods s�alt Oe IimneO to repamng or replaprig pie Wq7Eq qppEO AT CUSTOMER qEQUEST (GALLONS) tootls asthe seNer sF+all eteq. The oDligauon ro repalr or reyace N¢ �oois shatl �ertnire�e rv+o monih5 aller ine delM1ery. -ree unioaaing t�me oi 7 minu(es peryartl �o be mmW«d �� e+riva� on job. Oemurtage at 560.00 per hour muA �¢ paia py FIRST MIDDLE LAST nepuecnaserinereatler . . ACKmOw�EDGE THaT CEhtS70NE PROOIlC'f�CO. i rwt iable for tlartuge of any navre m kma incvnep py �jy reQ�¢n The concrete sirengih shown o(his ticHet is the POTENTIAL strength and o rtwve m�tic past curb M¢ w nght of vray limfis, ynp wletlges wNmgnpss to pyy wr¢cker fees or cast m repamn R lamageEaopeny i e 9 gua2nteetl onty w}ien tes[etl and sampletl m accortlance with q.ST. specificanons. Our concrete mixesare tlewgnetl for speafic slump ranges, z �USTOMER RELEASE5IGNATURE addiGOnal water vo�tls all guarantees. � _ � it is the buyers responsibiliry to protect freshty poured cpncrete fmm freer � tluring lhe first seven d fter ivery ' �_ � iUPG�_Y t�xN<«sis COlV5T IiVC .1C�RDAN � wuut¢ES5 PROJECT NO. C CENTER GA�CKIN6 —87Pf;UL noNs 'AftD ST TO CHES 'NU ;& R6T TFl-� �Y�HANGE RT FENCE 60 :•m0F_T `R TURht R6T "fCt TCINI�({ E�4 €7PEN ;flr, _ 7 Hm —f�100h:. CALL �- �-75?5 rOR CfdFO ��I � 6" � � 56 LEANFTLL iIME DUE LOAD TIME Alq 1�J8: J13 �8 � 19 P.O. NO. MB�51—O�E� � : ,, r � H f - ' �4. N �rb8 M ; v '�' x i i S �_.. { ! - � ' . .�:��+��. _ _ _. , _... r � � ' � p.�n . _ � ���� �"�"� , � ,�;� r a s �%^ � _. . . <'7� �3,� ',.' : - � -- i 1'!!7� DATE 30—Actg_95 CC SLUMP �.OtZ� .00 � )NE i—lA ^ Thaope2imotihis'huck"sall� l a mawmum of,_ mmm which W unload. TNCkS hei 't�t'r'�7c �obsM1es bn9er wYl be 5il(etl a .Z. - . . . ." iGn.`< "���_-^:-� • , .: W ?iJ �� . . ' __ ' " ...if _' __" '_ — '?� � - - _"�,, - , .. �'- , � � � �. �. _. #..� _ . - -.. �__ _ J . i f CUSTOMER COPY Twin City Area (672) 658-9520 Wyatt Ready Mix (612i 784-3512 � CEA � ' ' '� ' ;, � "l �' '/ � V '� CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY WYAT'T READY MIX 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGH�'S, MN 55720 11;� �� Hastings (672) 437-3521 St. BonifaCius (612) 446-9090 -�-= � I ��� I ��a a.. -I �a�� I I � � ---... WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SNEET he wIe aM exGUSrve haMlriy ot ihe sefler tor any aNen in Ne acceptea 9ootls shau be lim�ea to repairieq oFrep�g ihe W ATEF ADDED AT CUSTOMER REQUES7 {GAIIONS) ootls asfie selier shall eiect The obligatan to reparz or replace ihe goods shali tertninateMro mantlis after the Delivery. �ee uNaadng vme of � minutes per yard to be comPined 7rom arrival on pb. Demurtage at S60.W per hour must Oe pap by FIRST MIDOLE LAST ' •e purcnaser mereaftec . a rtwve wck pa5t cufy I n¢ osn otwa rcs, aritl ackrwwlbie for m �a�ry naWre or knd inCUrtea by my req�p5� The ContretE Sirengfh Shown on'this liCke[ is ihe POTENiIAL SUEngth antl g y eages rg pay wrecker fees or cost in repanng 9�y�anteetl only when testetl antl sampled in axortlance wiN A.S.T �� specificatlons. Our concrete mixes are tlesignetl for specific slump ranges, a =USTOMER RELEASE SIGNATURE � � atlaiuona� water voids ai1 guarantees. � it is the buyers responsibiliry to protect treshly pouretl concrete from freezi � . ' �' tluring ihe first seven tlays after tlelivery. , , _.. � . ' " ..i _. 1.'I , 1�4779 I 347 I SIM HIBEAU 56 � 5E ( LEANFILL �iMES CONST INC 1189 JEIJVEAY ADORESS PROJECT NO. CIVIC CENTER PARI:II+(6 -STGAUL NS7AUCTIONS . ._ -:._�._ ,..e:n�c. ".r � _' : _ _ .. �PpRB ST TO CHESTNUT"&�`RGT_-TO EXCHANGE S � A7 FENCE G� c@OFT. &'`TURN[` R6T 70 "'TUNNEL e. ao i7. m� . s4. m___ a s'r , ac .� '.�E%:: �F:�r-v92fi ::.. _ .. i _ . .. 38 � � ' . - '%b.."•'+a,c £'v:l: . =71.v>HAL.J RC:.'•'C�AF7 �'. ,. . . .2.t.t� �.., _til`nTiiC:. ..:;iviklCY?L+3F�1.?�SlflDF34+3l1T�vJi.:'��! ..r y?,; _c_� ;_dC':R� ' ?:.7 �; _ LnCfl :�: ' r " - . `s74"3.iT _ � ,F-•,�.�ics�. , ' it`. � �� � :17 107:48 ry . IMB751-d�3E3 i: ., _ � ". 'g!'- . - . . . ���v"^'`�.�. '�``'�4 .� x."�'n � � . . . . M 100a.4F�UMP , YD �.nr' . . � . ,: - ,i- .f�. � y . , i. ',>.^ p ,q'�jk- - ,_ � �.�,�,`�{�� .,-: C'N: r�z�X.e . `:, ?,0-Aug-95 CC SLUMP �D. 00 . 0t7 ZONE - 82-iR . •`• •_ �fhBOpB2tOfWih6tNCk�sall� �-' -- ama�dmumm_mmu � wNCI� to �nloatl. Tnxks he �'jobsites-bnger xil{�fle OiNeO � �. a^_=3..+. curtent holding fvne ate. • _ _ �_ _ . , Y�y.., ... , ,.ti ` � <"d" i:.ii � .,.; - - � ��? r.� ... -�` �m..� m � }•�.i.._ . � '* � y,�' "'r'''' -_' - ---. . � � #r �' - _ __._ _._ _ �� � . ;� _ �, ;:., . ., � -- "�`° � �� . "`�. ' .. - -��� _ . . ... 8 _ /�. � ,�-, _ �t � � � . s�F��.x- .s ,. " r'it ^^t'fl" }$ ���� � .�sY� =�` ; � i .�t �, f �, 'q �'��� ' � .. .'�_ vfi -' -!!„~c' _L .!'�LRi,3M s �,. yhai . .. - � � -� _— - ses � r � :<a..-� . _ . �.�.. �. ,� -a�b - 4 -: �:i' '4.., y .,__�.."�u .7+ ��4�'6S. , _ .: __ __ _-�-�—,_ .�_ �.Y' ,t '= . � .�._'.__, _ ' ' _'" _ v°s. . ' %'= --- -- - �::a � = ----_- rt��=:��:: �-. 1 . :; ' ' >. ` � ' - CUSTOMER COPY - . - - - r,_�`.�- �,�a° ,-.°.; -��; . = �r'� : � t � .. _ � -.. . .0 '�UPPLY OUTL�TS'. , GF�EiV SAT. 7 RM -IVOON. CALL 774-7575 FOFt IivFC]_ Twin City Area (6'12) 688-9520 Wyatt Ready Mix (612) 7843512 • � ���sro�E � CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY WYATT READY MIX 2ff25 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 �oo�qq Hastings (612) 437-3521 St. Bonifacius (6"12) 4 46-9090 � - v . � � i � v� I I - I 1 WARNING: eLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE 1NJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET �e sole ar�a exdusme liabaity of Ihe sNier Por airy defecl in rhe acceptM gootls shail be timRetl to repairing or replaang m¢ WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER REQUEST (GALLONS) ootls as Ihe 5elier shal4elecL The oDligation to repart w replace Ihe goo0s 5hail tertn�nate two months after ihe delivery. me unbaaing bme of 7 minutes per yartl to be compu[eG from artival on job. Oemurta9e al $60.00 per hour mrst be paitl by FlRST MIDDLE LqS7 �e purclaser fiereafler aCKNOWLEDGE THAT Q�MSTONE PRODUCTS CO a not lable tor Gamage of arry naWre or kna mwrred by my request The concrete sVength shown on tl1i5 hCket i5 thC POTENT�qL Strength and a� �NCk p351 Culp X.�$r rig�t of way limns, arM ack�wwletlges vAlingrress ro pay wrecker fees or mst in repairing 9uaranteed only when lested antl sampled in acWrtlance wRh A.S.T.: � spec�cations. Ou ncrete mixes are tlesigned tor specific slump ranges, ai =USTOMER RELEASE SIGNA7'URE . . �� atltlitional water i antees. I[ is the buyets esp s�biLTy to hly poured concrete from freezu _ � � , during the fir en ys r deliv � � ' � . i.�. � � r ', � ., . . SU��F��`f GUT�ETS..OI�EN SAT. 7 AM -fV00N. CALL 774-7575 Ft7Ft INFO. 1 1�474Ch 97 WALT BENSCQOTER S6 70LDT0: CUSTOMERNO. . TIM Ri�tES CONST INC 1189 02 1ElJVERY ADDPESS PROJECT NO. �IVTC CENTER GARKIN6 —STFRUL �* vs�ucnoNS - - � PARD ST TO C1iESTiVUT 8 RGT TO EXCHANGE ST ._RT_.FF11(CE_.GD ^cQ��t?�T & . TURN . RGT� TD. _TUI�INEL�, .. ' ' _ ° � . �' C . 4 �°� i ,' r.,, � 4. a0 4.00 �� �i1.1� �vµ" "i � �t<^ .:� ' � � 0 _ � i �_ 56 LEAP�lFTLL 3�D—A�ag-45 DUE �OAD TIME AIR CC SLUMP : �0 Q17 : c^7 �. �bQ� . Q�0 P.O. NO. ZONE ' MB751-0363 81-1A �� � - 'me oaearo� a mrs i�,ck �s em � ' � a mapmum of minu .- "�y�: . — " • .— ._ '- _— ' -whzh"W unbaE: Trucks Ae �C ,. � ,�$,�y i�s Ia+ser vni� te en�ea z " .� .C-.� ,'t� �?„'?.?�°,(� ,��..,.„,: cuneMMldimfimerate. GEM 10010. PUMG `�D __?�F � �-�... .,,_ {�\.� � I ., ir. ~ �� y ` . �— e _' " _ "'_ t S'.�'�'; '_._"' _ _ �y ic: " ' "_ _. _..... _'_"' _ .. .�. . ���..._ _ P" ,.< _- . - ; - -- =�=p . = � ._ : " ��r� i ,� � � . �._ � % ..^s�..=- _. _. _ .. -a.=` _u��'- - _ ,_ I ,�;<. s,. � `y� . x „ � ' ... . � _ _ ' i CUSTOMER COPY �� i�! • � � September 15, 1995 AMES CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVILLE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Attention: Subject: Dear Jerry: Jerry Volz, Regional Manager Grouting Tunnels at Shotcrete Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Excavation & Bridge Construction < <.,, ..%� `,.a . As per our letter of 8/28/95, we have completed bulkheading and grouting our second group of tunnels. These are the tunneis encountered due to excavating the ramp down to elevation 60.5 and one tunnel under the new Kellogg Boulevard. Brid�e (#62574). The sanitary sewer tunnel srill remains to be grouted at each side of the excavation. This will be done once the sewer has been redirected to flow to the east. Attached are the grout delivery tickets for verification of the quantity of grout. As you can see, the total quantity of grout used was 78.0 cubic yazds or 2,106 cubic feet. The cost for this grout is 2,106 cubic feet at $10.00 per cubic foot or $21,060.00. Also, there were three bulkheads installed at $500.00 each. The total cost is therefore �22,560.00. It is our request that a change order be written for this amount. Should there be any quesrions, please give me a call. �uNN� C� �-I�� ; � Sincerely, ^ L � � ` Michael Moeller Project Manager. �vNN�,� � ��?�'i P �v�.k.t; c�� 3° �F ,. � �' u:�-,",��=rx: � 1��2fet? / � 2a�Zfao �t�C> �F �'u 10 �8,ar.� � �� M E4nal OPPartuaty EmPlol'er ""'s OFFICES IN: DENVER, COLORADO • PHOEMX, ARIZONA • SALT LAKE CTl'Y, UTAH _ — — —. __ _ __ ._ ._\ C� �1 �rty Area (612) 685-9520 -� „�i yatt Ready Mix (672) 7843512 . �� SOLD TO: — ;;� �r� CUi�ST Ii•�C .. �ELIVEAY AO�RESS Y WYA"i'T�READY MiX ""- 2�25 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55720 WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY GAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATi Th_ soie ar.a exduwe 4zCiIRy oi tne senv for airy tlefect m ine acceptetl goo�s g�l be limrtetl m reparmg or �eplaang Ne WATER ADDEO AT CUS7 ?ocCS as ihe seller shall elecL The obii53pon to repLf w repia[¢ M¢ yppy5 yyq fertnmal8 M'0 manVUS aheritfB deGvety. Free unioaain� eme o( 7 minutes per yartl m be computetl fram armai on pp. Oemurta9e at 560-00 Ou hour must Oe paM by FlRg7 :he purrnaser ;Mereailer . . i aCRNO'NLED6E TFtA7 CEMSTONE PRO�UCTS CO. is rwt liabfe kr Carnage of arry nalure or kintl ucurteC 6y my repues[ The concrete strength st� ro meve ir cR past a:ro hne or nght of way �imRS, antl acknovAetlges vnlWgness w pay wrecker .a.cost m repa�nng' � guaranteed only when aamagetl:ropeml. . . - sP�ifications. Our concre CUSTOMER RELEASE SIGNATURE -- f> atlditional watervoitls all S _ , ' Itis the buyefs.respons: " " - -� : < � dunng the first seven days '�` _, SUF".=L_'•f OUTLETS. , rPEiV SAT. 7 AM -NDON. CALL 774-7575 FOR INF P�.QNT TICKETNO. TflUCK DRIVEfl • , OFOEflNO. POCKETNO. USE _, 111'�5c: 5::' ARLEY GLAZM t 4a4 109 PIJhiP AER NO. TIME DUE LOAD i1ME iias La:�a 9:4� :T NO. P.O. NO. �..1.+�C CL:�lTcr. 1-�t-tRY.It+(u-aTP . ,p ` _ . P751-0.�6..:i � :NSTRUCTIONS ^ L .^ . . ., , �i . ; . , �,i�:=i=��2L'• ST + Cii�STNUT &TD E'REi-l�1N6�ST.: d� #R. Z.THC�t�_6ATc £G LF ;;'n��^ .3 F:G � ZPdT(J THE 7UNNEL ` r ,;� ��. - +. . .t�, ..�.,� �. f _ . �,-p_ :� . ' � .�. �..:'�'..:-�"-,. . �"c.... �.:;;z ..a:.N. . 1 ili, �tk� iv�. �N 65. � 8�38 • GEi+1 1�bQt0 PUMP � - --- t: s _ ; ' .: �. �� - �� -.,,,, • , . - �--- :-'.;�:%`,-_ _ . -- - .��.-:�;-s: _ �t>-°as; t " ; - . ,_�.. ;`� - - -r.,' - ' - _ . -� - ,:. u. ._. -_ - ------� � _ ...: .�.<-�,-.a_-;..m== — - - - - - : �- �. � -' -- :..����-�;,�.:z::`.� _ z•�`�-s � �t��'� _�,�==�-' "�=-'_ ; __.... .�_,��,� ,., , _� �,_ . ,- _ ��"_ ---�_..:_:":�-N _ �=�;'.:. , :�='-=-= -�, 11��� CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. • MENDOTA HE1GFiT5, MN 55120 , Twin Ciry Area - 688-9520 Sand & Grave! - 774J575 WYATT READY MIX f�lorth Suburbs - 784-3512 West Suburbs - 446-9090 CEiNSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY - South Central MN - 7(800) 366-6970 Canno� Fails FanbauN Montgomery Northfield Zumbrota ( r� �� I. n,� (> V 1 f}_��� 1 f!�( � i V f � WARNING. 'LASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET n sqe ana exdusrve eaMhry ot �e sener tor any aefect in Ne afceptetl goo0s shau be timrtetl m repainng w replaang ihe WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER REQUEST (GALLONS) :tls as fie seiler sliall elea The obligaYOn to repmr or replac¢ Ne gooCS shall tertn�nate lwa monNS a([er ihe delivery. re wlwdug 5me of 7 mmutes P� Y� io be com0�ed 7rom a�a� on p0. Demurrage at 560.00 per hour must be paitl by FIRST MIDDLE LAST purchasxNereafter. :KNOWLEDGE7HnTCEMSiONEPRODUCTSCO.iSnotfiableforCamageofarrynawremkind�ncurtetlbymyrawest The conuete strength shown on this ficket is Me POTEMIAL sVength a^ Tove rtuck pas[ curo line o� nght of xay hmM1t, anE atknowledges vnllingness to pay wrxker tees ot cost in repairing �-. naged O�oP�Y. 9uamrtteed anry when testeG antl sarn4�ed m accortlance wdh A �, specifications. Our conc2te mixes are designed for specific slumo 2nqes. a 15TOMER RELEASE SIGNA7URE adtlitional water voitls a�l guarantees. - It is the huyeYS responsibility ro protect freshly poured concrete fmm Faer dunng ihe first seven tlays after tlelivery. l;PPL'f �7UTL�TS..OFEr! SRT. ' Ai�l —r1001�1. CA�L 774-7575 r�R ii�l�'0. 1 � 1113:�� 173 ti.�OiiST ItvC YELLY .TOfiM1lSTU^{E ;�tT�R PARF4ITJG—STG ST TO CHFSTNUT & 1 �a , } _ • _'. J � . / SJ. �: t " 2�9 I 249 I �'UP1P 11&3 S0;4i 1�a:14 DJECT NO, P,O. NO. MEs?51 —03E+3 3����6��,4i, d. _ -- --�a. ._ ._. �..__._._. i 1 •�� � • �J3 C+1 Ccid 1�2t0 PU:*7F` i,'_; =- ' .. : � -tl^:caz.s _ . ., . ' :""' ' �t�s—S � ¢-4� AIR CC SLUMP 0. �� �. ��3 ZONE METER READMG (31-1A rne ocea:cr of m�s wc¢ is a, c LFT. , —.:_ �,�;�»,R.w.__,�,�, �, wh�ch LO Jnlwd. TNCks 'S. � pbsrtes longer vnn Oe bAleo r " "� curteM holding Gme rdte. . � YD Fwin City Area (612) 688-9520 'Nyatt Ready Mix (672) 784-3512 • � �l � I / � ' �. �) -� � _. . T WARNIPlG: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET a so�e ma extlu5rve IiaDdM of fhe selle� fo� any tlefect in Ne acce0�� 9� �� � IimrteE �o repaanrg w replaony p�e WATEp qDDED AT CUSTOMEA RC-0UEST (GALLONS) :�5 as tne seiler stW I elect The ooligation ro repair or replace Ne goo05 snall �ertninate M1vo mOnths aftertha tleWery. " __ �moa�m.g nme oi ? n�nutes Oer yartl to be computM from amval on �oo. Demurtage at 560.00 ce� naur must hg paitl py FlflST MIDDLE LAST ou2:25Er:here2rtef. �KNOWLe]G'c iHATCEMSTONE?RODUCTSCO.isrw�oablefortlarnagectairynamreorkinamcurtetlbymyrepuest The mnCrete strength shown on Mi5 fiCket is �he P07ENTIAL sUength an nove wcx oast curo line or nght ot waY hmits. ana aamrnnea9es �Mllingness to paY wrecker fees ar <os[ in repa�mg 9��teed only w�en tested and samPletl in accortlance vrith A.S: iacsC �ropem/. specifira5on5. Our concrete mizes are designed for specific slump ranges. /STOML?RELEAS SIGNATURE additionalwatervoidsaliguarantees. It is Ne buyers responsibility to protec[ freshry pouretl concrete from free. � _ � �r � tlunng ihe first seven days after tlelivery. ;==!�L t 01_Ti_�=; ;. . 0�'ci�: :�i=! �. 7 Ai�l –PdCJrN. CALL 774-7575 FOR IN( -• 1.11._+'_.:_: ic1 �iLLI(-?iY HE't_I+iS LD TO: CU: "`G.� r��f�i:� i Cl�ll; i'�:_ ���N?;^1"C F'!-ih� id9 ! 109 I �'UMG 12n9 111:13 11�:4.; 7 S L ��JG J �8–Sep-45 CC - -- SLUN 0. �7tZ� 2 � ir�� ONE i–lA � v�va Theope2lwoftlfishuckisz � Rr�� 3T 7':� CHEt3TivUl' .�Ti� EXrHAi�lrE 3T & R6T THRU 6RTE R�FT -"-_ _ ?': n�37 1NT£7 THE TUhJNC� �,� o w,� r��i _ _ " ' - . ' nr ^: ' �B.h`" l�sdes 4N�ger wiil be billa0 ._ . _ . . K.. - �r.:: � curterrt hoMiim time rare. _. 'ti�`iG7 _'t. ;!��tt .:��. ��1[J 8kl$ r� �;.. i - - \ �-._.... ,.--_— _ . V f" ' . `�- ( � ,? • I -• '1 \ � .� \�` N `• \ t ` C � '� � 1"Oi1/E ��q CEMSTQNE PRODUCTS COMPANY Hastings (612) 437-3521 WYATT R�EADY MIX sc aor,�ra���s �siz> aas-eoso 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENO�TA HEIGHTS, MN SSt20 C��1 1 O�dO - - - .i_�'%°- ., . .., t _ xK. � � ' ~'--�.u'_ -'l . \�.°� F' _� - "� . - YD r,nsTaf�R COPY Twin City Area (612) 688-9520 �tt Ready Mix(612)784-3512 i' � CEMSTONE PI�ODUCTS COMPANY WYATT READY MIX 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS. MN 55120 11; � Hastings (612) 437-3521 St. Bonifacius (612) 446-9090 WARNING: PIASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEcT 'x so�e xno exca:sne habmry or me setler Mr any defea in me acceprea gootls snail be Iimrtetl to repa�mg or repiap�g me WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER PEQUEST (GALLONS) -OCS as t�e seiler sM1afl elecl. The oblig3ti0n!o re0ar or replacE fie goods slidll te1minate iw0 mo�MS drt¢r Ne delivery. xe uNOadng' -v.Wa ninures cer yard ro be wmputetl fmm artrval on iob. �emurtage a[ Sfi0.00 Ger frour must Oe paM by FIpST MIDDLE LAST 'OJfGh252I" u�El. =CRNO'.VL' %iATCEMSTONEPROOUCTSCO.isnotl�a0letorCamageo�arrynamreOrkiMinarteQbyrtryrtque5l The concrete strer.gth snown on this Lcket :s ihe POTENTIAL strength antl �rove :r � a curo Ims or �ght of way limits, antl acknowletlges +hAmgness to pay wrecker fees or cos[ m re0amng 9�y�nteetl only when testetl antl samp�etl in actortlance �xrth A.S.T'. snagetl:rWem. specrficauons. Our concrete mixes are tles�gnetl for speciiic slump ranges. ar USTOMER RELEASE SIGNATURE atltlitional warer voitls afl guarantees. It is the 6uyers responsibifiiy to pmtecl fr2shiy pouretl concrete from freez:r dunnq the first seven days after de0very. :'JP��LY ui!TLET�. _ �PEN SAT. 7 A1*1 —�CCiV. CGLL 774—?S� � FQR Ii�FO. � � 1114�.3 � 1t39 � MATT t;UEI-iPd 0�� TO: :t4cS C�iv�T I��C I�� i' I.FIJ ��'n F'Rf<'I<,1(dCi—STn 11Z�9 1+�'�a I �,_-�� t�rip AER NO. TIME DUE IOAD TIME 11+39 11:4c 11:�1 ;T NO. P.O. NO. 5A j�'� i — Vi.:r._..= , �70—Se p—`'?:; �. ?�I�I 1'1�I. %I::� _-i� DNS The opersror of inis rcuck is ano �D S'i Tu ;;-1s=S ; iVllT :CTO �;�CHAidG� ST d RrT t FiRif 13r� i� d� !;=F .? Rr,T It�dTD 'i E-{E TUhiraEL ', , �=. ��� ' a maximum of mmu:c , wtl¢h to �nloatl. Trucks ne:: • jobshes Iongee wAi be DAtep x� : -: __ __— _ _... '_ . _ :::....�'�'.-'. -_..� . .. . - ""' ",.[_.�.y-_.—_. _ _' " _ _ _ _ _ , - 'mrceFtnriiilin'vumn-rar>.. _ 3. vZ� '�'�J. k f� J �ti� !-t e���t imk;:�� :�u�•ir-� y� �s . , , �i CU�TOI�i COPY Twin City Area (612)"688-9520 �att Ready Mix (672) 78435�2 ���� CEMSTOIV� P$ODUCTS COMPANY WYATT.READY MIX 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 �oogq� , y Hasfings (612) 437-352� St Bon'rfacius (612) 446-9090 ��I� �, �z �/ � t�3� I, zlf- � 1 =_- -I- WARNING: PLASTiC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER S1DE FOR MA7ERIAL SAPETY DATA SHE£T = so�e aria exc:usrve haqliN cf ine uiler for any defec �n rne acce0�ed 9� ��� � nmrted to repainng or reqtarng Ne WATER ADDED AT Cl1STOMER REQUEST (GP,LLONS) ros as ;nx seAer snali etect. The obhgalion to repair or repiace Ne go0tl5 snall tertn���e hvo monlRS atter me delrv¢ry. � ae wioaau+g om.e of : mmu:es per yarU m be wmoucetl from armial on pb. Demurtage at 560.00 cer hour must be pvtl by FlRST =' MIODLE " UST - : pu�c'�ase� Nereafter � �.,XNOwLEDGc THAT CEMSTONE PRODUCTS CO. is not IiaMe for damage oi aery nazure or k�ntl incurtetl by rtry request � �pncrete SUengtll sltown on this 6Cket is the PO ,� Strength antl ^wve !�uck oast am hne or nght of way Iimrts. antl advrowleages willingness to pay wrecker lees or ms in repairing 9��a��eetl only when te5ted antl sampletl in acWrd"ance with A.S?. Taaeo omoerty. ' . speaTiwtlons. Our concrete mixes are des�gnetl for specific slump ranges, a JSTOMER�{tELEASE SfGNAT E atltlidonal watervoids all guarantces. �, � II is ihe buyeYS respons�biliry to protect fresh�y pouretl concrete from freev )`?'�p �-�� during the first seven days after delivery. �-!� � � � : f ^ . . _ ij;='!='I_`f OIJTI_LTS. . i7PEi�! :=AT. ':-�i�t –iVQON. C:-9LL 774-7575_ FOR IiVFO. c* 1! 15 �k 1E�8 MI1f.E Nfi�i-I 109 109 GUMG 08–Sep-9� 7LD TO: CUSTOMER NO. TIME DUE --- LOAD TIME -- AIR- ,-- -..-. CC -- SLUMP :ricti CDi�Si i�•ir lis9 2�:20 1;_:12 t�l.VJa ik.0u :LIVERY ADDRESS PROJECT NO. P.O. NO. ' ZONE r � t�?T"L`. �EiV�E:t �'GRIiIi`d6–�.TF' *IB751-0.�6:s 1–LA iTRUCTIONS � ' , 7heopemrorotltusinxkisan a�<� ST TO CHF�Ti�lUT &TG cX_r,Hp; 3T .R R�T THRU GATE & LFT �� ' i?C�T It�.}Tp TH� i LI�dIV � -, �` ` - .:-• t ! ; _:-(. j _. _ . sm�mima—��� r whx,h to ��Mtlatl. Teucfcs hE . ;y � A.. ,� t . .��. �,q�;;�; �oosnes ronvx ,m�i ce naiea � , � �,n# . .. _ . .-- . ... � . v.-.r .�ws3 :_...�y-,- - curten[ hddvg Gme 2te. i3. �.hti� � �3. ���7 I 6 �. v��� 80S I'� . C�M 1�0a PUMP YD -- - ___ ,_.�:<_ ,�; ��"., . - . . - ` �^– ' . <_�'4' r : �. � �n c. . . - a...'_ _.o-. '- • — • �� , r- . � . GUSTOf.�t COPY Twin City Area (812) 568-8520 '�yatt Ready Mix (612) 784-3512 � �� CEMSTONE PRODUCfiS CONIPANY WYATT READY MIX 2025 CENTFIE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 ��; � Hastings (612) 4373521 St. Bonifacius (612) 446-9090 : JOB SITE � WARNING: PI.ASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER S10E FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHE£i '= soie ana exc�srve haoiliry of ine sener ror arry tle�ec[ in ine acceptetl gooSS shall be Iimrteu to reoanng or repladig me WATER ADDED AY CUSTOMER REQUEST (GALLONS) .xLs as me uner snan eiecc The ooligaoon ro reoair w reoiace the gaoas s�W� te(minare nvo monms a7er me de6very. � unioaaug ur:> of 7 mmutes per yartl to Oe mmpu[ea trom amval on �ob. Demurtage at S60.W per �our must �e pa�0 Oy FlRST MIDDLE LAST : wrcn�ser mereaner, �CKNOWLEDGE iHATCEMSTONEPflODUCTSCO.anotliableforEamageofanynaWreorkin0in..�urre0ajmyrequest The concrete sVengih sfrown on Nis Ucket is ihe POTENTIAL strength and move In�ck pas� curt :me or ngnt of way Iimrts, ana acknoxle0ges vntlim�new ro pay wredcx iees or cost in repainrg 9uaranteetl only when tes[etl antl sampled in aCCOrdance vnN A.S.T.' ma9ea omperry. _ specifications. Our concrete mixes are tlesignetl for spec�iic slump ranges. ar USTOMER RELEASE SIGN RE�� atltlitional water voitls all quarantees. It is fhe buyeYS responSibiLty to protec[ freshly pouretl cancrete from freez�r � _ _ dunng the first seven days after delivery. ;�f��T�l_"r nUTL.�T�..�,r-'EN SAT. 7 AM —iV00N. CALL 774-7ti75 t=��R II'dr0. � 11158� 1E1 b7ILLIGtn HELMS �lD TO: CU: ��:i�3 �Dh.iST INr_ r�iC C��iT�_R PAF+KIt•dC�—BTF� 1419 ( la9 I F'Ut*i�' 1189 �1:�:li10 �1.c:.:s�: 1 ��ti`O'J � �-+S?l�. ST TO CHEST�IUT 8T� cnCHAiJGE ST & RGT THr�IJ 6fT= � �_�T -, R� Rri iNTt7� 7i-iE—i tJtdNEi - —..-- _ ___.�. . _ _ �--- ..- --,- ' _ -- � � • . � ! ' ! � � � ' � � ! • • � � � 1 3 • ' � � � � I • • • — 3. l�•r_1" - "J1 _ N�� e`r. �� ' _— �3tJ_18 M -- —L�i�i YV:1FbGJ -tUi*1G Y� - � IATE �D6—Se p-4`; :C SLUMP VJ. 4ry'.'_I 1 �C~ GI�I NE — IF! The ope2tor of ttiis rcutk is ailc : - .W mawmum oE - . -. mmu: hWh t0 wloatl. Trucks hei �obsRes bo9e/ w�ll be btlletl a wrreM hoitl�no Lme �ate. _ • _ _ �� t t '.��n../r t •�� ! `� .. �) \y ` ti' S k �./ � v � h I i�i�' ��� �1 CUSTOh:�? COE'Y Twin City Area (6�2) 688-9520 :att Ready Mix (612) 7843572 �q Hastings (612) 437-3521 St. Bonifacius (672) 446-9090 _ � - -- -- - - i - - -- -=- WARNlP7G: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET a soie ana exdusrve iiabtliry of ihe seaer fw any aeiect m me acceprea gootls shall be urtntetl to repamig or repWang Me WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMEA REQUEST (GALLONS) �ds as ir.e seiter shall eiecL The obligaaan ro repa�r or repiace Ne goods siWl tertnmate nw muMS after the tlHivery. � a unbadng nme of 7 minv.es per yartl ro Ee computed from arnval on pD. Demurtage az S60.Wper hour mus[ Oe paM Ey qR$T MI�DLE � LAST : ourCiasenherearter. / CKNOWLEDGE i IiAT CEMSTONE PflODUCTS CO. a no[ hable ior Eamag9 af arry �or kintl ir�urtetl by my requ¢st The ConCrete streng[h shown on this ticket iS,Ne' POTENTIA� s[rength anE move In:ck past csD line or ngM oi waY lim�is. arM acknowieage5 vnlfingness to�pBY w��er fees or Cost in repaiNg 9�a�aMBEtl only wh8n t2St2tl antl 53mPletl in aCCOldanCe with AS.7 mageaproceny. :� spe�cations. Our concrete mixes are designeE for specific siump ranges, a JSTOMER RELEASE 5(GNATURE �' adtlihonal watervoids a11 guarantees. , t It is the buyeYS respons�biliry to protect freshly pouretl concrete from (reez 1 t tluring Ne first uven tlays aRer delivery. UF'�'LY OUTI_tTS..OGCi'J SAT, 7 E�i+7 —iV00N _AN7 TICKET NO. TRUCK ORIVER _ 11 ir�v .'-_'14 LAR.RY RE�FERTS�i�t ��ES CCf�IST IhJC 'lV � C rEtN7ER FARI'�IitiG—�T� „�......,� ..�...� ... .,., � .,.. v CAI..� 774-7575 FOR ZNFO. 1N9 I 1�9 l F'UMF ilO9 113:�1 112:51 ZS i—�J6a �8—Sep-95 :C SLUM Q). ( LQ� Q�� 1—lA JTfiUGT10N5 The oper � -- 't-�RD ST TO CHESTi•�UT ttTQ E:XCHf���IVF_ ST R R6T THRU 6ATE & LFT - E �EGT. INtQ ThIE, �UhdNEL _ .. _. •� � .. .� ,. _ : _ .. .., _ . �_ --- � • - - wnm��o _ . � - _ `? �Y . � _ ° _ . _ w<;,,� ioosaes u _ . .. . . 'a. "- '- - ..... , anrem fu 1�. ��v� 61, u.��l b:,. �������� CEMSTONE PRODL'CTS COMPANY • wYa�r�r �aDY Nt� 2ff25 CENTAE POItJTE SLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55720 8�78 M CEht 10ka PUMG YD ' . - -- - — ___:.:_;:-r;:= , ,_,,,._— ' �;,:f;:..-� i:: :. r . ' ' _ � , . - �t�-L_ , _ � y � `�_�- �"""��'' _ . . . ' °_ .�,.t' -..m.... ; �-o.`` .,. • . . ...: ... . : ..—,b�... - >°':�� is a w�u ne emea CUSTOh4ER COPY 7win City Area (6�2) 688-9520 �}(att Ready Mix (6�2) 7843512 � � ������ CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY WYATT READY MIX 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 �q Hastings (612) 437-3521 St. Bonifacius (612) 446-9090 WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHEFi SIDE FOR MATE}?IAL SAFETY DATA SHEET e sole ara exCUSrve iiabiliry of Ne selier fw arry aefect in Ne accepteE gooES snall be limrtea to reparrtg ar repladng the Wq'(Ep qDDED AT CUSTOMER REQUEST (GALLONS) �ds as �e seller stall elett The obiigafion to repa�r w replaca the goo6s sha0 terminare Nro moMht atter fie Eelrvery. � �e unbatl�ng nme of ] mmutes p¢� yyrE to oe mmputeE hom artival on pb. Oemurtage az Sfi0.00 cer hour muu be paq Dy FlRST MIDDLE LAST a purchaser fiereafter -0KNOWLEDGE THAT CEMSTONE PRODUCTS CQ 6 no[ INGlefor tlamage of arry nature of kintl �ncurted by my rtpuest The concrete strength shown on this ficket is the POTEN7IAL strength am move wCk pas[ c�N line or ngh[ of way omrt5, arM aGcnovAetl()es vnlling�ress to pay wrecker fee5 or Gost �n repa�nng yuaranteetl only when tes[etl and sampletl in acco�tlance w�th A.S.-. " '�� ° �m� i f spx�fiqnons. Our concrete mixes are tlesignea for speci5c slump rangzs. _ USTOMER RELEASE SIGNATURE additional watervoitls all guarantees. /// It is ihe buyers responsibiliry to pro[ect freshiy poured concre[e from 'rree= '; / A �� tlunng the first seven tlays after tlelivery. � /v� / �U�F`� �i 4�[TIQI coNS� irar OF;=td SAT. 7 Ai'4 —iV00PJ. CALL 77� FOft INFO. GpRN.ItJG—STF' 6LaIt+l a —�b3b3 fiD ST TO C'r1ESTiVUT &TO EXGiR1VG� ST & R6T T}-4RU 6;=+T� 3�I=T & R6T INTO THE TUIViVEL 0 •g�8 • ��-5ep—y5 �4J. b�v_i i � Sk1uk a ve� A The operetor of fiis trvck is a a maximvm ot minv which �o unloaC. Trucrcs rn . io05�tes lonqer x�il be MIIeC cu�ren[ hol0��g llme ra[e CUSTOh`:�t C�PY Twin City Area (612) 688-9520 Wyatt Ready Mix {6t2) 78435t2 � CEi111�TD�YE � CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY WYl�'fi�' �2E'fYDY MIX 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGi-ITS, MN 55120 e � Hastings (612) 437-352� S4 Bonifacius (6l2) 44fi-909� ` (� ._ -..`�. " - ".- V ��."- WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ; mie arb exdusrve iiabiliry oi me uller br any tlefect in me aaeptetl g000s shali Ce limiten to repainng w rep�arirg me WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMEA RC-0UEST (GALLONS) #s az t�e sNler shafl ek�ct. Te obbgauon W repa�r m replace M¢ gooES shall terminate Mro montl�s afcer ihe EeWery. � a unloatlirg 6me of 7 mimnes per yartl to be mmpuleC ham arrival on pb. Demurrnge az 560.o0 per hour must be pak by FlRST � MIDDLE LAST purU�aser Nereafter. :KNOWLEDGE 7HAT CFMSTONE PRODUCTS CO. s rrot tiable for tlamage af atry naare or kine inwrretl by my request Th8 COncrete sVengih Shown on this ticket is Ne POTENTIAL strengtll an� nove truck past cur0 hrre or ngM of way limrts, aM admowleEges v�Wngriess ro pay wredcer fees a wst in repairing yuaranteetl onty when testetl anA sampletl in accordance wM AS.7 nageE prooerry. - spec"rfipfiore. Our concrete mixes are designed for specific slump ranges, : lSTOMER RELEASE SiGNA7URE , adtli6onai water voids ali guarantees. It is ihe buyeYS responsibiliry to pmtect freshly poured concrete trom free: � during Me first seven days after delivery. ���c{_•� i�i�Ti�ETS..CPEi�i SAT. 7 Rf�t —iVQGN. CALL 7/�# FOR INF�. : � 1 i 1?:�� �'�5�� � rEIV LOREN� � 109 � 1�9 � PUMF� tE5 CIIIVST Ii�dr 11�39 i4:�6 13:37 - .LIVEfiY ADDRESS PROJECT NO. P.O. NO. I tJ I C CEi�1TER F'ARi! I iJC—S i P R751—+b363 iTHUCTIONS �AItD ST TO GHESTNU'7' &TO EXCNt�N6E ST 8 RGT TliRU 6ATE & LFT & R6'f INTO THE.TUNNEL >�-�=_�: � % ' � _ _. , .` . . . . z�- _.' -' =� ,»� °;4'-_% 8. �� � 7Pi. �� 78.0�dI Bk�L' M CEM 10+dV! PUMP YD 3 . __ _� �i'.'�""'�.i�/�1Flh . ` . :T: ' ' ._ � � �x�3 �Z�� � _ . �� . . L , a .1� �\, " } ����l� ^ �5�„� _..i.rc"'i~ v � �� �^ .f ./'S+.^ r ' a3 .a . _"'" �-si'+...ssri`�.i.f v�ia s....«�:� ":"=+e . . �.�, s ,.. � � �� y : _ _ ^- _ � _ ' . `S`.�=�-.. ^! : �,.,:.k*_�.. ..,_— . , . _ y _ �.a ,.._. .- . ' ., ' _._._.��_ __" ._ ,._. ..- .�...t.� W�,_..._:.--- '`M� - . . . _ _. _.' ..,_...., _.. -='^""'�.;.�_' ___ .:�i.,,,." . a� . �. �ara iaN a� 1—IA - The operzror of t�is Wck us a , s max'umlm or.i_ min -•'. �' iM�ich fo unload. Tnicks Y. }�.,-�;:��� �a05ilas bnqa/ vNl ba biiletl CUSTO(�R COPY �� �� � � � September 22, 1995 AMES CONSTRUC'I'ION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVILLE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West C1iffRoad Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Attenrion: Subject: Dear Jerry: Jerry Volz, Regional Manager Grouting Tunnels at Shotcrete Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Excavarion & Bridge Construction �..,, > � As per our letter of 8/28/95, we have completed bulkheading and grouting our third group of • huuiels. These are the two tunnels encountered due to excavating the ramp down to elevarion 47.0. The sanitary sewer tunnel still remains to be grouted at each side of the excavation. This will be done once the sewer has been redirected to flow to the east. These tunnels were both in the southwest corner of the proposed parking ramp. One tunnel extended to the south and connected with the NSP tunnel below Keilogg Boulevard. This was bulkheaded back 23' from the opening. The other hmnel extended to the west where it terminated in the sandstone. Attached are the grout delivery tickets for verification of the quantity of grout. As you can see, the total quantity of grout used was 44.0 cubic yards or 1,188 cubic feet. The cost for this grout is 1,188 cubic feet at $10.00 per cubic foot or $11,880.00. Also, there were three bullcheads installed at $500.00 each. The total cost is therefore $13,380.00. It is our request that a change order be written for this amount. Should there be any questions, please give me a call. � Sincerely, � � Michael Moeller Project Manager. M Equn[ Oppomuury Finp(oyer OFNICES IN: DENVER, COLORADO • PfiOENLY, ARIZONA • SALT LAKE CTTY, UTAH S'ep. 22-9 ne Product Co CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY 2025 CENTf?E POINTE BLVD_ MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 • Twin City Area - 688-9520 Sand & Gravel - 774-7575 612 688 9292 P.05 WYATT READY MIX CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY North Suburbs - 7843512 South Centrai MN - 7(800) 366-6910 Wesf Suburbs - 446-9090 Cannon Falis Faribault Montgomery Northfield Zumbrota -- - --'-' -•--..--..--- �....vc LLFVCJVtlJIIE AARIVEPLANT 1�� t rl�� s� ���� ��d� WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE lNJURY • SEE OTHER SfOE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 'e zok anc e�tluuve laGhrv o1 tlu seYef br arry tlefetl in vie avspec yooas yiy� pe Ivmiey m reoauug a reclaon9 ma `NATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER FEQUEST (GALLONS) :�:s as me sWer snaN eleu TTe oCiigatron a re�wror reo'ace �ne gonCS shall temmaze hn mm�ns a11er �ne Cnrvery 'z unbbny Ume o1 ] mrniles per yarC to Ge computeC lrpm amvy p� �pp_ ppmurzaye at S60.00 perlq�� must Ce pditl ty FfRST MIODLE _ ' ] uINdSCfR:tt¢dtlC! �_ �ST -:<NOWLEDGE T1:AT CENSTONE PRODUC i$ CQ rs roi IaOk Im tlamage ol aery naWre or kim marreo q myreQU¢st 'rn'� truu oast aib Ine a nqN af way Im�h, aM ackmwbtlges wtlli�yn¢u io pay wrecter le¢s ot cezt �n repanng The Concrete st�ength s�own on Ihis ticket is t�e POTENTIAL svength aaC �s ' gua2nteetl only when tes�ed and umpled m a<ccrCante vn�� A$ 7�.� speafications. Our cOnttete mnes are Designed �or spx�`C slump rar.ges, ane USTOMER RELEASE SIGNATURE addi�ionai waterw�ds ali guarantees It 5 tha buye(s respOnS�Mlity [o protect (resnly poured c�ncrete Irom Ireezmg tlunng t.�e first seven Qays a(ler tlelfvery. ;i..'J '�� � I_"' ` . _. _� _.._ ....__—� .�..._._._ _.. �::._ --r-a�--T�.-- — , .t� il _�:..1'f�:l':J_Q I'i '\�i' ��' rC;i� _ _ n_-: I�1�[:.L�_ 4M TICKETNO. TAUCK DRIVEfl OPOEANO. ➢OCRETNO. USE - 1G'_!�.Si 1: [)r;\ii�?` i 17� 11 =— '— — _ =i� _•4 _i:+. L��jti�Ii � LD TO: CUSTOMER NO. 71ME DUE LOAD TtME AIR 'E� GOtJ31' ti�!!� - -- _ _::�'; 11:=+u. , t ;;_r, - cST�vUT 7G Li:CNAN6� TO l-,y i E ,�JIC CTR E;{GG�15.�U�I - - --. __.�... - ''7,''t:v� f u-+. �L�4' I 4-t. Qi • 11�����a3 �STEV� o`v i"' ..,_. . _ _ � t='i.J7'i!-' c 1—.- ^�-9:1 � S�uM� �C:. Ui.' ��� TTa ooeqto� ol Ilus Vuck is albw. � - d 2�T'VTEf m�l1v!^5 ' • -: 7 uroae r �ces �e�a �ocs.:ee iwger «ni be c��x a• �r . _ cuce�:neiatnauee �Y i; OF=!CE COPY Sep-22-95 03:33P Cemstone Product Co 612 688 9292 P_04 � CEMSTONE PftODUCTS COMPANY WYATT READY MIX CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY 2025 CENTAE POtNTE BLVD. North Suburbs - 784-3512 Sou�h Cennal MN - t(800) 366-^970 • MENDOTA HE7GHTS, MN 55120 West Suburbs - 446-9090 Cannon Falls Twin City Area - 688-9520 Panbault Sand & Grave! - 774-7575 Montgomery Northfield , Zumbrota WARNING: PLAS77C CONCFtETE MAY CAUSE INJUAY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATE IAL SAFETY DATA SHEET '-s sda xq eacxssna iuoairy o� me sener br anY tlNea m ine a¢ep�etl gooOS s�all Ce umtea a repawin9 or replacng Ne WATER ADDED AT UST ER REQUEST (GALLONS) _:c1c as Me sN�er snatl elec� Tt�e aCGgauon m repart or reqace �he goodc snao lemunale nw mp�prs akerme Ce6.ery. -'ee u�batlig nme d] mnufes per yarQ to Oe mmpu�etl /nm arrrval on pp. Demwrage at Sfi0.00 per nwr mu9 ee pai0 by FIR57 MIDDIE LA57 - x:u¢naserNe.¢a4e� — __ _ . =LNNO'MEflGETHATCEUSTONEPROWGTSCO SwIfiaQlelOrUdma eManynaWr¢arbnCircurrMEymyrpp�� The mncm�e strengt� shown a� Uiis ficke� ls the POTcN71AC strengln and :s :+rne vuet pas� curo ine a rgnt oi ..ay i�mds. a acxn �nqness io pay wretker IeeS or c�5t .n Rpa�mg -;nagetlpiop¢ny guaranteed onty when �esletl antl sampleG ln accortlance wnh A S T N speniicanons. Our concre[e mizes are aes9netl lor specdic slump ranges. ano CUSTOMER RELEASE SIGNAT � addiiional water witls all guarantees. //� n it is Ine Ouyers responsibAiy to protec: tresny poured ccncre�e fmm ireezmg '��� aurmg me lirst seven tlays atler aehvery. •'38i.'j5 � LR;:c- blFiE:=1_Gc;r•�?0t-;;' r=; _.,._ =T<�::�7 . .2iC�: i -;r,E3 COi•i.�T I(�IC 'Fi � R�µ i:ni'i'': ��E:iTI��UT "i G EX�,NAiVCzt TO G�TE '�i� CTR. EYF'R��ISLGP _ .ii. I — ._.>'Ill -.F�� • (_7 � =.'('�+ � � =�1�'?�L i189 �i1cU� I11:��� 11 B9Ur'�3 --� ��� i_.E:•t �c.���! r =•UirF �yr� ``_c��_a�_ L _ SLUM VJ. Ll) � �_T.� ^a�-�ma! :as woc� 'o umea0. T+ucks ceC �o091e5 :oPyY/ mN Oe bllpp a: 1 CFFICE COPY Sep-22-95 03:33P Cemstone Product Co 612 688 9292 � 4� l,�:`� 1 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY WYATTREADY MIX CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. North SUbutbs - 7843512 South Central MN - t(800) 366-6910 • MENDOTA HEIGNTS, MN 55720 Wesf Suburbs - 446-9090 Cannon Falls Twin Ciiy Area - 688-9520 Faribault Sand & Grave( - 774-7575 Montgome.ry North(ield _ /' �� Zumbrota WARNING: PlASTIC CONdRETE MAY CAUSE INJUAY • SEE C '�e sde and eatlusive 4abi4y ol lhe seikr IU a�ry Gele[[ n Ne dCtepleC ynQS 5tgp pe fmppp �p �p,payyy a replaanq I�e ._COS as UfE seJler 5typ elecl Tt�e o�lgaban �o Roa'� or r¢plafR Ihe g0ptl5 slNtl Ielmindle M1vo mpnih5 aXer �rc EPliuery. ="e uNOdCi�g fime d 7 mmuteS ce� ya+a �o Ee [otMUleC tm�n arrival an p0. Demurtage al SfiO.W pxl.eur my5( pe pad by - =_;.�rcnaserihereatler. +CxNOWtEDGE THaT �EMSTONE PNOCULiS CO. es no� Aaole 1or tlamage ol any ialwe ar k�rq rt¢urrp! Ey my reduest :'bv2 INCN pd5t N�p li�E 0( �M 01 way 6mtls. a� acknowletlqes vn8in�neu io pay �.*ecker Iees or mst m reoa���g :3�aq0G pmOPny �.t•�;]q Gc u_, ��.'rC.^. �_I r� r . . "' r%iC _ ' '.. _.....___ ._.__'_ .. . : _ _ ._�ti. 1•�:.E��:_�i 1-.. _�._ 1_ .cH .- tANi TICKETNO. TRUCK ORIVEfl OR6EqM0. POL%ETNO. USE - i��3c� 3b2 D�' �P�LLMAN 27=+ �7=t LEAi4t=ILL OLD TO: CUSTOMER NO. TIME DUE LOAD TIME AIR -��'IEa Ct�NS7 IiVL' 110'� 11:�_9 1a:�9 1EA SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SNEET WATERADDEDATCUSTOMERI�EQUEST(GACLON51 FIAST MIDOLE _____ ulST � ____ Tha cormretc 51irngID mown on thu t�cket is Inc POTENTIAL 5crengm antl 4 guaraNeed only w�en IeSteE an0 Sampled a+ aCm:Cance �+�Ih A S.T Rf 5peciti�aQOnS. Out COnt�ele miv¢5 are tlesfgnetl `or speahe slump ranges antl atltli�onal water voids all guaran;ees. It ts �he buyer's �esponsibiliry �o p�orect heshlp pourec con�rzte �ron f.eez:r, dunng Iha lirst seven tlays afler tle�ivery TO EXCHAPtC;E TG Gf�?_ I i 1 ��zr_ c ex=�an�siu:�� C• b.'�.�i' I n� . k'�iii I .-�. ''J4� i'.�c' :'Pi _���I VL:tt:L� �-Lhn� �� cco �-T � nc }c. n-i i.. � - 5 F: D J SLUM �^•. 41:�� . k7�c'� 03 operator ol lhrs Wtk rs atlowec a-a.-�noe_ . .n���v .t'G' :J WIWE TiVCtS �C� �ocs.ei :onge� md Oe 411eC a: r Q^°C'OIO�Op IIT2'd<P OFFiC= CO?Y SeR-z2-95 03�32P Cemstone Product Co 612 688 9292 P_02 - _ ���sro�vE �o�� CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY WYATT READY MIX 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. North Suburbs • 7843512 • MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 West Suburbs - 446-9490 Twin City Area -688-9520 Sand 8 Gravel - 774-7575 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPAtVY South Central MN - t(800) 366-6970 Cannon Falls Faribault Montgomery Northfield Zumbrota �7> 3 � ( � �3 �o � � 4 �/ c( � �.C� .SS J 1 '. c3�D � � / / v � � �..Z WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE 1NJUAY • SEE OTHEfi S1DE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET '-e sde antl euJUVVe nadbry W me uner �or arry Cefett in Ne accepietl gwCt shau oe MweC w repamng w reWaang �ne WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER REOUEST (GALLONS) :�OS azlne seGer stia0 eiecl. The ob4qa6on m repau a repuce Ihe goo05 snaY Iemunaze two monll+s akx �e eNrvery - m unroaEmg Iwne W](mnutes peryaM ta Oe mmpuceC irom arrnal on �o�. Demurtage at 56600 per tww must oe pab Cy FIRST MIDDIE LAST :e pucnasa mereakef. :CKNOWIEDGETNATGEMSTONEPRODUQ5C0.isnottiaNebr0ama9eofarrynaNreorkvNincmretl0ymyrepuest The co�crete strangth shown m fhis �icket is ine POTENTIAL svengm antl �s '_ +wve Wck past aro une ar ngnt ol way omns. anE actro.ueEges wAingness m pay wecKer iees or mst m iepaimg 9�y�anteetl only when tested antl sam0'� �� acco�tlance wnh A S.T M '�'"��m' spealications. Our concrete mixes are designetl for spxf[c siump ranges. antl CUSTOMER RELEASE 7URE adtla�o�al watervoids atl guaran[eas It is ll+e buyer's responsbdiry lo protect fresnly pouretl mncrete trom �reezmg � l , , _ tlunng Irte lirst seven days after Oeuvery •e589,95�� 6RI=F!��I�:HEt� BAR<OLvS Ai"�1::'ii� � I � ���,a�: ! �4 ?ihES ��Q�iST .t?IC ?E�inY TOUSIGV;�C•I: c:4 c74 LER !VhILL CUSTOMER NO. TIME DUE LOAD TIME AIR 12+39 1N:=r9 1���:�7 �HESTNUT TG EXCHR�;GE 'f�� GF1Tc �VL�J C7R FXRt?NS?OM . , �� �G� � !. i . �C �� I . . • S1 jU'CI�C�.i �JtEVC �y::i II �i_ ' C�I�ii:= ` iL �1--Sec-9� � s�u�a � . �CI Q� :� . �C�'ti a m�:mum of rnnures ♦nc' b unlal0. TryCks �ei0 aos�e> cngnr�..0 oe o�uen ai .• cvrrer.v noiCma pme a�e CF�ICE COPY SRP 29 ' 9'� 1 S� 41 fi 1 2 FiRR 979? PAC,E. n0? Sep-22-95 03:32P Cemstone Product Co 612 688 9292 P.O1 cE,vsr�,V�c ;�-��-�. ;�:, . -:-: ; �: �. ..:1 -�,,,m�, - - - - --- � ,- CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY -• : WYATT READY MIX .• � CEMSTOfVE PRODUCTS COMPANY 2025 CENTRE POIN7E BLVD: ""• "' " North Suburbs - 7&F-3572 South Centra! MN - t(800) 366•6970 MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN SSt20 West Suburbs - 446-9090 Cannon Fans • Twin City Area - 688-9520 FanbauH ` - Sand 8 Gravel • 774-7575 Montgomery Northfieltl Zumbrota � J 'I 1 d � �°-�l t��1 I I/� 7 �o a sr �o � � � a .:a ��-- �=i;; `s.� ; �-�� --�� WARNtNG: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE 1NJUAY • SEE O7HER SIDE FOR MATEpIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET . T�e sON entl �tlu5ive liapdiy W Me sdkt br xry QMetl in Na socepletl �pOp55tW pe WNI¢E �p lepgxty pr �¢pyp�g Ne WATER ADOED AT CUSTpMER REOUEST (GALLONSJ �.� � 7ooes u me sNler snaA eletl. Re adg2mn a repau or replace tly gprHS Yslle+mnateM rsuxuM anx p'e ENWery. FrosuYOn6ngtimeotTmircrtasperyaNroEemmpneGfimammalonjoCOemurtaqeat55U.00p¢rhourmatbepaieq FIRST MIDDLE LAST :ne W�CIUSerMereafler i�C�WOWlEOGETHATCEMSTONEPROOUCTSCO unalia0kfordamagedurynature�rk6yinaxrMDymyreQU¢st The toncretB strengtl� sfqwn on this tickel �s ihe POTEN7L4L, sirengN anE �s '� �past arE Irre w�ignf o1 xay 1mu, an0 azYm�Meeg¢s wuliigxs5 tc pay w�¢ticer lees or cost m r¢partmg 9uatanteetl only when tesretl and sampled in accortldnce wilh A.S.T.M. spephwfrons. Our concrete mixes are aesignetl tw sperific slump rznqes, anc CUSTOMER RELEASF SIGNATURE ' - aUditiona7 water vo"MS alI 9uarantees. � /� '1 ' � - " - � ��. It is the buyer's responsihdiry to prorect freshly poured wncrete from freezinc /�/� �/( �/� tluring 1he lust seven days aher tlelivery _. � - . V [./�\ �/ " � - _ . � **ib9.95 ��� c i GMES CONST INC WHEEi.PARROWS AT ❑NE �REt�7 FRICC'." CHESTNUT TO EXCHANGE TO 6RTE CIVIC CTR EXF'RNSION = • � • .- - b. ¢+a I �. +�v? I 44 4 1189 �10:30 �iN:u�7 ILL AIR .. a. �� �, a� ,,,.,-!,._ 1184+�a3, ISTEVE - .. ' . . . . :f'i:- � �-H��.. �i' . . . - - ----------`...: ..��_ _ .. '.�� •� •�� • • a�a M cEr� iti��:�e� �uraG vb - _si.- �.����i::. , .. . _, • � � � �� ��iGG�� � C� O SEP 22 ' 9� 15:41 - � a meuevrn ot mmures wn� b �nbae. 7r�ckt Tea jo0sitea bnqe� wJt Ee b�leU a� i OFFICE COPY 613 688 9292 PAGE.001