265504 WHITE - CITV CLERK �65504 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � Co�u,cii CANARV - DEF RTMENT BLUE � -MA�R File NO. � 0 din�nce Ordinance N�. ����� Presented By Referred To Comanittee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No, 7607, entitled: "An ordina.nce fixin.g the duties and responsibilities and the mini.mum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA.INT PAUL DOE5 ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as a.mended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for the title of Health 5ervice Aide and by substituting in lieu thereof the followi�.g new specifications for HEALTH SER VICE AIDE , - 1 - COUNCILMEIV Request�d by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen ' Hozza In Favor Levine ' Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap roved b City tt rney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved Mayor r 'ssi C unc By By . � � � proQ • r10 • 1��3�1 ��55�4 �.0 l,ti@ L1x C1��:i� Ii.�C�.A.LTH �u�:]�VI�E .�.I�E ��x�:ic s and �e epc�nsib:Iities� Under s�.per�i��.a�33F �r� ���°f��rm p3rarao:�es�io��a;. so�ial w�rk i,n in:g'r�rm� ir�� c���z��� �f ava�.�.abl� �er���a�es �.�id as�i��ing thexrY ira r�iaa'ain�n� th�se s�r��ee�' an�d `cc� per�orrn ?°ela�ed worlc as a���.g��ed., Ex�.a.�ng�les a� ���c��lc perfo�rn�do �'o e�cpl��.�. a�cl reeei�v �r�rr.rr��».ti� c�r €�±.e ��rvices gsr���de� by� a �peeifi+� grca�rarn ANarn �ocd�. cor�amunx��r �x;�.txiz�ti�izs ar�d �rav.ps� To a����t iz� ��ae�atzSy�in�£ l�ca�i�,rt;; �.��.� �,�n�ac�in� �i�izeng vn r�eed o� a��:?�:L�Ie ��m�9i�:e�, '�a c Em;�sx ^;�. determinin�; cat�ze�� eli�;i.i�%1i.�� for ��r�Y�es and as�is� ci��.z�:n� ��� �b��aix�sng J�il��IPZC�Q r �'o �1���:asa: an� r�p�rt thc ic�eas� ��rn�la�ntsF and •recr�mmPndat�ons nf c�t}.zene� c�mrnunity oz�g�rsa7�ti�r�� arcl par�ici�ant$ �oncerni�g ��e�:�f�a,� arrsGx��.m�� e3�ii��cr}� �x �e������ axid no���ble Y1i1�1POi7E?IY1G'X2`�S� Tr� m�l�� h�+me ��,s�,t�� tc� s�a;tzer axad di..�pen�� i,n.fc�rzr,a�ica�z �n� t� arrange �arfR�apa��.��a� �,r� prn�rarn�, T�o }�r��are a.�d ke�:p �e�a�ds �f ra����+sary �.���zrma�}.�� ��c �5.����s ar�d �he pr��ramr prepare x�epQ.��� �nd �e�r.xa��.�� d��� �eq�.ire�� Mi�im�m c��a�i�'ncat;:�ns o �3igh se'hr;�?I �x�daz�.t�.�na IvTi��t be �� ?�a�� eigP�L�:En ;r�ars �-,� �.be. �'ertar�na3. �+�.a4gf�t�a�fic�n.�a �?Tnr.lc�a�g I:a���s��edd� �� rze�;I1��,s �.�v �r��ec3ur�s �n d�wp�ns.`�g� aa�d �ath�P�.�.g :�;`c�r.m�`�iaAg o� �.��s,�,. he�.�_�h ���s��amso VJn.rk�;�� l�r�a;u��d�a c�� dr�tex�•;`,�w�.ng �I°.�.ts �rsd F��e����b �)z���t�� ���arkz�� Ic��-�,��.�d�e c�� r���rd lseepi,,;.� 1x,�c1 ��pe�r� �r�p�?�a'��:.a�o �Tnrl:s;a�� a��.��,�� �c� r7��1 e�:�e�.�7.ve1� w*,��� �1���.�� �.�.d g��beral pc�bl�� izs: �r�a�� �e���x��s and ��.� � WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALTL Council ����(�/� BLUER�-,MpY`I�RTMENT ���� File N 0. . O/ in�nce Ordinance N 0. ��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. - 3 - COUKCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen �eeser y��� � In Favor � .� Rcedler � Against BY Sylvester 'fs�ee�sa+ President I�FwM��{O�� Adopted by Council: Date �N � � � Form proved City At orney Certified P d b Co il S retary BY � ` By Approve Mayor: Date Approved May o n to Co � By BY Pueitsr�u M Z 11975 , Kt. 1, �� � p �, , �. . , �� • , - . � r� � _ . � - - �� � - � �.' - i �- . . . ,, � ��s � ' . v.♦ - . � i . 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May 13, �19'�5 �; � �� RE�RDtN�: Thie c�c�x�ax�.:at.�'i��is ot�t'tb,s c�I� .��������' � r� t�ie c�as��:: He�,itlth ���'ice �d�, ��t�r#�'�3��5 F'', t ' ` , '� � _. - aew s�eci�'i��:��m�ua ixxa, k�r�itig a�i ' t�tar �e$eat �e� � ; �`: � 8 �:- h a�nd res�sibili��,�a �a iad��st�� y-��im���ita+�;' �r claseifica��n a�d �gradiug a�,i�y. ` . � � �' i { ��. . , ; : : , _ �� _. = .. . �. : � & r t ; �. � � , � � . - # �� = # _ .. � ,I ,- �QUA��.s Persoo��n+eZ.O�fice _ � w ., � . : � , . �� . � . y � � � � �� �� . � ,: � ,-� ��� � ry� , : . : z t � � � ACTI�C�N RBQt3ESTED: I recoiru7�i�ad �x � rc�Ya1 8%�#� =�l�f� � �y �: � � � this ordi��ace to the City Co�ci . . . � ` �. �, ` � a- � � s ,� �. � �.; � . 4 c � �TTA�RASENT,S: l��rdi;ua�tCC}a�ad er�py far G��r�#er � � . � �� : � - � _ �. , � ; , , : } .: _ . -. - � � . . t , ' � � _., �o� , �{ ,. � w : _ ' # � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � '��� ,� � �;� � � � � � . � � f Ciry . ��; Sa�r�t Pau�. Mi�r�es����+��t��;. � 'k � � , . . ' . .. . . . t . � . . : �. �.�. Y � .' . " . . .. , . .. . . � . .. �� � � . - . . �� ; . . . . � . >c,�. ,'w7 „ : . . .. . �; ....;� . . , .. ., . , ,�'.. .. . .. . . . � .., .'� � , �...' .�..,,xa � e �: � �.� � � : . . ': 4 . . . . . � ..". _ . .a , 1.. _. . t . lst ��GS�,� 2nd �p�3 Ado ted • 3rd ��/.� p Yeas Nays C'riZ3ISTr�NSE,'� iiOZZA � ��E 265��� `� ROEDLER l v SYLVESTER � TEDESCO PRESTDr'�V'T (I��TiV'T)