265500 ,. .. _
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I'n the Matter of �t���#i�i� siA�+l�'a1it�1 �1 �O i1� oR�tl1� M�1t 11llti�t
i� �s� ri irai+i�lra� tte s�1Rh ul�i ��rwt
� �. :, ` �w`"_�,. .. . . . ._, . - ' ri S 1�
..._ -M..-.-- .. . �—
: �,# :x d ; _a.' . .� �t k� M# " :t�,
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f ��"��"`T"�����* Dt/CZ'�,�'l10� •;�"�.�'S '��".:
. . . . .. , r ..- A .#�...�: .
8-100f0 itA'!�/�'Ix A1R.. e�ortb side #s�w Drafc� St. t�o Osc�ola wv�.(abuttias
649 Wat�on only)
5-10061 lASCAL AVB., both side� froe Oaceola Av�. to laiswioant Av�.
s•10062 CRB?Ill AVB., M��t side lrow liellerle�r �ve. to Staelo�cd Av�.
S-L�Q63 STAl�1tD AY16., •outh sid� fro� Cr�tia Av�. ta Mt. Cu�rve 31vd.
8-10064 RAMDOLlU AfR.� north si�r trc� iTarvick 8t. to Snellio� Av�.
� 5-10063 �L�![ A�YS.� aoatb sid+� tro� irirhall St. te� wsst SA.4�t.+ �
(abutting 4a3 lri�hsll)
f•10066 RANDt�.lH �Y�., so�th side lros tiasr►ick 8t. to saratoga 8t.
u 8�10067 lI1�I[ $T.:. bq�,-�id�s l�w� ta+�l�►lpl� �v�. to 'Jw� Aw.
. uiICIGl iIVitllfata4a� v�rilvr-- -_ . 11_— �...�.—. ..�. .�...•... _ ._..___ _.. ..___.—. .�� .......' ... ...
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvament, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it .
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date � �7 ��
Yeas Nays � p,9 �� �
Christen�fl ' Certified e Council Secretary
Hozza - �� `
Hunt t�in Favor By ',
Levine � �
ROedle�f Against
SylveSbio Mayor
7edesar�r . .
- PuB��s��p �uN i 4 �s�
vVh�ir — r;ty Clerk L. + T A TT T . �r!` /
Nink �Fina�(:a oeot. %?,,.� , G I�' �i" S�� I � T ���. V L I /
fa�,•:Y— De?L. .��`�%�� . �
a - �j ,%/ UI•'FIGF. OF TtIE 1►t.1YOR
. � � i� �
No: �/,�',L�`
_ � ��5�3�4
� T;�aL 'the Qi rector of the Departr�ent of Publ i c 1Jorks is hereby authorizec! and di rected
to Frepare plans , o�tain surveys, pre�are estir�ates and investigate the nccessity
ta seconstruet sid�rralks at the following locations and do alI other �eork wnieh is
necessary and incidental to complete said irzprovement.
�iortt� side af «IATSdti AVE. from Orake St. to Osceola Ave. (abutttng 6k9 uasson only)
Ecth s i�es of PF�SCaL AV�. f rom Osceol a r�ve. to Fai rmount Ave.
west side CRETt�1 AVE. from Wellesley Avz. to Stanford Ave. •
SouLh si�e STAt:F�RD AdE. fron Cretin Ave. to Mt. Curve Blvd. •
t?orih sie�e RAH88Q�H AVE. from Warwick St. to Snelling Ave. - .
South side itA;�D�LPN AVE. from 3rir,}hall St. to r�est Sfl•�+'+ .(abutttng 4$3 3rimhall)
South s i de RI1t:0�LPN AVE. f rom ':lan�i ck St. to Saratoga St. � . . �
Eoth s i dAs Fl ti,r' ST. f rom. Randalph Ave. to JaR�es Ave.
The Gi rector of Fi nance and t�tanaganent Servi ces i s hereby d i rected Lo prepare !
the preli�inary order and scheduie this natter for Qublic hearing. R
' � �
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o�+o. �� o��p. �t• �
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�J� RECs �
t« WAH I
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�'{�C) v NGA UEE (
TJE Vk�P . � � f
DEN t.
P.S.D. R.H.R. `t
:��PRO��ED �S TO FGR'�1 I
+ F
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—- � . . � r:. � „ � �. ::. � ,� !
r�ssistant City �ttor�ey PUb j�G ��Ot"�CS�/ Departmcnt H�ead !
s Sidewalks p � '�� �
•r f
Administrativ�Assistant tv hiayor i
'� .!
, ,?�
• • � ���t����
C 1��CS7F#+��I N T PA U L
,March 31 , 1975
I�fr. �o�er ilattson
ui rec�o- of F� nance
a�c ;'.anagement Services
?oo- 1 l ; �i ty Hal i
,=;iTE;�TI�t� : Paul Desch
Cear Sir:
Please przpare the Preli�inary Order for the construction/recanstruction of
t^e si �'ewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order.
i�e estiTated cost thereof is as follows
y o-o y�'pe r 5 f.t A � 8 Res. 5 f t. w i de
� � ^ >c.�0 per S ft. wide C Res. � Comm.
$7.2G per 6 ft. wide C Res . S Corim.
51 . 7� per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk C Res. � Comm.
�Z.�J per lin. ft. for curbing for Res. A E B when integral curb
a�d waik constructed.
nt*ache� herewith are tfie folloti•ring :
l . Hpproved Administrative Order D-1915
2. Advisability � Jesirability Report.
Yours v�ry truly,
���� ������0
r:ar:1�y �. Thomas
Su�_�Vlsor of Sidewalk Construction
234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
;; . �; �, ,
, ► .
� :. ., , .. _
v , � .
, Dist. No. 2
;i.5. :Jats��n :,ve. - Orake St. to Osceola Ave. (abutting 64� lJatson only} Lot 16 , Blk. 6
Finch Add.
This ord:,r was initiated by the Director of Public 4lorks as public necessity on the
uasis of a petition ti�itn 1 signer representing 10��0 of the assessable frontage �
an� by inspection of the wal�. , -
T:�is wali: is old ti le wi th tree heaves , broken ti le, high joints , tripping l�azards , ,
noies in tile a;�d missiny tile. /
.. . . .. � . . � a.�� � if � V � . _ .
Tne cngineering reconnendation is for approval of the order.
Remarks : See Petition td. 7th �J.D.P. Area
(Construct to v�idtn designated on plat)
CT HJ r��,
Dist. ido. 2
3.S. Pascal Ave. - Osceola Ave. to Fairmount Ave.
T��i s order :�as i n i t i ated by the Di rector of Pub 1 i c l�lor;cs as pub 1 i c necess i ty on the
7asis of inspection of t��e walk.
T;;is �„al� is o)d ti le and poured concrete with tree heaves , broken ti le, high joints , /
trip�in,� ,�azards , water pockets , noles in tile , r:�issin� tFle, i�igh longitudinal �j
joints , offgrade, asphalt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete and is DAtdGEROUS.
ihe �nyireering recommendation is for approval of the order.
s � � o� � r
(Construct to width designated on plat)
Di st. iyo. 2
'�,J.S. Cre�in �ve. - tJellesiey Ave. to Stanford Ave.
Ti� i s or.':�r 4�,as i ni ti ated by the �i rector of Publ i c lJorks as publ i c necess i ty on the
basis of irspection of the walk. ,
Tnis �,va',�c i ; old tile and poured concrete with broken tile , high joints , tripping
�az�rd� , .�:ater pocke*_s , missing tile, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , V'
s::a?ed , �ip�ed and settled panels .
ih� Eno� n�ering recomr�endation is for approval of the order. S �-. �Q (� o �
(;educe fror�, a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
- ,
-- �,��,', , �
' _ � - Dist. Pda. 2
° S.S. Stan,`ord Ave. - Cretin Ave: to P1t. Curve Blvd. �5����
T�i s orde r was i n i t i ated by tne Di rector of Pub 1 i c Works as publ i c nec��'v^2� he
�asis of inspection of the waik. � .
T!�is walk is old poured concrete with tree heaves tri in hazards wa �
, pp g , ter pockets ,
aspnalt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , tipped and settled paneis
anc i s �a����kJ;iS.
/ � Q �a J-
The cngineering recoe,r�endation is for approval of the order. S �' :
?.er..arks : ::a4 Soi 1 - Use �/? �r�Al ro�s _
!�e�uce fro� a 6 f�. to a � ft. walk)
Oist. P�o. 2
�:.�. �andol�n ave. - ',Jarwick St. to Snelling Ave.
Tais crder :�ras initiat�d by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
5a5 i 5 or i n5�2Ct i on oT t7e 4ra]ic. („/�
�:� is �.ti-ai� is old tile and poured concrete ti�ith tree heaves , broken tile, tripping
r,azarc; , 'r,oles in tile with asphal *_ patcnes and �isintegrated, cracked concrete
�ar.�ls , scaled, tipped and settled panels.
T;�J �n;ineering reconr:-�endation is for approval of the order. � �"'fl' �' ��' i,
(Ccr, truct to �ri dtn ces i gnated on p i at)
CT ,n,; RR
Dist. lVo. 2
S. `. Ra��olp�� ave. - arimhall St. :to west 50.4'+ (abutting 4$3 Brimhall St.)
Tn; s orcer ��as initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity
c~! tn= �asis of inspeciion of the a�alk.
i�is �.�alh is old tile wit�-� broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards , water packets �
^eie� in tile and r�issing tile.
T�e �ngin�ering recomr�endation is for approval of the order.
(Con;truct to �ri�th designated on plat) � _ � D3 � ,�
CT t'J �.R ..
- `V ".+�7;�+� :qt« �
..,, `.a' D i s t. P.o. 2
,�;.. ' S.S. , Rand'olpn `Ave. - Warwick St. to Saratoga St.
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public nec����he
basis of inspection of the walk. �
This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tile, ,hig�Ea�.s�
tripping hazards, water pockets , offgrade, with asphalt patches and scaled, �
and settled panels. � ' ��
4 �:
The Engineering recomnendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width desi,nated on plat)
5 -� � � Ob �
� � Dist. �lo. Z
3.5. Finn St. - Randolph Ave. to James Ave.
Tnis order was initiated by the Director of Public b/orks as public necessity on the
basi5 of inspection of the walk.
This �•�alk is old ti le and poured concrete tivi th tree heaves , broken ti le, high joints, � �'
tripping hazards , water pockets, noles in tile , missing tile, offgrade, asphalt patches ,
disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped panels and settled panels. .
T;�e Enaineering �recommendation is for approval of the order.
Remarks : :Jalk is very danqerous
(Construct to width designated on plat) � � d �
_ *
. . . . . . . . . . .. , , T .
. . . . .. .. . . � . . . ... . . � ... . , ..: ..
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��ii��� ," � . . ... . . � ..i,, i ,.' ,. . : ' ... , . , . . .. . . .,. f . ''�'.,�
�' � . ' , + . . .. , . . � . . . .. . . . . . . , . . .. � � .. �
� , tdovembe r 21 ���I (�
St. Paul, Minn.... 1�...---•- �"
Tu The Honorxble� The Council,
City of St. Paul, blii,n. �
� � .� . , .. , �?, 14'y� ,
We, the undersignecl property owners, hcreby �etition your H�norable Bocly to c�u�Q
thc fullowing improvement to be made:
Reconstruct sidewalk at 6�+9 iJatson only. NDP W. 7th St.
..........---.....................�•--•--�-•------------ • •----........-------�--.........__..._-•--•-•---------•-•----------...__... _. .... . --- . ��'
..........:...---•---•--------•--�-•-----..._._._._..... . -------••---•----•--�---...-•-------�--------•------•--•------...-•---------....__.....gt. Ave.
frum ..............�-••---.:...------•------------------------------• S . Ave. to ---------•----• . --------------------- � - -•-
-- t •- ---• . .. ........ .. ... , �?-
,�� .
--••-•-----...-•--•----�•-----...-•---•-----•-----�-----�-•-St. Ave. � -
Nenry F. Kinney 16 6 Finch Add. _
��-�ars��r-" - '
1 understand I will be assessed fo repai s.
+ I
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