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� + City of St.Paul CIL FILE
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F I N A L O R D E R I N �B�--j-;�,��.>'� � �
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File No.
In the Matter of o�,i,�, �Ld�ei� a�t �actMii� 8� fT. ��satia� s �1-
daws�e !es sE. wspsa► Y�► takit� �i erM�wt� t� �lta� ia�asii�M
par�al e! 1�1 t _ _ .__. .__�.��-�.,;_._� ._._..�._.�w�,_rY
� . �� Tha�t part of the SEu-ofpN[ly of Sec. 2, �T28, R-22 lying within the arc of s circle
ha.vin� a 60' radius, the cen�er of said circle being 146' south oP the narth �i�e _
- of the south 780' of the Nf�l-;,- of Sec. 2, T28, R-22 and 125' W. of the ii�y liae of -
Darlene Street as platted in middle Battle Creek Addition.
� Also, a 30' strip of land in SE4 of 1�•�4 of Sec. 2, T28, R-22 lying westerly and
�djacent to the existing Darlene Street a.s platted in middle Battle Creek Addition
, £rom Upper Afton itoa.d to a �oint l76' south of the north line of the south 780' .
of the I34r'u of Sec 2� T28� R-22. .
_ Also� the south 60' of the north 176' of the south 780' of the b':d,i-, of Sec. 2� T28�
R-22 frasa the .�11y line of Darlene Street as platted in middle B3ttle Creek Addition
to the above described cut-de-sac.
Candemnina and takin� a 20 faot wide storm sewer easenent on, over and across that pe.rt of the
8. 780 ft. of the j•7. 3o3.b0 ft. of the SEu oP the Ir°d F of Section 2, T. 28P7., R. 22W.� the
celr�er line of said easement being described as follai+s:
Beginning at the intersection of a line 11+b ft. south of and nar�llel to the north
line of the 5a.id S. 7� �t. and a line 125 ft. west of and parallel to the west liM
of Middle Ba.ttle Cree�-Additfon; thence NGf'ly to a point on the west line of said
" ` Sgk, 780 ft. nort3� af the south line of said- S�u� and there termi�tiag. - -
under �ti ��y� �0 foot wide utility easesaent on, over and across that part of the S. 780 ft. of the _
!' 1i, jfl3.60.Pt. of the SE-��., of the 1�1� of Section 2, T. 28 N., R. 22 W., the center Zine oP
under F '"�� �S�ent being .described as follc�rs: _
� Beginning at the intersection of a line 1�+6 ft. south of and parallel to the north
line oP the said S. 7� �•-And a line 125 ft. west of and parallel to the west line
• `of Hiidc�e �3a.ttle Creek Addition; thence S:d'ly to the poin� of intersection of a
line l0 ft. east of amd parallel to the west line of said SE,i-, �nd a line 510 ft.
A: uorth of and para11e1 to the south line of said SEu; thence south along sa.id 30 ft.
�zra11e1 line 100 fi. more or less to the Iv�'ly R�F1 line of Upper Afton Road� and ard
all persc there terminating. � - -
RI AUo condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, ia-
cluedin8 right of removal of lateral sugport from subject land or remainder thereof, qccasioaed
jZ� bjr �ceavations thereof or eonstruction of slopes in the g=ading and surfkcing with bituminous be
fee sim� �terial DJIRI,ENE STREET from Upper Afton Road to the cul-de-sac. ±ed
and dire �e Estixated Cost for this improvement a�ounts to $9,5�, to be finaxiced by assessment. The
ec�iaated assess�ent rate amounts to �.00 per essessable foot.
Ac�uiinistretive orfler ��1379 �PP='�� � 2G� �97�+, ees aaerded� pursu3.nt to City -
Council Public lJorks Committee repart of Febrvary 28� 1975.
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COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council: Date
,�`,.� Y MAY 2 19'15
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