01-849o��G���L Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting Presenfed By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 2 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has authorization to receive a Safe and Sober grant from the 3 Minnesota Department of Public Safety; and 4 5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts tlus grant and authorizes the City to enter into, and Chief 6 William Finney to implement an agreement with the M'innesota Department of Public Safety. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Requested by Department of: Police (� � Services Director: Adopted by Council:Date: a o Adoption Certified by Council Se etary: By: 2-, Approved by Mayor: ate: By: safeandsobergranqccepWnce.cr.01 � By: Form B B by City for � Council File # O t- gy Green Sheet # 111814 to DEPARTME3;7/OFF�CSiCOUNCI� DATE INITIATED Z Poiice � i si6iot GREEN SHEET No. 111$14 ONTACT PtR PHONE MRIAUDATE INfrIAUDA7E WilliamFinney 292-3588 1 evnmxexraaecran_ 5 mcouxca � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E) O{� r� ASAP �ctrrw�row+er � �Cmtc =°� 1 L 1FlNnMLwl5ER1nCE5DW. V�• Ol�(/ , p 1�NRNCIiLSFlN/wCC�G �� / u �YOR(ORASSLST/JII)� ❑NUNRNPoGXiS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Appro�Pal of the attached Council Resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul to accept a gant from the Minnesota ' Department of Public Safety, authorizing the City to enter into, and Chief Wiiliam Finney to implement a grant agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVILE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has fhis persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this departmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by a�ry cunerrt ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this personffirtn a targeted ventlor? YES NO E�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INI7IATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Thp Saint Paul Police i�epartmern has authorizarion to receive a Safe and Sober grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. (Attached is a copy of a letter from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and a copy of the grant applicarion.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Safe and Sober grant provides funding to reduce deaths and injuries caused by ffaffic crashes by increasing seat belt and child seat use and decreasing impaued driving. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Loss of grant funding to reduce deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDWG SOURCE Minnesota Department of Public Safety g rant ACTIVITY NUMBER 001-�41�� FINANCIAL INFORNIPSION (EXPLAIN) � SafeandSobergrantacceptance.gs.01 � .R OFP�� � � �� < 0 d� �SY � Alcohoi & Gambiing Enforcement Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Capitol Security Centerfor Crime Victim Services Driver & Vehicie Services Drug Policy & Violence Prevention Emergency ManagemenV Emergency Response Commission State Fire Marshal/ Pipeline Safety State Patrol Traffic Safety Office of Traffic Safety 444 Cedar Street, Suite 150, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-5150 Phone: 651l215-9091 FAX: 651.297.4544 Trl': 651/282-6555 Internet: http://www.dpsstate.mn.us July 27, 2001 Cmdr. William Martinez Saint Paul Police Department 100 E. l lth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Cmdr. Martinez: o�-t�9 ���i (� � f�L`�i�f' � �1 iL /r�/-Y/�l�✓� T am detighted to inform you that the Saint Pael Police Department's application for a 2002 Safe & Sober grant has been tentatively accepted. If you wrote the application, give yourself a pat on the back; if someone else did the work, please pass on the kudos. As expected, we received requests for nearly double the money we had available; you have a definite right to be proud of your work. We have set aside $45,000.00 for your Safe & Sober project. In order to fund a larger nurriber of projects, we cut back the money available to many of those accepted. Kathy Burke Moore will be the Office of Traf6c Safety (OTS) coordinator working with you and your project this year. . She will be calling soon to set up a meeting with you in St. Paul to discuss any changes in your work plan or budget that will be necessary and to answer your questions about the grant. Coordinator phone numbers and e-mail addresses are attached. Each agency receiving a grant is required to send at least one person to the Safe & Sober conference which will begin at noon on September 5`� and continue through September 6�' at the convention center in St. Cloud. ASthough everyone is welcome to attend, agencies receiving a grant for the first time are required to have a person at a meeting beginning at 6:30 PM on the evening of Tuesday, September 5`". This evening meeting will cover such things as reporting, informal seat belt surveys, and billing, and will give you a chance to ask questions. As a grantee you are eligible for complimentary registration and, if needed, lodging for the Safe & Sober Conference. By August 20, 2001, please contact your OTS coordinator and finaiize the names of those who will be attending the conference from your grant (including paztner agencies) and obtain approval for those that will need lodging on the night of September Sth. Thank you for your work on the application package and congratulations again on your success. All of us at the Office of Traffic Safety are looking forward to Safe & Sober 2002 and to working with you. Sin� ,�� Susie Palmer State Program Administrator EQUALOPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER o �-��t, Saint Paul Police Lead Total Full-Time: 572 � Part-Time: 0 in Aeenw(iesl Name of city or county used for seat belt & alcohol ratesJ: Saint P3u1 (See grids: attachment 1, for crash rates) (See grids: attachment 1, for crash ratesJ rllcohol-related Crashes Non-use of Seat Belts in Crashes By vr�rr: - By VMT: X higher than state average or ■ lower than state X higher than state average or ■ lower than state average auerage By Population: -- -_ - By Population: - -_ X higher than state average or ■ lower than X higher than state average or ■ lower than state state average avera e Applicant in one of 20 most dangerous_counties� (see grids: Attachment l, paragraph 2) X Yes ■ No . '- Instructions: Considering the number of enhanced enforcement hours you7nte»d �a �B.�EC•TjVES ' work, fill in the objectives below for which are able to find the data. See Secfion �/li Part A ofthe RFP for more information on objectives 1 7. Realizing Soje & Sober is a grant dedicated to reducing deaths and injuries caused by traffic crashes by increasing seat belt and child seat use and decreasing impaired driving, the agency commits to enhanced enforcement and public and media relations outreach following the Safe & Sober calendar provided. 2. Strive to increase D WI arrests by 30 percent (from 79 to 102 ) by October 3. Strive to increase seat belt use, as shown by informal surveys, by 8 percent (from 77.2 percent to 852 percent) bv October 1. 2002. =1. S[rive to increase child seat citations written by 15 percent (from 85 to 5. Strive to increase seat belt citarions/warnings written by 5 percent (from 469 to 492 ) by October 1, 2002. 6. Strive to increase speeding citauons written by 8 percent (from 120A to 1300 ) by October 1. 2002. 7. Strive to 8. Strive to 9. Track and SOBEK-2062 BASIC-AC N/A Partner A�ency(ies) Nam "not a drop' citations written by _ minor consumption arrests bv 1C disnosition of X DWI aziests. 10. Reduce the number of traffic-rel to ■ All arrests. ■ All citations and arrests. �a 2002. October 1, 2002 11. Reduce the number of people injured in traffic crashes by 5 percent (from 1534 to 1458 ) by October 1, 2002. 2002 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 1 of 3 DI-PK'[ REPORT�G Instrucfrons: You must fz11 zn # 25. (Note: if the population yott serve is less than 20, 000 you must ' use at least three sites per survey; if the population you serve is greater than or equal to 2Q 000 you must use at least five sites per survey. See page 7 of the RFP jor survey infornsation.) 22. A plan on a form provided by the OTS for an upcoming Safe & Sober wave will be submitted by November 12. 2001 (Thanksaivin¢ and December waves 1& 2)� Februarv 4 2002 (Valenunes wave 31' Mav 17_ 2002 (Memorial Dav wave 4); June 24 2002 (Independence Dav wave 5): and Auaust 31. 2002 (September wave 6) and prior to the use of any overtime hours outside of the Safe & Sober enforcement periods. Both enforcement schedules and public and 'media relations efforts to be undertaken will be inciuded in the plans. 23. A progress report for each Safe & Sober wave will be submittedby 7anuan� 4. 2002 (waves 1&2). Mazch 1. 2002 (wave 31. June 14 2002 (wave 41 Julv 19 2002 (wave 51 and Sentember 27. 2002 (wave 61 on forms provided by the.OTS. Progress reports will include infoimation on citations and warnings for specific offenses as well as public information'and media relations acriviries conducted. 24. A final report on the entire year's activities on a form provided by OTS will be submitted no later than October 14, 2002. 25. Informal seat belt use surveys will be conducted during the weeks of November 12 — 2�. November 26 — December 2. Mav 17 — 23 June 3— 9 Au2i�st 31— Sevtember fi' and Seotember 15 -- 21. A set is defined as counts of shoulder belt use and non-use of drivers and front seat passenger conducted at 5 sites. Site locations shall remain cons[ant throughout the veaz. Results will be submitted to OTS in the appropriate reports. 26. Tnvoices ivill be submitted no less freqnentT}* than the following schedule: Januarv 22'� (waves 1&2). March 18`" (wave 3). 7ulv 5`" (wave � includine final costs incurred thioneh June 30�' and no costs after that date) Auaust 16�' (wave � including no costs incurred after Julv 1�`1 and Sentember 30`" fwa've 6 aeain with no costs after Julv lst) The OTS is required to separate all grant costs into different state fiscal years, so we must have you separate out all costs incurred before July 1" from all costs incurred after that date. THIS IS A1V RVIPORTANT CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS YEARS. EQUIPMENT Instructions: Fill in the boxes with the number thatwill be avai[able forSaje & Sober use. Leave b[ank tf the answer is none. You are not required to hwe every piece of equipment. 13 8 13 18 0 Squad Cazs Radar Units Laser speed units Digital PBTs Pass/Wam/Faii PBTs 1 p z 0 Speed dispiay hailers In-squad-video Intoxilycers Mobile data/display terminals 2002 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 3 of 3 o I-8�11 ENFORCEMENT Instructions: You must complete this entire section Ifall Safe & Sober funded hours are within S&S wave windows, put a 0 in 1� and NA in I5. 12. The total estimated number of Safe & Sober patrol hours to be worked during the yeaz is 851 ' 13. The estimated number of addirional pau�ol hours durin� each of the six Safe & Sober enforcement windows will be . 142 per enforcement period. (NOTE: Each wave must have roughly the same number ofSafe & Sober hours worked) 14. The total number of additional patrol hours estimated to be outside of the Sofe & Sober enforcement windows will be 0 15. Ourside window hours divided by Total hours (#IS /#12) equals : N/A PUBLIC INFORMATION AND MEDIA RELATIONS Pioneer Press Weekly Newspapers KSTP 5, WCCO 4 Commercial TV Stations lnstructions: This section is a briefsurvey of the number of inedra outlers ` wailable to you. Fill in the m�mber of each rype in the boxes that apply; leave blank anly if there are none in Pioneer Press Daily Newspapers St Paul City Cable, St. Paul Police Dept Cab1e,10- 1 Cable T'V Stations Como Park High School Newsletter, Highland Park Highlander Plaidline, Central Centenial School Newsoapers St. Paul Police Interdepartmental newsletter, "Here's the Story• Compan Newsletters area. WCCO, KSTP, KS95, MN Public Radio Radio Stations City wide "Intranet" and Internet web site City/Or�anizational Newsletters You are required ro distribute news releases to all media outlets (including to the editors or staff counselors of high school and college papers) and to conduct other public information and media relations activities. See pa�e 7 of the RFP. 'rjjAINIVG lnstruction: #17 throt�gh 20 should each hme two numbers in the space provided —for example, 3 i 0 if three o�cers need and ten o�cers have had the course. For first year grants, Advanced SFST is not required and neither first nor second year grants are reguired to have a CPS practitioner: put NA in the space if that training rs not required. OTS will send details of the September S rh Q7TlI G workshop at a later date. Attendance is required by one person from each lead agency. People from partner agencies are welcome but not required to atrend. See the RFP page 9 for conference cost 17. The number of officers who will need (or have had) Standazdized Field Sobriety Testing is: � LL / 18. The number of officers who will need (or have had) Occupant Protection Usage and Enforcement is: ( 227 19. The number of o�cers who will need (or have had) Advanced SFST is: 20. The number of a�ency staff who will need to become (or aze) certified Child Technicians 227 21. The people who would like to attend the Safe & Sober conference on September 5'" and 6'"aze: (include rank or job title, name, and agency for each person): Commander William Martinez, St. Pau( Police Department 2002 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, pa�e 3 of 3 �... oi-r'�9 Sgt Rick HIein, St Paul Police Department Sgt Thomas Schmidt, St Paul Police Department s 2002 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 4 of 3 2002 SAFE & SOBER PROJECT PROPOSED BUDGET Lead Applicant Agency: Saint Paui See I2FP uaQe 4 for a discussion of bud�etinQ Federal Bud�et (only federal grant monies in this Federal Safe & Sober Budget Snmmary 01-�'`l1 e Percent (Federal amount divided by Category Federal Amount federai budget toral) 1. Overbme Enforcement Hours Budget $38,2�0.00 85% 2. Discretionary Budget $6,750.00 15% Federal Budget Total $45,000 100% Note Federally paid overtime enforcement hours must equal at least 85% of the total federal budget. On all the following budget forms, "Federal share" refers to the amount of money you aze seekmg in Ja, je c� Jober grant funds and "Agency shaze" refers to;the cost commiunent by your agency or private sources to which you have -' access. The column "Total cosY' refers to the sum of the federaI shaze and the agency share. - Part 1:OVERTIb1E* ENFORCENIENT HOURS Overtime � > Number of Group* rate/hour** - Fringe*** hours Pauo10fficer $38.91 1�.>35% 851 Patrol Sergeant $44.85 1�.535% 38 Patrol Commander $54.25 1�.�3�% 22 Total cost $2,000.00 $1,410.00 Federalshare $38,250.00 0 $2,000.00 0 $1,400.00 0 Agency shaze Total overtime I$41,660.00 �$41,660.00 �$0 *Rank or seniodry -- groupings of officers with similar salaries. **Attach explanauon if not overtime rate. ***Fringe rate on overtime hours is usually around 13%. See page � of RFP for more on an acceptable fringe rate. PART 2: DISCRETIONARY BUDGET Pu rp o se Federal Shaze Administ $3,410.00 Equipment $3,340.00 Operating 0 Travel 0 Incentives 0 TOTAL $6 * Details required on reverse side. Agency Share 0 $3,340.00 0 0 0 $3,340.00 Total Cost 0 0 0 0 0 See RFP page 4 for a discussion of budgeting. Breakdown of Discretionary Budget See RFP page 4 for a discussion of budgeting. Administration - Position (i. e.,. supernsory, . Total per � of dispatcfi, clerical, publio info) Houtly rafe Fringe -.- ' hour hours Patrol Commander $54.25 15.535 $62.68 22.5 Pauol Sereeant $44.85 15.535 $51.81 38.61 0�-P�1 FederaI Agency Total cost shzre st�are $1,410.00 .51,410.00 0 $2,000.00 �2,000.00 0 To� I$ I� I$ Equipment * Number of Agenca Description units Cost per unit Total cost Federal sfiare share* LTI LJltralite 20-20 Laser Radar 2 $3,087.00 $6,174.00 $3,087.00 $3,087.00 DLTI Training Goggles 2 $80.00 $160.00 $80.00 $80.00 Traffic Cones/41 units/$825 per unit/Total$346/Fed. Shaie $17325/Agency $6,680.00 $3,340.00 $3,340.00 Share $173.25 Total * Note: Agency share for equipment must be greater than or equal to Federal share Operating Cozts Number of Cost per Description mIles mile Total cost Federal share Agency share Sauad oneratine rate oer mile* `�/A Travel and Subsis� Number Nazne and Locavon of Conference TotaI cost* Federal share I AQencv share N/A Total � � �$ Federal Share Agency Sfiare Incentives/Materials Purchases �uantity Price per Total Cost item hll:\ See RFP page 4 for a discussion of budgeting. o��G���L Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting Presenfed By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 2 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has authorization to receive a Safe and Sober grant from the 3 Minnesota Department of Public Safety; and 4 5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts tlus grant and authorizes the City to enter into, and Chief 6 William Finney to implement an agreement with the M'innesota Department of Public Safety. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Requested by Department of: Police (� � Services Director: Adopted by Council:Date: a o Adoption Certified by Council Se etary: By: 2-, Approved by Mayor: ate: By: safeandsobergranqccepWnce.cr.01 � By: Form B B by City for � Council File # O t- gy Green Sheet # 111814 to DEPARTME3;7/OFF�CSiCOUNCI� DATE INITIATED Z Poiice � i si6iot GREEN SHEET No. 111$14 ONTACT PtR PHONE MRIAUDATE INfrIAUDA7E WilliamFinney 292-3588 1 evnmxexraaecran_ 5 mcouxca � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E) O{� r� ASAP �ctrrw�row+er � �Cmtc =°� 1 L 1FlNnMLwl5ER1nCE5DW. V�• Ol�(/ , p 1�NRNCIiLSFlN/wCC�G �� / u �YOR(ORASSLST/JII)� ❑NUNRNPoGXiS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Appro�Pal of the attached Council Resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul to accept a gant from the Minnesota ' Department of Public Safety, authorizing the City to enter into, and Chief Wiiliam Finney to implement a grant agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVILE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has fhis persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this departmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by a�ry cunerrt ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this personffirtn a targeted ventlor? YES NO E�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INI7IATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Thp Saint Paul Police i�epartmern has authorizarion to receive a Safe and Sober grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. (Attached is a copy of a letter from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and a copy of the grant applicarion.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Safe and Sober grant provides funding to reduce deaths and injuries caused by ffaffic crashes by increasing seat belt and child seat use and decreasing impaued driving. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Loss of grant funding to reduce deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDWG SOURCE Minnesota Department of Public Safety g rant ACTIVITY NUMBER 001-�41�� FINANCIAL INFORNIPSION (EXPLAIN) � SafeandSobergrantacceptance.gs.01 � .R OFP�� � � �� < 0 d� �SY � Alcohoi & Gambiing Enforcement Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Capitol Security Centerfor Crime Victim Services Driver & Vehicie Services Drug Policy & Violence Prevention Emergency ManagemenV Emergency Response Commission State Fire Marshal/ Pipeline Safety State Patrol Traffic Safety Office of Traffic Safety 444 Cedar Street, Suite 150, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-5150 Phone: 651l215-9091 FAX: 651.297.4544 Trl': 651/282-6555 Internet: http://www.dpsstate.mn.us July 27, 2001 Cmdr. William Martinez Saint Paul Police Department 100 E. l lth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Cmdr. Martinez: o�-t�9 ���i (� � f�L`�i�f' � �1 iL /r�/-Y/�l�✓� T am detighted to inform you that the Saint Pael Police Department's application for a 2002 Safe & Sober grant has been tentatively accepted. If you wrote the application, give yourself a pat on the back; if someone else did the work, please pass on the kudos. As expected, we received requests for nearly double the money we had available; you have a definite right to be proud of your work. We have set aside $45,000.00 for your Safe & Sober project. In order to fund a larger nurriber of projects, we cut back the money available to many of those accepted. Kathy Burke Moore will be the Office of Traf6c Safety (OTS) coordinator working with you and your project this year. . She will be calling soon to set up a meeting with you in St. Paul to discuss any changes in your work plan or budget that will be necessary and to answer your questions about the grant. Coordinator phone numbers and e-mail addresses are attached. Each agency receiving a grant is required to send at least one person to the Safe & Sober conference which will begin at noon on September 5`� and continue through September 6�' at the convention center in St. Cloud. ASthough everyone is welcome to attend, agencies receiving a grant for the first time are required to have a person at a meeting beginning at 6:30 PM on the evening of Tuesday, September 5`". This evening meeting will cover such things as reporting, informal seat belt surveys, and billing, and will give you a chance to ask questions. As a grantee you are eligible for complimentary registration and, if needed, lodging for the Safe & Sober Conference. By August 20, 2001, please contact your OTS coordinator and finaiize the names of those who will be attending the conference from your grant (including paztner agencies) and obtain approval for those that will need lodging on the night of September Sth. Thank you for your work on the application package and congratulations again on your success. All of us at the Office of Traffic Safety are looking forward to Safe & Sober 2002 and to working with you. Sin� ,�� Susie Palmer State Program Administrator EQUALOPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER o �-��t, Saint Paul Police Lead Total Full-Time: 572 � Part-Time: 0 in Aeenw(iesl Name of city or county used for seat belt & alcohol ratesJ: Saint P3u1 (See grids: attachment 1, for crash rates) (See grids: attachment 1, for crash ratesJ rllcohol-related Crashes Non-use of Seat Belts in Crashes By vr�rr: - By VMT: X higher than state average or ■ lower than state X higher than state average or ■ lower than state average auerage By Population: -- -_ - By Population: - -_ X higher than state average or ■ lower than X higher than state average or ■ lower than state state average avera e Applicant in one of 20 most dangerous_counties� (see grids: Attachment l, paragraph 2) X Yes ■ No . '- Instructions: Considering the number of enhanced enforcement hours you7nte»d �a �B.�EC•TjVES ' work, fill in the objectives below for which are able to find the data. See Secfion �/li Part A ofthe RFP for more information on objectives 1 7. Realizing Soje & Sober is a grant dedicated to reducing deaths and injuries caused by traffic crashes by increasing seat belt and child seat use and decreasing impaired driving, the agency commits to enhanced enforcement and public and media relations outreach following the Safe & Sober calendar provided. 2. Strive to increase D WI arrests by 30 percent (from 79 to 102 ) by October 3. Strive to increase seat belt use, as shown by informal surveys, by 8 percent (from 77.2 percent to 852 percent) bv October 1. 2002. =1. S[rive to increase child seat citations written by 15 percent (from 85 to 5. Strive to increase seat belt citarions/warnings written by 5 percent (from 469 to 492 ) by October 1, 2002. 6. Strive to increase speeding citauons written by 8 percent (from 120A to 1300 ) by October 1. 2002. 7. Strive to 8. Strive to 9. Track and SOBEK-2062 BASIC-AC N/A Partner A�ency(ies) Nam "not a drop' citations written by _ minor consumption arrests bv 1C disnosition of X DWI aziests. 10. Reduce the number of traffic-rel to ■ All arrests. ■ All citations and arrests. �a 2002. October 1, 2002 11. Reduce the number of people injured in traffic crashes by 5 percent (from 1534 to 1458 ) by October 1, 2002. 2002 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 1 of 3 DI-PK'[ REPORT�G Instrucfrons: You must fz11 zn # 25. (Note: if the population yott serve is less than 20, 000 you must ' use at least three sites per survey; if the population you serve is greater than or equal to 2Q 000 you must use at least five sites per survey. See page 7 of the RFP jor survey infornsation.) 22. A plan on a form provided by the OTS for an upcoming Safe & Sober wave will be submitted by November 12. 2001 (Thanksaivin¢ and December waves 1& 2)� Februarv 4 2002 (Valenunes wave 31' Mav 17_ 2002 (Memorial Dav wave 4); June 24 2002 (Independence Dav wave 5): and Auaust 31. 2002 (September wave 6) and prior to the use of any overtime hours outside of the Safe & Sober enforcement periods. Both enforcement schedules and public and 'media relations efforts to be undertaken will be inciuded in the plans. 23. A progress report for each Safe & Sober wave will be submittedby 7anuan� 4. 2002 (waves 1&2). Mazch 1. 2002 (wave 31. June 14 2002 (wave 41 Julv 19 2002 (wave 51 and Sentember 27. 2002 (wave 61 on forms provided by the.OTS. Progress reports will include infoimation on citations and warnings for specific offenses as well as public information'and media relations acriviries conducted. 24. A final report on the entire year's activities on a form provided by OTS will be submitted no later than October 14, 2002. 25. Informal seat belt use surveys will be conducted during the weeks of November 12 — 2�. November 26 — December 2. Mav 17 — 23 June 3— 9 Au2i�st 31— Sevtember fi' and Seotember 15 -- 21. A set is defined as counts of shoulder belt use and non-use of drivers and front seat passenger conducted at 5 sites. Site locations shall remain cons[ant throughout the veaz. Results will be submitted to OTS in the appropriate reports. 26. Tnvoices ivill be submitted no less freqnentT}* than the following schedule: Januarv 22'� (waves 1&2). March 18`" (wave 3). 7ulv 5`" (wave � includine final costs incurred thioneh June 30�' and no costs after that date) Auaust 16�' (wave � including no costs incurred after Julv 1�`1 and Sentember 30`" fwa've 6 aeain with no costs after Julv lst) The OTS is required to separate all grant costs into different state fiscal years, so we must have you separate out all costs incurred before July 1" from all costs incurred after that date. THIS IS A1V RVIPORTANT CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS YEARS. EQUIPMENT Instructions: Fill in the boxes with the number thatwill be avai[able forSaje & Sober use. Leave b[ank tf the answer is none. You are not required to hwe every piece of equipment. 13 8 13 18 0 Squad Cazs Radar Units Laser speed units Digital PBTs Pass/Wam/Faii PBTs 1 p z 0 Speed dispiay hailers In-squad-video Intoxilycers Mobile data/display terminals 2002 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 3 of 3 o I-8�11 ENFORCEMENT Instructions: You must complete this entire section Ifall Safe & Sober funded hours are within S&S wave windows, put a 0 in 1� and NA in I5. 12. The total estimated number of Safe & Sober patrol hours to be worked during the yeaz is 851 ' 13. The estimated number of addirional pau�ol hours durin� each of the six Safe & Sober enforcement windows will be . 142 per enforcement period. (NOTE: Each wave must have roughly the same number ofSafe & Sober hours worked) 14. The total number of additional patrol hours estimated to be outside of the Sofe & Sober enforcement windows will be 0 15. Ourside window hours divided by Total hours (#IS /#12) equals : N/A PUBLIC INFORMATION AND MEDIA RELATIONS Pioneer Press Weekly Newspapers KSTP 5, WCCO 4 Commercial TV Stations lnstructions: This section is a briefsurvey of the number of inedra outlers ` wailable to you. Fill in the m�mber of each rype in the boxes that apply; leave blank anly if there are none in Pioneer Press Daily Newspapers St Paul City Cable, St. Paul Police Dept Cab1e,10- 1 Cable T'V Stations Como Park High School Newsletter, Highland Park Highlander Plaidline, Central Centenial School Newsoapers St. Paul Police Interdepartmental newsletter, "Here's the Story• Compan Newsletters area. WCCO, KSTP, KS95, MN Public Radio Radio Stations City wide "Intranet" and Internet web site City/Or�anizational Newsletters You are required ro distribute news releases to all media outlets (including to the editors or staff counselors of high school and college papers) and to conduct other public information and media relations activities. See pa�e 7 of the RFP. 'rjjAINIVG lnstruction: #17 throt�gh 20 should each hme two numbers in the space provided —for example, 3 i 0 if three o�cers need and ten o�cers have had the course. For first year grants, Advanced SFST is not required and neither first nor second year grants are reguired to have a CPS practitioner: put NA in the space if that training rs not required. OTS will send details of the September S rh Q7TlI G workshop at a later date. Attendance is required by one person from each lead agency. People from partner agencies are welcome but not required to atrend. See the RFP page 9 for conference cost 17. The number of officers who will need (or have had) Standazdized Field Sobriety Testing is: � LL / 18. The number of officers who will need (or have had) Occupant Protection Usage and Enforcement is: ( 227 19. The number of o�cers who will need (or have had) Advanced SFST is: 20. The number of a�ency staff who will need to become (or aze) certified Child Technicians 227 21. The people who would like to attend the Safe & Sober conference on September 5'" and 6'"aze: (include rank or job title, name, and agency for each person): Commander William Martinez, St. Pau( Police Department 2002 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, pa�e 3 of 3 �... oi-r'�9 Sgt Rick HIein, St Paul Police Department Sgt Thomas Schmidt, St Paul Police Department s 2002 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 4 of 3 2002 SAFE & SOBER PROJECT PROPOSED BUDGET Lead Applicant Agency: Saint Paui See I2FP uaQe 4 for a discussion of bud�etinQ Federal Bud�et (only federal grant monies in this Federal Safe & Sober Budget Snmmary 01-�'`l1 e Percent (Federal amount divided by Category Federal Amount federai budget toral) 1. Overbme Enforcement Hours Budget $38,2�0.00 85% 2. Discretionary Budget $6,750.00 15% Federal Budget Total $45,000 100% Note Federally paid overtime enforcement hours must equal at least 85% of the total federal budget. On all the following budget forms, "Federal share" refers to the amount of money you aze seekmg in Ja, je c� Jober grant funds and "Agency shaze" refers to;the cost commiunent by your agency or private sources to which you have -' access. The column "Total cosY' refers to the sum of the federaI shaze and the agency share. - Part 1:OVERTIb1E* ENFORCENIENT HOURS Overtime � > Number of Group* rate/hour** - Fringe*** hours Pauo10fficer $38.91 1�.>35% 851 Patrol Sergeant $44.85 1�.535% 38 Patrol Commander $54.25 1�.�3�% 22 Total cost $2,000.00 $1,410.00 Federalshare $38,250.00 0 $2,000.00 0 $1,400.00 0 Agency shaze Total overtime I$41,660.00 �$41,660.00 �$0 *Rank or seniodry -- groupings of officers with similar salaries. **Attach explanauon if not overtime rate. ***Fringe rate on overtime hours is usually around 13%. See page � of RFP for more on an acceptable fringe rate. PART 2: DISCRETIONARY BUDGET Pu rp o se Federal Shaze Administ $3,410.00 Equipment $3,340.00 Operating 0 Travel 0 Incentives 0 TOTAL $6 * Details required on reverse side. Agency Share 0 $3,340.00 0 0 0 $3,340.00 Total Cost 0 0 0 0 0 See RFP page 4 for a discussion of budgeting. Breakdown of Discretionary Budget See RFP page 4 for a discussion of budgeting. Administration - Position (i. e.,. supernsory, . Total per � of dispatcfi, clerical, publio info) Houtly rafe Fringe -.- ' hour hours Patrol Commander $54.25 15.535 $62.68 22.5 Pauol Sereeant $44.85 15.535 $51.81 38.61 0�-P�1 FederaI Agency Total cost shzre st�are $1,410.00 .51,410.00 0 $2,000.00 �2,000.00 0 To� I$ I� I$ Equipment * Number of Agenca Description units Cost per unit Total cost Federal sfiare share* LTI LJltralite 20-20 Laser Radar 2 $3,087.00 $6,174.00 $3,087.00 $3,087.00 DLTI Training Goggles 2 $80.00 $160.00 $80.00 $80.00 Traffic Cones/41 units/$825 per unit/Total$346/Fed. Shaie $17325/Agency $6,680.00 $3,340.00 $3,340.00 Share $173.25 Total * Note: Agency share for equipment must be greater than or equal to Federal share Operating Cozts Number of Cost per Description mIles mile Total cost Federal share Agency share Sauad oneratine rate oer mile* `�/A Travel and Subsis� Number Nazne and Locavon of Conference TotaI cost* Federal share I AQencv share N/A Total � � �$ Federal Share Agency Sfiare Incentives/Materials Purchases �uantity Price per Total Cost item hll:\ See RFP page 4 for a discussion of budgeting. o��G���L Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting Presenfed By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 2 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has authorization to receive a Safe and Sober grant from the 3 Minnesota Department of Public Safety; and 4 5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts tlus grant and authorizes the City to enter into, and Chief 6 William Finney to implement an agreement with the M'innesota Department of Public Safety. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Requested by Department of: Police (� � Services Director: Adopted by Council:Date: a o Adoption Certified by Council Se etary: By: 2-, Approved by Mayor: ate: By: safeandsobergranqccepWnce.cr.01 � By: Form B B by City for � Council File # O t- gy Green Sheet # 111814 to DEPARTME3;7/OFF�CSiCOUNCI� DATE INITIATED Z Poiice � i si6iot GREEN SHEET No. 111$14 ONTACT PtR PHONE MRIAUDATE INfrIAUDA7E WilliamFinney 292-3588 1 evnmxexraaecran_ 5 mcouxca � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E) O{� r� ASAP �ctrrw�row+er � �Cmtc =°� 1 L 1FlNnMLwl5ER1nCE5DW. V�• Ol�(/ , p 1�NRNCIiLSFlN/wCC�G �� / u �YOR(ORASSLST/JII)� ❑NUNRNPoGXiS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Appro�Pal of the attached Council Resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul to accept a gant from the Minnesota ' Department of Public Safety, authorizing the City to enter into, and Chief Wiiliam Finney to implement a grant agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVILE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has fhis persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this departmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by a�ry cunerrt ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this personffirtn a targeted ventlor? YES NO E�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INI7IATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Thp Saint Paul Police i�epartmern has authorizarion to receive a Safe and Sober grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. (Attached is a copy of a letter from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and a copy of the grant applicarion.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Safe and Sober grant provides funding to reduce deaths and injuries caused by ffaffic crashes by increasing seat belt and child seat use and decreasing impaued driving. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Loss of grant funding to reduce deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDWG SOURCE Minnesota Department of Public Safety g rant ACTIVITY NUMBER 001-�41�� FINANCIAL INFORNIPSION (EXPLAIN) � SafeandSobergrantacceptance.gs.01 � .R OFP�� � � �� < 0 d� �SY � Alcohoi & Gambiing Enforcement Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Capitol Security Centerfor Crime Victim Services Driver & Vehicie Services Drug Policy & Violence Prevention Emergency ManagemenV Emergency Response Commission State Fire Marshal/ Pipeline Safety State Patrol Traffic Safety Office of Traffic Safety 444 Cedar Street, Suite 150, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-5150 Phone: 651l215-9091 FAX: 651.297.4544 Trl': 651/282-6555 Internet: http://www.dpsstate.mn.us July 27, 2001 Cmdr. William Martinez Saint Paul Police Department 100 E. l lth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Cmdr. Martinez: o�-t�9 ���i (� � f�L`�i�f' � �1 iL /r�/-Y/�l�✓� T am detighted to inform you that the Saint Pael Police Department's application for a 2002 Safe & Sober grant has been tentatively accepted. If you wrote the application, give yourself a pat on the back; if someone else did the work, please pass on the kudos. As expected, we received requests for nearly double the money we had available; you have a definite right to be proud of your work. We have set aside $45,000.00 for your Safe & Sober project. In order to fund a larger nurriber of projects, we cut back the money available to many of those accepted. Kathy Burke Moore will be the Office of Traf6c Safety (OTS) coordinator working with you and your project this year. . She will be calling soon to set up a meeting with you in St. Paul to discuss any changes in your work plan or budget that will be necessary and to answer your questions about the grant. Coordinator phone numbers and e-mail addresses are attached. Each agency receiving a grant is required to send at least one person to the Safe & Sober conference which will begin at noon on September 5`� and continue through September 6�' at the convention center in St. Cloud. ASthough everyone is welcome to attend, agencies receiving a grant for the first time are required to have a person at a meeting beginning at 6:30 PM on the evening of Tuesday, September 5`". This evening meeting will cover such things as reporting, informal seat belt surveys, and billing, and will give you a chance to ask questions. As a grantee you are eligible for complimentary registration and, if needed, lodging for the Safe & Sober Conference. By August 20, 2001, please contact your OTS coordinator and finaiize the names of those who will be attending the conference from your grant (including paztner agencies) and obtain approval for those that will need lodging on the night of September Sth. Thank you for your work on the application package and congratulations again on your success. All of us at the Office of Traffic Safety are looking forward to Safe & Sober 2002 and to working with you. Sin� ,�� Susie Palmer State Program Administrator EQUALOPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER o �-��t, Saint Paul Police Lead Total Full-Time: 572 � Part-Time: 0 in Aeenw(iesl Name of city or county used for seat belt & alcohol ratesJ: Saint P3u1 (See grids: attachment 1, for crash rates) (See grids: attachment 1, for crash ratesJ rllcohol-related Crashes Non-use of Seat Belts in Crashes By vr�rr: - By VMT: X higher than state average or ■ lower than state X higher than state average or ■ lower than state average auerage By Population: -- -_ - By Population: - -_ X higher than state average or ■ lower than X higher than state average or ■ lower than state state average avera e Applicant in one of 20 most dangerous_counties� (see grids: Attachment l, paragraph 2) X Yes ■ No . '- Instructions: Considering the number of enhanced enforcement hours you7nte»d �a �B.�EC•TjVES ' work, fill in the objectives below for which are able to find the data. See Secfion �/li Part A ofthe RFP for more information on objectives 1 7. Realizing Soje & Sober is a grant dedicated to reducing deaths and injuries caused by traffic crashes by increasing seat belt and child seat use and decreasing impaired driving, the agency commits to enhanced enforcement and public and media relations outreach following the Safe & Sober calendar provided. 2. Strive to increase D WI arrests by 30 percent (from 79 to 102 ) by October 3. Strive to increase seat belt use, as shown by informal surveys, by 8 percent (from 77.2 percent to 852 percent) bv October 1. 2002. =1. S[rive to increase child seat citations written by 15 percent (from 85 to 5. Strive to increase seat belt citarions/warnings written by 5 percent (from 469 to 492 ) by October 1, 2002. 6. Strive to increase speeding citauons written by 8 percent (from 120A to 1300 ) by October 1. 2002. 7. Strive to 8. Strive to 9. Track and SOBEK-2062 BASIC-AC N/A Partner A�ency(ies) Nam "not a drop' citations written by _ minor consumption arrests bv 1C disnosition of X DWI aziests. 10. Reduce the number of traffic-rel to ■ All arrests. ■ All citations and arrests. �a 2002. October 1, 2002 11. Reduce the number of people injured in traffic crashes by 5 percent (from 1534 to 1458 ) by October 1, 2002. 2002 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 1 of 3 DI-PK'[ REPORT�G Instrucfrons: You must fz11 zn # 25. (Note: if the population yott serve is less than 20, 000 you must ' use at least three sites per survey; if the population you serve is greater than or equal to 2Q 000 you must use at least five sites per survey. See page 7 of the RFP jor survey infornsation.) 22. A plan on a form provided by the OTS for an upcoming Safe & Sober wave will be submitted by November 12. 2001 (Thanksaivin¢ and December waves 1& 2)� Februarv 4 2002 (Valenunes wave 31' Mav 17_ 2002 (Memorial Dav wave 4); June 24 2002 (Independence Dav wave 5): and Auaust 31. 2002 (September wave 6) and prior to the use of any overtime hours outside of the Safe & Sober enforcement periods. Both enforcement schedules and public and 'media relations efforts to be undertaken will be inciuded in the plans. 23. A progress report for each Safe & Sober wave will be submittedby 7anuan� 4. 2002 (waves 1&2). Mazch 1. 2002 (wave 31. June 14 2002 (wave 41 Julv 19 2002 (wave 51 and Sentember 27. 2002 (wave 61 on forms provided by the.OTS. Progress reports will include infoimation on citations and warnings for specific offenses as well as public information'and media relations acriviries conducted. 24. A final report on the entire year's activities on a form provided by OTS will be submitted no later than October 14, 2002. 25. Informal seat belt use surveys will be conducted during the weeks of November 12 — 2�. November 26 — December 2. Mav 17 — 23 June 3— 9 Au2i�st 31— Sevtember fi' and Seotember 15 -- 21. A set is defined as counts of shoulder belt use and non-use of drivers and front seat passenger conducted at 5 sites. Site locations shall remain cons[ant throughout the veaz. Results will be submitted to OTS in the appropriate reports. 26. Tnvoices ivill be submitted no less freqnentT}* than the following schedule: Januarv 22'� (waves 1&2). March 18`" (wave 3). 7ulv 5`" (wave � includine final costs incurred thioneh June 30�' and no costs after that date) Auaust 16�' (wave � including no costs incurred after Julv 1�`1 and Sentember 30`" fwa've 6 aeain with no costs after Julv lst) The OTS is required to separate all grant costs into different state fiscal years, so we must have you separate out all costs incurred before July 1" from all costs incurred after that date. THIS IS A1V RVIPORTANT CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS YEARS. EQUIPMENT Instructions: Fill in the boxes with the number thatwill be avai[able forSaje & Sober use. Leave b[ank tf the answer is none. You are not required to hwe every piece of equipment. 13 8 13 18 0 Squad Cazs Radar Units Laser speed units Digital PBTs Pass/Wam/Faii PBTs 1 p z 0 Speed dispiay hailers In-squad-video Intoxilycers Mobile data/display terminals 2002 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 3 of 3 o I-8�11 ENFORCEMENT Instructions: You must complete this entire section Ifall Safe & Sober funded hours are within S&S wave windows, put a 0 in 1� and NA in I5. 12. The total estimated number of Safe & Sober patrol hours to be worked during the yeaz is 851 ' 13. The estimated number of addirional pau�ol hours durin� each of the six Safe & Sober enforcement windows will be . 142 per enforcement period. (NOTE: Each wave must have roughly the same number ofSafe & Sober hours worked) 14. The total number of additional patrol hours estimated to be outside of the Sofe & Sober enforcement windows will be 0 15. Ourside window hours divided by Total hours (#IS /#12) equals : N/A PUBLIC INFORMATION AND MEDIA RELATIONS Pioneer Press Weekly Newspapers KSTP 5, WCCO 4 Commercial TV Stations lnstructions: This section is a briefsurvey of the number of inedra outlers ` wailable to you. Fill in the m�mber of each rype in the boxes that apply; leave blank anly if there are none in Pioneer Press Daily Newspapers St Paul City Cable, St. Paul Police Dept Cab1e,10- 1 Cable T'V Stations Como Park High School Newsletter, Highland Park Highlander Plaidline, Central Centenial School Newsoapers St. Paul Police Interdepartmental newsletter, "Here's the Story• Compan Newsletters area. WCCO, KSTP, KS95, MN Public Radio Radio Stations City wide "Intranet" and Internet web site City/Or�anizational Newsletters You are required ro distribute news releases to all media outlets (including to the editors or staff counselors of high school and college papers) and to conduct other public information and media relations activities. See pa�e 7 of the RFP. 'rjjAINIVG lnstruction: #17 throt�gh 20 should each hme two numbers in the space provided —for example, 3 i 0 if three o�cers need and ten o�cers have had the course. For first year grants, Advanced SFST is not required and neither first nor second year grants are reguired to have a CPS practitioner: put NA in the space if that training rs not required. OTS will send details of the September S rh Q7TlI G workshop at a later date. Attendance is required by one person from each lead agency. People from partner agencies are welcome but not required to atrend. See the RFP page 9 for conference cost 17. The number of officers who will need (or have had) Standazdized Field Sobriety Testing is: � LL / 18. The number of officers who will need (or have had) Occupant Protection Usage and Enforcement is: ( 227 19. The number of o�cers who will need (or have had) Advanced SFST is: 20. The number of a�ency staff who will need to become (or aze) certified Child Technicians 227 21. The people who would like to attend the Safe & Sober conference on September 5'" and 6'"aze: (include rank or job title, name, and agency for each person): Commander William Martinez, St. Pau( Police Department 2002 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, pa�e 3 of 3 �... oi-r'�9 Sgt Rick HIein, St Paul Police Department Sgt Thomas Schmidt, St Paul Police Department s 2002 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 4 of 3 2002 SAFE & SOBER PROJECT PROPOSED BUDGET Lead Applicant Agency: Saint Paui See I2FP uaQe 4 for a discussion of bud�etinQ Federal Bud�et (only federal grant monies in this Federal Safe & Sober Budget Snmmary 01-�'`l1 e Percent (Federal amount divided by Category Federal Amount federai budget toral) 1. Overbme Enforcement Hours Budget $38,2�0.00 85% 2. Discretionary Budget $6,750.00 15% Federal Budget Total $45,000 100% Note Federally paid overtime enforcement hours must equal at least 85% of the total federal budget. On all the following budget forms, "Federal share" refers to the amount of money you aze seekmg in Ja, je c� Jober grant funds and "Agency shaze" refers to;the cost commiunent by your agency or private sources to which you have -' access. The column "Total cosY' refers to the sum of the federaI shaze and the agency share. - Part 1:OVERTIb1E* ENFORCENIENT HOURS Overtime � > Number of Group* rate/hour** - Fringe*** hours Pauo10fficer $38.91 1�.>35% 851 Patrol Sergeant $44.85 1�.535% 38 Patrol Commander $54.25 1�.�3�% 22 Total cost $2,000.00 $1,410.00 Federalshare $38,250.00 0 $2,000.00 0 $1,400.00 0 Agency shaze Total overtime I$41,660.00 �$41,660.00 �$0 *Rank or seniodry -- groupings of officers with similar salaries. **Attach explanauon if not overtime rate. ***Fringe rate on overtime hours is usually around 13%. See page � of RFP for more on an acceptable fringe rate. PART 2: DISCRETIONARY BUDGET Pu rp o se Federal Shaze Administ $3,410.00 Equipment $3,340.00 Operating 0 Travel 0 Incentives 0 TOTAL $6 * Details required on reverse side. Agency Share 0 $3,340.00 0 0 0 $3,340.00 Total Cost 0 0 0 0 0 See RFP page 4 for a discussion of budgeting. Breakdown of Discretionary Budget See RFP page 4 for a discussion of budgeting. Administration - Position (i. e.,. supernsory, . Total per � of dispatcfi, clerical, publio info) Houtly rafe Fringe -.- ' hour hours Patrol Commander $54.25 15.535 $62.68 22.5 Pauol Sereeant $44.85 15.535 $51.81 38.61 0�-P�1 FederaI Agency Total cost shzre st�are $1,410.00 .51,410.00 0 $2,000.00 �2,000.00 0 To� I$ I� I$ Equipment * Number of Agenca Description units Cost per unit Total cost Federal sfiare share* LTI LJltralite 20-20 Laser Radar 2 $3,087.00 $6,174.00 $3,087.00 $3,087.00 DLTI Training Goggles 2 $80.00 $160.00 $80.00 $80.00 Traffic Cones/41 units/$825 per unit/Total$346/Fed. Shaie $17325/Agency $6,680.00 $3,340.00 $3,340.00 Share $173.25 Total * Note: Agency share for equipment must be greater than or equal to Federal share Operating Cozts Number of Cost per Description mIles mile Total cost Federal share Agency share Sauad oneratine rate oer mile* `�/A Travel and Subsis� Number Nazne and Locavon of Conference TotaI cost* Federal share I AQencv share N/A Total � � �$ Federal Share Agency Sfiare Incentives/Materials Purchases �uantity Price per Total Cost item hll:\ See RFP page 4 for a discussion of budgeting.