01-846OR4GI��L RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presentea Referred To Councff File # p - y(. Green Sheet # 62909 Committee Date 1 An Adnunistrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and 2 Rates of Compensafion by establishing the rate of pay for the 3 new classification tifled "Meter Technician Lead Worker". 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Meter Tecluucian Lead Worker be established at the rate set forth in Grade 034, of Section ID2, of the Technical Employees Standard Ranges in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it; �$ FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Depaztment of: Adopted by Council: Date � _ a b0 Adop6on Certified by Council Secretary By: � �—� � , I Approved by Mayor: Date � l.� � By: � ji� Office of Human Resoutces � By. �p�� Form Approved ity omey B `r`°�"'�� Approved bl y ytayor for Submission to Council By: � � � � G.\Shazed�ClassiflCLASS�Resol�tlons&Ordinances4�feter Technician Lead Worker.res.wpd Gs � DEPARThIIIVT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: Human Resources CONTACl' PERSpN & PHONE: Sheila Williams, 266-6520 John Shockiey, 266-6482 M[7ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DA1'E) TOTAL N OF DATE INITTATEp I GREEN SHEET 8/2/O1 � � �D�,�,�D l�a� ass�c�o ivoMBERFOx zcrnarrowvEr 8 7 U 1 ROlri7NG ORDER suantacr.v.smvnm 3MAYOR(ORASS'f.) � � � ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREI No.: 62909 < ���. m FBlANCIAL ffilV/ACCIG C 1-Y41. 1Nri7AUDATE acriox �QuESrm: Appmval of the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the newly creafed Meter Technician Lead Worker classification in Grade 34 of Bazgaining LTnit 02, AFSCME Technical Salary Schedule. �REC�[vII.gNDAT[ONS: Approve (A) orRejeU (R) _PLANNING CObA4[SSION _CID COMMITTEB _CIVII. SERRVICE COMbIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC75 MfJyT ArySWEg THE FpLypWAG QUF;y�qONS: l. HasUrispe�sodficmeverwodcWwderaconuactforthisdepactmentl Yes No �+ 2. �th'Nperson/5rmevabeenaaty�ployee7 j('ib+`!�'��pg � 3.DcesthisPe+soNSnuPpysessasldltaano'mallyPOSSessed �c�tyemploYce7 Yes Na 4. Is this persoWfum a brge[ed v�dm1 L c � Q � ��Q`� Yes No y� �P�s�a all Y� �swas on sepante sheet and attach to g[eeu sheeF`�� INiTTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[JNI1'Y (�yho, Whay W6en, Where, Why): ' This new classification is the result of a job study prompted by the Saint Paui Regional Water $ervices -- - administration to recognize the need for addressing responsibilities required to be performud in the`Meter Shop unit of the Distribution Division. The immediate supervisor, Meter Operations Supervisor, identified significant responsibilities that must be performed routinely to support the ongoing efforts of the Meter Shop. Creation of this classification allows the shop to operate more efficienfly by recognizing tasks that azc assigned repeatedly to current statf and which cannot be performed by the supervisor in addition to the futl range of supervisory and special project responsibilities. Classificafions which aze indirectly impacted by creation ofthe new position are Water Meter Technician and Meter Operations Supervisor. The Water Meter Technician positions wi3i no longer be paid out of tiUe for performing the duties incorporated into ttris classification. nnvnrrrncES � nerxovEn: Approval of this resolution cvill a11ow for compensation for ttus newly created classification of positions. This position will lead the daily activities of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services meter shop and eliminate the need for out of tifle pay. 1 msnnvarrrnces � nerxovEn: None. Salary for this position has been budgeted. � n►sanvnrrracES � xar neraoven: Appropriate compensation will not be established for a position designed to insure sffecfive, efficient metering will not occur, loss of productivity, out-of-tifle occurrences, an� •k�ss of income. �ro7'AL nMOUN'1' oF'r[tnN3aCriox: $127.84 bi-weekiy FUNDING SOURCE: COSTIREVENUE BL3DGETED: Yes ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAiI� G:\Shared�ClassiflCLASS1Resolutions&OrdinancesVvfeter Technician O � -S' �► S. CLA5SIFICATiON STUDY REPORT CLASS STITDfED: INCiJNIBENT: STUDIED BY: DAT'E STUD�ED: PERSONS CONTACTED: 14Ieter Technician Lead Worker None Sheila VJilliams Mazeh I9, 2001 Richazd Wetzel, Supervisor APPROVAL OF CLASSIF`ICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER; _ _ � `� �-Zs� r 7Signature) Background The supervisor of Meter Operations and Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRW3) Administration have requested a study of duries that to be incorporated into a new title and posirion to function as a Meter Technician I.ead Worker. The department would like to create a position that acts as assistant to the Meter Operations unit supervisor with the main responsibility of directing the daily activities of the Meter Shop. The proposed job description describes the general concept of needs and e�tpectations based on the lmowledge and experience of the nnit supervisor with input from current staff. This Desk Audit Review of this proposed tifle will consider use of a more generic title tfl be developed and used in 1VIeter Operations as we11 as other areas of the utility. Studv Components Review of job profile Interview with supervisor Discnssion with SPRWS personnel managar Comparison to other posiuons QES evaluation and analysis Recornmendation o�- 8��c. .Tob Descrintion It is expected that the position will act as a lead worker for the daily activities of the Meter Shop as well as perform duties delegated to Meter Technicians. In addition, the position would assist with hydrant permit tasks, interact with various units within the uriliry and external contacts, assist with administrative acrivities and back up the supervisor and ofFce staff. The specific responsibilities of this position include: Directs meter technician work during installation, repair and testing of water meters and related equipment. 2. Resolves problems of crew in various aspects of ineter technician work. 3. Plans, schedules and directs meter technicians in the daily workload, including work orders, related customer service interacrions and meter reading requests. 4. Maintains payroll and personnel records as assigned. 5. Trains and monitors technicians on equipment use, safety and efficient work practices. 6. Assistsmeteroperationsupervisorwithhydrantpernritprocesses,vendormetertesting,field operations and related work in the meter operations area. Performs all duties of the Water Meter Technician ritle including repair, testing, renovation and maintenance of ineter equipment. Prepazes or assists in the collection, organizarion and preparation of report data. 9. Responds to questions and issues regarding meter activities involving the billing, meter reading and customer services sections. Assists with managing the meter operations office as needed. 10. Performs related duties as assigned. 11. Maintains a regular work week. Comuarison to Class Specifications This position is being reviewed to determine whether a new job specificaUOn should be developed for the duties outlined above and for the �ossibility of creating a new job title which incorporates similar types of positions. At the conclusion of this study a new class specification will be created based on this review and the attached draft submitted by SPRWS administration. 8 �-P�tc. Comparison to Other Positions Water Meter Technician The proposed Leader Worker position is expected to perform all the responsibilities of the Water Nleter Technician title. The position is distinguished from the technician positions by the following responsibilities: work with hydrant permit tasks, assist with customer service tasks, perform delegated administrative tasks for the meter office and act as back up for the Meter Operations Supervisor. Supervisory and management responsibilities go beyond the scope of expectations for the Meter Technician tifle. These aze ongoing and typical duties that should be incorporated into the job specification and considered in determining the level of responsibility assigned to this position and designated by the specified salary rate. Bridge Crew Leader An existing lead position is Bridge Crew L.eader which is responsible for directing the daily activities of construction, repair and maintenance of bridge appurtenances. Lead worker responsibility is for labor positions with specialized skill and knowledge in the construction and maintenance of bridges (part or whole). The level of responsibility as indicated by the Q.E.S. point total assigned to the title is comparable to that of the posiCion under review. However, job specification language and title of this position are directly focused and limited to bridge related work. The only factors that compare to those of the position being reviewed are: Amount of Discretion, Physical Effort, Surroundings and Personnel Authority {four out of twelve possible). Watershed Supervisor I Another title with a similar level of responsibility assigned to the its Q.E.S. points is Watershed Supervisorl. Thisisafullsupervisorpositionwithnodailyorongoingresponsibilityforperforming the work of the title expected to be supervised. T'he positions being supervised are semi-skilled laborers which require broader knowledge of entry level foresuy, grounds ancUor facilities maintenance work. Individual factors do not match those of the proposed Meter Technician I.ead Worker except: Knowledge Required, Amount of Discretion, Consequence of Error and Hazards and Stress factors (four out of twelve possible). Other titles that were compared for type and level of responsibility include; Labor Crew I.eader, Sewer Crew Leader, Grounds Crew i.eader, Print Production Lead Worker and Vehicie Mechanic I.ead Worker. Labor Crew Leader and Grounds Crew Leader have very similar types of responsibilities for non-skilled andlor semi-skilled laborers. Print Production L,ead VJorker, a lead worker Utle in AFSCME technicai bargaining unit, directs the work of semi-skilled workers. These two titles have job specifications that are very specific to the scope of responsibilities for their respective azeas. o� -ry� O. E. S. Evaluation and Analvsis The QES analysis supports allocation to the new tide of Meter Technician I.ead Worker in AFSCME Technical bazgaining unit at grade leve134. A new specificarion and classification are warranted for the composite assigned duties that aze expected to be required and assigned to a single incumbent cIass. The attached comparison chart outlines how salaries and qualifications of similar titles match. Since no existing classification is broad enough and no merger of classes will occur now, a new classification is being recommended Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allacated to the Meter Technician Lead Worker classification upon SPRWS Administration agreement, union agreement and City Council approval. Proposed Title of Class: Code: 202B v��x �c�crarr �nD wo�x Bu: 02 6 �- d' 4( Effecrive: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Perforn�s duties of Meter Technician and, under supervision, supervises meter technicians, the pianning and distdburion of work and assists the Meter Opezation Supervisor as reguired. SuDeroision Received: VJorks under the moderate supervision of the Meter Operations Supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises immediate technical supervision over workers as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Repairs, tests and renovates, removes and instafls water meters. Repairs the plumbing between valves around water meters. Uses locators and necessary tools and equipment to locate, expose and operate valves and stops. Checks leaks at the property site. Turns on and flushes new services. Installs and repau's automatic reading systems. Supervises and resolves problems the meter technicians incur in the installation, repair and testing of water metexs and related metering equipment. Plans, schedules and directs meter technicians in the daily workload, including work orders, customer service and meter reading requests. Supervises meter technicians on equipment use and safe, efficient work practices. Maintains payroll and personnel records as assigned. Assists meter opezation supervisor with hydrant pernutting, vendor meter testing, assorted field operations and dtop boxes. Answers questions regazding metering ganerated by the billing, meter reading and customer service departments and assists the meter operation office when necessary. Performs related duties as assigned. (METE12 T'ECHNTCIAN LEAD WORKER) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: ME�x �c�ciaiv r�� woxxEx Must maintain a regular wozk schedule. KNOWLEDGE, SKII.LS, ABIL.ITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Code: 202B su: oa p�_ r y�. Effective: Considerable lmowledge of work methods related to water meter installarion, meter and metering systems and meter testing proced�ses. Considenble abiliry to plan, coordinate, and supervise others. Considerable mechanical ability and dexteriry. Working ability to communicate answers to problems regazding plumbing, metering codes, standards and other technical informa6on to the general public, piumbers, and Utility plumbing inspectors. Considerable lmowledge of computer screens and programs for payroll and history records. Considerable lmowledge of safery rules and regulations applicable to assigned work. NIINIML7M QUALIFICATIONS Three years of experience with meter operations involving the installation, repair and testing of water meters and water metering systems. Must have a Minnesota class D driver s license. (METER TECHNICIAN LEAD WOIZKER) Page 2 of 2 O 1-d'y � crrY oF sa�rr Pau�. Norm Catemarz, Mayor TO: FROM: DA'TE: RE: Bernie Bullert, Director Saint Paul Regional Services Sheila 4Jilliams HR Consultant June 28, 2001 Twenty Day Norice OFFiCE OF fiUMAN RESOURCFS lahn Ha�lton, D�rector 400 City Hall Annez 25 YVest FourJe Street SaintPaui Mirmesota SSIO2-163Z Telephone: TOD/ITY.� Jobline: Facsi+nile: b12-266-6500 672-266-6507 6I2-266-6502 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specification of Meter Technician Lead Worker should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timefraxne, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. The AFSCME Technical bargaining unit has been copied on this notice to inform them ofthis action. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tifle of Meter Technician Lead Worker in Grade 34, Secfion ID2, of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Sa1ary Plan and Rates of Compensation. cc: Roger Segal, Business Manager I�urt Esrickson, Business Representative New-ChangedTifles�Dept ZODayNotLet.wpd 0�-iryb CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Bernie Bullert, Directar Saint Paul Regional Services Sheila Williams HR Consultant June 28, 2001 Twenty Day Notice OFFiCE OF FNMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Director 400 Ciry Ha11 Annex 25 West Foarth Street SaintPaul, Minnesota 55102-I63I TeZephone: 6I2-266-6500 7DD/ITY.- 612-266-6501 Joblirze: 6I2-266-6502 Facsimile: 6I2-292-7656 It has been determined that the ritle and class specification ofMeter Technician L,ead Worker should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please norify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this acrion. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. The AFSCME Technical bargaining unit has been copied on this notice to inform them of this action. I will also be processing a resolurion to establish the rate of pay for the title of Meter Technician L.ead Worker in Grade 34, Section ID2, of the Technical Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the rime remaining on this 20 day nofice for the purpose of creafing this title and class specification. •3' O/ �•� Date New-ChangedTitles�Dept 20DayNotLet.wpd OR4GI��L RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presentea Referred To Councff File # p - y(. Green Sheet # 62909 Committee Date 1 An Adnunistrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and 2 Rates of Compensafion by establishing the rate of pay for the 3 new classification tifled "Meter Technician Lead Worker". 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Meter Tecluucian Lead Worker be established at the rate set forth in Grade 034, of Section ID2, of the Technical Employees Standard Ranges in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it; �$ FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Depaztment of: Adopted by Council: Date � _ a b0 Adop6on Certified by Council Secretary By: � �—� � , I Approved by Mayor: Date � l.� � By: � ji� Office of Human Resoutces � By. �p�� Form Approved ity omey B `r`°�"'�� Approved bl y ytayor for Submission to Council By: � � � � G.\Shazed�ClassiflCLASS�Resol�tlons&Ordinances4�feter Technician Lead Worker.res.wpd Gs � DEPARThIIIVT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: Human Resources CONTACl' PERSpN & PHONE: Sheila Williams, 266-6520 John Shockiey, 266-6482 M[7ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DA1'E) TOTAL N OF DATE INITTATEp I GREEN SHEET 8/2/O1 � � �D�,�,�D l�a� ass�c�o ivoMBERFOx zcrnarrowvEr 8 7 U 1 ROlri7NG ORDER suantacr.v.smvnm 3MAYOR(ORASS'f.) � � � ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREI No.: 62909 < ���. m FBlANCIAL ffilV/ACCIG C 1-Y41. 1Nri7AUDATE acriox �QuESrm: Appmval of the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the newly creafed Meter Technician Lead Worker classification in Grade 34 of Bazgaining LTnit 02, AFSCME Technical Salary Schedule. �REC�[vII.gNDAT[ONS: Approve (A) orRejeU (R) _PLANNING CObA4[SSION _CID COMMITTEB _CIVII. SERRVICE COMbIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC75 MfJyT ArySWEg THE FpLypWAG QUF;y�qONS: l. HasUrispe�sodficmeverwodcWwderaconuactforthisdepactmentl Yes No �+ 2. �th'Nperson/5rmevabeenaaty�ployee7 j('ib+`!�'��pg � 3.DcesthisPe+soNSnuPpysessasldltaano'mallyPOSSessed �c�tyemploYce7 Yes Na 4. Is this persoWfum a brge[ed v�dm1 L c � Q � ��Q`� Yes No y� �P�s�a all Y� �swas on sepante sheet and attach to g[eeu sheeF`�� INiTTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[JNI1'Y (�yho, Whay W6en, Where, Why): ' This new classification is the result of a job study prompted by the Saint Paui Regional Water $ervices -- - administration to recognize the need for addressing responsibilities required to be performud in the`Meter Shop unit of the Distribution Division. The immediate supervisor, Meter Operations Supervisor, identified significant responsibilities that must be performed routinely to support the ongoing efforts of the Meter Shop. Creation of this classification allows the shop to operate more efficienfly by recognizing tasks that azc assigned repeatedly to current statf and which cannot be performed by the supervisor in addition to the futl range of supervisory and special project responsibilities. Classificafions which aze indirectly impacted by creation ofthe new position are Water Meter Technician and Meter Operations Supervisor. The Water Meter Technician positions wi3i no longer be paid out of tiUe for performing the duties incorporated into ttris classification. nnvnrrrncES � nerxovEn: Approval of this resolution cvill a11ow for compensation for ttus newly created classification of positions. This position will lead the daily activities of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services meter shop and eliminate the need for out of tifle pay. 1 msnnvarrrnces � nerxovEn: None. Salary for this position has been budgeted. � n►sanvnrrracES � xar neraoven: Appropriate compensation will not be established for a position designed to insure sffecfive, efficient metering will not occur, loss of productivity, out-of-tifle occurrences, an� •k�ss of income. �ro7'AL nMOUN'1' oF'r[tnN3aCriox: $127.84 bi-weekiy FUNDING SOURCE: COSTIREVENUE BL3DGETED: Yes ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAiI� G:\Shared�ClassiflCLASS1Resolutions&OrdinancesVvfeter Technician O � -S' �► S. CLA5SIFICATiON STUDY REPORT CLASS STITDfED: INCiJNIBENT: STUDIED BY: DAT'E STUD�ED: PERSONS CONTACTED: 14Ieter Technician Lead Worker None Sheila VJilliams Mazeh I9, 2001 Richazd Wetzel, Supervisor APPROVAL OF CLASSIF`ICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER; _ _ � `� �-Zs� r 7Signature) Background The supervisor of Meter Operations and Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRW3) Administration have requested a study of duries that to be incorporated into a new title and posirion to function as a Meter Technician I.ead Worker. The department would like to create a position that acts as assistant to the Meter Operations unit supervisor with the main responsibility of directing the daily activities of the Meter Shop. The proposed job description describes the general concept of needs and e�tpectations based on the lmowledge and experience of the nnit supervisor with input from current staff. This Desk Audit Review of this proposed tifle will consider use of a more generic title tfl be developed and used in 1VIeter Operations as we11 as other areas of the utility. Studv Components Review of job profile Interview with supervisor Discnssion with SPRWS personnel managar Comparison to other posiuons QES evaluation and analysis Recornmendation o�- 8��c. .Tob Descrintion It is expected that the position will act as a lead worker for the daily activities of the Meter Shop as well as perform duties delegated to Meter Technicians. In addition, the position would assist with hydrant permit tasks, interact with various units within the uriliry and external contacts, assist with administrative acrivities and back up the supervisor and ofFce staff. The specific responsibilities of this position include: Directs meter technician work during installation, repair and testing of water meters and related equipment. 2. Resolves problems of crew in various aspects of ineter technician work. 3. Plans, schedules and directs meter technicians in the daily workload, including work orders, related customer service interacrions and meter reading requests. 4. Maintains payroll and personnel records as assigned. 5. Trains and monitors technicians on equipment use, safety and efficient work practices. 6. Assistsmeteroperationsupervisorwithhydrantpernritprocesses,vendormetertesting,field operations and related work in the meter operations area. Performs all duties of the Water Meter Technician ritle including repair, testing, renovation and maintenance of ineter equipment. Prepazes or assists in the collection, organizarion and preparation of report data. 9. Responds to questions and issues regarding meter activities involving the billing, meter reading and customer services sections. Assists with managing the meter operations office as needed. 10. Performs related duties as assigned. 11. Maintains a regular work week. Comuarison to Class Specifications This position is being reviewed to determine whether a new job specificaUOn should be developed for the duties outlined above and for the �ossibility of creating a new job title which incorporates similar types of positions. At the conclusion of this study a new class specification will be created based on this review and the attached draft submitted by SPRWS administration. 8 �-P�tc. Comparison to Other Positions Water Meter Technician The proposed Leader Worker position is expected to perform all the responsibilities of the Water Nleter Technician title. The position is distinguished from the technician positions by the following responsibilities: work with hydrant permit tasks, assist with customer service tasks, perform delegated administrative tasks for the meter office and act as back up for the Meter Operations Supervisor. Supervisory and management responsibilities go beyond the scope of expectations for the Meter Technician tifle. These aze ongoing and typical duties that should be incorporated into the job specification and considered in determining the level of responsibility assigned to this position and designated by the specified salary rate. Bridge Crew Leader An existing lead position is Bridge Crew L.eader which is responsible for directing the daily activities of construction, repair and maintenance of bridge appurtenances. Lead worker responsibility is for labor positions with specialized skill and knowledge in the construction and maintenance of bridges (part or whole). The level of responsibility as indicated by the Q.E.S. point total assigned to the title is comparable to that of the posiCion under review. However, job specification language and title of this position are directly focused and limited to bridge related work. The only factors that compare to those of the position being reviewed are: Amount of Discretion, Physical Effort, Surroundings and Personnel Authority {four out of twelve possible). Watershed Supervisor I Another title with a similar level of responsibility assigned to the its Q.E.S. points is Watershed Supervisorl. Thisisafullsupervisorpositionwithnodailyorongoingresponsibilityforperforming the work of the title expected to be supervised. T'he positions being supervised are semi-skilled laborers which require broader knowledge of entry level foresuy, grounds ancUor facilities maintenance work. Individual factors do not match those of the proposed Meter Technician I.ead Worker except: Knowledge Required, Amount of Discretion, Consequence of Error and Hazards and Stress factors (four out of twelve possible). Other titles that were compared for type and level of responsibility include; Labor Crew I.eader, Sewer Crew Leader, Grounds Crew i.eader, Print Production Lead Worker and Vehicie Mechanic I.ead Worker. Labor Crew Leader and Grounds Crew Leader have very similar types of responsibilities for non-skilled andlor semi-skilled laborers. Print Production L,ead VJorker, a lead worker Utle in AFSCME technicai bargaining unit, directs the work of semi-skilled workers. These two titles have job specifications that are very specific to the scope of responsibilities for their respective azeas. o� -ry� O. E. S. Evaluation and Analvsis The QES analysis supports allocation to the new tide of Meter Technician I.ead Worker in AFSCME Technical bazgaining unit at grade leve134. A new specificarion and classification are warranted for the composite assigned duties that aze expected to be required and assigned to a single incumbent cIass. The attached comparison chart outlines how salaries and qualifications of similar titles match. Since no existing classification is broad enough and no merger of classes will occur now, a new classification is being recommended Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allacated to the Meter Technician Lead Worker classification upon SPRWS Administration agreement, union agreement and City Council approval. Proposed Title of Class: Code: 202B v��x �c�crarr �nD wo�x Bu: 02 6 �- d' 4( Effecrive: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Perforn�s duties of Meter Technician and, under supervision, supervises meter technicians, the pianning and distdburion of work and assists the Meter Opezation Supervisor as reguired. SuDeroision Received: VJorks under the moderate supervision of the Meter Operations Supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises immediate technical supervision over workers as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Repairs, tests and renovates, removes and instafls water meters. Repairs the plumbing between valves around water meters. Uses locators and necessary tools and equipment to locate, expose and operate valves and stops. Checks leaks at the property site. Turns on and flushes new services. Installs and repau's automatic reading systems. Supervises and resolves problems the meter technicians incur in the installation, repair and testing of water metexs and related metering equipment. Plans, schedules and directs meter technicians in the daily workload, including work orders, customer service and meter reading requests. Supervises meter technicians on equipment use and safe, efficient work practices. Maintains payroll and personnel records as assigned. Assists meter opezation supervisor with hydrant pernutting, vendor meter testing, assorted field operations and dtop boxes. Answers questions regazding metering ganerated by the billing, meter reading and customer service departments and assists the meter operation office when necessary. Performs related duties as assigned. (METE12 T'ECHNTCIAN LEAD WORKER) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: ME�x �c�ciaiv r�� woxxEx Must maintain a regular wozk schedule. KNOWLEDGE, SKII.LS, ABIL.ITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Code: 202B su: oa p�_ r y�. Effective: Considerable lmowledge of work methods related to water meter installarion, meter and metering systems and meter testing proced�ses. Considenble abiliry to plan, coordinate, and supervise others. Considerable mechanical ability and dexteriry. Working ability to communicate answers to problems regazding plumbing, metering codes, standards and other technical informa6on to the general public, piumbers, and Utility plumbing inspectors. Considerable lmowledge of computer screens and programs for payroll and history records. Considerable lmowledge of safery rules and regulations applicable to assigned work. NIINIML7M QUALIFICATIONS Three years of experience with meter operations involving the installation, repair and testing of water meters and water metering systems. Must have a Minnesota class D driver s license. (METER TECHNICIAN LEAD WOIZKER) Page 2 of 2 O 1-d'y � crrY oF sa�rr Pau�. Norm Catemarz, Mayor TO: FROM: DA'TE: RE: Bernie Bullert, Director Saint Paul Regional Services Sheila 4Jilliams HR Consultant June 28, 2001 Twenty Day Norice OFFiCE OF fiUMAN RESOURCFS lahn Ha�lton, D�rector 400 City Hall Annez 25 YVest FourJe Street SaintPaui Mirmesota SSIO2-163Z Telephone: TOD/ITY.� Jobline: Facsi+nile: b12-266-6500 672-266-6507 6I2-266-6502 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specification of Meter Technician Lead Worker should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timefraxne, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. The AFSCME Technical bargaining unit has been copied on this notice to inform them ofthis action. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tifle of Meter Technician Lead Worker in Grade 34, Secfion ID2, of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Sa1ary Plan and Rates of Compensation. cc: Roger Segal, Business Manager I�urt Esrickson, Business Representative New-ChangedTifles�Dept ZODayNotLet.wpd 0�-iryb CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Bernie Bullert, Directar Saint Paul Regional Services Sheila Williams HR Consultant June 28, 2001 Twenty Day Notice OFFiCE OF FNMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Director 400 Ciry Ha11 Annex 25 West Foarth Street SaintPaul, Minnesota 55102-I63I TeZephone: 6I2-266-6500 7DD/ITY.- 612-266-6501 Joblirze: 6I2-266-6502 Facsimile: 6I2-292-7656 It has been determined that the ritle and class specification ofMeter Technician L,ead Worker should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please norify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this acrion. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. The AFSCME Technical bargaining unit has been copied on this notice to inform them of this action. I will also be processing a resolurion to establish the rate of pay for the title of Meter Technician L.ead Worker in Grade 34, Section ID2, of the Technical Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the rime remaining on this 20 day nofice for the purpose of creafing this title and class specification. •3' O/ �•� Date New-ChangedTitles�Dept 20DayNotLet.wpd OR4GI��L RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presentea Referred To Councff File # p - y(. Green Sheet # 62909 Committee Date 1 An Adnunistrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and 2 Rates of Compensafion by establishing the rate of pay for the 3 new classification tifled "Meter Technician Lead Worker". 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Meter Tecluucian Lead Worker be established at the rate set forth in Grade 034, of Section ID2, of the Technical Employees Standard Ranges in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it; �$ FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Depaztment of: Adopted by Council: Date � _ a b0 Adop6on Certified by Council Secretary By: � �—� � , I Approved by Mayor: Date � l.� � By: � ji� Office of Human Resoutces � By. �p�� Form Approved ity omey B `r`°�"'�� Approved bl y ytayor for Submission to Council By: � � � � G.\Shazed�ClassiflCLASS�Resol�tlons&Ordinances4�feter Technician Lead Worker.res.wpd Gs � DEPARThIIIVT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: Human Resources CONTACl' PERSpN & PHONE: Sheila Williams, 266-6520 John Shockiey, 266-6482 M[7ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DA1'E) TOTAL N OF DATE INITTATEp I GREEN SHEET 8/2/O1 � � �D�,�,�D l�a� ass�c�o ivoMBERFOx zcrnarrowvEr 8 7 U 1 ROlri7NG ORDER suantacr.v.smvnm 3MAYOR(ORASS'f.) � � � ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREI No.: 62909 < ���. m FBlANCIAL ffilV/ACCIG C 1-Y41. 1Nri7AUDATE acriox �QuESrm: Appmval of the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the newly creafed Meter Technician Lead Worker classification in Grade 34 of Bazgaining LTnit 02, AFSCME Technical Salary Schedule. �REC�[vII.gNDAT[ONS: Approve (A) orRejeU (R) _PLANNING CObA4[SSION _CID COMMITTEB _CIVII. SERRVICE COMbIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC75 MfJyT ArySWEg THE FpLypWAG QUF;y�qONS: l. HasUrispe�sodficmeverwodcWwderaconuactforthisdepactmentl Yes No �+ 2. �th'Nperson/5rmevabeenaaty�ployee7 j('ib+`!�'��pg � 3.DcesthisPe+soNSnuPpysessasldltaano'mallyPOSSessed �c�tyemploYce7 Yes Na 4. Is this persoWfum a brge[ed v�dm1 L c � Q � ��Q`� Yes No y� �P�s�a all Y� �swas on sepante sheet and attach to g[eeu sheeF`�� INiTTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[JNI1'Y (�yho, Whay W6en, Where, Why): ' This new classification is the result of a job study prompted by the Saint Paui Regional Water $ervices -- - administration to recognize the need for addressing responsibilities required to be performud in the`Meter Shop unit of the Distribution Division. The immediate supervisor, Meter Operations Supervisor, identified significant responsibilities that must be performed routinely to support the ongoing efforts of the Meter Shop. Creation of this classification allows the shop to operate more efficienfly by recognizing tasks that azc assigned repeatedly to current statf and which cannot be performed by the supervisor in addition to the futl range of supervisory and special project responsibilities. Classificafions which aze indirectly impacted by creation ofthe new position are Water Meter Technician and Meter Operations Supervisor. The Water Meter Technician positions wi3i no longer be paid out of tiUe for performing the duties incorporated into ttris classification. nnvnrrrncES � nerxovEn: Approval of this resolution cvill a11ow for compensation for ttus newly created classification of positions. This position will lead the daily activities of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services meter shop and eliminate the need for out of tifle pay. 1 msnnvarrrnces � nerxovEn: None. Salary for this position has been budgeted. � n►sanvnrrracES � xar neraoven: Appropriate compensation will not be established for a position designed to insure sffecfive, efficient metering will not occur, loss of productivity, out-of-tifle occurrences, an� •k�ss of income. �ro7'AL nMOUN'1' oF'r[tnN3aCriox: $127.84 bi-weekiy FUNDING SOURCE: COSTIREVENUE BL3DGETED: Yes ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAiI� G:\Shared�ClassiflCLASS1Resolutions&OrdinancesVvfeter Technician O � -S' �► S. CLA5SIFICATiON STUDY REPORT CLASS STITDfED: INCiJNIBENT: STUDIED BY: DAT'E STUD�ED: PERSONS CONTACTED: 14Ieter Technician Lead Worker None Sheila VJilliams Mazeh I9, 2001 Richazd Wetzel, Supervisor APPROVAL OF CLASSIF`ICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER; _ _ � `� �-Zs� r 7Signature) Background The supervisor of Meter Operations and Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRW3) Administration have requested a study of duries that to be incorporated into a new title and posirion to function as a Meter Technician I.ead Worker. The department would like to create a position that acts as assistant to the Meter Operations unit supervisor with the main responsibility of directing the daily activities of the Meter Shop. The proposed job description describes the general concept of needs and e�tpectations based on the lmowledge and experience of the nnit supervisor with input from current staff. This Desk Audit Review of this proposed tifle will consider use of a more generic title tfl be developed and used in 1VIeter Operations as we11 as other areas of the utility. Studv Components Review of job profile Interview with supervisor Discnssion with SPRWS personnel managar Comparison to other posiuons QES evaluation and analysis Recornmendation o�- 8��c. .Tob Descrintion It is expected that the position will act as a lead worker for the daily activities of the Meter Shop as well as perform duties delegated to Meter Technicians. In addition, the position would assist with hydrant permit tasks, interact with various units within the uriliry and external contacts, assist with administrative acrivities and back up the supervisor and ofFce staff. The specific responsibilities of this position include: Directs meter technician work during installation, repair and testing of water meters and related equipment. 2. Resolves problems of crew in various aspects of ineter technician work. 3. Plans, schedules and directs meter technicians in the daily workload, including work orders, related customer service interacrions and meter reading requests. 4. Maintains payroll and personnel records as assigned. 5. Trains and monitors technicians on equipment use, safety and efficient work practices. 6. Assistsmeteroperationsupervisorwithhydrantpernritprocesses,vendormetertesting,field operations and related work in the meter operations area. Performs all duties of the Water Meter Technician ritle including repair, testing, renovation and maintenance of ineter equipment. Prepazes or assists in the collection, organizarion and preparation of report data. 9. Responds to questions and issues regarding meter activities involving the billing, meter reading and customer services sections. Assists with managing the meter operations office as needed. 10. Performs related duties as assigned. 11. Maintains a regular work week. Comuarison to Class Specifications This position is being reviewed to determine whether a new job specificaUOn should be developed for the duties outlined above and for the �ossibility of creating a new job title which incorporates similar types of positions. At the conclusion of this study a new class specification will be created based on this review and the attached draft submitted by SPRWS administration. 8 �-P�tc. Comparison to Other Positions Water Meter Technician The proposed Leader Worker position is expected to perform all the responsibilities of the Water Nleter Technician title. The position is distinguished from the technician positions by the following responsibilities: work with hydrant permit tasks, assist with customer service tasks, perform delegated administrative tasks for the meter office and act as back up for the Meter Operations Supervisor. Supervisory and management responsibilities go beyond the scope of expectations for the Meter Technician tifle. These aze ongoing and typical duties that should be incorporated into the job specification and considered in determining the level of responsibility assigned to this position and designated by the specified salary rate. Bridge Crew Leader An existing lead position is Bridge Crew L.eader which is responsible for directing the daily activities of construction, repair and maintenance of bridge appurtenances. Lead worker responsibility is for labor positions with specialized skill and knowledge in the construction and maintenance of bridges (part or whole). The level of responsibility as indicated by the Q.E.S. point total assigned to the title is comparable to that of the posiCion under review. However, job specification language and title of this position are directly focused and limited to bridge related work. The only factors that compare to those of the position being reviewed are: Amount of Discretion, Physical Effort, Surroundings and Personnel Authority {four out of twelve possible). Watershed Supervisor I Another title with a similar level of responsibility assigned to the its Q.E.S. points is Watershed Supervisorl. Thisisafullsupervisorpositionwithnodailyorongoingresponsibilityforperforming the work of the title expected to be supervised. T'he positions being supervised are semi-skilled laborers which require broader knowledge of entry level foresuy, grounds ancUor facilities maintenance work. Individual factors do not match those of the proposed Meter Technician I.ead Worker except: Knowledge Required, Amount of Discretion, Consequence of Error and Hazards and Stress factors (four out of twelve possible). Other titles that were compared for type and level of responsibility include; Labor Crew I.eader, Sewer Crew Leader, Grounds Crew i.eader, Print Production Lead Worker and Vehicie Mechanic I.ead Worker. Labor Crew Leader and Grounds Crew Leader have very similar types of responsibilities for non-skilled andlor semi-skilled laborers. Print Production L,ead VJorker, a lead worker Utle in AFSCME technicai bargaining unit, directs the work of semi-skilled workers. These two titles have job specifications that are very specific to the scope of responsibilities for their respective azeas. o� -ry� O. E. S. Evaluation and Analvsis The QES analysis supports allocation to the new tide of Meter Technician I.ead Worker in AFSCME Technical bazgaining unit at grade leve134. A new specificarion and classification are warranted for the composite assigned duties that aze expected to be required and assigned to a single incumbent cIass. The attached comparison chart outlines how salaries and qualifications of similar titles match. Since no existing classification is broad enough and no merger of classes will occur now, a new classification is being recommended Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allacated to the Meter Technician Lead Worker classification upon SPRWS Administration agreement, union agreement and City Council approval. Proposed Title of Class: Code: 202B v��x �c�crarr �nD wo�x Bu: 02 6 �- d' 4( Effecrive: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Perforn�s duties of Meter Technician and, under supervision, supervises meter technicians, the pianning and distdburion of work and assists the Meter Opezation Supervisor as reguired. SuDeroision Received: VJorks under the moderate supervision of the Meter Operations Supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises immediate technical supervision over workers as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Repairs, tests and renovates, removes and instafls water meters. Repairs the plumbing between valves around water meters. Uses locators and necessary tools and equipment to locate, expose and operate valves and stops. Checks leaks at the property site. Turns on and flushes new services. Installs and repau's automatic reading systems. Supervises and resolves problems the meter technicians incur in the installation, repair and testing of water metexs and related metering equipment. Plans, schedules and directs meter technicians in the daily workload, including work orders, customer service and meter reading requests. Supervises meter technicians on equipment use and safe, efficient work practices. Maintains payroll and personnel records as assigned. Assists meter opezation supervisor with hydrant pernutting, vendor meter testing, assorted field operations and dtop boxes. Answers questions regazding metering ganerated by the billing, meter reading and customer service departments and assists the meter operation office when necessary. Performs related duties as assigned. (METE12 T'ECHNTCIAN LEAD WORKER) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: ME�x �c�ciaiv r�� woxxEx Must maintain a regular wozk schedule. KNOWLEDGE, SKII.LS, ABIL.ITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Code: 202B su: oa p�_ r y�. Effective: Considerable lmowledge of work methods related to water meter installarion, meter and metering systems and meter testing proced�ses. Considenble abiliry to plan, coordinate, and supervise others. Considerable mechanical ability and dexteriry. Working ability to communicate answers to problems regazding plumbing, metering codes, standards and other technical informa6on to the general public, piumbers, and Utility plumbing inspectors. Considerable lmowledge of computer screens and programs for payroll and history records. Considerable lmowledge of safery rules and regulations applicable to assigned work. NIINIML7M QUALIFICATIONS Three years of experience with meter operations involving the installation, repair and testing of water meters and water metering systems. Must have a Minnesota class D driver s license. (METER TECHNICIAN LEAD WOIZKER) Page 2 of 2 O 1-d'y � crrY oF sa�rr Pau�. Norm Catemarz, Mayor TO: FROM: DA'TE: RE: Bernie Bullert, Director Saint Paul Regional Services Sheila 4Jilliams HR Consultant June 28, 2001 Twenty Day Norice OFFiCE OF fiUMAN RESOURCFS lahn Ha�lton, D�rector 400 City Hall Annez 25 YVest FourJe Street SaintPaui Mirmesota SSIO2-163Z Telephone: TOD/ITY.� Jobline: Facsi+nile: b12-266-6500 672-266-6507 6I2-266-6502 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specification of Meter Technician Lead Worker should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timefraxne, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. The AFSCME Technical bargaining unit has been copied on this notice to inform them ofthis action. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tifle of Meter Technician Lead Worker in Grade 34, Secfion ID2, of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Sa1ary Plan and Rates of Compensation. cc: Roger Segal, Business Manager I�urt Esrickson, Business Representative New-ChangedTifles�Dept ZODayNotLet.wpd 0�-iryb CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Bernie Bullert, Directar Saint Paul Regional Services Sheila Williams HR Consultant June 28, 2001 Twenty Day Notice OFFiCE OF FNMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Director 400 Ciry Ha11 Annex 25 West Foarth Street SaintPaul, Minnesota 55102-I63I TeZephone: 6I2-266-6500 7DD/ITY.- 612-266-6501 Joblirze: 6I2-266-6502 Facsimile: 6I2-292-7656 It has been determined that the ritle and class specification ofMeter Technician L,ead Worker should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please norify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this acrion. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. The AFSCME Technical bargaining unit has been copied on this notice to inform them of this action. I will also be processing a resolurion to establish the rate of pay for the title of Meter Technician L.ead Worker in Grade 34, Section ID2, of the Technical Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the rime remaining on this 20 day nofice for the purpose of creafing this title and class specification. •3' O/ �•� Date New-ChangedTitles�Dept 20DayNotLet.wpd