265454 WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (jITY OF .SAINT PAITL �°°n�ll � 265454 CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE f-�MAVOR File NO. . Co ' olution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the followin� persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. ,St. Matthews Mens C1ub 10 W. Winifred Fd Estab-M App.03116Renewal Central Industries, Inc. 2?0 E. 8th Gen Rep Gar ►� 03452�� Administration Cafeteria 360 Colborne Fd Estab-L " 03467�� Adams School 615 S. Chatsworth �� �� 03468�� Edgecumbe School 1287 Ford Pkwy �� �� 03484�� �anklin School Jackson St. & Valley St.�� ►� 03488�' Homecroft School 1845 Sheridan �� �� 03509�� Child Development Center 3fi0 Colborne '� �� 03526�� Boily Enterprises, Inc. 51? W. ?th Rest C-1 " 03823�� Thomas G. Mumford c% Eergers Auto City, Inc. 1200 W. 7th VM Loc " 03872�� " c/o,Minn. Emblem Co. 366 Wacouta VM Loc " 0388��� " �� 1 Add'1 M " �� �� Imp Vend Serv, Inc. c/o Union Oil Co. 747 Sh�rd Rd. VM Loc �� 0422?�� " " 1 Add'1 M �� �� �t Greetings Unlimited 366 Wacouta VM Loc �� 04342�� Applebaums Food r1kt., Inc. 42?-9 St. Peter Grocery A-2 �� 04402�� ° " Butcher �� n r� �� �� Off Sale Mslt �� �� �� n n Cj,g n rr �i A. Weisman c/o Victory Parkin� 344 Wabasha V'IN Loc �':. 04446�� Theodore A. Heroff 1039 Hudson Rd. Bakery-B �� 00023�� Larson Diesel Service 18 E. Acker VM Loc " 00045" u rr 1 Add�2 M �� �� �� Augie's, Inc. 1900 W. Cty Rd. C Cig VM Oper �f 00087�� Gary Ward Lakin 151 Biglow Ln. Mtr Veh Dr " 00119" Gold Medal Bev Co. c% Admiral Merchants 2625 Territorial Rd. V14f Loc �� 00126�� " c/o Applebaums 2195 Hudson Rd. �� �� OG136" " c/o Cayuga Playground 198 Cayuga " �� 00154�� " c% lst State Bank 1000 Payne " �� 00180'� " c% Highland Hi-Rise 899 S. Cleveland VM Loc �� 00197�� n COUN��ILMEN " 1 Add'1 M �► �� �� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK �55454 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE i- MAYOR File N � Council Resolution Presented By LIC�E11t�SE Ct�.NMIZTEF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 2 Gold htedal Bev Co. c/o Nat'1 Food Stores, Inc. 30 S. Fairview VM Loc App.00231Renew�l r� c/o Phillips Petroleum Co. 299 E. Wheelock Pkwy �' " 00244" �� c/o Phillips Petroleum Co. 665-9 S. Snelling n n pp�4.5n �� c/o Phillips Petroleum Co. 2245 Burns Av. �� �� 00246" rr c/o Royal Datsun ?34 Grand ''' " 00258�� �' c/o Gordon Nichols 1428 W. 7th �' �� 00273" �� c/o United Freight Fbrwarding 812 I3erry St. !� �� 00293�� " c/o YMCA 475 Cedar '� " 00301+' �� �� 1 Add'1 M rr n ri " c% Vincent Strauss & Paul Rudolph' 1036 Grand VM Loc " 00327�� " c/o McKee Oil Co. 1199 W. 7th St. " " 00388�� rr c/o Minn. Lumber & �Vrecking 915 N. Albert �� �� 00394�� �� c/o Jos. & Harvey Novick 300 S. Snelling �� �� 00398�� " cslo Rack & Cue 1351 Magnolia " �� 00417�� �� c/o Ritter Beauty Enterprises ?54 S. Cleveland rr n 00426�' �� c/o Red Owl Stores 2020 Ford Pkwy " �' 00422rr n n 1 Add'1 I�i �� �� �� �' c/o Mobil Oil Co. 1520 Adrian VI�! Loc " 004a2�+ " c% St. Paul Pkg. Furniture ; COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHITE - CITV CLERK 265�54 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALIL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE �- MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By LI(��� Gp�ImmFF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 3 Cold Medal Bev Co. c/o G�yrus Thome 1?45 Grand VIN I�oc App.00462Renewal �� c/o Victory Auto Parking, Inc. 344 Wabasha " �� 00472�� Tim E. Griffin 184? Lake St. Mtr V�h Dr �� 00552" Richard C. Pranke 5?4'/� Sherburne Av. �� �� 00556�+ Irma R. Lehman 2008 Grand Beai�ty Shop �� 0056?�� Court House of St. Paul �38 plato VM Loc " 00590" " 1 Add'1 M �► �� �' Vendmark, Inc. c/o Waterous Co. '80 E. Fillmore Cig " 00592�� St. Paul Associated Letter Co. 230 E. 5th St. VM Loc " 00591" Mary Ann Wawack 1324 Rice Beauty Shop �� 00593" Local �120 Drivers Union 320 University Cig " 00607�+ ARA Food c% 3M 1210 University VM Loc �� 00664�� " " 2 Add''1 M �� " �� " c/o Northwestern Bell Tel 223 Plato Blvd VM Loc '� 00981�� n �r 3 Add�1 M �� �� �� Augie's Catering c% American Bakeries 97 E. 12th St. VM Loc �► 00608�� n n 3 Add�l M n n n Capp Towers Motel, Inc. 75 E. 9th VM Loc �' 00616�' Donald Trent 304 E. VVdhheelock Pkwy ��+ �� 00624�� " " 2 Add'1 M �� " �� Richard T. Kill c/o St. Paul Barber School 211 t�i. 7th VM Loc �� 00642�� " c% Bud's Texaco 1200 Arcade VM Loc �� 00643" ARA Fbod c% 3M �53 900 Bush !' �� 00665" n �r 4 Add'1 M n �r t� " c% 3M #24 850 Bush VM Loc �� Q0672i� " �� 22 Add'1 M �� �� �� ' c/o 3M �47 881 Bush VM Loc " 00673" " " 9 Add'1 M �� 11 �� " c/o 3M �56 900 Bush VM Loc �� 00875F� � �� 1 Add'1 M r� �r n �� c/o 3M �/98 878 Russell St. VM Loc ^ 00676" n �� � COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnCll 2fi545� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BLUE ��MAVOR � �� Council Resolution Presented By i.Tr_FnrcF rn�Tm�F �, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 4 Northwestern Bell Tel. 70 W. 4th St. VM Lec App.00679Renewal �� �� 18 Add'�. M �� � tt , , n William F. Woodford 1�55 E. Minnehaha Mtr Veh Dr " 00�690'� Rice Speedy Car L�ash 15 'ce VM Loc �� 00693" I.U.C. c/o American Nat'1 Bank;�� " �� 00716" " c/o North Star Steel �. : ck-Rd. " " 00723'� n :,,• � x 37 Add'1 M r� rt n " c/o Viking Drill & Tool ;�?0 Kit �, ' VM Loc " 00730" " ? Add'1 M �� �� '� rr c/o Whirlpool Corp. VM Loc " 00731�� �r ``' 37 Add'1 M u r� i� " c/o lst Nat'1 Bank of St. �ilr-332 Minn. Vl►9 Loc �' 00732�� ir n 7 Add'i M n n n Howard's Industrial Catering Service, Inc. 3302-4th ;�v. S. , Mpls. 2 Veh-K �� 00736�► Erwin Westpi�al c/o William S. Dees 406 E. Maryland VM Loc �� 00744" " c/o Anton Kasella 1201 White Bear �� �� OO��'Jrf1 COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / Christensen I V Hozza In Favor Levine -Ree.•��r�. J g Sylvester Against Y Tedesco President Hunt � � Adopted by Council: Date �1AY 1 3 19�'S Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie asse y Co cil Secretary By . Approved b ayor: D te Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUB�sHEU MAy �� Iy�� �t��� �+Etr JUN 1 4 t9 ' . ' «. ; . • ����. - . , . ' � . - :. . , : : �.;� . . ��. . . . !1k:�. �� i' . . ' . ' _ . � ,a ' . . • . . . � . � . I d � • �' � ` r'�'.IM� ��� x ��� ,. . . . . } - . !� t�ii Y l3!'�' R-+�►t:a�t tt`1