01-844CR�GI�AL Presented By Referred to cozmrcn, Fn,e a p�.. g 4 �{ GREENSHEET# LOOO$2. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �6 Commtitee:Date: 1 WIIEREAS, the Friends of the Parks and Trails of St. Paul, Ramsey County (hereinafter "Friends") has qualified 2 for a grant from the State of Minnesota to inventory and restore native plant species and develop a management 3 plan for an azea bordered by Emerald Street to the North and Highway 5 to the South, in the City of Saint Paul, and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Friends desires to contract with the City of St. Paul, Division of Pazks and Recreation, to 6 complete a portion of the tasks related to the said grant, and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Friends will pay Parks and Recreation $8,200 for this work, and 9 10 WI-IEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Secrion 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that ll there aze available for appropriation, funds of $8,200 in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2001 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 860 - Pazks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33196 - Environmental Permits & Planning 4301 - Normal Activity Services SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Pazks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33196 - Environmental Permits & Planning Ol 11 - Full Time Permanent 0249 - Other Printing 0439 - Fringe Benefits CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CIIANGES BUDGET 0 8,200 8,200 0 8,200 8,200 0 4,500 4,500 0 800 800 0 2,900 2,900 0 8,200 8,200 ss � C`o � � � � �: � 01-t4`I 36 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 2001 37 budget, and authorizes the Division of Pazks and Recreation to enter into this contract. 38 39 of Pazks and Adopted by Council: Date: � t � o ` Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary Approval Services Director: Form Approved y City Atto I� Bp: 9icLGf,�t� _� ���t.� Approved by Mayor for Submission to C011I1C11 By: B Y� � ���� .r� E--� Approved by Mayor: Date: ��, �r, � DEPAFiMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE DATEINITIATER I GREEN SHEET 07-20-01 � �� � NO. 100082 � INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE RebeCCa Stenbefg, 266-6416 � 7 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 cmcouNCi� ASSIGN NUM6ER W .3 CfTY ATTORNEV CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY �DATE7 ROIJ�NG OHDEH Z FlNANQALSEitVICESDIR. B OFS-ACCOUNTiNG ASAP 4 MAYOR (OR ASSI5TANn 7 Parks 300 CHA TOTAL S OF SIGNAiURE PAGES �� (CLR ALL LOCATIONS WR SIGNAN11E1 ACT10N fiEQUESTED: Council resolution approving additions to the 2001 budget and authorizing the Division of Parks and Recreation to enter into this contract with Friends of the Parks and Trails of Ramsey County and Saint Paul ("Friends"). REWMMENDATIONS: Apprwe IA1 or Feject �R� _PIANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAFF DISTRIGT COUNQL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: 1. Has this Oersonlfirtn ever worketl under a contract tor th's tlepartment? VES NO 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? VES NO 3. Does this Oersan/firm possess a sltill not normally possesseE by any curten[ city em0�oyee? YES NO Eq�lain all yes answera on separete sheM and attach to geaen s�eet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): "Friends" received funding from the State of Minnesota (LCMR) in July 1999 to inventory and restore native species on critical greenway and natural area habitat in an area along Mississippi River Boulevard between Emerald Street on the north and Highway 5 on the south. "Friends" desires to contract with The City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation to complete a portion of the tasks, for which "Friends" will pay the Division $8,200. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The Division is very interested in supporting this project. If the agreement is approved, the City will be paid for their contribution. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: The City will not be paid to perform certain tasks related to the completion of the grant received by "Friends." TOTALAMOUNTOFTFUNSACTION �S.ZOO WST/NEVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE� YES NO ACi1VrtY NUMBER 33196 FINANCIAL INFOfiMAiION: �IXPLAIN) ���a�C� ���{�� R E C E I V E D G:ID/VIWPIGrantslFiiends LCMR 991GSbudget.wpd ��s i 3 200� AUG 0'7 2�01 C{TY ATTORNEY SUB CONTRACTOR CONTRACT � � �� THIS CONTRACT is entered into between FRIENDS OF Tf� PARKS AND "TRAILS OF ST. PAiJL, RAMSEY COiJNTY, (hereinafter "Friends") and the CITY OF ST_ PAiJL (hereinafter "City"). WHEREAS Friends has qualified for a grant from the State of Minnesota (LCMR) to inventory and restore native species and plan for crirical greenway and natural area habitat in an azea between Emerald Street on the north and Highway 5 on the south, in the City of St. Paul, and WF3EREAS the obligations and rights of the Friends with respect to said grant aze detailed in Exl�ibit A wluch is incorporated herein as part of this contract as if set forth in full, and WHEREAS Friends desires to coniract with the City to complete a portion of the tasks related to said grant. NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY AGREED BETWEEN Friends and the City as follows: Partnership. The City, as landowner, is a full partner in this project. As a partner, the City will be included in discussions and processes related to decisions wluch have the potential to impact how or when the LCMR work plan is completed. Eventual decision will be made by the Friends. Contact Persons. The authorized contact person for the Friends is: Peggy Lynch 1621 Beechwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 651-698-4543 Authorized contact person for the City is: Victor A. Wittgenstein, Jr., Director of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4�' Street St. Paul, MN 55102 651-266-6400 Work to be Performed: The description of the work to be performed by the City and the time period for its perfonnance and payment aze described in detail in E�ibit A herein, which is fully incorporated in full as part of this Contract. Default. Failure to complete the assigned tasks described in E�ibit A in the tnne period described and to the satisfaction of Friends shall constitute a default. Upon default, Notice will be provided to the City's representatives, and, at Friends option, payxnents for any uncompleted or unsatisfactory wark will be forfeited by the City. �_ o� -Fyy Q Payment The City acknowledges that Friends' ability to pay is directly derived from the graut described above and that the City has no greater rights to payment than Friends' rights under the grant. Accordingly, in order to secure payment, the City will submit requests for payment in conformance with any reqiiirements of the LCMR, and will receive payment within five (5) days of Friends receiving payment from the LCMR. Adoption of Pertinent terms and Conditions of Eshibit A. The City acl�owledges incorporation of the Friends contract with the State as part of this contract and fixrther agrees that it is bound by all terms of the "recipient" in said contract to the ea�tent applicable. Independent Contractor. The City acknowledges that it is not an employee of Friends and is being bired only as an independent contractor. Insurance/Hold Harmless. The City of St. Paul agrees to defend, indemnify and hold hannless Friends from any liabilities it may incur as a result of anq negligent act or omission of the City, its agents or employees while performing services under this agreement. Nothing in the foregoing is intended to waive any defenses, immunities or liability limits the City may have pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 466.01 et seq. No Greater Rights. The City acknowledges that its rights to payment are no greater than those of the Friends from the State and that if for any reason the State should withhold funds from Friends, then Friends' obligation to pay the City is reduced to the same extent. Integrafion. The above is the entire agreement between the parties. The parties acknowledge that there have been no representations or promises conh�ary to,or in addition to the agreement confained in this document and its e�ibits. FRIENDS OF THE PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. P UL t1ND RAMSEY COUNTY By Its v - ---�� Date ( - � � —o ( CITY ATTORNE'Y . BY � � n � �GC,lfv Aate ,��U f - -�r THE C�TY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES : C',►% . , .� �. . r✓ . i r. DETAIL OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY OF ST. PAUL o�-ryy In consideration of the swn of Eight Thousand Two Hundred ($8,200.00) to be paid upon completion of the gant work, the City agrees to perform the following tasks and undertake the following obligations: ADMINISTRATIVE • Use of Pazks Division office for photocopying pertinent materials. • Print brochures on control of buckthorn - acknowledging Friends of the Pazks and the Division of Pazks and Recreation. INVENTORY • Provide copies of existiug inventories and other relevant information. • Collaborate with Friends of the Pazks and Trails to design an appropriate inventory system. CONTROL EXOTICS • Haul and dispose of cut and piled exotic species. Provide support crew/personnel for cutting and spraying exoUcs, if available. Continue support for exotic species control following the LCMR project. PLANTING • Review planting plans. • Provide wood chips and compost (material and delivery). • Provide water trucks on planting days and for post-planting watering. • Provide loader and dump truck on planting days. MANAGEMENT PLAN Provide information for planning, including locations of viewshed areas, stairways, and storm water runoff and plans for future construction or management. Review and comment on drafts of the management plan. Facilitate implementation of the plan as existing budget allows, following the initial efforts funded by the LCMR. Future implementation assumes delivery of all data, maps, reports, plans and other LCMR work plan "deliverables" by Friends to the City. VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT, T`RAINING, COORDINATION • Use City of St. Paul volunteer contacts to augment volunteer recruitment efforts. • Provide orange cones and other materials needed for traffic control on volunteer event days. • Provide support in the form of stafF, equipment, and/or hauling of brush on volunteer event days. FRIENDS OF T'F� PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. P AND RAMSEY COUNTY B .¢ G� � , Its U Date ( . aG�- 6! ✓ CITY ATTORNEY � � OyFIC�E OF By 7 r,es,.�c',..�� �, ��..�1 B Date ( L_ Date �; ,- o�-gy� SUB CONTRACTOR CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT is entered into between FRIENDS OF Tf� PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. PAiJL, RAMSEY COUNTY, (hereinafter "Friends") and the CITY OF 5T_ PAUL (hereinafter "City"). WIIEREAS Friends has qualified for a grant from the State of Minnesota (LCMK) to inventory and restore native species and plan for critical greenway and natural azea habitat in an area between Emerald Street on the north and Highway 5 on the south, in the City of St. Paul, and WHEREAS the obligations and rights of the Friends with respect to said granrt are detailed in Eshibit A which is incorponted herein as part of this contract as if set forth in full, and WHEREAS Friends desues to contract with the City to complete a portion of the tasks related to said grant. NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY AGREED BETWEEN Friends and the City as follows: Partnership. The City, as landowner, is a full partner in this project. As a partner, the City will be included in discussions and processes related to decisions which have the potential to impact how or when the LCMR work plan is completed. Eventual decision will be made by the Friends. Contact Persons. The authorized contact person for the Friends is: Peggy Lynch 1621 Beechwood Avenue St. Paul, IvIN 55116 651-698-4543 Authorized contact person for the City is: Victor A. Wittgenstein, Jr., Director of Pazks and Recrearion 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4�' Street St. Paul, MN SS1Q2 651-266-6400 Work to be Performed: The description of the work to be perfotmed by the City and the time period for its performance and payment aze described in detail in E�ibit A herein, wluch is fully incorporated in full as part of this Contract. • Defanit. Failure to complete the assigned tasks described in E�ibit A in the time period described and to the safisfaction of Friends shall constitute a default. Upon default, Notice will be provided to the City's representatives, and, at Friends option, payments for any uncompleted or unsatisfactory work will be forfeited by _, the City. .3 Payment. The City acknowledges that Friends' ability to pay is direcUy derived from the gant described above and thax the City has no greater rights to payment than Friends' rights under the grant. Accordingly, in oxder to secure payment, the City will submit requests for payment in conformance with any requirements of the LCMR, and will receive payment within five (5) days of Friends receiving payment from the LCMK. Adopflon of Pertinent terms and Condifions of Exhibit A. The City acknowledges incorporation of the Friends contract with the State as part of ttris contract and further agrees that it is bound by all terms of the "recipient" in said contract to the e�ent applicable. ol-s�F�( �� Independent Contractor. The CiTy acl�owledges that it is not an employee of Friends and is being hired only as an independent coniractor. Insurance/Hold Harmless. The City of St. Paul agrees to defend, indexnnify and hold harmless Friends from any liabilities it may incur as a result of any negligent act or omission of the City, its agents or employees while performing services under this agreement. Nothing in the foregoing is intended to waive any defenses, immunities or liability lnnits the City may ha�e pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 466.01 et seq. No Greater Rights. The City acknowledges that its rights to payment aze no greater than those of the Friends from the State and that if for any reason the State should withhold funds from Friends, then Friends' obligation to pay the City is reduced to the same e�ent. Integration. The above is the entire agreement between the parties. The parties aclrnowledge that there ha�e been no representations or promises contrary to or in addition to the agreement contained in tYus document and its e�ibits. FRIENDS OF THE PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. PAUL AND RAMSEY COUNTY By ,�._ Its Date �--� ��,� CITY ATTORNEY By / ��� Date �/ ��G/ OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES C ' �� -- � . � �r .�; _� � oi-S�y DETAIL OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY TAE CITY OF ST. PAUL In consideration of the sum of Eight Thousand Two Hundred ($8,200.00) to be paid upon completion of the grant work, the City agrees to perform the following tasks and undertake the following obligations: - � �i� r. � ru , Use of Pazks Division office for photocopying pertinent materials. Print brochures on control of buckthom - acknowledging Friends of the Pazks and the Division of Pazks and Recreation. INVENTORY • Provide copies of e�cisting inventories and other relevant information. • Collaborate with Friends of the Parks and Trails to design an appropziate inventory system. CONTROL EXOTICS • Haul and dispose of cut and piled exotic species. • Provide support crew/personnel for cutting and spraying exotics, if available. • Continue support for exotic species control following the LCMR project. PLANTING • Review planting plans. • Provide wood chips and compost (material and delivery). • Provide water trucks on planting days and for post-planting watering. • Provide loader and dump truck on planting days. MANAGEMENT PLAN Provide information for planning, including locations of viewshed azeas, stairways, and storm water runoff and plans for future construction or management. Review and comment on drafts of the management plan. Facilitate implementation of the plan as existing budget allows, following the initial efforts funded by the LCMR. Future implementation assumes delivery of all data, maps, reports, plans and other LCMR work plan "deliverables" by Friends to the City. VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT, "1RAINING, COORDINATION Use City of St. Paul volunteer contacts to augment volunteer recruitment efforts. Provide orange cones and other materials needed for tr�c control on volunteer event days. Provide support in the form of staff; equipment, and/or hauling of brush on volunteer event days. FRIENDS OF Tf� PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. UL AND RAMSEY COUNTY By Its (>, f Date (9-eZO• of B TYATTO�Y � � Date �� ItS J Date OFFICE �OF FINANC� BY - ILE�"� Date OF ST. PAUL � CR�GI�AL Presented By Referred to cozmrcn, Fn,e a p�.. g 4 �{ GREENSHEET# LOOO$2. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �6 Commtitee:Date: 1 WIIEREAS, the Friends of the Parks and Trails of St. Paul, Ramsey County (hereinafter "Friends") has qualified 2 for a grant from the State of Minnesota to inventory and restore native plant species and develop a management 3 plan for an azea bordered by Emerald Street to the North and Highway 5 to the South, in the City of Saint Paul, and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Friends desires to contract with the City of St. Paul, Division of Pazks and Recreation, to 6 complete a portion of the tasks related to the said grant, and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Friends will pay Parks and Recreation $8,200 for this work, and 9 10 WI-IEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Secrion 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that ll there aze available for appropriation, funds of $8,200 in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2001 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 860 - Pazks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33196 - Environmental Permits & Planning 4301 - Normal Activity Services SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Pazks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33196 - Environmental Permits & Planning Ol 11 - Full Time Permanent 0249 - Other Printing 0439 - Fringe Benefits CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CIIANGES BUDGET 0 8,200 8,200 0 8,200 8,200 0 4,500 4,500 0 800 800 0 2,900 2,900 0 8,200 8,200 ss � C`o � � � � �: � 01-t4`I 36 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 2001 37 budget, and authorizes the Division of Pazks and Recreation to enter into this contract. 38 39 of Pazks and Adopted by Council: Date: � t � o ` Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary Approval Services Director: Form Approved y City Atto I� Bp: 9icLGf,�t� _� ���t.� Approved by Mayor for Submission to C011I1C11 By: B Y� � ���� .r� E--� Approved by Mayor: Date: ��, �r, � DEPAFiMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE DATEINITIATER I GREEN SHEET 07-20-01 � �� � NO. 100082 � INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE RebeCCa Stenbefg, 266-6416 � 7 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 cmcouNCi� ASSIGN NUM6ER W .3 CfTY ATTORNEV CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY �DATE7 ROIJ�NG OHDEH Z FlNANQALSEitVICESDIR. B OFS-ACCOUNTiNG ASAP 4 MAYOR (OR ASSI5TANn 7 Parks 300 CHA TOTAL S OF SIGNAiURE PAGES �� (CLR ALL LOCATIONS WR SIGNAN11E1 ACT10N fiEQUESTED: Council resolution approving additions to the 2001 budget and authorizing the Division of Parks and Recreation to enter into this contract with Friends of the Parks and Trails of Ramsey County and Saint Paul ("Friends"). REWMMENDATIONS: Apprwe IA1 or Feject �R� _PIANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAFF DISTRIGT COUNQL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: 1. Has this Oersonlfirtn ever worketl under a contract tor th's tlepartment? VES NO 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? VES NO 3. Does this Oersan/firm possess a sltill not normally possesseE by any curten[ city em0�oyee? YES NO Eq�lain all yes answera on separete sheM and attach to geaen s�eet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): "Friends" received funding from the State of Minnesota (LCMR) in July 1999 to inventory and restore native species on critical greenway and natural area habitat in an area along Mississippi River Boulevard between Emerald Street on the north and Highway 5 on the south. "Friends" desires to contract with The City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation to complete a portion of the tasks, for which "Friends" will pay the Division $8,200. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The Division is very interested in supporting this project. If the agreement is approved, the City will be paid for their contribution. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: The City will not be paid to perform certain tasks related to the completion of the grant received by "Friends." TOTALAMOUNTOFTFUNSACTION �S.ZOO WST/NEVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE� YES NO ACi1VrtY NUMBER 33196 FINANCIAL INFOfiMAiION: �IXPLAIN) ���a�C� ���{�� R E C E I V E D G:ID/VIWPIGrantslFiiends LCMR 991GSbudget.wpd ��s i 3 200� AUG 0'7 2�01 C{TY ATTORNEY SUB CONTRACTOR CONTRACT � � �� THIS CONTRACT is entered into between FRIENDS OF Tf� PARKS AND "TRAILS OF ST. PAiJL, RAMSEY COiJNTY, (hereinafter "Friends") and the CITY OF ST_ PAiJL (hereinafter "City"). WHEREAS Friends has qualified for a grant from the State of Minnesota (LCMR) to inventory and restore native species and plan for crirical greenway and natural area habitat in an azea between Emerald Street on the north and Highway 5 on the south, in the City of St. Paul, and WF3EREAS the obligations and rights of the Friends with respect to said grant aze detailed in Exl�ibit A wluch is incorporated herein as part of this contract as if set forth in full, and WHEREAS Friends desires to coniract with the City to complete a portion of the tasks related to said grant. NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY AGREED BETWEEN Friends and the City as follows: Partnership. The City, as landowner, is a full partner in this project. As a partner, the City will be included in discussions and processes related to decisions wluch have the potential to impact how or when the LCMR work plan is completed. Eventual decision will be made by the Friends. Contact Persons. The authorized contact person for the Friends is: Peggy Lynch 1621 Beechwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 651-698-4543 Authorized contact person for the City is: Victor A. Wittgenstein, Jr., Director of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4�' Street St. Paul, MN 55102 651-266-6400 Work to be Performed: The description of the work to be performed by the City and the time period for its perfonnance and payment aze described in detail in E�ibit A herein, which is fully incorporated in full as part of this Contract. Default. Failure to complete the assigned tasks described in E�ibit A in the tnne period described and to the satisfaction of Friends shall constitute a default. Upon default, Notice will be provided to the City's representatives, and, at Friends option, payxnents for any uncompleted or unsatisfactory wark will be forfeited by the City. �_ o� -Fyy Q Payment The City acknowledges that Friends' ability to pay is directly derived from the graut described above and that the City has no greater rights to payment than Friends' rights under the grant. Accordingly, in order to secure payment, the City will submit requests for payment in conformance with any reqiiirements of the LCMR, and will receive payment within five (5) days of Friends receiving payment from the LCMR. Adoption of Pertinent terms and Conditions of Eshibit A. The City acl�owledges incorporation of the Friends contract with the State as part of this contract and fixrther agrees that it is bound by all terms of the "recipient" in said contract to the ea�tent applicable. Independent Contractor. The City acknowledges that it is not an employee of Friends and is being bired only as an independent contractor. Insurance/Hold Harmless. The City of St. Paul agrees to defend, indemnify and hold hannless Friends from any liabilities it may incur as a result of anq negligent act or omission of the City, its agents or employees while performing services under this agreement. Nothing in the foregoing is intended to waive any defenses, immunities or liability limits the City may have pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 466.01 et seq. No Greater Rights. The City acknowledges that its rights to payment are no greater than those of the Friends from the State and that if for any reason the State should withhold funds from Friends, then Friends' obligation to pay the City is reduced to the same extent. Integrafion. The above is the entire agreement between the parties. The parties acknowledge that there have been no representations or promises conh�ary to,or in addition to the agreement confained in this document and its e�ibits. FRIENDS OF THE PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. P UL t1ND RAMSEY COUNTY By Its v - ---�� Date ( - � � —o ( CITY ATTORNE'Y . BY � � n � �GC,lfv Aate ,��U f - -�r THE C�TY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES : C',►% . , .� �. . r✓ . i r. DETAIL OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY OF ST. PAUL o�-ryy In consideration of the swn of Eight Thousand Two Hundred ($8,200.00) to be paid upon completion of the gant work, the City agrees to perform the following tasks and undertake the following obligations: ADMINISTRATIVE • Use of Pazks Division office for photocopying pertinent materials. • Print brochures on control of buckthorn - acknowledging Friends of the Pazks and the Division of Pazks and Recreation. INVENTORY • Provide copies of existiug inventories and other relevant information. • Collaborate with Friends of the Pazks and Trails to design an appropriate inventory system. CONTROL EXOTICS • Haul and dispose of cut and piled exotic species. Provide support crew/personnel for cutting and spraying exoUcs, if available. Continue support for exotic species control following the LCMR project. PLANTING • Review planting plans. • Provide wood chips and compost (material and delivery). • Provide water trucks on planting days and for post-planting watering. • Provide loader and dump truck on planting days. MANAGEMENT PLAN Provide information for planning, including locations of viewshed areas, stairways, and storm water runoff and plans for future construction or management. Review and comment on drafts of the management plan. Facilitate implementation of the plan as existing budget allows, following the initial efforts funded by the LCMR. Future implementation assumes delivery of all data, maps, reports, plans and other LCMR work plan "deliverables" by Friends to the City. VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT, T`RAINING, COORDINATION • Use City of St. Paul volunteer contacts to augment volunteer recruitment efforts. • Provide orange cones and other materials needed for traffic control on volunteer event days. • Provide support in the form of stafF, equipment, and/or hauling of brush on volunteer event days. FRIENDS OF T'F� PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. P AND RAMSEY COUNTY B .¢ G� � , Its U Date ( . aG�- 6! ✓ CITY ATTORNEY � � OyFIC�E OF By 7 r,es,.�c',..�� �, ��..�1 B Date ( L_ Date �; ,- o�-gy� SUB CONTRACTOR CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT is entered into between FRIENDS OF Tf� PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. PAiJL, RAMSEY COUNTY, (hereinafter "Friends") and the CITY OF 5T_ PAUL (hereinafter "City"). WIIEREAS Friends has qualified for a grant from the State of Minnesota (LCMK) to inventory and restore native species and plan for critical greenway and natural azea habitat in an area between Emerald Street on the north and Highway 5 on the south, in the City of St. Paul, and WHEREAS the obligations and rights of the Friends with respect to said granrt are detailed in Eshibit A which is incorponted herein as part of this contract as if set forth in full, and WHEREAS Friends desues to contract with the City to complete a portion of the tasks related to said grant. NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY AGREED BETWEEN Friends and the City as follows: Partnership. The City, as landowner, is a full partner in this project. As a partner, the City will be included in discussions and processes related to decisions which have the potential to impact how or when the LCMR work plan is completed. Eventual decision will be made by the Friends. Contact Persons. The authorized contact person for the Friends is: Peggy Lynch 1621 Beechwood Avenue St. Paul, IvIN 55116 651-698-4543 Authorized contact person for the City is: Victor A. Wittgenstein, Jr., Director of Pazks and Recrearion 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4�' Street St. Paul, MN SS1Q2 651-266-6400 Work to be Performed: The description of the work to be perfotmed by the City and the time period for its performance and payment aze described in detail in E�ibit A herein, wluch is fully incorporated in full as part of this Contract. • Defanit. Failure to complete the assigned tasks described in E�ibit A in the time period described and to the safisfaction of Friends shall constitute a default. Upon default, Notice will be provided to the City's representatives, and, at Friends option, payments for any uncompleted or unsatisfactory work will be forfeited by _, the City. .3 Payment. The City acknowledges that Friends' ability to pay is direcUy derived from the gant described above and thax the City has no greater rights to payment than Friends' rights under the grant. Accordingly, in oxder to secure payment, the City will submit requests for payment in conformance with any requirements of the LCMR, and will receive payment within five (5) days of Friends receiving payment from the LCMK. Adopflon of Pertinent terms and Condifions of Exhibit A. The City acknowledges incorporation of the Friends contract with the State as part of ttris contract and further agrees that it is bound by all terms of the "recipient" in said contract to the e�ent applicable. ol-s�F�( �� Independent Contractor. The CiTy acl�owledges that it is not an employee of Friends and is being hired only as an independent coniractor. Insurance/Hold Harmless. The City of St. Paul agrees to defend, indexnnify and hold harmless Friends from any liabilities it may incur as a result of any negligent act or omission of the City, its agents or employees while performing services under this agreement. Nothing in the foregoing is intended to waive any defenses, immunities or liability lnnits the City may ha�e pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 466.01 et seq. No Greater Rights. The City acknowledges that its rights to payment aze no greater than those of the Friends from the State and that if for any reason the State should withhold funds from Friends, then Friends' obligation to pay the City is reduced to the same e�ent. Integration. The above is the entire agreement between the parties. The parties aclrnowledge that there ha�e been no representations or promises contrary to or in addition to the agreement contained in tYus document and its e�ibits. FRIENDS OF THE PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. PAUL AND RAMSEY COUNTY By ,�._ Its Date �--� ��,� CITY ATTORNEY By / ��� Date �/ ��G/ OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES C ' �� -- � . � �r .�; _� � oi-S�y DETAIL OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY TAE CITY OF ST. PAUL In consideration of the sum of Eight Thousand Two Hundred ($8,200.00) to be paid upon completion of the grant work, the City agrees to perform the following tasks and undertake the following obligations: - � �i� r. � ru , Use of Pazks Division office for photocopying pertinent materials. Print brochures on control of buckthom - acknowledging Friends of the Pazks and the Division of Pazks and Recreation. INVENTORY • Provide copies of e�cisting inventories and other relevant information. • Collaborate with Friends of the Parks and Trails to design an appropziate inventory system. CONTROL EXOTICS • Haul and dispose of cut and piled exotic species. • Provide support crew/personnel for cutting and spraying exotics, if available. • Continue support for exotic species control following the LCMR project. PLANTING • Review planting plans. • Provide wood chips and compost (material and delivery). • Provide water trucks on planting days and for post-planting watering. • Provide loader and dump truck on planting days. MANAGEMENT PLAN Provide information for planning, including locations of viewshed azeas, stairways, and storm water runoff and plans for future construction or management. Review and comment on drafts of the management plan. Facilitate implementation of the plan as existing budget allows, following the initial efforts funded by the LCMR. Future implementation assumes delivery of all data, maps, reports, plans and other LCMR work plan "deliverables" by Friends to the City. VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT, "1RAINING, COORDINATION Use City of St. Paul volunteer contacts to augment volunteer recruitment efforts. Provide orange cones and other materials needed for tr�c control on volunteer event days. Provide support in the form of staff; equipment, and/or hauling of brush on volunteer event days. FRIENDS OF Tf� PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. UL AND RAMSEY COUNTY By Its (>, f Date (9-eZO• of B TYATTO�Y � � Date �� ItS J Date OFFICE �OF FINANC� BY - ILE�"� Date OF ST. PAUL � CR�GI�AL Presented By Referred to cozmrcn, Fn,e a p�.. g 4 �{ GREENSHEET# LOOO$2. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �6 Commtitee:Date: 1 WIIEREAS, the Friends of the Parks and Trails of St. Paul, Ramsey County (hereinafter "Friends") has qualified 2 for a grant from the State of Minnesota to inventory and restore native plant species and develop a management 3 plan for an azea bordered by Emerald Street to the North and Highway 5 to the South, in the City of Saint Paul, and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Friends desires to contract with the City of St. Paul, Division of Pazks and Recreation, to 6 complete a portion of the tasks related to the said grant, and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Friends will pay Parks and Recreation $8,200 for this work, and 9 10 WI-IEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Secrion 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that ll there aze available for appropriation, funds of $8,200 in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2001 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 860 - Pazks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33196 - Environmental Permits & Planning 4301 - Normal Activity Services SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Pazks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33196 - Environmental Permits & Planning Ol 11 - Full Time Permanent 0249 - Other Printing 0439 - Fringe Benefits CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CIIANGES BUDGET 0 8,200 8,200 0 8,200 8,200 0 4,500 4,500 0 800 800 0 2,900 2,900 0 8,200 8,200 ss � C`o � � � � �: � 01-t4`I 36 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 2001 37 budget, and authorizes the Division of Pazks and Recreation to enter into this contract. 38 39 of Pazks and Adopted by Council: Date: � t � o ` Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary Approval Services Director: Form Approved y City Atto I� Bp: 9icLGf,�t� _� ���t.� Approved by Mayor for Submission to C011I1C11 By: B Y� � ���� .r� E--� Approved by Mayor: Date: ��, �r, � DEPAFiMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE DATEINITIATER I GREEN SHEET 07-20-01 � �� � NO. 100082 � INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE RebeCCa Stenbefg, 266-6416 � 7 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 cmcouNCi� ASSIGN NUM6ER W .3 CfTY ATTORNEV CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY �DATE7 ROIJ�NG OHDEH Z FlNANQALSEitVICESDIR. B OFS-ACCOUNTiNG ASAP 4 MAYOR (OR ASSI5TANn 7 Parks 300 CHA TOTAL S OF SIGNAiURE PAGES �� (CLR ALL LOCATIONS WR SIGNAN11E1 ACT10N fiEQUESTED: Council resolution approving additions to the 2001 budget and authorizing the Division of Parks and Recreation to enter into this contract with Friends of the Parks and Trails of Ramsey County and Saint Paul ("Friends"). REWMMENDATIONS: Apprwe IA1 or Feject �R� _PIANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAFF DISTRIGT COUNQL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: 1. Has this Oersonlfirtn ever worketl under a contract tor th's tlepartment? VES NO 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? VES NO 3. Does this Oersan/firm possess a sltill not normally possesseE by any curten[ city em0�oyee? YES NO Eq�lain all yes answera on separete sheM and attach to geaen s�eet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): "Friends" received funding from the State of Minnesota (LCMR) in July 1999 to inventory and restore native species on critical greenway and natural area habitat in an area along Mississippi River Boulevard between Emerald Street on the north and Highway 5 on the south. "Friends" desires to contract with The City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation to complete a portion of the tasks, for which "Friends" will pay the Division $8,200. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The Division is very interested in supporting this project. If the agreement is approved, the City will be paid for their contribution. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: The City will not be paid to perform certain tasks related to the completion of the grant received by "Friends." TOTALAMOUNTOFTFUNSACTION �S.ZOO WST/NEVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE� YES NO ACi1VrtY NUMBER 33196 FINANCIAL INFOfiMAiION: �IXPLAIN) ���a�C� ���{�� R E C E I V E D G:ID/VIWPIGrantslFiiends LCMR 991GSbudget.wpd ��s i 3 200� AUG 0'7 2�01 C{TY ATTORNEY SUB CONTRACTOR CONTRACT � � �� THIS CONTRACT is entered into between FRIENDS OF Tf� PARKS AND "TRAILS OF ST. PAiJL, RAMSEY COiJNTY, (hereinafter "Friends") and the CITY OF ST_ PAiJL (hereinafter "City"). WHEREAS Friends has qualified for a grant from the State of Minnesota (LCMR) to inventory and restore native species and plan for crirical greenway and natural area habitat in an azea between Emerald Street on the north and Highway 5 on the south, in the City of St. Paul, and WF3EREAS the obligations and rights of the Friends with respect to said grant aze detailed in Exl�ibit A wluch is incorporated herein as part of this contract as if set forth in full, and WHEREAS Friends desires to coniract with the City to complete a portion of the tasks related to said grant. NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY AGREED BETWEEN Friends and the City as follows: Partnership. The City, as landowner, is a full partner in this project. As a partner, the City will be included in discussions and processes related to decisions wluch have the potential to impact how or when the LCMR work plan is completed. Eventual decision will be made by the Friends. Contact Persons. The authorized contact person for the Friends is: Peggy Lynch 1621 Beechwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 651-698-4543 Authorized contact person for the City is: Victor A. Wittgenstein, Jr., Director of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4�' Street St. Paul, MN 55102 651-266-6400 Work to be Performed: The description of the work to be performed by the City and the time period for its perfonnance and payment aze described in detail in E�ibit A herein, which is fully incorporated in full as part of this Contract. Default. Failure to complete the assigned tasks described in E�ibit A in the tnne period described and to the satisfaction of Friends shall constitute a default. Upon default, Notice will be provided to the City's representatives, and, at Friends option, payxnents for any uncompleted or unsatisfactory wark will be forfeited by the City. �_ o� -Fyy Q Payment The City acknowledges that Friends' ability to pay is directly derived from the graut described above and that the City has no greater rights to payment than Friends' rights under the grant. Accordingly, in order to secure payment, the City will submit requests for payment in conformance with any reqiiirements of the LCMR, and will receive payment within five (5) days of Friends receiving payment from the LCMR. Adoption of Pertinent terms and Conditions of Eshibit A. The City acl�owledges incorporation of the Friends contract with the State as part of this contract and fixrther agrees that it is bound by all terms of the "recipient" in said contract to the ea�tent applicable. Independent Contractor. The City acknowledges that it is not an employee of Friends and is being bired only as an independent contractor. Insurance/Hold Harmless. The City of St. Paul agrees to defend, indemnify and hold hannless Friends from any liabilities it may incur as a result of anq negligent act or omission of the City, its agents or employees while performing services under this agreement. Nothing in the foregoing is intended to waive any defenses, immunities or liability limits the City may have pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 466.01 et seq. No Greater Rights. The City acknowledges that its rights to payment are no greater than those of the Friends from the State and that if for any reason the State should withhold funds from Friends, then Friends' obligation to pay the City is reduced to the same extent. Integrafion. The above is the entire agreement between the parties. The parties acknowledge that there have been no representations or promises conh�ary to,or in addition to the agreement confained in this document and its e�ibits. FRIENDS OF THE PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. P UL t1ND RAMSEY COUNTY By Its v - ---�� Date ( - � � —o ( CITY ATTORNE'Y . BY � � n � �GC,lfv Aate ,��U f - -�r THE C�TY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES : C',►% . , .� �. . r✓ . i r. DETAIL OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY OF ST. PAUL o�-ryy In consideration of the swn of Eight Thousand Two Hundred ($8,200.00) to be paid upon completion of the gant work, the City agrees to perform the following tasks and undertake the following obligations: ADMINISTRATIVE • Use of Pazks Division office for photocopying pertinent materials. • Print brochures on control of buckthorn - acknowledging Friends of the Pazks and the Division of Pazks and Recreation. INVENTORY • Provide copies of existiug inventories and other relevant information. • Collaborate with Friends of the Pazks and Trails to design an appropriate inventory system. CONTROL EXOTICS • Haul and dispose of cut and piled exotic species. Provide support crew/personnel for cutting and spraying exoUcs, if available. Continue support for exotic species control following the LCMR project. PLANTING • Review planting plans. • Provide wood chips and compost (material and delivery). • Provide water trucks on planting days and for post-planting watering. • Provide loader and dump truck on planting days. MANAGEMENT PLAN Provide information for planning, including locations of viewshed areas, stairways, and storm water runoff and plans for future construction or management. Review and comment on drafts of the management plan. Facilitate implementation of the plan as existing budget allows, following the initial efforts funded by the LCMR. Future implementation assumes delivery of all data, maps, reports, plans and other LCMR work plan "deliverables" by Friends to the City. VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT, T`RAINING, COORDINATION • Use City of St. Paul volunteer contacts to augment volunteer recruitment efforts. • Provide orange cones and other materials needed for traffic control on volunteer event days. • Provide support in the form of stafF, equipment, and/or hauling of brush on volunteer event days. FRIENDS OF T'F� PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. P AND RAMSEY COUNTY B .¢ G� � , Its U Date ( . aG�- 6! ✓ CITY ATTORNEY � � OyFIC�E OF By 7 r,es,.�c',..�� �, ��..�1 B Date ( L_ Date �; ,- o�-gy� SUB CONTRACTOR CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT is entered into between FRIENDS OF Tf� PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. PAiJL, RAMSEY COUNTY, (hereinafter "Friends") and the CITY OF 5T_ PAUL (hereinafter "City"). WIIEREAS Friends has qualified for a grant from the State of Minnesota (LCMK) to inventory and restore native species and plan for critical greenway and natural azea habitat in an area between Emerald Street on the north and Highway 5 on the south, in the City of St. Paul, and WHEREAS the obligations and rights of the Friends with respect to said granrt are detailed in Eshibit A which is incorponted herein as part of this contract as if set forth in full, and WHEREAS Friends desues to contract with the City to complete a portion of the tasks related to said grant. NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY AGREED BETWEEN Friends and the City as follows: Partnership. The City, as landowner, is a full partner in this project. As a partner, the City will be included in discussions and processes related to decisions which have the potential to impact how or when the LCMR work plan is completed. Eventual decision will be made by the Friends. Contact Persons. The authorized contact person for the Friends is: Peggy Lynch 1621 Beechwood Avenue St. Paul, IvIN 55116 651-698-4543 Authorized contact person for the City is: Victor A. Wittgenstein, Jr., Director of Pazks and Recrearion 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4�' Street St. Paul, MN SS1Q2 651-266-6400 Work to be Performed: The description of the work to be perfotmed by the City and the time period for its performance and payment aze described in detail in E�ibit A herein, wluch is fully incorporated in full as part of this Contract. • Defanit. Failure to complete the assigned tasks described in E�ibit A in the time period described and to the safisfaction of Friends shall constitute a default. Upon default, Notice will be provided to the City's representatives, and, at Friends option, payments for any uncompleted or unsatisfactory work will be forfeited by _, the City. .3 Payment. The City acknowledges that Friends' ability to pay is direcUy derived from the gant described above and thax the City has no greater rights to payment than Friends' rights under the grant. Accordingly, in oxder to secure payment, the City will submit requests for payment in conformance with any requirements of the LCMR, and will receive payment within five (5) days of Friends receiving payment from the LCMK. Adopflon of Pertinent terms and Condifions of Exhibit A. The City acknowledges incorporation of the Friends contract with the State as part of ttris contract and further agrees that it is bound by all terms of the "recipient" in said contract to the e�ent applicable. ol-s�F�( �� Independent Contractor. The CiTy acl�owledges that it is not an employee of Friends and is being hired only as an independent coniractor. Insurance/Hold Harmless. The City of St. Paul agrees to defend, indexnnify and hold harmless Friends from any liabilities it may incur as a result of any negligent act or omission of the City, its agents or employees while performing services under this agreement. Nothing in the foregoing is intended to waive any defenses, immunities or liability lnnits the City may ha�e pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 466.01 et seq. No Greater Rights. The City acknowledges that its rights to payment aze no greater than those of the Friends from the State and that if for any reason the State should withhold funds from Friends, then Friends' obligation to pay the City is reduced to the same e�ent. Integration. The above is the entire agreement between the parties. The parties aclrnowledge that there ha�e been no representations or promises contrary to or in addition to the agreement contained in tYus document and its e�ibits. FRIENDS OF THE PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. PAUL AND RAMSEY COUNTY By ,�._ Its Date �--� ��,� CITY ATTORNEY By / ��� Date �/ ��G/ OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES C ' �� -- � . � �r .�; _� � oi-S�y DETAIL OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY TAE CITY OF ST. PAUL In consideration of the sum of Eight Thousand Two Hundred ($8,200.00) to be paid upon completion of the grant work, the City agrees to perform the following tasks and undertake the following obligations: - � �i� r. � ru , Use of Pazks Division office for photocopying pertinent materials. Print brochures on control of buckthom - acknowledging Friends of the Pazks and the Division of Pazks and Recreation. INVENTORY • Provide copies of e�cisting inventories and other relevant information. • Collaborate with Friends of the Parks and Trails to design an appropziate inventory system. CONTROL EXOTICS • Haul and dispose of cut and piled exotic species. • Provide support crew/personnel for cutting and spraying exotics, if available. • Continue support for exotic species control following the LCMR project. PLANTING • Review planting plans. • Provide wood chips and compost (material and delivery). • Provide water trucks on planting days and for post-planting watering. • Provide loader and dump truck on planting days. MANAGEMENT PLAN Provide information for planning, including locations of viewshed azeas, stairways, and storm water runoff and plans for future construction or management. Review and comment on drafts of the management plan. Facilitate implementation of the plan as existing budget allows, following the initial efforts funded by the LCMR. Future implementation assumes delivery of all data, maps, reports, plans and other LCMR work plan "deliverables" by Friends to the City. VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT, "1RAINING, COORDINATION Use City of St. Paul volunteer contacts to augment volunteer recruitment efforts. Provide orange cones and other materials needed for tr�c control on volunteer event days. Provide support in the form of staff; equipment, and/or hauling of brush on volunteer event days. FRIENDS OF Tf� PARKS AND TRAILS OF ST. UL AND RAMSEY COUNTY By Its (>, f Date (9-eZO• of B TYATTO�Y � � Date �� ItS J Date OFFICE �OF FINANC� BY - ILE�"� Date OF ST. PAUL �