D00898CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFtCE OF THE MAYOR � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Na: ���`1� City Clerk BUDGET REVISION Date: �F -�� 2 Finance 3 _ _ Dept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section '10.07.4 of the City Charter and 6ased on the request of the Director of the DepaRment of Planning & Economic Development, to amend the budget of the Community Development Block Grant Fund. The Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the fiollowing manner: CDBG Current Amended Budqet Chanqe Budqet Newelf Park Sitework P6-100-37803-0565-67 529 C94-3K006-33088 Unspecified Contingency P6-100-37 803-05 58-61999 CDBG Totals • $212,500.00 $ 221, 564.99 $434,064.99 $7,200.00 ($7,200.00) S 0.00 $219,700.00 $214,364.99 $434,064.99 ���� R , �1 � .�:11. - � . . u M:ADODBUDG.WKt '10/93 ,i • • � � �. - Grants 3i2si96 GREEN SHEET INI E lNITlAU00.TE DEPAHTMENTDIRECTOR �pTYCAUNCIL t0U71NG� ��ET DIqECTOR a FIN. & M Dlq. �A�� �MAYOR(OFASSISTANT) � C01� t0 ROII ROSS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) REQUESTED: Approval of the attached Budget revision, which increases funding for the Newell Park sitework project. or _ pVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION __ CIB CqMMITfEE _ . _ STAFF _ . _ DISTRICT COUIiT _ . SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII O&IECTIVE7 PEASOIiAL SERVICE COtiTRACSS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this person/fittn ever worked untler a conhact for this department? YES NO 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a ciry empl0yee? YES NO 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, When, There has been strong Community interest in adding additional equipment to the Newell Park project (see attached memos). Contingency funds are avail�E1V E[k APR - 5 199E �ITY CLER�+ IF APPROVED: There wi11 be sufficient funding to add the additional equipmenC requesYed by the community. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED; �:�K �� €��� None �' ��r �� �� � ��� � „ �F �� � � OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVEO� There will not be sufficient funding far the additional equipment. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ �• Z�� COST/HEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIflCLE ONE) YES NO FUNUIfdGSQURCE CDBG ACTNITYNUMBER P6-100-37803-0565-61529 l.s YV FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � r>�, �� . Interdepartmental Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL March 19, 1996 TO: Bob Hammer 1400 CHA FR: John Wirka ' 300 CHA �������� (?PR - 5 199� i,ITY CLER� RE: Newell Park Sitework CDBG File 61529 Last December we requested and received a budget amendment for the Newell Park Sitework project in the amount of $26,500.00 which was needed to award • the construction contract for this work. Our request did not include funding for alternate bid items, as we felt that the work included in the base bid would provide a substantial improvement in the park and wouid meet the community's expectations. Unfortunately, we did not fully understand the community's interest and concern for replacement of the old swing sets in the park, as evidenced by the enclosed letter from Ann Finseth of the Re-Newell Group. Although the projecYs new play area includes swings for the children, the old free-standing swings out in the park are scheduled only for removal (because they do not meet safety standards), not replacement. We did have an alternate bid in the amount of $7,200.00 which would have provided for replacement of the swings, and the contractor is still willing to add this work to the contract, at no change in cost. Because of the strong community interest, i believe it would be beneficial to add this work if possible, and therefore I request your consideration of a second budget amendment to this project in the amount of $7,200.00. Thank you. If you need further information or would like to discuss this request, please call. JW • enc. u: l userl clarkl wpl bh 31996. mem � � Re-Newell Group Ann E. Finseth, Chair 1343 Lafond Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 (612)644-4027 March 1, 1996 John Wirka St. Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex St. Pau{, MN 55102 Mr. Wirka: ��1� RECEIVED MAR 151996 DIY. OF PARKS & RECREATION The Re-Neweii Group was formed to provide neighborhood input into the appearance and amenities that would become part of the updated Newelf Park. At the first group meeting, neighbors used the brainstorming technique to make a"wish IisY' of ail the features they felt were important to either add to or maintain in the park. One thing that was often repeated was the need to keep the swingsets at their current • locations. Where safety considerations preciuded this, the group strongly felt that any new swings should be placed at the same locations, and that people could swing as high on them as they can on the current swingsets. Group members insisted that any new swings NOT be sma{ler and provide the same experience for the many ADULTS who currently use them. Many residents of the area immediately surrounding Newell Park grew up in this neighborhood and have chosen to remain here to raise their own children. They remember the park of their childhood and wanted to keep that woodsy feeling. The remote swingse#s are a part of that neighborhood tradition that must be preserved. One final thing to mention is that it wifl cost much less to add the swings on to this contract than to wait and replace them later. There is an add-on provision in the current contract proposal. Please help us to preserve the identity of our park in this most cost effective manner by adding the cost of the remote swingset repiacement to the Newefl Park project. �-�'t/1-./ ..�i �� Ann E. Finseth • Chair 08:50:33 03 APR 1996 �nd: C94 1994 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Activity: 3R006 NEWELL PARK PLAY AREA Job Obj Description ----- ---- ----------------------- 33088 7104 TRFR FR CDBG YR XX-1994 Total Project Total Activity �u���� City of Saint Paul CPL Financing Detail Inception To Date ------- LIFE TO DATE ---- Budget Actual ------ -------------- --- 212,500.00 212,500.00 212,500.00 52,225.89 -------------- --- 52,225.89 -------------- --- 52,225.89 ---------------�-------------------------------------�-------------------------- Activity Budqet Detail Job Obj Admin Order/Council Resolution Amount Date Descripti ----- ---- ----------------------\ �-- ------ -------�------ -------- --------- 33088 7104 CPL FI23ANCING � -----� 186 000.00 07/28/94 31770 CF9 33088 7104 CPL FINANCING `/' Jb �¢ __ 02/02/96 J6 45 D-0 ----------- BUDGE`S ------------- ----------------------^ --------- - ---------- -------------- --- • Total Fund �U�N� {� _�-----� 212,50�.00 52,225.89 5 �[ -------------- -------------- --- -------------- -------------- --- Grand Total 212,500.00 52,225.89 (Fund: C94, Activity: 3K006, Project: ALL) � � �� � 1 ��19,�'� •